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Omemee Warder (1865), 3 Nov 1865, p. 3

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A liberal discount allowed 'to country purchasers. Pcterboro’: November lst, 1865. Parcels received weekly from Montreal and New York, giving an. opportunity to par- ;ties to procure any work that ,may be wanted. Have just received a large ad- dition to their former Stock which they are prepared toj sell at greatly 1 Reduced Prices for Cash! , Their Stock consists of 1 School and Miscellaneous Books, Stationery Magazines} Diaries, Photograph Albums, Pocket Books, Ladies Work Boxes and a large assortment of Fancy Goods. English and American Ma- gazines received regularly. GRAHAM 8c STRAT’I'ON Corner of George and Simcoe Streets, BSGKS MATIONERY, Wholesale and Retail, A word Of advice tomy old friends ‘ a nd customersrv Do not allow yourscixés to be caughthy a ‘wa pence in the price of sugar, which is the custom in our neighboring towns. B11yy0ur sugar, then come to Beatty’s Store in 0111e1nee,1111(ll wi llgnurantee almost any other lrtielc kept in a general store, Ten per cent lower than where such hates s are tlnown out. [take this opportunity of thanking my numerous ens- tor 101s and lriencls for their very liberal patronage since my commencement here, 16 years ago. WM. BEATTY. Omemee, Nov. 1, 1865. Having received a large quan- tity of Molasses (The Montreal merchants I‘mving made a mistake in quantity) I have decided in selling it below market price. I pay particular attention to the quality of ’I‘cus, and have no hcsi ation in saying that better value cannot be pro- curud anywhere than I am prepared to give. A genuine YOUNG IIYSON at ?'5 cents per pound. knowing that no better value can be got any place in Canada. All other DRY GOODS equally low. STOCK OF CLOTHS, A SON or 'rm: LATE W. L. MAC- xmzm ELECTED JUDGE. -â€"T he Ohio Statesman (Columbus) says .â€" â€"“ The junicial sub diiision, composed of the counties of Pulham, Allen, Angalize, Mercer and V an \Vert, at the late elec- tion, hovered itselt by giving to Hon. Jns. Mackenzie over three thousand majority for Common Pleas Judge. This Is a mag- nificent majority, and it is worthily be- sto .ved. For CASH and Prompt Pay - ing customels at decid--y cdly low prices. I would particularly call at- tention to the large was held in the afternoon. and the sexton, supposing the congregauon had retired, cleaed up the church, locking the young lady in the building alone. She says she tried to get out, but the doors resusted her efforts to force them Open, the windows were beyond her reach, and she was un- abie to make herselfheard outside. Here she remained a close prisoner in the church until \Vcdnesday afternoon, when the sexton went to prepare for the usual evening prayer meeting, and discovered the missing lady, who was in a very ex- hausted state for want offood, having been fasting in solitary confinement for seventy hours. Job Printing F every description at the \VARDIB Office. AT No. 1, MARKET BLOCK, PLENTY 0F fiflODS PET ERBOROU GH . ‘E’EAS. c., c., c., and hopes to obtain a share 9f their pa.-l tronage by strict attention to Ins business, ‘ and Selling (foods at the Lowest Possible! Rates. _ JOHN BERTRAM. ' Lindsay, October, 1865. consisting of Young Hyson, Twankay, Japan, and a very superior Black Tea, all of which Will be disposed of at VERY LIGHT PROFITS FOR PROMPT PAY- MEN T. THE Subscriber has much pleasure in announcing to the Farmers and others in the County of Victoria, that he has opened a. store in WM. CURRY. Omemee, Oct. 23:6,‘1803. KEMPT’S BLOCK, LINDSAY ( UHOIGL' L0'l' 0F TEAS. where he will always keep on hand an extensive Stock of GENERAL HARDWARE. Canada 'l‘wceds, Grey Cot- tons and Blankets, direct from the Manufacturers. GREAT BARGAINS for Cash at NEW HARDWARE which will be offered very cheap for rea- dy money, by i’ One copy, one year - - - - - . $3 00 "No copies, one year - - - - . 5 do [‘1 ree copies, one )ear - - ~ - . 7 50 F at copies, one year - ~ - - .. 1o 00 Fixe copies, one year, and an extra co- py to the pcxson sending the club, making six copies - - - - - - H 00 Eight copies, one year, end an extra copy to the person sending the club, making nine copies - - - - 21 .0 Eieien capies, one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, making met‘e copies - - - - 27 00 Additions to any 01 the abme clubs, 82 50 each subscriber. Godey’s Lady ’5 Book and Arthur’s Home Magazine both one yeai: for $4. 59. a N. 8. COM" Sixth and Chesnut Stfeets, Philadefphil, Pa. Unnal for each subscriber. Address, MORE New Goods. .mu‘horcss of “ film,” “Hidden Path. ” “Mon Side, ” “ Nemesis,” and “ Miriam,” writes for Godey each month, and for no other magazine. A new novel I) ' her wxll be ub- lished in 1866. We have a o retained :11 our old and favorite contributors. TERMS OF Godey’s Lady’s Book for 1866. [From which there can be no dc radium] The following are the terms of the lady’s Book for 1866 :â€" Ladies’ Bonnets. We give more of them in a year than any other Magazine. In fact the Lady’s Book enables every lady to be her own Bonnet maker. MARION HARLAN D, Au uwuv ’ u I: U" I gun "cl-m: uuu nu Lllcllh Also Fashions flom the celebrated Brodie of New Y ork. Gardening for Ladies. Another peculiarity with Godey. Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart It 00., New York, the millionaire merchants, appear in Godey, the only Magazine that has them. ESTABLISHMENT, IN LINDSAY. No Magazine has been able to compete with it. None attempt it. GODEY’S RECEIPTS for every department of a household. These alone gr; \Eorth the price of the book._ Other Magazines publish old worn out Music ° but the subscxibcrs to Godey get it before the music stores. Another special“) with Gode. ORIGINAL MUSIC, worth $3 a. LITERATURE, FIN]! ARTS. AND FASHIONS. The most magnificent Steel en- gmvmgs. Double Fashion Plates. Wood en- gravin-rs on every subject that can intereat la- dies. Crochet knitting Netting, Embroidery, Articles tor the Toilet, for thee Parlor, tor the Boudoir and the Kitchen. Everything m (act to make a complete Ladies Book. Model Cottages (no other Magazine given them), with diagrams. _ mpuvmu _l_.ESSONS FOR. THE YOUNG. The Ladies Favorite for 36 Years. The Fashion Magazine of the World FOR SALE the north west quarter of Lot No. ‘21, in the 13111 concession of Emily containing 50 acres, 40 of which are cleared. For further particulars ap- ply to THOMAS A. BRENAN. Emily, November lst, 1865. Farm for Sale. GODEY'S LADY'S BO0K. T': UST received a Large Assortment of Staple and Fancy Paints, Oils, Glass, MONG the Grocerias will be found a DRY GO ODS, A SPLENDID LOT OF LQA. GODEY, WM. CURRY’S. WM. CURRY. 00 Underco at s, trom. . . . $4.00 to $11.00 500 pairs Pants, “ . . . . 2.00 to 6.50 400 Vents “ . . . . ’1.00 to 3.50 for Dress Suits, c. For Fancy Tweeds, Silk Mixtures, Doeskins, Bedford Cord, there is no fancy Cloth- ing establishment in Canada that has better goods. 0f Canadian Tweeds he has an immense stock, and as they are well for durability and finish, he feels confident that there will be a. great demand for them. Home-made Flannels and Full Cloth of his own make always on hand, Fancy Flannels of all descriptions very cheap, and a good assortment of Stable Goods, such as Shirtings, Tickmgs, Linens, c. N ow on hand over He has over 4,000 paper Colars (sizes from 1"} to 16') and an ' ,. , ~- , .4 1 1mmense as t- ment of Cloth and Ind Gloves ,Mmu. Socks, Hats, Caps, Braces, Ihndkerchsizli'b, $261.1 ;t R: r3322; .has on hand over $10,000 worth of supcnor goods, and is bound to L jmxecetved one of the most fashionable stockn n! F ALL :nd WINTER GOODS over imported into Lindsay. The Talmfing DLâ€",~t..; hot hairâ€"been fitted with the greatest ca1e;uud as he has secured the services nt first-class workmen, he flattens. himself that he can suit the tastes of all who may flu 01 him \\ ith their patronage. The finest BEAVERS, PILOTS AND WHITNEYS Fall and Winm' Minis! Lmdsay, Bigelow’s Block, West Side, HE Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public generally, that to has - w Mmefled one of the most fashionable slockgp! 1“ ALL and WINTER GOODS Oj- The business will] be canducted on the far principle of ONE PR ICEIN PLAIN FIGURES. Quick Relurns from Low Peqfits. Look out for the weekly arriva!s. "FIRST QUALITY WALUE. In all its branches. The most favorite fashions md patterns received monthly in Bonnets, Hats, Mamles. Waterfalls, Buckles and Belts. PLAIN : FANCY DRESS GOODS. 2 Enema, 5 SILKS, E (‘WL-J] SLA WLS, 3 BROA AIfingB%%Sé, i Ovslconn GLOVES, : BEAVER, P] HOSIERY, E 51 E W PLAIN , FANCY FLANNELS, : LADI] BLANKETS, ; UNDE CARPETS, i DAM! WOOLEN COTTON YARN S, g .DOMI‘ CLOUDS, 3 23,90 HOOP SKIRTS, ; HOUS DIILLINERST. From the good pros‘pgci‘qf Trade, the aBupdant cm s, the unusually highprices, and the great Increase In lus busmess, the subscriber as made very large additions was stock, which has been selected wnh the mggpnrticmar attention to will be found the latest styles and noveltiea for the coming season. The Winceys, Cobourgs, Cloths, Flannels and Skirts, have been procured frbm 0:)- THE FIRST MANUFACTURERS. LINDSAY, Would call the attention of customers and the public in ge- neral to his very extensive and Eonlplete Stock of BROAD NARROW AXES, Wholesale and Retail. Lumbermcn supplied on Reasona- ble «mus. Cash purchasers will consult their in- terests by giving him a call. EGS to inform his numerous friends and customers that he is now receiv- ing his large stock of Hardware, which was selected by him while in Europe, and will offer it for sale at prices that will defy competition. He keeps constantly on hand a supply of MOCOCK’S and AYRES’ GEORGE STREET, P E T E B B O R O ’ . Omemee,Nov.2ad, 1865. Fallwhéat,. .$135t01.4-0 Spring wheat,... . .... 1. 05 to 1. 10 Bariey,. ..’....'....... . 0.00t00.55 Pease,.... ............ . 06010060 Rye,................. 040100.45 Circular Saw? An ' warment made to order and a good {it wmruntcd. 3 .- Lmnsn, October 4th, 1865. Petcrborough, Oct. 4th, 1865. ROBERT HAMILTON BROADCLOTHS, C ASSIMERES, DOESKIN S, Fall imperiaéians. J. F. GIMSQN, DRY GOODS EMPORIUM NEW FALL AND WINTER GO0DS. Omemee Markets Sign of the W w “\«Wmsam W ‘4VVW ”W .w. .~~'¢.~-~ ~-~~.~-v-n DEPARTBIE‘NTS. on hand, also a. few pieces at" first-class I n the. various Departments 0‘? this purely ae3’351865. M\\‘~\\\\\~V‘~\ - ww~~~~w~-w BEAVER, PILOT, 8; VVHITN'EYS, NEW SEAL SKINS, LADIES CL’DTHS, UNDEP CLOTHING, DILIVIASIXS DOMESTIC COTTONS, «4,001: 01L CLOTHS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. 0:? D. 11's agent for the Pale of R. S. VViHinm’b VICTORIA ORGANS and MELODELNSâ€" Prices ranging from $40 to $30. A large stock of SHEET MUSIC, SNGS, c., always on hand. Music ordrcd direct from Boston every week. FIRST ’m‘finu in every mourn. Teeth imrted from one to a full set. All work WRRAN TED equal to any ex- ecuted in (Juadn, and perfect satisfaction m every cz; guarumeed. . Tum *TRACTED with the least p05. slble pain." 'EGS to :turn his sincere thanks to the inhaitmxts of Omemce, and sur- Joundiug cqutry, for their very liberal Patronage, bring the past seven years, and also whim-m them that he intends Visitian‘iM ER on the Free frcnSmut on the Grain, at the Omembdluilway Station. W. CLUXTON. ’VVANTI‘ZD lirst and Second Quality W H EA' Good Canadian Tweed Suits ...... 1,000 Shuts and Drow- erg, from ........... Encnsn, Scorcu AND CANADIAN (‘WL‘EDS 8: SATIN ETS, BROAD CLOTHS, Ovslconmcs IN Petcrbofi, August, 1865. WITH mm. A. CAD'OTTE. Sept. 186- D. PEHLAND, Dentist, DEETISTR Y. Wanted. J. F. GIMSON. .. . . 10.00 to 15.00 Dry Goods Only. WITHOUT TEETH. 1.00 to 3.0‘ WALTON STREET, PORT HOPE, Assisted by Wm. Burnett, late of Geo. L. Elliott’s oflice, and J. W. Elliott’s, Toronto. One of the above will visit Omemee and Mount Pleasant onqe a month, of \vliioh duo noticg will be given. _ Off All ofders left with Dr. Black win receive prompf attentlon. PRINTS, a large lot from 7§d per yard. FANCY DRESS GOODS, in latest styles consisting of Poplinettes, Mohairs, Lune tres, 810., from 105 per yard. GALA PLAIDS, Merinoes, Craps-Cloths, Cobourgs, Plain Mohairs, very cheap. SHAWLS, in the latest styles, a. very large assortment. LADIES’ MANTLES and Mantle Cloths of all kinds, at a very low figure. LADIES’ BALMORAL SKIRTS, Aa- sorted. STRIPPED SKIRTINGS, good, from. IE.‘ 8d per yard. . HOOP SKIRTS,-â€"-Two or three cases,â€" Childreu"s as low as Is. per set. “ \Iainlains the reputation \\ hich has led to its introduction into so many Christian homes, where it cannot fail to act as a. mentor, and to exert an influence for good not to be lightly es- teemed. ”â€"Sloclcp art .‘Mvnrtiscr. N'umber XXX! V, for OCTOBER contains .â€"- CHRIS]. CHURCH DAYS: All Oxford Story. Chapter IX. ----'1 he Tcstamur. X.â€"Pa1m Sunday. ALL-SILK WINTER B'OFNET RIB; BONS at 7§d per yard. BQNNETARIBBONS, in qewest styles, BONNET RIBBONS, in newest styles, CORSETS,very cheap. from 7§d per yard upwards. CLOUDS, Cravats, Under-sleeves, 5w. GREY COTTONS, Cheap as usual. LADIES’ WOOL HQODS, a large lot 31' WHITE COTTONS, Cheap as usual. from 25 each upwards. Just receiving a large lot of READY MADE CLOTHING to be sold cheaper than anywhere else in town. NEELANDS Imam Dentists, Port Hope. { lTHER of the above dentists will visit OMEMEE 0n Lapt Wednesday of Every Month- J. A. BRfiWN, Dentist, l‘oa'r Home. J. ShuterfiSn1ith,Esq., M. P. P. ; Rev. JonathanShom, D..;D ILH. Melcdith, Esq; C. Quinlan, Esq ., Mayor; Ill. F. White- head, Esq. ;.J Smart, Esq., Manager of the Bank or Uppm Canada; Wm. Sisson, Esq; Thomas Riduut. Esq. ;l{e\. G R. Sanderson; J. Font-st DeweC1, M D., L. R. C. S. E. . William Evatt, M..,D .M. D. Cameron, M...D and R. W. Bumham, M. D. Lmnsn, C. Martm, M.D Copnx: 116, Dr. Finlcm Alexander, M. R. C S., L. S. A Eng.; and T. Benson, 1\-. D. 01119111212, E’G A. Noms, KIND ., and W. A. Black, M. D. Port Hope, July 2511:, 1865. T ceth inserted on pivot, Gold,‘ Silver, Vulcanitc Rubber Base and Combination Gold Rubber, with the continuous um work. Teeth filled with Gold, Si vcr, Crystal Foil, Townsends Amalgam, Woods Patent Fusible Alloy, also with Odontoplasmp. or A.tificial_Bone. Teetfi skilfully extracted with the least possible pain and by the use of Anaesthé- tic agents no pain whatever is experiâ€" enced. All operations warranted. Pam- plcts relating to the Teeth given gratuit- ously and sent by post free on application. nnrzanxcss: Tonox’ro, The Hon; John'R/olph, M. D., L L.D., and M.R.C.S.E. ; Dr. George L. Elhott, Dentist. SONNE'IE-TMY S'Pp'DY. B} the Rev. RICE- THE OCTOBER NUMBER RATIONALISM VAND REVELATION: By the Rev. Ancuzn chxsr, Paris. THE CHURBBES OF ST. I’ETERSBURG. By JAMES F. Conn. B ans 1“. Con. OUR ELIGIOUS NOVELISTSâ€"MR. AND MISS SEWELL. REST_ FOR THE )VEA_1_{_Y. _ByA. B. Guru, OF THE \nuncumm’s AMILY VIAGAZINE. ILLUSTRATED. Is. .1. MONTHLY MTOHER’S DARLING. A_PO PULAR HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE. Chapter KILâ€"Mathew’s Bible. N I WOULDN’T MARRY A CURATE !” EPISODE 1!" Norm MiLLsANx’s Lars. iIn Five Chapters. Chapter III.â€"-Among the Neighbours. ‘~’ IV.â€"Sunday Evening. “ V.â€"Croquct and the Cathedral THE REVOCATION OF THE EDICT OF NANTES. AN HISTORICAL STUDY. In Two Parts. Part II. By the Rev. J. W. IRONS, D. D. “ Must receive a very cordial welcome from us and item all its leaders. . . . Its lttex-nture is of an instructive. heaithy c'nnracter, particular fit- ting it for family perusal."â€"Cumbridge Citru- niL‘le. M. A. ('With an Maura-lion. THE_ LAS’I: _LQl\'DON POOR. y A. R. MfiNTREAL HOUSE, LONDOX : JAMES Hose 8: Soxs. TORON- TO: W. C. Cnswx'r'r 6: Co. MON- I'REAL : Duran: Bnomnns. PETERBOROUGH. GREAT BARGAINS OFFERED! PETERBORO’, September, 1865‘; ARD \Vxx.rox,M. A. Cum, M. A. DENTISTRY. REAE THE FOLLOWING : very Large and Well Assorted Stock of ALL AND WINTER [1 00113 DENTISTRY. JUST RECEIVED AT THE J. W. DUN NET. cw ' 1"""l" per yard.‘ TICKINGS, very good, at ls per yard. F LANNELS of all kinds, very cheap.‘ ' BLA_I«'KETS,‘a Ergo lot from 7.. 6d pd w pair upwaids. . _ CLOTHS of all kmds, very low. OIL CLOTHS {of table covers, item 6.1 per yard. SILK BELT-RIBBON, Buckles, Clock and Dress Trimmings, Hat Ornaments; W Mflnh‘xery cheap. COLLARSfiudgTIES, VEILS offll kindl.‘ HAIR NETS; at 15d ahd 3d each.‘ BONNET FRONTS, at 4d; GLOVES and HOSIERY, ataorted.’ STRIPE symrmcs, way good, at logd' Friday, 15th of December. cemmcncing at 10 o’clock precisely of which all parties interested are requested to take notice. Applicants for third-class certificates will be re uired to be posted up in books memtione iu the programme. (By order of the Board,) WM. CURRY, Secretary. THE JUNIOR ‘VESTERN BOARD of Public Instruction of the County of .I. of Public Instruction of the County of Victoria will meet m the Schoolhouse, Omemee, for the purpose of cramming Teachers, 011 ' LOYD’S GREAT TOPOGRAPHICAL -J RAILWAY and COUNTY b1A?.p( ENGLAND, IRELAND, SCOTLAND and WALESâ€"Six feet large mounted and varnished; cost $100,000 and four years time ; was finished Jul 28, and is the heat map overmade since t e world was form-" ed ; shows 200,000towns, citiesuxllages, market places, post offices, castles, coun- try seats, and 38,000 railways, and rail- way stations, with the distance betWCep each station marked plainly, and the offi- cial name and‘ total length a! each rail- Ull’ll ‘ulsolc “on.“ tutu: lun'ucc VA wuss I-IIâ€" {9 way in actual operation up to June, 1865, is given. The railway stations are all numerically and alphabetically ch; ranged. The lakes, rivers, hills and mountains are exhibited, with the altitude. at each tn feet, made from tri onometrical' surveys by our engineers, raughtsmut and hotographers, sent to England ex- pressxly lo make a superior map of that country; the'whole engraved on steel, co» lored superbly in‘ counties, mounted and varnished; Price 8 shillings sterling ($2.)' No map at 320 can compare to this. Can- vassers throughoht the world wanted. Also men, with a small capital, to go to’ Canada, Chicago, Cincinnati, Nova Seoâ€" tia, New Brunswick, East and West In3-' dies, Australia and California, to open of-' fices. Can make a fortune wholesailing; this and other maps to sub-agents. Eighty thousand copies of this map were sub- scribed for in England before going to press, as can be shoWn by our agents’ let- ters to us. Ten new maps now under way. J. T. LLOYD, American Ma Publisher NO. 23 conlaadt qtree.’ NJ I, ma “be 1 Strand, mm. PAMPHLET directing how to speed- ily restore sight and give up 3 ta- cles, thhout the aid of doctor or me Sci no. Sent by maid, free, on leceipt of 10 cents. Address, , E. B. 1199133,}11)‘ OLD EYES MADE NE W.- EXAM‘IN ATIQN Omemee, October 2611:, 1865.‘ $10 A DAY TO AGENTS. Job Printing. XECUTED neat} and ex ‘m at the Winn grunt. pad: 1 SCHOOL TEACHERS’ Broadway 1130 New York

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