I) Mr 1 bn McBride wasin] tad-1' fly this week and reports business ; \ good. He sold mo of his noted ' Dominion Pianos and two high' grade Organs. Mr. McBnde is, Milly a hustler. : Elf last week. We Hope with gainful nursing and awe medical gttendance she will soon be out again. Fnany friends of Mrs. Juhn nilot! will regret to learn that she ran and seriouslv injured her- The Intercolouial Railway has bccn exit-mind to rulonts in the St Lawrence Canal System haw: been prcssul to an ear -complctton. Substantml progrcss has bee-u made: in the Construction of Trent Valley Canal till now the: question of what ()ltllc‘t that canal sl than. whether into Lake Ontario or into the Bay of Quinte, has come 3):: of special and immediate importanCC to the people of this County. Montreal, iinprc In the best interests not only of this County. "the country at large, this qucntiun of the (latent: the most carcful consideration. satintactorily without a coinixiratiw survey and advantages of the (hffcrcnt routcx' j! alectcd‘ make every effort to °ccurc but of this l‘i'onnm: aml outlet for the: Trent Canal is" one tl In my opinion it cannot he set! to (lctcnninc the: relative CXPC? , and such :1 comparative survey, I w The construction ofa new line of Railway across the mntincnt and 0 .wholly upon Canadian Sull has been undertaken. The ngre ~:ucnt under whi ;this; second great national highuay IS to he built sccurcs to the country t pdvamagcs of the road without lmp().\lllg on the pcoplc/ï¬ny ï¬nancial hunl :07 even the loss ofa single acre of he public lands. he: building of ti gtailtoad will open up for Settl~ aunt and trade a " -~ ~xtcnt v - 'ory cc m"i"srmilli°n~t OMï¬arcst . . on... . .- , - o u. A substantial prcfcrencc has been given to (Bra-at Brimin. W titél legislation shown ourSclvc-s to be an integral poninn of I!) and indtpcndem, abh: to assume our fuil share: in its rcspousi 'the same time properly prcfcxring to make our purchasesa ~markets: among people of our own natlon and razor. :strated that while in thclast {cw .exports have also largcly increasm. The rest years our Britmh imports have In mmsurcs taken to promote the duvclopmcnt of the country and cs“ wpectally the: opcnmg up and settlement of Northern Ontario and of the "rent 3 North West, th: Government has kept ubrcasz with If): requirements of the :situation. n13 (EOVcrnment has dcsvn'ud wall of Canada. Venn It has so administered the arm†of lhh‘ co named by incncasing progress and prosperity. During thc 1;: army that each year ha The tariff has been revised and rc-adjustcd so :11 adequate protection to our busy and industriom nmnufacmrcrs, it ml reduces the: burden of taxation upon the consumc-r and makes cnnn of duty many of the staplc commodities which may be termed the: m in of life. at wink: it still Many reasmxs present themsdvcs for answcrmg that it is. distinguished statesman who has done more toward» making C .tban any othur man now living. ;assailcd his namc. troll-m. No breath of slander or .w; He Is a lender to be proud of and whom it Aylasworth for Durham ,V P“. -uuu.° u...) nu; ass-Au In )Ul zinaupcrablc. 7 The practical question for dc-cision a: the present Otno! the (hwcmlncnt of Sir Wilfrid lmxricr and his your continued conï¬dence. I have no personal claims that can be urgcd. I have cvcx 3that I do not live in the County, but when I remember how in past, Durham honored with its cozlï¬dcncc :tmlswtm PATH†as the Hun. Edward Blake and the Hun 1‘). B Wand, (I) at ï¬rst a stranger to the Countv, I am ~flencc outside the Riding may not \In -._.._..._> I made bold lo Imp: sccm In your m'cs In the very short time now remaining before clcctinn day1 Tor :1): to become: acquainted \mh, nr to meet more than a con: number of electors of a grcut' Kidin". un-J I thcrcforc ml saluting briefly some of the considurutxons which 1 thin}; shouh choice of a representative. sufl'rages. "w‘ price In domg so I am acting with the entire appram and concur I'C'lce of Mr. Robert Bcith, who has so \mrthily rupz‘csrntcd the “1-5: Riding ofthe County for the hatthirtccn years, and to whum tliu nomination for 3h: coming Parliament was offcrcd in lunc hst. .\1r.Bgith is unfortun- iltcly 50: as robust as In: mm: was. and \Vlshcs m rvflrv or I deJ mm.- . ‘ ‘ v \ . . . . . . ‘ k" (:ERTI.IL.\IEN:-Hle becml Assocmtmn of the (,uuntyof Durham as honored me With the: nominazxon to : the Reform candidate for thc Riding m the coming elcction, and I have acccpzcd the; nomination with 2783': pride: In dorm.r so I am acting with :2 -_~ entire :mm-aml 11m] l‘nnt‘nr. 10 the Electors of flmham : His Covcmment has dcs: an. A. B. Mleswnnn, K. E. willing to offcr mysdf in his place as ADDRE SS . . ’ 1‘ ‘° tine - Aylesvarth , Iio C†the Liberal Candidate. A Great Honor for Lu] he In. . chance, Electors of Gavan Manvers and Minn-brook. Talge advantage of 11; Tesworth .escnt ... A. H ole for him) In: (mm: was. and mshcs to retire, or wn undertaken. 'lhc narc went under “hie h nay IS to be built secures to thctmmzr) 1hr: im'msing 0.1 the peoplcflm ï¬nanci' :11 burden g? :‘\c public lands. he: building of this men: and trade a " '* «won (on- uh ‘ .. l ..... X ï¬prcst . , . A SAFE V0113 will be 035 995???? 19; 9915901112., , Mr. Frank Adams. manager of ,the l’ngslrv. Dingman Co’s 1 business at Mgntrcal, was in town fMonday,caIï¬ng on his brothers 'Mcssrs. Delbert and Therm .Adums. ' , or to meet more than a conlpuratEVcly small Riding. un-J I therefore take this means of 53:1! â€- "Work and Win S'I‘RAYEDuâ€"Into the premises of the subscriber, Lot 13, Con. 4, Gavan, on or about Friday, Sept. 30111, a red and wlute ycar old S'I‘EER. Owner is requested to prove: propcrty, pay for this advertiscmrnt and charges for keep, and take: it away. I. I- FAIR. Apply on the prcrms'cs to 'I‘HOS. HUNTER. Milllnook l’. 0. tuil share: in its rcsgmnsihilitics an: to make our purchases and to ï¬nd m be urgcd. I have even Lhc misfortune when I remember how in the not (115mm Th‘e Man of the hourâ€"Hon B. Aylesworth. Aylesworth and Victory 01“.. as a candidvf :n to (Brcal Britain. Wchaw: by prac- intcgral portion of the cmpxrc, fret: I ,I ' ' " "' V which 1 thin}; should Influence your and race. The result has dcm an; Brimh imports have doubled, our "I: f. and Sun: to PAI'HRIHCHI such men 15. R Wood, though each was 1:: bold to hupc that my l‘csiv . .infst Tm! by our prcswt 0m rcsourccs have been clfurc and pmspcmy of the w! 50 that While: it xii†affords manufacturcrx, it m ltclith n<-r and nmkcs cnnrclv lrcc m :n' be termed the: necessar- >rcscnt time is sim )h uhcthcr d his cullczlgucs 1:; worth» 0! lmv-rnmcnt as it has been rport ‘ the Government thin or your \‘UICS, and splc of this County. ofthis Pronncc and of c Trent Canal ls" (me that xon it cannot be settled he the: relative cxpcnsc to Montrcal, improve "hc buildin'T of this :xtcnt 0‘ - ory (on ' it t‘crlxlc Province of ,â€"_â€" “~â€" ___‘ a candidate: for your 1-1mi11 and the 'ct the: admin- ed under me merry annually 1m ing surpfus 111111 unllv â€who 2‘. 11115 {(11- U 'I. , 1 n :ncnt under which to the country 1h: is. is ch l v a Canada :1 nation M .md.d ~h.1.s CVu‘ it is an hunur lo it is impossible to an earlier m) objcctwn tion of the canal shall should never :y, I 7 will, and on: has bccn the 0er It is now said that Mr. Aylcsworth is a Roman Catholic. This, were it true, would be: 'no discredit, but it is nnt true. The parties circulating the smtrmcm know that it is not true, ville um I'lUilfh more the: polls (rinse. The ï¬rst slander was that Mr. Aylesworlh was an inï¬del. This was promptly and convimingly refuted by Mr. Ayes-worth himself at Bowman~ Men of (Tumn, Blanvcrs and Mill- ‘ l - l l . l brook, it is Very greatly to he regret~ ted that now on the very eve of the lilectiom manv fuse slanderous and , 7 , y d malicious smiencnls are being circu- lated mnon'r 'ou h' crcn wine of a ’ ) l the prominent members of the Con- servative party here, with a View to prejudieing you against the candida- lture of the Hon. Mr. .I\_\'leswortlr l I 'l‘hL-sc (lisgrimcful tnvtics are the more ideplorulile and i)l;ll]lc\\()fllt)’ in \iew; I l ofthc courteous and honorable mrtn- l nor in which Mr. Aylcsworth has treated his opponent, both privately .rtml in his~ [)Ul)ll(.‘ addresses. Such tactics are the [ZlCllt'S of desperation, iand evidence a desire to win by any lmeans. fair or foul, and will be de lnounmd by all who love BRITISH FAIR PLAY] Or those who have met Mr. Aylesworth, who have listen~ ed to his statcsnmnlike exposition of ___,â€"_._â€"____._u..‘ .-._...__._ -__ the issues of the (lav, or who hav: followed his career, these hasc slain- ders have no effect, but we feel it our duty to warn those who have not I been so fortunate, not only against those false and malicious rumors that have already been vii-culutetl, l)lll against those whieh will be, during the last hours before the polls close. A Last Word to the Beams 3 ' Liberal C , n ozuc or \\'omcn's New Cloth Coats at $7.50. llngulur 3310 amlSlQIBO. T [g The lot includrs a big purchase but from a manufacturer at uuonl hall price. Every mat is nuulc in this sea- son’s styles. There are the. plum man- lalilnred tight-ï¬lling coat, with or wth- 1“an: rapes, and the plain, lunse and halted hack st) les In short and three- aquarter lengths. Mammals um Denver I’. Cloths, English Jerhoy (,‘lnth, and the new Tweed Mixlums. ALm-st any de- slruhle :utd l‘ztahluhuhle uhmle may ho had, including llzack, navy, hrnun, Efawn, and famcv tweed shades. This is IOC and 1ng I’huIncIL-ttes and \K’rappeI‘ettL-s 8 I-zc 500 51113 [111111] E 11211311 11:11: melt-mes, Uliu dark and light patterns, 80:11 85 in m“ 5.119 Alan 2111111:112111nrtternsinprhnt- â€Â«d \\ rapperultvm suitable for \Iaists, 'Lchil Ire-11’ a drn- "M's 11111] \I rippers. P‘XLWI 21“ Costumes at Manufac- [n tIIIcI s l’IIccs. 'E'riS‘E-lq I I 0.: St) 195 .1111! mute-rials 1119 no“ nu“ 0‘ 1.3% 559.5%? 45:53 ï¬'mse‘ï¬am 53:51-23? uncod prit'éfl :-â€"$25 for $13.3“; $3!) for $11!;SH fur H.511: SH!» for $10; $12.50 for $5 50; :1qu S“) for $5. A Sale of \\'omcn's New Cloth Coats at $7.50. “regular $10 andï¬li’éo. The lot includvs a big purchase but from a manufacturer at upon! hnH STRICTLY Cï¬SH beuuns. a ramp. 2.0. oz: 22:5 :: 2::2 .: 58 cm :1 Two c: z Buying: the \‘v'akciy 8: Ford these very staple: and scasonable prices. SWEE EXTRA EUUD BAHGMNS RE 6? THE BIG SNYDICATE. OPPSSITE P he, gï¬wï¬ me ~. H “RES rm?“ r UNIV :1 f1“ of thc {(‘cd thing; 5 Hm! :muit \on at the stoxe.131in;r a list 0 \0ur 1 er and m: ’1] guznuntce it \\iJl "m you real ucll to buy )our supply here at 116 on the dollax. 303D S v; ML'nlnlmn n_____h Was Mr. Aylcsworlh nu Outsidcr when a year ago he DEFENDEI) YOUR lN'i‘ERIiS'l'S AND THE IN'I'ERIZS’I‘S OF CANADA against the unjust and unrightcous claims of the United States on the Alaskan Boundary Commission P Did not every one of yqu thrill with patriutic pride I Another plea being urged against l .\lr. :‘qlcsworth is- that ht: is an out lsidcr and that on that account Wt: lahould rt-jcttt him. Surely, surely we are not as narrow as that. Gladstone was not a resident of Midlothian, Sir ljohn Macdonald of Kingston, nor l Blake of West Durham. Rest assured ofthis, Elcctors, that when the llon. Mr. Aylcsworth takes his seat in the ‘ llousc, he will not he an absentee nor an outsider. but will he always present to look aftcr your interests. and you will be proud to have him as your Mun hcr. Hts early life on the farm will enable him to appreciate your nccds. his great skill and ability will enable him to look after your interests “tank Suliixan into the Ixidin'r to C01- rupt the 1 lcttozs. Mr Frank Sullivan ii i i is not, has not been and “ill not at: in ' thc Ridinu for this or am 0. her pur- i pose, a .d his (alumniumrs “all know their statements to be misc. TLe lgcnllcman bciiw pointcd out as \ir. liSuHivan is \ir. l\ I. (:ibson, an abla. i) oung hwycr from "iorrmtn,who has addressed mac-tings \vizh Hon. Mr. 'A)'ic‘5\\'orih, at Bethany, Blackntnck i and elsewhere Another malicious slander bcing vircululcd is that he has brought Mr. his father, but in so high estimation are his abilities held that he: is Solicitor for thc Anglican Synod of" the Diocese of Toronto. His life of unassziilul and unblemished integrity proves the Character of the man, and the cfl'cm of his early training. prosperous and progressive country in the “'0th H: was roan-(i in :1 Chris- Lizm home. his parmts hcing sim'L-rc. devout members of the Mcthodist Church, in which his father is and has been (for lhn‘tv Minx) :1 Recording Steward, and his wide a Minisu'r. Hc,hims§:1f, adhcrt-s to tha- faith of prominsm Mason, 1):.inga Past Master of Ionic LmIgv‘, 'I'ul‘zmlo. pruJucm‘c. .-\.x :1 nwm-r m" Inc: many of Mr. .‘.;.'lc-.wm'lh's R-Iuliws arc promin- cnt Orangr-mcn, and hc himself is a ilHd 111:. ir prcjmlicc. .-\ “ Me a 3mm u! 340 I . A Int of Main sninngs In gum! m culurs for children's dresacs 2 and 2§ yards, ï¬ne szuin Huiali. â€$1.25 I’lannelctte \Vrappers 98c. All sizes fl r Women, made of youd heavy printed ummwreiteln"9:11de lputterns, Waist lined zuid fluunce ut ilmtlom. Sample \Vaists at Reduced Prlces ' A manufacturer's In! of sample waists “or women, lmuglal at :1 third umlur the regular prices. The lut includes waists 'ui silk, flannel, cashmere and lustre in u gum] range of Colors, all bargains. i250 Pair Flunnclctte Blankets at 68c and 89c. Regular $100 and Si 25 Per Pair. This is a big purchase of 2000 pairs nimlehy our syndicate More's direct from a big Montreal mill. They are rallml “seconds,†but are really as good to we.“ as the purlect blanket. There are grey and white in ten-quar- ler sizes. 30c and 35c Dress Ma :m nppununity for you to sm-ure a real {ushimmlde coat at less than the man- nfau-xurer’s 1 rice. AH go at $7 50 The earlier you come the greater the cumice. $2 Linen Table Cloths $1.39. Stock as we dul at 77 -2c on the Dollar enables us to sell goods at a saving of a full average tlm‘d off our regular low Ajw't is hukly In Create next Premier, thgn Vqte for ‘he $31011. A B. built up this into the most “11mm! rung? dresses, 44 in. QWAKELYWRD 3185K atcrinls 24c Born and brought up on the farmâ€"~11 man of the people and for the penplc~â€"such is the Hon. A. B Aylemvorth. Aylesworthâ€"the Man for Can ads. and the Man for Durham, too ‘ Editorial, Toronto N Ovt. 12, 1904. “If the interests ofthe c-i un- try'couid be put before those of party. Hon. A. B. Aylesworth would be elected by acclama- tion in Durham †rising Statesman, 'HH‘.‘ AYIJCSH'OR'I‘li. The YOU to decide. Sect decide wise-h" MEN ()1 ,a.1L11 1111 11111111111, 1mm :1ll 1‘11:.<L-11s. (1.11)- I: l 11:11 111111 (â€01151111111111 111.1111) :1s is 111‘- 1‘ . 11‘01‘111111 to 11 11' 111111, 1111111111111 1111‘ \1‘2111: '1111l)l1‘. 1.11‘1'i11.1 1‘1111111.1‘1.1l?\\';1s 111: 1111 11111511111 11111-11 1isi115r 31.11111 :111 11111111- U1)111‘\'hL1 dis11l1111-11 1111.1 11:14:11.1â€. 51111: $- 1 L mznslnp hy alloying 111s11.-:11l 11.r i111l. '-1:11 11111 1111: rising Impulti r-1sc2111111111 911311151 1l1L- 1111)tl111.‘i.1111l 1111 11'1111t was Iclt 11') 111.1 l11“1 two 111111111 y-i1l1lii11.' to [111.1 uninst 1‘l:1i111s1)l [111:L1111L1151z1t1s ’ H111 \‘1111 not 1111111 111111 L11¢1'_\‘111l11.11‘ Citizen 121(1111111111, ch1 11.111 l1L11‘L 1 was .1 man whose sL-1'1i1cs his 1111111111 impu- .11i1111) 1111111111111. 11. 3 Now, 111:1: 1.111111- :mth 11111131 1,11C11t1).11's1)11:1l«:-111i1'i1L1h11 has yi1:!1lc:lt«) 111111 1111.111 11.-111.11.111l. \11)11l1l \‘1111 1'1:Lj1.-1t his sL-11'i1L-s l).".‘.l'.l\" foi'sooth h1: (lous not r1si1111 11'11‘1111 1211 limits 1). this countv? 111: 1; 111.- 25111111: 111:111 now as h.- 11:19 a \'11:11‘11 1.1). 151111 this small defect, 11.111111: it l)1~, 01111111 rcsidcnt‘c will, il l11: 111111111L1s \11111 1‘1:- [)1cs111113111',11 l)11 1‘1:111L-1li1-;1l 1111‘ it is his [intention 11) 1111111 111) his 1'L111i1111111‘11 in this county 11min: :1 p1):1i1)11 of lhc )Lzu whcn his sL-11'11‘L1«:11'L-11111111111i1'11l at 011111111. 011.1 1).l1L-1' point .‘111‘. .-\\'lcs\11)1th s political 1‘:.:‘ has only begun. 111113 11111111111 .1 ( 111i11L-1 .\li:1- listcr. It is :11101’l5N SM lxlil th. 1t‘ 1.L1 .211) he Minister of lusti1‘11. .\Ior"1ov111, as Sh lohn .\I:1c1lon:1l1l, “hen he saw t11:11 his )cars wcrL- 11.1111111111‘L-1i,sclL-Ltml his successor in the puison of Sir john Thompson, so has Sir \\ illritl 1.3111‘1'111 «data: the 11011. A. l’. .\)l::.1\"1111l1:1«‘ HIS SU( CLSSle, 112111 1,‘,1)11 ()1 most 0111111 will live to see 111111 l’RlMl‘I MlNlS’ll.R Ol1 "lll 11$ (1 l’.l 5 AT DOMINION. Should not 11:11: b1: ‘ matter of prirlc and 111111.11‘11111lati1m? \\ ill You 011 '1131‘0111:t1)fl)fl«111111 111:11- 11,101.15 sl:111.,l.-1's, 1:1ls1‘11111l idle rumors, narrow pm‘tiznnship, rrjm‘t this 15:11:11 opportunity, or will you not 1‘11thc1' rise above all tl1cs11.,lay :1«'i1lL1 partv pnju- diccand'l‘RIl-1Ml’11ANll\ 15 l l5.‘( 1 11111111 1)1cr11‘.l1cl‘11i111.z m. 1i1)ril.\ ( 111711111' . 0:) ins return In {ammo In such an ruminn, {mm :12] v31; cm] and (lumen-min. MILE JL Uh.“ \ ()Hz’J Astrzuehuu Jm:kets-Rezulur $25 value fur-$19 74; $30 for $25 ; $32 for $2.7 ; $33 â€or $29 75; $3!) for $34.75 ; $45 fur $39. \ Astrnclnun and Persian LumL \\ it]: 18:11.19 (blursâ€"Regular 2-45 m 533; $50 for $44 75; 3713“» $65; $80 fur $75. Sable Rutl‘sâ€"Ihwulur $10 for $8 50; $12 {M935 ; $!2.50 fur $10;$17.:§0 for in 90; $19 for" $16 50; $2 for $2.2m; $291M $24.75; $33 fur :3â€. ‘Nomen's and Children's Under- wcut 190. 25 duz Union Vests um! Drawers in winter weight, all sizes, Worth much more, a bu'gain at 190. Men’s \Vool Umlcru'car at 49c. 200 Shirts and Unmers uf Hm heavy and mvdmm weigh! in woul, nniun :wi fleece lined, Very special ill-196. u gar» umnt A Big Sale of Kcliablc Furs at 77 I-2c on the Dollar. Women's and Girls’ Wool Gloves 22C. A full range of all colors and sizes. Special at 22¢, a puir 50c and 60c \Vinter \Velght Stockmgs 39c- 0! heavy English worsted and cash- mew. In plain or ribbed. sizes 8 to 10 Inch. DURHAM’S 13m y by him , MEN or DL'RnA'xxz ; and mngmtulatinn? ‘oum of base and ma!- l‘nlsc and idle rumors, ship, rvjm‘t this grcnt will you nut rather rise ‘~ :I md ubilllv I}: g majority, ('unadu's â€mu, \mcn nc saw numburml, sclcclcd person of Sirjohn 511‘ Wilfrid Laurxcr \. B. .\)'1:::u\'urlh {1* HE HON. A. I}. The issue is for cc to it that you 11c :11) u :m c h: Lincxt st; MC 5- tern-3d u! in 11: m1- th‘ rvscnmwnt id fur what was wily yic-Iding to (Tom) WEE->151 Mu!" “th n chm}: Rf: Miss Maggie Wrigh‘, o! Peterboro, was a visitor in town last week. Mr. E J Partridge, represgnling The Slur, Toronto, gave me Mirror a call last. week. The many Iriends of J \V “30“, formerl) G " Agent hem, \\ ill he. plans- ed to learn that he has become 11 citizvu of our thriving Village. Mr hgnlt whopmchzased Mr John Madill‘s Binary business, assumed mntroldthe same on Mondayâ€"Lu}; eï¬eld News The Missvs Sara Gardiner and Rain}; G 1mm, oH‘urmel, were rfsnors to .\m.- bronk last week. Miss Millie Eakins, of Pelerborn, is nailing her friends here. I'L' line (Ionï¬. in Mililnnuk. \Vishes to annonncc to thc Pubhc {hat she has Opened u: Hector, um? thr- vour men mm w m gimm- of the xriump} inn. mump? \'i< . UEHIC‘T :1 s t‘x'cc icz'l'l :1 ft Hut only 1( win kcc-p (7 {nun/1V (2r 1 m\ (- ’uu, ‘ 10 (31mm c for \i;zm.; ncwx 1m- mcm. I; moat 11M: lllllt‘h In lurnui. which 11 Mr. Bu: It ‘IIIH I last l’urlumu czu‘iurm-nu-n rcsuiul Lcrc my mndidm fidcntly um: 13:: tu'm'n 1m Hating b: (Ionsm‘x'ntivu pm now punthng, i behalf ï¬g: T. ï¬x. Valldlï¬EQ buns... fluflï¬mw‘ 9.....4 0!‘ HEX Y U; I Ii) IIiAV u YOUR STQRE \L' than, 1' :12}: smmnl; supporter ()fa part? :m a poiicv Much has m the you! dam I ' . . . . H ' » ‘z‘vnzhlv the Intcrcszs (:1‘ :ur ( (mum's 1' 111‘s 1" 3551â€â€œ )U-I, â€h†‘f 3“ V . ' l n ‘ - . \ . 7' . a. Am.» cul‘tlnue to rcndcr an unwawnn'a ZIIILԤ;4¢UA(L m 21.; I)!“.(.,le: U 131""i‘!" â€cw-31m} in our (cuncfln, 1)} our lmhmm .md bah“! luau mum 11 ‘III and COUNTY OF DURHAM: ($656.. Hm Hurt. 33..-}... GROCERIES ' 01“.... Hi won honozcd with the unammous nomination of 1 u: Ix?†“NY in thc Cuunzv to contest the Consmucnry in the rim; 1 bcg rc-spcvzfully :0 ask for your votes and ixnéiucm'c on (m Ki Um! ~PSn§d§l “ï¬ns-Ind itinhfl. H {E H] (H) â€ht Uh a I X .n c .H M 3'!“ unumzslv 0 Pl 4 My honor am] privilcgc 10 I'cpx't-Scrz I :r: Ila-.1 kid“ surh a wav, :15 I vulture to lmpv, m}! have mct \w ‘Ippruml. Having but!) 110m in (h: (fountv. am} HM dis mi! mu [In Ycl‘ N1 :1 ï¬xed! gmlicy, which «ball gt ‘ :.'1urc-r, but In prudurcz's ofzdl kim â€:15 for ('mmEism produrt-s, win 5.1 {cal that. I am no: mad-3' m- 1:L4(n;..six'\'(fu\4 gnmnd that 1;: ma strunum :ummvst mu, :1 J 1 11cm: 1:; no rcasun uhv your remunglnuliw 51.“ m E): boundaries of um‘gmnd old Cuumy. 31}? (km. pt, I‘ mine or UK: IL 35mm 0! X inturcsls 01 my mihviiy and extra n‘,‘ ("mmlrv ELECTORS OF THE n-xfl ow is your u- .«lmlcszhc atrcn‘I b In 4:4):zzz'- I XI: 0 hm-mnunt dcscnv the TL plubuUun 14:» 3441 (If \m4.z..‘ 44-. I sh: Ii be: u: osc- 511:1; nut-0435. 4 \\'.'I “IS u here she in‘ ,. $ICCOND DOOR XCI-i’l‘li‘if": my A LOST VOTE mil be the one marked for Ward. "YO-day. 'l'lmi’zdm \'t\. 3, is elemion (my. \ e “H: . Min 2...: 1L- tun: s mxt “eels“ The many friends of Mrs. Samuel l-Iukms M†be glad to hear that she has returned from Pezerboro, much improved in health. : l’m'hzuncnt: it whole Cum uiicv of 1hr: p . .21 cummii L' liK);;()SC1 to I): .\ callus KM such as Humllwnzhi H . u: uh- r its] o:1-;ib1c f'm cu it'u Railsun \Cl Cl] C Is '. it .\ii.,1fc;rzir(i on, six: I h ‘cscm (Sm‘cmmcl 1m: ul' :zziflivm 0w dissuh'cd . VJARD. (mm, :uci whcthcl' ! :3: 2m. in: a 0m. ‘IIIEL i'fc‘: lcpzobatnm of ‘C (â€m )Ic prob (‘Iion p a small rt mm and 11‘ “(‘l's' in II your lion On Thursday evening, Ort NHL. 31! and Mrs Chas. lewrfnrd “ere 'zzko greatly by surprise v. hen Up 12021.19: of the Lehannn leagnc can em [2' 03 In me, af'er a rlrrr: nu 92312;: :t 5‘ church Mr lucke read an address: Mrs. Rutlwr’od and “r S (‘0: :1- presenied lu-r \\ m. a bardsâ€"me xnrsc‘ the contents unmunl‘nz tr w m 1} seven donurs, Mair; mmrih :u d by :2; members of Imbaw n congregaï¬oxL Mrs Chas Rathnrfurd. Dear Madam â€"11v1:re:-‘ex.1ir~g (ongregation «.fthe Lebanon MM} 0 ' Church, we Laxe when x! e liberty u Come to your hos- o, to exp-ms to yo our high appreciativn «I the \‘ahmli sen-ices you have rendered 21:? (m: gregallon in mum-min: “f!!! tie em flee uf praige, and n!sn 10 expres< m: high appreciation nfyunr many minzu ahloqu: [ties which haveehdearod _\'m to all Mm have been :tssucia‘eJ ui'. ynu in these relalh-rs. “'6 have thought this a £1Yi!‘:«‘u'(:{ sion to glve you same tangiblooxgre 5 ion of this a) precxatinn an! « s:ee::~ and aek you to accept 1H5 gvnrsc slight expression of Hm same. Signed on behaifuf the comm; 323m Jase} h H Lucke. Push r, .101: Conuell, S '1‘ Council, Richard l'uas: II J A Jones. .-‘- u- Mnnnd Mrs lid-i: 5.4: Eeft R and other yoims “Q-FI. '1'}. unveiling suit “as of :z-auve! “itlo hat M match. Mr. and Mrs. {LA-22m :2 wer- 13.9 clplems '1' many lwamiï¬xi am? \‘33' Ne presems.an.m gnu-1:4 Mir: 3 s. oak r-vcker and mahngm 3' rvovï¬ chair mnemod ! _\~ If e \1’ II .x- ' ( u" . Limited, of ulaich Mr. [-1«.szs~n h : cnmmmt (in their re) nru 105336 at (515 Enchd A x a they \\ Mrs Rutherford ex;~ret~.éed in a 1'9“ Mord; Ler surprise an! gmntude frw the useful gilt. 'Z'hee-vening u ;.sspeu‘ by the younger people, in gnmes an music and afler refreshxm-z.::s “on Carved. the friends dirxwrscd to Hen homes, just as the naming drops n‘ rain-remix-ded them that the pleus:-.‘~| evening a as over. Mr F. 0 Face and Mr. P 1:0â€; 5: sm: uahers. '1‘? e groom 5 gifts ?‘-‘x;" '6: rank pivot. 3-1;] to the bri ' x a}! (we 01" \t'wr the (‘errmcnv a IGCOpZint: “- h 4d at the hnme ‘ f the Irrédr's yare: 0'} (admin 63 Run !. A de'ï¬Lflzf‘ sup; “8* served, hum tely rflvr \- ii The Mirror e xn m! s l « arfy v x iltiuxs to the 1: up; \ (‘om- {e M. D Hagarty is- visiting friends i: Montreal. Miss M S‘aples spent Sundau “ix‘ Miss Jessie Lamb. A SAFE VO'I E -thc one nmxkc for Col. Hughes. . 1m: mam f: lend< of Mr. Iran}; Milk w H retvre! to lawn t}: :H L? Ins *Wt“! stricken Emu xx i: h I: am The hridee: .urm? 1!. e «Luca (v arm of her fa†e r :u d wns war" cream creme de- 0mm over 'xfeia bridal veii am! 0' rrimi :1 san- r . of bri ‘es â€ms 312.! ‘ w ï¬ring: as 1 at (-My 0 a. 1-! sum, hy~t yon L I’uum The hfi of Xiagur organdie c1 iï¬'on a: presiding A very areâ€): wad 131:: in": pk“ ce Wesley Methane st c .urch ,2!) Toronto, Wednesday an: rm: -~, 0 19th:: 5021001", :3 .e<on‘rnc:fx.; p.1r’.‘ being Miss Ada. .7 , «E:uzg:.ter of .‘ir. a Mrs JC “'insie- , 131;! Mr, (‘ R Ro'i son As we ha connection news (:01 :1: large mum! we will cm a {UN supp} l A Former ODE‘ELEE aToroxztoVou = Any man out of idic time: on his 'na representing (7mm series, Mm}: 3:3? the hamhmm l w the gft'aicfl 5k! mated flack. Sm ing. Wntctrduy. (l Slilu' ('(2; on the prcnziww, :1‘ 5c 10 Omcmcc I’. () AGICN’I‘S “(ANTI-ll) LOST, STRAYILI) From Lot :4, Con. J, Mare, aged, Mm k pm: be suimhh‘ :‘cvcax'dcd ': to SAMUEL \1'. 3.1 The many {Z’ir‘n Lizzzc Adam: Willi learn that she 1125 $11 as to be abic to gof Mr. G G Dnmm BORDEE, HUGHES. AND '3 VICTOR The ovromc'v‘. e\'. (7' O J‘Jhl:5! Waist your zasusmchc u: 1‘ 3mm brawn or rich bias}; Umemee and Virgin: LOCAL- LKCON 2C; A Surprise Party. l ‘i ‘.P~‘nmlnl ML ‘ Falls, .V,Y. wflh ‘39:: d earned a It 14, Con. 4. I , Mark paints. rewarded hf: EL \‘x'. M I '1 niseg or send :l’.“ ’0." -. :as perf ~rn=€ man tonne! I efl for I 79\