out, this grain. yet they cannot help thinking that Were their capacity ton-fold greater than 01‘ the pi'esent. still the yagrds Would see the blitput of the ranchors awuieing 1m.- means 0! ,.tn'anspor§ution. 'Ihacev large. graneries have been erécted here this summer. as it; a. host, of other cen- trrs, and these will facilitate to some ardent. the handling of the grain. Eustwm‘d from Moose Jaw and southward to the forty-ninth parallel, the Assinihoia Plaim join with those of Manitoba and Non- tana. somewhere between Regina and Brandon. and on through plains of unparalleled richness. What. I referred a little while ago to a; young: [)al‘otan who had 71) acres oil wheat and his caItle in a bunch far; out or the plain. It is a remarkable: fact that. few of the ranchers l1aVe‘ teams, yet the cattle rarely come; near the wheat. preferring: rather the: rich hunch grass of the prairiei Eastward from Calgary the trains} run principally through cattle and‘: horse ranching streuhes. and thel Alkali Lakes. which determine the: antiâ€"wheat districts are as Well the? scenes of lonely 11111! isolated ranchâ€" ers. Drcary and monotonous the brown hurut sagy grdwth tells of the barren district. and of the hot. 911111111101“ days that are past. All the way from Maple Creek. at least: from 50 miles east of Maple Creek! which is k110m1 as. the l’eterimra: settlement, the land is as described‘ "alkali" for a hundred miles or: more, flat as a board, then suddenly. a distant lnlue hill with rolling,r table land tells 01' the approach of the new lake district of Loon and Duck Lakes. This is surely a Sportsman's mutixlise. 'l‘housands of d'lt‘ixh' in at mighty cloud arose as the train swept, past. Then they circled and". swept ’ down into a distant portionf: ol' the water. Settlers here have lieâ€"l gun to mark out. tl11-i1'al101i13.a11(l ere long a snug 11.111111 1 \\i:l mark: the place of the nihl 11ml. lndiar Head is soon reached. and then Moose Jaw. the great di\i>in11~ ail cvnIre SHORE 01‘ Till} 'llllxlC “HILLS At Moose Jaw one sees the most active signs 01' the ï¬nal touch in the wheat ranchers husimss. The \.1\l wheat ï¬elds are being named and the‘ smoke of thir'1y thresln ~m 1i.' -s along \- the great stretches of 1hix richest of V the wheat growing districts, mile after mile 01' unbroken wheat belts a spread in every direction. meltiug' 1 into the hari’lon a veritable lielol of 1 the cloth of 1.3.1111! I Spoke to some [1 of the great ranchers as 10 the pos- 1- sible~result of the harvest. and What .1 was the averatrc to the an : form to 1 tiltv bushels per acre Was the r:-e1-l\ I 'l"\\'el\e thousand acres sprem 1,950“: - p 1119. whence I discussed 1110' d subject. and. yet this; was not. the at end, all the way out trr-tho North I S trail to Buffalo Lake. for 25 index.“ the prairie was the some of 1110550 gigantic operations. Has he ()n-j tario farmer, with his 1011.1): twelve; acre ï¬eld. yielding say. in a goo], year. twenty-1110 bushels to the acre. ‘ d 1m." comet-mica oi the 111ifrhtv \‘ie'd'a‘ of the West The g1eatest choit< are 11 being made by the C. RR and 1h‘ 11 No1thern Pacific Raihcaal to calry si l 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 l Tc-xus cattle king. who is the hero of the hour. Thirty thousand head of cattle. all well branded were in his bunch. 'lunch is not slang in the Western Vernacular: it is the sigi-i iiic' mt term .imlied to a ranch- er and all his equipment. llis men are rcfm'm-(l to as of “the bunch." 'l‘hc cowboy has nothing in his males-up of the kind described in the wicked wild \vcstvrn boys’ nmcls. H1- is in for business. and has, while ranching a: stipulated salary at- tached and six steers thrown in. in the course of a. few y‘ars he becomes a rancher and has a bunch of his own, with his own brand upon them. The laws relating to cattle stealing un- cxcmxiin'flv severe. so that littlcl ur nothing is (lone in that \\':1\. '1 hel mtzl; aw all ioumlcd up and br-1n.dâ€", ed in the swing. " He 'ame last fall, and got. his} much of 100 acres and plomsd if“; Turning the horses loose, he returned! to Dakota to winter. and got his: machinery ready for the spring. Then he returns in April spreads his ten! sows his ,wheat and at. the' time I saw him Was about to reap it "0 had ‘70 acres under crop, 40 bushels: to the acre. '35 the prospec- tin- amount. “0 introduced me a, few days after my arrival to the? ’l‘he divisional depots of the Canâ€" adian Paciï¬c Railway, trom Portage la Prairie to Calgary are the scenes of immense activity. The great inâ€" flux of immigration from the border States of Minnesota. Dakota, Mon- tana and Nebraska give the most conclusive argument that the wheat lands of Manitoba anti the North- west are of the most, valuable order. Large landed companies are being organized in Minneapolis, St. Paul. Grand Forks and other centres of population, for the development of our northern prairies. 'l'hese great corporations, after the return of their agents from the scene of opera- tion. organize and run immense exâ€" cursions over the Northern Pacific to the divisional points, and thence along the C.P.l{. to their northern branch stations. livery hotel is ï¬ll- ed to its topmost garret. and board- ing houses are taxed to the limit to meet the demand made upon them, due to this intiux. Calgary and the Nat, the latter being the abbrch viated form of Medicine Hat. and abbreViations are always in order, is the extreme limit of this scene of activity. Northward from the Hat to Edmonton, the trains are crowd- ed to standing room, yet there is no murmur. though there is not even a strap to hang on to. The trains Lake splendid time. and the watch is often out to accurately mark the time limit to the mile. I do not know the law in regard to the run- ning ol railways. but if there is no penalty {or making time, I might whisper that more than one mile has been made on a long run in less than a minute and a quarter. Ct )\\' IN )Y TURNS BON'I‘FA CE. The destination reached. there comes the run. heltcr shelter. all climb out and make for the leading hotels, and. perhaps. you land up by registering on an unwritten hook “I“!Ql‘ a canvas that some jolly rancher has pitched. He tells you he has a bunch of cattle over the plains just beyond his wheat ranch. TRIP THROUGH THE WEST UNITED STATES SETTLERS SWARM INTO CANADA. Mr. W. A. Sherwood Tells of His Experience in the Northwest. (‘AT'I‘LE NOT CONFIN’ED _ Wedding- presents , au'c frnqlu‘ntly >di.~;tingi:ishul for (hair uselessncss. and gift-making at any time is at,- :lcndcd with some danger. A faithâ€" ful Irish cmployc announced his d0- ;sire to take a month's holiday to ~\-'i.\it. his brother. He. had worked so {we}! and steadily that his employer :not only granted the request. but made him a present of a new travel- : i . . {ling- bag. "Put, tï¬c clothes in it, is it. ?†Said Tim. "An’ phwat will Oi wear if 01 Lat. me clothes in that ‘2†The night before ’I‘im Was to lame he rccehcd the gift, accompanied by .1 {cw :ipprocintive Words . “Why. put your clothes in it when you go. away, of course,†answered the employer. 'l‘izn stared at the bilgffor a. ment, and then asked : "What to do with that ‘2" Changes of the season affects the M health llXOl't' or i055 pct-Ct-ptilily. The i‘vi'zcct. 0f the hot summer weather on It!.e blood loaves it thin and watery, land nnw that the weather i.» change- I; able this makes llS‘l'†disagreeably felt. You fL-vl bilious, dyspeptic and tired: tlwro may he pimples or erup- tions of the skin: the damp weather brings iittlc L\\'il!_’"0.‘ of rheumatism or neuralgia that gin: Warning: of ‘the winter that is (man. g ll†‘0“ { Yaltt to be brisk and stIong f0 r the ““ilttt‘t‘ it is now that _\mI should Iimild up the blood. and gin: tho. Inez-\cs a little tonic. Dr. ‘IVilliaIIIS' Vl’ink Pills are the greatest. of all bloodâ€"making. norm-restoring tonics, and will make you ~strong: and stare oil the aches and pains of winter it" you take them now. Mr. James I Adams. Brandon. Mair. is one of tho thmlsamis whom Dr. Williams’ l‘ink '.l’ilis haw nstmod to health andi strength. Ilo says : "it is with (2001)} gratitude that I dCiillt)“'iL‘li"1ili3§ 1 benefit that, l h an: dcrixod I‘Imn tho; ittse of Dr. “illia tms' l'illi\ Tilis I lic- t'orc taking the pills Inv health was: >Xllll(‘h shutter-n1 with rh"ull.l;l’isi,in ncrxnus dvprcssinn and slovplnwnlws , [or fullv th-lxe months 1 rarely not. a good night‘s sloop. “'htn I began. 1h;- new of tin,- pills it Was with 7 ll' (loin-mi: :Ition to gin: them a fa' trial. 1 did 5a, and can truthl'uli, :‘av that l ('nuid nut \Iish for lwttx‘rf .II‘-Ilth than 1 now I‘ll‘iUV. l sliail/iIl-i tars speak In good word fm' lt‘ ‘ \tiiliams' I’I'II" Fills." , ; l‘nnt‘ blood is: the cause of nmsti diseases. {300d blood means hralth? and strength l‘r. \Yilliams‘ PinkI l’il's (in no wuï¬wthuv simply Inakci pure. Pith biood 'tht'S \Ihy they can: so many disvascw. But you must ain‘ays get the genuine withI the full name "lir. Williams' Pink Pills for I‘alc l’eaplt-" an the wrapâ€" per around (wary box. Sold hv alii druggists ()I' .‘Ollt hVI Izail. post paidi at 50 cents a box or si\ boxes tor: S2 .01) III; writing; diioct to the Dr. \\ illiams' Medicine (0. .. Brock-sine; Ont. ‘ i l I I I ECHANGE 0F WEATHER DISAS- TEROUS T0 MANY PEOPLE. g 'In two ancient Essex Villages. _Ncwport and Wit-ken Bonlnmt, the -curfcw boll iw still rung. At, New- i port, it has been rung for centuries at Pl :1. m. and 8 p. m.. but, in consc~ quence of cmnplaints made by the jvillagers of being awakened from ‘Lheir 9180]) the morning curfew has ‘nuw comm-d. Members- of the same szunily have rung the curfew at New- port for the last, three generations. 'A salary of £2 3. your has- to be paid to the ringer of 11:0 curfew bull gby the owner of certain ancient !grammor-school buildings adjucenh {to the parish church. * Bad Blood Makes You Liable to Goldaâ€"A Cold Makes You Liable to Twenty Diseasesâ€"How to Protect Yourself. i The snake fancier claims that a rnumber of valuable medicines can be ;sccurcd from snakes. Rattlesnake foil. he asserts. can cure almost any Iform of deafness when the ear drum -hus not boF'n injured. He makes -the nil by separating the fat, from Sthe flesh and rendering it. as lard is rendered. ‘ Rh lhun I now (,‘lzjny. I shun/ah: ForInflnxnnmncn "(the Emaâ€"Among ‘ sncuk a good word for fll'rWfl’e, mnny good (gun‘ities wine)! Parme- iHi;:n:s’ Pink Fins." / glee .<_\'c;_:o.rub}c P2115 possess, pesulqs r-‘g‘ , . . : nlntmg the dxgcsuvc m-gnns. H thcu' cm- ]""1' mm“! ‘5‘ â€â€˜0 (“â€50 0’ "m“!cw)‘ in reducing: inflammation of the souxos. Good blood moans hr;fl‘.h'eyes. Rims culled forth many letters of :11 strength. Fr. \Yilliunm‘ Pink:recozunzmnlnlion frmn those who were “-3 (In no 1n:r;:c~~1}n'y simply make;"mic!“1“"‘l’.{ilf1599;“‘9‘3‘3‘audhfo‘md. fl m}. rid) blood. 'l‘hut's MA" thov cmcm [ m 11 s. 1 193m. ect', t 0930“? . ‘ , ‘r’ - [centres and the blood In a Minn-mug]; â€0 SO many «lusonscï¬. Bin .VOU active“-ny,mul:he resulc is almost iï¬x- nst always got the gvntzinc with;mediutelvseen. n u \ Elf“ When Mr. Davies observed the con- flict the rattler was coiled ready to strike and both snakes “’Cl'v this-hing their tongues at each other. The hull kept well out or range and sim- ply circled around the rattler, seem- ing to watch for an opening. This circular movement ï¬nally frightened the rattler and it uncoiled and en- deavored to glide away. That was the bull’s opportunity. and before the rattler could coil again it had been seized just back of the neck and Was in the coils of the bull. Mr. Davies ran to re>cue his favorite, but before he could be of service the hull straightened out its 'oils and 10 Could feel the. bones of the rattler crack as they pulled out of place. Two-Year-Old Tot Enjoys Nothing Better Than to Handle Them. Probably the smallest sue k0 ‘charmer†is "BI otherâ€. Latham of Denver. Col \‘heie the baby gets his inclination and his buncxy is not known, but he gets his oppor- tunitie.‘ bees uso his uncle, Hurry Davies, is a well-known snake fan- cier. ’lhe baby enjoys nothing more than to play with some of the harmless snakes which his uncle will allow him to handle.‘ The uncle’s favorite reptile is the rattlesnake â€" prubnbiy because there is an element of danger in handling them. This fancy has cost Mr. Davies seven bites already, but each time he has wrap- ped his arm tightly to shut off cir- culation and has sucked the poison from the wound, feeling no ill effects. There will be no more rattlesnake bites inflicted by his collection of snakes for the present, at, least, as the lust of his favorites was killed recently in an encounter with a bull snake. He himself saw the light, but he allowed it to proceed too law 10 save the rattler alter it. “us in the (.oils of its antagonist. is Ontario going to 'do in the matter of taking- up land ? Shall‘the wis- dom of Minnesota wheat producers put us to blush ? The men who are rushing in from Minnesota, Daâ€" kota, Nebraska, and Montana, are bringing in their good experience and capital, and will operate the ranches in the best style. Ordinarily the rattler should have proven more than a match for the hull. ut, in this case it became ox- cited (Wcr the queer nulnocuvcrs of the other snake and "lost. its head.†MOHNRH. (,‘URI E“ S'IOPPED A DELLQAT 1;} POSITION BOY PLAYS WITH SNAKES. SEASONABLE ADWUE. that l have derived fmm thaw (â€8155 051'S im- now nmdc for Dr. Williams‘ l'ink Pilm‘ Ito-:hm‘svs. cuts. and (logs. us we]! as {Ring the pilis my health “~uqfl'0r human beings. These animals shutter-d with rhuumaoljsm,Sus‘w :1. larger on» than man. and sovâ€" s (I(P{)l'(‘$$i()n and Sleeplngsnpwsh .m'nl are ordered for them at the My twch‘e months I rarely gm. same 1inu‘. us a new one is newsâ€" 1 night‘s sloop. \Vlun I hog-un‘snry alan mm: in six munths. The ‘ of UN,- pinx it was with -1_' 0(1ch become l'oug‘hc‘ncd aux-(1 pm- mtion to Rim than: :1 {My duce il‘rilutin-n, from the acids of the I did 50. and can trmhl‘ull, secretinns affecting; the enamel. 1! I ('nuh'l nut wish for beta?!" M than 1 now «mjuy. I shun/{11H Forlnflnnnnnncn nf the Ernaâ€"Among f’uin neglected, may produce chronic Rheumatism or Gout. Just a little Backnche may create Lumbago. J ust a little Sprain sometimes makes a Cripple. Just a little Bruise may do a lot of damage. Just a, little Headache may be the forerunner of Neuralgia. Just a. little St. Jacobs Oil. applied in time cures promptly and permanently Aches and Pains. Just. a little caution: just. a. little cost. Years of Pleasure against years of Pain. A rm-ruitlng sergeant tells how he ("we advised u loafer to join the in- fantry of the line. ln reply the [wafer (awe-med himself as fulldws .â€" "\\'(:ll. sergeant. when I ï¬nished me lln‘uining in the Wicklow Militia. I went and volunteered for the Dublin Il"usiiiers. I read the spots all right, but when the doctor examined me 1 was rejected becos he said my mouth “as too large to march agin the wind.†A Pili for Generous Enters.â€"â€"'I'liere arc nu-nr pen-nus of healthy appetite and poor digestion who, after a. hearty meal are subject. to much sulTering. The food of which they have pnrtnkL-n lies like lead in their stomachs. Headache,depression, n smothering: feeluig follow. One so at- flicted i< unlit for business. or work of :Inv kin'i. In this condition l’nrinelcc‘s Verge- table Pill '. will bring relief. They will u.“- sist {he :wsimilutiun of the uilnn-nt, and used :Icmrilin: to directions will restore healthy digestion. i Alphonso liortillun. of unthrupo- ‘metric l'uiim. has undertaken to uln- fcute the I‘m-is police in the art, of Idosci'ihing faces. An inlvror'tingpart. 'nf Llu: instruction is that spuL-i-Ll H'ului' is ultmhcd to U‘J.‘ our. No :two ours are alike. 'l'liL-rvforo that "organ is tlmsm as 11w base of the ‘systcm mnployud. (Ilnsc- attvnlion is $3130 giwn tn LOFL‘S. Each pnlicmzmn ggcts an album containing a thousand ,plictngruplnr. full face and proï¬le. of irersnmt oxpcllz-il from Paris. 'l‘o il’ncililulo 1110 research those por- itruits um g‘rmn‘czl methmliuully 11'- Icurding 1.0 their height. mm and rnoms. It, is bolicmil that when the {polite become fauniliur with Her- 'tillmi’s s-ystmn recognition of crimâ€" lilmls will be greatly facilitated. LARGEST ('AVE ‘IN EUROPE. 1n the Muotuthul. nonn- Schwyn. Switzerland. thm'v is prohuhly the largest (me in Europe. The exist- ence of the cow.- hutl long been kmm'n. but us it could only be en- tth by m-mvling no one had trou- bled to investigate the interior. This summer. hmw-vcr. three separate pur- tics haw: explored it. 'Ihc distance 11':l.\‘(,‘l'>‘"(l amounts ultogcthvr to no ICES than 8,004) yards. and the end of the cavern m3 not, yet, been roachâ€" cd. “ Just a Little †in] change. and 1 mm glad to re: pommcml tin-m tn others." Jot-horn tvho use these ’l‘ub‘xcts never after- Ward resort to harsh pur "alivvsv that. gripe and turturv baby Her 10 the Snâ€"cnllmi "soothing" prim ul.1t.i0u.~. that often cuntuin johnnous opi- ates. '11an '5 Own "1 ablcts :uc plou- sum. to take. guaranteed to he lmrmlms. Smxd 25 cunts for u {M‘â€" sizcd box to the Dr. Williums' Meâ€"' dicino 00.. BrockViHu. Ont. if your (Huggins does nut sell them. , GLASS EYES l-‘(Hi ANIMALS A Mother Tells How Many a Threatened Life May Ee Preserved. To the loving mother no expense is (on greet, no labor too :zex‘ere. if it. trill prexert‘e the health ui her littiu ones. Childish ills are generally simple. but so light is l):ilJy’.~;= ltoltl on life that. it is often it knowl- edge of tlzc right thing to (lo tlm turns the title at a crisis. ‘ And in baby‘s iilness every rrisis is a, eriti- tell one. “I think the timely use .H' Baby's (m'n Tablets would saw: many a dear little life.†writes Mrs. P. B. liit'kz‘in‘tl, Ur Glen Hutton. Que. "i take pleasure in certifying to the merits of these ’l‘ublets. as I have found them a sure um] reliuhle remedy. My baby was troubled with indigestion at. teething Lime. and this cross and restless. The use of laby's ()wu Tablets made a Wonder- Iu] change. and I um glad to re: bommeml them tn others." Jot-hers? ivho use these Tablets never after- A voting man who shall be mum} lawn is a close worker in money mat/- totsâ€"that is, he stays Clo-is to the show \xith his expenditures. 110 had the you! luck to marry a gill whose parents .u'c quite \walthy. and is at present living with his wife in one of his father-inâ€"Iaiw‘s hon "\YvHâ€"crâ€"no. not. exactly," Was the answer. "He offered it. to me, but I Wouldn’t accept it." "How's that, 2’†asked the friend. “Well." answered thc man who hm! made the lucky nmtrinmniul' venture. " you soo. the hnusv roullvi belongs to me I’m living in it um I {100. and 1 ll get it. when the oh! man dies 1) l :u-(eptcd it now ld hmc’ to 1 .' the taxes.†One day. nut. long since. while dis~ cussing “IT-airs with a. friend, the lat.- tvr asked : "Did the old gentleman give you that 110mm 2’" I'Z'I‘I*Z("l‘l()N BASED ON EAR Sunlight Soap will not burn the nap poff woolens nor the surface off linens. BETTER A RRA NG EMENT m for the Octagon Bar. SA V B THE BABY . w now made for Hull‘s (‘utan'h ('uro is tukrn Inter- ‘mlly. suing :lirvay upon lhu Mnml uni muvuus .xux'l'm'os (H‘ Um syslmzl. l‘cstinmnmls .wnL I'm-v. l'ricu Tau. pcr Lutilv. Sum by all (lruggxstn. Hull's .l-‘umily J'Ills an: the heat. Austria was the {111m country to adopt thn swflcm of postcards. This Was in 1861). It 'is “1‘1: known that a watch will stop for some nucxplninul reason and go on again if it. is given a slight, jolt. The same tronhlo may not recur lm' years. This is due- to the (lvlil'ulv lmirspring catching eith- er in the Imirspring-shul or in the rogulutormins. The cause is a sud- don jump 01' quick movement. which gins :1 jolt, to tho hulanceâ€"wlwcl and hull-spring. and thus renders the catching possible. The jolt. must come at a particular fraction of a second, during the revolution of the bul:m('c-â€"\\'ht:cl. othcmvisx! the spring will not catch. and so the mlds against. this happening am.- \‘m‘y great. . We offer One Hundred Dollars Howard «Or any cure of (‘ulurrh that. cannot be cured by Hull‘s (intarrh (fun: I". .l. ('Hl’ZNl-IY AK; (‘n.. ’l‘nlmlo. 0. “'0. the undormgnod. hun- knuwn l". J. Cheney {or Um lam-:1. 1.") years, and believe hnn pun-truly honorable in all businvss transactions and lznunciaHy able to carry uuL any obligations m'aulc Iy their lxrnu. IJ‘ZNI‘ IIiI‘AX. “h()lt‘.\ull' lh’ugg'lsls. l'olcdn. H. \VAIJHNU. KINNAN A: UAKVIN. Wholesale ‘ln'lzggmts, Toledo, Hailing}; the steel parts of one's watch mnm‘u-tizctl is unmhm‘ froquuxt cause at trouble; whilu changing the position of a watch, such us putâ€" ting it. down horizontally, is also amt. to ufl'v‘cl. its action. For instance. the going of most. watches varies according to the tem- PC‘I‘uturc at which they are kept. Consequently. if you \veur u watch next, to your body during the day, and at night. put it; on n. cold mur- ble muntelpiece, or. in fact. any- whcre in it cold room. the \‘utch is sure either to gain or lose. Cold uuxses contraction of the metals composing the balance-wheel and its parts. and the watch consequently rains. When the parts expand un- der the heat. of the body, the pivds, hearings. 016.. tighten up and the \\'ntch loses. 01' course. this: is not, the case with Watches having a com- pensating balanceâ€"that is. Blade of different metals that both expand and contract under the influence of Cold. so that the expansion of the one counteracts the contraction of the other. An Expert Tells How to Care For It. It. is strange how little the aver- age person can account. for what seem the whims and cam-ices of his watch, said u wutcinnakcr to the writer the other day, and yet in the majority of cases they are due to very simple causes. Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the war†produces, and Is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixeï¬.I and Green. hpan tea drinkus try “Salada.†Gram h. YOUR WATCH. ï¬ow's This ! lh'r Fatherâ€""No. sir. You can't lmu: 1201’. I Won't have A sun-inâ€"luw who has no 1mm,- hruins than 10 Want 1n marry n girl with no 1mm: Arm's-'3 than: my daughter haw shown in ulln\\‘ing‘ you to think you could in allowing you to think 11. \c her." "My curiosity is running away With 1111:," said the 111.111 whose two- hcudml (11H Iu-rsisttxl in (hugging him about. the farmyard ’1‘ here are n. n umber of varieties of corms. Holloway s Lum Cute “ill lcmovc any of them (.411 01 \oux druggis' and get. a. bottle .eroncc. (Signed) J. J. YOKOM. Mr. Yokom has been :1 resident. of Wr-llnml for yours. and is known to every man. wmnun and child in the town. He Was born in tho nnigh- boring tmvnship of Crowluml. with- in three miles of his presunt 11mm». and is known as a man of Christian principles who would not make a statement, that would in any way be misleading. “Since my rucuvcry I have told many othm‘s of [mdd’s Kidney Pills and how they cured me to stay cur- ed. Many of them my it seems im- porwiblc and yet. (Eu-y know it is true." "From the ï¬rst they swmod to suit my cum (-xacHy. and when I haul taken ï¬ve boxes my old trouble had entirely disappczn'od. and I was foe]â€" ing better than 1 had in many years. "l mu now in splundi-d hcnllh and able to stand grout exertion. in I'm-t. my gonm‘nl health is boner than it. has been in n long time. experience but got no bv-uclit. “AL 11151 I became xliscmzragod and hopeless of (ever luring “’0“ again. One day by luck I heard of llodll's Kidney Pills and began to use them. "At times l W tatml. “I have spent, considerable mom'v in medicines of (“fluent kinds but did not g‘te .my good results I also doctorcd “ith a physician of vast expel-Emma but got no bv-.uclit An Open Letter in Which a. Promi- nent Citizen Gives a Strong Recommendation for Dodd’s Kidney Pills, a Remedy Which He Says Restored Him to Good Health. Welland. 01.1.. Nov. 3.â€"(Special.) â€"-Mr. J. J. Ynkom. grocer and proa vision merchant of this IJJUCC‘. has given for publication. an open letter as follows: "For a year or more I had been ailing with Kidney Trouble. in uil of its warm forms. I had :L Very depressed {cc-ling in my head and litâ€" tle or no appetite. a constant feel- 111g of lung'uul'. and ] became grout.- ly reduced in Weight. More helpful than all wisdom is one draught of simple human pity that will not forsake us,.â€"Goorgc Eliot. \ Nothing can bring you peace but, yourself. Nothing can bring you peace but the triumph of principles. â€"I'lmorson. .V......._,. v .. . uavla. The highest manhood JCSidOS in disposition, not in intellectâ€"H. W. Beecher. That man is worthless who knows how to receive a favor, but not, how to return onc.â€"1’lautus. Nothing is more reasonable and cheap than good manners.â€"South. Honoz comes by diligence; riches s'p_r_ing ffom economy â€"J. F. DaviS. I SAYS HE IS NOW FEELING BETTER THAN HE HAS WELLAND MERGHANT FOR MANY YEARS. GRA INS OF GOLD. {l5 (rntirely incapaci- A Sketch by George H. Daniels is the Gem of the October - Number. (‘ustnmm- (emerging from Is-nrguin- (rounu-xi'cruslnâ€"“llclp ! My log; is broken." Flour-Wax]Revâ€"“You will Jim! Lhc crutch department. sir, on the fourth floor. in the your." Barber (who is winning, insinuatâ€" ingly)â€""Your hair n‘ucds cutting badly, sir.†Cusuuucr Homily)â€" “Wcll, I don’t. know anyone who cam cm. it “‘oxsu than you !" Minard's Liniment fnrï¬haumaiism. ucâ€" you {mu your mother I was sorry for having made an idiot of myself at hm- dinm:r-purty last OYOJIing ‘? What did she say ‘2" She â€"-â€""()h. >hc said s‘hu noticed nothing unusual . †"Let me row," said the pretty girl. “Hut, '1 would mthnr row,†said he. "Weâ€, don’t, let’s have a row." "To :u‘uid a row, suppose We row together. Then we can both row and have no row." AN 0w ASD WELL~TRXBD Rummy. â€" Mrs W man‘s {iosthng‘SyrurQ has _hcen‘us.ed {of oner 31:19! _x,__‘ , V,_v_,. _,. _,v ..... W-.. _..-.. --. -.-. ...-., can try minima- of mothers {or their chfldmn whi'e .mthfnz with perfec; :ucccï¬, It. women the child mnensKLhe gums. allay: :11 min. cures wind colic, sad lathe beat remedg for Diarrhea. Is picnmlt. to the maze. Sold by magic-ts in cvcry pan of the wor'd. I‘mntymve :enu :bovlc. In; value ii ivulcnlahle. 1'0 sure and. uk for Mm Winslow-s Soothing Syrup. sud Lake mother kind Minard's Linimant Cures La Eï¬ppe “What sort (I! .1 fellow is Wil- lowsnnp ‘2" "I don't know. Tu» only seen him “111m he Was with his wife." IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP The quaiity sundur-‘x from ocean to 0 Your money back if no: autumnal-5'. ROSE L: LAFLAMME. Agents. - Mo ITOâ€"“You told your mother mule Comet †“ Yictoria " “ Eagle " flgjflward .___“ "Suï¬sm: THE FOUR TRACK NEWS. ‘(jing wax/96% M Wa’w 1038 I N0 HOW ABOUT A ROW 0BR BRANDS. Far Orr! Sixty Years. aha; Mbncrcul . "1 see by the newspapers," remarkâ€" (“d Herder. "that the minor-5‘31] the Rand are sending out appeals for wives.†"Is that .x'u '3†ejaculamrd liennypcck, in an eager whisper. “They '31) have mine." “.‘How slow men we !-" said the woman in the white taffeta. “My husband spent at Last t'xo hours this morning picking out a piece of land for building. while I, in the same length 91' time, had sokxwd three new hats.†The above fact ca: writing to him. to or any or his ncighl The DAWBOII GOMIBSION 00.. llmltod, cor. Went Markut and cmborne 8:3.1’038’11'6. Cor esponden. e invited. _...‘,. Ivy send empty crates. pay hxzhesc price<. and re- mit, promptly. ONTARIO POULTRY Co.. 17 Car-law Ave, Toronto. Messrs. C. C. Richards 6‘.- C (IeuLlcmcn,â€"'1‘hcodure no customer of mixw. was to cured of rhcuxzmtism after Ii‘ of suffering, by the judicious MINARD'S LlNIMI-‘X’I‘. APPLES. Messrs Lion and South African War. it; 393i}.- :zc-nc-y] going. Write for terms. L'ADERWOOD VSDERO W000. 62 “elude 5:. an. romm. 0m 4 \Ve have a trade that will take any quantity of ï¬rst-class. Eroperly acked Apples, and we can ta 1: care 0 them. \Ve have ample storage. “'e can :15 - handle {our BC 9, HONEY. “\"lnva "I?" 'c “n! AGENTS WANTED PATENTS Eoiilï¬fWinfEd POULTRY. We can handle unlimited quantities of ï¬rst-class dry picked Poultr . and want 10,000 Turkeys and Chic ens to ï¬ll our order trade. orchaut. St. lsmiuro, Que May 12th, 1893~ lwodmc Dorais .1 uim- was complouzly Ltisn 1 .L.tcr live vcars the indicious use of other and inferior brands, EDDY’S Experiment Don’t an be v’xiï¬ed bv » the parish pxiest 8mm 8; CAMERON Solicitor: of Patent-1 ‘ Canadg‘rLirfe Build 2. Original Sumoguphd bathe K1131 Coroan‘ Toronw. ‘ Write {or {me advice USE A. C(ms, All kind“ dead or alive. \Ve Wash: In asstess Fretti (Th5: yaw VOL. IX. NO‘ exl ‘9»vr‘9’f’5’r‘4 11 AI his 5! of X“ l‘ “W '-i n: