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Omemee Mirror (1894), 31 Oct 1901, p. 4

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Amen sick since I gave them to him. :hnd I Would not be without them in the house " Baby' 5 Own Tablets can be procured at any druggistfls or will be sent postpaid on receipt .of 25 cents by addressing the Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co. ., Brockviue, Beadaches, Backaches, Dizziness, Poor Appetite and Insomnia the Outcome.â€"Eow to Avert Those Troubles. . from the Review, Windsor, Ont. The only safe course is to use m- turc's remedies. Nature has provid- ed a vegetable cure for every ill, and her remedies for children’s disorders are scientifically compoundeu in Baby's. Own Tablets. Fer diarrhoea. constipation. colic. simple fever. croup. irritzition when teething, indi- gestion and all the diSOx-dcx-s of children so familiar to mothers. this .remedy is Conceded by the medic-.11 profewion to be without. an equal. Itw (:5th is gentle, soothing, prompt- ly curative and never failing. It. will save pain. anxiety, doctor bills and perhaps a life. All mothers who have used Baby’s Own Tablets for their little ones speak of them in turns of warmest praise. Mrs. Ben. Seward. For-far, Ont, says : "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and can highly recommend them to all mothâ€" »ers. My baby was cutting his teeth, and was very cross when I first gave them to him. They acted likqmagic he cut his teeth almost with‘ongfi my knowing it. and gave him suchv-Zease that. they proved a. blessing both to the child and myself. Ifle has Ago}. Every Mother Should be in a. P0- sition to Believe the Minor Ailments of Her Little Ones. The baby who is always plump al- ways has a. good appetite, always has a. clear eye and a rosy check, and is always active and playful, is the choicest treasure this life afl‘ords. The medicine which keeps babies in such a. condition or which restores thcm to it when they are in is ccr- taunly a gricclcss boon to humanity. There are many medicines which pro- duce sleep, but their action upon the child is similar to that which whisky or opium has upon a. full grown man. They dcadcn and stupety and are the most injurious things which can bc giwn to children. ‘ Long before its adoption by the British Parliament, the closure (also written closure) had been in force in the French. Spanish, Italian, Belgian Norwegian and Swedish Parliaments. but. it is seldom exercised by them. I lnuses remaining undiscussed after the expired dates were said to be "gagged," that is, put, by the Speak- cr by the new power he held and pas- 5w without debate. That, is the meaning of the closure. Young girls who are pale and weak. who suffer from backaches. headaches. loss of appetite, palpita- tion of the heart. and other symp- toms that overcome so many in early womanhood. will find a. certain and speedy cure in Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. These pills make rich. red blood, strengthen the nerves. and give new life and vigor to the whole body. The genuine bear the full name. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper around every box. Sold by all dealers or by mail post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50, by addre$ing the Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville, Ont. V. FREQUENTLY RESULT IN A BREAKDOWN or HEALTH. Only those engaged in the teaching prolmion realize how ‘ much care. tony and perpiexi‘ty is met with daily; It is therefore little wonder that. there are so many health breakdowns, especially among young ladies who foilow this calling. Miss Christine Pare, of Ojibway, 0mm. is In accordance with the idea that the scheme Was [crsixtcntly obstruct- ed. the bill was divided into four parts and a date for closing each part. without. further discussion. fixed. A motion to apply the closure is only put to the House by the Speakâ€" er at the suggestion of the Leader of the House. But the Speaker has power to decline if he so Wills. . The resolution made by Mr. Glad- stlne, on June 30th, 1893. to expeâ€" dite the progress of the Home Rule Bill through the committee stage. has brought. into use the terms "gag" and “guillotine." This Was the application 01 the closure. A ’trlend advised me to try Dr. Wil- llams' Pink Pills. I decided to try a box. and before they were all used I {cund much relief. I continued taking the pills for some time longei‘ overy day gaining new health and strength. and now I feel as well as over I did in nw 'ifo. mu! am never bothered with the old troubles \ on may say therefore that there is noâ€" thing I can recommenc! so highly as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." The cicsurc cxnblos‘ the House to settle a question by calling {or a di- \ision upon 1" without a z’dcbme. in opposition to a. small minority w fish- ing to lengthen thcu‘ 990LC103 still further. one who has suffered much in this respect. 'To a reporter of the Wind- sor Review. Miss Pare said :â€"“For aeveral years. while teaching school. I was continually troubled witM headaches. dizziness and a. weak‘ back. I tried several doctors and: medicines. but got. no relief. I be- came so badly run down that I thought possibly a. change of cm~' ployment would give me relief. I gave up my school and tried other duties. but the result was disapâ€"l pointing as the trouble seemed to: have taken a firm hold upon me! The headaches grew more and more severe, my appetite failed me and I was frequently compelled to take a. rest in order to overcome dizziness.§ a delate 01" the number of sneakers. This Ireedom had been so often abus- ed by a certain section who tried to pro-cut by a. prolonged diseussion. the House doing any business. unless it. acceded to their Wishes. that, it. be- came necessary ‘to introduce some measure to put a. skip to the nuis- ance. So. on February 11th. 188:2. the Speaker had power given him to amply the new standing order. called the closure, when the occasion dc- :z-unded, but the rule was only put in force for the first. time on Febru- ary 24th, 1:385. 013. the occasion when Mr. Winiam O’Brien was ex- pelled from. the House. The House Can Settle a. Questior'f Without 3. Debate. " Up to within a few years ago there was no rule in th? British House of Cogxmons (or limiting the length of A Teacher’s Worries. WHAT THE CLOSURE IS. BABY" S ILLS. ’l‘lic cocaine habit invariably means death if persevered in. If the victim iuies to conquer it, him or herself. {ziilme is the most likely result. But lby placin" himself under the abso- ilute control of a. stronger will. cure can be had. There is one extramâ€" tdinmy f: ct for which I can give no lcxplanution'wlmtever. It. is 11. com-' 'monplace that while men drunkards are very often reformed, the reclamaâ€" ;t1on of a. confirmed incbriatc woman is very very rare. But in drug-tak- 'ing this is completely reversed It is very much easier to reclaim a. woman narcotist than a. man. only !once the habit is really established a. cure comes seldom. The greatest ex- pert of his time on this subject. Dr. LNorman Kerr, once told me that, he gnever knew a confirmed morphino- :maniac of whom he could really say that a perfect cure had been accom- plishod. For this habit gets so to:- rible a. hold oi its victims that home and honor, wife and friends. can all go. and rcnutxrtion can unlsh if moment: ry satis ' cLion can be ob- ‘ tamed A ’ 9 Now cocaine injection has firmly established itself in London. not among the common people, but. ‘among the clevcrcst men and women. .lt. can be carried on so secretly that for a. time even the nearest friends of the drunkard huveqio suspicion of it. It has none of the repulsivcness :01 ordinary intoxication. Doctors lave its chief victims writers and politicians come next, and the 11301:) artistic the temperament. the greater the perils this new habit presents. THEY ARE FLEl‘I'l‘lNG PLEA- SURES You have a. sense of 'soliâ€"s atisfacâ€" tion, of buoyancy, of 3380: and 12:01- SUI‘C. In the XlOl‘fllill lililll. (it woman. there is often at ilrsL no grrmt, re- action although in this as in every nerve poiSQn. the one: is di .‘cr accord~ Zing to individual tempo! am '11 . 01 morphia. and chloral there is little need to speak. The list of morphiu victims in this comm‘ '. if it coum be given. would be amazing, Morphiu. like cocaine. takes most) hold of the clevcrcst pcopie. Cocaine injection is not the only nor the most popular form of nur- cotism in this country. in great; disâ€" tricts in the north of Ireland other drunkenness is general, even among the poorost. You can get drunk on other for a trifling cost. and you can be drunk and sober again several times in at day. In the ten country opiumâ€"t akjng is common among the agricultural population. Opium is primarily used there as a. provenâ€" }tive against aguc, and some of the amounts consumed sound almost in~ credible. Chemists will tell you of farmers who come in on market day and call for their wineglnss full of laudnnum, and drink it unmoved. Of course, this can onlv be done after many years of hardening to the dxug .or a. very small po.tion of surh a. (1050 would kill an ordinary man. Among middleclnss women all over the country chlorodyneâ€"tnkers mav be found. Chlorodx no has sprung into popularity owing to the case with which it con be obtained. For most narcotics you must have a docâ€" tor‘s prescription. but for chloro- dync you need none. This habib is very expensive. though not nearly so much so as cocaine. An average exâ€" penditure o! 16 shillings a. week is. the most I have been able to come across by a woman on chlorodyne. ”CURIuSo ‘31 OR. THE DRUG HABIT' ' Recent tragic events hare rsvealed something of the growth of the most deadly form of narcotism known- the cocaine habit. Not long since this was quite unknowu here. wrxtes Fred A. McKenzie. in the London Daily Mail. To-day every; busy western chemist can tell stories of its victims who flock‘t‘o him.‘ us regularly in Xxlcd‘a";ll papers as great hotels in ordinary organs. OTHER FORMS ()I~‘ yrs USE. The cocaine habit has not reached the common people. I doubt, if in all the long list of victims in England you will find a single mechanic or one Working Woman. It. is people to whom ordinary drunkenness is re- pulsive that narcotism appeals in the most subtle “1:15. A few doses of cocaine enable the busy society woman to get through her season all right. and she can maintain this habit, often enough for months to- gether without. even tlxosa nearest. her knowing it. It Is tLe 'Most . Dangerous : Subtle Form of. Inebriety Known. The first alarm of the growth 0! the cocaine habit, came from New York about fourteen years ago. but as late as 1894. the then Eeuding am- thority on inobriety in England was able to declare that. 6:ny very few cases were known there. GROWTH OF DRUG HABIT. But. the pleasure basses 0:1" very quickly; over: more quickiy (min with opium. and the victim is ul~ r~most inevitably driven to renew the injection. In many cases from twelve to twenty doses .irc before long taken in asingin day. This costs money. Cocaine liyllrocliiorahe. the form of the drug used for this purpose, is very expensive. Wholeâ€" sale it. costs twenty-[im- shiilings per ounce. and retail usually about. three times as much. in one known case a man Spends as much as ten shil- lings a day on his cocaine. COCAINE’S VICTIMS AMONG THE CLEVEREST PEOPLE. The first harmful result. seen is often enough not x'mysical but :nornl. Cocaine, even more than morphiu. destroys the moral sense. This is no figure of speech, but a plain statement ol‘ an obsened and unde- niable fact. The cocaine fiend does not become violent or brutal. «m the contrary. he seems more gentle and more relineu than ever below. His artistic perceptions are in every Way quickened. But though he. has hitherto been scrupulously honest, he will now ‘.oi‘tcn steal without shame. He often seems to forget the meaning of truth. It is yet a moot point, with psychologists how and why this destruction of the morn’ sense is accomplished. But that. it. is accomplished udmils of no denim. CAUSE OF MANY CRIMES. Many of the cases of klepimminia which excite so much surprise. and many of the unaccountable crimes among weil-to-do people are solely due to Ll'is. The mural «rli‘ccts am am}: a. time iollmzcvl lug: wry «Icâ€" cillcd physical ones. First. comes in- describable depressinn of spirits, sleeplessness, (Hslusle for food. This is often enough followed Ivy complete mental bronkchm’n. solle-linlcs by suicide. So much has the habit. grown that a new industry has sprung up in England during the past few years, the establishment of "homes," for \voll-tn-du nm'cotists. These homes are not usually n-«gis- toned under any act. Many of them do not advertise. but are supplied with patients by their private con- nection of doctors. ()Hn'rrs advertise “Absolutely sure. Why. my wile and I are so grateful to I) sKidâ€" ney Pills that We ristened our little gill born ' 1896,1557 the name shown you bower can can you to Notwithstanding; this there were many who could not benevc that a man with om: foot. in the grave as Mr. Kcnz. Was could get. u. lusting cut-u. “Not a minute," answered Mr. Kent promptly. “Have you since had the slightest symptoms of your old kidney trou- ble or anything like it?" "Not the slightest," he said. "You are sure that Dodd's Kidney Pins and nothing else saved your life and restored you to your present good health?” (Sgd) CIIAS‘ A. BLANCHE’I‘. A Commissioner. etc. The Free Press ‘in the article pubâ€" lishud in 1895 stated most, positiveâ€" ly that Dodd's Kidney Pills and m)- Lhing also were entitled to the credit of having saved the (lying man's life, and this was most. emphatically en- dorsed ‘by Mr. Kent, in his sworn statement. The Free Press also said without qualification that the cure of Mr Kent. was an absolute and per- manent. one And whi lo Mr. Kent could not make a sworn statement as to the futuxc. he stated that he felt he was pctmancntly (mod 1 He had remmzbd to 408 Gilmour Street. and at that. address a. Free Press reporter found him. After reminding Mr. Kent of the article and his nfl‘ndawit the netw- paper man asked him point. blank-- "Have. you lost. any Limo from your regular work since you were cured of Brights Disease by Dodd‘s Kidney Plus In 189’” '2" It. occurred to 1110 Free Press the other day that H; would be interestâ€" ing to enquire now, after the lapse of nearly seven ,vqars. as to how Mr. Kent was (eating. The Greatest Case in the History of Modern Medi- cine is Completed by Another Sworn ‘ Statement. THE OTTAWA FREE PRESS SUS’TAINED. A Prominent Ottawa Man Confirms Under Oath Every Statement Made by this Paper in the Original Story Published Nearly Seven Years Ago. Declared before me at the City of Ottawa. in the County of Carlctun this 16th day of Feb- wary 1895. AND I make th‘is solemn de- claration, conscientiously believ- ing the same to be true, and by virtue of me ACT RICSPEC'J‘ING EXTRA JUDICIAL OATHS. 3. My wife was‘cnsually readâ€" ing a. newspaper about this time and saw a description 01 a. simi- larvmse in “hicli a patient gave testimony of the relief and cure that had been eflected on him by Dotld’s Kidney Pills. I started to take them right awi‘y, and from the first pill I discovered a change for the better. After the first. box 'I was wonderfully im- proved. and at the end of the fourth I Was sure I was to get well again. I continued taking them until the seventeenth box, and .T can nmv positively declare that I am perfectly cured and able to do u. (luy's Work with any of my comrades in the shop, and Budd's Kidney Pills unâ€" doubtedly cured me. because from starting to take them I took no other medicine whatever. u...“ v...r--‘,rh v British. American Bank Note Printing: Company, in the said City of Ottawa. do solemnly de- clare that I consider it a duty to myself and to my fellowmen gen- erally to make a. declaration as to the ellieicucy oi Dodd‘s Kidney Bills. 1. That 1 found them in my terrible case of Bright's Disease, from which I sullercd for almost one year. of the greatest medical Value. I can say confidently and assure anyone interested, or u. sullerer, that l positively owe my life and present excellent health to the results brought about, by their use. 1 was taken sick and confined to my bed on December 28th. 1893. ‘and was successfully treated for L0. Grippe. then Pleur- isy. followed by Kidney Troubles, and latterly Bright’s Disease. 1 lost the use of all my limbs; my entire body became swollen to a terrible size. and my skin became 2. My regular physician atâ€" tended to me. and. though medical consultations were held over my case by two city doclurs. nothing could be done. My case grew gradually worse and latterly I was given np as hopeless. My wife.~iricnds’ and neighbors were certain from. what they saw and wvrc told by the visiting doctors that I Would die in a very short time. as hard as and similar to leather the pores all having closed up. and I suffered the most agonizing pain. I Was subject to periodical spoils of utter prostration and inScnsibility, to a. state of abso- lute coma. I Was also a victim of dangerous convulsums in which my facial expression and other muscles would become severely contorted and tense. E? - ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE. G . H. KENT. (From the Ottawa Froo Press) Some‘Strang-e Reasons for Refus- ing to Marry. Strange as it, may seem, the daughter of a West, of England cler- gyman remains a. spinster because she is too bashful to go through the marriage ceremony. Her parents have done all they could to cure her of her extreme dimdence, but an in vain. In her twenty-sixth year she is as timid and bashful as a girl of twelve. To Dndd's Kidney Pills is due 1111 the credit for having rescued and re- sLorcd this dying man and that after all hope had been abandoned and the cold waters of the river of death were lapping at, his feet. The Kent case, must, therefore, :50 on record as the most wonderful cure ever heard of in this city or province. Every detail of which has been carefuny substantiated by sworn evidence. (Sgd.) A. W. FRASER. A Notary Public in and for Ontario. Nothing could be more convincing than this plain declaration made by Mr. Kent, and the Free Press is pleased to be able to present such a. complete and emphatic confirmation of our article of 1895. The fact, that she has had a lover for several years makes her diffi- dance all the more remarkable. He has Waited on and on in the hope that the young lady Would pluck up sufficient courage to carry her through the wedding ceremony, 'but she still shrinks from it as much as ever. A Liverpool tradesman's danghtcr, who had set her heart on being mar- ried before a. girl friend, gave up all idea of matrimony on finding her- Mr. Kent, at the request, of the Free Press, has given the following sworn statement:â€" SWORN WPA'I‘ICMENT, OCT. 3. 1901 I, GEORGE HENRY KENT, "1! it would do you any good I have no objections." answered Mr. Kent. “The Free Press was certain- ly wall within the truth in every statement; they published about my C'sLSU. “Would you be willing in order to confirm our story published in 1895 Lo make another sworn statement?" asked the scribe. as if made under oath and by virtue of “The Canada Evidence Act. 1893." Declared before me at the City of Ottawa. in the County of Carleton, this 3rd day of Octo- ber, 1900. And I make this solemn declarâ€" ation, conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it, is of the same force and effect, rosident at. 408 Gilmour Street, in the City of Ottawa. and emâ€" ployed as a printer at the Ameriâ€" can Bank Note Company in the said City of Ottawa. do solemnly declare:â€" 6. That I have remmmended Beads Kidney Pills to many people in this city and elsewhexe “ho liming heard of my wonder- ful escape from death by their use have called on me or written to me enquiring about them; and having followed many or these cases closely, I know of no case where they have been used ac- cording; to directions that has not been cured. and I know posi- tively of my own personal know- ledge of several extreme cases where Dodd’s Kidney Pills have effected satisfactory zind perman- ent cures. 1. That. on February 16th. 1895, 1, George Henry Kent. then resident at, 114 Cambridge Street, Ottawa. did appear before Charâ€" les A. Bianchct. Commissioner, etc” and before him on that date did make a solemn declaration re- garding my rqcow'Ory from Bright's Disease 13y the use of Dodd's Kidney Pills and setting forth the facts of my case and its cure. 2. That in the declaration I set forth that, I believe that I was absolutely and permanently cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills after the doctors had given me up to die. 3. That I am now absolutely certain that Dodd's Kidney Pills and nothing else saved my life and I hereby unhcsitzxtingly reafâ€" firm every statement, made in my declaration before Mr. Blanchct on February 16th, 1895. ' 4. That. I have never since that data had the slightest symptom of the return of the Bright's Dis- ease or. any Kidney Trouble, hav- ing enjoyed unremitting good health and having worked stead- ily and without interruption full time at my regular employment. as a printer awry working day from the day Dodd's Kidney Pills sent me back to work to the date of this declaration. 5. That in evidence of our gra- titude to Dodd‘s Kidney Pills for having saved my life, my wife and I have christened a little daughter born to us in December of 1896 by tlm‘namc of “Dodds.” VARIOUS EXCUSES. (Sgd.) G. H. KENT. “After many months in hospital he recovered sufficiently to allow of his being sent home, and I have lately told him of my dream. He tells me that when very ill in hos- pital long after he was Wounded he tell. he had the power of transferring himself far awiiy. and did so trans- fer himself to Dcvonshire, Cornwall. etc. The sensations he had at such times were extremely vivid and cuâ€" rious. but, need not be related here. On the night of my dream he had no such sensation. and at. no time did he ever fancy himself at home in Scotland." They Wake the 'l‘orpid Energiesâ€"Ma chinery not properly su ervised and lab. to run itself. ver soon 5 ows tank in it: working. Itist esame with the digest. tive organs. Unregulated from time to time the are likely to become torpid and throw t (- whola system out of gear Parmelee’s Vegetabl: 13.114 were made to meet such cases. They restore to the full flagging faculzics. and bring imme "Is she pretty?" they asked of the young man who Was speaking of his fiancee. "Oh, ya; we've had our last scrap with the ice-mun, and have begun to quarrel with the cool man." “Are you getting ready for win- ter?" ‘“ " "l‘hc worst, cases were in a room by themselves. I was with themâ€" about six or seven. I should think. I felt deadly sick. but was told to keep it down if possible ; we were all alike in that. respect. Then I re- member someone couldn't stand it:â€" he was sick, turned on his side, and died. Two orderlics appeared and carriod him out. Then anotherâ€"and the two orderlies‘ came back, until finally there wax-c hardly any left. I had had morphia, and slept the greater part of the night.’ "Well, I don't want to boast," he replied, “but, she always gets u-scat on the street car.” Ilnnm’s “MIMI! (MISS 9W3! m COWS. ringe what he would not; do after ?‘ she remarked to her mother. and, although the rejOCted one did call. again it was without avail, the girl declaring she had decided to die an old maid. "If he would do that, before max1 Because she is in receipt. of an anâ€" nual income of 81,000 a clergyman's daughter in a northern English town fears that she might be married for hcr money. She has therefore octet-- mincd to remain in the state of sin; glc blL‘S‘SL'dDL‘SS all her life. "He did not die. Months- after- ward he wrote .from hospital an ac- count. of the action. and described the circumstances under which he spent the night following itâ€"i.c., the night, of my dream. After being Wounded he had been carried into a small building close at. hand. A instidious but amusi has made up her mind not. because of the fear that her might not Show her the . peCt after marriage as bef was once engaged to 0. yo who, when he came to see h evening. was wearing a. new boots. As they were pinchin feet rather badly he took the: in the drawing-room to obtain pomry reh'ef. His sweetheart so much shocked at this breach the proprieties that she immedin rose and nonnced out of the re and a few minutes later sent in 4 note intimating that he need 11‘ trouble to Call agam. ”On Saturday I received the fol- lowing telegram from the military secretary zâ€"‘Iicgret to inform you that your son â€"â€" is reported by telegram from Pretoria as danger- ous-1y wounded in abdomen. on Thursday, near X.’ “On a Thursday-Friday night near the end of October I had 1!. vivid dream. I saw my son with tw0 men whom I did not know. standing in a narrow passage with an open door on it leading into a. small room. They all went. into the room close together, aimost hustling each other. pushing or leading my son, who was first, and who Was looking at mo. I woke with a start, shout/- ing at him loudly three or four times by name. Next mommy; (Fri- day) at breakfast I told his mother and sisters of my dream. Learned Afterwards That the “Vis- ion Had Been Accurate. An extraordinary story of a dream that proved to be a picture of a sccnc that was actually occurring thousands of miles away, is told by an English correspondeng. “In January, 1900". he writes. "my son went. on active service in South Africa. We were at. first, na~ turully, rather anxious about him. but as time went on without his be- ing wounded or getting seriously in we became less so, until, I think, the {veling mtircly passed away. self thwarted tended husband ‘ footballer. and one fixed for log accidental! ing in a. match In ‘thc mcangz . friend hurrie 3:.» tions for her own was consoquentlyl the injured bride about again Tm; swmthcurt that 5 get, married at all cry prospect that through life. INTRUSTED He never came back and, on hearing of th robbery and deserti was so disgusted that . firm resolve never to g' the oppqrtunity of tn: the Same fashion. She h cral suitors, but; they 1mm in vain. A Hercfordshiro bosom friend who enough to contract 1 marriage Was necess for a. few months t1 her. taking with him ty that she bud rasli SAW EJ’S SON IN A DREAM. LII‘E'S LITTLE FRICTIONS. PRESUMPTIVE. Mr. Snaggsâ€"“Tho leaves are leavâ€" ing, my dear." Mrs. Snaggsâ€"Is there anything odd about that?” noted punsters, Were dining together, when Moore observed: “There is but one knew: among us and that's Strange." Said Wright: “There's one More." "Ah." said Strange, "that's Wright." ‘ Teacherâ€"What is meant by “med- ium of exchange?" Willieâ€"Watmam? Teacherâ€"What is the medium of ex- changeâ€"what do you take to .thc store with you when your mother sends you for groceries? Willieâ€"The book. The largest egg laid by any Euroâ€" pean bird is that of the swan ; the smallest that of the golden-crested wren. BUT NOT FROM HER. "We“, what on earth did he marry for?" “For sympathy." "And he didn't get even that?" “Oh, yes, from his friends.” Mr. Snaggs~“ch, in the spring it was the trees that. were leaving. btill Another Triumphâ€"Mr. Thomas S Bullen. Sunder-land, writes: “For four teen yeursI was afflicted with Piles; and (reqncntly I was unable to walk or sit. and four ycnrsago I was cured by using Dr. Thomna' Eclectric Oil. I have also been subject to Quinsy for over forty years. but. Eclecmc Oil cured it. and it mun permanent cure in both cases,” neither the Piles nor Quinsy have troubled me since.” We gerins of other and differently seated disea<es rooted. in the system of the patientâ€"what would relieve one ill in urn would aggravate the other. ‘Ve navmhowover. in Qui-aine Wine. when obtain able in a sound unadulterated unto, Ll remedy for many antlgreviousilk By ii»: gradual and judicious use. the trailcst system‘- are ied into con valescence and strength. by the influence which Qui- nine exerts on Nature's own remoratives It relieves the drooping spirits of tho<e with whom a chronic state of morbid de< pondencv and lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing sleepâ€" imparts vigor to the action of the blood. which being stimulated. courses through- out the veins. strengthening the health) animal functions of the system. thereby makin: activity a necessary result. strengthening the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs. which naturally demand increased substanceâ€"result. im- proved appetite. Northrop Lyman of formic. have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate. and. gauged by the opinion of scientists. this wme approaches neaiist perfection 0‘ any in the market. All drquists sell it. “Well, your picture is a more land. scape." “I can't see them observed his friend. force?" “Over here on the leftâ€"all under cover. You can't expect them to expose themselves to the spectator any more than to the enemy." - “This," said the artist, “is a. bat- tle sceneâ€"time, say, the year 2000 A. D. The defending force is on the extreme right of the canvasâ€"â€"â€"” "(fermixxly not; they are strongly cntrenchedâ€"" ”Can’t see any cntrcnchments." “Of course you can't. The en- trenchmcnts are skilfully concealed from view.” "I should think you'd Show some big guns or something.” “Nonsense! The guns are disap- pearing guns, and they have disap- peared." ”Yes; but, I take it that's how a battle will look in 2000.” To (IRE A (30L!) I! 038 DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinguo Tablets Al dm tats refund the moqey If it. mu to cure; E. V”. Grave's autumn-e m on each box. 350 There never was. and never will be. a universal panacea. in one rt’medy, for all ills.to which flesh is heirâ€"the very nature of many curarif-es beings-31c!) that were flinnrd's Liniment Cures Colds, etc rfliuard's Liniment Cures Diphthrria. ~ I 120d! nor“ Strange, More and A FRUITLESS LESSON. Well, how about the attacking IN THE NEAR FUTURE. NOTHING BUT LE a: RUCKEL. MONTREAL :25: Large. Liun and Powder 7;: All {or the prune. Sanmlc 1m postage 33, for Goo Wright . three >1 AVES . mission 00., Li ‘ORED. ,bout. to in In,» ; anticiâ€" zsable to Some r Of an to bil- ,neigh- {o om- the atur- i out. Ere in in his 't. his Essity terms '13! as snow .3: Pa- er to truck "crow K the [d to men gis- 'efo re ,c of unliâ€" A Frenchman cht. up to :1 British officer and requested his permission to examine his \Vxncrloo xmdal. "Humph!" said be. turning it. over and over with an air of contempt. "A paltry affair: it didn't cost your nation above a few francs." “True." replied the ofl‘xccr, "but it cost yours 3. Napoleon." In 1080 A. T). the rovcmw of Eng- land was s1.: 20 000 u you: This ten in 184.0 to a total of 1:162 "00- A.‘ TED-42 PER DAY ' ; . W demon vr ladies~noz :LRE-GEY - am, in to employ ageing: pozmonlnmz-M“: ”)3 :- nu- su ex C'les; r. . ' stagnant; exncrficnce “an ' 0 firm , be 1 O'KEEFE. Iddroas 48') Tragmé’: 31.4%”: ANTEDâ€"GOOD MEN 03L To SELL our well known kpecmM. We are ono-ot the olden: and mo‘; mic am“ in Canada. Sam.” at comma“... Exc‘usiv. tntlimry. Ouzflc tree. 1’61th “we” 00., Toronto. on ' "VA: VV for us at hnmc‘ We (mum, manhine. Easy work. Go 4 pay. Se fnr mnicularu. Standard 11 use Cg“ Toronto, On t. lin" and signed by his mother, was found upon him. lie was tried by drumhcad court-martial and con. demned to be shot. “What have you left?” “My umbrella." That settled it. He wm' :‘Meased. No one but. an Englishman. mid his captors, could be such a. Ummnghâ€" . going imbecile as that. "That prying Mrs. Pool; secs ov- erything that goes on from one end of the neighborhood to thc mixcrfl NorWay owns 325 diflercn: sub- marine cables. but their combined length is only 3:34 miles. When France and Germany v. at. war, an Englishman was array ._-,r the French and accused of befing a. German spy. A letter data! “Ber. ‘On the Way to the place of execu. tion he said that he had left something behind, and insisted upon going back for it. C. C. RICHARDS (‘0. Dear Skaâ€"MINARD'S LINIMEX'I‘ is my remedy for NI'ZI'RALGIA. It. relieves at once. 0 ° ' buniii'ééz ' "£5235" "" *""“"“"“ ‘ . , -. ed and in ‘ u wanted: nun: M i ' c‘p,,x..ry Toronto. 9 4 a n 3,318. 335 Jun tweet. "I can't hc-Xp that," have left something and it." ”‘That. 33? She ought to be mgdo a fleet captain and given a ummng tower." For the O\'erworked.-â€"What are Ill; causes of despoudeucy and melancholy? A disordered liver is out came and a pflma one. A disordered liver means a. disor- den-d stomach. and a disordered stomach means disturbance of the nervous systqm. This brings the whole body into subjec- tion and the victim feels sick all over. Pamela's Vegetable Pills are q recog- nized remedy in :his state and refine! ml! follow their use. 400 British companies go mm quadation yearly. costing their 51:: holders in all 12 millions szvrimg ANTEDâ€" rum-1m To Do: , forge at hnmc‘ We furnish “You can’t go back," was the re- ply. “You are about to be shot.” "I can't help that," said he. “I have left something and I must get In. Irv-Law‘s Soo'rmso sun 2:» been and by mimomo! nothcn rm- thew children whxle mm; Xuoothu the child. ton-'11» (h: gums. ll uppmn. cu. wind colic. vacuum: the From ‘ch and batch. we ink be: nuedy tor Diarrhea Twenty-21w Gena a boa}. Sold ht druggisu Lhr- ughou: the wand, I): m Id uh tor “ ms. Wxxsww‘a Soormso suurf Don't Be Idle? zv'ruL BUEINESS anLaé' '. ozs'jro. Tweévg 'l‘eacherx. uni e133. mem. omhry type-w mug machineg, mp. em ct-urrgs. thon'm’gn work.i invites mgpond. enco tom a' ore. .o panics. PM W. D. Shaw. Principal. Am GENTS wan Mn“ N 8 CA“ 1% "MM-m- acumfiymsm t a: bulky“ gm?“ 8nd get oogtro] 1' our . 1 . . roe '%v.’ so a: Ca.“ Yen”, 'r 0°..Acxrcultt x linard's Liniment Gates Bisiemper. Ava you smfirTWnA'n LEE Pflm” R” W- 3000 Roman for Lu homfi. me “Wm”. Workshop. a "or! dcflmw’“ °’ human endeavor. W". In“ index to oonbeih: 3a pages. bound in cloth. sond25 ccnhfbr ”our, and it you th at tho book ii HO» '0th the mane send in buffing! 3:3: 30:31 m be re “35%. 'l'hhl I J. 91' c I an 8m ”0111““ Boo‘i‘fiztfl’f'fimw. “fifiafir H " 3 3 PANY .h honing MAB-ID LOAN COM. “.4 A-L,._o.._. “Stopkthn'Cough Id In w»:- s o the If: . uni". Broma-szlniuo Tablets cure n 0015 "I one duy- So ‘ us. No Pay. Price 25mm. Deafness Cannot be Cut-ea a ‘MJDWOMW u they mnnos resch tho not. portion or an on. There is only one “If to cm datum and that is by constim- find media. Deanna h caused bv 9n inflamed condition of the mucoul linings! gun WI“ jabs. When 11:39 tube 19 m‘ Med you an lnn‘nbling sound orimpon' 30¢! hen-Inc. at! when“. is cut, rely .chsed domes- ll the result. sud unless the mflsm “on out be caxrn out and this who 1':st to m nouns! condition. hearing m be de- mi“ forever; :1an casoa out at ten are Mb! min, which is nothing but an in- Mad condition of the mucous surface'. W0 will n One Hundred Damn-s {or an! moot no (caused by Clburrh) tinge“ 3m 50 and by 3111': 0-.th Cure. send ;Mdromm.mo. a. F. 3. CHENEY 8: 00.. Tolodo, G ldblbru 3.909.756 30.11th Pulsars them ' "z "'W Mu LOAN COM. akwwmgaiiiféifi‘i such 1nd dabenturel . pun- : thou opppflunlum and akin: do. unmanned: fell bio 84mm . erw to th Company's “in“ “590:3“ ANTEDâ€"Raulfiiz A“ . u locslpr travpll $1222. fighfia wholoorvtrthme . {Albert her" a on Iii-ll or oomm‘fld‘fiv w")..*x9°hnes gun-w? Apply n“- STOP‘ 8.: WELLINGTON. cunuh'n Grate“ Lumen“. Toronto. Dept. A. , ,, , V, _V .w .. 0.00 w I at all}! gamed knitting sax. “je- suafifiyfiim A material. and pay far work as twat m. flaw-6n. 1 People? Knuth-x gnaw Lhmwl. TOWIJC.CAM comisszon msacmmrs, A RECOGNITION OF ABILITY P'Y Our customers. “s and we will get they are worth. HCK»FHZ.. O Agnmficv. KNEE wZH 0 II }l.i IIIIII A SURE PROOF. EDUSATIONAL For Over Piny Ycars ELP wmm‘. Beddock, June 11, 1897. fled, Toronto. 4V” '1” “WWI-:11}: won} 90 be dune “hm sumo per :loX. “It gu , ‘ I” ”at in m.Â¥1‘lifn 2‘“ MCDONALD of barrel. into li‘

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