Your: v truly, J. G. {CDC SON. YourPius cun- me of Pï¬es that; feel new: cd was 0311st by over-doeing with drastic pzlls. Loss of Appetiw-Kelamchoiyâ€"I‘Trn'ouso near-Bad Dreamsâ€"Sleeplessrzess Cured. By Dr. RABWAY'S ï¬lls. _, - . 77 77 7 _- --;-~- mu» ' 'r-vmos were supprmd. bhu wound lruguumy w :n. hm}, mu’er ten-1b! from ht-adachp and pain in the anal! u: the back an thighs, a)“; had J‘rcgrztm-jits 01.1.}5lmw5. We commenced yy‘gxyjugjug: S or It-LX’ I’ifls m mv -I_LA __ ,i , “n ‘ Suppression of the .ucub’uvui noun; applied the l: . ;-' Relief to 1,6. iii-oat, gun: he: lemonade with hat :1 toaspoonful of icfas a drink. In thirty-six hours :h': “as playing with her brothers and sisters. 1 haw prescribed your '11.; in cases of quu‘poiu, I-ndigesriun. Costiwmss. sluggislmes of the Liver, 0r 'lurpidiiy. and hm;- wituesacd the most astonishing CKX'L'S. I believe tln m the only true purgativc in use; they are invazcalw, having a simmer controlling inning-lice in Livu am; Spleen derangement; than calemel cr blur pill. Your Yxlls nn- tlzc only iurgmivc that can be nominirtuod with eaieiy in yank-Ins. 'J'yphaid Fox-or. Scarlet Fever. Small 1‘er, am} all llnzptive Fewrs; their soothing. tonic. and mild :xzeriiut pupa-tics rculcr Minimal-“P. .. . Jar.-- .“‘â€" 3“ Int nu rI.‘L .10 ugh! m six bouts. In lead chohc. l gavp the pm: In large ' ‘ ‘ ‘80:}â€" six to eight, and a toaSpcouml of liekef to :: “1.37.5135: of water ex cry three hoursâ€"it “way cux'r . 2nd (mmâ€"David mace. agt-d twenty 52x, cum-d at arm. on Kw. 21:i:: 12mm] that he Lad Lou: 221;.c2'cd Mm [anions fever fol ram: ty-uw hours. I gave Linn It: of your pills every four Mars. and gave- 1.1m mum drinks of home: tea. In twemv-four hours he was Convaï¬esccnt; is now at work and pufvctly lat-why. 3:! (Apt :1qu six years. ï¬tted with .mu- un-urb; :uc gzot a pug-sage for six a by: him six of yuur Pink, and apphud the In any 1 the abdomen; in afew minutes the ruin «mm-m. Into a calm sleep; 11:4 A31. he had a the cam 33945.3. eat. his breakfast; at 11 A..\!., 11w.- lnorc ï¬ns, and [or ï¬ve: a: s gnu" him 1 mm 1 day; 0 is new we}! and {léï¬l’tY- In all case flammntinu of the buwv‘ls, I succeed in rune " :gle__dase cf fr: In six to rig). , _-_.. ._,, .. ...._-... Inflammation of the Bow eIsâ€"Bi‘doua Feverâ€"Dyspep~ daâ€"Costivuzessâ€"Ecariut Feverâ€"Lend (. hoiic, 5.1. U. S. INVALID HOSPITAL. New YORK. Dz. RADVIAY 8c (30.: I send ycu for publxcation the tesul: cfmy treatment with your ï¬lls in thci'uilcwfl g cases: Lt CARLâ€"Inflammation of the Eowris. J: hn (‘. “lawman, aged thirtyfuur. was seized (.n the Lid]! of the 22nd ofuczober with inflammation ex’ 1111: bowels; was called 2:10 2.2.1.; he. had thvn boa: mm m: over thrcc hvurn' had ' t a ‘pm-aégefor six a :. 4; nave him d:v The celebrated Prof. Reid, of New York, Lecturer on Chemistry in the College of Pharmacy. styles Radars Pills as “ the Great l’urgativc," and the only Motive Medicine safe to administer in cases of ex- treme Debility, and in Erysipclaa, Small-Pox, Typhoid Favor, Bilious Fever. their action being soothing, honing, cleansing, purifying, instead of griping. Irritating, debilitating. and nauseating. “After cx~ unining these I" ." writes the Professor, “1 ï¬nd them compounded of ingredients of GREAT I’Ulil’l'Y, and are free from Mercury and other dangerous sub- mncee, and prepared with skill and care. Having long known Dr. lindway as a scientiï¬c gentlemen of g: u ,u high attainments, I plicc every conï¬dence in In. Icmcdiesaucamcments. ' - ° = heal 5 '. It is a well knowu fact that Physicians have long sought to discover a vegetable purgativc as a substitute for Calomel, and that would cleanse the Alimentary Canal of all diseased and retained humors, as tho- BEAT WANT SUPP “D I. ,~ -' ' caA'a‘zaa: W; a n3 awn, Which renders them very convenient, and won ads 3- ed for children. and persons who have a dislike to (a .0 medicine. and espccuily pilie. Another great tsxpcri. ority of Rndwny‘s ï¬lls over an other pills in gem-ml use, is the fact of their wonderful medicinal strength, being highly concentrated. One to six of thesu pins will act more thatvughly, and cieansc the aï¬nzcuinry maul. without producing cramps, spacms. piles, :cnos- mus, om, than any other Pins or l’urgativo Medicine if. nun in uée. APSE COKEOBKE) 0'3 VEGETABLE EXTRACTB PREPARED IN VACUO; Supaior to all l’urgazive, C'utimrlz'c, or ï¬ltem- lire Medicines in general use, r. Sydny .S‘tevens’ Treajme': w1_t:_1 Sammy’s mils. ONE TO SIX BOXES ARE n- l h a; ‘wï¬lg; ‘ Wfli'l‘ï¬ï¬wi 19 53M _ ($531M DR. RADWAY’S x '1 €tomac..,?.':': . 2330‘;er Kidneys, E‘zuid'er,‘zL . rveus Diseases, ï¬esdad -, Constipation, Costiveness, Inqiges- '5â€" (i) x.- 3m mation c. -. Bcwe.s, Piles, arm a" derag monts 9f the in- .» 5-" (9 (J _-C I“ w I: h: w u. r0 I THE GREAT PURGATIVB. DR. RADWAY’S PILLS. you ma craa 09 ALL DISORDERS OF THE cf the Memes, Headadzc, it‘s, Hervonsness Cured. NE‘VU‘K \' J 0 - ‘. ‘ .. - ~, chum. )LM ': Your 1’ I - 2. 1.. , 5'3“" rhtor'x “r23 â€ltd 3“}. ’.,k,(":}‘ L3“? “ LAWRENCE REID. Yours, etc. ul’DNY STEVLXS. 3! , auu nppliud the lumly liviicfto w minutes the ruin «rm-«d, he 1'01! 4 am. he had I: {no cracuathm: ‘kfzut; at 11 A..\!., an: Hm six rt: an s gnu" him 1mm pins per and {:emy. h: all cases of i1:- m'vls, I succeed m umoving all lose cf fr: In six to eight in six ' '-’ 'p l:xrgt.-_qioscs~ “ Prqfcssar Qf Chemistry." aw; Inc)‘ are mvaXtalw, ng inï¬lu-nCe in Livu am; calemel or blue pm. Your : that can b0 nominirtuod ‘, Typhoid Fox-or. Scam-t ll llnzpï¬ve Fewrs; their apt-mu: pupa-tics rower tm ant “.23 Of 1118 3. J! hn C. II: c 1. id]! of the bowels; '1": m. over .39"? Gm. , PAMPHLET ducctin: how to speed- JL in restore sight and give up specta- cles, th‘ucut the aid of doctor or medicine. Sent by maid, free, on receipt of 10 cents. A:,l~h'c3.=. E. 3. FOOTE, I‘LD. PERRY’ S P :‘xTEN T CON C EN TRA T- ED ESSENCE OF COPAIBA AND CU- BEB SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, the mast Speedy Remedy known. The Glo- bules, containing the Quintessence of Co- paiba, Cubcbs, Buchu, c. at once cure, without the passibility of failure, Gonorr- hma,obstinate Gleet, Stricturc, 89;, im- mediately :subduing all inxlmnmazory ac- tion ; encased in sugar, free from taste or smell. 43. 6d. S: 11:. per box. I) ERRY’S PURIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS. ill‘l infuliiMc cure for all Jixpnwg HLLS ..;‘ .3 '3 u “ , an infuliibic cure for all diseases 5km. satch as scurvy, sz‘wiuiu, uzcers, boils, blotchus, pimples on the face and body, c. Price 115' and 33s. per box. imjs m an m s.ages, also fer purifying the system from contamination, recom- mended for secondary symptoms, blotches on the Head and face, enlargement of the throat, tonsils :mduvula. :11.- benoï¬ciul in- fluence on the system is undeniable. Price 115. and 33s. per boitlc, also a saving of 115. PERRY ’S CONCEN TRATI‘. D DE- TERSIVE ESSENCF, :1 lemedy for :Syp- niiisjn mi 1135 agoe, also '- .11 {1:11 hing Estabï¬she'l nearly a century, and known throughout the world as THE GREATES' ‘ REGENERATOR ; a never failing remedy for Spermatorrhcma, loss of manly power, produced by early indis- cretions, or any other cause. Is enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling these who have deemed themselves incurable to fulfil the most sacred obligations of married life. Price 113. per bottle, orfcur quantities in one, 335., which saves 11$. 5 and in £5 bottles, effecting a saving of .61. 1'25. FERRY’ S CORDI AL BALM OF SYRI X- CUM. - Messrs. R. L. Perry 8: Co. are only to be consulted at their residence No. 19 'Berners street, Oxford street, London, as they never under an) circumstances, ‘ tra- vel either at home or abroad, and they rereby caution the public against any per- son using their name, and as a fut-the! precaution against fraud, the Public is notiï¬ed that none of their medicmes are genuine, unless the suhjoiuetl fac~simile of their signature is attached to the differ ent wrappers. Also to He hac’from all agents in all partsof the world, EXTRACTS FROM THE SlLEN'l'FRIEND,p1-xce 6Ll., which contains direcï¬ons for the guldance of patients. I111 indiscretions, and conseï¬nent impedi- ments to Marriage, describing the Ann- tomy of the reproductive system in heaith and disease, and pointing out the sure means of perfect restoration to manhood ; with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing a prescription known as the Preventive Lotion, precluding the pos- sibility of contamination OLD EYES MAUE 9N NERVOUS RELAXATION AND EXHAUSTION. New addition en- lmged to 190 pages, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Coloured Engravings on Steel just publidu. 1], price IS. THE SILElNT FRIEND, the chatcst For sale by Druggists and Dealcxs m Fancy Goods Everywhere. Any who may not have it, will send for it if applied to. Mr Jud ah Pierce, 8 Erie 13111.1!" «79 New York; D1 E Stewmr. 575 B1"0:11I\\:11',New York; \71IxobertHat}.Mononuhlanï¬rnL .{cw Yo1k; 11 n1 0 Crosby. 299 Brox-deny N011 York; Charles Cnbcl,F.sq . 35.111 Street 011118111 Avenue, N Y ; Benjamin F P111111, 21 Coenues Slip, N Y; Max _'Ch:11les 1' 111001, 83111 Slrv'ct 1:1111lAwnue A. NY; Mr Philip 13101111, [6‘3 ( enter 17.0w, W Wash.“ . :11'L'c!;.-\{rs M01111: :11 T"1uuc1, 86 St1:ct,Yo1'k\iIie,N,;Y Rev Mr James, 35111 Sheet (5111 A1011ue,1' Y; Hanigan, 901 V‘ est IIcusion Street, N Y; M15 Dean, Lea Axe: 11e, BlooLl 3'11, z. 7"1) , M15 A Kuunlmus, 179 G1 ':1hum A1 011110 13100.:ly11, L‘ D; 311' C 31 510%†II, 11.11 5111.1"! 11' Goldy“ .‘11, D; MI 11 K L01: kw 00k, 23-! G1:1i1.1111.\1c.1u1 B100L'ly11, E D; 3'115 J J Bonnet, 4 ’ 41:1 1‘ lace, Brook)! 11; )I1sI.c.sle1' I'1cld Rcdtoul Avenue. Brcol'lg "n , Mr Geo W Wcart, Taylox’ 3 Hotel, Jersey )City' Mrs Beam, 14 C1111 Imd Streety Ncwmk, NJ; Mr Wm Carr, co1'..\I:11'i:ct-.11111 Broad Street, Newark NJ;M1'W:11'ncr \al- 1111111112, Yoxkas N Y; M155 Frank Bankn- beck, K111gston, N Y; Hon Inchh II Merrick, Franklin, N Y.,:111d 1400 Others. MRS. MAXWELI."S '1 25712.10sz L. 81'. NICHOLAS HOTEL, New York, Dec. ‘23, 186:2. Knowing positively that Reeve’ Ambro- sia produced a beautiful hcudof hair for Mrs. Lizzie Shepherd, ofBrooklin, .J. Y., I was induced, thereby, to use it tho- ; toughly. I needed something for my hair, it being short and thin; had used cue-half dozen bottles when Icould plainâ€" ly noticc an increase in its length, strength and beauty. An experience of album two years has proved a complete success. My hair is now, by measurement. four feet tcn incttcs in length; nearly reaching to to the floor. Iliavc nilmvnd my gunm- graph 1U [:r’JClnim the merits of Reeves’ Ambrosia to the world. Mr. WALLACE E. I‘J.-\xwx:LL. Hundreds of certiï¬cates, from some of the most eminent. la-lies and gentlemen of our land, may be seen at our office. PRINCIPAL DEPOT, No. 653 Fulton Street, New York. Price, 75 cents per bottle. 425-61110. ‘ Generative and Muscular Powers. REGAINED BY THE USE OF SEL‘ 3D FOR A CIRCULAR Ccmuining Afï¬davits and certiï¬cates 01 Ladies who have used it for No or thxee )ezus. and “1.05:: hair is now 110m 1 cm to Five Feet in Length- The mest elegant I]: air Dressing. The n: 0.: t leiiable Hui: liestorcx. ’lhe most wondczlul Hail P1e.~en cx'. AMBROSIA. Original, Genuine 8:. Reliable Reeves’ Ambrosia. Reevcs’ Ambrosia. Reeves’ Ambrosia. llaevcs’ Ambrosia. Reevus’ Ambrosia. REEVES’ Ioa'iwzu' REFERENCES 2 R. L. P' RRYSLCO. 1130 New York a1'1ive at I’o1t 110111: at 12.51) p. m. 31:11] Train will lczu 0 P111 1 H We .1: 3,00 1,, m arriw at Hmenme :11 5â€." . r“. ~ The above â€111m 111115111 cuuuc. ‘ 1'11}; m, (1131111 Trunk liailmau, cast u1n.'..est- 1150 Steamer M11111: Leaf to Rochester. B. R. KIMBALL, f N AND AFTER SATURDXY, NOT. K: 22ml, 1862. and until further llu'.iC'.‘, tram wfll run as follows. viz : Mail Train will lean: Omemcc at XHO a. m Port Hope, Lindsay and maverton All kinds of Brass an} Iron Castings made to O'der. (If? Repairing promptly attenled to. he Highest Price paid 4'21- t ‘ mi Xv 1m ght Scrap Copns:~'anu;5:ass. \N. B. â€"-No (harrrc mzvle for patter: Is in n(mar-0.1 use. Mowingr and Reaping Machines. Horse-Powers and Sawing M;chines. Straw Cutters and Horse Rates. Sleigh Shoes, Waggon, Pipe .1111 Bug- gy boxes. Sugar and Camp Kettles. Fire and Smoothingr Irons. Piouglxs and Plough Castings The following unicles and castings constant!) on hand: Having faciliticfand advanges, and the practical expericnce of 11m lasl twenlv years in business. and having rc- ï¬tled his cstzzhilnhmem, he i:= h tur pre- pzu‘cd to uxccum 1H mulch {Am-5 it'd-ï¬xâ€" vorcd with. Hoping by strict Mention to business .nul"1nodcrate chm‘grs to me- rit a share of pttronaqe. ’- to return thanks to his mncruuvs friends and customers for the Item] pa- tronnge he has received since ccmmcnc- ing business in the Town of PETER- BORO’. HE Subsmiber takes this op‘lortunity to leturn tnanlcs to his rmwxuus Machine 81101). Soucwnsrs. Andreas AMERICAN GOLD I‘I'ZN (30., 3 mos. No. 200 Broadway, N. Circulars of all our new styles, wit] Engrav- ings ot‘exact sizes. and prices, sent upn I'eccxpt of slump, if desired. Pens repainted 3: 50 cis, by mail. Smnox‘x-ms and szwumz-T‘sazc rvmc 31er 10 W .an uï¬nm, soucmznsrs. ALdlcss TO CLUBS, A discountof 12 per cent willbe dowcd on sum; 01' $15, "‘50“! tn one address, ulme Lune; 151nm cent, on $2.33 2‘.) per cent on 240. All remittances by mail, Bralsmsn, are of our_rx.~:k_. To all who cxxcloze 2O cuntsextru for rggialc ling ,wc gummztc; Partirs in ordering must specify 1.: name, number and quuhly m all mstunccs as whether suff or lxmber, coarse and ï¬ne. Our pens mnl: throughout the auntry as epuul ifnot superior to any gold pelmmmfuc- lured. Not onlyf :‘ their writing quliilcs but (lumbililyaud clug-mlï¬nish. The gates! cure is med in their manufacture, and no: me sold vitl: the sliglnhxl impcrl’cciion whiclskill can detect. Superintanml. Port Hope, Aug., 1861. The same Gold Pens, in Sod Silver Gold-I’Zau'd Ebony Dos-l; bchrs and .Marocco Cases. ."‘ For $2 2.) a No. 3 pen Isl. qurity, or a No. ‘1 p911 fld quality. For $7: 5 a No. 4 pen lat quality, or :1 No. 5 pen iquallty, For $3 20 aNo. 5 pen lst qualiï¬er a 1V0. 6 pun 52d quality. For $4100 a u. 6 pun lst quality. For $5 50 a No. 73n. For $6 75 a N0. 8 pen. For $12 001 No. 12 pen ; all ï¬rst quality. Pcterboro’, Dec. Isl, 186-1. Our name (A Human: Cow PER», N. Y..) is slumped on all our 15'. quality 1.15, and the points are \vzu'rzmu-«l for six mcIm, except agains’. acridvm. ()ur sncom «gum: Picxs, are stamprzd'l'llE NAT! ON AL IN, with the Initials of our ï¬rm (A. G. P. Co..): are carc- l‘tu made, having the same minus our ï¬rst quality Pens, {he only great diflcnnc Luring in the quality of the Gold. 1 Gold Pens, ht 00an ‘M I, - “92' 7'2: So! ‘ gmlul Szh'eQL'xtmsim L..:_-f‘?vz’d/z. ‘ Pencils. For .52 00 a No. 1 pen lst- qualilpr :1 No. ‘2 pen 2d quality. For $2 25 :1 No. 2 p ls! qual- ity, or a No. 3 pen 2d quality. 1’03 2:3 :1 NH. 3 pen lst quufity, or in No. 4 pen '1 quality. For $3 50 a. No. ‘1 pcu hat quality, nr No.5 pen 2d quality. For $150 a No 5 point quality, ora No. 6 pezxzqumlity. For t) ui) a. No. 6 Don lstquulily. Job Printing. XECUTED ma. '1} and cxP'en at the Wmmm Orncs. Gold Pens, in Silver Plazl Exten- sion Cases, with Perils. For $1 No. 2 pen; for $25. No. 3 pm ; for 1.50. No. 4 pen ; for}. No. 5 pen ; fur $2.25:- I-Io. 6 pm. These pens are slmnpod THICMPERIAL PI-‘N, and are well linishvd and iiu}uld PENS, with good aridum points, ulihu-h 1110)’ are unwarranted, m:al_cannot be cxclngcd. On lecoipt of the 1(v»-ouil‘.rr a". “e will S',vnd by mail, 01 as dileclc'l. l. Mid PHI or P ens, selecting In: name uccc'. !".~lu me clus- Sripï¬onma cl '; Pens to Suit the Hand, (cl Prices to Suit thz: .Poc/se E‘iAILWAV. nu me Best Gold Pens my; EELETS F 03333331 ;- w x V":m1 R \ATED GOLD I'NS. £3?“va 513E§§€ FOR TIIE 1U] LIOLV. AND JOHN FL‘WLER the 531': tllimry 01 V E E 'ulu WM 4L ll. ‘1. III er 50111111 1111.- M 111111.1c101ies 01 I’rofessm HOL- Low.,w 8t) Maiden Lane. New York, ' and- " 24 Sl1a11d,(11cz11 Temple Bar) London, by all allrc slwcluble Druzgisls and Dcalms .1'11 \iedi- cines 11110117110111 the (‘11 1114a! \\ 01111, in pots at “'3 cents. 6." cents. and $1 mlch. ‘xVAG-GON FOR ALE. Ringworm, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Venereal Sores, Sculds, Wounds of all kinds, 2’23" CAUTION.-â€"-None are gmzumes unless the word: “J-z'olluuray, New York «ml London,†are diacemublc as a uwtcr mark in every leaf of the book of directions around each pot or box ; the same may be plain‘Iy seen by holdingr .’."' ..,‘ vlv H... [55/11. A Ixnlulgvmc levvurd “in be friven to any one rcuderim such inlormalion as mry land to the detection of any part 01 panties countcxlcili 112 the medicines on venii mg he same, kno“ mg tht‘m _to be spmious. s»: 111121121: 11 conzidm able saving by taking 1111:! nrgcx sizes. N. l..â€"D111c.1ons 101 the guidance ofpzuienls in 0\ 1-1ymamd1- me affiXed to each pot. ‘-’ lftlzc reader of this ‘ notice’ cannot get a box of Pills or Ointment from the Drug Store in his place, let him write to me, enclosing the amount, and I will mail a lmx’ fro-v of expense. Many dealers will not kcrri: my medicines on hand he- cmsc they cannot make as much proï¬t as on other porwns’ malts.†0f}; DEALERS in my well known nmiicincs can have Show Cards, Circu- lars, c., sent them, mm: or nxrzsn, by midreSsing Thomas Holloway, SO Muiu’k'n Lune, N. Y. Bunions, Bums, Glmpped Hands, Chilbluins, Firslulu, Gout. Lumbnu'o, ï¬â€˜ccuxial Erin tions, 1 lies, Rheumatizzm, EVL-ry farm and mum of they: prevalent and stubborn disorders is eradicated locally and culirdy by Ilse use of this emolem ; warm lb- mcnlulious should precede its application. 115 healing qualities will be found to be thorough and Emmi-able. Boll: tin: Oinlmml «ml Pills should be use FEMALE COMPLAINTS, Whether in li’neyayng or old, nnrricd or single at the dawn of W omuulnmd, or the tum of life, these tonic medicines display so «landed an in- fluence mm a mmkedimprovement is soon per- ceptible in the health of the patient. 13011;: a purely vegelable preparation, they are a safe and reliable lemuzly for all classes of Females in way comlï¬lon of health and station of life. ' EI‘.U1"‘I ’Ns up: THE SKIN, Arising from a bad state of the blood or chronic disk-uses, are eradicated, and a clear and trauspnmm surface regained by the rustortuive action ot'lhis Ointment. 11 surpauscs many of the cosmetics and other toilet apphunces in its power 10 dispel rashes and other disï¬gurement; of the face. a‘ncmu (i†is ï¬rst t6 cradiéatc vchm ï¬nd then- comply-1c the cure. BAD LEGS. OLD SORE SAND ULCERS Cases of mzmy years sanding, that have per- tinuciously refused to yield to any other remedy or trcamwm, have invariably succumbed to a {cw applicatio s of this powerful ungucnl. Livc1 bL-comcs 11111-1 tLd and L-encuuos bili' 10115 1115011319. pains 1111111: 51111:,511‘. The Bowcls sympulhise by (105111 euesL, Dmrrhma 11nd D ys- 1-1111-1). Thep1i11L1'1nl'1c11onox'1hesel’1lls is on 1111- slomacl 1, and Inc 11101, lungs, bowels and kidnms 1:11iic111a1e 1n their 1ccupcmlne and r(--m1.1:11‘.li\e 01015111011. FRYSIL’JSLAS AND SALT I’IIL‘UM A11: 1110 of the most common and xirulem disorders prawn-111011 this comment, to these [he . Bowels.‘ . , The stomach 1!! the grant centre winch 1n- ï¬uchcs the lwallh or menu: of the systemâ€" Abused or debilitated by excessâ€"lxadxgcslion, otl‘ensive breath and phyu'cnl prosmmion are the natural consequenrus. Allied to the brain, it is the seurreol'hcmlaclms, mental depression, ner- vous complaints and unreli'cshing sleep. The 2% ..e 7.83.3 @1569-.. Disorders of the Stomach, liver, HOLLOWAY ’S PILLS AND IIOLLOWAY’S OINTMEN'I' Sr:£(:T.‘.TOI-t OFFICE 2 Hamilton, Oct. lth,1864. s Clubs of 10, one Copy Free, or $1 50 in cash. “ 20,1hrce - - - - 4 (M) h H 4‘), ï¬ve - - - - 1 00 “ 53" Papers in clubs will be sent separately, or to one address as dcszrcd. 1 TAVING recently been purchased by ‘ the unzlcx'signed, lllCltilsml t‘XCl'liO'l is be- ing put forth to multc it one ot' the best papers in Cunmln. 'It contains the Latest Intelligence by Telegraph, t'ccviwtl daily up to midnight, of Foreign and American News; the fullest and most ('tli't'llllly l'eVled Reports of American and Menu: Markets; interesting selections of RULIilIJE; Matter, and full summary of Local hnclligt-ncc; it is THE CHEAPEST PAPER l’umnsnw IN THE Camus, and is a most cxccllunt advertising medium. Su‘iscription for Daily - - - - - $5 00 (lo Semi-Weekly, - - - 2 ()0 do Weekly - - - - - 1 00 mmcw txmntAnLY IN ADVANCE. The SEMI-WEEKLY is the best paper for cnuutry circulation, as it contains all the matter ol'thc Dailies, and may he obtained far the same price as the “ Weekly Leader,†and 1h “ \Veckly Globe.†C LU BSâ€"With a View of still further increas‘ j in: the circulation, the following liberal induce- 1 ments are ollL-i'ed to persons getting up Clubs‘ before the First of March next: “WEEKLY, Club of l0, one Paper Free, or 75 cents in cash. “ 2!), three “ “ $2 20 “ u 4mm u u 400 u THE SCIENCE OF HEALTH. EVERY MAN HIS OWN PHY- sxcum. PCHLXSKIED D \ILY, SET-H-WEI'ZKLY AND WEEKLY (Wm-311100 THE SPECTA 1701:, AT HAMILTON, C. W. ES’I‘ABLISHED 184-6. FILES A ND FISYULA. in l/lcfollou'ing' cases: Skin Dmeasvs, Swalled Glands, 41:15, Sore Legs, Sore Breasts, Sore Heads, Son: Throws, Sorcs 01' all kinds, uptlons, sz'uins, Slit! Joints, , Teller, Ulcers, , Venereal Sores, Wounds of all kinds, I. MCNEELY. I, May 251111864. SEMI-W EEK LY. ’1‘. 8: R. WHITE. Montreal. C. E. .T. “'INEL :5; Co. Humihnn. C. W. A. N. MCDONALD Co., 1;.‘rjwrlL’I's'llu' â€if (Kiri/7‘11â€. lizock‘villv, C. W. Ta \v‘aum .11! orders shout! he a4dre<scd. wnnmaum .xczxrs. Nomnnop Axn mums, Bcwcastlc. C. W. Lx'ngxwhuynï¬ 7C0†#5 F. HEXEY 5; Co. A Wnoxa Inmuzsswx Ccmmcrnn.â€"Many are under the impression that it‘a discharge of worms does not follow atter taking the Worm Candy, that i‘. has l'uitcd to destroy. This is a great mistake, as the Candy removes the nest of worms, the dead \\ orms to a greater or lu:s extent, dissolves into slime or mucus before they are discharged; although in many cases the wcrmsat'c driven out in quantities. Skid at Retail by all Druggists and Mtu‘irino Dl'ui'u‘s in Etzroyc and America. at 7.5 3t...=;c sterling (15 (Pub) pct !Ii'L‘i\'ag(', or two shining; (.30 cents) for tour packages. Be sure that cash packag!‘ izae the signature of H. 15. Mc- Kenzie M. 1)., Glasgow onthe wrapper. (â€ll/1W DI'. 41(/.clz:u J UCUJ SM)! â€bfâ€: Candy. A child of ten years or age, of Rev. J. Mc- Dougull, Dundee, passed over ï¬ve hundred worms in three Days. which he rcsnï¬es that he believes by God’s bio-55in; saw-«I the child's life. Thousands of similar testimoniais are giyen (without solicilalion) to the present pro- pncior. 1‘1 L11 wlnch woxms moduce I11ciz' young. This <ecret1on of mucusis much 1411111101 111 "rcutu 111 children 1111111111 Adults. W111 11 may are not 111 "0011 health 11 u11n~ will ineleuse with {1310115111117 1:11:11113'. This Mucus or 111;.11 1111.111 rcmm ed 1111111eu1a1e1y by: 1113 use of “ OLD m1. mcxnzm s wmm CAD? s'r: CK.†As it icsemblcs 8. Candy Stick in 1.35 e and am~ peamnce and a child eating it is wholly of tak- inf medicine. Where woxms exist thye results me hey). 1L1 description. Face-â€"Ulcu1's, Rim: \‘v’urms. Sore Heads 111, 111111 1 1p<, 1‘: 1.1.1115“: (‘11.11111111Ha1111s Ci1:11111:1:111 1111.4 16111‘111-1,(0111\ 111111111115, Chiiblaius, 191.01 1311cs,S:-:1111s, C111: Bites,F1'ecklus, filings, bc1'01111z1, Kings Evil. 111111 19%, 13:11! B1ez‘ $13, Contmclcd 1.11111 $1111 Joints, F1: 1111 as, (3)111, Swelled Glands. 1411111111140, 11111-111n21tism, “111110113 Sore Nippies, Sore Threats, Scurvy, Sore 111-4115, '{z1s1:,"1umo1us, 01d and deep suck-11 [711-1315, Wounds, Worms, 111:,11 8:1: ls. “11111111 .5. 9d. per pot. 7 Farringdon street. ; may be had at the the otiice of this paper, and from all L'livn'iiats throughout tliu world. DB. BUCHANS lNVlGHHATING ES- SENL‘JC, For NERVOUS RELAXATION and onxmuL \rizArmrsss at once restores and invigorate-s with magical rapidity the most Debili- tuted Conatitution, thereby cmnring perâ€" manent health, increased strength, energy and a retloublcd (levelopemcnt oftho mus nnlar system. Failure is impossible, for success is as certain as that daylight tot- lows draknesa. The only infallible reme- Lly for acquired local and general debility nervous proatrution, depression of spirits diminution of vital energy, cmneition, and for all female complaints. This mule cine not only restores health and strength at once, but increases the natural vigour of man in youth, maturity and old age The propertyol‘ this 'aluablo reinvigorat- mg Esse ice acts directly on the nervous and muscular system, enriching,increas- Dr. Buchan’s Vegetable Skin Cintment ls the only one yet discovered that cures the most chlcrulu sores. lts cllbcrs are womlerl'ul, giving instant relxcfto the sul- fcrcr. Many thousands have used it, and declare it to be THE BEST IN THE WORLD. It is the only NATURAL REMEDY for all kinds of sores and skin eruptions. It never clams up the surfaov ofa wound whilst full ofmuucr, but will ï¬rst bring! all 19 the surface, and ï¬nally hml without brewing out ï¬jflil). The Pulls aid the Oinnrmul in 11m.- {CihHViliLfâ€"PHCS, Bail-g. Bruiws. Excormfou::, b'iuzchvs on the M‘i‘ (MM 5 it§uuti5n i; never-falling, and in perfect accordance with the laws ofuaturo. As the falling min viviï¬cs the parched vegetation, so will the power of this all potent again l'cstore the lost Hremï¬h and energy ot‘ul} who suffcr from cxh;m:=livu derangcmunt, which so few of the Mull- cul profession attempt to treat 4s. 6d., 115., or {our quantities in one. 33:5. So'd m bottles,- at 13 lid. 23. 9.1., 43, 6. ., and HS. l’utunt Medicine Warehouse, 19, Ber- 1mm street, Oxford Street, London lmadc, and their ellicecy proved in thou: sand’s ot‘cascs, attested belore the Alder- men at Guildhall, he Right Hon. The Lord Mayor of London. and sitting Magistrates of Mulltorough street, Westminster, \Vorsliip strcct, Bow street, 8w. Used by the most celebrated Medical Men, Clergymen, and others. DR. BUCHAN’S SUGAR-COATED SARSAPARILLA PILLS. It is a WELL-KNOWN FACT that SARSAPARILLA is the greatest puriï¬er nfthe blood in the world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD PURElâ€"The Bowels regular†-And DEFY the DOCTOR!!! These Pills strike at the root of each disease, and are [orthe cure of every ailment inci- dental to Man, Woman, and Child, such as all eruptions on the Skin, Indigestion, lilious, Liver and Stomach Complaints, General Weakness, Gout, Rheumatism, anbago, Pains in the Limbs, Headaches Sore Thronts, and every complaint caused l by â€regularities of the llowels, obbtructed 1 pcrsyirhion, and dutcrlcrnted 4nd un~ ] healthy. blood. Thee pill»; work their way to tho Vcry roots of each di;~;cat~c, cleansing in their passage, especially] where mercury has been taken, and rc-‘ moving every unhealthy accumulation, till ! the blood is puriï¬ed, the whole system re- ; t'rovrtterl, and all the functions acting ac- cording to naturc,thc duties of life be- come a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not delay! a clean stomach must make aclcun body. A clean body 1 will contain pure blood, when the stomach body, and blood are pure, from regulating the bowels, health is certain. Begin all the beginning; waste no time; bil‘lke at ‘l the, root of your ailment. Again, I suy,r lock to your atomach. One trial of these ' Pills will force conviction. l Mothers Look to Your Children. WORMS! WORKS! m UCUS or Slime furms the nesbbed lVlLQ 1. lb JV] I'IUlLil‘ LO, PIVUPHI‘UU from the prcsmipticns of the late Dr. Buchnn, Fellow of the Royal College of Physician‘s, c. c. Cures are daily Arc within the reach of all. by the use of DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLE D0- MESTIC MlelCiï¬ES, prupugcd HEALTH, HAPPINESS, AND LONG LIFE. ul nun-sup, nuuunAn-j WW (â€newtâ€"I‘m Hwnkzin â€c.1- I'm: an p1: 2;» in a Buzz: n‘ï¬d H ram. Inch Luz .mzaiu: 4’) rulv an: I“ a! '25 rad.“ ~~ bâ€- -. ..4 I name. luvs 0..- ::',,1od!l'l a B. L. JUDJOWVICO camn'a' remain who who henhh. would never 50 MM mesa l’flla. Tn; pun‘fy the bland, remove outwith-n 0! all ï¬nk. deans: Hm; (.an of all plmph-s nu! no!“ In») Mic; Um rich cab: 0! health $0 the pd. Md. who â€at: and flute of whieh the» Pi“- no made. :‘czr diuavcwd in :1 u-ry sarplI-fng way Hmong Nun '1‘c:'.zmn>.n tribe 0{ Ahnnginau :n Mezzco. Co! than Almanac nf out mm, AM you will um: with «ï¬ght, the wry ich-rautiaz rumour. i'. eeutalns a! the “Sum MRWNE" of tie Arte“. Um 71.2mm Ludeai, is it to u. that w. are nbia t- . u-Rhin your reach. n medicine like 11m “ Mama»: PMS,†that nil pm dirueuy tn [Lo WM M through the Hood and fluids d :h hm‘q, tad w the â€We: to Night“: him it» Bush of beau‘.’ r." L__J.! P. S. Dealers and Physicinna ordurhzg {tom «the: man “trim: lifts... UL]! do well {n write £119.! nub r5 mums-fly. and {My none but Dr. J!‘erm’.t. Jaw-wed by Flew†111175., Pittsburgh. ILL. To ï¬rm “Mum; lo gave than . mm. we “ELK tormud pot ma“. pun 1.1M. L; L": pet: a! u.» Umwd sates, one bux of Pins fur wait. Nun-Hum postage Humps. or one vial of Vumimqu 1hr tan-teen tun-«wen: stamps. All orders Irma Gum-in w» an» «mp-cum} by waxy cent; on»; Iavcr Complaint, Sch Headache, kc. TU: Ana-13mm new» expel: {mm the blood the hidden sudaol an tune, and modem an the fluids an: secretions pm An. hung chaï¬ng; 51d rosmtiuun: I'm. \ihl org-as. _ V ..‘ 'i Virt' .3‘1uS:.\L. ..| 4.. W‘f’m‘ 9‘» b â€um“, 1W meoumv arm Km 'flm 'unontnr and man, .atr‘1IUA c.’ "Jndwn'n that» hln 111311 H1..." has xgcut t'm- “v-2“ put of hit W L‘: "lulu-g: having \‘ist'rl h"..'x'\' Lu-ry oonmvy h an. world. it chn‘. are? six y-«n mum}; an may.» of the Rugby â€mulch: and of Mexico, am. u M: 11m. flu! (he .. slourmx 11mm Faun" wen. (“acme-Nd. A "-1 blunting Account 0! his udventuru than, )9: val hi iu our Almanac and lumyhlct. It i: an ambushed mcz, Hunt a)! (lime; "in Inn Human: 51.000: ’ 72:0 blond ll 3;: Mo: and when any ford" 'I’ 3:1th mm: gnu mine-3 with it. u in at onus distributed in. "my 94' au of the bony. livery nerve foc‘u tho pm, 5nd at! ...e vle Ingauu quickly (unplug. The no“ wiil not digcn Fae fwd perfectly. The Mm «um N am asuflcivmy of Lila. The adiuu M the Lou! II inflamed. and W use oh'cuhtinn La :‘zc‘bh. The lung bow-w clamd with {Inc uhoumu‘ umber; Lance, u snuglyâ€"and :R from a sh; t impurity at the human but of liteâ€"um Hood! A:- d yovI had thrown ma «nth. for instance. in a pure upring, {rm “hid: ran a tiny I'Ivalot, in a law mink-s “no whens course (I Rn drown becomu didurbod and Mcokwvd. As quietly we: impure bum! fly to m'sry put, and have m aH-Ig Loki-.24. All the pmgu become obntruolod, And ulna he abstract!“ is rammed. the hump g'hlo soon dhaw‘. MI pub not < :lv purify um Mom! ban )vgumt; c-‘fl the seen-ham of (h. k dy; 12:9; mo, amok-m, 1;"!an m any form; and that it is an imcccm [mnvaxuuiom not (Wind/[6 of «’ng (In ch'yhtccc :‘ty'my .‘a we mos! tcm‘crr lag/Ema. Address 9.)! orders to FLI'ZI/KING BROS, PITR'HJ‘ï¬tC-d, PA. Anew, w pawn! you v23: :1 pN‘163 Mme- M Tune. A chat 0! a 1.1sz (J the “rungs Aztec h’nuw‘ L‘ut one: rule: Blanca. ‘."-u r.†I ï¬nd a in}: chvzut a! him Jul-1 Ma puu,o.‘c in rur Fun)" 1* nu.) £5»an be had gmhk. {can the Age â€a Z‘i'Jn. II‘I '1 â€4‘ in every instance whcrc it s‘muk’. prove incf. fear-ml; “proxlding th: 5ymytoms attending :hc sickness of the child or adult should Warrant the suppmiziuu a? worm: being an cause.†In all cascs the Dr :iicinc to '0: given 1N smzcr accommmg “'1’“! may. umicrzon \Vc pisigc ourztzns to 2m: pubiic, that I" $.15»! ~ I",‘.._~:C.~A vâ€" nu... ‘ M5€IE)%€P ‘9‘? “S Mountainï¬erh- Pills. e B. L. JUDSOI, 61 Co. 8 O I. B P 1101’“ l ETD}? S. No. .59 Lea-Pare! 50:00:, DR. M’LANE'S VERMIFUGE \Vill certainly effect a cure. The universal success which has 32o tended the administration of this prepar- adon has been such as t1 isarrant us in pledging ourselves to the public to RETURN THE MONEY .1 CPI-IE countenanee is pale and Linden- colored, with OCCaZlCnili mushea, or 3 Cir- cumscribed spot on on: or both chitchs; tho eyes become dull; the put, ils dilate;' an amre semicircle runs along the lower eye~ lid; the nose is irritated, swells, and some- times bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache, with humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretin of saliva; slimy or {lured tongue; breath very foul, particularly m the mom Jig; ap- petite vat‘iablc, sometimes voracious, wi h a knawing sensation ofthe stomach, at otmn. entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; occasional nausut and winking; violent pains throughout the abdomen; bowel: i:- regular, at times costive; stools slimy; not unfrcquently ungerl ..i-:h hood; belly 5x01- len and hard; urine turbid; respiration oc- casionally din'icult, and accompanied :z hiccough; cough sometime: dry and conv sivc; uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, bu generally irritable, c. Whenever the above symptoms are found to exitt, WORM SPECIFIC, SYMPTOMS OF VVORMS. VERMIFUGE. GREAT FELIA LE MEDICINE 3 CURE FOR BILI‘JUS DISEADBJ, DR. M’LANE’S Celebrated Americ zzlifuge X’HLHCURY