RY" humiliat W" bU‘VVd 1 {"rrible witn "You say have promisq The won but there a smile «I face that sionnte clasp. 1h.» mum-1) lingered with In-r long. "I will not l’u-limu- a: May 1: new go. I have all 1' all faith. I m“ than lose my f" Then he left h to tell him that >lu- vnIm-d I more than an 121v “urld: that 4 obey it. and give up nil iduu or a sweet, swift impnlw: but she ‘ield to it. Pridz- came to le~ “Not even for him L‘hbum-‘tk say she ‘suhmfttwlwshv "Mm mittvd to be prumlor than nu one should say that sha'hn'd 3" her lover‘s wish: nu one <hould her for want of spirit or want 0 And before she mw him again. Clinton was suddunly unmnmxu-«l Paris. where am nf his Mac-q and 11 est friends lay dying. He hm! not c, time to say gm’nl‘by to Lady May. But Sir Clinton \vrute. and ms lener was a prayer that she vi'émld dd us he \\'i~h«'d. He did not know, when he should return. but he llurwd rlmt h‘s absence would not vxh-nd over many days; and in the 1110:1nzixnozflxe- manor. he should rest serun- in‘h'en ï¬nith and: loyalty. She might like to who anal‘ frighten him, but he fol: snn- glue Womble not show herself (u the wdrld with the Duke of Rosecarn as her} IHVQ‘X'. e-wn though it were only in thegmimic love,- making of the smge. He said [lint n.- belimed itâ€"he lrlml 1n Inu’kw [ï¬lms If believe itâ€"he wmxld :ulzni: :u N. um.- no fear, no Suspit-lon. lt :-,::~a h- so: to think anything else “nulll >ixn;ly madden him. He would onl}~ lu- uh --nr two 01' three days. he thought, mm on his return he Would win the mamm- :‘rom her. He went, trying hard to believe in ‘ L41- Raw 1‘“ L-vv v- -7 , his return he would win the 1| from her. He Went, trying hard to beli Ihat which he most wished}. I would not return sn Sum) as'lh hoped to doâ€"his dying: friend n so much attention. In: had anggm: hairs to attend to for him. that utterly impossible to get :nmy. I vwo Imtors from Lady May. It ~he made no mention of the the-:1 ‘2'th were kindly Wrirrvnâ€"tonm manly letterSâ€"and his heart gr?“ â€.“fld i LADY swx But Sir Clinton 10 made no 111011111111 1.1 hey \xen- 1:21:11) “151.11 :miy leuersâ€"zun. his 111- he read them. She did cam for him. "if? Sll('h swm‘ “0113: and 211(111‘1011111. It ' she would \ivld 11d pfltAL'Ui and. 1, not W \\' hen x 1 CIIAI'TI‘ZR VIII. )3: .<\\'.\\‘xmw\":s YE'I‘E faith. “'11 :1 ‘ he: hilt! $01. for him. th [0 :0: “Way Lady .\I:I.\'- 1.‘ IL _! 'she wouthot «15 if Vshe Wort.- It would" bf: all )1 luff“! M a y to believe 1n shah. but h.» a) as'lhe had friend required Id s01,~m."tn)i nf‘ m. that it was away. He had May. In 'tfhem the thvntricals. I-nâ€"tondvr. wo- -:u't grew warm en lover. q-vm wqmimic law said that h his letter ll :1 \‘ ‘ve-r The Duke uf Rosm-urn was In 5011' with mnhusiasm and deli; svoxm in which he appeared bountiful l‘unline was ruptur plundml. that the The 5; last. .:1 vxvrtinn: standing plumlwl. The nnly I-vL'n-t ho fult was that the play was Hut a reality. The splcmlitl pnguunt vas ended at last. Lady May. tire-«l with the unlmxnl vxvrtinns. but bountiful as a lmuri. was standing in the brilliant little mom they had- cullml rhv chum-11mm. She was smiated with cmnplimems: the- royal (lulu-s hml DI‘IliSt'Il lwr as even they svldum m-uiw. His Grace of Roseczu‘n muld not louve hvr. HI“ wnrk “'Uultl yum : said L fur {110 said on (‘II 111‘ his :: rim m \w-r I hm \ tl‘in: gin tux "N0 (my 1nd if ‘It is \\‘ ht K9 1 IN.- I snkof' m mu Lady sin: (brunt 1110 brig .1r:~:nned my 11 HH‘ Lon 11.x situzmun. 1119 <I._l‘_’v :m not of IH‘V 1R h-uve nvr. but one 1‘! nnute tmws :h It fl)" Ni ‘ nt. [M‘JMI cam u musk not 0 mtiful ‘ and 7 tin- :m- win so on that nigh IH‘VUI‘ r Imt tall; nonsense to me." May. with a keen distaste Minn. Nu matter what was <1 m». uï¬â€˜ thv stage it seem- ' luyalr)’ to listen to net of l (Tm my lil 01) ...l Shlv. complinwms was :I nixm Thq .llhh )\'( 01 I.\ m mnlnnz. ' ho rope-atoll: “it see-ms to sl-mo in :11! the WM“. shall now:- forgot tonight; \‘cr my unmhv-r kind word in jvst or earnest, I shall lwo-n hhgmy «wee. I shall .I mummy V." this night. :1 nnrmlisv. and is some . awn thorn. oven 1:. the m dukt, 11 Inh‘ m \\' l m: rnm‘e. t'ox'overnmro I." said Lady May, 1ri<ti:m-Iik~: to call the «NHL 1 (“1'31 it dOCid' My :IALV May! 1 woum .\ll~h|- >1 “) wnrkodâ€"I soldier, anything for Ur 111 that and {:in rcgrm .r ymu-s :II'TM'WHML m was hvsule him- and delight: evory :mpoun‘d with the if 'unly one regret. is not a reality. .\I:I\'! I would me 311C lil'l a 5 flnwors, t the the “21018 mu it was ho saxd. In l1\h*a:\‘{nt that she nus we're .m. More ho: with SI] 'OllSly LMISOQII My May mry was? {r051 and HI gather son. thing 'L‘HV thong“ earth night JIH‘ {OD at you a 0‘ W15 t‘ \V :1 r1 {1165' haughty pride in Won touch him. chums.) ht‘IWt z‘vin: up m.- trifl shown ‘ how little npi ni‘ m. happons." "Listen to mo. Clintun." "I will not. You may try tn hmvildor mo wilh ï¬le sophisn‘y of your Words: you might dazzle my sumo; you will not «:mnvlnco my rmsun." . The pride of her haughty nntln-o. daw- mnnt (lm-inj.r those few minutes 0L" fem [mum to assurt itself. "You are at full lilwrty to do us you plvnso.†she said. “imlvml. thq- llltw‘l svmihlo mursu \vo ('Hllltl pnrsuo )S to part. Yuu :m- :1 tyrant-l llliv‘ {rm-(bun. \‘1'0 are unsuitwl t0 0:111'11 «um-1'. You aro Inlx'r-nvmululod: you wnulnl reduoo everything to remain given l'llll‘s-vv-ynll munmt do it. I am glad to part. My vngnxvuwnt with you hus‘ hwn a mis- takv. :1 burden, from which I hush-u 10 frre myself!" She utterwl each word with quick. pusiuuute smrn. Ho 1l1'vw hm-k amaz- wl. If he 11ml thought she Would hum- blo hors‘olf to him he was mistaken. She lwcnme but the prouder for 1l1:.: which would have Suftt‘flcd a less proud na~ tux-o. \Yitlmut another word]. slu- slow- ly drew the engugemont ring from her ï¬nger and gave it to him. . “You will 11an some uther h.1ud far that to ï¬t." slm said. with slow. cruel 31mm: “it was always rather small for ('11 n'tin 800x11: at (nu-h ~th? in <ilvnvo. Sir Clinton said. slowly: “Guodrhy. b-zm‘tit'nl drmn' â€"f:lre\\'oll to :111 my 11¢»;st " have loved one false 3" sln .< wnundml mm. as t‘nlw “It is 11 huh) 11H". an} only In ‘( “1041 “)1" XIII-WI Illl‘illl make :1 >1 Then they stood for :1 moment looking u are unjust to me." she said. and “as summhin: nl‘ unusual I I.) \V DI" Ill that has crushed my m-un vru~hvs a flower." mum nut hvlp itâ€"I could nu (‘HMML l mld him he was cum-11w. :unl I was just gui YOU tllzlt you are: but quarrelâ€"words are , \‘uu told we if xctwoon parting: frm :lml kind the sum My promised wifv :11] :nliuht. her on uni“. and my flat luv. making love n I‘ he Would be no: hul- snkv. kiwi“: 't-x'y «mo that 3' you han- :lnr ) yuu van-d I'll] “'e will part CHAPTER 1X HAVE SLAXN .\l\ 1.0\ tlu tritlo tn l‘v {u say gum!-h_\‘_" slu» rowan-d. “.\':\_v. you that. You would not sun-v- riuus quarrel abnut sm-h a llllt‘ Il' l\\' kind F an In iâ€"words are quit.- usa- tuld 1m.- if ynu had to parting from um awl Mays. you px‘vl‘m‘red the HM holivw- it then. 110:1- m' I we (hm it was. xruv. crusllw Ill. ISSlnn thorn ulmirm to me. that ,vnu HIS it'nl «In-am of my life my {mums and wishns! 311% a" she is fair: 5. »- us {31% wmm-n do x‘y (It-nth. You Would r to um. Lady May, dagger in your little Iphed me through the ll‘Q [h for 01' lh H1 dug: the my hm) It is â€n- “'HHIHH )I'l'()\\'2 KN) on murder.†she HI)‘ H0 in Sh0\\'.lll_' .r vulm-d my hvt‘nre “’01'50 1;], HI 11H nu ‘HH 110K m-dum ii |:l\’l n‘ ‘~\ hut Wl'I'U 111 mm :14 many fr 1% he- had new we. tum he would th‘u morhwn wxldly urn: bznt u~. .md hnldmg 1 buy mm: h 1! KW 'ZH‘ B\\"J{‘(l tum; mm and vThcr~ 1).; 2 ram-.1 Hm: V111 n29 n5 hq-u. .;.h\il.r' henmw unw la hue suvh .1 :x (r 1'1. 1‘\IAX~ uf bud p {mm roots of lmudml lulu [ha «mat until that Village of hl)l'.~‘l'§h0e shape on the hill~iilc became one grunt butcher shop. To have such a man. with asset-hues Just {hi cruel. and an army at his rom~ mnmi. attempting the life of the in'unt .la-‘m. does there scum any chance for his escape: 'l‘hen that flight. southward {or so mun; miles. avrms deserts and amid bandits and wild beasts (my friend. the late nns-‘lunury mm“ scientisx Dr. 1.3â€)» ing. who took thv same journey. said it was enough to kill both the Madonna and tho l‘hiltl). and poor residenru in ('uiro. Egypt. You know how lliilicult it is to take an ordinary child yucca-shill! through the disorders that are sure to u<snil it "on in mnxfortnbh- homes and wilh all delicate: ministries. and than think of she exposure of that famous bum in villages and lands where all sanitary laws were uut at deï¬ance. his ï¬rst hours on earth spent in a mum without- any doors. and ohtimu rum-pt by chilled night Winds; than ai'turwarik riding many days under hot trupn‘al sun. and ;:i.:“. of many nights. lust aha nwnurr overtake the i'ngniw balm-o he (-uuld m: hidden in another luud! the report of this mysteriom arrival of a child that: might upset, all vonventinnuli- Lies and threaten the throne of the nation. “Shut the door and bolt it and douhiu bar it azalnst him." cried all political and ecvlusiastical power. Christ on a retreat when only a few days ofage, with all the privations and harilshiiw and suti‘arings of retreat! \\ hit: the clad ni-ws came that: Hwod wa~‘ dead. anti the Madonna was pavking up and taking hi‘l" Child home. had mum also canm. that, Arnhelaus, the, son. had taken the throne â€"another vmwnud infamy. What (-hanl'e for the babo‘s life? Will not some short gruw haill 'hu wondrous infant? ‘ than his father had tailed '0 ï¬nd! Sup- pose that among thu children dashed fmm the Benhiphein house tops or separ- ated by award of the enraged constubul- my Jesus had perished! Then, to begin on the outermosv rim at my subject, Christmas i‘esmvisies would never have been obsarwd, Chriss- mus curoiq never sung. Christmas gifts never bumwed. Christmas games never phyed. Christmas bolls never rung. What; an awful subtraction from cho world’s brightness would have been the making of Dec. 2.3 like osher days of the year! Glorious duy! After brightening Enninnd and Hoiiund und (iommny for centurias it stepped across the Sun and pronounced its benediction on our shores. U.-- _.._ -mmrmnrl I" Ull‘}uuv« “ _..‘ , Why, we never gets†over our childhood Christmases. Father and mother joined in than). Thu fox-not their rheumatism! “rug: .nd L nrlod xutfl tha: flrw (' and the Mu mule min: whi‘n- ch11 i with mu~i whi‘qwrcu I his: pull, his mudiwal pl‘t‘~l'l‘l[lll0fl. never ‘ tiesn-tved the antlaueu given " Bun con- , t‘ol'ltlll:ll1l~ full grown L'hrisc. whose lzfnwzulaunched three tlevadoa before that fit“: (‘ht':~titla<. the moan of camels ‘ and lht‘ hlt-at of ahmn and the low of with talnulud with thu hallc's ï¬rst cry. ‘ \Vl’ilit' cltn le that lllullt ware resonant : with mono and star pointing down whuiwrua to ~tar. ‘lloolr. there he ill" 'l‘hat t‘nrist. oftt-t' tho detoctiteq of llv'l'tltl and l’ilnte and sanhedrinhnd: watched him luy day and wutt'hed hint by night year alter your. was reported lnno- ‘ cent. It wa< found out that when ha' talked to the vagrant woman in the tem- . plu it was to it'll hot to “Ho and sin no more." and lllal 11' ha spoke with the pt‘nitent thin-l it wa>~ to promise hint pal‘utllsv within 'Ji hours. and that as he moved about hu drommd ease of pain upon Tllt‘ lil\.|litl < pillow. or light upon tht- t-n- tha' lill‘lh'l n tic nerve. or ut-i . 1" bread into Ill:- hand< ol‘ the hungry. or; took from tho (‘I‘lt‘llllil ht-tu‘sc the dead ‘ young man and \‘italiwd him and said to the \\’ttlo\\‘t‘d tt.t)'ltt't‘. “Here he ls. MW» and Wt-lli†and sno cried. “)1," boy. nah-1y?" and no TEHIlfllldfld. “Moment tnotht-r’†Ann the sea. tossing too roughlv norms of llli {Hands by a word u:l~lt'l‘ than n nuree's word to a petulant child. he made it keep still. The vary‘ Judge who for other rva<on< allowed him to be put to death (lel'lfllt‘d. "‘1 ï¬nd no lault. in him I“ Was theru vrr-r a life so thoroughly ran<at~l=vd and hyiwrt-rlticlsod that, turned out to be so purfuct a life? .\ow, van you imagine what would have l‘e-i-u the volatility to earth and heaven, what a hut'uavmuulit to all history, what i swindlin‘: not only of th‘a human rare, but. of (‘llt‘rlll‘llll and set'aphim and art-haugul. ll hev-auee of int‘ut'nal invnrsion llnon tho llr'il of loan livthlehem liahe thin life of divine and :lorion: manhood had uewr been livutl‘: 'l‘itu (‘hristic parables would llt'Vcl‘ have hwn uttered. the Bar- nton on the mount all Milli!) with bone- dit-tiona. never t-rvavhed. the golden rule, ‘itt picture trams of everlasting love. Would never haw heen hung: up for the univurso to save noon and admire. Still l‘nt'thvt- rvmarking upon the nar- row (mayo whii'h you and I and the world had in llll' diversion of tha parsocu- torn ltout tho piano of nativity. let me say that, hall. that llerodic raid upon the <VV.’|llllll'.;gz t-lothos been suuvesd‘ul the world would nvver have known the value of a righteotu peace. \lm-h ha! been made of the 122% that tho “mm was at; neatto when t‘ltri~t t'atnn. Yea Burr-abut. kind of a ]ll‘:|l'ï¬ was it? In “m: a peace worn) tl.an war. It was the peace of a graveyard. 'l he Roman eagles had plot-kid out tho world‘s uyesighn and plunged their Look: through the heart, of dead nations It was a peat-o like that 5130an of ny a dying Indian Chieftain when a Christian home tniasionary said to him, “You have been a warrior and I suppose lune 'heen in many feuds. but you must be at peaco with all your enemies in order to die aricht.“ The dying; Chieftain replied: “That's easy enough. 1 am at heave with all my one- tnlcs, for I have killed all of them.†UH Ullllv.‘ n.- 111111;; rhieftuln r111l1e11“'l'h11t.'a easy I enough 1 .1111 :1. 11111103 with all my one- mics far I have k1111'11 all of them' ‘ 111211 was the 5111a 01' 11911119 011 earth 1 when Christ came, 11111 [ha Spiï¬‚ï¬ of arhl- nation. which is m garland the tomb of‘ this (emun' 11.1111 01111111†[-1111 brow of the 1 coming century is consequent upon that 111111111211511111119111 above Bushlebem. two! music, the first of divine I aScrimiun. 111111 the .second of earthly 1 pau-ilivutiun. "131111311 to (11:11 and peace to ‘ 1111311." In 111:111z111hnod Chris: pronounced ‘ the 51111115 doctrineâ€"“Blessed are tho 1 11.81‘1 11'111 †1 mice another step for bars to 1.11111; '111'11 in showing 5 . 1,116" Yen, come and r1 1:111l11. all heaven A11 of the 1:1hle. 111111 All 111111 :111E111112n1; 13.111: And lukL‘ your 11.1 1'~: humnvr l‘hu twin 1~' King who wiil 11w :1! He 14111111“ â€"11i111 of Calvary. 111111 11{ ()1: thi‘uuu' 3:: 14 :11111 21'r'c challcn‘ 1.1 1111‘ wnm Beam: 1; 1'.‘L‘h-\l 111111 11 mm: 1,111, 3' 1111110 in {Wamh' 11"1'1. Hurozllc 1 1 or 1111118 'NH‘O who 11c! 1 1111 11m 111.11 h-(nrvn- ul 1 mice another grep for mm in showing; the narrow cat-ape )rm and I hn'i Vund the warlsl had 11) the ~evx'v1mn 01' Christ ’ hirt‘hplm'c from the Ht~ll)\h(' (letecriwa and the uluhi wilh \Vhi-h they won“ have dashed rho lmbe‘s Mo 0115 when 1 say that without me me xhan begun ~35“ 5 dashed the lmbe's hfu nun who: a ".at 1 may l'UHW ""u “‘“W'P """ """"" than without the “re thnn begun 9hr iivon at “10 PMW‘ Herod “h. Gust." or‘ MN m chievemenc Hie chisul. hility. With our 'uliun nature nnvhunzed. unrcgenemzcd. unremnszruvrezi through Jams Chx~i=t. {he human muc would be no more in {or heaven than a nois‘ome weed is ï¬t fur a quwen‘s garland. no mow than a shun-red has: viui ll fit to sound in u Ihi-‘euidai‘f inuslmi Jul iiua if at, one time Garibaldi suenml to hold in his right hand thu- freedom 0! Italy mid Wuqhingmn armed at am: time to h vid in his righi hand Axnuricun indepcndr enre, and Martin Luther wemexi to hold in hi< right hand the emunmpatiun of the church of God far all nations, so in wander unvi hvmex- sense the infant l-r ‘ in tin! Bethlehem ~m‘.i held in one hand the run-mm of earth and in the ofhr'i' rm rupture u? for lhwu p “'03 n-evu' r and k'ahm m Whl Calvary nm'uhn! challen‘ heave: : th'Uuu, :IA .- u ... .â€" cimllcu‘ .m the mug megs-13d from the beam: :_\' iu-chu‘. and urink at this Chris:- mm L m.“ or m the mannry of the babe‘a â€Mm. 1mm Hurodic punmi and the “hula; “y a: tho-'6 :mmnrmmn or the eaen who uelm ed xhe mulme and uncasm and -.-..n_v and infernal qmmzmu of the ~. .‘-')~"-,r'- manifesto. “flu and search ‘1‘â€â€˜guxlzly hr the young: vhild, and when have found 111m. bring me word again, ".an I may come and worship him also. [0 \V 111' r) 1') u: :m uternu r Kilian nature :1: 36!) a haspiml e rex‘ [reel]. nu (rd. not H < that was :1) u criiis .r. the «WY Or \vm‘ld ~‘ 111'.“ game time 'mm‘. Come mule for all e mum!“ in ,HH .inxl nus led. Uuy‘ hap- \' to I! 1d '1d at Xincurn Butl‘alo. X Y., Dec. ï¬llâ€"The (,‘ommer‘ clnl yvsnerduy said: "Within a few days the exnected change to be made in freight rates on pulp wood from Canadian points to Niagaru Falls and other places-v by the Grand 'l‘runk and Canadian Paciï¬c rolnls will go llIEO efl'mr. The Niagara l-allï¬ paper mills imcr-eted‘ hmwvcr. do not intend that thvll‘ wood shall cm: them any more than mm if thcv can rrevem in. \Viih this rvsuln in View. they are per lemma plans. it is understood. whl-rr‘y all this class of {might that mmvs to Niagara Fall~~ over the lines munnnnvd will {all to «her roads, Enuugh wood is on baud to do {or this Wlnler. and the plan is to have the wood brought across Lake Ontario to Charlotte or «me other advantageous lake lmr'. Rind thvn ~nln:::d 1337 mil, ei'hvr over the New Yuk (‘en‘rul on she Rome. Watcrtown Ogdcnslmrz :0 the Full<. At- wecem um um paper mills on the canal basin an Niagara Falls pay ncurly Si 0.000 a war in freight rates to the Curvudum roads. 11H Bird Saved a Train. Austin. Texas. Dec. :23 â€"â€"'l he north- bound passvngrr train on the Interna- tional x \iruuL Nunhern Hailmud escaped :1 Marion: wreck 4n milcs lwlow here thrcugzh the interveminn o; :A bird. Some miscrumt ‘md tied a rail securely across the trut‘k. a..- .. ._ A few mile: bufoxe reaching the Spot. 1: him, blinded by the heanligm new aguiuq the glusa, breaking: in and exting- uishing the ligh‘. Ibis ueccssitmed running slowly to the next stauon The (rain. proceeding at reduced speed, struck the olmrnction. tearing up the truck and dam-wing the 1mm of the engine. but no one was :njured. Bufl'ulo. NA" mm, the insane from Guelph. deported. was L an iuspccmr n! wa< zurvomruhix from the lax-in puny rcuctn-d there at ï¬rsx n girl. bus when the situation. x tux-ï¬ber demur. Y'Iil’th-Hl NA’I‘I’A‘ U 1.1.ana Girl ’u'al the canal basin as Niagara Falls [y 9 0.000 a year in freight rat-es madam roads. nut ails l‘uyn-r Mill. “'iH Try British ,‘hlr Hirl lN-purtml From liufl'ulo. .\'.Y., Dec. xiiiâ€"Lizzie Dono- nsunu 3111 who came to Buffalo slph. ()nL. and was nz'ï¬-ucd was taken hack to Canada hy 201- of the pougbdcp:mun-nb. She named by a Woman attendam hrin (‘r-umy jail When the i Guelph nbjacved they accupiid ‘tnudiuu ulrumly. ('nl l [1- Maria 1.; n- rl‘LP won“ :1; to Canada hy dcparum-nb. She 'mx‘an attendam jail When the nhe authorities to noeivinz the manor explained ,‘lnrkw nor thhout