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Omemee Mirror (1894), 29 Dec 1898, p. 2

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mmauauunfl. 11111113 Wms The “ Neel," for 1897, is by all odds m. but in the market. Its firet cost is "r 1m.- when you remember that it 13 strictly A High Grader. and the annual cue! for maintenance and repairs telew- .g “m, I hue handled those mill: {or six yeere and have never yet made a repair on “count of defect in material or poor workmanship. G. WALTER GREEN. s'flm fur partieglan of my other lines. WASHING ACHIRES, etc. During the past winter I was success- In! In securing a great quantity of un- unam- flue pump timber. l‘his “ill he or r»: .efit. to all my cnstumers, and wlll let-(- to mammin 'he My}: stnmlurd o! c-n‘ity tin“ my gwds have enjoyed in is. r pant. , Pm: for Evervxervlce - Aadjfiishcuon guaranteed In evety n drool. can a. over new Post office. hymn". Roncltor. Notary Public. a... JILLBROOX. : : . ONTARIO! Dr. T. Pnpham McCullnngh, ZYE, 8 A R, THROAT AND NOSE; DR. YBJJID’S 0L3 STAND. LAKE-"$1.1 OPI'CPIRD BY DR..KE_MPT, 451M. CO LY I N’s LConwr of George and Murray Streets. Orncn Hovus: 1351mm; )toSpnn. TtoSp.- Torn-02131 Pal-Ion... . 1N6 STREET. OMEMEE. Steel Widmills eukrupt Stock of Pipes Peterboro, Ontario. BOX 362. )tch Reg ~t0-date :cxal xcedora n Cobs Tobaccos always fresh at TELEPHONE 92. at LINDSA Y, in charge of Pipes ~ .d 40c. PlpCS Pipes Robert Buddy. PETERBOROUGH. EH .IJJE? :. 1:}! Money to Loan. 7 tor 3 for 6 for for 15 Cents for 25 ’“ for 10 “ for 5" “"’ A (I 94' Mr. D. A. Shaw, artxst, will he at his Peterboro Studio during the Second and Kast week of each month to lustrncmtu- dents in we art of painting In Otis and WatPrcnlnrfi. Sherwin! attPntim) give“ to students f“ "' “ It'htnm-a and Pur- ‘tiut “0:1,. ClUdlu 3;; \‘uie‘ aL " I hu're rezui the Witness with much “interest. 1 cannot say the: i know of "any other daily paper in the United " States thatjs Pouducted on such high "(‘hristiuu pr‘lnmples. I wish I did, for “~" «ever we needed such a paper in our "comm, we need :3 now. " Let me express to you“...;' qppreeia- ,“tion of the Christian heroism and um.- “siderution which make a paper like " the Witness a. possibility. I have al- " ways believed it possible {or a Chris- "tisu daily to succet-d. Yul] have prov- "ed that it can. So much of the ideal “ newspaper in “ In His Steps” is there- “ fore real, . ‘.‘ l pray that-33011 may continue to he "‘blessed'i‘n your work. I do not know " a more glorious opportunity for build- “ing up the kingdom on earth than by " means of Christian journalism. 1 take “the greatest pleasure in sending the “eopies of the Witness to newspaper "friends of mine for their inspection. " Very ‘cortiialiy‘ yours, “ (.‘nAuLzs .\l . Snzwox, “ Topeka, Kansas." The Rev. Chile. M. Sheidon's books, now so universally rend, nmke it plain: than that “riter's hopes of the regener? ation of the world he in getting} indi- ‘viduniu more and more to do their daily tasks on Christian principles no matter what the sacrifice involved. ,In fihe best. known of his books, " In His Steps,” he cleariy io‘ ks to the newspaper, carried on upcu Christian principles, as largeis the hope of the “ coming kingdom." In looking about him f ra. newspaper upon his model he seems to have hit on the Montreal \\ itness, to “'21 ich he has m1- dressedg letter, part 0!“ Inch “0 quote: 14 'Song ....Miss Wheeler 15 '5 mg ....... ...... ...Mr. Harvey The programme was one of the best. ever presented to an Omexnee audience, and Loyal Orange Lodge 113 are to be congrumlmed upon their success in ob- taining such a talented company for their annual concert. The recelpm amounted lo about $90.00. The com- mittee in charge are also deserving of much credit for their untirim: and suc- cessful efforts to provide such an excel- lent program. after giflng a~ ed the following exceL 1 13 Piano 8010,. Comic Song Vocal Solo“ ... .......A...\liss er OriginulSketch,.\1r. (‘ L Kennex (Tum: Son‘s: ....Mr. Haney (outnme Reading ... Mr. Kem a; Song, Mommy... Mr Harvey " Funny Rector,".....\lr. Kenney Vocal 5010...... .. .... Miss Wheeler Duet ....Messrs. Kenney Harvey Plsno Solo .... Mrs. Harvey Vocal Solo ....... Miss Wheeler Sketch, "Old Pruning,” Messrs. C. Kenney Harvey. 10 II 12 13 SHELDON'S NEWSPAPER. PAINTING. H )u R3“ Miss Elsie Mitvhell formerly of Ome mes, but now of Boston Mass , paused hor examination with hunnrs at the above city bun xwek. She has bean pro- mo:ed to the pnsitiunnf head nnrle in the feumh- hospital there. Miss Mitch- ell is to be congratulated on her luccess Spring W boat... ... Special to the Mirror. Johnston--Southam Nuptlals. The home of Mr and Mrs. Rich- ard Southam, Boscurvis, was the scene of :1 happy and a very inter- esting event. During the earlv ‘ morning ofDec. 20th the occasion beingthe maniage of their eldest daughter, Lnuua, to \\ illiam H. johiiston, a prosperous )01111gfar~ mer of Balgomi, I\'. \V l Prompt- ly at 7 a. 111. the bride, prettily 21t- tired in white, entered the parlm, leaning on the arm of her father, who gave her away. The cere- mony V'\ as performed by the Rev. W. P. McHaffie 111 the p1esence of the famil) and and One or tuo 1111- me liate friends of the bride. This we, all sat down to a beautiful welding bI'Caléf'drt, at the close of which the happy c021ple drove awn‘ to take the west bound train at (jtl1mr for their future home at Balgumi. Mrs. Johnston is Well- known and highly respected in this district and carries with her the good wishes of a large number I offriends for her future happiness 1 and prosperitv. ‘ Mr. Chas. Hall and familyo. Uxbriduc, spent Xmas. “ith Mrs. John H 111. H‘. Fred. Clemétt and fam- ily spent Xmas. with friends in this vicinity. D. Hart and famih, of Hunts- ville spent \m1s at th‘: home of Mrs. Jenn, IIzut. We tow passe 1 Hum: h this \x m last week On u canvassing tour. Hessxs. john Vance and Guo. Staples are also in thc field. M . john A. Hall, of Fleotwond is in Omemee taking care of Mr \V. A. Sutherland during his 11] mass. Mr. \Valter Hall was a visitor to Omemee Saturday. Passed with Honors. OMEN BE ,‘MARKETS. BOSCURVIS. 41h; (3h 68 JPETERBG R0 worth $18.00 made up. One year ago we went extensively into the carpet trade and can now show you the (in: a! range 0! carpets. curtains, curtain poles, blinds, and general house furnishings shown in the district. We also lmildle all the staple lines and can often offer 3 on large Inducementa ln wives not to be found in the smaller stores, such an flannelette 28 inches “ide, l (my “eight M3110. n) ‘.d (‘untun film els, all “eights in short lengths at, 5C. a yard. l~‘hmuelutte Blankets at 50¢. a pair. Larger sizes at. 59c. \Yrammmte ( lothu, sold every“ here'nt l2§c., our price Séc. Warm, (.‘umt‘mtable n turtles, this season's make at $2.98. Imported Beaver nnd‘nxelton Overcoming, finest goods, COM length for $5.00 Men’s Silk Ties, Silk and (aahmere Scarfs, Kid and Wool Gloves, Cashmere and Woo] Sox', Collars, wlme‘aud colored, shirts, underwear in all qualities and all sizes. llnme-nzade. V ' P~erlin \les, all colors, only 5c. an 0:. l‘mnpom in all colors and sizes. Art, Silks m d Snteens. anol Rlnrfl. Crochet Sill. a, San Silks, Crochet (‘ottona lu son a ,50 colors and 'mixtures, only M. a ball. Fancy Silk Elastios with' Ribbom‘ to mate}. A moms and mittens in Kld, Cashmere and Rimmoml. Hosiery in Sllk,‘( aahmero and Cotton, special heavy make for boys. Knitting \"nnls, ln'xZephyr Andalusian, Single and double Berlin, Facmty or Ho nmny useless nrlioles, n3 hreukalule 'J‘rlnklets and cheap plated ware. but are lunklnu fur something that will he serviceable tn the receiver as well as u re- momlnnuwo. It is also sometimes hard to decide what to buy or where to) he uhle tn hny what yru wish. To these we Would any at the I’eterbnro Depart- mental Stun. (TUBNBULIXS), “ill he found in some of the many dapartments almost anything you could W181], suitable {or either Ladies, Gentlemen and ('hildren, such 89: The holiday season is fast approaching when everyone will be looking for Xmas. (lords, and tile past few years has proven ”If”. ihe public are not bu) lug CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARS WA N T’s. Peieibmnugh's Departmental S TU RNBU hh’S PETER-BORO’S DEPARTMENTAL STORE, Ladies’ and Children’s ECC George, 160 Simcoe T., OPP. BENSON HOUSE. Table Covers in Chenille and Linen. with napkins to match. Piano Drapes, Sideboard Scarfs in‘ Silk and Drawn Linen. Handkerchiefs i'n (.‘nmbric, Linen and Silk, in plain, inninlleui or embroid- ‘ ered, special line of pure linen Handkerchiefs at lc. each. Belts in Gold, Silver, Oxidized and Gun Metal. Collars Ties Ribbons, Laces, Veilings etc. ,etc. ~. Silks in Waist and Dress Lengths. Dress Goods in Dress Patterns or by the yard, in any coloror quality. Mamles in all prices, stylesand sizes. 11811637, Shars, w1thin Store. Is prepared to buy any qua ‘mtity 0f Woo], washed or unwashed. W'oo" Pickmg‘s, Geese Fcathvrs, Hen Feathers, Turkey Feather!» and used $c‘athers. Roll Garding a Ségecialty. __..___ N. B. A 7 years' guarantee With each instrument. Patronize a home agent and avoid all regrets and dissatisfaction. AGENT, HAMBURG, BERLIN, ST. PETERSBURG MILIAN, YOKAHAMA MADRAS, SYDNEY, an 00’s PIANOS :AND: ORGANS Have a world-wide reputation, a life time experience coupled with ample finances, places them on the most favorable has“ to do busx- ness. Some of the foreign offices include : D.W. KARN. G. H. M. BAKER. Agent, : : Lindsay. Always on hand. l‘t-rflctly l‘ritd and St-asongd. Best qualities Hard and f )ft (0;.11 (‘oxdxuod ami Mxllxmod. Call and {3th pxiccs and examine woods. 'I ELEPHOVEsâ€"Agent s ( fi: cc, 77 B;10\\n C‘fncc 7- Mill Office 78. Is the Place to Buv Lunzl‘cr. Lath Shim lcs Cement Plas- ter Paris Charcoal. Also licadquartrrs for m «lsor (alt, ‘1)air) Cheese Butter " Brands. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings The Co’s ‘W v (marge Rgthbun @13333 333:; =a5'efisesafifisas Together with Offices in all the Leading Cities in the Dominion. .nning, \K eafit‘p, Mr; I“: !\ (iirert frc111 t‘ e \\ (o o‘ etinp, l larml H in ' In. .-‘ km a 1;: n Faint, Peterboro, . Thornton, igfacti ARS’ fiTS GERMANY. GERMANY. RUSSIA. ITALY. JAPAN. INDIA. AUSTRALIA. Dr J N Timmysma \s »~ ; week having been caiied \ Guitar-wig“; “rs Wm T31 15 m. CORX- Farmers Mien: of cam cheap 3: iieau; Feed Store. Mrs E Iieedham, Omemee Tuesday, of: home in Millbrook, few days with friex: A [{appv New Yt-a Messrs. Th Ii MN ‘15. r]. ofJaI'oxviiie, “ere M: and “m R Mm man with her parenzs Mr J Bradburnmfh the Orange concert in Mrnnd Mm T (‘ I", and Tuesdav “i 12 Mr» Rav “r 91 limux 8; home of Mr um Mrs Mr Iierimn Bu». :1 srr via: amzer, N.“ Mr Robert Fourier a Horeh, (oak in 71.9 oveningin the Bad: Miss I. Herbert G! U On Sunday next I be hefd'in (‘imsx c.‘ The eérvioe v :31 Hr kirk. Laugfeidt, Part of the (imam penod at this SCTVi‘ Go to Md'rezai as, Easels and i’m from 25c. to SL5» i eryuning In (unit: Mr W mai wi Mr tnd Mrs Rah: Lyt'w, Matt; are visiting {riczl'fs‘ Emily and ‘)II:€H:(“3. Ladies’ Man Men‘s 010mm- McPHERSU Miss Digger, \T been' asked to CM at {I‘m Prvsbytor Jamar)“ 33ml. 5 of all in. the Ten mom a! Lmdsa Fancy Goods General Dry 23.13235 Boots and 53:2 , Fresh Gfm-avr,;a,2 U) Among those {rem ciniiy who amended : iug Ripk Monday ev are. 15‘ W Morgan \‘ luud.I-‘Sandy.'l', F Bluckweu F Vugeng lish, P Parsons, J (n81 aes M and I Scott. 11 Spence 3nd (2 Cor mi . MuPhersun Eamnanv 81' x‘i'rh dre: Call and gCt ou Ofiice and yard iv next to 5; P. S. cfllauj .~ A fowl supper-11:2: tlwauspimchhe I're- Omemee, “7111 be Mel". 2nd. Foui “£1! 1c se.’ went ofthe‘rhurch 7', Miss Marietta La Um (if Phitlad‘elp'xix Sc provide a. prngun in I'fét‘llonfl: lump-rows C-‘Bt'mxe recém'n. s»..â€". ()rcheatr’a, uiss Rowan, r- Vencer: in Br: “mm 11 . a: 8 p :11. Tickets for 1' 23 on. Children, 15cm. {0? concert, 10c extra. A splen lid : goods to se and see us To Clear, prices on Are showink’ goods for th ; LOCAL ano azc Independent Elector! ship of Emily. L Grtx-n limes,â€" IEHS ?% OMEM RE. lull! ). ~ 315178. h 30w i. B; vans my my a M fled u a candi- , ‘flimily, and an and Election day gm. 1‘8 3'10": I Prf gsy‘ g CB. ‘ y earnestly me. In ask- :alers in Ll iasses {torn ys in stock. Celebrated {wood Chan h Mined C< ilacksmith write for q 'Nlll Suit StaSOI‘. ria Avenu erla 1c 0! of tho Tfi‘ik.» BJ 3: il- xt, B r ist- 'Isi- E ng- helf w“ . m. .isx, will lay and nee my. nee ‘ert LL50- HI s D9?~ der rch an. u Y0 nr Vl- 81'

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