erlnap; Bur: canâ€) (foil. gr. rormw but ofUutarlu V--'.cr‘- nu “on. Olflco nu-l has“ 3111 South. UndsaLâ€"SI-z; m 19sz gas with :teu! :4 33') years. Beautiful 1e.- fltl. Crown and bridge Lindsay oil'we nr-arYy 8011’: Hotel. -‘23-1y Dr. Neciands, nsxnw. . ttxmn‘, "nmnufltinf. â€- Visit: the Gun-H.962 “mpooita the “0:5 1" .s'. ()x‘iicc Huck, Dr. F. A. w am: DENTIST, LINDSAY. Honor Graduate of Toronto I M1 and Royal College of Den‘ ï¬rst [xx-adds istefld gas “ 35 years. 132‘ At! the latest am! imp of dentistry successfu Charges mmlenue. O Green-5‘s Drug Store, C1 WHHf-m streets. Brmiburn lions-w, O Nonday of each mumh Mr. D. A. Shaw, “rust, “â€1! be at his Pelerboro Sludiu during the sm-uud and hat week of each month In hmtrm" enu- donta in the an of luintim: In 0:15 and Watercnwrs. Speviui anew-Jinn given “to utudents from a distance and Pur- any}: Studio 337 \Vn'vr at. STEVE HOLLAND prnprlemr or the orican House. Hunter Street. Peter-ho to. n have to announce to his umemvc and ll friends that. his house has been [hor- ouuh y renovated and ï¬xed uplu me most modern style. Good smbnng and ultsnth‘e hofller. A can Hollcited. Tvrms teawmuble Neill? opposite oriental Hotel.â€"614L 8r. T. Pupham Ecflallangh, .3... “I. IHIOAT AID NOSE. PETERBOROUGH. *0 $011 a. m.: 'Trilbys Win ks .Alabamas Scotch Reel U p-tOn late Spam] Veneezdora “n. Mattel]. Lindsay $2.. Opp. 33mm: Rink, Lindsay will be glad to see an the: '01:“er and Emily people on th‘s din-ct, â€and. where the must comfort ls provided In a» well heated house, gond meals. The bar In np-to-date. Anemlve hnt-Uerdznod stub- “..-nml good order. Call sollcilcd.â€"1-5L 5' my -v "a; and 12000 0rd“ ’- 25¢. Pipes - 35 and 400.1’1pes 15c Pipes Burl-tor. Solicitor, Notary HILLBROOK. : z : 1 fluxtrook omee. xix: Pipes Corn (Zobs Bankrugisma‘g sf E‘iges TonauoK-ial “1N0 ST‘.EE' During the past winter I was sncvess- In! in securing a great, quantity of un- usually ï¬ne pmnp timber. This will be .0; beneï¬t to all my (mstmners, and will '90er to maintain the high standard of qaality that my goods have enjoyed in ï¬ho past. Pumps for Everv service Andlsatipfacnon guaranteed in evety The “ Ideal,†for 1897, is by all adds the best in the market. Its ï¬rst cost is var low, when you remember that it. 18 strictly A High Grader, and the annual «at for maintenance and repairs is low- . Itill. I Have handled those mills for â€no and have not" yet made a V on mount of defect in material you waknmhip { for path: Inn of my other lines. Infuse .M.‘ 1): EB, etc. {5. WALTER GREEN; a. v. "V..- wâ€" TELEPHONE 92. M at LINDSA‘Y, in charge of P. 0. BOX 362. Come: 0! Georil'3 Steel Widmil Tobaccos always frcsh m‘rk. Studio Surgeon ï¬rminateOn' (twinge; l‘oromo. zip-gun- nlariu Vs Lurmaly M - Bobert Budd?- Peterboro, Ontario alone: to Loan. Ioorga and Murray Struts. Owner. nouns: “05mm. 7toSp.m. House, OMEN] EE, third emce "mnmcfl'ifl Hotel, ch I" .37. ()Hice Knack, the of every month. Admin- th great sum-was for own amiful tee-1h and splendid and bridge \\ Mk inserted. we near2y apposite Simp- PAINTING. t and improved branches successlully performed. mue. O 1" F I C E over 2 Store. comer Kent. and over new Post 031cc. rial Parlors. BET. OPdEMEE. W H IRWIN 'Jé‘é éiwnn Walters, ZKX' 6 for 7 tor 6 for 7 for 7 for g for for yrontn Univers- of Dental Sur- u-y Pnhuo. ac“ ; ONTARIO. for 15 Cents for 25 “ for 10 for 5 H H 7rcsh at 7- ‘1' f 1.31 ’59 213' N N U| UI .3 2 r. J an lu- .uu Slrvcl cents (‘ 9-17 sense :5 and opportune u pic (,3 tHSCi as the votes of {be people powerful element. in our sx s emment, should not our in chief concern be, not merely to becnrv \Woles but to insure intelli 'ent \otes. \\ hat than does nur gnverning hull} re- present? is it nel essun that it should consist. of tno part: es‘: From “l. encu does it derive its particular sancliun and authority ? Why do all gowrnmms necessarily have behind thc-m 8. mili- tary force? Is there any possmility of doing wnhout a governing bod: [.13 l " The Lagislatnre of any cunntry can only exist in so far as it mph»: nts the concentrated thought (It the- , c .ple. 1! e constitution uf any gnven in; bud) anc- caeds this thought but dues nut precede it. Historical illustrations es- tablish this txutlx. Was the Magmi Charm of 1215 fun-ed on the people '3 or dizl the people compel parliament tn see that its provlsiu us were carried out? The religious ref: rnzn'inn (2-! Henry VlIL’S reign was no sudden precipttu tion of the King, but. wus gradual worked out in the minds and come-len- ces n! the geople. It. wns the will ofthe umj .rity bum-e legislation lmd an)- tliing to do with it \xlxatcx'er. In the (i211 Wm- df (‘lxarles l's reign we again see that the masses of the x90; In, [In matter Low loyal, will not. for u Each of these cauntries are admitted as belonging to the progressive n anions of the World. \Vlierein then comes the difference? and ho v is this ditl‘er- ence determined '3 Ti i: is 31.5“ ered in n._ manner similar to the furnwr, as laws of u. c wintry are me. 7.0 by the peo- ple so dues the mat culnr forth of gov- ernment «ii-pm} upon the state of mind of the penylc governml. Russi- ans having: abanzlute conï¬dence in the “ill and wisdom of a single in- dlvidiml are cmntent to be ;overned thereby. Americans ever thinking oi freedom, liberty of ( onscience, right (it persimal individual opinion in all things, havn thereby devaloped a. sys- tem of government bm‘dening on con- fused individualism. Our oivn govern- ment ever anxinus of the development ofa national character by the encnnr. agement of only what is hast in the in- divi 1: ill, and evrr vigilant in the sup- pression of what. is purely selï¬sh and personal is rho happy nae-Hum between two extremes if “e are at all obser- vant of c nnmon historical r-xpnrience, do we not plainly see that the Absulnte Monarchialsystem tends to negfect of g individual muscie: ce and personal 3 will on determination, producing a m nmnt tolerate He acts of a. King, when thev are for purely person- al and selï¬sh ends. In these modern times of religious freedom we ask. \\'h_\ as late as Wm. III. was religions perse- cution allowed '3 Was it. not as easy to pass a Tolercration Act long before then ? Religions toleration had not bo~ come a. 1 rlnclple In men’. character till \Vxlilam’s reign. hence I! ere “as no 'l‘uleration Act. The Emancipation ol slawry is another '35:: in polLt. \Vl y delayed Sn hue as @133? Simyly became man had not become sutlic curly “lst‘ till then to see the folly of slavery. All thuae Acts of Legislution and many other: conclusively show that umxzs charuter was not always in lie present state, but that character 3.13 a growth towards absolute truth and nght lt is an evolution in the intellgence of mun, and that terliatxlelltzlr)‘ law is noth- ing else than an embodl ' em. :1le en- {on-ement of this princelple. We must remember that ours is no the only form of government. Ameri- can has quite u. difl‘ereut system, called republican. Russia has another In her absolute monarchy. Germany still another ln her Empire. tletl permanently, whether {trotectit n or free trade is the best poiicv, whether persrm or nr party shou' l receive the most consnierat on, \\ het.wr the labor- er or the capitalist is the most import- ant olnxcnt in a country, e hat is the best way I. ~ raise the revenun necessary ta curry on a. gnvermneut or whether it is better that public “0ka should be conducted by a (‘crx oration (-r by the individual. Now if these inpurtam questions and a thousand (thus are scentlï¬cally settled. How carries it H a a difference of opt: it n ttiil exists, th s can only he answered by assuming that all politicians have not svlentiï¬c education. We know this stute of affairs to be lamentahly true. If then this most intelligent of a community (our parliamentary ‘representntlves ?) have not this necessary training, W hat position are the masses of the electors in? With them the best man to send to Ottawa or Toronto is the man that most nearly represent: his personal lr- tenets. It is this personal, selï¬sh in- terest that debascs politics and makes our parlian ent a creature of circum- stances independent and careless of ' atlomt! right and \\ rong As prrc f that this sad truth exists in our phllti- eat system, notice Israel Tartes uttih do towardsthevanatliau (‘ontix gent. Lun- ricr’s hypocrisy in nearing a (Tobdeu Main]. His paltry attacks on our Sen ti or House of I.or“;s( ur surest sure- cuarti ugaix'st rush and indiscrimnmt» 1.~-_;i.~lzt‘.i_ n.) nuzl his absolute refusal to :\a («he CL of poliuivs In ;rats itself as 1-0! hm? tr oic of (“SC our interest and :u p tax: >8‘ul1,zln is the all :n of gov- (11‘97‘4 hi1 inve- ‘2“. 1- s H: Hm thpu public line rmnuinin; 'lile rmnaining questimzts may be iirii‘iiv unswvn-ll InLt‘tl.«-r. All respon- rib.» :(H'L‘rlinu‘lzla’ \1“!‘l\'t‘[Ill‘irflflthor‘ ity l‘rum the people All law is the written sentiment ol llm u‘.;~jurity, and in countrien “llure it is .Yw-i‘led that lie majority must. rule, all minorities, if they do not comply will: authority, must be COIM[mlled by the force of a military. Henceme necessity of the aOldlel" in every government, to be used either in purely c:\‘il affairs, or in for"- elgn wars. Finally we “‘1“ never be able to do without a government wheth er baSed on party or Hut, nunl each in- dividual in a Slate becmnes author-ough- ly educated in good, taut he becomes a. law unlu hinsell'. and sets usidn all p try, selï¬sh interest {or what is of nu- tiunul and umversnl impurlancc, until he $998, and acts ucccrdingLv that the developumnt of Art is superior to the encwrauewentof Standard UH Cum- pan es, that the advantage of schonia» cullegos and universities Is (I! vastly mme inawrlzunce than a c'(yxutroversy uver {Le question bf who shall be Min- ister of Education, that indeed all considurmimm u! vlmrity, religious freedum, civil lilverty, (Le dissem mgnuu 0! pure literazure and free- dom uftimught are subjerts of u| pure cmwcience and not necesmrily Cou- lzuniuuted bygpolitics. ’l‘iw fullowin: is a synopsis of a. ser- mon preaviml by Rev ’1‘. Rm“ n, Pus- txr on the Brilmny Methodist Circuit, on Sunday, Dec. 3, and is furnished by request. Mr. Brnwn is an able expoun- cier hr the Gnu; el, and “e feel sure the f..!lm\-i1 g “ill be found interesting to nur renders Lien 3 : :45. This pnssnge, in; n.- “ hole, constitutes Moses’ biography of Enoch Antl it’s mmof the lrriefest and at. the same time me at the most complete blogrn- phies to he {until} in history. Wehuve “limit? Mutt-tars glven ns cnncerning Sunl, Atm‘n. llvm-kinh 11ml othc'rs of Surat! history ', nntl volnnn s (‘anEPl'H- in: Napnlwm, \Vollil‘gttrn, and other men nfrnnl‘ in set'nlnr histhry,1l?:tl_\'§" \lXt‘tie «let not tnrnish ns with a fuller in. furnntion than tl at Cnntninetl in this single vcrrw. We have here, an in :t unto slmll athtxrongh lgnrmlvdge given 115 nt‘ li'urch’s n hula pilgrimage 0n the enrfh, and then a. very cunt-i563 state- ment, as to his singular departure out of life. And tlm tn.tttner in which these things are i-resantvtl is very simple. It IS not as Paul has said " With ex- cellency o! st-eech and the ent cing words of man’s \visduni,“ but rather in a plain. xna'ter-oflt‘uct style. nithout Culming nl' varnishing or evident dis- play. But the facts themselves are sub- lime. Them is] nothing more suhllme or grant] than the life and the comple- tion of the ht'v n hich these few word: :lo'clnra “ Enoch Walked \\ ith God, and he was not ; ft»: God took him.†The londingthonght contained in the farmer part of this passage isâ€"The (‘hristtnnf Life. And the nanner 0t preventing this idea. suggests many of the special features which characterize the Christian life" in other words, shows what it means '1 he term "walk or u :lllit‘ti" here employed according to its literal and ï¬gurative import, signio ï¬es:â€" I. That Enoch W519 agreed “itll God \Vithuu! agremnont he CuuH not have wu'ked with Him The peuple at Ann 6 0 re asked “ How (-nn twu “u k togeth- er except they be agreed ‘3†Evidently they cannot. And this is readily illus- trated by the hrwken companionships zuM Inrtnership disamlntions peculiar to life snaps‘ :s scf Sermon Preached by v. T. Bro own, at Bethany. on Eda.) Evening. Dec. 3rd. (.’ ('9 4 ’l‘hat Enoch was in the enjoymeu? ofspiritnul light. We cunuot walk in theiiurk mpecinlly on unknown ground- A Christian imiy travelling in France a. short time ago was hulking: “journey after h ght and considered herself quite Safe lllllll losing her i'mtingsho fell in- to the great ( 'nnal du )litle. [f we would walk we must have the light. Hence one of our poets exclaiins: †O for a closer “all; \xith God. A mini and heavenly frame: A LIGHT to shine upon the road That leads me to the anl). 5 That Enoch mus the recipient of spiritual good. We cannot walk With- out strength, and nitlu ut food there is no strengm. Ami spiritually our food corsiets of faith. Paul 59.} s. " We walk by faith.†" B] faith Abraham .kct 7. That Enoch increased in likeness to God. Earthly companionship pro- duce such a result as this. Two bars of ‘ron, one hot and the otheï¬cold, pinced side by side. take from each other un- til in point oftemperatnre they are one. So the Christian takes from God until he lecomes like (imi. 'i‘heudversaries of Jesus as they ieh: hi, Peter and John, (liscipiesuf Jesus, took knowledge 0, them that they had been with Jesus And this is the end of the law (1' right- eousnessâ€"likeness to God. All the foreming features must necessarily characterize the christian as like Enoch,“ he walks with God.†6. That Enoch Increased in love to God. Continued assoclzxtien among nurselves results in increase of love. The husband and wxfe who Iiye togeth- erus they ought love each other more and more. So the Christian in his re- lation to God. Heb. 11: S. 9. Te x Camclx Walked with God.†sundaluns v'eniings in My}, Invtsiigulul. inzg questimzte may be SA ML'EL COUCH. Sperm] tn the Mirror. Mr. G. W. Patrick of Lakeï¬eld was viSzting Mr._]ames Blackwell lust week. Mrs. J. Guthrie left on Friday last for Midland “here she m- tends to stay for some months with her daughter MIS Joseph \Vilson of E1mv.ale Ml. Forest C. Guthrie has gone to reside with his brother Mr W. j. Guthrie of Midland, for some time. Messrs \V. U. Switzer and Goo. Franks took the train at Bests 0n l‘ncsday morning. Mr. Switzcx :5 on a business trip to Toronto and Mr. Franks is attending the court In LindSuy, as juryman. Mr. john “(right is attending the count in Putcrboro, as Jury- mun this week. Mn]. I. Lintick has returned from Manitoba and gives a very favourable report oftlmt country. Invitations have been 1551161] {01 '11:; opening of the new Toronto \\ 1‘stcrn Hospit: 11, on the ex ening of Deccmbm 15111. H1e appcux» 1cc of the 11111111113315 shown 011 11112331 01:1 L1pl1ulix11'itut1011, shows 1\u1\ lu1~c 11d 11111105111" intitu- 11011, s1111011nuc11 b} tmcs 21m: wall-.5 that suggest an idcul homv for the Invalid. 'l he necessitv oi Such an institution is well knmvn to all who have given the matte: uttcntlon, and the mum-s 0f the Buzml of Governors is sufï¬mem antee Hi i' the loxonto \Vcst- :HIIospituI will be kept up to a in} standard ohï¬icicnm. PUFNDâ€"(m Mummy, Doc 4m. lwtwnor tuxdmrn :zmH xnvmrv. :1 pair m huxsu env- ers and u rug. '1 h" own-r mm have sumv by proving property and paying (nun-us. x. R. J. Ml'l‘L'hELL.Oxunmoe.â€"5t IJNX‘SAY HIPYCIJ’: AND GENERAL REPAIR \nuucs. All klmh of l'uruim: >cr(‘\\'-cul.lhm. I’m'g i})g_ ;;::lzin}:, Humming. Venn-“ting. and Vulcnnizinz. in Irmnxtocl. lh‘nss. (‘mnpns- ithm. WNNI nnd Rubbm'. Him vh- rI-pniring m M! its branches 'l‘ll‘c \‘uh'mdzing u Hpvciuity. q" ‘I'I‘l‘c- run Thu whey of the Missing Link facton' “"11 he sold by public auc- tion on Thursday. jun. 4. 19.00. Sale will take pizu'c (it the fuCIOI‘V at 2 p.11]. There will be a reserve hid. J was Middleten, Pres. The ":{t- 'ivinrr enthusiasm 111.5 nh‘oadv n- !" B . point in the pubic mind, judging from all “3‘1“ is 21 great big Chmstnms box 1111] of pn-tty :} Lugs-2 an array of usdul and lovely things, )mx wxl‘. 5.11:2 :1le p‘ Ices are decidedly a factor. lhe greatest assortment cwr in this store, picttitr than ever, I un- cx Colored H andkuchicfs .ato _, 3, .;21n.i5c. \Vhite Hemstitched Handker- chiefs for Misses 01' Ladies, at Lovely Embroidered Handker- chiefs with lace edges and mSer- tions, at, eacli,9.m.15, 20, 25, 30. up to 90c. Special prices for quan- tities of halfdozen or dozms. Peterborough’s Big Simcoe Street Store. \Ve‘ve got the rivht Goods, we- ye got the right St\ 1625:, and we’ve Got the right prices. We ought to (lo the Christmas trade in Kid Gloves. \Ve guarantee every pan to give satisfaction. Penin 5 Kid Glovcsmll sacs, at per pair, $1.00 and $I.Ig. You must see our showing this year. You will ï¬nd it more in- (ercstmg than ever. It would br- useless to try to particularizc on the many pretty things to be seen here, so we can only say, come and see for yourself. RICHARD HALL SON, DIRECT IMPORTERS, 139-13481mcoe-St, Peterborough :ach, 5, 8, 10, 1.1;, 15, 20, 25, 30 1nd 40C. Toronto Western Hospital. Christmas all Gve -“ .EI‘, /} C‘s '5' 1“ my; LACIE. Headquarters for Christmas Novelties. a»: qtgwéékégï¬ B T’ HANDKERCEIEFS ; Men’s -‘urnishings. Fowlcrs’ Corners. FANCY GOODS PETERBOROUGH’S MO; KID GLOVES. \V. \\'15BSYF.R. \VHHnm St. N Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling in your throat? Would you feel relieved if you could raise something? Does your cough annoy you at night, and do you raise more mucus in the morningi> T hen you should always keep on handy a bottle of KL“ v3. Jab.†03“ “I. - RM 3“- nah \».i .3. 1 TIM I: mm: and umm‘n «(HIM have ni‘ods Supplim‘ as (luxiiy :l\' lln'y ï¬rst-cm» I.:‘.umh'_\ “m L dum- livru nu! punsin. \\"- have rrdum'tl p: h'llully following: Vhl purrlmwur «Miner; and yuncnn :nlnl m and mn".~:nli~lu:iun H1.) '2â€: :In extru l-umtla- 0: Laundry Ire-mmnlu-r, “I uh» II“. t'.:'\' stvumâ€"H‘ ~4 hn.HIH In an' luhr" OMEMEE :: AGENCY, Mirror Ofï¬ce: /T~?!‘t‘:xll and 2M Privv I.l.~;!.â€"H’ n is our 51;:le xirux' lu- “'1: 1111:1121 i1 :1 spwciul point for Christmas.11111.1'11- 2:11 extra nirc lics.'l‘}1is 1:: 1111-51011: \1‘ 111 11 its got the Nobbivst hriStmas boxes fur 111v 111111. $011112 other prcth 11ml 1111111 things for 1111311 :11 e \I11111¢:1s.o‘ “hich “e 1111 u :1 iowly range I i1 1311 1111:! Unli 11011 Kid (2](HQS {n1 \\1111c1 “car and ven acccptnl 1c forCmistmas box- es. This 51011: 101 Mm s‘l 111nish~ ings. :13501'11111111111 \‘s'aist Silks. Dress Silks, Skirt Silks and all kian or Silks for for fancywork at all prices. A ï¬ne assortmxsnt of ï¬ne All \Vool and Silk and “"001?th Henriettzxs, specially for the Christmnstrmle. \‘x’c Sell a lot of Mes Black Dresses for Christ- mus. Pick them out. Tia-3V are being very much admired by thcludies Such pretty 1::1n<l}cs,such damty small r0125, and mph :1 lover quality of Silk. Pliccs are low, considering the qualities. EN% 1? Ladies’ Umbrellas DRESS GOODS SILKS. purrhrm-ur new mu um‘d p: inn ms: m import your happiness m- s mlmgua ‘\' (-!(:H|f'f\‘ “) briv. The puro alH thuil‘ (‘MH hut H3- O stun Such ate mt Sep‘é. thh 81.: 30th The most beautiful disPlzly o. Hitrh CIuSS Miliinory ever shown. Our Mililncry is made up 0! the lutnst nnlortntlons fxom Paris. Damion mpg New Ymk. btock ltpltlliShLd \xeckly tluoug bout the season. uncx imcndcd L)’ a: T 33% ELLAN. ’ gar-238' Grand Display Latest Styles in Mantles. Every Department is full of the very latcst and stflisk goods Specialties in Every Department and Prices Right. The â€a! Iananv gases-37cm gagmun nglihSflLE :mEESESE-idï¬ Is the Place to Buy Lumber, Lath 8; Shinglcs, Cement, Plas- tcr Paris Charcoal. A150 Hnadquarters {or \\ indsor Salt, “ Daily (‘lchSc CE Ifuttcl‘ .. BlandS. Sash, Boers, Blinds and Mouldings Always on hand. Perfeclly Dritd and Seasoned. Best qualities Hard and Soft Coal, Cordwood and Millwcod. Call and gct our prices and examine goods. TEL):PHONESâ€"Agent's Ofï¬ce, 77 B ; Town Ofï¬ce, 77; Mill Ofï¬ce 78. G. H. M. BAKER Agent, : : Linc K A R N ’ CO’S PIANOS :AND : ORGANS HAMBURG, BERLIN, ST. PETERSBURG MILIAN, YOKAHAMA MADRA S, SYDNEY, gave a w-orld “ide reputation, a life time experience coupled with unple ï¬nances, places them on the most favorable basis to do busi~ m ss Some of the foreign ofï¬ces include: HAMBURG, ' - - GERMANY. BERLIN, GERMANY. ST. PETERSBURG - RUSSIA. MILIAN - ITALY. YOKAHAMA - J APAN. MADRA S, ‘ INDIA SYDNEY, - AUSTRALIA. AGENT, - - OMEMEE. N. B. A 7 years: guarantee with eech instrument; Patronize a home agent and avoxd all regrets and dlssatisfaction. Iii“. Evary§c Sans, Together with Ofï¬ces in all the Leading Cities in the Dominion. FALL Last; Friday Saturday, . ivory Sons, OMEMEE. J. D. Thornton, EEKEEE ENE BETHANY, WERE OUR SEASON, 1899. a? .aou é Lindsay. EEO! Wedding 'L’resenk. ‘3‘ 3‘ Clocks. Silverware. “mum: n. 3.10.4 gods, lowest prices. at W. :- indentâ€"54!. ROV. W. M. Kmmawiu an} . Thornton atlvnded the CM) u-rl :4.- dorthe magpie-sofa Paul‘s L’n‘si /’ inn Church Choir at l’czerlmm, 1-‘n The umuai Xmas svrv .ces i:-. m “on “ï¬ll the Bethany “nth-“,5â€: ‘ \ \ ~ . bath School “"11 be he} : 01.. 3. Monday. Dee. 2411: and 23:3; :nnouncmg this splem‘. ;.=. ow issued to-day. Watch fur xi. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lumber of dressed. Shingle of all classes frozn ()0 Cents Lath and fresh Lml.‘ alwyu's in stock. Also 1? er Pipe, all Slzes, and the Celebrated (,jueensu 3!.30 per bbl. Clean llardwoqd Chu‘rcqul, byf Egg, Stove anl X ut, l‘resh Mme 1 (Am. comn weekly. Blacksmith coal :1 spl Call and get our pnees, or write for quOtLLUOle “'1†Suit You." General Dry Good-«3, Fully Assorted. Special Value In All Lines. Hats and Caps, Latest Styles, Close Cut Prices ail-U ofï¬ce and The annu .1 Enzcttain: der the auspi: :30 ' 'h: 5. Schonl Mon 1: ’ 1515 held on hi I 1,, 2) c. 22: 5) Sec posters azd fuzz†next issue. Mics Jennie Jones. telephone opera- tor at. Millbrook, attended the ucdding of her sister, Slips Margare: Agnes iones by Mr. Ruben Rowan, on Tucs- dsy. Misc Snphia Rutherford, «1' Mann ‘Pnomnt, vasavisizor to Omemee on Tuesday. Mr. Andrus, Photographer, ES ï¬'xing up an an. gallery in town, and “m in a toy days be prepared to do all work in 1113 line at prices mat. Willi-surprise you. m3; {at 1; rn’culars. Messrs. I. E Weldon, of Mciweyn ' Weldon, Barristers-at-law, and 1.. V. O’Connor, of Stewart O'Connor, Bar- rioters,c.. of Lindsay, were in town is“ week attending Division Court. Dr. F. A. Waters, Dentist. Lindsay, will visit Omemee on the third Mun- duy of each month. See card in another columnâ€"4711'. \Y. F. M for Wan-i Ware, 54% 'quality g< Miss v: LiLdSAE‘ .. Mr. at: 3 Nun-‘1') U:: Get Hobart; '4 yrices. ‘ I :31. war}: 7.- K9514 Tue (‘1 flies Lilly Sanderson, of Omeuxee, u visiting her cousins, the 3115865 )iu'ue Mills: and Sig Uta. Moynes, in Lin i=3) Get your tickets, ml Eng; Lge check- ed to 1“ points on C. I’. 1‘. and xwztet: road: at G .13.. Stat: m. tf Mr. W m. Lyue of R3 e. x-L the†i3 Visiting his Omemee, Emu} at: 1 Sum: s‘Ille friends. Mr. Lytle is «~1sz of 1%.. most successful farmers of llama; m had about 7000 bushels d \\ Led; 13:3 past season. Miss Alien. of Omemee, sg-em in Lindsay. Miss Nettie Be‘flm-hn as r-v her home. in l‘eturlwro aft vr ed tnd pleusa .t \isit n: 1" Cleveland, Ohio is at New at the home of .\1r.Jo}w 1L. The ofï¬cers and tearhors of Christ Church Sundav Schwol are pre‘psrhzg for umu-istmas tree an! «mvrminmem for thOSnnday Schom clnldwn to be bold nftet New Ways. Mr. Wm. Cunningham, f-vr'nerly n.’ Retboro, has purchased a house uni ‘03 in Omemefl, and has moved here with hil funny. We under‘tan‘x he in- Mdl owning up ; blacksmith snap hon. We esteem! to him a hearty we}- eomo 3nd wish him success. u;.; . S‘The raresWrr' (Ht; er SPECEAL Sgt: hke'thc p cure for 11. h expect {81;}? Dr. â€llalljs _' wrâ€"v 7 m feli ? DY. 1‘3115 (ha-email): cures. Try i‘ we 1““, Lun~uc -._, ,, Fill-I'm“. Mr. S. Donaldson. Pittsburg, ._ K. n Duï¬erin Post Ofï¬ce. was lame With Muscular Rheumatism for two years. One bottle of Dr. Hall’s Rheumatic Curr gated him completely. This preparation II taken internally. 50 cents a bottle. containing ten days’ Went. For sale 81 .11 drug stores. .4 If not, Why not ? Ifygn have rheumatism and -,,_- (A- in \.nu . Bryang next to hyi Call an! s: OMEMEE. 1..\IIH.“ “ulna-Inâ€" flux": “u LACON XC .515. . Bryans 82: C is as present “siting . the Concert 1:01.: 1:: a“: l’aui's Fresh) (3 F. Petethnro, Friday 'JJI 53.03 It I lctoraa c:‘ 15:05 ï¬ctho iist m, wiil be l and refuse to a how can you 1’; Rheumatic it and see for auexteud s Sunday Cal On Dec anl \VcJu Ids y and e1 give a f in the Smok< ma? Salmon Lunch Boned Blue Bi FEUI’E :0 {U “- Kent St The loo: Laundry I your pan: Mr. I‘er: urda)’ on \\'. F. .\ for Watc! ware. i; quaiity : Kai ners. SGTS'ZCQ CAN the Hon y , pres 00695 cide to. over New 5 is! 0f evnkfl er, “3‘ u ‘1 of bci gloom ion of her 5 heft?“ dizim 01‘. ient Mis: her fore on Dec