: Gloves Corsets r Handkerchiefs, \\ oollen HOOdS: 3" 5C a yard. or $1.20. 5 Cheap. 7: Sleeved Man- KOO, 12§c and 15c- 8c and 10¢ a vd_ .1: _0a :e teal]. m be r 07.44:»: HOUSE, public with a would be Jock of Fall Only. One > gay fanc ‘I' e ccn - This TL :3. I 1118 ietores .e prin- minion. , in line, been a people ntry have pow It Is ur pr1_cem ONE Iunter Sts. Co. of Cloth- 30min- in the :ple of ET SGT- nianu- 3.7 Who ‘2‘3531’8. «LR-14.21 “12o... i Brunet, .nada and 031:5, Wm. McPhersnn’s many friends will bepleased to learn he is on the mend, and will soon be able to move about. Omemee public school report and other matter is unmaï¬dabl,v laid over unul next week. Hear “Jimmy†Fax, the renowned comedian, Christmas night in the Brad- burn Hall. Large bills will be printed in a few days gwing full particulars. R. S \',nrse blacksmxth a: loxfler’s (‘ orners, is doing a magniï¬cent busi- nesain his line. Hisskin is known fur and wide. Prom Tornnto,17x- bridge, Lindsa and all points nor hind west.‘ ..........11 5mm. Fram Pet'erborough and Port Rape. . . 6.13p.m. From Torontoprlllia Uxbridge. Lindsay .1- 311 points north and west..." ..... $.3ip.m. Edward Rowland pï¬ached anbexcel- lent sermon to a large congregation at Middle Road on Sunday, and conducted the service at Lebanon on Monday even- Mm Nellie H. Clyde of Whitby sued on. Joseph Hodgson, of Whitby town- ship, for breach of promise of mar- riage. and was awarded $1,000 by :1 Jury attbe Whitby assizes the other day. W. B. Kennedy preached at Ops on Sunday. See those beantnnl (‘hristmas Pre- sents at McPherson Co’s. On Friday last, the proprietor of the M13303 had the pleasure of inSpeutmg the Millbrook Electric Light Plant and we must say that the machinery is kept bright and clean and runs without the least jar. Mr. W. H. Parkin is an A l electrician and Is doing all he can to help on the town in which he lives. It is'tobo hoped that ere lon'g Omemee will have an electric plant. From Poterborouzh, Mmbrook, Port Hope (about-g. Bollevnle and all points east J: south. ..........‘J.00 aJn' The case. just decided at Kingston Iheuld be a warning to municipal conn- cile in the matter of keeping the main road passable. The stage driver in a certain direction from that city last winter notiï¬ed the council of a to“ n- ehip that he could not get through their road, but they paid no attention to his notice. He therefore employed men to do the work as often as necessary, and presented his bill and costs to "their honorable body.†This also was treated with contempt, but ï¬nally they, by order of the court, cashed pp with a pile»! comeâ€"Exp“. ‘ ARRIVAL CLOSURE 0F MAILS P. 8. Have you seen our New Tweed Dress Goods, worth $1.00. sale pnce 75c. Fla nnels. Blankets. c. Mens’ Overcoats worth $5. 00 sale price 5:3. Boy’s Overcoats worth $5. 00, sale price $3. Mens’ and 3037’ s Ready - made Suits at Sale Price. Job Lot of Mens’ Pants Very Cheap. Hats and Caps-all kinds at sale prices. Real Indian Tan Buck Gloves and Mitts, and a great variety ofother kinds FROST PROOF and \V’arranted to wear. at lower prices than ever. See our New and Sty- lish Hats, Ties and Mens‘ Furmshings.New and Up-to- date in style and price. Monday evening, In Methodist Church. The Rev. Dr. Can-man “ï¬ll deliver his Lecture, "TRADE AND GET RICH.†Mens‘Buï¬' Bals., worth $2.00, SALE price $1.50. Winter Overcoats. OMEMEE. THURSDAY. DEC. 5. ($95. THE OMEMEE MIRROR. Mens’ Buff Bals., worth $2.25, SALE price, $1.75. Mens’ Lung em Split warm $2.50, sale Dl‘lL’B $1.30. Boy’s Lung Bouts, worth $2.00, sale we $1.25. My Dnngula 331:, worth $2.50. sale 91193 $2.00. Mens’ Long Boots, Kip, COOper Smith’s, worth $3.75, sale Price $2.75. For bargains 1n Winter Goods SALE. ARRIVAL. LOCAL LACONIC McPherson Ge. CO’S. I TO-Toronto (mum. I'xbridge. Lindsay all points north and ~ west.......... 5.20:an Tn Perm-horn. East I"! Hope, Pvtcrbom’ Cobonrz. Belleville, and all points south and east ..... 10.15 mm. Tn Toronto. 112(- bridge Lind ~=ax and ail points north and west. .......... 5.13 p.m. To Poterbormwh. )lillbmok, Port Hop e (‘obourg. Bellexme. and all points north and week... . . . 7.5:}0.m. CLOSURE. M r. Gabriel Bzil four, of Omemee, was in town on Tuesday attending some court busmess. He is now in his 79th year, and is one of the few remaining residents in this section who took an active part in the rebellion of 1837-38. It was at the close of the ï¬rst week in December, the seventh day, ï¬fty-eight years ago, that the uprising took place and immedmtelv upon the arrival of the news at Omemee of the attack upon .ludd)‘ York by William Lyon McKen- zie and his followers, the companies of militia in the townsnip of Emily were at once called out. The ofï¬cers in com- mand were Capt. Cottinghnm, Capt. Mitchell, Capt. Henderson, and Capt. Christopher Knowlson, the latter being an uncle of Mr. J. B. Knowlsou of this town. The Emily loyalists marched to lownianville through the mud, for the weather was mild and moist, and then marched back like Hliliipty»Duiiipty’s men, word coming that the rebels had been routed, and their services were not needed. After the return to Ome- mee, however, Capt. Mitchell went to work and raised a. volunteer company of some sixty men. This contingent, of which Mr. Balfour was sargeant‘ murched to York, now Toronto, by way of Port Hope, and remained there until the spring. The defeat of Papineau in Quebec was followed later by the ï¬nal rebellion ï¬asco at Navy Island, when the steamer Laroline was sent over Niagara Falls. The only other survi~ vors of Capt. Mitchell’s men who put in the winter at Muddy York, beside Mr. Balfour, are Thomas Rowan, of Ome- mee, and Jerry Murphy, of Ops.â€" Watchman. ' ‘ Monday morning an important change was inaugurated over the entire Grand Trunk system. It is the adop- tion of what is known among railway men as the ‘block ’ system of running trams, and practicallv obviates, where carried out strictly, all danger of trains colliding: or telescoping each other. Its working is as follows: Take a train leaving in the mornxnw. The block system provides that no train shall follow it until it has passed the ï¬rst sta- tion ahead. As soon as this has been done, the operator wires back that the line is clear to that station. This will necessitate the employment of a. large number of extra. telegraph operators, as every stat‘on will have one or per- haps two to take the arrival and de- parture of trains. The Rev Dr. Carman, General Super- intendent of the Methodist Church, will preach the Anniversary Sermons ofthe Omemee Methodist Church, on Sunday, Dec. 8th, 1895, morning and evening. Special collections and offerings will be taken at each service. On Monday evening, Dec. 9th. Dr. Car-man will de- liver his celebrated lecture, " Trade and Get Rich.†Admission 15 cents. Lec- ture to commence at 8 o‘clock. Every- one should hear him. \'0 one ( an pass The People-3’ Grocery without zwlmir'mur thenniqne display at fancy groceries that are arranged so at tnctively and Wm: such good taste in the windous. This, however, is only in keeping: with the propriemr’s ï¬ne :Lr- rnngement of stock in the store. Wm.‘ Bradbnrn is a prince among grocers, and our citizens appreciate having such a. stock to select from in our village. Eli \ 'illiamson, Photographer. Lind- say, Out. All kinds of pictures taken 'from Iife, or copied and enlarged off old pivtures. Fumiiv groups. schools. choirs, Lmildings, stock, etc. Picture frames in endless variety always in stock. All work guaranteed and prices right. Ca)! during the ho)iday‘3.â€"49â€"tf While a suit for slander was being tried in a. neighboring: t<nvn,the defend- ant called the plaintifl‘a liar, the judge immediately ï¬ned the defendant one dollar. The plaintifl‘continuing his evi- dence was again called a liar hy defend- ant, he was ï¬ned another 3, when the de- fendant jumped up and asked tlxejudzzo ifhe could be ï¬ned for thinking. llis Honor said no! Weâ€, then, your honor. I think heis a. liar. . J. \[m-tnn’s newlv ï¬tted restzmr Int is no“ one of the leading: attractions in this hne, being: ï¬'ted up in city st\ [6 Lurmhosnndmer iserved at all hours. A: the most 1- tunable rates. Cull solicited. 4.3 Kent-$1.,0pposite Carters. 51-31)) Gen. R. Carew is making extensive improvements to his tarm in Emily. The enterprize of the young farmers in this part is quite noticeable. For 9. nobby, up to date suit or over- coat. you wall ï¬nd it proï¬table to call on 'v’. (i. Blair Sons, Lindsay, as they { have the most complete stock of Eng- } hsh,Scntch and Irish Tweeds. Meltons, Beavers. Yenetians and Vecunus in the County. - 51.3m Jas. McLean,Se(-.~'l‘reas. oftlze Mount Pleasant Brawl: Bible Society, has at- tended every meeting at the Society for forty years. For eleven years he has been chairman ofthe Board of Health of C'Ivan'l'mvnship and has carried on his part ofthe work most successfully. Mr. 1 McLean carries on :1. large mercantile ‘ business and those who favor him with theircnstnm willbe Nell satisï¬ed. Claude Lawton, at one time editor of the Beeton World and Orillia. Times, has purchased the Paris Review. We wish Claude success. \V’. \V’ebgter. Lindsay's General Machinist, Gunund Lock Smith. Bicycles repaired on shortest, notit-n. Repairs kept, on hand. [{0- member-tho address, 2:; North \Vlant-u 0p- pnsim J0s Kenna. 36-3m '1‘ be evangelistic services at Lebanon are the means ofdoing much good. They will be continued all this week. J im Fax, Canada’s great humorist has been engaged for the Orange Con- cert on next Xmas. evening. Dr. Thompson has been appOinted is- suer of Marriage Licenses for the Countv of Victoria pro teamâ€"+3111. Rev. John M. Gal-butt preached in the Gporge Street Methodist Church of Peterboro’ on Sunday. For Xmas. Presents you will do we“ to call at McPherson <5; Co’s. His stock is newand ï¬rst-class. Dr. Thompson preached to the Bethe} cnngregation last Sunday. )Ir. Gabriel Ralfour is In very poor health at present. Happy, thrice happy, every one Who sees his labour well begun, And not perplexed and multiplied. By idly waiting for time and tide! -Long{ellow. “ There are moments when by some strange impulse we contradict our past. aelves,â€"â€"-fatal moments, when a. ï¬t. of passion like a lava. steam lays low the work of half our lives.â€â€"-George Eliot. Half hearted! Master, shall any who know Thee Grudge Thee their lives, who hast laid down Thine own, Nay : we would ofl'er the hearts that. we owe Thee,â€" Live for Thy love and Thy glory alone. Jesus is with us, His rest is before us, Brightly His standard is warning above. Brothers, dear brothers, in gathering chorus, Peal our. the watchword of courage and love! Peal out the watchword, and silence it never, Song of our spirit, rejoicing and free! True hearted, WLole hearted. now and lorever, King of our_ lives, by Thy grace “e Whole hearted! Saviour, beloved, and glorious, Take Thy great power and reign Thou alone, Over our wills and affections victorious Freely surrendered and wholly ’l‘hme own. Half hearted, false hem-ted! Heed We the warning! Only the whole can be perlectly true; Bring the whole ofl'eriug, all timid through scorning, ’l‘rue heat-Led only, it whole hearted “ With this one general note. concern- ing children’s conduct to their parents, that a great quantitv of external and irksome obedience may be shown them, which virtually is no obedience, because it is not cheerful and total. The wish to disobey is already disobedience, and although at this time I was really doing a. great many things I did not like, to please'my parents, I have not now one self-approving thought or con- solation in having done so. so much did its sullenness and maimeduess pollute the meagre s;criï¬ce.â€â€"-Rgskin. ‘ True hearted! Saviour 'lbou knowest our story : Weak are the hearts that we lay at Thy feet, Sinful and treatcherous: yet, for Thy glory. Hem them and cleanse them from sin and deceit. Half hearted! Saviour shall aught be with-holden, Giving’i'heeparc, who hast given us all. Blessings out-pouring, and promises gulden, ' Pledging, with never reserve or recall. True hearted, whole hearted, fullest allegiance Yielding henceforth to our glorious lung; Valiant endeavour and loving obedience Freely and joyously now would we bring. JSetore closing I desire to quote a Short pucm, which has been of great, help to une.iu the hope that it may carry some of its brightness, beauty, and t0\'0 into Hm lives ut‘ those who may hear it. True hearted, whole hearted, faithful and loyal, King of our lives, by Thy grace we will be ‘ Under Thy standard, exalted and royal, Strong in ’l‘lny strength, we will battle: for Thee. Jesus, when on earth was a lover of the house of God, and therefore, we should follow his example and meet to study the holy scriptures so as to be able to overcome and cast. down the evil imaginatim.s of our hearts. Every word ofLiod’s buuk is a. revelation of truth. “0 that there were such an heart. in them, that. they would fear me and keep my comnmudmeuts always â€. “Il‘ye love me )9. will keep my cum- mandments ". “ Thine forever zâ€"(iod of love, Hear us from thy thrune above; Thine forever may we be Here and in eternity. We must here prepare fmr eternity, awful, Splendid. beautiful eternity. That. word shuuhl be ever on our hearts. We should always be Lhanklul for all present, all past, and all promised blessmgs. This should aid in accom- plishing a. perfect. consecration. This ï¬rst. Sunday in Advent warns us that Christ is coming for the second time that. the period “hen the dead shall rise and the living be (au-rht up to meet him, is fast approaching. Great Words from Great Minds. Our hearts must. be kept by active service fur him. Courage and power are dcwloned by this constant. struwule mm Satan. 9:81“ \ictory “ill hélp us some other to \sin’ . This obedience requires constant watchfulness to make us earnest In our lives. Our hearts must be kept right. by prayer. There must ue a. coutmumus connection in the telegraph circuit be- tween us and heaven. Attention to the services of the church, to the ritual, and other chris- tian ordinances is not sufï¬cient. We must have our hearts right towards our Omnipresent Lord, we must servewvith “hole-hearted consecratwn. ‘ Is obedience to this law posmble? The command of God means an order to fulfil. and shows at once what he ex- pects ofbis children. God is a God of love, but He is also 3606 ofjusticemnd rejection of his invitation results in being consigned to where there is weep- ing and gnashing of teeth, while the righteous who obey are called to ever- lasting joy. In order to obey these laws we must love the Giver. They must not be kept intermittingly. They are commands requiring: obedience at niltii‘nes. We should love God and honor Him. The journeyings of the Israelites were marked everywhere by flagrant acts of rebellion and now they are en- cumped at the foot of Sinai receivmg the ‘Divine Law’ from the hands of Moses. There Moses receives the tables of stone and i nstructs the chosen people In their duty to God and to their neigh- bor. This law is to be their guide through all their journeyings. It is intended to apply to us in these days of'toil and anxiety. “O that there were such an heart in them. that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments; always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever!†Literary, Educational, and Religious. TEXT: Deuteronomy V., 29; ’wm be! Sermon by Mr. Petty. THE CHURCHES. “new J03. Edward. of (Inteau Station, Qua, is visiting his friends in Umemee and ‘Lindsay this 11 eek Eh Dancey and Robert Bloxom, who have been working as Carmen), Alf-411., during the summer months, returned to Omemeo on Monday. ‘ The Misses Maggie and May Laidley, Miss M. Perdue and Mr. Fred Porter were guests at the latter-'5 father’s, Jam- etville on Sunday last. On the corner of Peel and \Vm. street-s duringthewinter months, :3. practical Fur- rier who gives entire samrucuon or mnney refunded when repairingox making to order furs ot'every dcscriplmn and style. It saves money and fur to deal with a practical cutle r. Raw furs bought~ G. P. MULLETT. 40-3m. Lindsay. A speciality, warranted to fatten the leanest of people, Recom- mended by the Medical faculty, for all weak people who are run down in health. John J. Sloan, of Realmro, gave his friends at Omemee and Fowier’s Cor- ners, a visit on Thursday lust. Robert Bell. of ('avan, who hasbeen visiting friends the past two weeks in Fenelon Fails and Burnt River, returned home on Saturday. Jolm Lamb of'l‘oronto, Mrs. H. Cam- eron, of Port Hope, and Mrs. A Lamb, of Peterboro’, were in to“ n 01‘) Monday attendmg the obsuqnies of the late Geoy. T. Lamb. Mrs. S. Corbett, 0t Fenclon Falls, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Corneil, Ops. - Wm. McConnell returned to his home in Emily, on Friday, after having spent the summer months at Carbery, Man. Miss May Hales, of Milbmok, was a. zuestat the home of her-gmndnwther, Mrs. Edward, on Sunday. \Vm. Fell and George Newman,“ Em. ily, paid Wilberforce a visit. last week, with a, view oftuking up land. H. GALGUTT’S Only $1.00 per Dozen. send orders to Calcutt’s Brewery, M rs. \Dr.) Thompnon, and Miss Annie Thompson were visiting their Lindsay friends yesterday. Viilcent‘C. Cor'm'x :11], Mi 1)., paid Lmd- say a flying visit Wednesday. J. N. 31062;“, of1.i1‘.ds-.Ly,_ usit‘ed his Omemee friends un Sunday last. Hop Ale Hem-y Mulligan, of Millbrook, was in town Wednesday on business. W. I McGriILOf Lindaygave the Mm- nox: u. friendly call yesterday. Mrs. Bert Mchadc made‘vher Lindâ€" say friends a visit on Tuesday. Kept by all Leading Hotels.- Miss Minme Dnvidsm), of Lindsay, is visiting her Omemee friends. W. C. Everett, of I’eterboro’, is in the villnve calling on friends. J. '1}. Adams made a business trip to Peterboro’ on \\ ednesduy. Mrs. Don-am was visiting her friends in Lindsay yesterday. {.obt Mills paid Millbnok :1 visit on 1 riday List. A. Best Of Lindsu ’ is in tOWH on 3. p )7 visit John Bell visited l’eterburo’ Saturday on business. Mr.Westis a nephew of Mrs. T1103. Rowan of this village, and we are pleased to learn of Ins good success. DEAR P.\S’I‘OR.â€" We the members, ad- herents of Bearbrook Presbyterian (‘hurch,dosire to show our apprecia- tion of your labours amongsttus, and a TeCflgnition of the zeal, enorgv, and success with which you lmvex-fulï¬llesi the duties of your sacred calling, by presenting you with this pur‘se and contents as a token of our regard and esteem, and wish to say that‘the per- formance ofthese duties, in preaching, pastoral work, devoting to the sick and deep interest in the welfare of your congregation, have resulted in great beneï¬t, spiritual and temporal, and great peace and harmony between pus» tor and people, and now as you are about to sever your connection with us, to pursue your studies in, the great colleges of the Old World we wish you hon voyage,sucoess and a safe return and pray that the Giver of all Good may protect and prosper you in all your'umiertakiugs. Signed in behalf of the members and adherents of Bear- brook Presbyterian Church, at Bear- brook Russel County, Ontario, this eleventh «lay of October, 1895, by JAMES MCNM.m'.-â€"-Wood8tock Times. I. W. Wilson was :1 visitor to Lindsay Yesterday. Success attends another Woodstock young man. Rev. Wm. J. West, B. A... brother of Dr. West, of this town, leaves per steamship Sardinian for Europe, on Saturday, 26th inst. Mr. \Ve‘st intends pursneing a course of study on theology at the Colleges in ltdinburg, where he will spend the winter and during: the summer of ’96 intends taking a tour on the wheel threugzh Great Britain, Ireland, Switzerland and Italy. Beiore leaving his charge where he has labored 1 most successfully for the past. smnmer Mr. West was presented with the fol- lowing address and a, purse of ï¬fty dol- lnrs: Rev. Wm. J. West, B. A. PETERBORO. The moeti‘ng of the'b‘outhern Branch ofthe Woman’s Auxiuiary will be held at Mrs. John Banuon’s, on Friday next at 3 p. m. . » It has been arranged that Rev Lawrence of Trinity gColle gwo. will ad- dress the Sundayy School scholars, teachers and parents in Christ Church on Sunday. Dec. 15th. And on Tuesday. Dec.17tb, hemll hold a special service forthe mission band and their friends in'ElIia same‘place at 7 p. m. A great tonic and Appetizer, Rev. Mr Lynch, of Rosemant will conduct the services in bhrist Church on Su‘nday. evening next: CALCUTT’S ENGLISH Dublin Porter PERSONAL. FOD ND. Announcements. "Monsoon" Tea. is put up by the Indian Tea growers as a. temple of the but qualiues of Indian 'l‘eas. Therefore they use the grantee: care in the «(action of the Ten. end its blend. that is why they putit up thmselveo and sell it only in the original kages. thereby securing its purity and excellence. u: up in 5615., 1 lb. and 5 lb. packages, and never sold in bulk. ubo duh. “IL. 05. Flat (HF HI... 50¢.» 9.203 3:. z. (u... #32:; uzk A ï¬ne fresh stock, just arrived, of the Choicest Brands of Pastry Flour, consisting of the Queen's, People‘s Mixed, Standard and‘ other well selected Brands. Also a choice line of meals, comprising Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal, Rolled Wheat, ll'heatlets, Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour. and Corn Meals. These brands are all man- ufactured by the VICTORIA ROLLER MILLS. A call is solicited. A keen razor and 11 clean towel for every cus- tomormul ‘â€" If \‘O'I should w: 1111 1111 011m sh: we A n goml 115 11: 11-1191“ m 01' gave. Just call audat my pmlm [ind A razor’s udgv to suit 1':o11rmiml I’ ll out 11.1111 d1 ess y 0111' hair with taste To suit mm (11110111 01 vour 111130. Mv mom 19119111111vtmwlm-lmn, Scissors sharp and 1': IZOI' keen. \11d«\'urylhin-' I think you I] ï¬nd To suit tiwt tzwtu antipleisu flit-mind; And :1“ 1111111111 and skillcnn do, If you will 1111.11 I‘ll (11) 101-1011. 1’11 shave V011 :1 ‘L 1110 _\ 01111;: thog 11v 1’“ shave you all 101' 1v: Idv pay; Shaving I 110m 1111} time, And for shaving I go 111 dime; Bundo not 1110.111 11 dime in trust. For that would make :1 barber “bust." DEALER IN Lumber, Shingles, Lath, and Building Material of all kinds. Also agent for all kinds of Farm Implements. Ofï¬ce and Yard : The late Cop- lin Laidley‘s Old Stand, Stur- geon St.. OMEMEE. - ONTARIO. WM. COLYIN’S Tonsorial Parlors, KING STREET, OMEMEE. Call on me and 1 \s m guar mtee satisfaction. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. Ifyour grocer does not keep it. call him to write to STEEL, HAYTER a. co. ‘ West End Fleur anti Feefl lure. THE FINEGT TIA IN THE WonLa Pvfew Lumber Yam. ---------- W. H. KENNEDY Peter-bore, â€"â€"â€"â€".- Has keen 'remodelled under new manage- ment, with the only Elevator Aceomodnflon in town. Good Smbling. 'l‘crmx reasonable. Opposite the Opera House, George-st. GEORGE GUBIEL. 46-2m Proprietor. NEW SNGK Of Watches and Clocks cheaper than ever from $1.00 up, The latest in Jewellery. The ï¬n- est stock of Violins, ever of- fered for sale here. Call and get the ï¬rst choice and get ready for the great musical revival this winter. GUARANTEED Music Will chase hard R J? Mulligan \yhnlesnle and Rota“ Dealt-r m Groceries, Hour, Feed, nncnn Hum; Lard, Salt, and Hay All kinds oI’Uurdcn and Field Seeds; Rolled Oats, Oatmeal. Mn, 4'0. Telephone HG. 442(1'em‘2ezunllfl and 146 Brnbk-sts" Peter- born,I)ntr. \V. C. TULLY. formerly of Ome- mee.Uhiorsmesman. Telephone 122. «flux The Grand Central Hotel better and c’lerSéF-Iâ€"lTx-{ï¬ {HEY-are evenul'ï¬ Toronto. HORN BROS, Round the neck of her husband as he was leaving for Lindsay, and begged and 1m: )lored him to go to the Lindsay Woolen ‘Iills and bring her some. yum. as her neigh- bor. Mrs. Smith. got all her yarn them and. it was the best she had overseen. He might also buy some nl‘llwir good hose 101' Mary nudJany and some nice warm blankets for the COLD WEATHER. Their Goods are better and cheaper than thev are even in When you want a Refrigerator for your slmp or private dwelling of the newest description and prices. Aways below city nmnufacturers. Please call and examine for yourself. J. P. Iyley Lindsay. 37-3111. .T. Dennis, Lindsay, nextdoor to Dorgim'fl Hotel, Lindsay-st" manufactures the 1m. Prize Dominion Pump and has the only thorough Wrought Iron Pump on the mar- ket. Farmers, bl“ Emily. and citizens of Omemee will please cull and see me. All work guaranteed. 35 3m. 34-an W. A. Gooderin, dealer in Wall Pa Picture Frames and Window 5113 es, Mirror Plates and Artists’ Goods. Near Post Oh‘ice, Lindsay. Work done in City Stvle atlowestrates. ‘ 39- Pipes, Tobaccas and Cigars, or the Best Brands, in Stock. 11, and 13 Flynt Strut East. Toronto. NE Pï¬STHY HGUH IN ITS NATIVE PURITY. Call at T1103. Brady’s, T WALDON . times. REFRIGERATORS. A PERFECT TEA A WOMAN HUNG BUY TIiE BEST. -â€"AT TH Eâ€" Lindsay \Vnolen Mills. at Millbrook‘, size 8 x 10, which we will send m any address on receipt. of 35c. stamps or silver, 3. sample of which can be seen at the MIRROR otï¬ce. Call when in town. F. J CARLESS, Orangemens Procession DIR E C TOR 8 : President, GEORGE A. COX. ESQ†Toronto. . Vice-President : I. R. DUNDAS, Esq., (of Messrs. D. Gunn, Flawelln (WA, Torom > “ RICHARD HALL, Esq..(nl Messrs. Haâ€, Gilchrist .1- (fuw 1mm. “0(ng Robert JatTray, Esq" (Director Imperial Bank), Toronto; Edmund S. Vinden. Rm" For Hope; I". C. Taylor. Esq" Lindsay: D. \\'. Bumble. Esq" (Barrister. Hes. l’cterlmrough . Henry J. 10?. chre. Esq., Lukeï¬cld; Wm. Clinton. 155x... Peterborough; Jumeï¬ Sievemon, Esq. . M. I’., Pcterborough. Manager, 1’. G. Cox; Secretary, E. R. Wood ; Inspector, A. A. Cox. Soucrrons : Messrs. Dumble Johnston, l’eterborouglx ; Messrs. Edgar 6; Malone, Toronto. BANKERS IN CANADA : The Canadian Bank of Commerce. The Bank of rim-onto. The Ontario Bank. BANKERS xx GREAT Bnnxux : British Linen Company Bank, Glasgow. The Bank of Scotland, London. CHIEF Auncxrs 1x GREAT Brutus: Messrs. Finlayson Auld, Writers, 213 West George Street, GlaSgow. Avnn'ons : Wm. Manson, Esq, Manager Canadian Bank of Commerce, Peterâ€" borough. Henry M. l’ellatt, 155%: Mem bet- Toronto Stock Exchange, Toronto. LOANS: Money is obtainable from the Company an approved Real Estate Security current rates of interest. The mortgage may be repaid by monthly or yearly instalments, or othem ise, as may be agreed upon, the interest ceasing at once on all amounts paid on ac- count of the sum borro“ ed. Patronize a Home Loan Company and save expense and delay, and where you can depend on being treated on the most liberal terms, after 11 years anus. factory experience of unabated progress. For further informatmn appiy to Or at the Peterhorough Ofï¬ce. CARLESS’ Photo Studio You can get the ï¬nest. Photos on earth at the above Studio. are reasonable, and we will go to any part. of the country, on receipt of a post card to the above address. We have a splendid View of the MILLBROOK of Photography Outdoor Groups. Live Stock, Picâ€"Nic Parties, etc. CHIEF OFFICES: 26 King St. East, Toronto, 437 George Street, Peterborovgi‘: ' : Our Reputation : : is all that could be desired in a high grade Photograph. We make Proprietor. THE CITY PLANING MILLS The Central Canada Loan and Savings Ca Attention given to country dwel- Imgs, and estimates for building and repairs given. J . R. DON ELL, : PROPRIETOR. Frames, Sash, Doors, Mouldings, Blinds, c.,' 8250 J. P0 RYLEY, Vietoria Planing Mills " LINDSAY. PETERBOROUGH, ONT. Cocoa \Vme - 75c. Fowler’s Ext. Strawberry 2 5c. Hires Root Beer - 20c. Lactated Food - 20c. Nestles’ Milk Food, 40c. Splrits Turpentine, 50c. gal. Turnip Seed, Swede 12C. At Higinbotham's Drug Store, LINDSAY. {I I HAVE IN STOCK this week a fuli line of Extra Valu-r- iii 3 Teas from 25c. up. To hand this week a consignment of 152:: {I celebrated Indian M00nsoon and Kurma Teas, in packages, ::1 1] 30c. 40 and 50¢. per lb. i] My stock of General Groceries is complete with everything n fresh and good, and at prices to suit the times. BUR PHIEES is the best that. is made, and The People’s Grocery, . . L N ew Post Oflice Block, . . . Omemee, Ontarf 2:; Our Terms Mouldings Casings BASE TERMS CASH. Is the Place to Buy Fresh Family GrOcerie s. TEAS TEAS TEAS cannot be excelled, and - KING STREET, - TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY. W . Bradburn. A Specialty DOORS Our Work Our Finish Pno'roallï¬Pl-lf-JR. ON THE DICKSON RACE, OF ONTARIO, LIMITED. J. D. THORNTON, Omemee. The undersigned will keep {or service on the premises, Lot 9. Con. 2, Emily. M. thomnghnred Yorkshire White Roar. L-rvd by Samuel Staples. Ida. Aim 3 (hm-ouch!» a Berkr'hiru Boar. hm! by Mr. “hm Emmi-- balm. iï¬nbcnygcou. 'i'wrm‘ .51!» 11v 15m - service. . Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Fruits Veg- etables. Oysters. Fish, Game 8; Poultry in sea- son. CannedGoods,Conâ€" fectionery, ’c. When you are going to get mamed, don’t forget to procure your marriage license. C. lIughan in Lindsay willissue one for you for $2.00. Be sure and pro- cure i: in ample time, so as to avoid no, delay.â€"â€"16-tf. CALL AT J. B. UKE CD’S; 418 George St, Peterbnronm All kinds of lumber, cedar posts and cordwood wanted. WOMENWDOUBT Planing, Matching and Turning all at Lowest Prices. And Building Material of all kinds kept in Stock. 33“ Storm Sash, Porches, and Blinds made in the quickest ros- sible time. Telephone 304. Wellington St. Boar for Service. {PENNYRGYAL WAFEES To com "mum-my Ind wanâ€"II, kw the 0mm! a balmy swam“. TI. Wuenm “uh sum“ up)“ ram. ud graceful devo‘mmut. pro' 4. 3-231. !o-Jqulu rtods. Autfnr Thtï¬ctrufl hand. All maxim uu “on “3'. pr: lax. Kowmmwm hm SHOULD TAKE D. H. MILK. Omemee, b.