Mrs. qurkcr and Sun, Kohcr -., or Stirling, arc guests at thc home of he: puns, 3112mm My.» 5.1).‘Ross. and Grace MacCuwan nold the attention of the chil- 21. Many Christmas suggcsnons are: given In Needle“ ork and the cook cry pagcs are redolent oflhc Christmas feast In addition. there are the rwul- ar dcpa‘rtmcntc of the ma" nzine, mt!) mmy >;)cc1..3 uniï¬es on topics relating ‘ to woman’s nucrcsts With“! and with I out thc hnme. ‘ The Anniversary services, on Sun- day and Monday, Nov. 6 and 7, were a great success. ()1) Sunday, the Rev. Dr. Meacham, of 'l'oronto, preached two excellent sermons. 'l‘he atten- dance at the services was very large. The people were delighted with the singing of Miss Graham, ofSt. 'l'hmnas, and Mrs. Edwards, of Mantlla. The choir also did well. On Monday. there was a great crowd at the supper and entertainment. The programme was excellent. In addition to the choir, the two ladies who sang on Sun- (lav, again delighted the congregation with their superior singing. Besides addresses by the Rev. Mr. Johnston, Mr 'l'rewin, and Wm. (lrahnm, the churoh mortgage was burned, the hn ancial report was road by [antes Graham, the 'l'reasurer, and an illum- inated address was presented to Miss Elsie Richardson. by Mr. l,. R. (Ira- hztm. The proceeds of the ser‘t'iees amounted to some $150, a part of which will be applied towards paying for the church or“ ’,....__ Annxvérsary Services of the Bethany Methodist Church.†A Messrs. (It-urge Hcthcrmgtun, ('llus Needle]; Wm. McIvor, Herb. Shield, John Dawson, john Patterson, Ira Nuttrass and Rev. H. V. Muuntccr have all returned from tlxcxr hum, and had good luck. MI. Murlvor got two ï¬ne large hm-xs, and most of the ‘olhvrs got two each. ‘ i'avan Council wxll meet in the Councxl Chamber, llillln‘uok, Monday ‘ Nov. 21, at r0,3o a. m. Messrs. john and Thos. Mc- Bride have been out deer hunting the past week in the vicinity of Mmden. They are accompanied by Miss Annie McBride, who is a good shot. We learn that Tom ad captured one deer up to Friday, and reported deer numer- Ous. Mrs H. D. Leach is spcndiny the lhanxsghing holidays at her foxmu home m chstomlllc. ‘On Friday evening, NOV. x8111. ~tlwrewill bed ' «Slercopticon Ser- \mc. entitled "I armcr Lroun s Aunkcning," in the Salvation Anny Hall, Millln'ook, conducted b} Ensign Edwards Everyone is Invited to attend. Adzmssion In cents. .Mr: Fred Pendry spent Sundu} mth his sister, Mrs. 'l‘hos. M-sln .‘t'Ou. Fairmount. ~ §Don1torget that Caz-mel's More keeps everything fres I and good. Prices very low. Mr. Harold Fry was in Peter- lm’o. Saturday, 0n business. The premium picture given tlis y-ur mth the 93:11in llerald and Weekly Star of Montreal is a decided r'hange frOm lormer years. It Is enti- tlvd “ The Princess at Work,†'mul is pruning unmcnsnly popular Those who have marked their copies pru- mmmte it easily worth more than the entire year's subscription to that great P’her. The publishers are on the luuk out for energetic canvass‘ers in eVen' lw-ulity. Any smart lmy or girl (‘an make lots of pocket money for Christ- was by writing to the publishers. . Messrs. Robert and Richard Nurse left on Saturday for a deer nn! near Mimlen. \Ve wish them SLCCCSS. 'mc, ' dc. f Wash- mama! itc {rum ..ueicty. There â€he pens 01 I" . Robert Grant, y Stewart Cutting “Re. and such mtcr» jnha Magmderr, I . )lir )‘rlcs ‘ The Mr. and Mrs. AW. LIXHCRShH'C. and Mr. (“m0 McCartney, of Pctcrbom, spcnt Thanksgivmg Day wuh friends here. ‘ :‘Jr‘ Ira-mic 1mm The services in the I’rcsbyte Church on Sunday next will be ' t pm. The Misses McKutchcn ‘ Nugqnt win assist in spcci .11 music the ovcasion. ucv. u. (j, MIC" were in Toruntn Dr. Leonhardt'aHem-Rom is an In- Iastkwu-k In connection With Churchternal Remedy that entirely removes wor . the cause of Piln, and euros to nay The services in the Presbyterian'curod any case no mattehhow long Church on Sunday next will be at 7.:tandlnv l n- n n“ ’l‘kd \1: -- -- 7m} \‘x;«>roll<. stalks to two fact in length cs in (huxnctcr will be l1 little ()1 nu expansion! blade at the top. When} ..5 m the dark, non: of (lay p 1yl or green coloring matter of; ml. (lcvcloprs, and the stalks urcl ..(‘.\l(7llt‘(l m :1 pink}; whit». When: vuukml :mll mmlc into szurcu 01' pics.’ lllL‘V Inâ€) (1 l)(_*;llllll'lll nlnl: vuln" "-v‘l‘l The Vcn Archdcm‘on Allen :v. W. (I. Allcn were in To ln preparingr the t‘ootsll‘ur the Cellar, they should be. dug up late in the fall, just before the ground freezes hard. They should then he left where they will be expcsed to severe freezing for three or {our Weeks. If placed under cover in an Open shed, or where they will not be buried in snow, it will he all the euaier toget at them when It is time to take them to the cellar‘ About (’Ihristmns‘ time they may he put in the cellar and .should he banked with] e;.r.h tn keep the roots moist. Care should he taken to Sec that the plant.» are set right SltlD up. as at that Season it is sometimes difï¬cult to tell which side ofthe lull ofeurth the crownsare E on. In the course Ola few days thel routs will thaw out, and usually enough: mmsture is thus accumulated to keep? they!) fresh fur some time. They shéuld he watched, hmvever, as they; ray need watering once or twice dur-' ng the winter to keep the soil moist. 'l‘he warme the cellar. the. more quig‘Mh Will start. but For uh» . )lc rrsuits :1 mtthcr low tem- rc, about the same asthat in (names are kept, Is bcs‘t. In ly lighted Ccllnr. the Irafhhldcs 1nd vcry iinlu. and a“ the of the roots wng() to them- :n! ()1 £va- ntulks. If the (‘cnar ‘ It. it .is we†to darken the part hcrc the plaguin- kcpf. If thef 'l'hc rhubarb plant makcstts most vigorous growth under natural cumli tiuns early in the spring, “hen its Inge lcavcs store up in the tlnt‘k flcshly routs :1 large amount of nutrimcnt for the production of sued uurmg the summer and growl). curly I)L'.\l Season. 'l‘o gut the be)! roots for winter lurc- ing It IS well to allow the: plants to make their full growth With little or no cropping of the laws the previous .s‘cason, and above all not to allo“ them to exhaust themselves by throw- ing up seed stalks. The more lil)cr~ ally the plants are manurcd and the better thcy are: vultimtcd. the strongcr the roots become and the: better thcf crop they “.3†give: uhcn [mu-d in thug Cellar. ' (‘. M. 'I‘. Mnycmk and Miss SkinL-lr are spending Thanks- me with Frignd$ .3} Bailmlp‘rgggz f :1 wholesome substitute {or ‘ in the spring before strnwhc in. It is not H cncx rally km ever, that it can he made tc its crop in an onhnary cell the winter, when It Would pl more apprcciutcd than when the usual Way in thc gardc sprays. Most farmers who hav all usually hm‘c a good 31 old fashioned pic plant This vigorous growing 1)] Growing Rhubarb in the Cellar in Winter. \ on mayo "c! you are now : Dcccmbcr 3151‘ 'lhc Star's brightness I: not, how. ever. thc only ï¬-ctor ï¬nch hasvon :rihutud to Its marVL-lous Stxl‘CcSS in thvduily newspaper ï¬eld. The Star has a complete and accurate rct‘urtl of sunk and (roman-ruinl transactions daily, “hirh lnhlnoSs men may von ‘ sult \nth ('onï¬tlcm‘c. On the stuff of The Starr :rc three woman writers, who compile a page uhivh maKcs’l‘he Star very popular around thc ï¬rcsule. The Star‘s editorials are nt'thlindly partizzm. but are fair, sane, :uulstrong. Mr. (f. \\'. Jcï¬rcys, 'l‘nc Star's hluck and white artist, rs prohahly the best In (Tnnmlu. aml his contributions to thc papt-r are :1 fcaturc ofgrcnt charm. Altoqcthcr, :1 more evenly hulum‘cd ncwspuprr it Is unpossxhlc to timl, and it goes without saying that :1 daily I newspaper of some sort should go mto every home. Star 5 A l runto man of standmg sad the other (in; that In h rd tnund nntl . ing that came so near tn pmvnhnu the elixnr of hfc as dues a bright (luxly newspaper. It stimulates one :0 titkc a hvcly interest in events the wmld around. He “em furtlu-r, and dc c‘arcd that ‘thc papc-r that prmi ed tm percnn :11 sttmulcnt to the gr 3 - -tdcgrce “as The Form to Daily-i By H. L. Hun, Hortxcuhurist‘ r to km 1) the soil moist. Vflxc (cllar. the more nth “ill start but tor the n suits a ratthcr 10w tcm- y get The Stm'and the papcr ow reading from now until shit, 1905, rug-$175, the Presbyterian next will be at 7 McKutchcn and crs whu have a garden :1! ye a good supply uf tha- d pic plant or rhubard. 5 growing plant prondcs substitute for fruit curl) bctorc stmnhcrrics comb gcncx any known, haw-1 0<°>o r~ mun \mcn grown in thc garden m the made to ‘pmducc mry cellar during Would probably hr an: on Raid. the mun-unwed Remedy. All drugglnn $1.00.†the Wilson- 'mm», ask for Dr. Laonhardt’s Hom~ 3,1?!“ C00: Limited. Nmmu-n Faun, nm. A thousand dollar Guarantee goes with every bottle 01 Hun-Rom sold. I! you want a permet and permanent cure, ask for Dr. Laonhardt’s Hom~ ROM. the mmrmnend Rommiu I! you have Pilas and 0-. Leon- hardt’a llemoRnid will not cure you. you get your money back. (Iavan . . .. Clarke . . . Newcasflc . Mam‘crs . . I)arlin;:tun No I «uninvkstm'k ........ 2-~‘l.)«.-\'ilt's. ()rangc Hall 3â€"8. Home. Cesarean 4~'l'aylor's House . . . . N0 Ir \Vcst , 2 Wcst . . . I North . 2~ «North . . I -, South .. 2~Souzh .. No I~--Ncwmnvac . 2 School House 377- School House No: Maj .......... DARLING'I'ON tâ€"~\\'r1ght's I'Iousc . . .‘ 2m'l'yronc . . .L ....... 3â€"«Maplc (imve ....... 4~Hampton ......... 5~â€"I‘Innisklllcn ........ 6 ~Courzicc .......... 7-linï¬cld ........... Nut . Have You Piles? Nu waorth Ward. Iâ€"~ Sumh Ward. 2â€"1535! Ward. . ‘ 27â€"«-\\"cst W'ara .. 3-1415: “uni. ‘; , -â€"\\ est \\ zud. . 477 Kendal ....... 5â€"-()rong ........ 6~-Lcskard ....... 7-â€"Schuol House. . 8‘ Starkvillu ..... The Ufï¬cial Returns for Durham Lhuitï¬ \l r d ,..', ‘."."§_Mfl; {“alln, Ont ' 1° 'l'ctul maj. fur Ward is a guest at the home of Mr. _I. W. Walsh. .\l.|j .......... R [ICAI’I'I'L'LATIC 'l'hc Misses Rolls l’ctcrbom yestchay. 1‘ Dale ....... --~“'CIC omc . . . mZion ....... 4 Moon 5 . . . 5 â€" (I Irdc-’II 5 Hill 5 ~15 llz: '--lellnillc. .13 ll.) Mrs (lg-(L Tamils Maj .......... (‘.\ R'I'W R K} “T. l'nnu'pnnl. (T;xx'.~.x:;id:3cn Hclha n_\' chlwmnl . jam-[ville . Lotus . . Bullydlzfl' Maj .......... }()\\'.\I:\N\'I Ll.“ Our Sta-Zen the particular‘ Millbrook, Everyone needs glasses whose eyes are not perfectly fucusscd for seeing distant obj etc. or easily adjustabl we «2 for near work. Maj Maj M:nj..' ......... loo MILLBROOK. CLARKE. Maj... . ......... 669 8x8 UR'I‘ HOPE HOPE. .IUHNEH, ’aync, of Nyrt'x Ops .119 .190 302 . 88 49 .91 51 .112 48 .118 . 91 71 80 \vcrc Visitors to On tario. x49 IO .l22 71 â€0 112 106 68 49 74 0. D 480 1:9 1. 380 33 7o 61 loo 89 39 60 1 4 . ‘ ‘ _ “mum \Iiss (Eruv, \IiHincr, 'Y'n:mksgi\iwr “a; Toronto. is nith The Mirror will surely Come roast of s'cnisnn. Mr. 'l‘cd Burnhum and down to anxfurt this I hunting cxpcdniun. I): IXHI'H‘ “'c understand that Mr. Nurse has captured hm Hm: dc the MCBrMc purlyhzlvc (: nu - -- Robert my nml aptm'c-(I.~cw1‘. ing in 'l'urunm. ' ‘hc l we Stand: ml Musiral (‘ Prince of I ilscn," will 1 lion. be Mr I I. Morton, of the (2. Stmiun he le‘, attended the: :-\nni\e'1r Senierse' of the Bethany Mcthm Church. .n...“ :- uul up their icsidcnur in Millhrook. We join “ith ti. cir many fricnds m wcicont in" them to (mm. Mrs. Meliain paid here I’ ctcrboro friends a visit this week. Miss Blanch: Flurry. who is attend ing (‘ollrgc in "Imontn, is spending the â€:lhuiksgiiing holidms With her parents hcrc. Mrs. (Dr.) Turner and daughter are: visiting friends at Ottawa. 'l‘hanksgivnig services “we held in St. 'l'homas' (Church 10-day. Mrs. john McBride and Master Roy ware gllt‘StS of Miss Skiiiklc yesterday. Thc Missvs (Ernie and (Imdn: Richards are «pending 'l'hanksgiving hoiidays with Miss Flussic Mullen, at Zion. Mr. and Mrs. " M half faded an!!! it Wu about white. It look fun one ban]: or Aver': “sir Vigor to restore It to It: {urmer dnrk. rich color. Your Ila-1r Vigor certainly do" win: you claim {or 1x."â€"A. )1. Docent. :lockln‘ham, N. 0. £11300! u bottle. f g. a. fling (30.. c rum.- Am. .owa . "3.. Of flair Vigor fallingofthe hair,ais0. There’s great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap- pointed. Isn’t that so? You can depend on Ayer’s Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops I v..-“ v« Who have travelled m alfcounmcs, and gun! the bcfurc [he (frowned Hvads. Nolnlity and Pt “‘1†remlrr at cavh I’crfm‘mzmw. Iuhilcc and Songs, Banjo I‘Inym". Quarlctlcs, Rofmn “ t5. _‘* COT'ION FIELD AND Thrill inf-i Among Many STREET CONCERT Imperial Orchestra The 03mm Gamma Showers, and Jubllea SIHQBFS Superb-BANE at 7 o’rlmtx p. m.. in from of the 'l'mm “all, (m date of I‘crfornmm‘c. Noonday Concert ‘ortraymg the H ¢Magniï¬cent Scenic kproduction, 0H .unnncr, is spending Day with friends in ()1? SOLOISTS WILL RICNIEISR A The H Travelling with our Own the l’ubhr: Square and a grand NS. u we :mmvermry thany Methodist Leatch will take nzan'anr ‘nmcdy, “'l‘hc IN: the ultrav- ‘â€" of the SFCHiC l‘lsnlurcs will he m‘cscm AND Most Gorgeous Production on the party g Floating IGe ubxts of the Southern Negroes 1n fur :1 on {I went A: St. I Nov. 14:11 In Milllxrook on Suturd 5th, to .\Ir.zmd Mrs Rob! :1 daughter. er. (fhmlcs chdlcr and children wm‘c \‘i.~ilurs m l’clc-l'lmrn this Week. caturcs Anna-ruling to [.n‘cscnlcd the kccp a rich (.‘zaku muist and {rah fur :1 lunu tinw. Remove the :1 : >lc when I‘ Mrs. A. Wood was I’ctcxlmro this WucL u m. Lunc’s rectory, .hhhurnhuxn v. 14111, 1904, to Rev. and Mrs. H Langfcldl, a son. is withered. PLANT ATION SCENES An amlc kcpt in . “w m uLIub (mu worm: â€Idem/g 1 How true this old adage IS us Great and good bargains Of mice and ‘mun â€35““! Mt ztch. This manufacturers plans were on :1 very lurg he planned {Cr it great Coat Scuson; made up hundreds of Coats for the expected rcpt; from his customers. But unfortuuntrly for him the orders didn’t come as fast as he c and the Coats HAD TO B!“ - SOLD AT ONCE Luckv frw .m x r applied to this big purchase of Coats. . are usually causvd hy the unforeseen happenmg. '1 -â€"_____ STRICTLY CASH SUCCESSOHS T0 DEALERS, FOR D, S, WAKELY 81 FORD. ONE OF THE BIG SNYDICATE. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, LINDSAY. ADMISSIGBL 25 AND 85 CENTS. Town Hall, Millbrook, Friday Ev’g, Nov 25. vrook on Saturday, Nov. gum! Mrs Robt. Nurse. â€heir (:rand Converts (1 People of Europe, and (hump-Meeting “mm. Dances, L‘tt'. ....... , .u. uh and tor \ml. “’6 happen“! in In: iookmg for (5011!? aboflt‘ this tiny; ‘UGHT HUNDREDSVOF THEM AT THE MOST KIDK-LLOLS I’L‘ILI; HEARD 01“ at this season of the year. - . ' H ' x_. ' Q1! 1: “A... Our hxad "“1“ '5'. “sell as we huv.’ So here thm .m n\ Sn! h \‘7n\l1‘\v.,. , BORN. with the Man ‘artimpatc With effect k. Fcene 'ixkc boy wxll the Drama aï¬suasmmsaasm VEHIIOI‘ U) Pullman, Sleeping purchased from ) UNTIL SOLD. upcscmng knows that it ia‘ the handy uhivh 1m.- znosth' used 01' course it 1" not plcmant to have :1 spx'mncd ankle. or to In: hupphw about With the 5 h tip of slivks, hut 'th‘ hdtcr so. than to he laid up altogether, or that our rcadcrs should miss the ncwswso hvrt- typcsvxting knows (ha “'11th 1w.- znostly usu 1s nut plcmam to I ankle. or In In; hmmiv everyone who :1 Ims (or hands if Wt: nrc fur f0 I \( if!) this lot there are the bust bar- â€uh-us ' ,cvcry coat is in excellent maternal and the populz‘u tivht- ï¬ttinv st) los ,27 to 30 xnz: hcs long; colms are fawn, gxcv, n: IV'M lncmn and Mack. Hm Must HT? :ahstix' Scum-s of the MM: ST. CLAiB’S RSSIDENCE"Bfl'vib'bxé’iidï¬zr. That is csscnlml for the At $6 90,.»reg. 8.50 and 1 2.5 ., nuv‘ â€bk/I115 uumll â€us 11"" 111110 an] THEM A'l 11115 “081 1€ID1C U1 OUS 1’1 1C1; \H; of the year. he hm " So here t1n\1rcâ€"-O.\ SHE \'O\\ AND 11115815 5' S'IYL 1511 \1i\V GARMLNTS Al ABOUT We Carry Every Particle of Scenery '1'nty “omen's New Fall (05‘ : stylish and excellent lotttumes selling: at about half price. ‘ . .. . .J . ‘1†“â€7"“ .be found ““3 Good styles, colors and matermls. at tlns price. They are 5 applied to this big purchase of Coats 'n‘sqztlly causui by the unforeseen happeninu “11$ manufacturers plans were on a very (‘1- till“ nn 1...“ InuJ... Af r~ , . ' SIBERMN BLOOEHOUNDS bnx‘gains- they will stand comparison. zm ovu'stockcd mumfucturcr. knows anything about I'rnimd to partigiIan M ‘â€"-â€"â€" Llulii‘ul Stage Picture of a I‘Iumzuiun l'IVrr Painted We are not at .\i."~..Ԥâ€"HL'N'|'X.Ԥ( w so hrrc American Stage 25â€"2553 aZ-TEaREï¬E: ESE: l‘ct. and NH" chcc and the (in-at $500 chxun: pmpcr prcsmmliun of this [lay (m {11' (viral I/mt Nazi's â€Obi/til Iinzhclï¬ahing an Almost Endlrss Succession of lixhihilionul Diaphws “31h lhc Mast I‘cnful Hummus of Sounds. :\ Musxml Organization of In- tm'natiunal Fame. Ever Carried with aI The- atrical Company. render- ing a Splendid. Delightful Elevating :1 spvmnl meeting of the Milllmmh Council was held on Monday evaniug. to (‘mmdcr :1 petition signcd by up- ; wards of one hundred and thixty ta‘c fpuyct‘s, which was pt‘t‘scnhtd :tt thr r- gulm‘ Inn-ting ofthc (,‘ounvtl Iaï¬t w~:ck- asking m have :1 hy-law passed, mum; {or a vntc an Local Option at thc Municipal Elections of 1905. The mntiun put by (foun. Argue. Sec. by (7mm. Nccdham, to have the tint reading ofthc hy-lnw was 1051 on the fulluwmg divisimr -Ycas, (futm's Argt: and Nc-cdlmm Nays, (Rmn'a Hun. Kt‘lls and [he Rcl'fc. 1111s is unduublcd 1} the ()\1.\ (()\11’.-11.1'1., I'LRI“ 1C(.' 1 \\'1) S.\1151.‘.(.'1'()R\' m the “mum. we are to give you “ All orders for job ‘ our bcs! aucmmn as Musical EnterZainmenL WE§ §Kerseyand Bezn'cr Cloths :z: assortment of colors, incl stylish Twecds. Mostly titling sulcs, but then- arc Tourist an] Butcher Coats belted back: :1 My snzm m 4 "ifty \Vomen's New Dining Cars. (.‘ustum \\'. Ill-IIZCHI-IR. you “ the I’m“: that is." job work will rcccn'c s at Half l’ricc. :1 big 'Ji "up a: usual. {I} SHM’I." The plans cApt'cted ; an: :1 MW Oats wixh TCCCI \‘c 1‘ 9-90. ....-cu nu ustum y (functl The hereavcd relatives in beanie}! srmpaflw of flzei I_: A __.-p'~. ml We Print Sale Right-“and Cheawl .At the MIRROR 1 From Ln: :4. (inn. 4. limi! Marc. aged, Mack palms. I" be suitably rewarded by re-m to SAMUEL W. M I T (T | On the premix“. or send mm to ()mcmcc l’. O Want your mom Imm lust of t‘x'icmls fur a 1 pmspcn us hfc. chrv Dcrumz. “ho T on the (ramp {m :hiru- \{ Semencrd m6 mnmhs lzfl Prism: by [udgc lidmiso: wood. on Nov. 7.1); l‘ir‘ !: tcrlnsiu (701mm: and Whi and the Central Prison. :1 ing said he ruthr'l' took a flue latte 's [rennin-m. he choice and w .s Scnh-ncc mundas in the Central. At St. Andre“ s Churs s‘OI'O. on \V cdncsd :1\'. NC 6 o'clock. I! e marr age Kobe-1 j. Tuilv. of Foax-{I urrs. and Miss E111“)! (:a'npb EL 02 I’:.rterbo 0| tce lrlnutcd. I he Rev. j. 4 ntï¬cinted Mr. and M: w“ reside at Fow'er's Thcvhnve the East wis Mr. James Lai‘ilev (Current. is home with Mr. Hrmy Laidlcy, 1 time. «quested to attrnd T 'lhursday. Dec. I~t, I‘ gxflam busim-ss to dis ordrr. H AV 1;†LOCK I" NOTICEâ€"32H New Y. 13., No. 53, Oman: The Public Librarya phtm: a grand Cunec rl night. Miss Gct‘tzc Cmndv ‘0! :0 l‘ctclbuz‘o on \V Mr. W. [ones, of had the misfortune tc house burncd on Mond LOST, STRJ YE! ) Miss Eva Madden, City. is visiting her aux Ingram. Any man out nfcmplu Idle time on his hands c; 1:. representing ( unadas .\ Series. which pay cash w the handsome ;t samples ‘ the grates: sclcciion of mated stock. Stasun no ing. \\ m: tod; w. â€" (SAP Sli RY ('O\H'AX\ Ox: Miss Lyla Beat“. 1 to know. has recovcre recent ilincss, so as tc take a dnvc on Sunda; AGENTS WA X'l‘lil L Mr. Harry McQuq Church In Lindsay (1 New TONSORIA‘ ï¬â€"Thos. Henderson,j business in W. E. I stand. Omcmcc. A T tcspectfullv solicited} Mr. C. Ivory was i Tue sdny, on busxncss Miss }. Hadden, ‘ 8p at Sunday with W Miss Ingram. ‘ Miss Mamie Stap! spent Saturday and the MESScs Bent. Judge C larLc died 0n Nox. 91h, aftex illness. He was we most highly respccu Omemee and LOCAL Ll‘ The M er (if ‘- mi