It and feed, ï¬eld. ('1 Plaster. Delivery of roï¬ts and goods, at Bark; In all 1:1.LL:;, an; Torcnto. ed Store EFF) hundred '82 Hunter Sts. at pow .i: is , a fazr price in s to pay fancy gountry Eave Vie would be 1' stock of Fed) 1 f9; this ,Ã©ï¬ stores the prin- Dominion. get in line, ; been a ONE E‘g. Co. of ast Cloth- a Domin- ‘13 in the people of atter ser- 1e manu- 10W who Other- people \M‘ Mens‘ Buï¬â€˜ Bals., worth '“‘ \3225, SALE price, The hallowo’en pranks were this year most disgraceful and anything but a. credit to the big boys that did such dirtv work. They are all known, and if property is not replaced they will set-- tlo for their vandalism before the mag- The services in the Presbyterian Church during the winter months will commence at 2.30 p. m. instead of at 3 o’clock. The congregation will please make a note of this. Messrs. Samuel Grandy and T. C. Stephenson will please accept our thanks for the nice piece of venison they left on our table yesterday. They report having had agood time while out north. travelling through miles of dense swamp, and on one occaswn carried one hundred and eighty pounds of deer abouttwo miles. They reached home onTueeday bringing with them four qeautiful specxmens of the antler tribe. Stories about huge potatoes have been rife for some weeks past, but we think we have one that downs them all. A potato was cooked the other day in the house of an Ops farmep and the family of ï¬ve sat down 1’0 do‘justice to it. Everyone ate heartily thereof, but when the meal was ï¬nished there was a large decoction of the potato left. At anpperrtime they again tackled it with renewed energy, but had to give it up in dinpair, the potato 'having great staying powers. Finally the assistance of the poultry yard had to be called in to â€terminate the gigantic “ mnrphy.†Sheâ€"We“, if I can’t live on In" in- come sud you can’t live on yours, where would be the advantage in our many- ing‘! He (thonghtfnfly)â€"~Well, by put- ting our incomes together. on. of on would be able to live, at any rate. She (dreamily) ~ Only fancyâ€"a. month from tc-day we shall be married. He (absently)â€"Woll, let's be happy while no can. A â€port of the public School and othor imeresting matter laid over until next week. . ........... L..‘6.l3p.m. From Toronto Ormla Uxbrldxe. I.!ndsav .11 points north and A man never appreciates the best of life until he knows the worst of it. Famous men are rarely truly great, it is just because you don’t know them. puns drugs-I .Try the Iriuoét Paird’eitoi'iiu; .313. A can sol!c|ted.-L’7~lv. ARRIVAL CLOSURE 0F MAILS P. 8. Have you seen our New Tweed Dress Goods, worth $1.00, sale prxce 75c. Flannels, Blankets, c. Job 1: of Mens’ Pants ery Cheap. Hats and Caps all kinds at sale prices. Real Indian Tan Buck Gloves and Mitts, and a great vatiet} ofothcrkinds FROST PROOF and \Varranted to \\ ear, at lower prices than ever. See our New and Sty- lish Hats, Ties and Mens’ Furmshings,New and Up-to- date in style and price. Mens’ Overcoats Worth $5.00, sale price $3. Boy's Overcoats. worth $5.00, sale price $3. Mens’ and Boy’s Ready- made Suits at Sale Price. Go t_o H1g1nhotham_s, whe_n In {‘lnds: my xqr THE OMEMEE MIRROR. Mens' Buff ‘Balsq Worth . $2.00, SALE price $1.50. Winter Overcoats. Mens’ Long Boots, Kip, . Cooper Smith’s, worth $3.75, sale price $2.75. 1323’ Lung Bum Split, worth $2 52,11 sale price $152. Bay’s Lang Boot; 2121218222, sale price $1 25 For bargains in. Winter MBPHEHSUN LOCAL LACONIC s’ 110mm Bals, worth $2. 50,1113818 Brim $2 00. McPherson Go. CO’S. I. THURSDAY. NOV. 7. 1895. CWSURru You can duplriicrate the above work for parlor amusement. The only book ever pnbiished instructing the above hmdeu forces. Volume seht prepaid to any address m the world on receipt of price. $2.00. Address, AGEXTS WANTED. Exclqagve right; given, Handsomely Bound in Blue and Gold. Illustrated. Instructions how to re- roduce all Spiritualistic, Hypnotic, ilesmeric and Mind Reading tests per- formed by Seymour, Bishop, Brown, Jobnstone, The Bald wins, Hernau and others. How Co drive blindfolded and ï¬nd hidden articles, tell secret thoughts, spirilualistic writings and answers given, etc. Treaties on dreams. for memorizing purposes, forcasts by pal- miscry, hair, tea, coffee grounds, cards. Also full explanation of the Seymour Buried Alive Test. We understand that tiiecongrezation oi Springville and Bethany have ex- tended a call to the Rev. 1:). S. Logic, of Chalk River, Ont. Mr. Logie has a. good reputation as an active christian worker. His efforts have been attended by the blessing of God in his present station and his work has prm’ed a. marked success. We hope the Rev. gentlemanahall see his way clear to accept this most hearty and unanimous call; and that we shall soon have ,the pleasure of welcoming him to our neighborhood. Mr. Logic is a. graduate of Mari-in College, Quebec, where he was for six years a. class-mate and inti- mate friend of Rev. J. U. Tanner. At the residence of the bride s brother- in- law, W m Revnolds, Esq., Lindsay on Wednesday, Nov. 6th inst. by the Rev. Kenton Hill, Omemee, Mr. W. J. Jones, of Hope», to Miss Fannie, young- est daughter of William McMillan, Esq.. Clark, Ont. The monthly business and mission- ary meeting of the Woman’s Auxilliary held at Miss Reid’s on last Thursday. was well attended. It was decided, in response to an appeal from Mr. Harland, missionary at Greswold, ta send as soon as it could be prepared. a bale of cloth- ing for distribution amongst Indians in his mission where great poverty and destitution prevails. A very interest- ing report of an address given at Lind- say by Mr. Eugene Stock, one of the best informed men on mission work in the world, was listened to and much ap- preciated by all present. Members in all parts ot the parish are notiï¬ed that the yearly subscription to " Leaflet †are to be paid in November. Called to Snringvino and Bethany. The Grand Central Hotel, Peter-bow, ““- Yl’ns been nmnnlellml under new manaze~ ment with the only Evautnr Aceomodatinn in town. Good Stnhlinz. Tt-rms reasonable. OppOslte the Opera House. Georue~st. GEORGE GOBIEL. 46-2m Proprietor. We understand that the Rev. New- ton Hill has been unaminously invited by the Ofï¬cial Board of the Canton circuit to become their minister at the clwe of this conference ycar. It is to be hoped that the Rev. gentleman will not accept the above invitation, as the Omemee Methodist friends and others in this community would be very sorry tnlose him, he being a universal favor- ite and deservedly popular with all classes, and has done much to bulld up the church here, and we feel that his work is not yet completed. When remitting his subscription to the M1330}: last week, by letter, Dr. Goldsmith, of Peter-bore. made the following complimentary remark in reference to the above journal: " Allow me to say I think you are giving agood paper and the people of the surround- ing country should be proud of it. I hope you will go on being successful.†Wholesale and mum Dealer in Grow-cries Flour, Feed, Bacon Ham Lard. Salt and Hay Allkinds 0f Garden and Field Saodn noned Oats 0:.umenl «temuc. Telephone 146. 4-12 George and!“ and HG Brock-sts.. Peter- born 0m. ARTHUR E. SEYMOUR, Publisher, Lock Box 222, Utica, N. Y. Advertismg pays. W. Calvin Inst his dog, "Patsy,†and called at the anmc ofï¬ce to get some posters out, and before many hours the dog was re- turned to its owner. Try it. Miss Lillie Jackson, of Peter-borough, sang a solo in the Presbyterian Church last Sabbath very acceptably. This young lady has a. sweet soprano voice and is at cultured vocalist.‘ The body ofCupt. Reynolds was found between Bucklmrn and Deer Buy in eight feet of water on last Tuesday. The remains were taken to Lakeï¬eld for in~ terment. “No, Willie, den.†uaid mamma, “ no more cakes to-night. Don’t you know you cannot sleep on a full stomach? †" Wen," replied Willie, “ I can sleep on my buck.†Tuesday evening the boys made up a procession and marched up through the Main street: and back to the river bank, where they burned Guy Fawkes. Any person having copies of the Mm- MB of Jan. 18th, March 28th, and June lst, this year, will greatly oblige the publisher by leaving them at this ofï¬ce. Wanted $500 from subscriptions with- in the next month. Those who are in arrears to the Mme for one or more years kindly call and settle. “See here. you impostor, you’ve hog- and from me four times in the last ten days." “Huh! Yer ain’t got no kick; you tin’t give me a cent." “Mv rich uncle in dad.†“He left you something, did no not?†“Yes.†"Good! What. did he leave you?" " Pennileu." A cordial Invitation is extended to all those who owe the Mnuwn to call and settle, an we need money. Who will be the ï¬rst 7 We learn that ’1‘. E. Jennings sent homes ï¬ne specimen of I. deer this week, which he captured up north. A brand plucked frorn the burning, generally shows where it was charred. Two weeks" from today will be Thanksgiving Day. BURIED ALIVE EXPOSED. Call at Thon. Brady’s, MARRIED. \V. ’I‘ULLY. Chief Salesman. Rdv. J. W. Totte'n gave a brief but spicy address. The vsrious societ‘es of the district re orted, showing that there are about ï¬fteen societies in the district. Rev. A. C. Crews gave a very brief address on " The Junior League.†Min Jackson. of Peterborough. sang beautifully “ Nearer My God to Thee.†Mr. Crews spoke on the “ League Read- ing Course †for a few minutes. A .quartette was given by Bella. Spence, Maggie Scott, Ida Scott, and Annie Thompson, of the Junior League. Rev. C. L. Thompson, Mr. Hill's predecessor, In Omemee circuit, addressed. for a. few minutes, his old friends. Mr. Parsons ssngasoio,“He’s Just the Same To- day.†This was resily good. Rev. F. J. Anderson addressed the meeting on "The Relation of Leagues to Missions.†Rev. E. Cook took for his subject. “ How the Young Peoples Societies may Help the Pastor.†“ Second Vice President and Chairman gmeismonary Departmencâ€"Rev. N. Hill. The program of the evening was npemd by a. delightful service of praise led bv the Omemee cboxr and orchestra. In this, the building; fairly echoed the triumphant choruses of the enthusiastic Endeavorers. The report 0! the nomin- ating committee was read 1nd adopted without discussion. The olï¬cers of the Distruzt League for the next year are :â€" Presidontâ€"S. J. Shorey. First Vice President and Chairman 0! (LEE. Depz‘tftmolltâ€"Rev. J. Garbutt. Nominating and resolution commit.- tees were appointed. Singing was here, and elsewhere introduced to liven up the procaedjngs. There was arvery large gathering and all seemed to enjoy much the lengthy and varied program. AFTERNOON SESSION. The meeting was opened by devo- tional exercises conducted by Rev. New- ton Hill. Immediately after he was appointed chairman, and M isa B. Beatty was appointed secretary for this meet- mg. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hale, of Cobourz werein town last week visiting at the home of Mrs. Curry. Mr. Hale ï¬rst commenced the publication of the Orlllia Packet. and owing to ill health, a few years ago he was forced to retire from the journalis- tic ï¬eld, and his brother has continued its publication. We ere pleased to learn his health is improving and that he will soon be able to resume his journalistic duties, which he always tool: such an interest in. The ï¬rst convention of the Young Peoples’ Societies of the Methodist Church. in the Lindsay District, was held in the Methodist Church. Ome- mge. 'on Tuesday, Nov. 5th. 1895. A Convention of Epworth League of Christian Endeavor. Servant-Major Martin, of Lindsav was in Omemae on Monday hut. cal- ling on his friends here. He visited the Mumon oï¬ice grid told us that he would colanrata the Fifth of November, in his usual way, by flying the flags of Alma, Balaclava, Inkerman and Sebas- tapool, in which battles, most‘of our readers know,the sturdy veteran took part. He is just as willing now. as themif need be, to take up arms {or " England, home, and beauty.†Miss Annie Lockhart. Miss Nillie Ellis, and Wimam Lockhart, of Bethel. township of Verulam. were the guests at the home of Mrs. Mills. Sturgeon-st... on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Miss Lock‘hart was a delegate from the Bethe! E. L. of C E.. and gave a. repart at the Convention on Tues day. George Grifï¬n returned home on Monday from his hunt out north, but as yet we have not heard how many deer he captured during his absence. We hope however, he will not forget the Mirror when quarter-Eng them. Jan. Fowler, of Fowler’s Corners, was in town to-day and gave the Mumon o. friendxy call. He is the pmhmg agent for the celebrated Maxweil Pnlpor. If you want a good article in this line give him acall. Third Vice President and Chairman Rev. C. L. Thompson and daughter, Miss Marion, were the guests of Reeve Switzer. of Emily, the ï¬rst of the week. Their many friends in this part. were pleased to see them Main. John Wilson was in town on Sunday last visiting friends. His many friends willhe pleased to learn he is getting along well on his farm near Lindsay. Miss R. Dolby; of Lindsay, apent Monday and Tuesday visiting her Emily friends. She was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Chambers. Rev. Mr. Creighton, of Bobcaygeon, ofï¬cxated in Christ Church. on Sunday morning. H13 thoughtful, earnest ser- mon was highly appreciated. Miss Timms, of Omemoo, is in town to-day, the guest of her brother, Mr. Alex. 'Jimms, Milkenâ€"Lindsay Post of Monday. After having spent a. couple of weeks viniting her friends at Lindsay, Miss Maggie Adams returnod to Omemee on Monday. Dr. S. W. Clarke, of Millbrok, and Mr. W. H. Lough, of Ida, were in town on Monday last, calling on friends. E. C. Williamson was a visitor to Minden last week. He reports times good in the north country. Mrs. J. J. Lamb, and Miss J anot Rob- inson, were in Poterboro yesterday visiting friends. After having Spent a week’s outing at Minden, Alex. Evans, returned to Ome- mee on Monday. Miss Ssnh Lamb made her Petu- boro’ friends a visit yesterday. John Eakiu, of Millbrook, was in ‘town on a business trip yemrday. Rev. Wilson McCann preached to Inge congregation at Bobcaygeon on Sunday last. Tm: anon lmrltee all its readers to contribute to this column all items of personal nature. such as the arrival and departure of guests, the movements of well-known people, business men. etc. All that is required isto send a postal card toTnE Munoz and give particulars and we will do the reel. EVENING 8333103. PERSONAL. Strand into the promises of the under- s!gned.Lot 22.Con.5 township of Emily, on or about, the 15th otdctober last, 'three Sheep 8 One Lamb. The owneris requested to prove property, pay for advertising and take them away. Emily, Nov. 6th , 1895. The entertainment was decided- ly the best that has been given in Omemee for years. The success of the affair was due to the unt1r- ing energy of Mr. Wright, assist- ant h1 hschool teacher 21ny aided by Mr. T. C. Ivory. The high school library funds for the beneï¬t of which the recital was given, were considerably augmented by the proceeds. Thc Kleiser recital on Friday uevening last was an unqualiï¬ed success. Mr. Kleiser held the at- tention of the large audience from beginning to end of a programme which embraced the leading char- acters of Diclten’s most read and best loved book, David Copper- ï¬eld. Uriah Heep was cordially detested, which speaks the highest praise for the portrayal of the vil- lain. Aill were delighted to see and hear Miss Trotwood, and the gen- ial Micawber won all hearts. The true-hearted old salt, Peggoty, in his unselï¬sh devotions to ‘ Little Em’ly’ claimed the tribute of a tear amidst the loud applause that followed each impersonation of his character. Mr. Klieser was equally happy in the varied humorous selections, which he kindly gave in response to numer- ous encores. These were beyond all praise. “ Tradin’ joe," and “ The Irishman and Matrimony," were best received. f†. The vote of thanks proposed by ; Mr. T. Stephenson, 511;, was cord- i ially assented to by all present and l was well deserved by Mrs. T. C. Ivory for her charming ballad, and also by the Orchestra, whose musxc added much to the enjoyment of, the evening, particularly the comet playing of Mr.‘ W: Stephenson. Bear in mind that T. E. Jennings. 0" the Omemee House. is a llqensed anc- tinneer and will attend to any sales entrustrd'to him, he guarantees satis- faction. 80-1 Send us 25c. for a trial trip to the MIRROR and you will be con- vinced that it is alive to all local happenings. ' The: executive is itcr) be congratulah ed on the large and appreciative aud~ Ience ,x'vhich rewarded théir efforts to segue the gathvring. The church was handsomely decora- ted with flowers and banners by the local league. One sf the speakers spoke of Anarch- ists, Socialists and Nihilists, as if they were similar in principle and all alike to be abhorréd. A socialist is the very antithesis of an anarchist and the prin- ciples uf Somalism are such that not. only can a Christian he true to his re- ligion and belong to the order but the practico oftlie principles of the Urder will aid'liim in fulï¬lling the divine idea of man’s brotherhood. A. C. Crews, Uenenal Secretary, then addressed the meeting on the Epwmth Leisure; its aims and methods. He dealt with his subject very clearly and Very interestingly. A very long report Would be required to do anything like justice to his address and this owing to the limited time, is impossible. The audience, although tne hour was late, listened with wrapt attention through- out. The Omemee quartette, composed of Mrs. T. A. McPherson, Mrs. E. Scarlet, Dr. Walden and Mr. '1‘. J. Parsons, With Mrs. Law as accompanist, again ap- peared. Rev. Crevss replied'to an inter- esting: question drawer. The meeting was closed by a. consecration meeting, admirably conducted by Rev. N. Hill, pastor of Omemee Methodist Church, and the singing- of " Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.†The orchestra speaks well for the training o_t their flirector, \lr. McKnn. ()memee quartetteisa. credit to the village. Represonative to Conferenceâ€"W. C. S witzer. Secretaryâ€"Rev. C. H. Coon. Treasurerâ€"Rev. J. W. 'l‘otton. The resolution committee reported and nominated Mr. G. H. English to act as treasurer and settle all accounts for expenses incurred by this meeting of the convention. Ir. Parsons then an: a eole, which wee well received. Mr. Coon delivered an address of half an hour on “Tendencies." He dealt en the tendencyof the times to conven- tions. He spoke of the tendency of the Epworth League; to produce ef- fective workers and good lives, and to check vice, to cause better church work, and to awaken Sunday schools. The ten- ‘ deny to too much secular-my in enter- ‘ tainment, he said, could and should be checked by 9. W188 and ï¬rm executlve. ; He warned against the tendency to formalism and “ higher criticism.†He was followed by Mr. McKim m a can not solo, " Rocked m the Cradle of the Deep.†This was very pleasingly ren. dered, as was the next number. a vocal solo by Mrs. T. A. McPherson. Rev. of Literary Departmentâ€"Rey. J. W. Totten. Fourth Vice President and Chair- man of Social and Junior Depart m'entâ€" Mias Totten. The Kleiser Recital. Stray Sheep. JAB. 1!. 3011533, FOWLERS CORNERS. P. 0. (301D! RS'I‘S. KV\AAA I“ ï¬â€"v..4«-AA A. R‘J Mulligan The latest in Jewellery. The ï¬n. est stock of Violins, ever of- fered for sale here. Call and get the ï¬rst choice and get ready for the great musical revival this winter. Music will chase hard Of Watches and Clocks cheaper than ever from $1.00 up, GUARANTEED solicited. NEW STOCK A ï¬ne fresh stock, just arrived, of the Choicest Brands of Pastry Flour, consisting of the Queen’s, People's Mixed, Standard and other well selected Brands. Also a choice line of meals, comprising Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal, Rolled Wheat, I‘Vheatlets, Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour. and Corn Meals. These brands are all man- ufactured by the VICTORIA ROLLER MILLS. A call is Pushing, trustworthy men to represent us in the sale of our Choice Nun-sen Strck. S)ecia]ties controlled by us Highest ‘alary or Commission pmd weekly. Steady employment the vear round. Outï¬tf;ree exclusiveterritorv; experience not necessary; big my as- sured “orkers; special inducements to beginners. Write at once {or parti- culars to ALLEN NURSERY Co. Call on me and 1 will guarantee satisfaction. FINE PASTRY FLUUR West End Flour and Feed tare. SALESMEN WANTED A keen razor and a. clean towel {or every cus. tomer and ;â€"- If you should want an enuyshave, A 1, good as barber ever gave, .1 nut call. and m. my parlor rind A razor's edge to suit your mind; I'll cut and drums your hnlr with taste, To suit the contourol‘your face. l My room is neat my (owels clean, Scissors sharp and mum: keen. And everythlng I think you'll ï¬nd To suit the taste and please the mlnd; And all that. art and skill can do, Ifyou wlll call I’ll do for you. I'll shave you all, the young the gay, I'll shave you all for xeady pay; Shaving I do at any tame, And for shaving: I gec n dlmc; lluzdo not menu n dime ln trust. For that would make a barber “bust." uflfliflso unï¬nflumnflm DIM: nlflnvnï¬â€˜m Hluï¬OIunoa 3111M. COLYIN’S DEALER IN Lumber, Shingles, Lath, and Building Material of all kinds. Also agent for all kinds of Farm Implements. Ofï¬ce and Yard: The late Cop - lin Laidleys Old Stand, Stur- geon St, OMEMEE. - ONTARIO. W. H. KENNEDY "A“ In†sell our Choice and liar dy NURSERY STO(K, such as Fruit 'l‘,reeR Loses, Shrubs and Ornalnenmls Ladies make this business a success. Easy work, leasant, light and proï¬table. OU'n‘x'r 111-:1-1. Apply at once “i111 references and secure choice of territory. F. N. MAY COMPANY, Nurservmen and Seedamen, Roche~ter, N. Y. New Lumber Yard. J. Dennis. Lindsay, nextdoor to Don-gun’s Hotrei. Lindsay-st. manufactures the 13!, Prize Dominion bump and has the only thorough Wrought Iron Pump on the mar- ket Furmnm, of Emiiy, and citizens of ()nmmee will please can and see me. All work guaranteed. 35 3m. WANTED. When you are going to get married, don’t forget to procure your marriage license. C. Hughan in Lindsay will issue one for you for $2.00. Be sure and pro- cure it in ample time, so as to avoid no delay.â€"-46-tf. WED. THURS... NOV 20 21 O LY Send for large book on the eye, DRUG STORE, Lindsay, Ont. A. HIGGINBOTHAM’S 87 King-8t. E., Ioronto, Ont. EYE SPE CIAL IST PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, Plpua, Tobacco: and Clan, of the Ru: Brands. In Stock. times. T WALDON BUY THE BEST. ROCHESTER. N. Y. -â€"-AT TH Eâ€" -~WI LL BE ATâ€" FREE. 699d relig_l_:le_men,to at Millbroqk, size 8 :10, which we will send to any address on receipt of 35c. stampfl (tr-silver, a sample ofwhich can be seen at the szmwtï¬ce. Call when . ' in tuW'D. F. J CARLESS, of Photography Outdoor GlV'oups, Live Stock, Pic-Nit: Parties, etc. are reasonable, and we will go to any part of the country, on receipt of a. post card to the above address. We have a splendid view of the Orangemens Procession is all that could be desired in a. hiwh grade Photograph. W 0 make ° : Our Reputation : : You can get the ï¬nest Photos on earth at the above Studio. MILLBROOK. GARLESS’ Photo Studio Or at the Emmet-borough Ofï¬ce. Patronize a Home Loan Company and save expense and delay, and where you can depend on being treated on the most liberal terms, after 11 years sat»; factory experience of unabated progress. For furthex mformatxon apply to The mortgage may be repaid by monthly or yearly instalments. or otherwis». as may be agreed upon, the interest ceasing at once on all amounts paid on ac- count of the sum borrowed. LOANS: Money is obtainable from the Company on approved Real Estate Security at current rates of interest. M CHIEF OFFICES: 26 King St. East, Toronto, 437 George Street, Peterboroogh. The Central Canada Loan and Savings 00 OF ONTARIO, LXM zit-an. THE CITY PLANENG MILLS Proprietor. Frames, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Blinds, c., 850 J. P. RYLEY, Cocoa Wine - 75c. Fowler's Ext. Strawberry 2 5c. Hires Root Beer - 20c. Lactated Food - 20c. Nestles’ Milk Food, 40c. Spirits Turpentine, 50c. gal. Turnip Seed, Swede me. At Higinbotham’s Drug Store, LINDSAY. Victoria Planing Milk LINDSAY. UUH PRIEES is the best that is made, and PETERBOROUGH, .R. DONELL, : PROPRIETOR :mw: E The People’s Grocery, . . N ew Post Oï¬ice Block, Omemee, Ontarir’: : Our Terms : My stock of Ceneral Groceries is complete with everyth {“3511 and good, and at prices to suit the times. Is the Place to Buy Fresh Family Groceries. TEAS TEAS TEAS I HAVE IN STOCK this week a full line of Extra Value Teas from 25c. up. To hand this week a consignment of t. celebrated Indian Moonsoon and Kurma Teas, in packages, 30c. _49 and 500. per lb. Mouldings Casings BASE cannot be excelled, and . KING STREET, . W. Bra dburn TERMS CASH. - . . A Specialty TEAS AND COFFEES A. SPECIALTY. Our Finish PHOTOGRAPHS R. Our Work DOORS ON THE DICKSON RACE, J. D. THORNTON, Omemes: "Air'éiu-u'ixib’i; mauXI: Monl‘ay from Charâ€" lone, (1’0?th Rm. hester‘yat S .30 a. m. For further punk- ul: u's apply 10- . JAS, Exams, or CAPT. J “mun. Harbor Master. on Steamer. . Leaves Charlotte. N. ..(r pm of ï¬nches.5 tor) week days )0 yum, arrives at Cnbourgaz 5.1.3 a.m.. Pom: loin-11.3“) :mn" cxrep: Sutur- day, when S! umcr 10. was at 1.231).!!!" ur- rives at Porynppe lo_p.3_n. Commencing: April 29th. Leav- Port. Ho 11.15 mm“ Cobourg 11.55 3.111., arrive: at harkm-uflhrtor Ruchestor) 4.15 p.m..ex- cept, Monday. whvn Steamer leaves â€2 0.13., arrives at (fharlohe, X. 12.7.30 p.m. Lake Unizmo and Bay 0f Quinta STEAIJBOAT co., LTD. STEEER METH KING Béarthis in mmd If you rcqmrc anynxmg in wan-hoe. olov.ks._§cwellr,\-,silverware. 010.. forwwdim; presents, go to W. F. McL‘a: 3 Lindsay. He will phase you. Prices mud-r- ulc.â€":L‘$~ 3m For Twenty Five Yea-1 s Attention given to country dwel- lings, and estimates for building and repairs given. Lighted by Electricity. Hosted by Stan. WGMENINDGUBT And Building Materiel of all kinds kept in Stock. All kinds of lumber, cedar posts and cordwood wanted. Planing, Matching and Turning; all at Lowest Prices. @Storm Sash, Porches, and Blinds made in the quickest pos- sible time. THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND II. II. GILDERSLEBYE. (mural Manager. Kim LARGEST SALE m CANADA. Wellington S f SAILING NGRTE. SAILING sum 1. PATL‘RSUN and '1‘. Law, Agents, Port Hope. 1m.â€" mguhgi .noec-z'kwixvrg‘i'h;im hnud‘ Au mum: to“ than: nu 7. box. So WM to. van- in To m "uni-my and nth-q, hep the ortuui I n hunky whdidtfl. 11. Washâ€: “14k Scar-"to you; «a... lid mam] d" u..- ., __\‘ -_A, SHOULD TAKE 'mmom WAFER: canning-.3: