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Omemee Mirror (1894), 6 Nov 1902, p. 4

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of' the ranchers awaiting 1h»? nieun; of ,.tn‘ansp0r§ution. 'Ihme. large. graneries have been erécted here this summer. as ix; a. host, of other cen- tres, and these will facilitate to some ardent. the handling of the grain. Easzwfird from Moose Jaw and southward to the forty-ninth parallel. the Assiniboia Plaim join with those of Manitoba and Hon- tam. somewhere between Rog-inn and Brandon. and on through plains of unparatlcled richness. What. the wheat growing (lirtricts, mile after mile of unbroken when: hulls spn-utl in I.‘\0l‘_\«' direction. nwlting into the horizon a veritable light of {he cloth 01' gold. I spoke to some 01‘ the great rum-hers as to the pus- siblc-rosult, of lhe harm-st. and what Was the average to the ncrc: furty u) 'lilty bushels per acre Was the reply. 'l‘wclw thousand acres sprcazl before me, whence I (l iscussod the subject. and. yet. this Was not the end, all the way out to-- the North trail to Bul‘lulo Lake. for" 2.") miles. l‘hc prairie was the scene nf thvs: gigantic operations. Has the ()n- tan-i0 farmer, with his ten or'twclw- new field. yielding say. in a goo] yun‘. twenty-(he hushe’s to Iln: acre. any conception 01‘ the mighty yield at the must. The greatest L-l'r'ort'4 are being mque by the C.P.ll. and the Northern Pacific Railroad to carry out. this grain. yet they cannot; help thinking that Were their capacity ton-fold greater than of the pi‘t‘sent.; still the yards would see the btgtput‘ .Al, . I referred :1 little while ago to a young Daxkotuu who had '70 acres of wheat and his cattle in a, bunch far out ()P the plain. It is a renmrkable fact that few of the ranchers have fences, yet the cattle rarely come: near the Wheat. preferring: rather the rich hunch grass of the prairie. Eastwnrd from Calgary the trains run principally through cattle and horse ranching strctthes. and the. Alkali Lakes, which determine the’ antiâ€"wheat, districts are as Well the? scenes of lonely and isolated rum-h- ers. Dreury and monotonous 1h»: brown burnt sugy grmvth tells of the barren district. and of the hot, Slumber days that are ast. All the way from Marple Creek. at least from 5") miles east of Maple Creek. which is known as the Putt-room: settle-numb 'the land is as describetl‘ "alkali" for a hundred miles or: more, flat as a board. then suddenly. at distant blue hill with rolling table? land tells of the approach of the new lake district. of Loan and Deck Lakes. This is surely a sportsman's 1x1 nudist-1 Thousands of ducks in a.- mighty eioud arose as the train swept. past. Then they a'ircled and chpt ‘ down into a distant portion of the water. Settlers here hare he" gun to mark out, their aliofie. and ere long :1 snug- hamlet will mark the place of the wild fowl. lndiur "end is soon rem-lied. mul- then Moose Jaw, the great. (li'xision- ul centre. SMOKE 0}.“ THE ’l‘lllx’liSIllilt. ‘. At, Moose Jaw one sees the most :u-tive signs of the linnl touch in the wheat. ranchers business. The vast. wheat fields are being reaped and the' smoke of thirty threshers ri.~'cs along the great stretches of this richest of the wheat. growing dirtricts, mile after mile of unbroken wheat belts spread in eVery direction. melting mal-ZG-up of the kind described in the wicked wild \vcstvrn boys’ nmcls. He is in for business. and has, while ranching u stipulated salary ut- {zwhcd and six steers thrown in. In the course 0!- a. few y‘ars he becomes a rancher and has a. bunch of his own. with his own brand upon them. The laws relating to cattle stealing are exceedingly severe. so that little or nothing is done in that way. The cattle arc all rounded up and brand- ed in the spxing. (,‘AT'I‘LI‘I NOT L‘t’)NI-‘I.‘IED. sigrLumnt term applied to a ranch- er and all his equipment. His men are referred to as of “the bunch.” ’J‘hc cowboy has nothing in his ’l‘he divisional depots of the Can- adian Pacific Railway, irom Portage la Prairie to Calgary are the scenes of immense activity. The great inâ€" flux of immigration from the border States of Minnesota. Dakota. Mon- tana and Nebraska give the most conclusive argument that the wheat lands of Manitoba and the North- west are of the most, valuable order. Large landed companies are being organized in Minneapolis, St. Paul. Grand Forks and other centres of population, for the development oil our northern prairies. 'l'hese great corporations, after the return of; their agents from the scene of opera.- tion, organize and run immense exâ€" cursions over the Northern Pacific to the divisional points, and thence along the C.P.l{. to their northern branch stations. Every hotel is [illâ€" ed to its topmost garret. and board- ing houses are nixed to the limit to; meet the demand made upon them, due to this imiux. Calgary and the Hat, the latter being the abbrth viated form of Medicine Hat. and alibrex‘iations are always in order, is the extreme limit of this scene of activity. Northward from the liat‘ to Edmonton, the trains are crowdfi ed to standing room, yet. there is noi murmur. though there is not even a} strap to hang on to. The trains} Lake splendid time, and the watch} is often out. to accurately mark the‘ time limit to the mile. 1 do not know the law in regard to the run- ning of railways. but it there is no. penalty for making time, I might! whisper that more than one mile has been made on a long run in less than, a minute and a qtntrter. E i I (ft )WBOY TURNS ISO-NIFA CE. The destination reached. there; comes the run, helter skeltcr. all} climb out and make for the leading‘ hotels. and. perhaps. you land up! by registering on an unwritten book: undtr a canvas that some jollyi rancher has pitchmi. He tells youI he has a bunch of cattle over the? plains just beyond his Wheat ranch; He came last fall, and got his; ranch of 100 acres and ploxved it.i Turning the horses loose. he returned} to Dakota to winter, and got his: machinery ready for the spring; Then he returns in April. spreads his; tent, sows his .,whcat, and at the? time I saw him Was about to reap.i it. lle had 70 acres under crop, 40: bushels to the acre. was the pi'ospec-? tire amount. lle introduced me a, few days after my arrival to theel Texas cattle king. who is the hero: of the hour. Thirty thousand head: of cattle. all well hrandcd were in: his bunch. Bunch is not slang in?. the western vernacular: it is the; UNITED STATES SETTLERS SWARM INTO CANADA. TRIP THRUUGH THE WEST Mr. W. A. Sherwood Tells of His Experience in the Northwest. wclw; \ DELICATI‘) l’OSlTION’. gool‘ “hiding presents , are froqucntly acm ‘dintinguishcd for 1111-11 mole sness, yic‘d .1111‘ gilt-1111xking .11 any time is at.- < :11‘elm11dcd with some. (111111.10an faith- 111,1 in! Irish cmployc announced his de- :.111‘\ size to take 11 111011111 5 holiday to help fix“; his blotl1e1'.He had worked so acity iwoll and steadiIV that his cmploxer sent. not onlv glantcd the rcq11cst.but 11111119111111. him 11 plesert of a. new tune!- 101111;! ling 1"")- 'Jhc night. lmmjo Tim was to 19.1“. he xcccixcd the gift, accompanied by .1 few u’pprocintive words . '11.!1 stated at the bang for a mo- ment, and then asked: ‘What am I to do with that ?” , "Put, nic clothes in it. is it ? said Tim. “An’ phwat will 0i we: if 0i Lut me clothes in that ‘2" “Why. put. your clothes in it when you go_ away, of course," answered the employer. l‘mu' blood is: the Cause of must disousos. Good blood mvuns hulllh and strength. IT. Williums' Pink l’il's «In no 1)!!!‘_£:(‘---UIL‘_V simply make pure. rid) blood. That's why they curv so many (liseusm. Btu you must always got the gl-nrzinc with the full name “Dr. Williums’ Pink, Pil!s for l‘ulo People" on the wrap- per around every box. Sold by H“ druggiszs or sent by mail. post. paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50. by writing direct to the Dr. “'illiums' Medicine ('0.. Brogkxille; Ont. ’ ‘ ' *‘ Changes of the season affects the thenlth more or less pcrcu-ptihly. The fiction of the hot. summer weather or. .t!.e blood leaves it thin and watery, ‘Vuntl now that. the weather is change- ?:il)1e this makes its'vll' disugrceably t'clt. You feel bilions, dyspeptic and tired: thorn may he pimples or erupâ€" tions of the skin: thv (lump weather tlzrings iittle twingcr: of rhcnnnttism or neuralgia that give warning of “the winter that is coming. ll' you vant to be brisk and strong for the :wintrr it is now that you should *lmiltl up the blood. and gixc tho inomcx a little tonic. Dr. Willimns‘ ‘I’ink Pills are the greatest of all bloodâ€"nmking. nerve-restoring tonics. and will make you strong and stave otT the aches and pains of winter if you take them now. Mr. James Adams. llrumlon. Man. is one of tho: thousands whom Dr. Williams' l’inkl Pills hnxo rrstorctl to health and strength. lie Says : "It is with deep gratitude that I acknowlmlgc the bene’it that l have derived from UP)“ use of Dr. “‘illiums‘ l‘inlt I‘ills. Bo- t'ore taking the pills my health wnfi much shuttered with rhagmravlisanu nervous depression and Silt‘t'fplcfi‘sllt‘~‘s_‘ For fully twelve inonths l rnrrly got n good night's sloop. “him I licgz‘tlr thu- nzw of tin,- piils it was with :7 i 9 l determination to gin: them a fail" trial i did so. and can truthl'ull say that i could not wish for lu-tt/‘rj liralth than I now enjoy. I sluiil/i‘tl-l “'an spt-uk at good word for /l'r.i \Hlliunzs’ Pink Pills." ’Bad Blood Makes You Liable to : Goldaâ€"A Cold Makes You Liable to Twenty Diseasesâ€"How to Protect Yourself. éCHANGE OF WEATHER DISAS- TEROUS TO MANY PEOPLE. in We ancient, Ewe); villages.! Newport and Wicken Bouhunt. the} curfew bell is still rung. At. Noww port, it has hem] rung for centuries at' 4 u. m. and 8 p. 111.. but in consc- quoncc of complaints made by the! villagers of being awakened from“ their s-lcop the morning curfew has; now cons-(rd. Members of the samcj family have rung the curfew at New-i port. for the last three generations. g A salary of 2 a your has- to be: paid to the ring ‘1' of 11:0 curfew boll 1 by the owner of certain ancient, grammar-school bun-dings adjacent, to the parish church, 5 10mm of nemncss when the our drum has not hobâ€"n injured. He makes the oil by separating the fat from the flesh and rendering it. as lard is rendered. The snake fancier claims that a number of valuable medicines can be secured from snakes, Rattlesnake oil. he asserts. can cure almost any form of deafness when the ear drum When Mr. Davies observed the con- flict. the rattler was coiled ready to strike and both snakes were fins-hing their tongues at each other. The hull kept well out of range and sim- ply circled around the rattler, seem- ing to watch for (“I opening. This circular movement. linully frightened the rattler and it uncoiled and em deavored to glide away. That, was the bull’s opportunity. and before the rattler could coil again it. rad been seized just. back of the neck and Was in the coils of the hull. Mr. Un’v‘ies ran to rescue his favorite, but before he could be of service the hull ytmightened out its coils and he Could feel the. bones of the rattler crack as they pulled out. of place. Two-Yearâ€"Old Tot Enjoys Nothing Better Than to Handle Them. Probably the smallest snake "charmer" is "Brother". Latham of Denver, Col. Whom the baby gets his inclination and his brmeiy is not known, but he gets his oppor- tunities became his uncle, Hurry Davies, is u. Well-linonn snake fun- cier. The baby enjovs nothing more than to play “ith some 0f the harmless snakes which his uncle will allow him to handles The uncle’s favorite reptile is the rattlesnake â€"- probably because there is an element of danger in handling them. This fancy has cost Mr. Davies seven bites already, but each time he has wrap- ped his arm tightly to shut off cirâ€" culation and has sucked the poison from the wound. feeling no ill effects. u â€"-* *" Thele will be no more rattlesnake bites inflicted by his collection of snakes for the presant, at least. as the lust of his favorites was killed recently in an encountox “ith -1 bull snake. He himself saw the light, but he allowed it to proceed too law to saw: the rattler .H'rte it was in the coils of its antagonist. Ordinarily the ruLtler should have proven more than at match for the hull. but. in this case it. became ex. cited over the queer mzumc-uvcrs of the other snake and “lost its head." is Ontario going to do in the matter of taking up land ? Shall-the wis- dom of Mirmesota wheat producers put us to blush 1’ The men who are rushing in from Minnesota, Da- kota, Nebraska, and Montana, are bringing in their good experience and capital, and will operate the ranches in the best style. MOHNDK. LURI‘EW STOPPED BOY PLAYS WITH SNAKES. SEASONABLE ADVIUE. I could nut Wish for 4 1n 1 now (rnjny. l sham/21F? 1‘0 :uk 2: gum! word for /]'r.‘fl“",‘ ,. ,, r... .. / lees I m.‘ 111.53 iuhti nod is: me Cause of nmstllmey Good blood moans hz-ultlfieyes nR‘th. ["l'. Williams" I’ink-l‘N‘Ol He had Worked so that his employer the , I'agucst. but mwlmlge mg; CLASS EYES 19m: ANIMALS rived from 111-»? ('la‘s eyes are now made for ‘ink I‘ills. Bo- thvfi. mm. and dogs. as well as nv ho.1lth “'dq lnr hum an livingx. These animals h (ht-maatism. £119." .l l:n;;'(~r mm than mun. uml sovâ€" l Sit‘flplussluwg_ it-rul :u'c ()l‘ilt‘l'l'll for them at the is l rnl'vly gut SHIN: linu‘. as u new one is non-sâ€" “'an 1 liegun'SLU'." ulmuL 0|](‘c in six months. The Was with q (Edges lwmmc roughened and pro- umm a fail" (luce il':‘ilul.ivn. from the :ui-(ls of the m1 trufln‘nll sometime" affecting the enamel. ] shun till-é For Inflanzmmxcn M: the Eyos.â€"~-Among ‘ fm' lll'r. a the many good qualities which Parme- /' _ lee’s \‘cgntuhlc Pills posmss, besides I'M!- .. ‘ 3 Mating the digpstivg qrgmns, is their cm- a)” ‘11 l‘ f’ain neglected, may produce chronic Rheumatism or Gout. Just a little Baclmche may create Lumbago. J ust a little Sprain sometimes makes a Cripple. Just a. little Bruise may do a lot of damage. Just a. little Headache may be the forerunner of Neuralgia. Just a little St. Jacobs Oil, applied in time cures promptly and mrmanently Aches and Pains. Just a little caution; just. a little cost. Years of Pleasure against years of Pain. 0:11.11“ in re1111cing 111111111111 1tio11 of the eyes. Ir11.1scz111e11f01'111111:111)‘ letters of rvmxun 1111111411011 {10111 those who were afflicted 111111 this 00111111111111. and found :1 c111c1111111-i11s. '1‘1101'z1ffect. the nerve centres 111111 the blood in .1 surprisingly active “111', 1111111111: result is 11111105: in1< 11181111111311 seen. A Pili for Generous IJIIteIISIâ€"There :IIc III. my [I‘JI‘MHIS ol‘ ‘IIL-IIlthv appetite. 'IlHi p001- Iiirre§IiuII u ho. after :I hunrtv IIIeI II are subject. In lllll"il suffering; ’i'he food of which the) lune 1I: m IIIkIIII 13 us like lead in their stmII: Ich I<. He. II]: Iche, depression :I SlllOLllci‘EIIL: feelzng i'IIIllow UIIII, so 3f. flictcd i< II: IiiL for business or work of any kiwi lII IIIi< condition l’. III-IIIelLILI‘ s \ ene- table " ll I will in in" reliel . ’1‘ he) will III“- sist the II~~iIIIilIIIigIII of the :IilmIIIII. and used :IcuII-Ilin: to direct iuIIs “ill I'estcnc healthy digestion. l Alphonse Tiortillon. of anthropo- ‘nietric fume. has nndcwuken tn edu- fcule the Paris police in the art, or :descrihing‘ faces. An illtt‘x‘Obling part; :01' the instruction is that speriatl qulllt‘ i9 :tttzuhed to the ear. No ‘two ours are alike. 'J'herefm‘c that ‘Urgun is chustn as the husk} nf the ‘system employed. (Jlnse attention is galsn gixen to noses. Each polit't‘iznm igets an album containing a thousand ,plitflxigt'ugvlua. full face and. profile. (if lrersnns: expelled from Paris. ’l‘o ll‘neilitute the research these por- lti‘uits are grunred methmlit'ully a '- lcurding‘ to their height. mm and 111mm. It is belie\cd that when the HTOlitO bot-cine familiar with Her- ;tillmi's system recognition of crim- ‘inuls will be greatly facilitated. ‘ Tn Um Mnotathal. near Schwyn. Switzerland. lht‘l'l‘ is probably the lurgc-st (me in Europe. The exist- ence of the 'm‘u had long been known. but as it could only be onâ€" tm‘uxl by crawling no one had trouâ€" bled h) investigate the interior. This summer. lunwvm'. three svparatc par- tics have explored il. '1 he distance t1‘a.\'m's~(l amounts altogutln-r to no less than 8,00” yards. and the and of the cavern m3 not yet been roach- ed. “ Just a Little ” tvho urn: these Tablets never arm-- Ward resort to harsh purgativvs‘.‘ that gripe and torture baby. Jun- 10 the sn-cullmi “soothing” preparations that often contain pair'mmuS opifi ates. ".uby‘s ()wn Tablets are [Hoaxâ€"f sum, to take. guaranteed to he lmrmlms. Smnl 25 cmzts for u, {111‘- sizcd box to 111:: Dr. Williauns' Meâ€"’ dicixm ('0.. Drockvillo, 0111.. if 3-0111" druggisls docs nut, sell them. . A Mother Tells How Many a. Threatened Life May Be Preserved. To the loving mother no expense is 100 great, no labor too :teVere. if it, will preserx‘e the health of her little ones. Childish ills are generally simple. but so light is baby's holxl on life that it is often at knowl- edge of the right, thing; to do that. turns the tide at it crih‘is. ‘ And in baby‘s illness every ('l'isis is a. critiâ€" ral (met "1 think the timely use .H' Ruby's ()wn 'l‘ulflets Would save many a dear little life.” writes Mrs. I’. B. liiclts‘m'il, pf (:IUH Hutton. Que. “l take pleasure in certifying to the merits of these 'l‘ublcts, as I have found them a sun,- aml reliable remedy. My baby Was troubled with Indigestion at. tt'elhing time. um! [ms cross; and restless. The use uf latby's ()wn Tablets made a Wonder- lul change. and I am glad to reâ€"' tommeml them to olhmnx" Mothers A young'mun who shall be muncâ€" loss is a close workcrin money mat- tersâ€"that i3. he stays close to the shore with his cmwmliturcs. He had the good luck to marry a girl whose parents are quite wealthy. and is at present, living with his wife in one of his )‘utlmr-inâ€"lmv’s hous Ont;- (I:.1y.not, long since, while (lisâ€" cussingv utiuixs with a. friend, the lat- tnl' asked : “Did the 01d gentlmnm give you that house ‘9” "\M-il-vcr-flm. not exactly," Was the answer. “He oficred iL to me, but I \vnuldn’t accept it.” “How‘s that, 2’" asked the friend. “Well." answered the man who had made the. lucky maltlimoniul venture. “yum soc. the hnusw roullv belongw to me. I’m living in it Tun. free, uml I’ll gut it when 1m- old man dies. ll‘ 1 accepted it now I‘d have to my the taxes." DI‘Z'I‘IC("I‘K()N BASED ON EAR MTHCZDS 2F EkaC Liflczafim Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap poff woolens nor the surface off linens. BETTER ARRA NC EMENT Ask to: the Octagon Bar. SAVE THE BABY. 40] Almtrin. was the first country to adopt, tho system of post-unis. This was in 186$). llnH's (‘ntan‘h (‘urc is tukcn nutcr- mlly. at'ling (“I‘I‘CLLV upon Hm Moml uul nmvuux‘ .xux'fau'ox ul' Um \\'.\ll‘l.’l. l'mtimoninls sent, from ,l'ricu 75c. per Lnl'kx Sold Ly at“ th'uggxsln. Hull's Family J’uls all'c Lhc host. gin-S a jolt to tho lmlunoc-wlwul and hail-spring. and thus renders the catching possible. The jnlt, must Come at a particular fraction of :1 second, during tho revolution 01' the bulnnvc-whcol. otherwise tho spring will not catch. and so the odds against mix happening an; very great. ‘ We on‘cr 0m: llumlrml Dollars Howard ‘Or any came of ('uturrh that c'unnot be cured by Hull‘s Unlm‘rh (Sum. I“. .1. ('HHNI‘IY , (.‘n.. 'J‘nlmlo. 0. We. the undormgnod. hun- known 1". J. Cheney for the lus‘L 1.3 years, and believe lmn pvrl’n’lly honorable in all ousinvss transactions um! nnuncially ehlv to carry out any «whguziuns matte Dy HICII' Ill'ln. .HAHVIN. Wholesale llrlzggmls; 'l‘ulctfio; It. ’is “'01! known that a watch will stop J'm' some uncxplnim-d rcuSon and go on again if it is given a slight, joit. The sumo trouble may not N‘CUX' for years. This is «hm to tho: (inlh'utv huirsprinp; :atching eith- er in the Imirspring-stud m' in the regulatorâ€"pins. The «use is u sud- don jump or quick movement. which LHNI‘ IMI‘AX. \Hmlvsnh- Hrugg‘isls. Toledo. 0. \VAIJHNG. lxlNNAN A: Coming- the steel parts of cnc's waich mumn-Lizud is another frequent cause of trouble; while changing the position 01' a watch. such us put- ling it: down hurizontuhy. is also apt to ufl‘v‘cL its action. For instance, the going of most Watches varies according to the tem- PCl‘uture at which they are kept. Consuxuently, if you \veu' u \‘zttch next to your‘body during the day, and at night put it on a. cold matrâ€" ble numtelpiece. or. in fact, any- where in n cold room. the \‘zttch is sure either to gain or lose. Cold causes contraction of the metals conmosinp: the balanceâ€"wheel and its parts, and the watch consequently grains. When the parts expand un- der the heat of the body, the pivms, bearings. etc. tighten up and the watch loses. 01‘ course. this: is not the case with watches having :1 com~ Densutlng huluncem-thut is. made of (lill'erent metals that both expand and contract under the influence of cold. so that the expansion of the one counteracts the contraction of the other. It, is strange how little the aver- age Person can account for what seem the whims and caprices 01 his watch, said u \vutchnlakor to the Writer the other day, and yet, in the majority of cases they are due 1.0 very simple tuuscs. An Expert Tells How to Care For It. Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the worm produces, and Is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. Vapan tea drink-us try “$31353" Gnu: m. YOUR WATCH. How's This ! Nor Fatherâ€""Nu. sir. You can't, lune her. I won‘t hch u snn-in-luw who has no more bruins than to Want. to marry a girl \Viih no more M9213“: than my daughter has shown in allowing you to think you could I). \0 her," “My curiosity is running away with me," said the man; whose {wu- hcaxiod calf pmsishxl in dragging him about the furxnyzml. 'l'hm-u :u'ennumhcr of varieties of corms. Holluwa) 5 Cum (June “in remove any of them. Call on VOUI druggis' .1ml 3“: u. bonle: ztozxce. (Signed) J. .1. YOKOM. Mr. Yokom has been :1 resident of Wollund for years. and is known 10 every man. woman and child in the town. He was born in the noigh- boring: township of Crowlund. with- in three miles of his presunt 11mm. and is known as :1 mam of Christian principles who would not make a statement. that would in any way be misleading. "Since my wuwcry I hmc told many othms of hodd‘ s Kidney Pills and how they cmcd we to kmy cm- 0:! Many of them my it scents imâ€" possible and yet. they know it is true.” “l am now in splendid health and able to stand great cxcrtim). in fact my general health is better than if. has been in a 1011;: time. "From the first, they su‘mod to suit my (use vxaclly, and when 1 had taken five boxes my old trouble had entirely disappeared. and I was {ecl- ing better than 1 had in many years. "AL lus't I ha came discouraged-1nd hopeless of mm being “all again One day bv luck ] heard of Dodd' .x Kidney Pills and began to use them. “At, times I “as entirely incumci- tatod "1 have spent considerable mom-y in medicines of different kinds but did not get any good results. 1 also doctorcd with a physician of vast, experience but got no benefit. "Far :1 year or more I had been ailing with Kidney Trouble, in ail of its Won-=1, forms. 'I had a very depressed fceling in my head and litâ€" tle or no appetite, a constant {ct-I- 111g of languur, and I became great.- ly reduced in weight. An Open Letter in Which a. Promi- nent Citizen Gives a Strong Recommendation for Dodd‘s Kidney Pills, a. Remedy Which He Says Restored Him to Good Health. Welland. (hut. Nov. 3.â€"(Spccial.) â€"Mr. J. J. Ynkom. grocer and pro-» vision merchant of this place. has given for publication. an open letter as follows: More helpful than all wisdom is one draught of simple human pity that will not forsake us.â€"Goorgc Eliot. ‘ Nothing can bring you peace but, yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but. the triumph of principles. â€"â€"Emcrso n. Nothing is more reasonable and cheap than good manners.â€"South. Honor comes by diligence; riches spring from economy.â€"J. F. Davis. The highest manhood resides in disposition, not in intellect.â€"H. W. Beecher. That man is worthless who knows how to receive a favor, but not how to return onc.â€"-1’lautus. A WELLAND MERCHANT I SAYS HE IS NOW FEELING BETTER THAN HF. T-TAQ FOR MANY YEARS. G RAINS OF G OLD. ](idncy Trouble, in ail forms 'I ha d u very ‘ling in mv head and litâ€" A Sketch by George H. Daniels is the Gem of the October . Number. ('ustmmjr (emerging: from l:-;1:';:uin- countertruslnâ€""llclp ! My log; is broken.” Fluor-waxlRevâ€"“You win “In! Lht: crutch department. sir, on 111:: fourth floor. in the roar." Harm-r (who is shaming, insinuatâ€" ing)y)â€""Your huir needs cutting badly, sir. " (‘USI omcr (£051in )â€" “Well, 1 don’t know anyone who cam cut it “'o-L‘sx- than you I” Minaid's Liniment fur Rheumatism. ITOâ€"“You mm your mother I was sorry for having made an idiot of Inme an, 1101' dinnerâ€"party last cvvning '? “hut. did she say '2" She â€"â€"“()h. >110 said sin,- noticed nothing unusual." “Let me row,” said the pretty girl. “But 1 Would ruthm- row,” amid he. "We“, don‘t, let’s have a row.” “To uVoid a row, suppose we row together. Then we can both row and have no row." As 01.0 ASD WELL'TRIBD Emmy. â€" Mrs melcv's Â¥oozhin¢Syrurln has freon-uspd fog _over 3%ng m... 3.- -31»..- -5 _,, Minard's Liniment Eures La Brippe “What sort. of :1 fellow is Wil- lowsnzu '2" "I don't know. ]’\'0 only seen him “110nm: Was with his wife." . ..,. ..._ mu... mu. .u vvs- m-- rs hy millions of mowers {or their children whi'e .mhfnzz with perfec. :uccm. 1: women the child mflenmlhc gums. sun: all pain. cum wind colic, “a ("he but remedg {or Diarrhea. ls pica-ant to the taste. Sold by main: in every pan of the word. Twenty-five cenu :boulc. Its value is iwcalcnlable. It! sure And ask {or Mm Winslow‘s Soothing Syrup. mud Lake In ether kind. IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP The quality sundnr‘l from ocean to ocean. \‘our 1: on“ buck if no: nu: fawn. ROSE 6: LAFI A 1MB, Azcnu, - Montrenl. “ Little comet ” “ Victoria ” "L‘gjlwam “ Headlight] THE FOUR TRACK NEWS OUR BRANDS. N0 HOW ABOUT A ROW. For Our Sixty Years. "I see by the newspapers," unmark- c'd Roz-dc]: “that 1h.) mincrs'in the Rand are sending out 3pm; 5 im- wives." “Is that m ‘2" cjaculu’urd Hennypcck, in an L‘chl' “‘hiwpcr. “They can have mine.” 1,, woman in the white tnficta. "My husband spent at Last. two hours this morning pickin;.;~ out a piece of land for building. while I. in tho same length of time, had sclatud three new hats.” The mmsou comnssmu' co.. Viiéilibu, cor. Went Market mu Ca:b:>r.1o 8:3. TORCH"). Cor espondcn;e invited. scpd empty curbs. pay bmhesn price: mu. prompbly. Osnmo Poumx‘ Cal-law Ave.. Toronto. APPLES. Messrs. C. C. Richards C Gentlemen.â€"'I‘hvodm-c llox customer of minr. Was co vux‘cd of rheumatism after ii‘ of suffering, by the judicimns MINARD'S LINIMEN‘I‘. The ubm'c fact can writing to him. 10 1}. or any or his ncighho Messrs “'e have a trade that will take any quantity of first-class, properly acked Apples, and we can take care 0 them. We have ample storage. Wecan umhandle our BUTTER, EGGS. HQXEY. UNIONS. B '8 an! other produce Lox-you. t: on and South Ankara \V ar. Be 1 {fir-1:3] Wing. Write for tcnnv. If ADIJIW 001)’ t .\DER‘ WOOD. 62 A‘ewde St. E" Tormm. Out AGENTS WRNTED PMENTS PEEIF’FWEfiiEd POULTRY. 3.10 “How slow men a. We can handle unlimited quantities of first-class dry picked Pouitr , and want 10,000 Turkeys and Chic ens to fill our order trade. crchaut. St. Is-uhu'c Q May 12th 1808. :u‘odorc Domis. .1 ninc was complcmlv .tism after live vows the ludicious use of other and inferior brands, EDDY’S Experiment Don’t an be vexified bv ’ the parish priest SMITH “MERGE Solicitors of Patent; ' Canaderife‘ Builds. Original Stewocuphd (fiche K433: Coronal‘ Toronto. Write for free advice All kind! te dead or .___ aliVe. We efin price<. and re- Pounm' Co., 17 ESE '7' A. COTE, said the be fiafiin In 0522655 Fretting "n ‘ .-'r' 9%.?0 3919 +0- 1A1"! 02‘, Vie! For Tith I70 his at! of of “115k 1' \\' 1‘ do“ ‘-i n

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