The service was conducted by the Iectnr. Rev. W. L. Armltage. the Rev. . J. 0. Davidson. Rev. E. A. Lengfeldt, sud Rev. C. W. Hedley also taking pert. The spedel mule wee en enjoyable {nature o'the eemee, and the eholrde- serve every praise for their care and attention In every part. The rendition of the hymns, as well as the prompt. nose and smnuthnese of the special ser- vices and anthem. and the shading and exzareeeinn, showed the sympathy in a beautiful and heartfelt service. The organist. Mien Bullen, was a great help in her careful and successful accom- paniment, and rendering the prelude am: post-lvzde of the servxce very nicely. tier-.1? ‘rBV. vm'y gracefully. The bride 'WnG :1. nrn1i1:1,, 11:: g: “1. e11 1:1 white zilk .9 511'! 1.111: 1.10111-110'1118119 soio caught .1: .:‘~ bri‘lmnzs, am! carried a spray of .15. 1. : whin- ruses and ferns, the 12m 1,‘ n‘ " . .rl'aul, 31115:: M1-L~"tt'.1, uf'l’oronto. :3 the 1:1,: clusmn of the ceremony the newly .1 added mu pie received theeon- gratnï¬ttona o! the many gueete eseelu- }bmd in their honor. Afterwards en adjournment was made to the dining ivouln, where a recherche luncheon was ‘cBl’VGd by the lady friends of the briJe. the family residence was handsomely taunted for the occasion.vlth a would: at pleats end new on end the serious we presented an exceedingly ettno~ the! Worm. Nemmns sedate:- 3mg, combintng the useful end the aaautifnl. testiï¬ed to the esteem, tn .rhtch the young couple are hetd h: Ealutives and friends. After an even» jug of socisl intercourse. the gnestsdls- wrsed with sincere good wtshee for 4'19 {mm-e happiness and proapetity of .319 btide and groom In which the Min-ct" ls phased to join. The church was very hastily decora- bd and from the abundance of work and material, of flowers. Iran, vege- z-zhses and gain, as well as harvest impieumms, kindly loaned by t he Paiexboro Hard .\ are Company. one can ;jn.iga ofthe bounty of the lleavouzy .1‘ uumr, and oft). A devotion of the con- gragatlou who thus expressed their )we â€"-Pe!erboro Examiner. ‘o! Thurs- 7 day, Sept. 25. I902. 4 See the "National Echpse.†the heav- iess, handsome†and beat sit tight meal parlor stove ‘in the market no at- ‘ ranged with dampers and checks as to b5 nbaomtely undorconlrol at anumee. Pr'ce $630 and 8300. Steel ranges- “Harm Thought†and "Royal Good A u\'z‘.;:, was the scene ohm interesting 5"an u hen 'he marriage was perform- ;ed M M r. Duncan Graham Blayiock "and Miss Sophia Rutherford. The 0(- ï¬ciazhxg clergyman was the Rev. W â€M Kammwin B D.pustor of the Prea- byterian church. The bride and groom unattended look their place: under tn "arch of evergrvexm, fronted by a low 7mm; a! fetus. Master Harold Dick, 3 imuch admired page, dummy dream! 1!: “lure; hnre :Le wedding ring on a Joseph Hadden, Bethany, an. ~mamas grand Mnllinery Opening at Oct. 3, 3, 4 following days 31555 Sanderson, Milliner. An invitation is extended to all. Jun-r. am was the Special preacher. and is ‘l'sliver-el 3'. excvlicnt aermsn {ram â€:3 taxi, (‘rem viii. 22, "While the earth mmaineth, seed tlme and harvest. and cold and heat. and summer and winter, and day and nlght, shall not cease." It was a sermon, beautiful in diction. da- liwrod with grace and ease. It pointed :out the faltblulnm 0! God to “is 'promlm. and to many other: as well. 111.. whole earth speaks oltho goodness «)1 God. The duty ofthankagivlnmand the beam†of the chosen: which goes out lo the Creator in love wereplcturod in eloquent language and apt Illustra. Hons. The duty of 'glving was the s-‘Oond topic of the diaconne, and use made clear and polntod. And could not but justly appeal to every bout not Callous win» earthly ontlolactlol. "net-r,†mm) or wood, cast ranges. a Sarge and we}! assorted stock of wood cooks for farm and town use. Guaran- teed, «mi and see. Our price. will In- turast 5 on. W. D. Eamon. At six o'clouk on Tuesday evening. 52:9 any home of Mrs. S. Rutherford, Raw. .1. El. Teney Preached the Special Sermon. 2.3.?- €:?-’T. WIRE FERCIRG 00., Limited. PISTON, cm. Eamst Festival. at All Saints’. That’s what you need; some- thing to cure your bilious- mess and give you a good digestion. Ayer’s Pills are liver piils. They cure con- stipation and biEieusness. GentlyrAhxrgï¬ive. wvdfjjgifl ‘i was well uttcnded. :?.5 church bo- Tm: n-zndalhs-rwst 1:55? a! of AH ; quite ï¬lled. BBEKHSHAM’S DYE: 30 cents per ROD. Want â€Emma‘s; brigâ€"2F: s Keihitï¬xl “mu-u or rich black ? Then um "moo FARM FENCING WEDDING BELLS Liver Pills FOR SALE BY FiRST-CLASS ONLY oathmxbcoum mu. 33 .ev. J E1. Torrey, of for the Whiskers The Omemee Mirror and Weekly Mail and Empire sent to any ad- dress in Canada or U.S. from NOW until Jan. 1, 1903, for Only 85c, One Price. Trial Trip : ‘ On Wednesday aiteruoon, Sept. 24th,; at 2 o'clock, a very pretty wedding wait1 celebrated at the home of Mr. and “mi J. ii. Steer, Hunters. when theiryouug-i est daughter, Louisa Tay tor, was united l in tnurriace to M r. Robert L Scott, efl Toronto, formally of Emil). 'ihe cere- mony w as performed by Rev. J. E. R- boson, at Bethany, under an arch of: evergreens. ferns and cut flowers. in‘ the presence of about ï¬fty guests. The bride was given away by her father. and was most becomingly attired in a dainty gown oi white mousseline do sole in combination with VI hite appli- que and satin ribbon, and carried a bnquet of white roses. Miss Margaret Steer, sister or the bride, was brides- maid, and “as protttly dressed in a gown of u'tle green orgnndio, with a bodice oi lace. and carried a bobquet of pink mess. The groom was supported- by Mr. J. A. Woistenhnlmm! Peterboro Miss L. Thorndyke played the u edding march. After usual congratulations and the u edding supper, Mr. and Mrs.‘ Scott amidst showers of rice and flow- ere, left on the 5.50 train for their future home in Toronto. The brides travelling suit was tirey camels Lair with all]: waist and hat to match. {he bride was the rr-cipicui oi numerous and cost- iy git t,s the grooms gift being a. beauti- tul Collarette oi Persian Lamb, trimmed with electric seal and sable. â€the guests were from l‘eterboro, Millbrook, Entity. Pontypool and Bethany. Stray ed 96 we premises of George English, carriage maker, a winte. black and tan hound. Finder w!" be suitab- ly rewarded by rflaruiug same. E H. Englllh, Omomee. Two Papers bin. Soul." mode a to" snttablo reply inttmnthg that rho did not feel that she was worthy ofmrh an address. She had always worked for the Inter- ests o! the congregation with a glad heart and the beautiful token anon her would be treasured on account of the kindness and aï¬'ecttonute good mil that had prompted the gift. Words of eulogy for Mrs. Scarlet: were given by Rev. W. A. unclean. Messrs. Hollie. Brown (principal of the school) and the Pastor RevJ. Larcock. Mr. Scarlett spoke eloquently. over the kind and deep respect that had al- ways been shown Mrs. Scarleu and were the beautiful ring worth thous- ands of dollars he was certain that. his m!e would regard the spirit and loving regard of the oongregatiun of more signiï¬cance. The party broke up at midnight by singing a hymn and prayer by Mr. Muc:ean.â€"Ouk Lakor News. Manitoba. Sept. 2411:, 1902 We hailed with gladneu the nonp- real‘anco 0! our organist and this even- fng honor onrselvon indolng honor to a clnrmlan lady and sister so eminent- lv Worthy. 0m- mavenmur well-with. on for yourself. M r. Scarlett and chil- dren, shall attend you. Muv the angels of peaeo,joy :nd song dwoll eye: In your homo. . A SEPTEMBER \VEDDING. Last evening the cinnrcla north-n wen btighter. There was music in the souls of all, begotten by one who has a dlvlnor renlixatlon of thy Hum melody and poetry. ospecisnv sacred song than '9 found in people in the ordinary circles oflife. A reception was tendered Mrs. Ed. nerd Scnrleu last Monday evening In the Methodist Parsonage. man her re- turn frum spending the summer in On- tnrlo, by the member: and friends or the church. The epuoions home was well‘ï¬lied with 25 happy nndenthueiua- tic company and 8. very enjuyable ev- ening spent in games, music, converse. tiun and song. The event or the even- ing was the reading of an address by Mrs. (lien) lat) and the presenta- tion by Mrs. G. B Connor, of a beauti- ful opal I’lllg and case. an a tuken «rt esteem from the congregation to Mrs. Scarlet? The address “as as follows: Uuk Lake, Sept. 22ml. 192:2. lune Mp3 chu;'rr,,â€"\\ e feel that upon your return lrmn n prolonued vis- it to your relatives and friends In Ull tario, \A hich “e have every reason to believe was very ehj .yahle, fraught with many greetings (.l'juy, that It in uptmruwe fur us w ho are members and adherents oftie Methodist Church to gender 5 on a reception and present you with a tangible taken hf r-ur deep 68- zeen: and christian retard. The Stately ediï¬ce needs the prel- enco oftho angel of the home. to euablo us to sing In the trues: sense "There in no place like home." We are eortuln Mr. Scarlett ondouu bentily out sen- ‘imOn'o v7..â€".. "--'u. From the U mo that Mr Scarlett, your- self and land" made Oak Luke vour home until the present, your klndl)’ christian consnleraflon for your friends and ncquaintunms, your drop intern-4 m the welfare u! your church, yuur glis- lnterested and selhsnnrlï¬cing efl'urts :0 further the cause of (‘hriat haw- placed yuu ï¬rst in we :Itfemiunnm regard c! 1211' pOOpIo. Yuur nbswmre accumualed to us your worth mu] nso-{nlxzess to the church and sodaâ€. We u issed .VW! greatly and oflen wished and prayed for yuur speedy and safe return and we give 3." .‘itudc to God fvl" ms kind prm-i- J9me ï¬ver you, enabling you to come back with your dear ones in health and ;,npph:ess to your home. Your sheen-co frrm it made it have a. snmbro and somewhat dismal oppon- ance to on who so often have enjoys-i ancinl. literary and musical treats therein. Reception to Mrs. Scarlett. On next page appears Gough Bros.’ Ad. As will be noticed by its perusal, Messrs. Tully Mer- rell, the enterprising Managers of this big establishment in Peter- boro, are offering great induce- ments to the peeple of Omemee and Emily. Gough Bros. have made for themselves a great name as clothing merchants, and Tully Merrell Wlll make it a greater. We wish them continued success. The Lebanon Methodist Church Anniversary. Sermons, will (D. V.) be preached at 2.30 and 7.30 pm" on Sabbath, Oct. 12th, by Rev. John Garbutt. A liberal collection is requested. A Fowl. Supper on following Monday from 5.30 to 7.30 p. m. Addresses by Rev. Messrs. T. Broivn. W. M. Kannawin, B. D., j. H Tenoy, and E. Roberts. There will also bea good musical program. A hearty welcome to all. Admission adults, 25c. children 15c. ' Rum Edward,» his sickness jun bafuru Ma cotmmtion, missed the most brilliant and Imposing pageant ol mvvderntlmeu But he gained Some- lhmx far better; he gunned a knowledze oflua peoplo'n afl‘ectlun such as any king might well value) above the most gorgeous show. And so Christ, the King of kings, can: compantlvely llulo {or our ï¬ne churches and splendid oratory, 3nd the lovely singing 0! our choirs Wlul lle “mm: above :1! In our love. lobe crowned King of our heal-ls. Sir Philip Sidney mu 3 "no knigln, mad he Iald g moat knight]; thing once It was this: “There is no IGIVII'O like his that non-on became ho loves.†Any otbor service is described by Christ as nymg, “Loni, Lord." while tha but: is far from Him. II n to he noted that (‘hrlst dld no‘ ï¬rst ask Peter If he was willing to work for Him, and men ask Peter if he “as going to I or}: in the spirit oflove. Finn He asked him If ho lured Him. and then He did not ask him whether he would Work for Him. He only told Mu: to. sure that he would do it. {or love :1 ways servos. As soon as Paul our Chriut he is)! at His feet and asked to be not at work for Him. No one can really see Christ without loving Him. or love Him with- out wanting to serve Him. Mark Guy Pause compares Christ to the Spring sun that cannot sium‘ itself without quickening new iifn in the seed and the root; and these, n hen they are quick- ened, must unfold in leaf and bud and flower.â€"’i‘he Presbyterian, of Sept. 27, 1902. (Juhn xxi. 13-25 ) Mr. Meyur tells how Nansen found. up near the Polo. 3 wide, opan sou, who}. the water (loop down In. warm, though the turf-co wan covered with floating ice. That la the way it “as with Peter. (In the amino-e 0! his life was the ion of denial of his Lord. hm. lovu for [Kim was warm In tho, depths of ma heart, and it was that love that Christ tested by His question. A sex-y large nnmbur from Omemee and Emily.utteuded the Lindsay Ex_ hibition, Friday and Saturday. MLW. Simpson's horse, “Lilli- putian," took 2nd money in the open race at the Lindsay Central Fair on Satuyday. Minbrook is to have a. base ball tourn- ament on Friday or next week. Ome- lms received an imitation. Mrand Mrs W Loweu and daughter. of Frank “in, attended the Lindsay Fair. last week. Miss F Kerr was a visitor to Lindsay S 1turday "The Lindsay Central Falr was an unprecedented success. Mr. John. Rusk. leftlas: week for St John’ a, N 3.3Ҡapleusum \lnit u 1th H: and Mrs R McElwum. Good Bicycle {or $10 Appty at Mir- ror Chime, C. E. COLUMN. The expression occurs so many times in letters from sick women to Dt. Pierce; “ I was complete! dinoumged." And there is always 3 reason for the discou meat. Yearsof mï¬edn . Doctor ter docto: tried in vain. edicines doing ° “In the ear 1 \ I was cakgn IRES: wriit‘s Mrs. Ednn Crowder, of Ripley, Lauderdnle Co..Tenn. "M Iimbs aehed. ha severe pains in back and lower part of bowels. with dif- ï¬culty in urinatio , and smrting an burning pain after. x tried many had: of medicine and {our of the bent doctors in the country. until I gave up ail hope of recovery. In muting, 190:. I wrote to Dr. R. V. Pierce. 0' 82:53:10, . Y.. and received from him a letter, telling me to try hi: medicincu. ! took cieven bottles. six of ‘I’avorite Preacriphon.’ ï¬ve of ‘Goldcn Medical Discovery.‘ one vhl of Tel- lets.‘ and used one box of ‘ Lotion Tablets‘ and one of ‘ leaning Sumxwitories,‘ um‘. am now able to work at anything I want to. Thanks to you for your valunmu medicine and kind advice." W'eak and sick women are invited to consult Dr. R. V. Pie-rec, by letter. free. All correspnndunce is heid as stricll private and sacrcdly conï¬dential. A - dress Dr. R. V. Pierce. Bufl‘nlo, N. Y. DISGUURA GED A Searching Question Thoughts on the Topic Medicines doing no Jamizig good. It is no wondet We have recently received a bank en- titled “Home Nursing" published by the Davis «R Lawrence (‘0., Ltd., Mon- treal. 1 his puf lication contains prao~ i ticnl instructions for the performance lef all ofï¬ces pertaining to the sick. It ' tells what to do in case of accidnnta. I treats mth nearly all the dlueases to ' which human flesh is heir, as well as containing many recipes {or preparing solid and liquid [and {or the sick‘ No ilnlllti .simuld be without a Copy of it. It is a verv allnctive book about 50 pages. and can be obtained upon appli- cation in the publishers, Davis La“. rence (‘0.. Ltd.. Montreal, enclosing to them be. in stumps to cover the ex- _ " F'ww tocuxe 511 Wmmwmgm o: m mammal Worry .Rxoeastvouuof'l‘o- woman or Stimulants. lulled on receipt of Mono km was. 0»:me “20mm graph! Meta treetoLnyqddnss. Dr. Neelands, DENTIST. - LINDSAY, Vinita the Gamma Commerciad Hotel, oppolite the new Poet Ofï¬ce Block, the ï¬rst Tuesday of even month. Admin- istered gun with great success for over 25 years. Beautiful teeth and Splendid ï¬ts. Crown and bridge work inserted. Lindsay oflice nearly opposite Simp- son’s Hotel.â€"-28-ly Mr and Mrs. Brown, 01 Bloomï¬eld, are ï¬shing 3‘ her father's. 3115.1. Con- null. M rs R. I‘m-no“ and son Howard, spent Saturday and Sundaty with fneudu pthlo vicinity. Mr C. Lytle. of Pillsbury. has been visiting “m; his pnrenu at {his place. Much credit is due the Choir tor the exoailu: 1. music furnished. with Mrs. Brown as organist Two anthems u ere sung in the morning and two at the evening service, nith Solo parts. The rendering of these Indicated diligent practice on the part of the various members and the mquc added much tn. the services. Instead of the customary {owl supper on Monday evening, the congregation decided to place a free- wIll offering on the pines, on Sabbath day. ‘thIe amounted to eighty dollars. which betokeus liberality and in crust In the church's work. The congrega- tion onterl on the coming year with {column olhopefnlnua for the future and gratitude Ior put nwrciu. The pmtor. Rev. W. M. Kannanin, B. D., took the set-flees In Beurertun and, coneeqnently,wne not present at the anniversary proceedings. Quito n number 0! pboplo lrom around bOtO attended the Lindsay Fair on Fri- day and Saturday of but week. Sunday last was an especinliy inter- esting occasion in Munnt Pleasant. when the meal ennhiersat-y Services. were conducted in the Presbyterian Church there.,The pulpit was occupied by the Rev. D. W. Best. of Beevertun. n young man in whom the people of this district are peculiarly interested. as he was born in the village of Mount l’leneanl, and lived there during his boyhood. Consequentiv, a. large num- her at his former friends gathered, last Sabbath, to hear his message. despite the fact that the weather was some- what threatening. The church M18 decorated with a wealth of plants and flowers and showed evidences of loving care, on the part of the Preehy erian ltnilcs. In the morning, the speaker delivered a thoughtful sermon. on .the present status of the Christian (‘hnrch basing his remarks on the second chap- ter of Lamentations. He made a strum: appeati for the preservatinn oithe (i‘hrie' tian religiun and the maintaining of a hopeful untluuk tor the spread of the gospel, In the evening, l’nnl’s epistle to the Remains. the eighth chapter, was dealt with and ali were enjoined to keep under the bedy and to play the men. Let the creature be subject to the higher powers! Both the discours- es proved instructive and enjoyable to the large congregations present. Mina L Wludrem spent a few days, lac! week, with Lindsay friends, Mr. and Mrs L. Fania spent Sunday last, mm szotvine trienda. ‘ Anniversary Services at Mount. Pleasant. Mr. C. Veuls In putting up an lmg-hh mom ohed and MLJ. Stewart I: put- tlug cement floors in the stables, which he built this â€at. pause of mailing etc. Thm 01:00: 25¢.Onux h to: an ordmcry cold; 80:... m»: mm for rouch‘th, hon». nous. hard 00:64. e:¢.; 31, mo“ ocouonaleol to! chronic; ego! 1139303302 on hand. “I have made a most thcrougb trial of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral and am prepared to say that for all diso cases of the lungs it ncvcr disap- points." Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral won’t cure rheumatism; we never said it would. It won’t cure dyspepsia; we never claimed it. But it will cure coughs and colds of 21'! kinds. We ï¬rst said this sixty years age; we’ve been saying it ever since. A Cong/{E J. Eariy Finley, Iromon, O. Franklin Items. "J."c'.'3§_ï¬i Chwhivcli; mu. B mo Nursing. f- Wood's I’hoophodino, The Great uh Sold 3nd mwmmenmavan dmgglsh mm On] 11- able medicine discovers an; LINDSAY BIPYCLE AND GENERAL " ’ “ ‘ ‘lluzln an its Repair Works. Bk 3 ( 1e rc'puh v I awn mowers bcwlug Machines, branches . kit. W. WEBSTER, l'notteru :kc. £13153,“an EXpért. 25“ m. St. Nnrlh.._3m 9 to 11 9.. m3 Being Lm N E Q 11. (‘01). 3. Town- ship m Emily. about nne mite east of Umemee All in (Btu-p excepting a pas lure ï¬eld. which Is null “altered. 0n the premises there is a good frame dwelling humanism excellent stables and hams Then: is ulson uood orch- ard and 3 mm garden. For further pafliculum :Ippl)‘ Kn __. --. . .‘v EYE. mié. M. McI-ZLWAIN, Or on the premises. Omen-ea Farm for Sale or to Let. Dr. F. A. Walters, DENTIST, LXNDSAY. Honor Graduate of 'l‘nronto Univers- ity and Royal College of Dental Sur- goons. All the latest and improved branches of dentistry successfully perfnrmed. Charges modem‘e. O F F I C E over Gregory’s Drug Store, corner Kent and William streets. Dr. J. P. Keith. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity medical College, also mem- ber of College of Pliysxciuns and Smgeons, of Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of hemt and lungs. 256. Pipes - for 15 CI 35 am! 40c.P1pes for 25 15c Pipes for 10 10c Pipes for 5 corn cobs 2 for 5 Tobaccos always fresh at MONEY TO LOAN on town and farm property at lowest cur~ rent rates, paymrnts made to suit borrowers. thuire {or pnces and dates of delivery from CHAS. IVORY, Omemee, or write at once to Ofï¬cé. King St., opposite foun dry, Omemee. The undermgned is prepared to loan money on ï¬rst-class farm property in large :mmnntp at. 4Q per cent. Small amounts at. slightly Increased rates of Interest. Terms of re payment to suit borrower. MoSweyn Weldon, Barristers, Solicitors «ken Lindsay, Ont. In Omemee every Monday. N. B.-â€"Hzlve several clients who desire to buy good farm property at a bargain. â€"27-ls' Brudbnrn House. OMEMEE, third Monday of_ each month.â€"47-ly KING awagmz‘, OMEM 2:13;. Victoria Loan and Savings Company. Authorized Capital Money taken on deposit, thh- draxxable at anv tune. Interest compounded half yearly W. Flavalle, James Low, Trilbys Winks Alabamas Scotch Reel Up-to-date ï¬ecxal encedora CHICKENS \Ve want your Chickcns aliVe or dressed. We will pay the high- est CASH PRICES for all the plump birds offered. “"8 send shippmg crates free. WM, COLY IN’S Head Ofï¬ce, - - LINDSAY. Wanted for Export. Bankrupt Stock of Pipes Cut in Cigars Corner of George Dr T. Pnpham McCullough, m EAR, THROA! AND NOSE. PETERBOROUGH. PRESIDENT. MANAGER. 100,000 4; PER CENT. MMMHNWBMM, to sell PRINTERS] INKâ€"a journal for advertisersâ€" publish-l ed weekly at five: dollars a year. Itl teaches the sciencel and practice Ofl Advertlsing, and is‘ highly esteemed byl the most successfull advertlsers in thisl country and Great Bntam. Liberal commission allowed. Address I’rinter‘s Ink, lo Spruce St, New Yorkl CANVASSER WANTED g Moria! Pal-103:5. lcorge and Murray Streets. OFFICE. HOURS: ltoï¬pun. 71.081»; LINDSAY 6 for 7 for 6 for 7 for 7 for 3 for 6 for $300,000.00. 5 cents 2 25 25 25 25 IO 25 (l H H 15 cents (I IO N ONT H Satmday 38105“ 4th. g mmmm mm Maflmmmmmm The Opening of a Difle1 111111 Kind of Q '1 11 1111111111111 1111. E SEQâ€"lam SEES isn’t at all like the average ready-mule clu'hing, and that difference makes it the best that has ever been shown in Peter- boro. It is the sort of READY-MADE CLOTHING for which many good dressers pass by high priced tailms. Why should they pay twice our prices for clothes tlut will certainly not be be more stylish, that may ï¬t no better. that will hare no better cloth, or mose careful making? maï¬a-E29535 mama-w a?†ï¬mmï¬msï¬mï¬ï¬mmm The Is the Place to B r b r, 143th Shingles, Cement, tor Paris Charcoal. 131’s: ï¬fagquarters for Windsor Salt, :5 Cheese Butter †Brands. Sash, Doors. Blinds and Mouldings Always on hand. Perfectlv Dried and Seasongd. Bes‘ qualities Hard and Soft cbal. Cordwood and mecod. Call and get our pnccs and cxamme goods. TELEPHONEsâ€"Agem's Ofï¬ce 13 ; Toxm Ofï¬ce, 77; Mill Ofï¬ce 78 :77 and the lmxiesf price can be assured to everybody. COme in and see for yourself h0w we we going 10 do the Cloth. ing Businessâ€"“f anything (5:11;, THAT wii} bring conviction home to yen. We are not anxious to get :1 reputation for Selling cheap clothes, but we sha ‘lwork hard for the reputznim o: Sciiing the best Clothing at Fair Prices in PPICXiim‘O. In addition to Clothing, this new stir} .g-;~~_.3;:s a full assort- ment 0‘ iibrhdhd: .uhuhcsasas ‘ . wet stone grinding, Which insurvs 9 <n100th,ï¬ne edge without heat- mg. All work guaranteed up-tmdatc, and charges very moderate. Rathbun §â€'Lluflsa Is now prepared to do all kinds of mill repairs, boiler work. and any kind of new work. \Ve also do all kim’» J repairs to threshing engines and sgparatoX-S, binders. "2‘. n1; ‘ A'Id implements of every description. Mower knlm. ï¬zound under the Everything is marked in plain ï¬gure-s. You can come in, ,examine the st0ck. and know {or )‘0113‘Suif the price of anything ’that attracts you. That price is ï¬nal. It IS the lovvcst we shall lsell fon. h is only by sticking to one price that Fair treatment. Men are looking only thrrough the SUPERIOR 'GOODS and BETTER SER- VICE We shall give. Eye 1‘): bu of our smck is Wes-:53, BRIGHT and NEW, and none of it has ever been shown ': sfarc. And how Will our store be different from other: '- j; mam] Ways. is its honesty. It is not skimpily made. the cloth is always what We say it is, it won't lose izs color or shrink, and the making Is capeful throughout. IT'S HONEST because the wear won't belle its good looks. Clothes as We“ made as ours, must ï¬t. and keep their ï¬t. \Ve expect F0 va the CONFIDENCE and'TRADE of {lenâ€" _---sr‘\l\'l\'\ "f‘n'\l‘ -‘.~_-_.._-- .____ Furnishings. Hats, Caps. c. In short, a. [Complete Men’s Outï¬tting Establishment. " Gressmans Climax" Brand 3 sputon teh Marc-tic toflltlislt Cressman’s Climax Clothing 885 8; 387 GL OR (1E STREET, PRTERROROE First of All, Cressman’s Climax Clothing OMEMEE FOUNDRY \Vhat we particularly want to emphasize about WE PROMISE YOU THEY SHALL. JAS. EVANS CO. SESER‘ESPSESEESESESE?‘ mm m NEW PEEiGCESS ,___-â€"-llâ€"-IE“IHl-- for a BETTER KIND OF CLOTHING a supcnor grade. Lath Shingles, Cement, P1“. arters for Windsor Salt, u Dairy PW" Lindsay Upening Bate Um g will be of value to you if 30a going to purchase a timepi “he don't charge anything for Ilght, and yoa Will be surpr how little we are asking for a i grade watch, With the best nu ments. I .[ In.1;..c. \K'Iif‘ ...v-. â€" 7 Our stock are beautiful i menmtion. \\ low prices for Wight mrdflu. All c0u\t‘.l(ï¬tiuh. r chute m. Those Ixnfli-x “Mm; x , eye-should am. {an to mm.- m :.!n:. l‘ru 1.1L“. Silher‘. mun-tau :1; hr. «yo uplaeiliiuz. from German '15“ 0-9.“. three “mm- a: 3 ‘ hr. 3: Naombmulhe Brn-Iburn H-mw 5 in": 3 bush] girl is born aim ax] begin- to gel! {or clothes. and 81.0 :3 you ovvr the habit. Th0 Eu: Durham . (‘avun 2'. 1 turn! Society Exhibitioz. will »... 1 In M "hr-wk on Tlxunda_ a. x! 1 ’ .1 0r! ’Ifld 3. $2500.00 till he gin»: prim. um! the lost inrever Lek: : i. sntinpatnd. A :rami on asâ€: g Town Hall. a man. Tan ‘9: " “minors {tom Toronto v. 111 G . :n :J‘ tugs-Inco- w v I“)? .nu . H. A More." (‘n.. Fine (‘- l‘lmhing 3nd (5mm? FtnnisLhw; poflflllly Colic-i! a culi 1r: I?‘ all ~v Emily and Humvee frimuie v 3.9- In Lindsay - 3m Tboxnnivonary servivos - {1: a mil“ Church, [Ahanun hold on Sum-nth, on. ! pot on {allowing Mm: 13 ii 8 800d thing to! bar. I! won don't 11.9 Aâ€""Let'u see, the married hue lwnor nah-es. don't the: ‘ "You." "Then w h at d 0 bus havo?" “Boner quanters." about you. One-third of our 11v 6 s spend In bed. Therefore a 9 Spring- and lattrass am more comfort than the 5; money Invested In any 0: way. Some new goodsin} these lines just to hand at J. )1. McCRE Dr's. Wightman Sc Dentists of Peterboro. 1 Omemee every Yhurs< Oflice twm Doors eas1 '1'. Ivory . Sons’ Gen Store. It you "quit-9 anyxhing in sxm‘ Oyoglum c. ('al: and Inn-v vw “0'04! (no. Fatisfucunn. mum. P. ll 00.\ D. Druxgiet and 031 “Minnaâ€"ti. We tun-o not advanced :he pr on. tobaccoe. umber smukinu Lo Bobc.Curronc_v and Fair Phu' ch tolnecoe ure the same Rlzr‘ and :~ tho consumer as Sonneriy. “'0 3100 amended the time hr the re “on ofSncwehoe tags so Jam-.3: 1904. THE $.31?an Tossu'x‘ Limited. ll Wlunlpou. Mun, on Sand: 21. â€03, Williun Brown. aged (- Tho tnuonl on Saturday last, Ell“: Cemetery, was large}: at‘ BORN. In Lmdsay. on Wednesdar 17th, 1902. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fun: Siock, Implements. u 9.“! of J. J. Lang. Lot 7. Run]. (Riverside Fum, Omen 'dnuduy. Oct. :2, WM. at 1. to: {all puucuian see bins. W. EMBEARIY. pocnu L-couxc “wally used mommy by BMW W8.“ 280cm}. Lye: e on! (arc-It‘s “at: Root toll. gun! 3.1km p; 1 Ina-Mm. i’rtoeJ‘O-l 5 3,19 â€manganflxxt be: IMO-M of p110!» 59c two 8 The Popular Jewelry Store, bur Experie Credit Sale. k of ladics“ w-m :l in dcsurn and o \\’e axe givmg sp: or this month. DIED rt. ‘I’t h. Monday hive are up PETER T0!