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Omemee Mirror (1894), 2 Nov 1894, p. 2

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"WP and Feed Sfiore 'T'finaxceilentFarm Situated six miles ,iromjha town of Lindsay, on the south half 'of Lot No. 2, in the 12th Concession “9f Emily, comprising 100 acres, 85 of which i.- under good cul ivntion, the re- mainder being in good pastumge. 0n tue premises is a Splendid frame house, FOR SALE .xT MULLIGA‘NS v 3‘22""; Mimi)? This remedvia mm:- in. kedwwreyou. mum 1r. ’sctorzzce. 2‘ treat, Hansen‘s; Whoopin Cou'gh 0.2" 9; .-..ma. For Consumption it. EEms no rim: ll. .1- km: cu::d mafigsband win CURE you n ‘ :mia time. W. M on 3 gm:- me. For a unsymck°or Chost. nae SEE: LOH'S BELLADON ‘JA PLASTERJLC. THIS IS . HUGEM’S A SPACE. Jewelw : Emporium; KENT STREET, ' 301mm: Cocan 0mm promptly cu.- as cm and others Coughs, Croup Scrc _ at, Ham-acne”, {scoping Cough a; Woon's PHOSPHODINE. The Great English Remedy. ‘ . Si: Fuel-ages Guaranteed to promptlyv and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weahw'ss. EmissiomSpcrmâ€" axon-Ma, Impotcncu and all ejects of Abuse or Excess”. Mental Worry, excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimu- lants. which soon lead to In- “; may. Consumption and an. early grave. fiabcenptencflbod ove: 35years in thousands or m u the only Reliable and Honest Medicine -_- u n. , ,L_;I__-ao w... _ _- -7", , , howl. “Wt“: \Vood’a Phosphodlne: l! bodes-name Worthless medicine in place 0: this. helm prlcoln letter. and we will send by return null. Wane W. :1; six. 35. One will Matriculm Pamphlets tree to anyaddress. The “'ood Company, Windsor, Ont... Canada. OFFICE : E. En‘d Wellington St. Bridge LINDSAY. Bakers’ an_d, Family Use ,..- r--v,,,-V , good barns and stables and all out build- xngs are m Splendid comlit on. The owner “ill sell at. a bargain or “in rent at a teaswul [e g:ri_ce._ F or further par- iiculzi s .1' 12-“ I up?) LATEST FAD High Graig Flours £01105th Lime the best in the Market. ' Kept. Constantly in Stack. F'.‘” v An’kiiids of Meals and Mill feeds always on hand. 7â€"â€"_ -A‘V JEWE LL RY farmers! éfientian. Om: cm 8 dose. éiangedy, Davis-£1 Sen, B. J. M ULLIEWS Drug §§9F§9 P1113 81111111.; 111113 A. Good Pine Shingle Dr. William’s Pink Pills, 30c. Nestles’ Food, - 40c. Carter’s Liver Pills. 20c. Fowler’s Ex. Strawberry, 2 5c. Thomas’ Electric Oil, 20c. Burdock Blood Bitters, 75c. Paine’s Celery Com p’d, 7 50. At Higinbotham's Drug Store, LINDSAY. Manufacturers of and D1 Mars in : 'I\IBER SUI-3h! F8, I..-',\I‘H LIME, 1S3, UI'V Hard “ 00d F’luurinn Kept in Stock. JUIS’!‘ and 3"AX'II ING of .III Imnr'hs c-pd cuu‘wtamls on hand. Eslirmm-s given on BiIIs of Muuri: II. * OMEMEE- Corner King and Sgrgeon Sts. LINDSAY. Mills ’at Bobcaygeon. SOLD BY ALL DRL‘UJSTS. out for-startling announce- ments next week of his u : WRLDON. All Very Cheap at Nice Assortment pf New ‘ Styles in erSale or to Rent to J OS. iAN D-â€":.- NEW :â€"-' S. MCCONNI‘ILL,‘ ()memee. 1’. O. TAKE 1:8: 53:37 REESE??? ENORRIS BLOC Every Friday Morning Fhe Umeaeiae Minn! A wm-kly news uper, published in the lnâ€" n-rc-st 01' lb \'i huge 01' ()xncmw‘ and sur- rnnnding dis riot. All kinds ul‘job pflnting .Iunv in tm- jnh mums at. the vvrv imvcst. living prices with nuazucss and dcsputch. Subscription, $1.00 a Year. 1 Tumble Column \Vnnt Adw'rtiscmontsfioots. first. lnsc‘rtion. Lax-ts. mu-h subsequent insertion. Special rutcs for longer perimls. Local Notices New. at nm» first. Insertion, :lcts u-h slum-uncut inscrlion. Tmnsicn} udxcrnsomums Inc. perllne first insertion, 5c. per line c: lch subsequent inser- ti()ll. Tm: selection oi Mr. Murter as succes- sor to Chief Justice Meredith as leader of the Conservative party in Ontario, wil: be met with general approval among Conservatives throughout the Province, who will unite ingiving him their warm and hearty support. That Mr. Marter is the man for the position, that he was the follower best entitled to step into the leadership, will be generally ac- knowledged. He has {or some years been prominent in Provincial politics, he possesses a. wide and accurate know- ledge of Provincial afluirs, is a man of unstained character and marked ability. With a. united support at his back, with his fearlessness in the right and energy in the fight which has characterized his political career, combined with the ability and grasp of provincial politics, which have made him the choice ofthe party, a. successful leadership can cer- tainly be anticipated.â€"Review. ()MEMEE. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 189-1. The Czar of Russia, who has been in poor health, for the past. few months, and who has been at the point of death for the past two weeks, died on Thursday of this week. A verdict of “Not Guilty,” was reached by thejury late Saturday night , in the Hartley murder trial held In Bramford last week. The chm-ave of the Judge was against the prisomr. The man Chattexle, who was arrested for the murder of Jessie Keith, the four- teen year old girl who was outraged and murdered near Listowel, proves to be the right man. To a repoxner from Toronto, who accompanied him from Listowel to Stratford after the coroner’s inquest held on Friday last, Chattelle made a. full confession of his crime. The Municipal World reminds clerks of municipal corporations, of their duties respecting collectors' rolls, and states that “every collector’s roll is re‘ quired to be completed and balanced on or before the first day of October, and a. summary showing the total of the differ- ent rates entered therein, and should be handed to the Treasurer of the min ici- pality before the roll is placed in the hands of the Collector, and the treasurer should charge the Collector with the total amount on the roll, and credit the different accounts for which special rates have been raised, with the amount entered in the roll for each." “ " 2.3 no 15 00 In on Si nglc (‘olmnn 40 my 25 on 15 oo “ ‘ 2:) no 15 no In on “ “ 1.3 no 10 o ) 5 on l’rof'ssiouul and Busiuo 's Can-«ls $5.00. Dr. Bradd received word from the in- jured man on Wednesday, saying he was gettingalong nicely and thanking the piuyers and otlers on the courteous treatment received at the :- hands while here. Also a letter received from the Secyetary of the Athletic Associatiun of Lindsay, by Mr. Shepard, Secretary of 7 he Ouxeuxee (.ilnb, tendering them and our cxtizens a. vote o.‘ t‘nanks on the‘hos- pitable “manner in which they were $99» The Game Postponed on Account of a Lindsay Player Breaking His Leg. What \\ ould have proved a very close and exciting: g line on!” football took place on the Umemce "rounds on Saturdav af- tor-norm 1213!, betneen the Collegiate In- stitute team of Lindsm and the High School team of this village. THE OMEMEE MIRROR. ,H {A \TI‘S 01‘ AM 1‘. TISING: ~ Ti {E FOOTBALL MATCH. TH E OFFCE, RI SC STREET EAST, IN THE OUR NEW LEADER. EDITORIAL NOTES. MEMEE, ONTARIO, IS PL' ZELKa‘IIED (H) (H) 6 M03. 3 “05. $3() no 3‘? 3 on 30 15 (m in on The Home of Mr. John Murphy, in Town, Burned to the Ground, on Monday Morning. Again fire has visited our village and laid in ruins the line little brick cottage owned and Occupied by John Murphy. assistant agent at the G. '1‘. R. Station. Following his usual custom, Mr. Murphy arose about 5 o'clock on Monday morn- ing to leave for his work at the st tion in connection with the early morning train, which leaves here about six o’clock. Before leaving, Mr. Murphy had built a fire in the kitchen stove, as he Would be returning in about an hour for breakfast, but sorry to relate he was called from the station half an hour later by the startling news that his house was in a blaze. The tire was first seen in the rear end of the house and as it had originated in ‘the chimney, it \\ as impossible for them to extinguish the blaze with the appliances they had in use. However willing hands set to work to save the contents, and succeed- cd in removing all the householdefl'ects in good order. Mrs. Murphy was absent from home, she being at her father’s in the country. The cottage was of brick and was one of the cosiest little homes in town. Mr. Murphy had taken great Iride in fixing up his residence and every-thing around the premises looked as neat as one Would Idesire, and we extend the hand of S} mputhy to him in this his misfortune. \Ve un'lerstamd Mr. Murphy lost the most of his winter clothing, which nmkes it. doubly hard. The cottage was insured fur $500, and the loss wxll be about $1,000. Special to the Mirror :â€" _ Mr. Van Raper, of Toronto, is visiting rxends in town. \liss .\13rtin,0f",lomnt1 is vis'ting her sister, \lrs. John \Ilcn. Bills are out calling for t.en.1ers for the rentinU of the skating rink. Dr: II. A. l‘urncr has rc’. nrnezl from the north, after a \\ eck’ s shoutin". Mrs. John Fitzerald, of Culourne, is vxsiting her mother, Mrs. R. Lancashire, Robert Dcyell and Ernest. Clarry were at the lake Saturday. They repurt, fish- ing good. \V. A. Fallis, \I. PP ,\\:lS in 'lnmnto zutexidilwa comcution of the Ontario Opposition. _1\_Irs. Montgomery, of Salt Lake City, is visiting her sister Mrs. A. Wood. She is accompanied by her son. Clarence. One ofthe most pleasant hallowe’en parties which has taken place in this locality for some years past. Occurred on Wednesday mening of this week, when about a dozen couple from the town drove out to the home of Roht. Adams, three miles north ofthe village. 0n ar- riving at the above point everything was found to he in readiness and nicely arranged for the entertainment of the guests. Pleasure seemed to rule the hour and everyone was heat upon hav- ing.' a good time. Games of all kinds were provided and music was capahly rendered by our local musicians. The presence of the violin awoke fe Iings within those who were fond of tripping the light fantastic, and their graceful forms while gliding over the floor, seemed to add enchantxnent and new life to the merry throng. A luxuriant spread, prepared by the Misses Adams, was greatly appreciated. A fter whiling away the pleasant hours in social amuse- ment, the party broke up, and now nothing remains only the recollections ofthe pleasant evening spent and the drive home, which seemed to be enjoyed, as the merry voices which was heard when the carryall would come in con- tact with numerous barricades placed upon the roads. The hospitable manner in which Mr. Adams and his sisters en- tertained the guests was highly notice ‘ able, and those present will have a high l mark of esteem lor them. It seems strange, that even some 0’ our business and prcd'cssional pron, liv- ing in Omeniee, when mention is made of the anon to them, by strangers, they have noteven the decency to say a kind or an encouraging word of the paper. Such an instance as this happened on the evening train ofa recent Saturday. A trentleman living in Lindsay, gull): down to Il’eterboro, who, by the way, is a personal friend of the Minaon, happen- ed to nzeet a gentleman from ()memee, and in the course of their conversation, it drifted to business in Omemee. Our friend, wishing to learn ofthe Views this man w onld express on our success in the newspaper business here, asked him how we were getting alongsbut received an answer quite detrimental to the paper as well as ourselves. Our friend was somewhat surprised as he had s« on our paper quite often and knew our condi- tion well. He therefore spoke up and said that probably if the business men would give them more support, they would be able to give you a better paper, and as it is, the paper is too good a sheet for the support the publishers are getting. Several roasters were given to this individual and from an observer of the conversation we learn that the Ome- mceite seeing he had met his match, politely t'orsook our friend’s seat, and took up lllS position in another and of the car. We must feel thankful to our iriend for his kind words of us, and it plainly shows, that outsiders will give us a good word when we deserve it. The anniversary services in connec- tion with the Lebanon appointment of the Methodist Church were held on Sun- day last. The services were conducted by the Rev. .lns. Kilgour, of Cuvanville, who preached two powerful and intel- lectual sermons in the morning and af- ternoon. The church was well filled at both serwces, especially the afternoon. The singing by the choir was excellent, and the church is to be congratulated on having such a. well-organized choir. The lecture by ltev. Mr. Shorev, oi Lindsay, President of the Bay of Quinte Confer- ence, on Monday evening, was a very interesting one. As announced, Mr. Shorey lectured on “ The Parliaments of Religion,” which convéned in the great Art Palace in the (ity of Chicago dur- ing the World’s Fair. For over one hour the lecturer spoke on this great convention. which represented every religion in the world. To give a full re- port of this excellent lecture would take a large amount of space, but we might say that the subject was of Such an in- teresting one that he kept ti e large and- ience with him throughout. Mr. Shorey is an excellent speaker and at the close of his remarks he received a hearty vote of thanks for his ahle utterances and assistance in the evening’s program. The singing bv the choir received great applause and was lynch enjoyed. "i‘he members of this church have lately been renovating and repainting the interior and exterior of their fine little edifice, and it now presentsabenu- tiful apwarance. The debt. has all been paid off and they now have about as nice 3 Country church as “in by: ‘tugng 33!?!9‘4: BR ICK COTTAGE BURNED. NEWS FROM MILLBROOK. Anniversary at Lebanon. Hallowe’en Party. , Strange. But True. \Vho gives every person getting 3. Suit or Overcoat made by him guess at the number of beans' 1n th ejar in his \\ indow. Contest \1 in close \Vhen they will be counted by three disinterested parties, and theone coming nearest to the number we will give a choice of an Over- coat or Suit, valued at $18.00, made to order, Remember, a perfect fit and first class work guaranteed in all cases. If you are going to get a Suit now is the time, as you may be the lucky one, as some one is sure to get the Spring Overcoat or Suit free. Bring along your Cloth and get it made up in latest style; you may be the lucky one. This offer is for cash customers only that is for making. yCall and see me and I will be most happy to explain everything to you, New and Stylish Furniture Now is the time to buy Sixteenth Century Oak Bedroom Suites, Elm Suites, Dining Room Suites. A Large Variety of Bed Springs, and Mattresses all at Lowest Prices ever Offered in @RfiERflEE. Invest'gaiien : is : Respectfully : Solicited. Rev. John (larhutt “ill m‘t-upy the pulpit ofthe McthmliSL (‘hnrch on bun- duy evening. . Rev. J. A. McDonald, 1’). in, HF King:- ston, occupied the l‘resl‘ymriun pulpit on Sundu; afternoon last. The regular quarterly business mccl- ing of the Metlnxlisu‘hnrch “ill he lwh‘. in the busen ent of the church on Mon- day evening next. Old Rev. Frazer will m-cnpy the pulpit in the Presbyterian Church, next Sabbath, at the usual hour. He mums highly recommended by the Moderator. Service In ('lxrist Church on Sunday morning next, at 10.30. Rev. Mr. MC- Cann, the pastor, who has returned home will conduct the services. The social evening spent at the Math" odist parsonage by the Endeavor Society held nn'l‘nesday evening, was much en- joyed by the large number present. Rev. Mr. Walters, oi \Vyclifl‘e (,‘nlloge, Toronto, conducted the SCl'Ylt'PS in Christ Church lust Sunday evening in the absence of Rev. Wilson McL‘unn. Rev. Jus. Kilgnnr. of Cuvanville, who conducted the anniversary servires in the Lebanon! hnrc lustb‘unduy nmrn- ins: occupied the plilpltof I he Methodist Church here in the evening. The qwarterly meeting: services in connection with the )letlmdist (,‘lmrch, Omemee, will be hold on Sunday morn- ing next, at 10.30 u’cluck. conducted by the Pastor, Rev. N. llill. Sacrament. of the Lord’s Supper \\ ill be administer-(2d after the regular service. The farewell service lnstSnnduy oven- ing in the Salvation A rmy Barracks was largely attended. Capt. llulpnny and Lieut. Stephens left on Thursday for Fenelcn Falls, where they will remain to await (mlers frmn headquarters. \Vhile here both ufiicurs have labored ham] for the salvation of souls and their labors have not been In vain, as they have been successful in buxlding up the Army and have made nnmv friends since they came to Omemee. It is to be hoped that their good work which they have just left, will be continued by their successm. We wish the ollicers,jnst left, God speel and prosperity in their Work. There were 10,-1SOchnrclies in Canada, when the lust census was taken. This is one building for each 450 peuplu. 0f the total nunibernf church edifices, one- third are controlled by the Methodists. Special to the Mirror. Robert Hayes has returned to the Rock City. A newspaper man, says an exchange will sit up nights to write smnetlxing kind about; a fellow citin n to help him along even when he shall have in per. sonal friendship for and interest in him, and will pay out good money to put his words imo pri t after they have been written; yet the person who has been benefited seldom thinks of making: a re- turn. attributing the notice to their per- sonal greatness. ’l‘en chances to one they will send out of town for theirjob work, or take it to an excinsivejobshop under the impression of making a sav- ing. But the nestaper‘ man keeps ...L nus.‘ an "2.“. Judgmg from the number of swine in South Emily and the rush to send milk to the cheese factory, our farmers are Mr. Richard has pnrcharcd a. large number 0! pigs in this vicinity} Mrs. Armstrong, of Toronto, was a visitor in this locality revently. II. Shields and wife, of Nor-wood, paid W. Graham a short visit last week. Miss Maggie Hayes, of Bohmygeon, has been visiting her friends here for a. bnef tuna. changing the old system. HIE.- L-uu mu; llv‘vv‘r-<| V I right. along, looking pleasant and saymg good thlngs. The third page of the Toronto Daily Mail is noted for “ Want” advertise- ments. if you want a situation, a me- cl anic, a business, nmchinery, lodging, if you have lost or found anything. If you want to find out where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto Daily Mail and read the advertisements onthe third page of that paper. The charge is two cents a ward each insertion, nr ton cents a word for six insertions. Address the Mail. 1149440, (Quads: McNabBJ’so Faéhionable Tailoring Estab- lishment, Omemee, CHURCH NOTES. Stand, :: Olnernee9 @nta ~10 South Emily. HOW TO GET IT. JOHN MOOREA, By getting_ypur Cl_ot_hing made at FEBRUARY 181:, 1895, “'iH be :11 (In: Bmdburn House. (hm-limo ‘ on thv Isl Monday and 3rd \\'cduL-sduy ()1 evm‘y 1111:1111) CIVIL ENGINE HAS Ax» ONTARIO LA“) smwm‘mm, 37:15 \VATER Six, l'I‘l’I‘l-jKBORU’, ONT. .'.“ ll.\xx\. I C H. 3.410 C. E. \V. I. 1.\'.\ ().L..\ .C. 1". ”'10ruulut nhorsil} OMEMEE, ONTARIO. Gradumr' m“ the 0m. Veterinary College. Registered Member m’the Umm‘iu Veterin- Association. ‘ ulls, night or day, promptly attend ed to. OFFICE : Next door to Adam’s Grocery. B.\NKER BROKER, 91 Kent, LINDSAY. Money to Loan on Mortgage :1: lowest rates 01' interest, "a“;b‘rltfi'J-Zl Indm'svd Xmas discounted for any Lcnn not cxc u-din: 1:: months. PETERBOROUGH. Branch ofliccâ€"(‘on Murray and Bethune Sts. Lumber, Shingles. Sash, Doors, Blinds, \Viu dow and Door Frnmes; Ncwal Post-s, Stair Rails, lmlust‘ers. Moulders c. Scranton Coal in 162:. Stove and Nut Sizes Brizu' Hm for Grates; Smilhing and Steaming; Coal; also Coke und Lchigh Lump for Foundries. The Rathbun Company On or before the 1st of May last. there came Into myprvmisemlml.12. Con. 5. Emily. the following cattle: Two Yearling Red Heifers. ()m- year-old Steer (RoanN.01m two your-old Gray Heifer. The owner can have property by proving same and paying all expenses in- curred. Apply to '1‘, H FEE . .’ , 47-: Omemec. Ont. Local and anclling Salesmen to handle our Hmdy (‘unadian Grown Nursery Stm- k. We guarantee satisrur-Uun to ropxesenmtivm and customers. Our Nurseries are the largest in the Durninion. Ovvr 700 acres. No sub- stitution in orders. Exclushe territory and iiberal Lm‘ms m whole or part, time agents. \VriLe us. STONE WELLINGTON, (Hondnmce) ’l‘ omnto Om. [The only qus‘en ‘31 C anadu having testmg Ihavv in stark a. very fine line of Cigars Tobavoos and Pipes. which I am gelling at, very low prices in m-der to clear it out, and make mom for more stock. When you are wantinga Fine Ci :u' or a Choice H 111‘ of Tnbnccos, give me 8 ca I. This hntnl has boon established. {or over 30 y ‘zu‘s. and is fillvd up wllh the very host nuprm‘vlm-ms. It has good accommodmion 101' commvrviul men with splendid sample rooms. The whole house is heated wlth hm, 'ill' and is in every wag a first-class hotel. The bar is supplied with a. select b'aml of wines, liquors :md clgm‘s. The dining tables are unsurpnsm-d. (mod stabllng and atten- tive hustlers in charge. Rates, $1.00 per day. LlN DSAY. ONTARIO. First Class in all its Appointments. All Mndvrn Improvements. Electric Light and Gus. Electric bells and HotAirHt-atlng. Billiard Room and Barber shop in Connec- tion. First-class Sample Rooms. Sppchd Rates to Clubs and Theatrical Com- My stock is the best. in town and is always fresh, Flue line of Cigarettes in Stock. It‘vou are desirous ofnavlng a clean, easy . Shave, m‘ a. stylish Haircut, visit. my pzuiics. Good Cigars, Tobaccus and Pipes â€"â€"IS-â€"- R. CARDWELL. THE LEADER IN TOWN â€"~FORâ€"â€" L. MCNABB. 51mpson House, Dr. S. W. Clarke, oFéhzirds.]â€"1.\'-3m Tonsorial Parlors. Bra dburn House Ranny 6c Innes, . Walden, V. S., DEN'K‘IS'I‘. M lLLPJ‘uHHC, . H. Sootheran, Stray Cattle. WANTED. Respectfully yours, I. W. WILSON. Proprietor. J. MCADANS. Proprietor. (3.13.111 BBS, Agent GREAT ELEAHING SALE PETERBORO Profits gone. Read this advertise- ment through and it will in- terest you in the prices of D R Y G O O D S i Victoria Lawns, 50 a yd Check Muslins, 4c a. yd Art Muslins, - 5c a yd French Chambrays, 10c- Fnench Chainbrays, lbc‘ a yd. a, yd. QEmpress Challies, 5c yd Heavy Cotton Ticking, ‘j Colored Muslins, 50 a yd 100 a yd. Check Shirtings. 80 a yd Fine Prints, - 5cayd Dble-fold Fancy Dress 5 Pieces Grey F1anne1,‘_ ‘ Gogds, 15c a yd. 100. a. yd. U ‘Linen Towelling. 5c ayd Cream Table Linen, 25c 131633th Table Linen, a yd. 1 80c a yd. Fine Embroideries, 80 a Silk Taffeta Gloves. 150 yd. Ladies’ Ribbed Under- Vests, 500 a (102. Huck Towels, 100 a pair 20° Remnants of Dress Goods at, Remnants of all W001 Delaines Remnants of Prints . - SEE OUR ALL WOOL DELAINES, BEST QUALITY, ALL R E D U C E D . Hali Prlflfi Pleaschome in the forenoon, when you have a better opportunity of seeing the Goods. Ladies’ Fast Black Cotton Hose 15¢. per pair, worth 25c. Ladies’ Fast Black Silk Taffeta Gloves 15¢. per pair. worth 25c. ' Ladies’ Fast Tan Cotton Hose 15c. per pair, worth 25c. Colored French Lawns 123., worth 25c. pcr yard. French Chambrays at 10c. per yard, “'0th 25¢. per }‘ d PETERBQfiQK THOS‘. KELLY, $1.00 EHHSETS {1153313. fiuawgmaebmfitafizcw u Ladies’ Night Gowns Worth $1.50, €750. ELadies’ White-Skirts 30c., worth 45c. [H Ladies‘ Corset Covers 1210. Worth 200. HiLaiiiEi Night Gowns at 400., worth 75., 5 In 55535â€"65? E. 365 GEORGE ST. 365 DO'O off all - - CREAM, BLACK, COLORED WHITE KELLY’S 365'GEORGE STREET, WW 5 For Remnants of Elk Cashmere For Remnants all Wool Tweeds For Remnants of Colored Silks Fancy Dress Goods, 5c ayd. V Check Flannelettes, 5c a pair. Grey Blankets, 82 a pair Men’s Shirts, Unlaund- ried, 450 each. ‘LACES. HaliPrlca The Sweat-1‘4 szlrtetta Who play in Lindsay unde oftheY, M. C. A.. next '1‘ will no doubt be the gran fiver visiting Lindsay. '1 boys lave zone to a large ,1 pause in bringing them 1 hole country around 51 're them a big ho .\ oaen go. up troj J. 1'. Lamb, out tanner, addition buil' to his easy 13' the east end of the turn. One dollar and fixty cems Tn Manon and The To! New. for one year if you su The MW and the Pam organofthe Patron's of Ind! year, only $135. Put not trust in money, in money in trust. The devil ‘ get hold of the money to put Some time ago a milor mm age enough to send his bi wankee editor. It “as retu: polite note 5:} ing: â€"" 1 our umpedfully declined.” When you are going to g don’t forget to procure you license. C IIugan in Linds: one for you for $2. 00. Be 8!! care it in ample time, so as‘ delay.â€"46-tf. When wishing your mum‘ fine styie, leave it at the )1: The agency for the Peter] laundry is located at this a Look [Ia-re! You try \V. F. Watches. Ckwks. vaclry. 92¢. sped-fly. 77 Kent SL. L1 “day b the use airefihér (m van 24 ed Chlon'dc or Gas Vi! aim The pinyefs of the righw much, but we don't ask {u} cation! oftbose who knowit with only two green ones to General Booth is booked 1 tie on January 19th and ‘20:? 1i: on January fllst. Dr. Xeelands. Dentist. me teeth freewhenr ammo: ‘ nn~-~ Shiloh's Cure :5 sold on Iteureslnci iem Consumpu bestCough ure. ()nh one $0113., 50cm" and $1.00 per b? R. J. Mulligan. J We must take the bit sweet in this life. A game of football is exp plated on the grounds next The iron bridge which Sp 5: being replanked and fix A mu must have a clear good work. Read R. Cardwell's adve' this issue. Undoing a wrnng is quite : u doing right. First importation of tea, Jspan, at Parsons‘.â€"41 The human race include 0! peopleâ€"those who kno‘ and those who don‘t. km From the first class the mostly recruited and from class the fools. Go toKIfinhotham‘s. who-n i pure drugs Try tho Inswx l‘u' mu. A all soli(-izcd.â€"‘.'7-Iy. )(lxod. lav“- nixed. ur! vex The man who lives only calf. has a hard master. One an never have no : than a vioient temper. unmu. CLOSURE The confidence man tome and broke into a van, Ieuviu in; within standing semuell the hotel with a bogus ch hand. “The gull I left behi «fly to himself as he ram: manna Division, Gran‘ We will give to ail new before Jan. lst, Tm: 031mm! Ladies Journal for $1.00 up 1896- This is an extraordu you get the two papers for one, with the remainder thrown in. The highest, pmd entex day is said to be Dr. Tall sinking $1000 a night 0 tout in Austraiia. The I that Dr. Talmage is mm more able. or more spirit that hm fellow ministers, tho art of self-advertise: knowshdw (0' fickle the lie in the right place. Business remains unchan A cheap country seatâ€"a s For Shelf Hardware try 1’: Every one is preparing for Bead Horn Bros. new ad THE OMEMEE M AmVAL. 'J... .u. sun 5.8539421. mus OOXXG M38 00130 EA! FRIDAY. xovr: To Pe I”! Ho: Cobour; and all Andean: To 1 bridge. all efi{mi To 1 mum Coboun and all unites To To: L'xbrid: all poim west. . ..

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