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Omemee Mirror (1894), 10 Nov 1904, p. 2

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Senior 11* Murray Spier, Clarence Staples. Emma Sanders. Annie Kerr. Bertha Murphy; Allcn Murphy, Eycr. et! jones. ‘ Scnior ”Irâ€"'Annic Ahdcrson, Mer- tuu Stewart 'Jumor IH-- Pearl White, Elia “'11.le Senior l\'--FJL1 Kcrr. CurricWhitc. junior lelilsic Bu”; Hosssc Patterson, Walter 1th11111501). M'r. I. H. Gardiner, auctioneer. of 'Prtcrboro, was in town yesterday, and gun: The Mirror a friendly can. Mr. :K iardiner’s last season’s business “'3“ a 'rn-ord breakvr, and the prospects for this season are even brighter for him. "is scnriCc-s are in gross: demand. STRAYEDâ€"Into the premises of the subscriber, In: I 3, Can. 4, (33va, on or about Fridav, Sept. 3olh. a rcd .and «hm: year old STEER. ()Whtl‘ is requested to prove proper“, pm for this achujscmcIIt 5mg] than {us fur jkcep, and Iain: it 1-” ’51.] L. 1 \IR. Iva-‘6” ,, 2.13mi Jjeut. Millar desires. through the: .cnlumns of this paper to than}; the aproplc of Millbrook for their kindness 5m him during his stay here. The Lt. had made many warm [fiends who ml! arish him success in his new station at Prescott. ‘Mrs. Peacock is visiting friends a: ’ Nwwtonvillc. "The killing 0! squirrels (Mavk or :grfl') is prohibitcd by the game laws of Ontario for an indefinite period. We learn that Mr. 1. Master. (I. 'l‘. R. Agent here, will move to Allundalc this week. and that Mr. Fred Burton ,3 former citizen, ha; been appointed Agent here. While regretting to lose 'Mr. Manet as a citizen, we join m welcoming Mr. Burton lmck In his native towr. Mr. Burton has been Agent at Lakeficld for some time past. Executive --Rev. Messrs jGI .tmis E Bowerman. Miss Shcrin and .\Ii5\ .M Nugcnt. President-~0 A Kidd Sem'etaryâ€" Herb. L'xtnner. 'l'reas.-â€";\'liss Pam-nee Byam. ls! Vire~â€"} George. and \‘ice-â€".\Irs. E W Lei-“is. 3rd Viceâ€"Senford Armstrong. 4th Viceâ€"Miss j Walsh. Cunference Representative Re\'. I 'R Clare. Opened thc evening progmmmt. 'I'hc ‘npic of discution was “The Len-gnu" Relation :0 Civic Righteousness and UK: Inner Lilc,' the first part being hken up by the Rev. ] R Butler, of Cartwright, who spa-kc on ‘ Laval “Mien in Czlrtwrxght,’ and th': sc-cond bv the Rev. 1 R Clare. 0F Milllxonx. Whose subject was, "l‘hc Cnhivzuinn ‘07 Christianity ’ :\ solo was given by Miss Nugent, of Milllnom‘, and a duct! by the Misses Chastv The tollowmg officers were clccrcfi: Hon. Pres.-Rev. W} Jollifi'c, B. liar! IL-Hazt-l \V’hitpsid(~, Han-)- ndcrs Laura White. Part Iâ€"Bealricc “'hilesidc, Gwal- n; Sting \‘Icmr Ftewart. M N FARIS, ’l'cachcr. Rc‘r. j E Robertson, of I":'as.--r~.'iIL-. in! the devotions) cxcrviscs which Rcv. H V Mounteer led the 5“”5 scrvtce and devotional exerciSes \\’lllt'l) Opened Tuesday afternoon’s scs>imL The reports of the treasurer, the guy cral secretary. and of the net‘rL'tar:e~ 02' the difl'erent lagucs were rcf'Cle d They showed that altogether the [,m- gicas of the year had been encourag "'3. Mr. I George read a punctual P-"per on “'i he Value tn th; lxngUe 0| Daily Bible Studv,” which opened :1 tinicuzsicm. The subject “ l’rm'tit‘.:l :xlethods on Missivnary and Chris'inn l‘ludeavur departmmt," was consider c-l in an open parliament led by MW. L D Lewis and following this, Rev. j H Lewis gave an address- on "SI-i» ma! Help to the League.” During tire afternoon solm \verc rendered by Mia: Payne. and a dUettc by the Him-s Chasm The Epworlh ! .caguers m P\tL rhnro ”Mutt. held that truth annual con- tendon on I‘ucsday attcrmmn and "Venn”! of this week, in Fairmnum Methodist Church. There w s qmtc ‘C 3813:: aluminum: of dcicgatvs, and he chair was occupied by the prcsi- dcnt of the district, R« v. \V j Jollifil . Tenth Annual Cnnventinn. gemft U. S. S. H and 20. {pains and Gavan. ht: said.‘ ‘Did P" to pay fun it.’ lid the buy, :19 h: f and accururc In“, ) With the husmcss. hesnn, and 1 had somchow.’ -I.au‘1ics' “:5?" [:on ”I Mr Sim; r 01 ave rcccivcd :1 copy of the rc- Ic hrst annual convention of ml Assm-iation nf ('anadiun 'dcrs, h Id In ()Hawn Harvh lhis “as the most up 9- >'“”"H'HJ ofnglic'.1!turzllhnd- ts 31:31]? In ( mulch, and the 5111)- e .0“. ”gnu.â€" "turd. arc of interest to “I“: ‘0‘“an (‘ . HQ stmk throu'huut m notionaivzniou ul lhc - it“. “10"“ he dressed mcat trade, . , _ _ RAULJ :15 governing the Importa- ton ()f ‘ ,uwk, the promotion oflhe . trade will) foreign mmntrius, thermiun of {he wuol‘cns, etc. mrning qm-stions in almost cn-ry vinnx I’uxlEL-E‘flvmring .1 mm of ~c rc-pnrt (‘nn obtain It on npplimtinn :1) I" W Hmlsnn, Esq, Live Stock i (Tummisslmwr, Ottawa. Auszm Sutton . . . Frederic Sutton . Reggie l‘h‘llis . Ethel Fullis. . . . . Hertha \Yilkixis . Fred Low. r}- \\'Hbcrl i‘hllis‘ _ _ , hurt-rm: S: ": Ma: thu .\lc'\\.z.tc:l.x. . Edna Loway ...... Florcm'c Mcdd . . . . Allan Mitclull ...... Millic Hudwn ...... Ada Sxmpson School Report, October, S. S. No. 10, Gavan. Lilian Lowcrv jr. 1\'. Harold Falhs .......... I49 Lawrence Fallis ........ 82 ST, [11. At Maduc recently :1 case was tried wh§ch is of more than local interest At svhool sports :1 boy struck a littlc girl in the Fave, an unprovoked and vicious attark. 'l'hcprincipnl of tlzc school interfered and hit the hoy a couple of slaps and Stilt him home. l’rvscntly the Imy’s father appeared on the sr‘cne aml thrcatcncd to lick the: primtpal then-and thcn. 'l'hc boy’s mother laid imormntion srzlirrst the principal. chargmg him “ith hating brutallv beaten her son. The. princi- pal laid a counter ('hnrge ngmmt the fath- -r for nlnh‘ivc langungt‘: and asâ€" t. lhc muthx r mthdrcw her rgv, payingcostb. hut the Charge .{zlltlst Lb.»- ’r wrnt to trm‘, and the Mr. _lose;.)h Todd has retmntd from the North West. A newspaper man, fond ofhoney, visited a neighboring city reCently and at one of the llhlcls wax scnccl with (lclicmns hOney. He c-njo} etl it so much that he toltl his wife allahout it. ()n his next trip to the city she ac companietl him to the hotel and “hm the noon meal was hung served honey did not appear. The newspaper mun, therefore. herkoxezl m :1 waiter and saul: “ Say Samho where IS my hon try?” He was almost paralyzed when the worthy grinned and replied, “She (lont wort; here no more hoss. She (lone got :1 job at the silk mill.” The wife received a handsome new dress before: they returned home. Sun-ml prrsons in (lunphclls‘orsl bc- C‘mc \‘cry sivk km \v ::k from dz'iukfn; cxdcr that had “LTD k-fl l‘m' smm- tin-c m a galvanized imn camâ€"<1 “tuning to Others to 115-: :1 different kind of vessel for rider to avoid bung poison- cd.- Herald. Mr. and Mrs. R j I’attcr.~on,nnd Miss Patterson. 0f Omcmcc, wurc gnals at the home M Mr jamcs Hales on Snnduv. Mr. James Kcnnuiy, of (Ivan, gau- thc Mirror a friendly call last \vcck. Mr. 1“: Ivory, representing thc Mason Risch I’inxm Co., was in {mm on Mummy. Tumlcrs are living (‘allul fora $200, 000 lift lurk :u Kirklicld, on tlic 'l'rcnt (final. The lumumi will lie lictwccn Lulu: Simcuc and Balsam Lakr, or about we nnlc-s l'min llic l’ctcrliom lift. The Kirhficltl lift will l): abuut ten fcct >l!()l'ltl‘ than the one at Peter- bow. and the lift will be fifty live fuct, or tcn less than at l’ctcrlmro. 'l‘hc tom-rs at l’clcrboru arc: ot'concrctc: at Klrhflcld they will lie of stccl. 'l‘lic locK, as Well as that portion of the: canal it is located on, will l)C complet- cd next autumn. MCSsrs j C Kells and W T Wood. wcrc In Toronto this Week on busincss. “L‘Ct‘uScd had been in since spring, and her death, although nut unexpect- cd, came as a shock to her l'rzcmls, and cspcmalh' lo the l'wrcaved husband whu was, at the time of hm: dcalh, in Mmmuha, and was unable tugs: hum: hcfort: )‘cstcrday, to find Lhm the one dcarcst to him on can!) had passed away. To hm), their five children, two boys and lbrec girls, and other bgrcav ed rcL'uchs, We jom in extending sym- palhy in the grcut loss sustained. The funeral ou'fm'sdny, From the: residrmx- of [In fulbcr. Mr. jamcs Y. Mcluughlin, Cartwright 'l'uwnship, l0 Englhh Church (‘cmctcng Blackstock, was «me of the largest cu-r witnessed in that part. The Rev. Mr. Creightun conducted lhc solemn and impressive burial .ecn‘iccs. In Cartwright on Saturday, Nov. 5. 1904, (Ruin-rim: A. McLaughlin, I)câ€". "'1‘1‘ loved wife ofjuinhum Fun, agcd 4x ' great ms; M. j. scum, Teach T.d.~¢“.o~‘:..._v,... ~. .- ,4. ‘1 .. . _ 81‘. IV. Marks Total .......... 210 2-10 Sr. [1. DIE xcr. 125 00 250 A special efl'nrt will be made by this commutes to see il'a but can he found that W!” be suitable for the. transpor- tation ol fruit dun-lug the fruit. season, and tlmt the railroad companles will be able to use at. other reasons for other pun:- st-é. 'J'lze bl-ort season for slnlpping fruit, has been the chipl o!) ntacle in the path: to tlze supplying pi ptopgrly filled caza {u- tl.e trade, Railway Commissmn Fra lsed. The fruit growers of the provincr, according to a statement to he publish. ed in the Now-miner inane ol'l‘lle Cann- dinn Horticulturist aro'nmch pleased at the action ottlle railway commission in appointing a special committee, in. eluding the l’reeidentot‘ the Ontario Fruit Growers Assmiotion to \isit points in the United States to see u ha: measures lune been annpled b) the railroads and fruit growers across the. border {or the transportation of fruit. BORN. In Milllm ( k, (m‘ Sunflny, “wt 3 x904,to Mr and Mrs. R Ruddy, $0”. I’aintcrs' shows some of the cnm‘rp- lions of \\‘omm:houd (if the: grant mas- ters. "l‘hc Poppy Lady’ is a story of two \‘mxng .»‘~.mcrivm‘1 .‘thsts-m Parts whd’ contrivca‘l 10 be hnppv though mnn'imi: ‘Hm'k. the vaid Angr-K tells nflhre‘c "('hrkhnnscs in a girl’s W0: and "I hv 1":xiry's (Thrxslmns Ich.’ ‘Bnhhy's Christmas in OH vawu,‘ "l'hc Spidm’~ Strikc' and "I‘m: Shadow Bnhv’ will hrh) the link; {Why}:- to an joy lhc huliduys. ‘ 7 The New Idea Woman‘s Magaz'ine ' Christmas Number. The ('hxintmas number of the NEW 1mm. \\‘o.\x.x;\"s Mm‘mzmn has :1 table of contents both practical and festive .-\n arriclc on ‘\\'mtcr Hntlsc Gowns“ shows two new stylus, embed) Irg tlu slurred and 1m lu-(l skirt. thc tlmcpn'; shoulders and full slccws. The ma gazing-’5 London mrrcspmultnt sends an illustmnm‘ of thc: London ()lllClOOI C(mtumc whirl) has sonic suggestin- acussmics; the facts alnut the wmt r hats l'nrln-actiz‘ul or nrnamcntnl us are sci forth, and ncckwcnr lor met has a page to Its‘cll‘. 'l'ltc cooxmg columns arc arranged with :1 View to the gastronomicaspcct of the lmlidn} sraa‘nn ‘Scnsunuhlc :Hchls for Christ mas Dnyf lnr immm‘v, Is a titlc that Will appcnl to mmt girls. , An nrtitrh on '(‘lmstmas at the Ltgut'ons' is Illus- tralrd with photographs of the lllllt people who will Keep Xmas in hotISm ofth‘t‘furrign :lllll)‘.|$\'il(ltl‘$ at Wash- ington, and "l‘hc Mudmmns of tlu Tn Dami‘ bvm, 0n 'I‘lu-sdny, Nov. 8 Robert Momgonu'ry, aged 78 ycars. 3 1 am 01:11] 111 meet 11111, 511‘. I have 411111111 111111 #:1111111 for :1 11111111 11121111 1:115, [1111 1l1is1s 1111 hrst 11111111 hm; 11:111 1l11~plcaxuxc11l 51111111 11111.1 511, 511‘, 111:1: 1111.- 51111 is :1 11211111400111111; 111.1111l1z111 11111111111111. ‘(I- 11. 11111111 ()111'11‘1101‘.‘ replied 1111- 15c]1‘_‘.;1111‘, 11111111111231; ‘1'1111 11: c1111’1 1‘,‘ 111j11|11 1111: 111111 1111'. {111 1111 [111 1311‘11511'uic 11H riglxz 1-111111111111111111311 in fur )‘1-11.’ (1111111111111 T111111 51111111} 31 a reflec- t1\'c 11:11 ‘.\11 1!1-:11 5113' 11111: :11111111, ‘1 11 11111 ~1111 11111111! 111111111111c1-11111k- 111-1 111:111111111111111 11:2111111 I 11111 1101 16:1) 11111 11:11. [1.131915 11111111 svnwfâ€" “3111113 “11“}: M1. (fl1:1.<.!<:11:1}1-1.~1111 11:15 111 (3:11:11:- 1‘il!1~, .11111111uy, 1111 l111>1111~s Mr. R0111. 113211111 11:151‘1-1ux‘11c11f1'0m the .\'1rrll1 West. Representative Richardson of Tun- nescc tclls of a campaign conductcd by (3m‘cmor “ 30b" 'i‘nylcr m that State. Mcctin“ [m the fixst timc :1 dclrfzm hum one at the Luslcm muntics to (bu Sum: conwmiun, Mr. Taylor ~31}! : .\l first “In-n the returns bcgnn to Hunt in it lm.l\'c'\l as though llnn. Mr. .‘\)'lCS\\’()l‘Ill would he clcclctl, and luv, if any, \muld have smlzcd much on (fol. Ward’a (lumen-s. However, when the table-s turned m lllc: ('ul's favor, cheers by snmc ul lns n‘ost cnllulslustic supportcrs fillu-d Ihc air, TU(3l{L'l:s‘\\'m'C set off :mda ln'cly tinnc generally was indulged m, until ncm‘l)‘ dawn of lllt‘ 4th. We “11! endeavor to give the official rctuxns for Durham and Victurial next muck. .- ('()3. Nu ghcswns an tau w-inmr in \ “mint :1: 1d Hdlflmxtun, lu'uinu ovu- sooofa majcrm mcr \Ir Mcl aughlm. Sec rzturns on trunt pagc. Conservative majority m .‘Jlllhrouk was cut down. 'l‘ukmg into consider- atmn that the Hon. A. l}. .~\','lcswmth had (mly about three weeks to get avquuinlcd \vxth the lilm‘lm's of this wry large mlirg, he (hd rcmarkulfly WC”. and should hc»~aml we hope he milâ€"ingmn a.~k lhc suppmt of the Electors of Durham in his candidature. there would he a (hmrrcnt lulu to tell. Many h gh minded Comcnalivcs speak in prtzlmnvmthy terms of the ”on. A. B :\_\lc$\\‘0rlh, and his {(m‘ihlc {ul- (lrcsso‘. a strong light, Col. Ward winning by a much rcduccd majority. L‘Jam‘crs, Camn and Cartwright gave a big maj. for Col. Ward, wlulc Port Hope, anc Burlington and liowmnnvlllc gave an increased erurm mujnmy. and the "l'hc Iiicctions on Nov. 3rd. mused great cxvitcment thrnuglmu'. ail the PrminCcs of this grcul Dominion, and m Durham lhc cmnpaign was not Icsx' exciting than In other ridn'gx. The cuntcstants ('01. H. A. Ward, and the ”on A. B. Ayluswm'xh,» K (.1, [mi up The Dominion Eiaciions. DIED \‘L'rnorf replied the 15.13}; "\‘(m n:~cdn’l rt \v; )1 for I'm fm . run i: Lhculd man g; 55.13. $313.33..» jéxyiraxfgw £13.. £313.13: 7d 30. He calls it Anti-PHI. It is sold at 50c. by hi] druugists, or the Wilson- Fyle Cu , Limited, Niagara Fall's, Ont. Sole agents {or Canada. 109 Dr. Leoulmrdt has found [remedy for Indigeslirm, Dyspepsia, Balioua- ness and Constipmion. He has tried it in thousands of cases Mthout a. sin- gle failure. “There cur: be no doubt, from the evidence at hand, that the Stomach u and has always been me first cause of ulnty per cent. of: all the Illness o! mankind. The failure of the Stomach to digest the food properly results in fermentation and decomposition, and the poisons arising from the foul and rottlng mass get Into the blood and tilsue and nerves and breed diseases of every kind." Ontario Fruit. for the West. A prominent fruit grower in the Ni- agttra district, Mr. Robert Thompson of St. (I‘zttherines, u ho has just return- etl from a trip through the fruit section ofIBrttish Columbia, reports ”at though fruit growers and fruit growing is a nett industry in British Columbia the British Columbia growers can teach their Ontario coxnpetitt-rs many valu- able tar-5mm, especially in the packing of apples. ~ln this connectioufilte fru t «tit-iaion of the Dominion department of Arricttltttre purposes making it. special exhihit at Me Novmnherl’rnit. Flower and ”one; show ht Toronto, of the various varieties of British (‘olnn ~ hie. fruit packed by the grotters then.- aelves. Similarly the other provinces of Nova Scotigt and Quebec “ill be re. presented. The matter is one oiint- pertance to Ontario fruit growers as they xre meeting with keen Competi- tiou iii the western markets from British Columbin, and in the markets of Great Britain front the Nova Scotia Vlrnit. Dr. Leonhardt, of Lincoln, Not». the foremom physician of the Western Skates, has put forward a. new theory as to the (muse nfdiseuee. He says . WANTED- Quickly, few persons to re- present long established wholesale house among: retail merchants and agents Local territury of few coun- ties. $18 salary and expenses paid weekly, Expense money advanced Connnlssinn extra. Permanent engage- ment. Business successful. Previous eXperieuco not essential. Pnclnse self- uddressrd envelope. Address, SL'm-zn- xx‘rnxnmr '1‘mvm.x.r:x:s, Dearborn St.. Chicago. I. New Idea which means a great deal in the Treatment and Cure of Disease. The death of Miss Mnhvl Kirkpat- rick, “hich trmk place on Tuesday, Novj, remove-s une ul the most highly respected yum): ladles of the neigh- borboud. She has burn in the Town- ship 01 Hope, and was :1 member of the Presbyterian Church. The funeral from tlm himily rerirlence, 9th com, Hope,on Thursday, Nov. 3rd to the Perryloun (‘emetery was largely at- tended; The her-Paved relatives have the heartfelt sympathy oftholr many friends In their irreparable loss. Tho Hon A B A )‘Ieswurllx urterspend- Inumnst of the) hunting season with friends in Du rhu m, returned to'l‘urmxto Friday lust. He reports game abun- dunt but hard to brim: down. especial- ly In Muuvers where the game Ward- ins \wre unnecessarily attentive. Howeser he enjoyed the ouung but may (-ume ban-k zxgum, Id eat and aforesaifi. POULTRY WANTEDâ€"Sam Rowe quotes as follows: Chickens 9 to lOcts 1b., duckss 14! to 9 cts 1b., geese 7 l-2 to 8 cts lb., turkeys ll to l3 cts lb. These prices are {or dressed, dry pick- ed. leeclnlckens are “null 7 to 71-2 ducks the same; geese 7a., tnrkuys 90. Old fowl are wank-513.) utn. alive and 60. drpssed. Bring along your fowl to the Carmel Store. Serving: wusllel‘! In our Church on Sunday afternoon and evening, and there \\ us a luv-:0 attendance. on but]: occusimns. I-Ig-v. U R (lure, of Mill brook, [lrcllt'ldt‘d quuent corxnons. The eullccliuns wen» exceptionally good, and will go towards repairy. Messrs Needllum and Richards have the painting Cc m; lewd and ll. mukes I. decided impruvenu-m. (‘urmel Store Keeper made a large sale of live fowl to u Toronte buyer. Mr. Walter Henry was a. visltor to Omemee on Sunday. Th9 Rowe Brns. thrashed at the .Xodel inrm yesterday, and the New wns immense. Special to the Mnmr. Mrs. Jns: Archer 55 a guest at the home of her mother, Mrs, S Rowe. Hca Eth demands 823?! action of the Dawes. 3 id nature w th Ayer' 3 Film. 5 Give nature three helps, and nearly every case of con- sumption will recover. Fresh air, most important of all. A THEORY PROVED. Nourishing food comes next. Then, a medicine to control the cough and heal the lungs. Ask any good doctor. gherry .3ectoral Carmel Items. Rev. G R Clare and Mr. R W Clarke addressed the village council re H e movement. on foot for local option, and presented a pntltiou sighed lay It W Clarke and nearly 150 other ratepa} erl oftlxo village. A Special meeting of the cmmcxl has been called to consider the matter. Mr. G L Stuphenmn, ofl’eterbvu'», says: “For merrexueurs I sum-red constantly “ith Piles, first Itching, than Needing; pain aimnst unbeara- bie; Iiieu burden. 'l‘ried e\'er_\lhin,: in vain till I used Dr Leonhardt’s 11ml.- Raid. ” I had taken but :I. fvw doses when [began to notice an improvement. I decided to keapomnml now alter using three boxes I am glad to say Imu completely cured. My general health has also greatly improved, I! gives mo great pleasure to revmmnoud llam- Rllld to all Huffe'ors “ill: Pileâ€"R, and I feel cmn‘inmul llmt what it has done {0r me it \Hll surely (lu fur tlu-m." Mr A A Smith, Burrmtvr, was 111 Port Hope, Saturday, at on professinnul Visit Messrs Stanley and Harry Pdelip were home last week. Bible Society meeting in Mctlmdxa‘ Church to-nigM, 'l‘lmrsdu)‘. A 31,00“ guarantee goes with every box of llom-Roid. Price, SI ()0, all Drnggists, (-r the Wiiw 11-13313 (‘u., Limited, Niagara Falls, ()nt. :1 Marl“ m‘ grnuinu Ahmku Sable. from dark. mt}: {L1H fumed skim. .‘ntin hnvd. {12H round shupv. 1m: m (lllzlanitS large enough to my ublc ns'lo sell at $m. ()lhcz‘s III I2,Iz.50,15umi18. ”6.50 American Sable Muffs $5 73538 ST'L-F‘EEEE ' ‘\ om 'm '5 Ash: what) Im jackcts‘ [H30 inches10ng.5t0x1n,<oilur,mum of "'OOLI mn‘uble skins to stand hzml \\tfH,l)lig11T (th 1mg: Ct: 11, (1min {I Itidi: m (: 10th H: ling 'H: i.~ Zllett is cnsJy “01th $30. om agile pm: L, $25 13313540 Astracha 11 Jacket $35 - m a"? §$3O Astrachan Jacket SZSE..,._-,..m Lur‘re full SIZ ‘ ,ncw shu pe, «141' n colors, gm Ir: mtrul to m zxr mil. re- ’uluzly 50M fox 6 50. Smh' privc i on. Mr. Bert Nnuent was home Ins-1t u e ek. at _;8 ”go 45,50am1 ()0 9.112 1‘ laska Sable Muffin“; ~10 Made from wuH sL-Iccted and {111i fumed skins, with em exceptional bright, evt-n curl, 28 inches long. quiItL-(I satin lining, a stylish and durable coat for all lands of w *ar. regular value is $40, but by rwnsm: of lurgu (mlrrs we can 5:11 it at :1 Saving 0f$3 £05011. 311:: price 33 Ollners equally as good :1 bargain In the Star to-nivrht y on 11 1'1 1 toâ€"da} s przccs on :11 111-: principal marketsâ€"the closing rket reports in {zct 110111 Lo :111011, No?" York, Chicawo ,Buffalo, Montreal, and Lorouto. You will find 11151,,to-nig'11t 1111 to-Jgiy's im );11t:111t doimrs through- out the whole wor lcl, writi': 1 in :1 catchv, in erestiu ; st\ 1" - c , 11 '19 latest political news fi‘om 1111 independent stand 11 31-11 , complct 1: :1- 11laccu1'ste coninmrcial news ; to-day's 1 social gossip; a special depaxtmcnt 101 women ; and shown sane. fair Mimiâ€"ink. EVERYBODY WHG mom CASH - fl. .. A DEALERS. E ad. a ; .222. 4 ONE OF THE BIG SNYDICATE. AFTER TEN YEARS Acknowledges i: to he t2: E? ‘US Ei’flgw’fil YOUR SUB$CREPTION You can have i": and the cur-2r 3 ‘ L a ALL THE ‘, Raff. YG‘U AR {L1H {urn-d skim. round shape 1):)! ye cnouq h to (H’ $IO. 01th :1! Iccted and {121i an exceptional 28 inches long. '. a stylish and MEMBER. TOGETHER “717%! THE PAPER £3.33 READENG FOR 5!.75 A YEAR fl gent shlcs lht‘St:;11u m‘ the mm 3 3 ,igood .s\,:x\';«':« 3 . $3.50. huh: AM Emu" I by the Monday evenng l‘rvpuratiuns are alreadv under “:13 for the Annuai Anniversary St'l’ticf‘a nflhe Mmlumiist (‘hurch Sunday Sch-ml Millirunk. nu New Year's day Lext, “'ulch tur M215 .mJ further annom‘c-r- ments Program better than ever. Messrs J '1‘ McBrfde, and Geo. Ilvlherixdnon have gone on a deer hunt. 35.111: " V :21 EILIL Ebp « gitlrgc (:Imn, Limtk (‘00:) and Mm good :sgx‘x'icuu‘nlc :mtl reliul-I for the money, usual pricys .‘VHXHL‘X'U ant sh IL‘S Yc-st, :1 Fur rtdf of Huck trimmed with taiis (m on Assmh-d stflvs in these various rchalr-L: lms, Muck /‘.sh‘;u:h:m, bkurk or white- Tim: M. Axmn'imm Sable, 1.! wk 0:330: m: um} (Scr- mrm mink (x‘ny Fa“ kes «My; : the small lung's ':;,’.:3()I<S\‘(11“.{11‘lisizm s LYON) .z'wum :. ml imxpcnsivc. m S S‘uIc price is x 50 stun-J of 2.) . WU .p {1‘ 1-3” z‘ahska Quilt huffs $9 75 3‘21er {ram ge'nnino: flinska 8:11)- «111111. “1-H 11111011111 554315.- rrim- :l‘x'1:)1<1':1,;11lswas”??? 71' 50- 111121] 5:111} 'lete (.175 0th” " 51215: SIM-‘Fl/ut 11-5“: 15‘ :3“ â€"’ . 31.2%:11‘111 5 Biack Ccncy 3211:3351 5O small hays of MiHE‘rnnk, m1 vi'mnng, and on S..t.m‘.u_v at Umemeu. rice only 91‘ L.\'l :9 .fi} an! I»: mug- mums soxts of for in viifil IFS in “:35 lot at $63 an: Hack ()}.3pu.<s(m:.gw Hut-k comry, Mark zmH‘ :imfk coon and (Ahms. : Egggagab'a SESLCEEESWSESESEE REES-3E3 and 69*?“ Cont \' lit-ft} q.‘ 6 price.- 0 .50. vfligy wnsdnly burned i330]. ) (Zaparinu‘ $6 50 a C) ( 1') '1‘} ”T! C“) m ruq D -l " 1 4:... r3 SAY. ?l( 9 D I W5 ding“ 1" 1- only 31.75 a year h '= 25:53. ='-'-asas. = ‘ r56“? A (MIC) ( n Ht\ TLz- glass in Air. John Steo'ze’a Jen-e]- ry store was broken this Thursday morning, and almu! 5‘30, \mrlll ofJew- elry stolen. H is to he hoped mat the guilty person or persons will be capturo ed and brought to justice. f3 Dun I 810:1“ kt-ops c â€".~ u- - . .w-a- -§".â€"IM.‘"~“M ()m Hit! 151 g, sane, fair editorials. flout ‘33 im comfmtzzHc 1:1er :5 Q: ‘ \V0m<~n's Fur Black Ash‘m 1::11 :md 6, grey haul): and 6.50; 1£}¢'(‘U‘IC and 5; Mmk I‘H:-.i nullllllilg 11wrq'mizlu‘t'LH'CSOI Black Oppossum, Gl‘ccnizmd Qua} Electric Sm], muck “scum-hm), (Ircy Lamb and 1:11:43 :J.‘ ml] mac": and linvd, :14th or lung front styles, :1 chanm to s:.'\'c $2 lw buying now, umnlzzr I). h wine. Sale price 10.00. \Vomcn's $ 1‘. spli mii im'lmiing IT I; fill"; £8.33 .4‘1 CE Eu? 3: I z‘ucn S 4‘ Im's $60 (0011 (‘ozlfs 3,5 'r_1, 1.... 1:31 1,... "‘N GEWUJJ. but on im 11's in Canada $113..” 15:“..5, Shinhs, and Rusns .~\ pct 2:2- 1!. and lcniiury I‘C\L'I'\'<d man. Pay \a‘ct'Hy. Hund- n-c. \‘s'rilv :"m' l-axliculuz's wntn {.. l 0111 pm! r1 min zit:- xhi: g m usr in (x: m d 4m: \, Iur 1x1~u‘tfs. r Tin nu "U to,“ .7. 60 v r. 2:10 muc . ACI‘GS SCO- am 4 Iczximl} to ruptmcnt n .. . a, 1:1 [P.fiuffi. “gas: that (Tm‘ 2“}:ng {rush \"cH' 10w. l (EL-1h 0r lzczn'y h,lim<f with Utm- t1in.n:¢.d wit}. good collar rm} (1mm 1mm. \‘t-n' vznnr, ‘ ‘5 {ushiuzzabhu II( :- emu-s Sm. 1-1.1 5.". Hzi‘ and specmhics in :2” 13:11515. Shrubs, Black 1r Gannthts INIIIS'V 1: i2?“ V! f!) :11] z). ‘FZ'Z‘AEIO. IL :L‘. y U]1 {N'HH‘ 1 :10 "C nu ll \Iiss [cssic Brmn) of 1.: ' .lfi‘ ( «.3 Tc-gian: Ins1.nm- ~14nx $11!.g.;.\;:1 :tw homo: 01 Miss Lila linsom: The Misses Lin and Maggi” spun Sundnx at immg m dwir p1: «- A". and Mrs. A. Scott. Sim‘gun >1 1. Miss Flu Brown, of ().;.z' new 5 1m was :: \'i~imr a: hum- (‘:f 3.35 qury on Saturday. SUSS Addic Pun“. ed her parents-(hi: \\ \‘i~'.~ inznc Brown. “in: M-‘unxg Millinm k :md 13; {fiends thc past hm “cc L5, 2 .od humc. A man who scn'cd We}! and (351':- fully his day and g- ncmuon, and “is adhered to the: great and silt!!! nzn (.r- ity in fulucss of year.» and the csu-z-m \“I of his {diam-Inc". was Mr. juhn Ru}. of Rcalhom, uhu dicd on Monday. 0d,. 24th, at lhc Lac uf 8'. Mr Rea was: natru: (pf lixc :xm.i county of Fcrmannglz, Iz-chnd. .zzzd came to Canada “uh hi» pun-ms in 1825. For one year the fuzniiy Iiu-d in 'l‘omnzo, and {In n mun-d to win: 5~ now the homes! and :1! lo: 7 in (31c xvi}: concessign of Ops. 'l'hcrc 1hr} lin-d the: lives of pioneer and both :Eacv an: thcir dcccndsuts have pros-m “xx-day of the bust traditions uf that mimic band who subduvd the primitive {on-s: splcndnr of thi‘ great land and lixmlc i: Mussom Is the rose. NEW TONEORIAI. I’.-'*.I\‘I.C'- â€"Thns. Hrmlcrson. has, 5mm husme-ss in \\'. E. Hoidm's o stand.()mruuc. A (rail is mu “spec-[fully zanhmtcd. â€"lf 'l'lw pcopk- always nan: to ”hem hi: again. a The Rev. Walter Henry Rug-:1: i. the associate.- rcctor will: Bishop Samuel Fallows of Chicago. He is a (1222- dian by birth and brings “izlx lnm "2 the lecture plml‘mm n mm.l mr ufxcz. vr of pmctiml exp: Tic ncc sclum: gained â€"havin<' spent three years in xi: c gr: - Canadian Vorxlmc‘t. one of “huh u:- .ia in Albcnamdning Missionary nozk. Added to his cxpcrirmvc of pionm li‘c and his x-xzm‘irnvc wnln nxn, 2w S~ a man of gn-ax natural vm‘lowmvme He has a n mgmâ€"tix permutnlin :1 v lcnr drop. resonant mi: c a 5; pk -z:. Il(l up» pramncc. and as cloqucm csrm- <t . m. cnrrgclic. llr has gixcn us cm: xc 5.2:- isfactiou. Re-port“ of his “urK are: always good and We commend l.3m to the patrons oftlu- platform The Mirror Joins in cnendisug S} m- an!!!) to 11):: lx-rcated rcL'uiu Mr. Rea “‘35 a private in 1hr Emu? compam'that “cut to hdp nut tmxxt‘. the 3k Kcnzic rcbclhon or :33: 11:; finhcr «353 c twain of: he (unmazn. Thcv did not get into adieu. houcx c3 Mr In the time: the comm: \' Star. reached Oshzma the rem-Ilium sum over. pr strated by a sfight pamlyric attack. and never shook it of". He was qune. cousvious until a quanrr of an hour “c bro he dicd. and to him it wa< give-n '(o quit Me as becomes one “ha has employed it well Monday, on mews In a circular issued by the \Vim‘hs'i Lecture and Entertainment Burcm: 160 “'ashinuwn 51., Chicago, the fol lowing and many eulogiatic notirxa an guven : _ -.. . -. ‘- When he was 27 years old. M r nun-icd Letitia anm of Iimaly. was a min-c of (‘uvm Xn-land, they fined mm: lmmnly {051-th Mrs. ch’s dun}: two _\c; rs ago a agc of 79. Anyman out ofcmploymcm or wit}: Mile time on his hands can make mmur} tqurcscntihg Cnnndak' National Nu: series, which pay Cash \x'cckiy, hmfw} the handsome! samples free, and ofi'cr the greatest sclcctinn of lznrdv auhm matcd‘stock. Season now commcmu ing. Write today.» CAPITAL NL‘R- SERY COMPANY, Ottawa, 021:. 'l‘hc e. “crc born In them >i\ (lni. (kenâ€"three bms and 1mm- 'V1'1\’.(}f the former. John the s<c<md son di< (. Nix \‘cnrs :Igu. George liu-s in Limi- say, and “mid on the homcs'cad. Umi! fuur months ago he enjoyed quit: vigorcus hcahh. Then he “as hfr, A. “"3116". Lindszy L31: 3' :::.r‘. had It! tam of h0rs::s “ill“ styii-h c nu'cvamrs at Omcmec, on Mmzdzw . the occasion lmmg 112v 'r... . A a’cning , ('01. Hughes. féCi‘ptEOll u LOST. STRAYfil) or s';-(n,,.;.\-V From Lu! :4. Can. 4. Emily, 3 ha- Mme. aged, black points. l-‘indvr am“ be suitably rewarded by rcturmng law: 10 SAMUEL W. M [T (T H F. I. I. on the memiseu, or send word 1:: him. to Omcmcc P. ( ) The Miiscs Edit] and Minnie lid:- bum. of Bubtaygeon, were (mesh: . the home of Mr. and Mrs. '1‘ H 1-);â€" the past wcck. A'GIZNTS \VAN'I‘EI). Nhei‘c one. daughter. Sarah, also lm-s l‘hc ndrr (lilllghh‘rs‘ arc Mm. In!!!) Kflrr,an1 Mrs. Iulm Murriwn. 1.02: Mr. Henry Mug-2c was in PCYCI‘UUTO umemee and Vicxm‘ y. v.n"'".a LKCONIC Why no: sop this {.2 King cg yo“ be without any h... Ju» ' . "‘ at fem The 22.? The Mirror an t, of Li: week. tn Eu. rs ago at the most he wh 111‘.

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