IEWE LI LATEST FAD Alt-s awNice‘Assortment of New Styles in R. CARDWE LL. 1 31.; stock 13 the best, In town and is always r-m . Flm- line of Cigarettes in Stock. 1! you are desirous othtwing a clean, easy ï¬have. or a stylish Haircut, visit my ' have in stock a very ï¬rm line of Cigars, "fowl-cos and 'nx-s. which I am 3leng at v» low prices in om" m clear it out. and ,m' e room for more stock. When you are wann'nza Fine Piznr or a .(‘holce 1m:- 0! Tabaccus. gi vc me a call. THIS IS HUGHAN$ SPACE. frond Cigars, Tom-13 and Pipes ._.1 3â€"- :R. CARDWELL. L101; out for startling announce- ments next week of his OFFICE: E. End Wellingtqn St. Bridge, LINDSAY. WOOD’S PHOSPHODINE. The Great English Remedy. SE: Fuck-age: Guarcmtccd to promptly and permanently a cure all forms of Nervous _ I? WeaknchI-Jmissiomï¬pm 4. 33m}! : Emporium, THE LEA'SER IN TGWN ‘nrn‘. 1+ Pine 8.1m; “Us; mam. " A Good Pine Shingle for$1 per M. l $2.00 Bottle. _ ‘ -. ‘3". Ommsdm w" r _, j . ~ Tats m1: Cocqrx CUM; promptly cum «than all others Coughs, Ctoup, Box-c unrest. Housman, haepin Can-.32: and 1.3mm. For Consumption it as no :17 ; ~13 cuyed3hcmnda‘ and will can: you i! t xemn tune. Sold by In-uggista on a guar- rxteo. For 3 Lame Rock or Chief. use 831L083 BELLADON‘RA PLASTERï¬c. atom-hen. 11»th and all (facts of Abuse or Eczema. Kauai Worry. massive use 0 Tobacco. unlov- Stimu- Ref: '79 “â€dAflJ' kink, which?†land to In. flmi: II. [1.3673811]. Consumption and on aarIy grave. Has been Ian-scribed over 35yenrs in thousands of cases: 1'3 the only Reliabfc and Honest Hedicine Imam. Ask dznggisttur \Vood's Pho-phodlnc: it ' n offers some worthless mdldnotn place at this. How: prfcn 1n letter,and we will send by return mail. rr‘u-v, nne package. :1; six, :5. One will plums 32;: will :vrt. Pamphlet: (roe Ionyaddrcu. The “‘ood Company, fOR SALE AT MULLIGA'N JUIST and SPAN'I‘IJXG or an Twnzlhs kept. cunsmuny on hand. Estimates glv-m on Bills of Mau'rinL LIN D SAY. Drug Store. ‘T-lmyouu‘ tan-n? This rémiyiszuaran; mammyou. mam. hjectornu. QHILOH’S/KCATARRE ‘LgmaEa-wnv Tonsorial Parlors. Mills at Bobcaygeon. .\E {ii-11:. . «kc. Ur‘ Dr. \Villiam's Pink Pills, 30c. Nestles’ Food, - 40c. Carter’s Liver Pills, 20c. 1" owler’s Ex. Strawberry, 2 5c. ‘l‘homas’ Electric Oil. 20c. I’nzr lock Blood Bitters, 75c. l’aine’s Celery Comp'd, 75c. :‘xt Higinbotham‘s Drug Store, ' LIN DSAY. all Very Cheap at KEN T STREET, $61M begin the WA Kept. Constant“ in Stock. Respectfully yours, AN Dâ€"â€" 'to Rent I O VREEEB‘S‘: uri 30c. 40c. 20c. 25C. 1 M 14:, Steal a chicken, says a contem- porary, and you are a thief; steal $1000 from your employer, and you are an embezzler; steal $5000 from the government, and you are a defaulter; rob your: competitor on the stock ex ~ e 5 _ §Io,ooo and you are a “ $1) him of $100,000 to $500,000, and you are a Napolean of ï¬nance ; wreck a railway and gather it in, and you are a ‘magnate’; wreck a great railway system, and you are a ‘railway king’ ; conduct a negotia- tion by which a strong nation plunders a weak nation of â€Â£1:- sands upon thousands :2 square miles of territory and m'tkes the weak nation paymillions if money indemnity for the wrongi «. has 51.113 feted, and you are a diglomat, Yes, the times are gut ofjomt- R. C. Heard, who has been employed in the foundry here during the past two years as blacksmith, left on Monday of this week for his old home at Budge- north, where he has secured another situation. R. C. will be greatly missed in social circles, as he tnok an active part in temperance and christian work. J. C. Denny has resigned his position of teacher in our school, for the purpose of attending school to make further ad~ \‘ancement in his profcs ion. He will be succeeded In our School by Wm. Stacey of Franklin, who is now attend- ing Ottawa Normal. ‘ A. P. McLean, who has been holiday- ing during the past wee: under the pa- rental roof, left. an Monday nfthis week to resume his duties with Matthews (S: Co., of Lindsay. C. rinflux-ford of\ â€or“ 00d, “as visit- in,; ' friends m the village, the bewiuuin" of this w eek. Bro. Peter went on to show the ml- vantages :md disadvantages of formz. ;; :1 “Lime Juice Kmh,†and after answol" lug question after questions that were being' hurled at. him like a Noer‘est cyclone, he. got the crowd presunt, quiet- ed, and beg-“n the tediou> task o: elect- ing ofï¬cers, of which we here give the following :â€" Presflent, Bro. McBert, lst Vice 1’res., Bro. Sham poobob. 2nd " " “ llugixbun, Secretary, " (‘urtl ngoe, l rcusurer, “ La m bus, Chaplain, “ Ilurtw ick, Bounce , “ Buntmark. After the election of ofï¬cers, 3 good ‘ round subscription was taken up, then l all stood up and sang the “doxology,â€â€" “We Won’t go Home till Morning.†‘ The nextfmceting w ll be her in a few days, subject to the call of the horse. A few minutes past eight u’clock, Bro. Bowlegs, who, by the \uly,t0‘ok it. upon himselfto act as chairman witjiunt being ofï¬cially nominated t6 Man, - :ant posxtion, called other, a l .. «tr .. few complimentary remarks ‘ an} Bro. Peter to the audience, and was greeted with great enthusiasm and ap- plause. ‘ DEAR Sineâ€"Having sent you a natice for last week’s paper, to we etfect. that. l“].ime Juice Klu‘u" was about to be organized in thisglormus \‘iiluge oi ours, and havmg fazled tn see any notice of it in your paper, I here send you the re- port of the ï¬rst. meeting, \\ hich 1 hope you will publish, 30 Unit you may gixe everybone of the “Sons of Toil †in our VillaZ'e to receive the “Billy -go-zu.†atthe next meeting. an» "H' ‘t‘rSL-‘Umtt .11).! linsswh, 1‘. n-WLL. £71“ suns. T119 ~.:;: i . m". inuc‘medness in :...s fur“ 55 dd nmrtm with but $13,- 000, lmxmler BA) and Huldimand com- ing next with $26,000 and $55,000 re- spectively. To the Editors of the Mirror. "Sim enquiry into the death of Frank \M‘a’ï¬mui, uf'l‘nrnntn, who was fatal}..- U’m: m‘. Omar-0r 6th. terminated on \fnmhw ni'rht. in v.1 verdict of wilful H" 'ui h T :1 "L“ 13’ ‘Edlll: “Ch-0n 01' persmm 'ALUCilU“ Ia. E. T. Essery and '1‘. S. Hobbs were no. minated on Tuesday for the bye-election in London for the Ontario Legislature. mused by the resignation of Chief Jus- :.ce Mered'th. At Lexington, Ky., on Tuesdav, Gen eral Cassius M. Clay was married to Dora. Richardson, aged 15. The gene'ral’s children did all they could to prevent the match. The wn-ath sent by Queen Victoria to be placed on the tomb of the late Czar . f Russia, is ï¬ve feet. long and a beauti- ful work of art UMHMI‘I Z.I“IEII).\Y. NOVEMBER 16. 189%. Truqslcnl aulvcrlisununts we. perllne ï¬rst insvrlmn, 5c. per line each subsequent, Inscr‘ Hon. LANE RICHARDS, PUBLISHERS. lYl-‘.\R 63108. I Donhle (‘nlumn $7.3 no l 50 no E u u 2r, ()0 l Slnglc (‘nlumn 4n u» I. at l‘ 2-, ‘M, I; u u L.) 00 $50 no 3†m) 15 no 25 on 1-") no 10 0‘) 3 MOS. $2» ()0 In ()0 lo 00 15 00 lo 00 8 00 Professional and Business Cards $5.00. Want Adm-rtlsomenlséocts. ï¬rst insertion, t‘x‘u. each subsequn-nt insertion. Special 1' um; for longer pcrlmls. Luca] Notices acts. 5: nnc ï¬rst, insertion, riots. eat-h suhsmucm lnst‘l'flnn. Every Friday Morning C) Thu 81: :jbe Ni“ A weekly news apor, pnbiishcd in the inâ€" icl‘l‘sk m the '\'i iuge 0| Umemce and sur- mnn‘iim: district. All kinds 0! Job priming innc in the Job rooms my the \‘crv lowest :iving prices with "Unlnfléh‘ qnd duspatch. NORRIS BLOCK Subscription, $1.00 a Year. THE OMEMEE MIRROR. How Stealing is Viewed. LIME; JU ACE KLUB. AT Tu 1-2 OFFCE, K l. N“ STREET EAST, IN THE RATES OF AIR I.X.TXSI.\G: Mount Pleasant. EDI TORI... DNO TES. 0:41. at, ONTARIO, 15’ l'l‘l-XJRHED riu muntics in which m is registcrani in the mr‘ugagm are 2â€"- York, F‘XSQGO; Simcue, $415,- W‘U‘! : .\ Hams. $253,000, 'iil'l'ï¬f Mr. H. Folioette, late wood worker in Mr. Broad’s foundry, Mount Pleasant, spent a short. time with acquaintance in Omemee on Wednesday, after visiting our sister towns, Lindsay and Ptterbor- ough, introdnéing his new device which can be atta. lied to the backs of seats in churches and other public buildings for the purpose of holding overcoats, hats, etc. The trustaes of the several church- .es in the places waited, received it with favor, and had him place novel-ad in as aamplcu. Among those who attended the funer- al of the late Mrs. M. Englisu on Mon- day, the following were notice}, all re- lated to the deceased, and were from our twu neighboring towns ;-â€"Mrs. J. Lilieo, Mrs. J. Irwin, Mrs. Smithson, and Messrs. John Armstrong and James Armstrong, Peterborough ; and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Pukin, Mrs. J. Lang, Mr. and Mrs. R. Lang, and Miss lung, of Lmdsay. Toronto Empire of Thursday.-â€"Major Sam Hughes, M. P., and his son and daughter, lef; on Wednesday for Chicago to go en a. trial trip with a new Pullman car ï¬lted with his ventilating device. Mr. Grace, of the Toronto Railway Com- pany, one of the directors of the Hughes Company, joins them in Uliit-ago,wlience with the ofï¬cers of the Pullman Com- pany, they continue on to ( aliforma. ‘ Mrs. Wm. Cal-dwell and son Robert. spent Monday In Peterboro. This is Mrs. Cardwell‘s ï¬rst visit to our sister town since she rem )ved from that place to Ome me over a. yen and a half ago, and in that time sees several new buildings and many changes in that in- dustrious town. Miss Gertie Elliott, who is attending Model at Lindsay, was called home the ï¬rst ofthe week, on account of the (1-. ath of her grandmother, Mrs. M. English. We are grieved to learn of the severe illness of Miss Sarah Adams, Stcrgeun St. North, who has been under the phy- sician’s care this week. Her many frlends in to“ n will be pleased to hear of her early recovery. Mrs. N. Hill is entertaining her moth- er, Mrs. Jacobs, with her grand-daugh- ter, Miss Lockhart, of Newtnnville, at the Methodist parsonage this week. Samuel English was in town Wednes~ day on business. He is getting nicely settled in his new 110 me in Peterborough, and we b speak xor him success. Miss Nellie Lamb has gone to Mon- treal to make a visit thh relatives. She “ill prolong her \ isit durixw the wit ter season. Hamilton G xdfrey, a former Omemee- ite, but now of Lindsay, was in town for a. short time this week. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. E, Grand)" who has been quite seriously ill, is now convalescent. Chas. Ivory is gpcndiug a’ few days in Toronto this week. He is on a business trip. ' ‘ James Little of Lindsay, was in town on Thursday Visiting his many friends. Mrs. M. McLaughlin, Toronto, is mak- ingabricf visit with he: aunz, Miss Reid. 0. (i. Williamson made a business trip to Lindsay on Thursday. Miss Flora Evans was in Lindsay for a brief visit on Saturday. Mrs. ‘has. MuCuH‘rey an] daughter, were in Lindsay 1110 ï¬rst ofthe week. W. W. Lngm.piann agent, Lindsay, viaited our town on Thursday. I". ('. Willia’mon, «pent Saturday last in Peterboroug“. t t 3213 v :21»? a? a? w? a. a? «mmmwwflwwï¬ ï¬iazvlfl?» “Ala“ 0%..†"a ..w 6 PERSONAL. The Toronto Daily News We Know it Never $1.50 FOR TWO PAPERS $1.50 You Must Remember $1.50 BQ Sure and Subscribe ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE WTII-I Entered your head that you could get THE BEST WEEKLY in the country and THE BEST DAILY in the province both {or one year for $1. 50. And we are now in a position to send our own weekly and The Toronto Daily News to your address, every day of their publication, for ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS. That Goliath was very much surprised when David hit him with a stone He said such a thing had never entered his head before . . . . . , (ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS) CIVIL ENGIXEERS Arm ONTARIO Lun SURVEYORS, 372} WATER ST" PETERBORO‘, ONT. DENTIST, MILLBROOK, Will be at the Bradburn House. Omemee on the lst. Monday and 3rd Wednesday 0 every month North-west Corner of Kent and York Sructs. LINDSA '. â€Money to 09.1). Money Invested. Poonaâ€"In the Township of Ops, on Wednesday, October 31, 1894, David Pogne. aged 47 years. Emusmâ€"In the Village of Omemee, on Saturday evening, Nov. 10th, 1894, Margaret Lang, relict. of the late An- drew English, aged 83 years and 4 months. Snxsox. â€"On Friday, the 9th inst, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Stinson, asou. Mnxs. â€"-On Sunday, November 11th, to Mr and David Minus, 8. son. Joy and gladness in the house of (.3. Armstrong. Mrs. Armstrong presented her husband with a ï¬ne babv boy re- cently. Congratulations Charlie. Special to the anon' Samuel Nugent’s barn and contents along with his stables and sheds, “ere burned on the night of the 30th u‘nt. Cause of fire,explosion of a lamp. All sympathize with Mr. Nugentin his loss. The residents of Horeb are talking of repairing their church. Sucvess to Professor Sherwood and the Reaburo Baud. A curious growth.â€" M. Ruth has a very curious potato on exhibition at his store. The potato is one. of last year’s growth and while lying in his cellur for the summer, several other potatoes Sproutcd and good sized young potatoes grew on the Sprouts \Aithout being cov- ered “ilh clay. But this potato in par- ticular has a good sized young potato bursting out from thecentrc of the old potato without the natural bud which ï¬rst appears. The old potato is fresh and sound, almost as m hen it went into the cellar, and the young potato is burst- lng out of it just as a chicken would break out 01 an egg she I. . W. RANNYd M.Can 5%). 0. E. [-1.- Ixuxsfl -L- 5.30.15 ammo University Winter is comi112,hnt it is not quite so for a -'l\ :mced as some feopie \1 ould like to have it. One 3011111,: 1111111 drow- into our villige on Samrd 1y List “ith his horse anda cutter, but on his w.1_v home the horse got frightened at :1. wagon and ram 1111.1), upsetting the young 111? .11 out and breaking his Hitter. Of Course the horse (beiuw hitched to a anther) thought that the “agons “ere (111110.111 11nd mistook this one for :1 «rhostand got sumed. There is no use tn i111: to rush the sea 1.011 ifyou do y on are apt to pet rushed yourself. Rev. John Gurbntt nccnpied the pul- pit. in the Bethe] (‘hnroh on Sunday, the 11th, at 10.30 m the mnrning and in the alternnon at three o’clock“. addressed the Sabbath Schn‘nl, The address was on the Sabbath Schcol Convention held recently at Belleville, and everybody “us pleased withthe way Mr. Gurbutt dchvered the address. A’ big, day’s threshing of Alstke Clover. On last. ’l‘llurS(Ia\',.tlnc 8th, Wallace Mar- tin of C .\':m, thrcshed for Sidney Bailey with his new Oshawa Mill, 70 brshels of Alsike( lover seed in one day. livery- body says that this IS an extra big day’s Work, and as the season is jurt com- mencing, those who have clover to thrash will do well to emp 0y Mr. Mar tin to do their “ork. Speclal to the Mirror Remember the gran I supper 3' Bethel on Monday night. Allan S. Macdonell, FOR TWO PAPERS BARRISTER, SO ICITOR, dzc. Dr. S. W. Clarke, Ranny 80 Innes, )u â€DUI [U6 â€"As the offer may not last long, so take a good thing when you can Fowler’s Corners. Mount Horeb. DEATHS. BIRTHS. In'thc case afï¬rms there must be attached the actual signatures of the mu names, the nature or the occupation and place or real- deuce orcnch member 01 the same, and furth- enan accepted bank cheque for the sum or 875,000 must. accompany the tender fore each section ; this accepted cheque must. be en. domed over to the Minister of Railways and Canals, and will be forfeited â€the parties ten- dcrmg declln .- entermg int-o contract for work at. the rates and terms stated in the of- fer submitted. The accepted cheque th us sent. in will be returned to the representative purl.- iegyvhom tenders are not gccepted. Plans and sï¬ecmcntions or the work can be seen at. the (mice of the Chlef Engineer orthe Department of Railways ahd' Canals. at; Ot- tawa, or at. the Superlnzendmg Engineer’s ()fllce. Pcterboro'. where forms of tender can be obtained on u..d after Monday, October mammm. , , Sacra tars. r Railways and canals. Mmmm, October, km. 484: D dorslgnod, and endog‘sed “ lender for Trent Cunul," will berecewcd at this ()mce until noon on Saturday, Seventeenth dag or November, 1894.1‘or we construction om out. ï¬ve unda halt miles 0! Canal on the Simcoe and Balsam Lake Division. and also hr the construction or about, three and a half miles or Cum] on the Peterboro’ and Lukefleld Dljjlslon. 7 The 10644st or any tender not necessarily accepted. By orderll SEALED TENDERS addressed to the un- dnrninnml and amlnrsm! le‘nnthu. a»... Lam] and Travelling Salesmen to handle our Hardy Canadign Grown Nursery Stuck. We guarantee satisfaction to representatives and customers. Our Nurseries are the largest in the Dominion. Over 700 acres. No sub- st-ltuzlon in orders. Exclusive territory and liberal terms to whole or art time agents. Write us. STONE} WEL INQTON, Simm nnd Baium Lake Division, ALSO Petetboro‘ and Lukeiield Division. ' (Hénd'Omcie: i'l‘oro'nto, Ont. [Tho onlï¬ Nursery in Canada. having testing Urc :ers.]-â€"18-3m TRENT CANAL On or before the ist of May inst. there came into my premises. Lot. 12. (Jun. 5, Emily, the following cattle: Two Yearling Red Heifers. one year-old Steer (Kouneyflnc two year-old Gray Heifer. The owner can have property by proving same and paying all expunsesin- curred. Apply to '1‘. H. FEE, 47-3 1 Omemoe, Ont. PETERBOROUGH. Branch omceâ€"(‘on Murray and Bethune Sta Lumber, Shingles. Sash. Doors. Blinds, Win dow and Door Frames; Ncwul Posts, Stair Rails, Ruluslers. Mouldcrs c. Scranton Coal in Egg. Stove and Nut Sizes Briar Hill for Grates; Smithlng and Steaming: (Mal; also Coke and Lelxigh Lump xur Foundries. The Rathbun Company Approved Indoned \‘otc-s dismunted for any term not exceeding 12 months. This hotel has been established for over 30 v mm, and is ï¬tted up “iih tho \erv bust improvements. It has good accommodation for commercial men “ith splendid mmpio rooms. The whole house is he Red with hot, 'lil‘ and is in M cry way :1 ï¬rst- class hotel. The bar is supplied with a select brand 01' wines, liquorsundcigurs. ’i‘hc diningtubles arc nnsmpnssod. (.ood staining and atten- tive hustlers in charwv. hues, $1. 00 per (1m. Snnps on EL ouse, LINDSAY. ONTARIO. First Class in all its Appointments. All Modern Ympruvemcnts. Electric Light. and Gas. Electric Lens and 110! Air Heating. Billiard Room and Harbor Shop in Connec- tion. First-class Sample Rooms. BANKER BROKER. 91 Kent, LINDSAY. Money to Loan on Mortgage :1: lowest rates orinterusn Special Rates to Clubs and Theatrical Com- panics. J. M(‘.-\DA MS. Proprietor. 29â€"-ly OMEMEE, ONTARIO. Graduate of the Ont. Veterinary College. Registered Member or the Ontario Veterin- Association. 311s night or any, promptly attend ed to. OFFICE : Next door to Adam’s Grocery. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. T. VValdon, V. S., Bradburn House. J. H. Sootheran, $1.50 Stray Cattle. WANTED. I. \V. \VILSUN. Proprietor. mam J. H. BALDERSON, C. E. HUBBS, Agent PETE RBOR THOS. KELLY, Please come in the foren ‘ 1,. you have a. better opportunity Goods. Proï¬ts gone. .Read this advertise- ment'through and it will in- terest you in the prices of D R Y Gr 0 O D S I, Victoria Lawns, 50 a. yd Checijusllins, 4c a yd Art Muslins, - 5c a yd French} Chambrays, 100 i I) W1 is; if gag V" 9: 98.60: a: ,- .3 100 a yd. Fine Prints, - 50 a yd 5 P§eces Grey Flannel, a yd. Heavy Cotton Ticking, 100. a yd. Cream Table Linen, 250 a. yd. Fine dEmbroideries, 30 a 3’ Ladies’ Ribbed Under- ...emnants of Dress Goods} at mu acts of a11;Wool Deiaines Remnants of Prints - Half PI‘IBB GREAT ELEAHING SALE Vests, 50c a £32.“- Huck Towels, 100 a pair 200'O oï¬â€˜all -‘ CREAM, BLACK, COLORED WHITE 5L1: OUR ALL WOOL DELAINES, BEST ‘ R E I) U C E D . adiesl Fast Black Cotton $1.00 CURSETSEI , .»., 41y.) L aaL UldCK LOHOXE 110:1 ;f-~' L" w.†.‘. Ladies’ Fast Black Silk Taffeta 610 Ladies’ Fast Tan Lotta/1; Run a In. 14’; Colored French Lawns 12-30, woxth ;5< F reach Chambrays at 10:. per yard. \‘LS 150 pL 3} Laales’ Bight, towns worth $1.5 flLadies’ White Skirts 800., worï¬ â€˜Ladges’ Corset Covers 12:2. WOI {Ladzes’ Night Gowns at 400., W Lâ€"I-Ilâ€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" 777777 385 uECRGE ST. 365 365 GEORGE STREET, r“ 1" r1: nuteants of B"k:Cas}:mere For Remnants all 001 Tweeds For Remnants of C Iored Silks Fancy Dress Goods, 5c a yd. Check Flannelettes, 5c a. yd. Empress Challies, 5c yd Colored Muslins, 50 a yd Check Shirt-ings, Be a yd Dble-fold Fancy Dress GoOds, 15c a: yd. Linen Towelling, 5c a. yd Bleached IIiable Linen, 300 a. yd. Silk Taï¬â€˜eta Gloves, 15c a pair. Grey Blankets, $2 a. pair Men’s Shirts, Unlaifn d- ried, 45c each. O 1 \LS 15c pm 031;, M01113 “LL I'LL 1,11? V. LL‘L'LIt gic. ., worth L: perh_ \a “rd. Ion, When bf seeing the EL'ALI'I‘Y, ALL 15C. perï¬fg. FTHEVOMEEIHEEEWROR. v haunt. a' CLOSURE 0F mus The Mums and the Farmer‘s Sun, the orgsnofthe Patron’s of Industry, for one yen, only $1.25. Will: In.“ v__~ v.-veï¬ the next sittings of the Division Court :will be held here on Tuesday. the 4th day of December. Wad: advertisement in our Culum :15 next week of G. Ho son, the ac w watch- uaker and jewelrer. 47 1 Look Ilene! You try W. F. McCarty fur Witches. Clocks. J n-welry. etc. Repairing a specialty. 77 Kent. SL. Lindsay.â€"‘.’7-3m. One dollar and tiny cents will secure . I'l‘nu licnnnn and 'l'he 'l‘uronto thiLV , taserm (of exp «mint, . pleasit lixm phens ummi‘ charge ; It app! from hour a Go to'Biglnbothm’s, whm in Lindmy. fur Try the Insect [‘mvdcr lux‘ Ani- :0}:de so!!cibc¢â€"27- 13-. Stoplooking toward the wrong 1.13%, and it will be easier to stay in the ng‘m plantâ€"Ram’s Horn. We will give the two bestlocfl papers published in the County for $1.25. Sub- scribe at once. Chg-god with drunkenness 338 times before a. single police judgeï¬s the record ‘oae Liverpool woman. he is anywhere else. Ten Cents will get the .‘Imnou for the remainderof the year. live keep praise alive, there w ill be no lack ofjoy in the heart. GogoBIglnbouuxn s, vht n In I. huhm for o...“ .1 .. -mt Pun-"d -r In!‘ ‘ni Look Ilene: You try W. F. McCarty mr Watches. Clacts. Joowelry. etc. Repairing a specialty. 77 Kent SL. Lind.<a._v.â€"‘.'7~'im. One dollar and fnty cents will secure [Ems Manon and The Toronto Daily Jews for one year if you subscribe now. Rev. Mr. Gar-butt occupies the Meth- odist pulpit next Sunday morning, and Rev. Mr. Hill in the evening. Remember the grand tea at Bethe‘. on Monday night. Big time expects]. Don‘t miss this event. Agood program of music as well as excellent addresses, will be dehvercd on Monday evenix‘g next at the Bethe! The Fruit Growers Association of On- tario will hold their annual meeting at Orilli: on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thuuduy, December 4th, 5th and 6th. Dr. Neelands. Dentist. Lindsay. extracts teeth tree when nrflï¬clal one: are insert-n: the nu orcither the Hypo'lermic Set-div ed Chlorvdc or Gus \‘nLullz': l Air.‘.‘â€"deu. ,\ Winter weather. first-snow last Sat allay. alumnae alter faces. Misfortune tests a man‘s metal. ForShelfHa'rdv. are try Parsons. -â€"-11 A pure conscience is free from com my, For Paints, Oils 62¢. "a to Pars ms .11 China is becoming a ï¬ne article of malted-u ear. First importation of tea, direct from Japan, at Parsons'.â€"41 One dollar and ï¬fty cents will secure Tgm Human and The Toronto Daily heirs foroue year if you subscribe now Rev. Wm. Johnson of Trenton, wiii deliverthe anniversary sermons in com motion with the Bethe! church next Sunday. When wishing your laundry done in ï¬ne style, leave it. at. the Mnmon O:i‘zr‘e. The agency for the Penerboro' Swath Laundry is located at this ofï¬ce. W. G. BLAIR. Merchant Tailor. Head Kv-n'. Sh. LINDSAY. respectfully invites all his oMOmemee friends and acquainzancus :u call 'heu visitlng Lindsgy and inspect hi:- rruw' The small children were in (103,42; last Saturday when their eyes beheld the, snowy surface. Thev were out with then- ulerls and seemed to enjny the 5:81: approach of winter. â€" Shilgh's Cure IS sold on a. gxlarzmtm‘. “cures Incipient Consumption. It is U r best Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose 23cm, 50cm, and $1. 00 per bottle S ‘3‘ by R. J. Mulligan. Ifyour watch or clock is sick, H0891), the watchmaker, can :1. aka :. A keen observer has said that Mr. Moody resembles a trolley car in 5:0“ ting his power from above. Another point of similarity is in the tact the) both draw crowds. He will sci-ely make it go If you give him hall a show. The Star Printing Ofï¬ce at Ila stinzh‘. wu burned out on Monday night by a â€rim eonfl gration, which swept a. big Poflionofthat town on the above cv en- in:- We sympathize'with Bro. iclxriver in his loss. 1‘ you not to buy or sell a farm.n,uv. in tho Toronto Weekly In“. That paper reached 1mmâ€: homes every week and your “ï¬tment should meet the eye of :0:n«‘ 00°th 1mm 2» purchavlte. Advcrxinm‘nis 0‘ thll clam 1n inserted In the Toronto wâ€kl’ I‘ll for Five Cams sword for oath 3130!“... Twenty Cents: word tor five tnv Mon Address I‘m: In“. Toronto. Catlin-l l when you are going to get married, don't forgot to procure your marriage “anâ€. E. Hagan in Lindsay will issue 006 for you for $2.00. Be sure and pro- cess it is; ample time. so as to amid no deltaâ€"4641‘. Mi amount meeting of the Board of gdmï¬ï¬‚on, all of zlge present teachers in ‘01:: high ,nd public schools were reen- M,‘ the ensuing year. ï¬gfym v 9*- ws some mgr. his! luvâ€".553, 5. u~H=>vJ .achE. Hueâ€":5 in church is FRIDAY. xovmxmm m. hm. - In tlr _.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"F".â€"â€""'T"__â€" ‘ lady {n at. anoxxc raises fo ceather. %"\\'itll I in last Saturday~ ' you": I reï¬ned â€we alter faces. Esa)’the me tests a man's metal. 1 ()meuue on them, :it‘clvr‘l-g‘LiBEQE‘aHd iuspccl his sailings. “ The Laws: CITY Ll IflflOI. 60150 w EST. .1 To Toronto.0rillla. e ‘ Uxbrldge. Lindsay ¢ 3 ‘ all points north and t went. .......... 8.20 gm L To Pemrbom, Rut ‘_ 1 I": Hope. Peterbom’ l ‘Cobourg. ‘Beueville, d ; and all pomts south _ j and east ..... 10.ï¬lm_ TABLE. (Stand Trunk R’y To Toronto, Ux- bridge. Lindsay um 11! points north and we“. .... .. ....5.l:5 p.131, To Peterborough. )ltllbmok, Port Hope Cobourg. Believing. and all points north and west.... . ..7.'£:u.m. Mould Be hard he CLOSURE. worthless as u :5 Ln between Bewdly This a. rests and kin $100 or Cooks c The s! the {out sauce. Murdl K ingsu shed d! any trade. \" he who 00: Dank (thbe H “I was liver tr: Shiloh'l IS an i213; Ml Read ing in a the Eu will 00 ian Ch mer "81 ea oft): A inn p. m. be plea ministl zomg ( day ev (attain nent m be pros {crian make a good Capt; 011., s: is the 1 that W4 cenm. From Mr. Cal vice 'x-rr Church An ments ciani‘ if you you w advefl read 1 page 1 cents a I'Ol’i coma gener: ozher ‘ and b' agam. {or an moth! charm: sum» 1 ma suis' Mail 1h". 6‘ Mail. arouv 001180 ml I, to s‘ 1; low , eve! 1 otlu ‘ I (It has . tic: 1 9w We t‘ befa u‘izil his “ {e a and in m V. Ric ne 1.1‘ {men a m: blow 58“ a bu: in; and Hot frie: em 0001 mau An