Hopsâ€"Tone firmer. Dragons. sell here at 18 l-Zc, and choice Ontario growths will bring 14 to 14 1-2c eas. fly and occasionally 153 is got; year- lings dull at 9 to 10¢. Buffalo, Nov. 6.â€"-Spring wheatâ€"No. 1 Nathern,‘old, carloads, 82 3â€"8c; No. l Northern, new, 81 1-8c; winter wheat, nominally; No. 2 red, 77°; mix- ed 76 cents; No. lwhite 75c. Cornâ€" Strong; No. 2 yellow, 42 1-2c; No. 8 yellow, 42 1â€"4c; No. 2 corn, 4] 1-2c; No. 3 corn, old, 41c; new, No. 3 yellow, !1 to 4d 1-;2c; Na 4 yellow, 40c. Oats -Strong; No. 2 white, 27c; No. 3, white’, 26 Me; No. 4, white, 25 1-20 No. 2mixed, 24 1-2c; No. 3, mixed, 23 H.‘ {Barleyâ€"ngrn, c.i.f., choice to best, 58 to mum: to good, 54 to 5%.: human, 50 to 53:; State, 57 to 60¢. Baled strawâ€"Car lots of good straw are quoted at 85 to 85.50. on track, and tan lots, delivered, at $6 to 86.50. Haneyâ€"Dealers quote from 9 to 9 1â€"2:: per 1b., fox 5, 10 or 60-lb. tins. wquing to the siza of the order; comb honey sells at 83.40 to 82.60 per dozen sections. Baled hayâ€"Steady. Choice timothy, on track here, $9.50 to $9.75; twoâ€"ton lots, delivered, sell at 310.25 to $10.50. - Dried applesâ€"Dried apples sell at3 in 31-2 ; and cvsmated at 41-4 to Field produce, atc.â€"â€"Turnips, out of store, 3k, per bag; onions, 60¢, per bag; carrots, 351:, per bag ; appiea, per bb1., 50 to $1.50; sweet potatoes, per bbL, $32 to $2.25. , Beansâ€"Ordinary white beans bring 81.30; choice, hand-picked beans are :quotod at 81.40 to $1.45. Potatoes â€" Offerings at outside points continue liberal, Prices easy. Car lots, on track here. sold 10-day at 28c. Sales. out of store, are made at PouItryâ€"To-day was another bad day for poufltry. Owing to the wet Weather demand was slow, while furtben supplies came on the market. The result wasa very .weak market. Turkeys were hard to get rid of. The demand for chickens was fair. Quota- tions are as foliows:â€"Chickens. per pair. 25 to 35¢; ducks, per pair, 30 to 50¢; turkeys, per 1b., 61-2 to Sc; geese, per 1b., 5:0 6c. PRODUCE. Eggsâ€"Choice boiling stock is scarce and: ï¬rm, but fresh gathered, com stored, and limed are plentiful and easy. Quotations are as follows zâ€"New laid, 20c; fresh; 1'? to 180; held, 15c; timed, 15c; and culls, 9:0 100. Butterâ€"There is ag'caod enquiry for ahoioe dairy butter. Prints will bring 19c, and large rails 18 1-2c. .Re- !eipts, however, are light. Crt‘ameries Ire ‘steady, and in good demand. Poor to medium dairy is plenciiu‘. and heavy in tone. Commission houses sell to the trade as follows 3â€"Dairy, tube Ind.pa‘x‘ls, choice, 17 to 18c; and second Quality, 14 to 15¢; dairy prints, choice, 19 to 20c; creamery, boxes, 20 to 21c; and. pounds, 22’. to~23c. Cheeseâ€"Full creams. J uly and Ang- ust makes, sells at 11 1-2 to 12¢. Mutton. . . Lamb spring. par 1b. Veal carom. . . . Drama hogs. L . . . Toronto Maskets. THE STREET MARKET. Toronto, Nov. 6.â€"0n that street to- .‘hy 1.000 bmh white wheat so}d at 88 to ($81-th 300 Mb rad wheat at 881-") to 690, 1,200 bush goose. wheat at 661-20, om load of spring- Wheat: ‘1: 690. 2,500 bush barleyf at 43 to (460, 1,000 bush cats at: 28 to 290, and one load of rye» at 52c. Twenty-five loads ht hay. hold at $13 to 315 a ton,;9nd hue load of straw at, $11.75. Wheat, white, stg. . $ 0 68 s 0 68 1-2 Wheat, red. .. . . . 0 68 1-2 0 69 Wheat spring. . . 0 00 0 69 Wheat, goose. . . o 00 o as 1-2 . 0 33 0 29 o o o o he intended to smash the place with ntmery. . Lindley is reported to bea heap of ruins, the houses having been wantonâ€" Iy wrecked by Boer brigands. . I, A despateh from Bloemfontein. , There is much feeling among t1" Saylzâ€"A resident of Harrismith gives whites owing to the military authori- a gloomy descrigdon of tha situn tion 'ties having permitted Indians toopen in the northâ€"eastern d'mtrict of Or- ?stores in Harrismith, Before the WM â€8° Colony. gno Indians were allowed to-trade in the Bands of Boersvare moving about. Free State. De! Wet is terrorizing the residents or the small towns. Quite reCently be sent word to the. people of Reitz to send the women and children away. as Bands of Rosa's-are moving about. shooting at sight at anyone coming within range, and looting and burn- ing houses and stares belonging to Britishesrs and neutrals. Tha names or many or these mar- nudors are known to. the authorities. but it is impossible to catch them. Harrismith is strongly garrisonod. and the bill: are fortified. The patâ€" r013, who are out every day, have swept the country clear of stock’ for DE WET’S EéARAUDERS. Ravages of Guerilla Warfare Orange River Colony. DAIRY MARKETS 500 008 039 945 0051-20061-2 009 010 040‘ 060 0 52 0 47 1-2 15 00 11 75 0 21 675 0 09 5. 7 046 Hunter DPiVeS the Boers Out 02 , Ventersburg. A dmputch from Lomdon says ;â€"Thq War Offbeo has received the following despa'tch from Lord Robexts, dated '01: Jommsburg, October 30;â€""In con- sequence of humerous_attacks on. thy railway, Hunter drqye this enemy on}; of Vantersburg wnth sham oppom. (ion. Majar Hanweull was mortally wounded.†MAJOR Will Rellnquish It Long Enough to Exchange Visits. A despatch from Paris sayszâ€"The Foreign Office officials any that for: me: President Kruger will travel in-‘: cognito during his visit at the Euro4 pean capitals, reliquishin'g it in eaoli city only long gnough‘ to permit an exchange of visits between himseli and the head of the nation. His staj in Paris will not exceed 48 hours. Thq French Government will not offer] Mr. Kruger any formal function; though it is expected that the city will tender him a demonstration which will be a scene of enthusiasm; The Government will not take part in the reception, but will not, how; ever. put any obstacles in the wax of private plans of Welcome. KRUGER TO TRAVEL INCOG. The Boers are surrot‘mding Vry- burg, on the» railway north of Kim- berley. Vryb'urg is the ï¬rst town that was occupiazI by the bin-shore a year ago. , DEVASI‘ATION IN BOTHAVILLE. A despatcuh hum Craddoak, Cape Colony, says; â€" The Dutch church is the only building left standâ€" ing in Bokhavills, owing, it Is report- ed, to the strong British measuru. ' INDUCEMENI‘S TO RECRUITS. A despatuh. from Cape Town, says;â€" General Braban-t, who has been ap- pbinted to anpeï¬ntond tho recruit- {mg of the Cape irregular forces ap- peals to the man to come forward, 81-- laging that under the present condi- tions. anything like a general re- turn of refugees is impossible. A train has been derailed at Jagersa fantasia, and the railway at Edonbm‘c has been wrecked by Bears. A11 Boers Over Fourteen Taken In“ Bloemfontem. A devpatoh from London, says;â€" South African despatohee state that all Boar: over fourteen years of age wiihin a dozen miles of Bloemfon- t-sia have been taken into the town to pmvent them. from joining con- mandoees. Tohedo, Nov .6.â€"\V.h.eatâ€"Cash, 70 1-20; November. 76 1-2c; December. 77 7-8c. May, 82 3-80; Cornâ€"Cash. 370; Decamber. 35 3-8c. Oatsâ€"Cash, 22 1-442; December, 23 1-4c. Ryeâ€"53c. {lowerâ€"1899, prime, $6.20; December. $6.95, March, $6.90. Oilâ€"Unchanged. BOERS SURROUND VRYBURG Duluth. Nov. 6.â€"\Vhreatâ€"Caah, Nos 1, hard, 78 1-40, No. 1, Northern, 7. 1-3c; No. 2, (10., 71 1-4c.s No. 33mins. 61 1â€"4c; to a'rrENe. No. 1 hand, 78 1-4c; No. 1 Northern, 76 1-4c; December, 7‘ 1-89; May, 79 1-20. Cornâ€"37c. Oat! â€"23 1-4 to 23c. ; When ’last in occupation of Picks- ‘burg, the Boers did great destruction. The Government stores were ripped Iopen and bags of grain were scattered in all directions. The Boers entirely i cleared Mitchell’s store. and commann 7d‘eored. clothing and goods to the ox‘ 5 temt of several hundred pounds. They 1ais-o commandeered heavily from fMears. McBride and Myers. and on. ‘ Boer womain actually went behind the†joou'n‘te!‘ and served out goods. What the burghers did not want they distri- buted among the poor Dutch and Eng- 13. inhabitants. They also mnrched to the Town bail and tried Mr. Me. Bride, whiie Mr. Ross was detained in prison for some time. Many Ficks- burg burgxhers who had previously ou-rr-amdered have again taken up arms which they dug up from their . gardens. Milwaukee, Nov. 1.-â€"Wlheatâ€"Dull; No. 1 Northern. 75 1-2 to 760; No. 2do., 7-1 to 75c. Ryeâ€"~Lower, No. 1, 50¢. Barbezyâ€"mixm; No. 2, 580; samples, 48 to 560. Minneapolis, Nov. 6.â€"Whnatâ€"Gish.' 75 7-8c; ~December, 74 7-80;' May 77 7-8c, on track, No. 1 hard, 77 7-8c; No. 1 Northern, 75 7-80. No. 2 Northern, 73 7-8c. Flour -â€"Unchanged. Branâ€"In bulk, $11.50 to $11.75. The seaboard mported 25 leads taken gflor export. Clearances, in wheat and flour. ware 622,000 m. companed with 838,000 bush last year. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 377 cars, against 511 cars last week, and 608 cars ayear ago. Local receipts were 163 cars; six of contract grade, Estimated receipts for toâ€"morrow; Wheat, 100 cars; com. 195 cars; oats. 110 cars; bogs, 27,000 bead. Ryeâ€"No. 1. in store, nominally, 55 to Chicago, Nov. 6.â€"â€"Wheat was erratic toâ€"day, but finally turned heavy on weak cables and liquidation, as well as outside apathy. December closing. 7-8c lower. Corn and oats closed unâ€" changed, and 'ho‘g products, 10 to 12 1-2c to 150 higher. KILLED { There .is to be agrzmd review of “he troops here on Thursday, Novem- {ber 1. That Guards’ Brigade will re- turn from Wonderboven to take putt Lin the ammonia j Ooh. Pilkington, of the West Auc- itraiimns, has been appointed to the {command of the Cape Police, to suc- §ceed 001. Mass]. ,1 Sniping by the Boers continues a" §various pom'ts. The other day a. rail:- jroad pioneer was shot wnbhin three miles of Johannesburg. ? We are evidence: that the Boer! are runmmg short of ammunition. TM bandohiuers of. some burgihers recent.†loaptured are unity half filled wntl Botha Marching With a Force of ‘ 5,000 to Invade Cape Colony. A despatoh iron: Pretorih, via Do- Aar. Gaye Colony, says;â€"It in estimaf- 'ed that General: Botha, Grobdor, and "Erasmus have 5,000 men and the 'gums, one of the latter being a 40- Herr Ledeï¬dur, Socialist, was yeI-i {away elected to succeed the late Dr. Liebknecht in the Reichstag. : BOERS STILL SN [PIN (i. ; It is now said that the Kaiser will not visit Queen Victoria on account of his engagements. . : Avondale, the estate of the late Charlews Stewart Parnell, was sold at auction yesterday. ,- ~ The Venezuelan Government will buy interest on all debts" and loam from November. I Yesterday the Pope gave the bene- diction to 10,000 Irish pilgrims visit: ing Rome. V Mm Yvette Guilbert is about to undergo an operation on her throal in Berlin. ». Edward Henry Stuart Bligh.SeventH Earl Darnley, in dead at London. aged 49 years. There have boon serious anti-tax riots in the Serat district of Row The Japan Buddhists wi-Ll go into active missionary work all over the .world. Mrs. Anna L. Adamsom, 3 went- kmowm editor, dmwgthlter ot the Gate ‘E. J. Ruling, editor and publisher of the Saratoga Sentinel, was found dead at «her sister's homo im- Chleago recently, sutï¬ooatod by gas. ‘ Liam-Col. J. B. McLean, of Wooi- ’wich, Eng, and Miss Anna Porkins fsxade, daughter or Daniel D. Slade, were married in Boston recently. The bride wore What was once the court fd-res‘s of the Queen Regent of Portu- 1gal. Two boats, containing twelve men. have “been lost at the mouth at the Irish peat is in damnd at Liver- pool, where coal is very dear. Bristol will ask Parliament to build adry-dock at Awmmouth. GENERAL. In the Bea-3a dintict. Spain. 800 rebel Garlists are in arms. Girls employed in a silk mill at Hazleton, P0... are on strike, the com- pany having refused to ditcharge a torelady whose father, a miner, work- ed during the coal striake. Rosalyn H. Farrell, found guilty of the murdor of Express Messenger Lame, failed in an attempt to mother himself in the jail at Marysville. Ohio. A Poughkeepsie, N.Y., district tarm- er, invented a scheme to guard this chicken-coop. John Mitchell, his neighbour, ms dead. He had a wife and three children. The proposed Philippine traffic ache- flule is ready to be submitted to the War Department, says 3 Washing- ton deepatobu ‘IHI NEWS IN A NUISflflI Four men blown to sea on the yacht Maris, at New York, have re- furned safely to New, York from Jamaica. UNITED STATES. Smallpox has broken out among the dians of Idaho, Oklahoma and “’35):- gton. . The British Museum has sent 2000 akin: of rate birds to Princeton Uni- Versity. ° A; M. McGregor. of New York. 1 iirector of the Standard Oil Company, Is dead. a . John Clinic drove over the side of I ditch’ near Wyoming, Ont. He fell forward with his neck across the dash- board: and was strangled, no the Jury (ound. . , ; Henry Baker. arrested at Montreal. Was sentenced at Winnipeg yeaterdly to two years in the penitentiary for burglary. CANADA. Six new post offices ha." bun op-. ened in Ontario. Senator PelleItier. Speaker of tbs Senate. is ill at Halifax. ; This Mural of Rev. J. X. Moran, "Methodist. took place at Centreton. There will be telegraphic communi- tation between Name and St. Michael! during the coming long Arctic winter. Rev. 1W. R. Young. D.D.. of Port Rape, has accepted an invitation to the First mthodht church. St. The Court of Rsvision at Hamilton mad» reduction“ of $30,000 in {the Sec- hnd Ward. THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. . Gotcha! customs returns were '24- 483,951. an bar-ease of $23.9L1 am October last year. The stem 0! Max. Stinson and J. R. Hm, at Manor. N.W.T.,‘ ware de- stroyed by fire neatly. Interesting items About Our Own Country. Great Britain, tho Uniul States, and Ali Parts of the Globe, Condensed and Assorted for Buy th.: latter being a 40- His Fatherâ€"You ought to be more wono‘mical. mm Spand‘thirirlt'dI know; but, just n0w. father. I h‘am't a cent to be economical with! mo remedy shut cum 3 Sold In one any 11m signgture i_s on everyï¬bof g! the zonnine stands mm the three counties of Dem-high, Montgomery and Shropshire mt. Two parrtions of the house are, thmefom, in 'Wnles, where the Sun- dry closing act is in farce; but a door in the English side of the building ad- mits of ingress for those possessing units of ï¬rms for those 1 b. mvem-days-a-weelk thirst. The principal inn in the village of Llnnymrnouh, on the borders of Shropshire, is the “Cross Keys," which There ‘3 nothing equal to Mother Graves’ orm Exterminator for destroy- ing worms. No article of its kind has given such satisfaction. Eoâ€"Oh, yea. Every moment I am with you. I am completely gone. "Oh! I suppo: pistol are loaded. "Why in thunder is he firing of! pinto}: Inks that 7†Woman, to herselfâ€"It scares me half to death to drive this horse. I. wondcr what he’ll do next. Hana, to himselfâ€"That must be a wanna driving, or I wouldn't be jammed into everything on the road. flimd’s Liniment for smieeverywhere You and not. cough all night and dis- turb your friends; there is no occasion to! you runnhxg the risk of contracting in- flammation of the lungs or consumpzion. while you can get ickle's Ami-Corr sumpth‘e Syrup. This medicine cures ‘couglu. colds inflammation of the hunts and all lhroaé and chest troubles. It pro- ‘ijN a tree and easy expectoration. wi» 'ch immedlamy relieves the throat. and In as “on vlscld phlegm. [hiaï¬ié Brbmo-Qujnipe duets Flintâ€"Its odd that it does not ima pél him to pay up. Poor habit thae don’t work both ways. {flinurd's linimcm (ms llana'rnï¬. In part accounts for thnu'r popularity throughout tha world. These pills are. sold by alldealelrs or may be had by mail at 50 cants a. box, or six boxes for $$150, by addressf’ng the Dr. \Villiam-A' Medicine 00., Brock- villa, Ont. Squintâ€"Form of habit, Jones: says, often impels him to make a loan. Dr. “'illiams' Pink Pills have re- atarezrl more weak and ailing" women and girls to robust hnltb than any othen‘ medicine ever disrovereJ, which "Sum; Hm? after my daughter's cure. I was myself completely run down. and to add to my trouble was seized with a severe attack of i'heu- tna'thm. Remamhe'ring the benefit my daughter had r31- ived from Dr. \Vil- liams' Pink I'i 'z, I decided to use them. and heist? I h: d taiken half a. dozam boxes If fully Tecovemed and ham been in t}: . best of health ever timer~ My arhi e to all aiiing' is to 1139 Dr. \V lliums’ Pinfk Pills for P4 e People. " a marked (.‘mnlge for the better; her apps-tile improved, her color returnâ€" mi, the feeling of exhaustion had dis- appeared, umd by the time the had taken half a dozen boxes she was en- joying the boat of health, and all her old-13mg vigor had returned. Al- though 1.191“ work in the Salvation Army is hard and exposes ‘her to all kinds of Weather, she has since been abie to do it without the least incon- veniemle. Mrs. John Huskineon, 1whose daugh- ter. Emma, 115.3 for a "number of years been an acute I'ufferer from the titer effects of malarial fever. ‘A re- porter of the Sun hearing of the won- derful effects which Dr. William’s Pinkl Pills have had on Miss Buskin- ton. called at her home to enquire in- to the truth of the rumor. After stating the reason of his visit, he was k'ulvdly received by Mrs. Buckin- iou, who gave him the following {act's of the cure: "Some years ago," ‘mid Mrs. H'uskinson, “my daughter l'immu, who is now captain of the Nexwmarket corpus of LheSa-ivation Army, was attacked by malarial â€lover. She was welder a doctor’s care fora long time and although she re- covered sufficiently to go about, the nâ€"foar effects of the fever iefL her very weak and the doctor did not seem w‘mle to put any the into her. She had frequent headaches, was very‘ pale. and the least exertion would greatly fatigue her. “'e thought a. mining: might do her good and com-- .~=:quenttly she went on a visit to Tor- OIIICO. While there she was advised to try Dr. \Viiliums’ Pink Pills and at 0110:: purchased a supply. Before she hhti finished the second box she noted PARADOXICAL. Sheâ€"Gan a person do two things at “In Emma Ilulunun, n Cam.“ In the {luv-lion Amy, Tom low She Io (“nod lulu: Through the Use of I!" Wlllllllu‘ I'll]: I’llll. From the Sun, Orangaville, Ont. - Among the oldest. and most highly fespected residents of Orangeviue is AFTER EFFECTS LEAVE THE VIC- TIM WEAK AND DEPRESSID. MALABIAL FEVER. UNIQUE DODGE OF LAW. 67%, ANXIOUS TO START“ SIMI’LE EX PLAN ATION. TWO THOUGHTS. ONE-SIDED HABIT. both he and the Sheâ€"I can’t think of a. alngle thing“z unleï¬a I should happen to become en-s caged to song othler man. I Heâ€"Noit’hing could ever come be- tween us, could it dean-f Not a Nauseating Pill.â€"The excipienl at a. pill is the substance which enfoldn the in redients and makes up the pill mass. ghat of Parmelee’e Vegetable Pills†Is 50 compounded as to preserve theii moisture. and they can be carried into any latitude without impairing their strength, Many pills, in order to keep them from ad- hering. are rolled in powders, which ,rovd nauseating to the taste. Parmelee’e egeg table Pills are so prepared that they art agreeable to the most delicate. DANGEROUS OBJECT TEACHING." Miss Antique, school teacherâ€"What does w-h-i-t-e spell! Class, no answer. Miss Antiquaâ€"‘What is the color at my skin? Class, in chorusâ€"Yellow. .- Tr' Ladiéa of Canada, we pray you ai the British planter. Austral-in drinks the teas of Gaylon and India, while Canada already drinks their Black tea. Drinkers of Japan ten should try their green teas. Up to date» tea merchants, the Salads Company, for instance, now sell them entirely on merit. “Middle-ofâ€"the road Venn†are only waiting for supplies. hile “sit-on-the fence men†and Waiting to see hoyv the cat will jump. Canadians, Australians and thd splendid you‘th of Natal fought side’ by side with the British tea planters of Ceylon and India. Ladies of Canada: The world never saw su‘ch’nn exhibi- tion of patriotic sentiment as the Af- rican war called forth. LET DEEDS RA'I‘IFY SENTIMENT. The Chinese almanac is the monopoly of the emperor. No Chlnaman deems his household complete without a copy of this unique document. on account of the wonderful information as to lucky and unlucky days which it con- tains. Dear Sirs.â€"I was tor seven years a sufferer from Bronchial trouble, and would be so hoarse at time: thatI could scaroely speak above a whia er. I got no relief from anything till) I tried your MINARD’S HONEY BAL- SAM. Two bottles gave relief and six bottlw made acomplete cure. I would heartily recommend it to any one cut- fering from throat or lungfltï¬rouble. 'All the government buildings in China are yellow, and it is acapital crime for any private person to ï¬le th‘at color on the exterior of his resi. deuce or place of business. PUNLSHIMENT FOR A GROSS CHILD. Take the child who in cross before a mirror and with a black crayon pancil draw the creases on the frown- ing fora-head and the deep punkers about the mating mouth. Promise to remove the manic; as soon as the smiles come again. For fretting, {Jr-ens a plug of cot-ton in each ear. saying- it is bent tho ohild should not hear tm whining voice in which he is speaking. If 'tzhuere is no physical rea- son for the crossneu. diverting the mind is often all that’ia necessary to stop it and bring the offender to a batter humor. 000 times, While the earth is ma]: in; on. annual trip around tho Inn: Many watches make five boats pol Second, 390 each minute, 18,000 every hour, or 432,000 por day. {thus it wil. be: seen that a half dozen turns of the key one. a dcy, taking up utew sec. ands of time. stones up a. modicum of pom in the spring which is cuf up into nearly half a. million of boat: It we mutiply the daily but: by so [-4, the number 01 day.“ in the year we ï¬nd that tho watch ticks 157,788, . The total number of copies of nun- papors printed throughout the wprld in on. you is ostimatod at 12000900,: 000. To print the“ “quires 781,261 tons of paper. Fredericti-on. A penny chants handi 125.000 tins: in the course of a litot'uno. An Elizabeth, Pm, couple married to years. have 227 descendants. ‘To complete their growth, the nails of the left hand require eight to ten days more than those of the right. ’A million man“ a." II“ in In“ op. ovary twelv. minutu. A COLUMN 0! FIGURE. 'A tom of soot results fro. the burn ing at 100 tons of ml. Kidnay Pills D“ Diabetes Budd’s CHINESE RESPECT YELLOW THINGS. THE ONLY POSSIBILITY. CHINA’S ALMANAC. uDedd’n duo; Pills. i.'Do¢:lcl a Kidney ills no ï¬fty cents a. 30:: u all druggists. Md’e Kidn rm: cured it. ecters themselves cenfm that without Dodd'e Kidney Pills they are owerless against Die.- u. Dedd’s Kidney Pills are the ï¬rst medicine the! ever cured Diabetee. Imimtioneâ€"box, name and ill, are advertised to do so, ut the medicine the: den J. F. VANSE'USKfRKL are ta. only medicine t will cur. a- betes. Like Bright’s Dis- ease ms dil- eale was in- c arable uni! Colonist. , .. HE \VEN'T UP. 1) I My biguii.ful;l:l§tritvau Mahlerâ€"Johnny. to!) ms t 9 name 0.†“WW1†‘ of the tropical belt north of the *Ԥf£d§§;§°§,%,,“d m‘tur. . â€SIM-5409.113. m. 2 DR . M.~N. . "Yes. that was before they were ,married." “Am; how \daaa she put-it now 2" E "Now she says he's as stubborn as DISTINCTION \VITHOUT DIFFER- , ENCE. : "Slammed tosay h‘e waaaman of my ltrong' will power. " THE ONLY \VAY. Parkaâ€"There’s only one way 'to manage abouf money matters. When- mm' I see a thing I want, I invari- ably allk myself this quesiionz. "Can ] affard it 1" Parkaâ€"Always. 1:! I fimd I can’t af- ford it, I buy it. Lamarâ€"But do you always stick to this? They Drove Pim les Away.â€"A face covered with pimp es is unsightLv It tells of internal irregularities which should long since have been corrected. The liver and the kidneys are not er- !orming their functions in the has thy wa they should, and these pimples are to et you know that the blood rotests. Parmelee’s Vegetable Pills wil drive them all away, and will leave the skin clearnndcleau. Try them, and there )rillbe another witness to their excel- :ence. Minard's Liniment Reflexes Neuralgiu TOMATO PASTE WITH STE xx. Many first-class cooks like .1 lilllu tomato paste served with their monk. This is inexpsnsiva, and is made by boiling dpwn tomatoes to a solid 111183. A quart of it will last a year: a tea- spoonful laid on the. bottom of the platter sufficing to season a large Itaak; "Whatever vocation the girl wage- l work-er sottles upon she may as well accept th‘e fact, first as last, that slip- l shod performance and inadequate l equippmen't will win no favor, will not even secure a foothold," write-s Mar- garet‘E . Sangster in the November iLadiea’ Home Journal. "The ranks are everywhere crowded, and the second- lrate work must go to the wall. In most fields the supply is well in excess of: the demand, and only the capabl., itho efficient, the competent and the trustworthy. may hope to find them niche. 1A3 a grain 01‘ satisfaction let it ibe added that those possessed of these desirable qualities, those .w ho are ready for service and are msponsib‘e in their work, are sure to be appreci- lubed and will never Cease to be iwantod." Street. Car Accident. â€".\Ix. Tm .1. .s abin, savs: “Mveleveuyear old b.2321 2: -2.‘ is foot. badly injured b being rm. over yacar on the Street ï¬ailway. ‘.‘.'e u: bnce commenced bathin the yfoot with Dr. Thomas’ Eclecrric 011 when {Eu-<13 - toleration and swelling was removed and In nine days he could use his {00L \2’ .2 Always keeplbotcle in the 1101150 1mm {or my emergency. Show and stockings usually match the dress not only in color, but also. in material as regards shoes. With black dresses we see black silk stock- ings, inserted with black lace. and black satin shoes with diamond buc- kles on the ’toes. Gold and silver shoes are not infrequently seen with ever:â€" Lng dress, though satin is always more becoming to the foot. SHOES MATCH DRESS MATERIAL I‘inard’s Liuiment Cures Burns, etc m plans of pins to keep baby’s sleeve just “heme you want it to stay. ‘Wt. mm: will do." KEEPING BABY’S SLEEVES IN PLACE. A! new device for baby'd comfort is the little armlets used to keep the mm 51sz in place. These are made a. rather fanciful gurzer. and are used Beware Of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury. lode. 0.. contain no mercury, and is mkon in lomally. acting directly upon the blood and ucous surfaces of the system. In bu) mg 11's Camnh (Jun be sure you get the gt"!!!- 0. It. is taken inbemal!y.und made in Toledo. bio, by F. J. Cheney 8.: Co. Teatimcniale roe. Sold by Druuism. price 75¢ per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. In China. if a merchant is derelict tn paying his debts his creditor on New Year's dayâ€"the Chinaman’s New Year’s dayâ€"carries away the door of his shop, thus permitting all the de- nons and evil spirits of the universe to entcr and disturb his equunimity us long as the poor tradesman lives. KEY TO THE WORKING-GIRLS SUC- ta mercury will purely doitroy the 3mm.- of cmell md completely (lg-ran e the whole lyttflu when enbarlng 2: through D e mucous surface. Such uncles should never be used except. on smscriptlons tram reputable physician 5. AH Ihc amage they will do n ten le to the 300.! you an possibly derive from them. Ha. l'st'aLa x-rh Ezra, manufactured by FJ. Cheney 8.: ('0.. To‘ 0. 0.. congainnjqo nggrcury. and is mkon in I‘m“! .. -- u... DEMONS 'AS DEBT COLLECTORS Tho Dawson Commiggioï¬'éo; Limited, Toronto. Pgulfry, Butter, Eggs and other ProdUPE Ifyou have any correspond with PPLEg- djhï¬h us. We want I00 OARLOADs to supply our trade. ï¬r. M.~N. Mchyg‘hlin nnn ‘vn‘vn- __ _-â€"7 on tip now . 'n r:1,r~:o‘_~'rmo°3hnÂ¥m If you are suflerins from Wenkneu. Puinl in tho Rheumatiam. Lumbuxo. or a genenl lack or man . can cure you, and only uk you to INSTRUMENTAL. Tcpsy Tuyvy, Cake Walk. Topsy is in Town, Cake Walk. Mascette Marche. ancttc Quadrille. Ma-cctte Potporrie. Candor. Cooing Doves. Curious Story. Fatinitza March. Bavarian March. Postage, 10c extra. MFEEEB. KLEIN," SGTJYAENSIE} fï¬E FOLLOWING: I‘V‘fnnl 31'}; Lu Lu. ' ' 7 5 My Lady Lu. I if 1 Lip to Hear 'hat Song Again. 1 “1mm .1 me; Waited Long for Yol. Cum 8113.: lo Erin is the Song 1107. lit‘St. On [111 0111 Missouri Shore. L91 Music Break on this Blest Morn. Little Baby Joe. Let Me Dream Again. Th-e Letter in the Candle. Lot N9. 3 contains 20 pieces of me Music for 50:. This means we give _\ou music for Our Special Bargain lots are decidedly lower than any ever 1 IV‘ Ol’lCTCLl. hzyin; " the Butland Music Stock, at 50: on (110$, IS “hat enables us to Sc†Music at lower prices than any othvr store in Canada. Mam “lea“:“ï¬ï¬‚‘? M393! Lao-t rm med†um" 9r: for their children tee$ing. 1760â€"“ ‘m child. ‘Lcns flat 5. my. pain. can: dud iic, 9rd in: ‘ host re 2 rdurrhosa “Sc. bog hem E 3: .1. l drugqgu Lhrouétom the world. Be and :nk fur Mrs. .V ms" OWE ‘oothin‘ Syrup." rug UVc, MRS. \TI."“LOV."‘S S v.1- vblv I un l LII ï¬x“... Seapulï¬". Religion: Pictures. Statuary and Church Om manna. Emmaticnal Wcrks. Mail order: rec prompt at: ‘nzion. 9.5; J. Sad her 8: Co. 10!: I Green is popularly supposed to be the color which best protects the eye. but a German professor denies that it has any beneficial effect whatevelj. and declares that green newspapers, green glasses and green umbrellas are all a mistake. His theory is, at all events, plausible. It is that each dif- ferent color tires 3. difierent set of nerves of vision. and therefore, look- ing at one particular color saves on set of nerves at the expense of sn- other. The best method, he points cut, is to dim all theJ rays of light by smoked or gray glasses, which rest all the optic nerves. Wâ€"ï¬ mm a; Hats! Balmural CATHSLIG Fï¬AYEB ““3; 5333 3, EHEAP Cams cause intolerable pain. Hollo’ ’1‘“st Corn Cure removes the tropblg- lry 1t, and see what. an amount. of pam I. saved. Tip the. bird over slightly and with‘ the point of the kniia remove the oystetr and the small dark portion found on tha sue bone. Then remnvo 111» for}: from the bmut and divide tha lag and the wing. Out through. the. skin between the body and breast and with a spoon remove a portion of Lb); stuffing. out off close to the boiy and tmoiflh L113 joint. Out through the top of a. shoulder down through the wing joint. Insert the carving fork across ï¬e middle of the breast bone. “:1: through. than skin betwaen the broad: and tha thigh. Bend the leg over and Shave off the breast in thin shoes. smntmg from Um front of the breast bone down toward the wing joint. we Yonan 3'12. Tonozwo': Serve Light or dark meat and en:- fjng, as preferred. THE MOST RESTFUL COLOR. Gum only from PAY WHEN CURED. HOV." T0 CABN’E A: TURKEY. we, warth $2. (SUCCESSOR TO B. B. BUTLAND), FIFTY Ygï¬lkv?! R wows reoo'rgrxn F0." OVE M a“: nut £. ul‘lbom my vendetta Montreal. Free 8m Am. P. $1.50 up. E P. 81 ea magma, ONT. nk- Rosaries. Cruci- ï¬x.~~, glqnpulbn, the side neu'eat ipnlmg (lobehold) .. «folks .. . .. «folks. Enid: md Patty Bound . u .l Nuthumbuland, W . . Mwfll and Burnout caution Errontem .. .. ‘Glengury -.. .. .. Grenville, S. .. .. ‘fGrey, E... .. .. .. ï¬remN . .. .. (Grey, 8. . mammal and Monet {Htmiltaon . . . KW WW DOMINI Results of the SIMPLIDITY $7383 NEEDED GREEN COST OF UTIGATEON IN THIS COUNTRY. ’mhumherhnd; E. . . m I “‘iil Slah‘ my \fle‘ enoe to the administration the. "The State has Laken upon its-an the duty of sewing disputes hem-ecu Citizens, This is an absoluae necessiuz “Mess We relapse into barbarism “ere no man would have any right: “13888 he was able to defend them by mice. The State; having taken upon be“ this éuty. and having the panel a mixed Government to enter-u VII. NO. 44 n, 52 . . . - . and Grenville, H. and Nut". (to be held) reindrks made bS' and 9- far I. :1. In“ null-hunch y VieWS f the adminisu‘a’ Aï¬er footl'ecuug 'Mcbann.. f. lMcDmuld 1 M 'NIAT x;Ol\' .WFIELDING . FLIVT ...... .BOSS ........ (iii-eon .. . SKY†. QG'CTHRIE . ‘PATERSON Stanley ...... immcx {Campbell ‘ ESQ?! ice same-N Denikt iCALVI :W’olson ML Coo} dhnson {Powers . . [Carruthen {Hurley . . . lBeith iYou ....... 1MAC NALD [JOHNSTON (Stun Wilson ‘EORSEY @s'rrzmzxa eerrox . Caldwell HLGUQAI MCCOLL . Atkinson GORDON THOMPSON coW'AN . . r0 [-9st n HERLANI) T‘R’HIGKT 1‘ which ‘ 310? de charges I III“ If r of the l these er-l ; , in' V refer-l [ ciVil ins-1 $1 per 10 say iâ€- no...-