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Omemee Mirror (1894), 19 Dec 1895, p. 2

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1U W111 Dav Faiiweat heR 80.. Albums IOC., regular 2 5c.; China 'Cups and Saucers, 9c., regular 20c. Clocks 9°C., reg oular $1 25 ; Dolls Ic., 2c, 3c, 5c, IOC., 23c., 49c up; Pocket Books from 5c. up , Mouth Organs, m every key, from .5c. up; Violins from $1.75; Ban- jos,Mandolins, 8m. Hughan C0. Headquarters for Xmas. and W ed- ding Presents. O Crowd " will visit our store , every dayduring the next three weeks. You will be ‘wise to come early and make your :selections before the great rush of 'ithe last week. For Special Bar- gains examine our Gold \Vatches, gilainorfr'lr‘bfé Vimd'olls is Limpiy lulrS'ViVuifilfl . orthe flu cones: Bring them among and let. '4.th see. Note a few orour prices : »cgnnlonglbunggwa Cases! etc Our dis- Manufacturing Furriem, iCor. Geb‘. Simcoe $138., E5153 TERBORO, iKent St, Lindsay, 'Walton‘.’St.. Port Hope. ' " 4' of your time is FIYG Mldfltes wanted by Hughan «S: Co., at 52 Kent St, Lindsay, to show you the best se- lection of Novelties for Xmas. Pre- sents ever shown in Lindsay. iFur Capes Fur Coats ' ho dining room receives thi' strictest atten- tion, and the tables are summel with the Front of everything in season. The bar is stocked will: the choicest brands or fine liq- ‘nors. wines and cigars. Good stabling and Tate-ml hoszlers. 0MB.“ EE. ONTA RIO. The undersigned. having purchased the above popular hotel. and made great imâ€" provements m the interior. besides thorâ€" ‘oughly renovating the mums. rrspct‘il'ully asks a. liberal patronage 0i tha travelling: public. The house is titled with electric bulls and the best. 8am le roomsoi any hotel in the “district, Which: vesgond acrommodatiun to ‘commercialmen. No trouble or expense wizl boa red to make this nonst- one 01' the best, :31: g d_ay houses inthe )lulland District. Capes‘from $6.00 up. Coats from 9.00 up. Exceptional Value STOCK Complete in Every Line and at Low- est Prices. A CALL SOLICITEB. MILLS BRGS., 374 GEORGE ST, PETERBGRD. Hatters and Furriers, 25-1 v Sales attended loin all; arts ofthe County at very reasonable rates. From Ion: experi- ence In this line orbusinv :s, the undersignvd feels warranted in guumn rein: satisfucliml, and farmers would do “all to an 2: him a val]. Applyal. the office In the Cardwcu House. Omemee out. , '1‘. 2. JENA IVGS The Rathbun Company PETERBOROUGH. Branch officeâ€"("on Murray and Bath une hrs anbt- r.Sh1n:h-~ Sash, Doors Blinds \V in. dowand 1)"an rumes: )cwnl Posts, 5t: Lir Rails. Hamsters. Moulders 4:0. Summon (‘03! in Egg. Htoxe and \‘ux Sizes Briar Hill for Grates; Smithin: and .‘namlug Coal; also Coke und Lchigh Liam tor Foundries. Mlllbrook office. over new Post Office. Onemee once. over Bradburn‘s Grocery. OMEMEE EVERY MONDAY. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, ac., Money to Loan. O-ly lIANKER. BROKER. 91 Kent, LINDSAY. Money» Loan on Mort-rag 9.! lowest. rates otlntetb‘ut. , Approved Indorsed Bum ilsmumed for D! term not exceeding 12 n10.:ths. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Victoria Graduate of the Om. Veterinary College. Regluzered Member or the Ontario Vetcrln- Association. sun, night or day. promptly attended to. OFFICE : Next. door to Adam’s Grocery. DENTIST. Oflce hours 9 sun. to 6 p.m. Ofloo : Residence, King St. Omemee, Ont. Dr. Fred. W. Ivory, ”1. Imnuy. CW and an early gram. ”beam-camel! over 85:91:: 11: thousand- at --x is the only Reliable and Honut leach. hon. ukdnsxllflor Wood‘s Phosphodlne; l! 3“:me medldnoln place or this. hall-o prim 13 letter, mm vs will lend by return Mal-Mm Pampmeutreo towyaddreu. The Wood Company, Windsor. 03%.. Canada. VWOOD’S PHOSPHODINE. The Great mun-h B‘modv. 813W Guaranteed to pmpuy and permanently can :11 forms of Nervous WMWSpcn-v Ma. Impotencv cud all Mar Abuse or 59cm. ._ www.mimw ”been, Opiumor M MorcandAfler. 10»...me to Inâ€" The Cardwell House. Robert Ruddy. MILLBROOK. : : : oxmmo. 'I‘. Walden, V. 8., SOLD BY ALL Dnucclsrs. and inspect them. It will Dav vou. J. H. Sootheran, T. E. Jennmgs, OMEMEE. ONTARIO. T. E. JENNINGS. Provriitor. U. E. HUBBS. Agent The supreme duty ofthe hour ‘ is the restoration to the people of ‘ their God given rights and the taking from those who now poses; them of all special privileges. Every other question now before the people palesinto insignificance in comparison with this. and until this is accomplished the present evils will only increase in intens- ityâ€"â€"-the incomes of the million- aires will mount higher and high- er, the wages of the producer will 1 drop lower to the starvation point | and that means involuntary set-i vitude. The same unjust conditions which make the pauper create the million-aire. These conditions may be comprehended in one single phrase â€"the control by the few of the natural opportunities which belong epually to all. Is it strange that the rich grow richer, and that just in the ratio as they ascend the scale of accum- ulated wealth the other sideâ€"the real wealth producersâ€"drops, drcps. drops to the point of bare exxstence? \Vhence comes the money to pay this enormous tribute? It comes from the men whose toil produces all wealthâ€"the wage-earners and farmersâ€"whose average daily wage (and their work from morn till night) is something like $1. Let God-Given Rights be Restored to the People. \Villie \Valdorf Astor’s daily income is $23,277; I. D. Rocke- feller,s $20,855 cornelius Vander- bllt‘s $121,090; \V.K.V'anderb11t’s $10,397, and the Gould’s 11,068. These are only a few samples of America's multi-millionaires. A liberal collection was given, by those “110 attenied to aid in miss: on work. Rev. I. Stringer, Missionary of the Anglican Church Within the Artie circle delivered an address in Christ Church last Tuesday evening. He told of the needs of the Indians and Esquimaux in a most simple and interesting man- ner. His address was to the children of the Sunday School, their parents and friends and was listened to by a large audience. Mr. stringer showed by means of amagic lantern some views of missionaries, missions, and peoples of the far north. Nor other business was trans- acted. The telegram, accepting Mr. McLaughlin, reached him after he had been engaged by Oran geville High School Board. Last Thursdzn the Board of Education held a special meeting. The resignation of Mr. T. O. Page W as read and accepted. An application from Mr. R. P. Mc- Laughlin, forthc position left vac- ant by Mr. \Vright’s resignation was read. He referred to Mr. \\'right. On request of the board, \Ir. \Vri ght told Mr. McLaughlin s qualification and teaching abilitx. The board unanimously agreed to engage him. ism 2’ ” It. is wonderful how time brmgs together men of the same political ideas.â€".\luil and Empire. Iu 1878 Mr. Laurier was in the Mac. kenzie Administration, and Turto thought he ought to resign. Mr. Lau- rier refused to go, whereupon Turte wrote: ‘ What. can be thought of this man without heart, who to hold a misâ€" erable portfolio. consents to see his pro- vince sacrificed, and will not raise his voivetodemnnd the protection that is requisite? Is not Mr. Laurie:- a. man without fixed principles and without fixed principles and without patriot- The Montreal Herald points out that on Thursday last the Globe referred to Sir Mackenzie Bowel] as the Grand Old Smasher, and adds that on the evening of the same day Mr. Gillespie, in North Ontario, thought the Globe was right. It appears that Mr. GilleSpie saved lus deposnt by just forty votes.-â€".\Iail and Empire. Mr. Shortis, the father of tl.e Valley- field murderer, who is under sentence of death at Beauharnois, will arrive in Canada shortly. It is said that he will bring with him a petition, signed by prominent people in Ireland and Eng- land, asking that the sentence of death be charged to imprisonment for life. 0n the corner of Peel and \Vm. streets during: the winter months. a. practical Fur- rler who gives entire natlstuvuon or money rerundc-d when repairing 01 making to ordvr furs of every description and style. It saves money and fur to deal with a. practical cutter. Raw furs bought. G. P. MULLET’I‘. 40-3m . Lindsay OMEMEE. THURSDAY. DEC. 10. 1895. THE OMEMEE MIRROR. Cocoa Wme - 75c. Fowler’s Ext. Strawberry 2 5c. Hires Root Beer - 20c. Lactated Food - 20c. Nestlcs’ Milk Food, 40c. splrits Turpentine, 50c. gal. Turnip Seed, Swede 12c. At Higinbotham's Drugr Store, BUR PRICES School Board Meetmg’. RICHER AND RICHER. Missionary Meeting. EDITORIAL NOTES. LINDSAY. FOUND. When you want. u. Refrigerator for your shop or private dwelling of the newest. description and prices. Aways below clty manufacturers. Please call and examine for yourself. J. P. Ryley Lindsay. 3 3m, a. “cums. ulnusuy, llt‘xnuom‘ Io UOrgan’S Ilotel, Lindsay-st” manufactures the lat. Prize Dominion Pump and has the only thnmuzh Wrnught. Iron Pump on the mar- ket Fai‘mvrs, ux' Emily, and citizens of ()momce “'11. please can and. see me. All work guaranteed. 35 3m. W. A. Gooderin,deulur in Wall Paper, Picture Frames and Window Shades, Mirror Pluteszmd A rtists' Goods. Near Post Ollice, Lindsay. Work done in City Sty le at, lowest rates. 39- Mr. HenrlronJutC‘ut“l‘m‘(mto,ls now run- nin; u. retaumntat 42‘.’(fl‘nrgu-.~L. Hutund Cold Meals supplied at all hum-s my most reasonable prices. Best, attention m all. Special attention shown to ladies. Your patronage respectfully smicit‘ed. 4'1-3m. MR. HENDRUN, Petcrboro. When you are going to gel: married, don’t forget to procure your marriage license. C. Hnghun in Lindsay willissue one for you for $2.00. [fie sure and proâ€" cure it in ample time, so as to avoid no delay.â€"4G-tf. This new Hotel has been newlv remodeled and renuvutvd and is nuw one or the best furnished houses in (unndu. (mod stublc accommodation. Terms reasonable. 413m. Corner Charlotte and Water-M53, Peterboro. TIâ€"IE HUFFI‘JIAN HOUSE. James Smlth (‘u., 15 Kent-st., Lindsay. are specially prepared to meettho wants of Umemeeandcitizensan'icmrln Cmnnyms Steam and Hot \Vater Filters, Sanitary Plumbers, Tim and Iron “Wu-ken. R()fifill:£ 01' all Kinds. }10llh‘|f bmlnugoa Spc-cmlly. Mu- chincoil of all Kinds, Brass Hoods, lr’um, 5, etc. A call Solicitcd. 35-3111. Hettger’s lama-3' :oods store, Kent- st. Lindsay. 1s nott d tor the lust twenty years. for rel ubilit3 to suppl3 your wantsln 15-... 0‘. (goods, all kinds 0. path-rim, Clea (min: [)3 in}: and \\ nll "nper u Specially. Pun xgy (um and judge for 3nurselr. Agent Smy’th s Dying Works. Toronto. 3-3-3h1. (‘all early at Mrs. Smllie’s Grocery, Corner Simone and Ay lmer St. Peter- bnro’. now equipped \xith the freshest and hest family URUCERIES, Teas. Sugars, and all. the lowest living prim-s for cash nr marketable produce, for which the highest price is paid.-“93m .1. human. Lindsay, bogs leuvp to invite his Emi 1y Iriends to can and sec lnm at. the Mo. \Vutn-r House, where he is better prvpured tu give uovmnmuuntim‘ls and ’cunvunienve in every rcspcct- (Mum stables and sheds, am attentive hostlcr always on hand. f‘nrner Lindsav and Kent-s s 235-321). G. \\'alter (Prevn, of the Mxllbrook l'ump “'m‘ks, wishes to inzurm his l‘rivmls in Cm-xm, Emily. 01):. and Umx-xm'c. that his Force and Mn, Pumps :Irc unsurpassed for qualilymuh heupncss. You will do wull to ‘all belore making yum purclmscs.â€"36â€"3m The (omhined stm- ksuf J. “01mm and ..\ DOImm, rm-entlv pun-hafvd lIv (.‘I'ulmm M: (‘()., (.‘rm‘ers PIC. cunluin.‘ InIrWIlns. 3011 should Inkczuhum: um 01' thI-m wln-n visit. ingLindsuy. Kent \‘t., opp. chnon Ilnusc. 3 J. Dennis. Lindsay, 395‘, 4.00}. to Dg_rga.t_1’s ._A.,I 1:“.- -_. A “ hen going: to Peterlmrough do not I'm- .20! tocullnt chrv .rns.‘ smn- 11 3011 “21111 [u buy c1101 :11 (1130((‘1 11‘s W I111)»: or Liq 1101K. (h‘orgc st... opposite the unmet. CashI [Hid for tumor. cg; . 111-. 41â€"3111. J. H. I vnnon opposite Benson Houst- Kl-nt-st. Limism. is 'm [mud to ofi‘vr \i.~i- tors: 0 l imisn} lmrgninp unheard n!" in Nuw and Second imnui Fm nilnrm besides in: my other lines in [Iousv X“ m ni~hin:s. 34.3121 \Vhen \‘ou \ lsit I lmhuvcull at (r. if. F¢)\’ s 11» Kent-st. next dmn an l'nst nmu-u for Choice Fx'nilsin \‘mmn. Luni‘t-vtinnm‘v Im- Cream Cool blinks :md Luncheon at .111 hours 35-3m. \V. \Vhito, I{nxiiâ€"<t..11nds: 1y munntmturt-s and (1x ulrrs in the Kim-st Rm): z. and shut-s and Rubbers latest sl\u'.~'. A re \\ urking: \\ und- ors and Selling \\ omit-Is. Cali undJudgo mr y Olll'seli. 313.3111 Irynu wantn first-Muss pump 01 any dos- cription, give the Minhrtmk Pump Works :1 '3“, or write to G. \\'. firm-n. Millbrrmk. 0m, and you will benefit lhcruby..-:ui-:2m Robt. Rmidy,of Millhrnok. made his usual professiunui visit to Omemee on Monday. Those who have entrusted him with their businees, have been quite satisfied with his }:r01)1ptl)eSS and ability. If You Want a Snap Read the F01â€" lowmg. G0 to Higinhnthmn‘s “hen In I Indsuy [or vurv dings. 'lry the Insm-t indv 1- for .\ni "NUS. A cull solicited. â€":. ’7-.1\' Bun-this in mmd 21' yun n-qun'o nnythmg in wuu'hos. clocks-“java!lry, slh'vrwuru, 010., for wedding: prPsPnts, an m w. F. Mct‘m‘ty. Lindsn '. He will please you. Prices mudcr- nte.â€" -3m H. J. McLean, J. F. Handley, and D. R. Gardiner, of Mount. Pleasant, were in town on Monday and gave the Mm- mm a. friendly cull. Miss Mabel Gardiner attended the funeral of her cousin, the Rev. George Nelson Gardiner, at I’errytow n, on Mon. day last. Jos. Edward returned to Catezm Stat- ion, Qnebec, last week. after lmvinz: spent a. Vul‘y pleasant time visiting in town. Re_v. A. Lawrenc-e, nf Mindon, was a. guest at the home. of Mrs. Curry for a few days this week. Wm. Langton and wife, of Millhrook were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. K Good fellow, on Sunday and Monday. Rev. W. Mofi‘ann mndnr‘tml divine service in St. Paul’s Clmrch Minden on Sunday last. J. D. Thornton, insmrzmne agent, Omemee, spent Saturday in town. â€"Lindsay, Post. Bert Graham, of Millbrnnk, was :1 ms- itor at the home of his uncle, .\Ir.'1 hos. Graham Emily. Mr. E. Scarlett left for (ohnnrg 'l‘nes- day to attend the marriage of his sister, Miss Annie. Jas. Hickoy,nf1\'incsfnn. was: a visitnr at the home of E. C. Williamson last week. “Maior ” English was nt Mount Pina- (ant on Tuesday doing: ajnh nfpainfln: Tm: MIRROR invites all its readers to contribute to this column all items of personal nature, such as the arrival and departure ofgnests, the movements of well-known people, busmess men, etc. All that is required is to send a postal card to Tm: Mmmm and give particulars and we will do the rest. Dr. Bradd paid his friends in Peter- l)om a. c’isiton Tuesday. Rev. Newton Hill paid his friends at Millbrook a Vlsit nn Mondav Inst. Dr. H. A. Turner-am] \\ m Daxidaon ot Milllu-ook, “ere in to“ 11 Mom]: I}. . . h. . .' “ hrl‘l‘l‘l. .ull' (”39] {Hr I! K I” I 18 All] bull-"ll FAD)!“ , “'58 “I O“ ‘0 er- . t 'n ' St Thomas H. McQuade, paid Lindsay a. visst on Saturday. James Adams, n as in Lindsay Satur- calling on friends. Rev. J. U. Tanner was a visitor i Feterboro on Tuesday. REFRIGERATORS. BUY THE BE EST. New Restaurant. PERSONAL in GEORGE ST., PETERBOROUGH. And Lindsay; 100 Youth’s Tweed Overcoats ......... S 3 00 were 3 5 00 200 Youth’s Beaver 3) Black Gout. Coats 1:3 90 “ 17 50 25 dnz Sealette Caps, jockey \ 50 200.107. Imitation Cups, from 19 to 50 2 (102 Pets. Lamb Caps 2 90 were 5 00 25 Wombat Fur (buts, 600 All-wool ( anadiun ’l‘w’ed Sluts $3 90 ($00 fine new English Tweed Suits 4 90 350 fancy Yorkshire Tweed Suits 4 75 800 Scotch Tweed Snits.... . 6 00 700 Allowool Worsted Suits ...... 7 50 550 \szted Suits, plain at check 5 90 Underwear ...... 35 " Men’ 5 hem v 0 K Un» der“ ear ... .. 40 “ 50 dozen l’ongee Silk Handkerchiefs, hem stitched .......... ‘25 doz white exilbmidt-r- ed silk Handkerchiefs Gough’s world beater, all-wool Sacks, ribbed toy. . . ... 10 d M. Men’s all-wool Cardigan Javkets 80 were 8 1 3' en ’5 American Night’ Iol1es,eu1broidere1l fronts.........5100 were SI Men’s heavy twill (.‘ot- ton Night Robes Men’s 8' 1k and 8111111, 4 in- -l1u11d «3: knots, ‘ worth 250.. (211011.. 2f11r Men’s Fancy Ring- wmui Gloves 25 were Men’s Linen Handker- chiefs, hem stitched Men’ s heuu Under-“ear 19 “ Men's heavy All-wool Ulstcrsu .4 90 200 A-ll \\ 001 1“ «ed l 1- stars . 3.30 Imported ]: rwze U 1- stars, in four difl'er- ent shades . . .. 75 Men’s Cape O’coats 5 00 '50 0| 0 HUI ISO fine Nap Overvcults $3 90 were 5 T 50 130 fine Beaver " 5 5“ " 10 SM) 350 fine Wat-(41ml “ 4 50 “ 8 50 1'25 fine (‘Orksrrew “ Ii 90 “ 123 50 150 fine Wool Melton “ S (m “ 13 50 100 Allâ€"wool Beaver “ 9 00 “ 15 00 I25 Allâ€"wool Frieze Covering bigger and better vaiues than ever in the annals 01 the Clothing Trade of the country. Wake up and walk up. Here we are opening the Fall Trade in Clothing. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Pups. We are ten years on deck and have seen many a sale go down on the business horizon. We are now on our-eleventh annual trip hotter than ever prepared to bring I nrgains to your doors, to clothe the poor man with the rich man’s .iress, and all the same low hed rock prices as of yore. For ten _\‘ rurs we have nmde ten yours of progress. Our knowledge of the trade has grown and our ability to supply your wants. Not only are our stores the known and recognized headquarters for the Clothing: Trade of the country, but one ofthe distinguished attractions of the town. Far and near our fame has spread until our names as traders is as familiar in the homes of the Count; as it red waggon on the township concession lines. hashing {Sp Yhiflgnfiery mehani AA itoba Wheat. Royal, Best Family Flour. Superior, at $1.85 per hundred. MY MOTTO : Prompt Delivery of all goods. Small profits and quick returns. Call and see prices and goods. I have every kind you want in flour and feed, field and garden seeds, also Land Plaster. Bakers King, made from all Man- Wheat, Pease, Oats, Buckwheat, Barley, Rye, Brans, Shorts, Chop, and Mals of all kinds, and always fresh and good. Cash on Delivery, Unless Other- wise Arranged. Flour, Feed and Seed. Store MEN’S OVERCOATS. Come to the Big Push! Come to the Big Riddance! Come to the Hustlers! Come and Buy! Youth’s Overcoats. CAPS AND FURS Gent’s Furnishings. COAL IS ADVANCING. McLaughlin’s Flour, Toronto. MEN’S ' SUITS FhQUR : FEED Touching it Up for All It Is Worth! The Wonderful Cheap Men, SH 50 were $19 50 ‘1» 10 00 15 00 10 00 850 10 C,’ \ 60 Men’s I’vit Boots, loose sm'ks .............. 50 “ 50 vases Ladies’ croquet. Rubbers .30 doz Mackinaw Socks 100 Men’s Fancy Embroidered Slip- pers 75c. and $1. Women’s Dongola but- ton Boots .......... $1 10 were $1 50 Wonwn's Amer. Don- gola button Boots 1 75 “ 2 75 Women’s Oxfords and Slippers...” ..... 65 “ 90 Men‘s Buff Balmorul and (‘ungress ..... . 1 25 “ 1 61) Men’s Kip Balmmal.... 1 l9 Youth’s Kip lluinmrul 75 Bay’s Kip Bulnmruis.. (39 Mt-n’s fine Cordwvan 2 50 ” 4 00 Unild’s Boots We” 25c” 359, wqrth doubie. :3 piece 3 50 Fancy Scotch Tueed, extra heavy double~hreasted ............ 5 00 500 Blue Serge Suits, 2-piece, heavy, 98 Funny pleated A'l-wool Canadian Tweed . ...................... J 95 Finest quality Scotch and English T\\eed....... ...z.....1... 225 BOOTS Afib SHOES Blue Serge Allâ€"won! 3 piece Suits, S2 90 Heavy ‘Camuliun TWee-d, All-wool patterns........ \ enetiun and Corkscrew, all farmer prite 511 ....-.c. Boy’s Tweed (fuse Over- couts ........ .. ......$1 40 ‘ Boy’s Bap Cape Over- muls. . . . . . . . . 2 25 BO} ’s All-wool '1 weed Oven-outs 2 7' Boy’s Irish Frieze Cl- sters 4 00 Your pick of 500 Cape Over-coats ranging in price from $4 to $7, for .-\H \\ nol (_ ‘zmadian ’1‘“ eed. . ' West England '1‘w,eed 14 duifl'crent 250 3'00 Uvercnats ......... 4 50 175 meth’s Nap Over- cnuts ........... 3 50 300 Youth’s 171mm? . . . .6 00 150 Youth's Cape Over- 00 Ynnth’s Worsted Over-cums, 3 differ- ent. shades ........ 5 00 “ 8 E 50 meth’s Overcoats from $6 to 56, now selhng for... 3 ( BOY’ S OVERCOATS couts.........' YOUTH’S SUITS BOY’S SUITS ........5 00 final I T5 were $2 90 ..... 700 H 100 50 2o 50 550 10 00 2 90 700 300 00 rd OPPOSITE BENSON HOUSE, TWO DOORS EAST OF SIMPSON HOUSE extra at 25c, Flannelette for 5, 8, 9 and IOC. KERR 84: (JOY, border, 37 m (wide, 10c, 20c, 240. White Sheeting, 36 m wide, 30c yd. Grey Flannel for 1257c, 15c 20c, \V e pay strict attention to Ladies’ Kid and Cashmere Gloves, Corsets and Hosiely; also for children's lek and Linen Handkerchiefs, Ladies’ and Children's L'ndenvear, Children’s \‘(oollen Hoods. Apron Gingham, 56 in wide, me. New \\'hlte Apron linen, mth Henrietta, Henrietta, Our specialty, BRIGGS, PRIESTIJSY 8: SON’S BLACK DRESS GOODS. Prices less than any Store in Ontario. Your choice often different patterns of Black, worth $1.25 to $1.50 a yard, NEW and SELECT STOCK of GENERAL DRY GOODS and FURNISHINGS. GUARANTEEIXG evervthmg to be first- class , and as represented, lluvmg for CA-SII, Selling \\ 1th small profits under light cxpcnsc \13 :11c in a position to sho“ \ou better values than am stow in l indsuy. Our Stock of Dress Goods. double fold. Ioc. yd. Dble fold M; ltons for 17¢ a 33rd Better for 19c and 23c :1 Yard. All worth more mone). \Vool Serges, good at 30c fox 25c. 40¢ Tweed effscts for 25¢. and surrounding country, when in Lindsay, to call and examine our THE RELIABLE ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, 389 Corner George 8: Hunter Sts. JOHN MOFFATT, Manager. I The W. E. Sanfor Mfg. Co. of Hamilton, now the Largest Cloth- ing Manufactures in the Domin- ion and one of the largest in the world, decided that the people of this country would be better ser- ved, if they dealt with the manu- facturers direct, and know who they were dealing with. This was the Acorn planted for this first Oak‘ilall, since then streets have been opened in all the prin- cipal cities in the Dominion. Peterboro is the last to get in line, and our reception has been a glorious one: The good people of this town, and surrounding country have caught on quickly, they realize that now it is possible to get style and quality at a fair price in Ready-to-wear Clothing, and unless to pay fancy prices for custom maoe garments. II‘he confi- dence that we are gaining with the public with never be misplaced. on our part. We Would be pleased to have you call and see our stock of Fall and Winter Clothing---and Clothing Only. One price to all. Was Established in Canada Respectfully requesus the Public of OMEMEE Our stock is all new and first-class. One price to 1 Want HIV-113W} Yesar AHH QAK ALL worth $1.25, for $1.00. \Vaistlinings for 10¢, Izgic and 15c worth 60c, for 50¢. , Sert lmmgs, 5c, 8c and 10¢ a yd Pefiemwmough. FOR ONE DOLLAR. ARE GOOD. USEFUL AND CHEAP. LiNBgA‘Y , Hafizmz .4 rfibâ€"m ‘ 7c Grey Cotton for 5c a yard. Union Blankets for $1.20. Ladies’ Fur Capes Cheap. New Stylish Large Sleeved Man- tles for $5.00, $8.00, $9.00 and $10.00. 1". 31â€"1 have ments with LL 1})1'1 am'watci rczw‘irin Beautiful NEW RARE OLE Trade and Ge RJMfl T. R. Kennedy, of I o as (allows: "' Enviusod one years, snbscrip' in“ I like y'K-lrr papfir ,(«r_'- to me !i'. e an 071:: 011'. «vffive apnhva‘: v: oftlm(‘n‘.»(-1:r;_'(‘aiie;tv4 appoiuwd ma '1‘ Counties' ("01211031 in 121 Public Srhool Ixtsnecturj otKorthumluerland, mad death of I'LSC rlett. 311 th'upoaition in a very 611‘ net for over iony years. cent session, we notice I ed a. nice resolution, 11‘ Sealett’s faithful and M MLOdell will no doubt Omen" High School, a! yea: ago he spem some this school, under Mr. His brother was for so 311 Dr. Norris" drug store, an] brotherJ'Q learu,was “4 Stephenson.lisq. Omen boys, as you notice, co and while we congr u upon his apyointment, I; gotta reapectfully remen 9d school. bun-d .1 A fun report nfzho \- ship councils” prm-w‘di in next weeks‘ issue. Gun and Look quiti‘ ‘ shortest unlit-v. imp-um member-the addrms. -.. . poslle Jos Kt-iihs. Mulligan's is the pla Xmas trading “it; get “hat 5 its Japanese (‘HSUiU‘H ( me price 50¢. Ladies’ Brussels Net S lar price SUM. Best Quality Seaiezie 111‘ price $12.00. One Mantle Length of n-gular price $11» on. One Mantle Length 9f regular price SKI“. Heavy Asxruchan 4 'ur: 1‘; regular przce S.’ m. Heavy AEIruchau ! '1er 37 regular price 53w. And Music .11 SH price 50c, Men’s Under-“roar a: 7-3 prim: $1.223. Ladies' Vents a: 3‘... 4 price 90p. Children’s Vest: a: 110:: price 300, Children's \.ths at 11’; (1 price 20c. Heavy ('ashnwre R325: A pair, re:1:...r-»r:«4- 4 Check (jmuhuz us at .; 1 price 8c. C0011 Canadian Yarn a: price .500. Turkey 'l'ahling at 25¢ prire 35(- Sllk Lmbrnidored '1: each, re; prim. '34 ~. Silk Embroidervv‘. linul each, ro-Hz. .xr put-v 2‘ Fancy Lawn H :m regular {.rirv -. German ('l:i:..-. ( . . E'l regular prfw Luv. Hand 3“er r311:.“n',r"‘_‘ Pm ( ushin' R .; . 1 AH: Tram :u 13w r-- " .1 Tea Put 513' “is .11 11" rq‘ Pm Traya at 1-3:; re;:...-.t Photo Frames at “Jun, row; Dinner Bells. at 13 ‘. “'an Japanese 171w (fr-ind; 7 88c, regular nne SI; J. C. TUB]: PETER “'au'h for] itscc. “’6 have been : parations for the and no“ ex er} (3(1 tcning \\ uh bargu our store tm: 22:5 chase Hofiduy Cc dcpanmcms » ': hr. which “1:“qule instances; tiLSs ( ufacwrc, such as ”en’s Under“ car 2742 THE OMEMEE All our Miliinc: rcduccd in pricjz: 1 the next THREE through our stock James Fax ('laristmas Bradhmh'r STORE TURNE OMEMHIC. TIH' HS Admission n 363 and 3,65 Geo and 163 Simco rdrr 31$in QUID PRO STYLE c; 1’ OMEM‘ YOU can :1 um 10

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