J? milemge and Emily citizens Tillie none. that "It.“ Ianulon House, Lind- ny. has clam h'zmds din-cu) oppositv themsrket. w ere you can haw: ample and amnnod‘mm accommodakm {or anrselr " Auld Aegqualntance " mpnuun nlbluâ€"fl 8m $6.00 'per ton delivered, Cash, or 3 months time will F“ be givenb 7 stating that you want it. This price is i: 500;? per tonï¬ess than you can get the same quality ‘;f‘â€â€˜"*‘._bfcoa1 ‘f@â€"iï¬Lmdsay or Peterboro. All my custom- ; ~~ ;;"i*§1;a,jg6§;thégbeneï¬t of a. cash deal this year. 05 E? H tr. B EAT TY Floï¬igygï¬d nd Seed Store Cash foxrAlsyke Said Fall Wheat for Sale. delivered nowi“*« If “you can’t take in your coal new, order it 3313 onqg, and Igwill store it in my coal shed, . and ye}: can have it delivered any time Within two 3‘ t 4 i‘i} Months. 0 Â¥ ’« .“ . "I .. ’ .7 ’ 49031.. A 7' ‘ h V“ f; ‘I j! ’ . -..-' â€â€˜5 â€A "35: E Lindsay, - - Ontario, - 4-... 1"th sun. (min Win: The Race." ‘33.»? announce to his ’g‘é'nLukl-I. Suaon begs -%ï¬dn and .ormer as that hr has re- . . ;__ _ A .L- __.â€".hsm navf In The only person Who handles this quality of coal in Eyeiybsdy that burns Scranton Coal are always happy because they always have a good ï¬re. ‘\ late a. %pech.iiy of Men's Furnishings, _~Mnnd ans. #1me 000413 and Furs. ‘ newun; ladies and gentle-mum or Omn- Inoonud vicinii win-n you are in Lindsay a vows call. on will ï¬nd uvorything up: and our price: to an". the times-3m. I‘m-Inn u u“ ....... opened business Me premises next. to Butler's Bookstore. Kent-st... Llndsuv. and urneuuv solicits a u-omlnunncv of tln-lr f.~.vor. Our stock ls all New. and was pvr- sonally It‘ltcted from the samplus m' the best. mulactunu. A full llne ofvhe mw- est goods In :1... hotwoor always on In md. .Also a «an-plow flock of Soho"! Bums, Ladles’ Ruhhvm, Evening shut-s. Walking 13km», Gent’s Rubbers. Child’s Rubbers. ‘9 to 11 a. m.: 11,03 p. EYE. EAR.THR_DATAND1\OSE. DR. YBLIJID‘S‘OU) STAID, LATELY *OCCUPIED BY DR. REM PT, \; 9.. PETERBOROUGH. Thos. Armstrong Bro., Corner ofGeorge and blurray Stn'ets. Owner: HOURS: Dr; T. Pnnham IflcCullnngh, mu!“ â€" Vvunâ€"uvw- . .. rom- horse. Tue bar nowly huppfled with not brand: ofllqnor and chem-n. Atten- ho-zler alwayu on hand" Holmes ll. _lfrop_r}ogrs. can solicited. Farms (Successors to Fan-weather Co.) , 81380}; Jn co.. r. m. Kent St. . Ll mlsay. 7:0 8p.m. I CEDAR POLES. Kate." T818817}; Poles\ MRS. H. L“? MCCAFFREY, 0F OSWEGO, N. Y., W ants to buy“ G 0 0 D G R E E N Intothc prvmiscs ofthe undersigned, Lot 4, can. 6. Emily. A YEAR OLD BULL. Tm- owner can have same by proving: prnpcrty, paying charm-s and taking him away. Speviï¬a-ntmns and parï¬culats on up- pllcati. n m J. W. BLAIR, Manager, 47-4: Bum full tn try “ Dr. Sheir’s Sviutiv ('nre," 21151:“Fa'urrh Remedy," “Lit-h are_gl\‘ln:.r great relief to sufferers {rum HWSU direusvs, put “pat. East End Drug: Store Lim'szu'. 4!. Into the premises“! the undersigned. Lot 9 ('93: 4, Emily, on or about the 20th Sept. 1833; A HEIFER. uv‘nwr can have same by proving propor- ty,, aying charges and taking her away. " HENRY NUGENT, 4L ()mcmee HO, '10 1-6 Delivered at Statinnn during the “inter “I'M-’98. SAMUEL STINSON, Umemce 1’. 0. STRAYED STRAYED ORILLIA, Ont. '1 his should glw their circulutlnn list a great inert-asp, us it brings within the reach of every person a daily paper {that is generally recognized as the I loading pnporm Canada. As tlwre is Ito be no H'dnt'th in the size of the paper. and evory llepnrlnwut includ- ing the Saturday i'luslrntml (ï¬lillhn. kept up to its present high smwlunl, and considerinv tl'o ennrnmns oxpense that It amen m In nrler to givo all the ll('\\'-"“V|‘fy (1:1)“,36 \\ as hot too much to pay for it. . -.- .v. The Globe (Toronto) I» making a. strong and deserving bid for (-Irvulaiion. Finding that the reduction in the pnca ufpuper and the intruduction of upe- petting machinery have made it poul- bie to publish the paper at a. less cost, the price has leen reduced from $6 per unnuui 1034 per annum for the ear‘y nmrning edition, and the second edition hasbeen disvontinued. So Iavnrnbly known as the Vcltch Hotel for the last 80 years. J. E. L. Slple, late of To- ronto. beg leave to announce that 1 am now Propnlcturnf lhls Hmlse and by careful and clnse uttcntlon to meet the wants or the public, hope to moril u contintmnm- 0f 3'01" patronage. The ynrtl and stables will stlll h “V? lhvsnmc van-rm attention und-‘r the \Vflll‘h rnl eye or “ llllly Richards," hostrlor. \Vhllst the tnhlt-s. rooms and tmr will be kept up to u:.to. Terms 51.00:). duy.<m ‘ A! $4 per mmum its subscription list should soon roach the 50,000 mark. A ï¬ne, large, Brick Store. situated on the Main Street lent moderate. Apply to MRS. G. NORRIS, Store to Let in Omemee. Queen’s Ho tel, Lindsay. A REDUCTION IN PRICE. $2.50 OM mum, UNT .. “Av-Hm ‘nbgn- Mariâ€"g Wwav‘ The people of Toronto want a prefer- ence fur Canadian products in the Brit- ish market. When Mr. Bertram’s leader arrived in England last June members of the Imperialf‘ government at once made ad- vances on the subject. They were prepared to discriminate in favour of our Itaple commodities. But Sir W11frid.(he man ol'the sunny ways, mld them bluntly that (‘unudn desired no preferential (reutment utthe hands of the Mother Country. Bancroft Times: " Rev. A. L. Brown was one ofa party who were hunting near Long Lake recently. and he hud rather an amusing experience while watching a. runneway one morning early, and which came near costing the Methodist: the lone of their pastor. A big buck came bounding along. but the reverend gentlemen “ï¬led to notice the amine! until it wee within a few feet of him. It was then his presence ofmind {oreook him, and with anal that would put an Apache Indian in the shade, he sought refuge behind a tree. The ter- riï¬ed deer turned and fled. Mr. Brown drew e. head on him, but the bullet only bored 3 hole in the nir, and when the pastor of St. Paul's had recmered his equilibrium. he “ended his way to the camp. However. it aflordod him some coneolation to know thnt that made the twentieth shot th- t had been ï¬red at the same deer. This rough answer caused the sensi- tive British heart to close right up, and Mr. Chamberlain declared that after that he would Hot touch the subject of an Imperial Customs union with a. pair 01 tongs. - Union Thanksgiving servicn will he conducted in the l’reshyterhm Church this (Thursday) morning at 10.30, by Rev. E. Roberts. A Lecture and Social, under the aus- pices of the E. L. of C. E., wlll be ‘glven In the Methodist Church, Oxnemee, on the eyening of Thanksgiving Day, 25th November, 1897. Rev. E. Roberts will deliver one of his intrestlng lectures on the popular subject, “ A Buy Who Rose to Renown." Everyone should hear this lecture. There Mll also he clmice muslc,consiu tlnu of Duets, Qunrlcttos, Solos, «Inc. To: will he served In the lecture room of the church after the lecture. Admission, 15c. Alter having their ganerons oï¬'er thus flung back at them, British statesman will never enter into a consideration of the matter again with any Government headed by Sir Will'rld Luurier. Hence it 13 Idle for Mr. Bertram to talk of doing anytlnugto secure a pre- ference as long as he supports Sir Wil- frid.â€"Mailand Empire. lecture. Admission, 15:. The Y, P. S. C. B. having decided to ask the congregation to support a. mauve missionary in India, Mr. Hunt, M. A., consented to address them on Sunday, Nov. 21â€. The folloMng is a short sketch : A Thanksgiving: service will be held in Christ Church at 10.30 this morning, conducted by Rev. Wilson McCann, B. "If ye knnw these things, happy are ye if ye do them." There are several men I Kxow COULD SUPPORT A stsxox- ARY THEMSELVES nuns, and if I met you in twenty years, you would be a great man. a. good man, a blessing to the earth, lfyou did it. In the right spirit. You know a man may give all he has and his body to be lurned and it will be no good whatever. But we have enough to support two or three IF WE um Tm: omen. A Bancroft Clergyman Scared by 3. Deer. Christ has a“ power on earth, physi- cally and Spiritnally, elevating one and deepising the otlver. Do you think He. will allow those to want who gives to him, (‘an He not enrich the farmer? What was that, that determined you to put a certain kind of gram on a. certain ï¬eld, and caused certain speculationsto turn out good or ill. It was God. The ï¬rst passage he called attentiun to was, 2 Cor. 8:7. Ministers emphasize “.0 other graves, faith, utterances, knowledge, and love. Why should the grave of giving he own looked. Giving is a grace. What. is grace? Grace is that something in a man which causes him to give. Intellect is 0. gift. Holy Spirit is a gift. God’s gifts are like Himself, per- fect, and when used properly uiyegrout enjoyment, and a man who enjoys any one, must enjoy them all to some ex- tent. The next passage “as 2 Ci r. 9: 7-8. Some next my ‘ I have not got money to give.’ ‘ I“ had more I would give.’ If you had ten millions you would not give a cent. It in the principle of giv- ing you require. Use the opportunities to have and they will be enlarged. If the principles were acted upon that the bible gives, “a would have to give \\ ith ‘0 His Opportunity Gone. Church Notes. At the home of Mr. Joseph Rather, ford. on the 12th inst, the Rev. John U_ Tanner was very agreeably surprised by the Ludieu’ Aid Society of the Mt. Pleasant branch of his congregation, who presented their pastor with the following address expressive of their esteem and appreciation of him and his work : REV. J. U. TANNER, B. A. DEAR PAsron,â€"â€"\\'e,the members of the Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Ladies Aid Society take this means of express- ing our hearty appreciation of the christian work performed by you while you have moved among us. During the time that you have acted as our pastor, you have given us many proofs of your unflagging zeal, and dil- interested energy, in furthering the noble and beneï¬cial : ims ofour church. By example, as well as by precept, you have taught us that it is not incon- sistent with the highest Ideals of man- hood to be ever ready to succour the needy and distressed. We take pleasure in testlfylng that yen have by your reudiness at every call of duty, no matter at what self- sucriï¬ce,aml by the energy and willing- ness with which you have always assisted us in everything relating to our spiritual and temporal welfare, won our deepest love and grutilude. Our prayer is that the Giver of all good may long spare you In health and strength to he guardian of the flock over which Me 11:19 placed you, and that the success which has attended your luiniutry may cmxtinue until the great hurvest-gutlmring, when all men shall know as they are known. '1 he accompanying present we kindly beg you to accept, as u. triiii ng testimon- ial of our sincere rvganls towards you. Signed on boha for the Society, Mas. Josm'u Bust, M us. Scor'r Rt‘nmuroao, Mus. JAMES PAUL. The address was acr-ompanled with a very ï¬ne pair of ganntlets and a cap, all of choice otter fur. Mr. Tanner rc- piied in appropriate terms and thanked the ladies for the kindly attention they had given to the interests of the con- gregation and tl.e cause of (hriut. A very pleasant ovonlng \\ as Event by the ladies, their husbands and iriends, and refreshments were purtaken of in ajminl and happy way, and after sing- ing a. hymn, all dispersed to their sev- eral homes. The total receipts by suhscnptxon and collections mnounted to 134.30 clear of of all expense. Since the erection of the new church every minister had the satisfaction ofsaying that the annivers- ary servxces, ï¬nancially and otherwise exceeded that of the previ one year. During the past “inter I was success- ful in securing a great quantity of un- usually fine pump timber. This will he (.1 beneï¬t to all my cnatunwrs, and will serve tn m‘amtuin the higlistundard oi quality that my goods have enjoyed in the past. Pumps for Every Service The " Ideal," for 1897, is by all odds the best. in the market. he ï¬rst. cost is ver low, when you remember that it )8 strictly A High Grader, and the annual oust for maintenance and repairs in low- er still. I have handled those mills {or six years and have never yet made a repair on account of defect in material or poor workmanship. The anniversary services oflhe Bethe! (,‘hurcl: this yvar prwcd to be very suc- cessful in every department, and more especially in its rvsnh Iimuxcially. Our present pastor, Mr. Pope can well rejoice in the fact that this year has been farm advance of any prevxous year. “ But \ on re the same old goose,‘ came the ans“ er with a snap. Peterboro, Ontario. P. 0. BOX 362. TELEPHONE 92' Branch at LINDSA Y, in charge of Bethe] has :11“ nys been successful in regard to raising money for church pur- poses by means Mammal 1911 meetings. But the phm nduptvd this younmnl the result ï¬nanviully SilOV-S the people are beginnim,r to (make to the fact 1.};th the right and pmwr way to raise money for the purpose of Carrying on the \\ ork of the church is to pay it out ofhis pocket direct. The anniversary servu‘os on the Sab- bath were Conducted by Rev. Mr. Snow- den, of ('mnernn, and on Monday even- ing, Rey. 15 Roberts, of Ouiemee, de- livered an interesting and amusing lec- tum on his trip to the Old Country and back again. “You're nolonger aspring chick- en,†snecred the angry husband. Sand for particulars of my other linu WASHING MACHINES, etc. 8. WINTER GREEN Presentation and Address. Family Co r: pliments. BETHEL. W. H. IRWIN. T. Evary Sons, Large Consignment of Millinery and Mantles this week. Ladies' Trimmed Hats at 1.50, 1.75, 2.00,- 2.25, 2.50 6: 2.75. Ladies' Trim- med W'alking Hats and Saxlors at 50, 75, 1.00, 1.25. You Should See Our Mantles at 3.89, 5.99 8: 6.50. tall and see our values in Dress Cards. We lead the trade in this line. Costume lengths, no two alike, at 2.25, 3.00, 4.00, 5 00 (Q (j 00. Special 1mg. at 10, 15, 19, 24 290. per yd. We are opening up new goudï¬ every day for some part of the store. You don’t have to wait until the clnse ofthe scasm: to get bargains from us in any line of goods. 'Bargalns all the “we in every department. We can save you from 15 to 20 per cent. on every dollars worth of goods you buy. BARGAIN DAYS, TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, Below are a few of the many bargains on sale this week. Don't fail to call and see as this “eek. Silk lIenrletta...... ....46 F'cy Col’d Dress Goods .. .27 Ladies lace kid gloves..........75 " cashmere “ . ........... 25 Ladies Price List. F’cy Plaids . ...... . F’cy Bl'k Dress Goods.. . ..... Red Fife Wheat Goose Whom. Fall “'heat ......... Spring Wheat Btrley . .. Oat.- .......... Fall Wheat...., Spring Wheat Barley . .. Oats. Rye .................. Yeas ................ Buckwheat When, {all per bu-hel standard. ...70 to S5 " spring standard ..................... 75 to so Barley, per bushel ............................. 22 to 30 Peas, small .......................................... 40 to 46 Penn. mummies . A; to {S Oat: .......... ........ 21 to 23 Buckwhn ...25 to 26 Rye ............ . .10 to 40 .16 K0 IS ..... n to 16 Rye Buckwheat ....... Eggs. fresh per do: Bauer. per lb...... w. gingham, LINDSAY Peas, Dealer in Shelf Hardware, House-furnishing, Coal Oil, Lamps, Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, Tinwarc, c. “’6: carry a full line of McClary’s Famous Stoves, Ranges 8; Furnaces. Canadian and American Oil at the Lowest Prices. Eavetroughing and Jobbing of all kinds promptly attended to- ............TERMS, CASH............................PHONE 52............ Gentleman’s Price List. l-‘rexze O’coats size 34 35.4 75 reg 5 'I‘wewl 0'00:th .... ..4 00 “ 5 Tweednnits..................-1 75 " 6 Heavy lace boots.... 75 " W. BINGHAM’S Jubilee Hardware Housefurnishing Emporium EGGS TAKEN AS ('ASH. Butter will not be taken on Bargain In} 9. 'l‘hcse arc Bargain Day Prices. T. Ixrorsrgï¬Léï¬zz ans, OMEMEE and BETHANY NflWHfll‘fl‘ééE‘il‘fl Sim :11 Lindsay. Tweed suits Buff hale ....... Dong bals ...... Youth’s Price List. MARKET REPORTS. Ol ‘lâ€"vvvâ€"_ , LARGEST SALE I» CANADA. For 28 Years veats..........................,20 vests.... ....25 dong. button boots I 25 bufl' bals .... glove grain bals... Corsets . . . . Winter blouses PETER BO R0 )1 ARK ETS . S.â€"Call solicited from Emily. Ops 8: Omemee People. LINDSAY M ARK ETS OMEME E M A RKETS SHOULD TAKE iigï¬mvmm warms 1" To comm-s lnrpxlavlfy uni wmknrn, km}:(Loom-nun"haullhyu-ndnhm Tho ‘YAJHII‘I "um :amn ‘zoyoung \\ 0mm. I“ 3"“ :1 dump-"mt. prm'ldo pan. pa: tull‘ irrflot‘tk‘Alk‘ fry Thn Damn ".7. bmn A H n yd": nnmm Am “A“: hue run-41 for Van»! kno' Ufllflfllflfl Bathanv. .in bals ....... 99 . . . ...... .........46 ....I 00 l ()0 " ...... 89 “ NI ...... 75 to 75 ..... 65 Io 65 ......75 to 80 .75 to 75 “‘20 to 25 ...21 to 21 ...... 40 to 50 ...... 40 to 40 ...... 25 to 2.5 ....11 to 18 ...16 to 18 ‘25 re: 35 37 “ 50 15 " 20 24 †30 99 .75 ‘0 75 .20 to 25 .21 to 21 ,40 to 40 40 to 50 .22 to 25 75 to so attention. Yours sincerely. 160 30 (30 10 25 60 "F: 00 15 50 $5 WEE. COLYIN’S Tweed ()‘coats .......... l‘reizc " 3-picce Suns Boys Price List. “ Monsoon" Tan is put up hy the ludixn Tu: grmvcm {ls a sample of the bust quaint: ut lndma Tans. Tin-rdurc lhcy use the groups! care in the wlcclion of the Tra and its blcud. that is whv they put it up lhcms'clvm and sell i! Orly in the arig'n‘l r-LCkagï¬' lhcrcbv sccurhlg ivs pur?! y and audiem‘c 'ut up in 5415, 11b. and 51b pmkages. and new sold in bulk. Girls Misses (iluve 11min balm. 89 “ l 00 “ lmfl‘ hula ......... . 79 " 96 " dung button......l 00 " l 25 “ skating huh! ......I 20 " 1 40 We lump a (nil line of J D King ('u’s In «As a" was at special prices. (in-at \ahu: in rubbers and children‘s hunts and 811099. Call on me 3 your grocer does no! Lccp it. tell him to mite I. TM: FINEST Tr: 'N THE VJDRLD I'ROM THE TEA PENT TO N: TEA C‘JP Maidu' Grey (w ttnn. \V‘llitt‘ I 11110!) (Irv) 9.112.01 Stapie Department. Heavy tweed \Vhito 71blnlankete Fuclur)‘ flannel LUIIH‘N‘. \\ (In) huse .. Lmlie’s riM-ed huï¬e .‘ICII’S “'00! SHX .... Table linen uflululo .Bmumyflnm 02H: .IIOAH‘“ uduouAvlfluopflv 30 lbs ammr {or .... 7 lbs Japan Tea. (Special) .... Japan ten, -25 reg Hark tea. .. ......... ... 24 " 7 His tapioca funâ€... ............. ... Salim-n, per tin....................... Sardines “ 3 lbs new Valentin raisins for......... 4 Ike (‘urnmts . .. ................... ('lmuing tobacco per lb. ...... .... Special values in crockery. Groceries. Mirror Omce for repairs, will have my A keen razor and a clean towel for every can. tamer and :â€" 1! you ulmuld 'snt Ill euyahnve. Asgomlnahar rever ave, Jun oall,nnd at my par or ï¬nd A rum": edge to sult ynurmlud; I'll cm and dress your lutr wlth mtg, To «ult the contour otyour face. My room ls neat my towels clonn, Scissors almrp 1nd ruorl koon. And everything 1 think you'll ï¬nd To suit tlw taste nnd please the mind; And all that art and skill can do, "you will call l'll do {or you. l'll shave you all, the young the guy. I'll ï¬llavc you all for tesdy pay; Any Watches, Clocks, etc., left at the Shaving: 1 dual any Lune. ' Aud fur waving 1 get: dime: But do not mean a dime In trust. For thm would make u bcrber "bun." - .m- .. eraâ€"4., HA‘.’.’ -3 .2 cc. 1; anJ 13 Front street East. Toromo. PlpesJobaccos and Cl‘an. of m Bu! Brands. In Suck. IN 9T5 NATIVE PURITY L‘fllhitesmith. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. mantles Price List. and l willmnrnnm uuamuom for .... ....1 Tea. (Special) ...... ..l .............25 reg ............. ... '24 " fur...... .... tin....................._ u u....--o.u--.--.-o..n lentia raisins for......... [B . .. . .. ................ n. 3000 pEr lb. ...... .... LI.~.. ‘Qu 5 r9: 450 30 15 any watch repam Rev. E. Rubens, to-day. He will 11 at. Methodist. Chm any Punt of Heads â€To-def. ï¬Nov'r 25m, ï¬'Thankagivin #1. e c t u r e : ï¬â€˜ï¬‚etlxodist C 3A (1 m i s a I 0 Miss Lottie Jone n! Bobcaygeou this Rev. 100. Kilznu town Inst week c121 Mica Maxommf] ofthe Misses Mag: Kr Newton Hen . visitor at the h In: week. ments with a Mics mu xv, m tor 3: the home 91 nook. Hours. J. D. Th lim were in Pa: The msny friendl Phersou “in regrd awe a» leave he: r04 nose. Misc Sarah Stins‘ spent Sunday and ‘ in town. Misc Bender! a. Llnd‘ny, were in to on (news. Division Court 5 In the Bradburu Tuoaday. Dec. 7, service Nov. 26th i butinosa. Manufacturing Furri nw fur. Kent KL. 0;) Mr. Delbert Adm hauling nwrchant d†amending his! in: on old friends. Mr. W m. Adams Mr; T. A. Mitchell 06' successful“. I at n goud price. Bllllls Mutant-(Luring Fur placo to have your r paired. Naming b shock. KentSL,Li Miu Curry, of OI hetr Mrs, William: “H A. in St. Thom Monday night. SI the M18898 Rolls.â€" Mr. David Mule: Fridsy on Lot 3. (:4 s big success. en good price. Mr T. moo, was the anal Arum.- in Llndsay. nut-emu and satisf: prices ire cs low I Corner 0! Kent and Mrs. A. Wilson, to Midland and accompanied by M Bell. who was re spending 3 pleasa: In this vicinity. L AW 0 F F [C] Barrister and 1 brook. open in IO I DA Y after burn's Grocerv. The Mfllbrook Hope Guide says: Omemeo, a form vu here last Sm u the union, 3 Arthur Md‘res... immn and Fred . spent Sunday at U lay at the station. At 3 special me to. of L. O. L. l hu'e their sum night. Two of U Cnnads an to be got the best cone For engagement wedding present: toe W. F. McCart: 83.. Lindsay, abo: you with dninty r. 47-3m. The only round htndy fore! and yx All work mnde by :t Milan guaranteed. on: o podte Brm E. “‘11! unnon. th Mrs. H D. .‘IcC another column t buy gnod, green Speciï¬cations a: cgn be nbtairt‘d Blair, munager, 91-101“ F0“'LER CU. Photographs c; FOR Cedar Po ‘l . .l' had