The child in the farthérmost regions of Ontario has the same rights and privileges as one that may live next BEFORE A FTER The Hospita} for Sick Children de- pends solely upon the generosity of the people of Ontario. It requires $35,000 a. year for its maintenance. and it stands today as a monument to the big hearts of Ontario people. Lo- cated Uhough it is in Toronto. it is not a city institution; it is provincial. him sent to the Hospital. Look at a few examples of the work done in the Orthopedic Department. The feet shown are those of children who live outside of Toronto. Yen see the condition “before" enterinz the Hospitaiâ€"and you see the condition "after" hospital treatment. The par- ents of these children could not afford to pay for treatment. Do you know of any child so situated? Then have You see your money is at work from the very day it is placed at the Hos- pital’s disposal. Your investment quickly brings you bavk joy. for your contribution has entered into the [as]: of life saving, body building and health giving. That's where your dollar can ï¬nd a way to bring you pleasure and proï¬t without any doubts or {ears as to the investment. Money is always at wcr‘k. it is ceaseless in its labour. but in no spot. in this fair Canada is it put to better service than a: the Hospital for Sick Children. REFORE AFTER young Canadians, boys and girls who will yet make their mark in this grow- ing Dominion, but who, were it not for this noble ins-t'mtion. might have al- ready ï¬ led an early grave. Today the Hospital for Sick Child~ ren. Toronto, is performing 2. Heaven- born mission on ealth. I: is renewing health. removing pain and sr-ztizfzten- ing dismrted limbs of hundreds )t In all ti: e‘e instances the (\pcndi- ture of mo nay is a. speculation. It may bring. lzappinegs sand it may no; Yet the seed may net bring forth grain. the merchandise may not be sold at a. pxnoï¬t an:1 the 30mm man may no: leach the idc 315 of his f-Jthil. A father pays for his son‘s education anticipazing that it will provide me young man win: the powers of mind to put the body and head at work in gain- ing a livelihood. bushels 0: grain in a. few months. :30 it is will: the merchant. H9 vests money in muréhandlse, couuti on a proï¬table turn over. mmner eamx he Expc‘t'ta‘ i: to hem bushels 0: grain in a. few men: When a faxmcr puts his seed under 5w: . . . . smry Citizen to Jon: 1:: the Noble Work of Brmg- Health and Happiness to Young Lives. sxA‘RIo's $16K“ CHIbRETI Let everyone who can spare a dollar forward it as quick as the good tbought: strikes them. to Douglas Davidson. Secretary or the Hospital to:- SiCk Ch‘klren. or to J. Roas Robert- 3011. Chairman " Rfrnnf Ton-1““... Of the IrUSt’ conege This year an effort is being made to clear away a bank overdraft created by cost of maintenance. Everv dollar sent us helps to lighten the load that is being carried. Their wages must be paid: True. it is. that some have to payâ€" yes. all who can attord it are expected to payâ€"but those who cannot pay and (van pxoduce the certiï¬cate of a clergy- man or known ratepayer of the p10- vince to the effect that they are too poor to pay. can have maintenance and treatment free of charge. street, Tor-03. nmrnnn AFTER is made for that purpose. Hosnital work cannot be conducted without money. To keep the machinery mov- ing the dollars and cents of the people of Ontario are needed. Nurses. ‘do- mestics and ofliciuls have to live. Their wages must be paid: ’i‘en ywrs ago the Hospital was cn- c13mbezed with a mortgage. \ear by ~éar {he mo matte has been xeduced and it is now paid The Hospital must proceed in per- Again remember an these gifts from Toronto are devoted to the main- tenance or patients from 3.11 over 0::- taz-io as well as the city itself, an] the children that seek relief frem places outside are very nume‘rsus, and it ought to be as great a privilege and pleasure for the generous citizens of the province to contribute to the main- tenance of this Hoepltal as it is for the people of Toronto. [pinning it: L""‘8 needed m mum“. IIEF‘OIH‘I AF'V‘IG: one hundred and iwm :: children umlwr treatment. This. amount 1mm me Govemment is all amended on man- tcnance. Then the corporation of the city of Toronto gives $7.500, or seven- teen cent; per patient per day. and remember. not ior Toronto patients. but for every child no matter from what point he may come. And in ad- dition to this Tcx'gnto citizens donaLe $b000 for the maintenance of a} patients. 'C’ut mission. Money; is “LE-in it, and this appeal Omemee, Deca 18, 1902 The Mirrur and The Farmer‘s Adm - ï¬le and mee Magazine, nne year fur SI (30 to new sulm-riln‘rs and Lu 1h. se who pay up and renew. The Furnwr’u Alvocnte Is the popular farm journal. and is Fqllal if nut. snperiur to any journal “rum kind published in the world All who subscribe urn-r wiH re. ceive U‘e Xmas. number of 191): 11"“), the price of which is 50c. nuts in lit:s:«i;t. The t-swm-e ut' th-J (‘uttsul-(iunvrnl's N‘gmrl t.~ that. since lllt‘ gt’n‘ertztt'u-nt l'tt-mr tnnnnpuly vntttc int-'1 npcrutinn, the t'unsnnttttinn «l ur- (“â€2le t-plrllS in the t-ruvtnve m‘ ï¬t, PMt-rshnrg has incroztsml thirwmt pnr t-vnt, The same, SUM], in sntttr- instan- ces, :1 larger llH'h’uSt‘ has taken plane in nther towns as \tell as in \‘rlln-ges. The prutntse tn prm‘idv mint-Minn nmi morally olevntittg :ztttttS-'tt.etttï¬ fur the pcmpie has nut been fulï¬lled to any ex- tent. The government: nhttte hats mm}- teal Ivy the nsottupnlv. Its (lirwt gain has been substantial, but the cost of it to the purple and the indirect loss tn the state is wally terrihle and inculun- table. The only comment of the (‘on- s-il-Generul is that no other results \\ t‘JU to he! expected frmn an undertak- ing which fruit: the ï¬rst was placed on a. mercantile basis. In other “'Urtlh the ral‘urtn in the sale nt brandy was limited to the divertingr to the. revenue uf the state all the proï¬t arising: from the rPtuil sale, whtch was formerly (lis- trihuten zunnng private pr nitric-tors nf brandy snaps and municipal and rt ml cunninnities. ltfh‘ll: Imw», wIIII :1 via“ 2.†rm'enne, raved themseives PVEII warsulhnn the prn'ute \‘tmdurs nu enrnnruurrs nI' drinking. (nmmufrnm:xjnt:rn::1rcgurdwiam in- imiIuI In Hm Rust-uh Huvvrnnxent, ste statements Were III-cepu-II with some dis IrII. ., LIII H e" have been 51:“pr ('unï¬rnxed lnyI I.w IPI‘E‘III unblh a- Hun of HM “I II' I. ll rt‘ImrI u! HIP Britih‘h (um-nul- (wxmr .II In Russia. .xulrmiy can :ICUIISQ‘. him of .‘mrixw :tny Ini'ISHIHH pr par-H iixtvreals in gmernmehl imw that H29 gnvernnwnt in: the principle of private prutit. drunks-mes would he «lisconragml, adulterattons and HIP sale nt'pnisnnnna e nnpuunds would command the profits, instead of nnriching a not very reput- able class o_t innkeepers, would he de- voted to prnvnling education and mor- ally elevating amusements tor the p90- ple 'l‘h'e system has now been in oner- atton mmrly ten )eztrs, long: enough to ntl’urlt :mnnd t'arjndument an to the extent. the claims made on its behalf have lwen fulï¬lled by results. Statis- tics and facts taken from Uï¬it‘ial as well 2.9 private awn-vs, by ‘I‘he Auglu-Hns- mar. ‘ a paper published in London, Slmu‘R that government control und managmnent at the liquor trade nut nzilv ltus nut led tnunv diminutiun in When theGuvt-rnment uf'Russia. tank possession c-fthe quunr trade of the exn‘pirr‘e as a state umnopoly, the move- ment was ueh‘omed as a great refurm It was ciaimed for it that, by eliminat- nfnractivu} evnience on Yourcontmnpnrarysays: argument to enlighten those deeminms 3- Sm,â€"Now that. the Referendum is past. it. may not he inopportune to con- sider the question of liquor selling {or the social and mural well-[wing of the people. If you w ill give space ‘0 the {mllowing article from the Montreal Witness, it, may serve better-than much Editor of the Mirror. Government As a Liquor Seller. mien! imam-mute infnrmunml an uspv'm u! purvl) dumeblic af- 1 Russia. The (-sscm'e ul' Hm prewmi: and Ms uï¬h-iuln rm‘mme, raved u l Rum the- prn'ute i:‘_' in [HS Mnrmuthm ,the subject. 5h: Befbrr. Jim-r II fSecond Sight- Morgan BIOS. "33? “‘ .7711 Crew: English Kin/£5531. virc‘ .‘ Q F026 and reczcmmvndod by r.“ 2m :5" (hung-Isa: in Canada. Unity . . L ' ‘ ah‘o medicim- (Elmo-re :d. ,f‘ ‘ wmcmgcs {mas'rmrrtd to curv- wrms of Sexual \Vnaknese. all «fans at nlvzz-ae orcxcess. Mental Worry. Excoscive nse 01'le- cucco. Opium or Stixr;"lants. Mail-9d on waif: of yn’cmone package six. †(m 4."; Jinx, 55.1201ch cure. I'amphkw free to any address. The Wood Cumpany \\ want, 022;- 3"" Lu... son's H Q ‘ L'sterm! gas \\ ith great "5 Years. Beautiful 18‘: spymsfler ï¬ts. (‘ruun and bridgv \\ first hwsoim- ur' V SL, opposxtc Gm. IIzIIc (If Tamar sit) Inc-Jim. (I Iiww. I. bcI of ( DIR-xv 0i P3155: Suravons, of OIIMIIL attcntion paid :0 fjxsras and lungs Dr. J. P. Keith. PHYSICIAN AND sumzmjm Money to Loan on Real Estate. OfliCc Hours : 9 am. to 4.30 p.m I, W win . W. mavaua, James Low: PRESIDENT. }.I.-!..\'AGER. May be deposited or withdrawn any day in sums of $1.00 and upwards: 4 Per Cent 11 Drnggi-sts and Opticians Nearh' «.tmmsm- l’us! ()ï¬'m â€.11" Head Ofï¬ce, Authorized Gama 111131101111 Loan and Savings Company. mts the Quantum» (‘un To those whos-c n.. \‘ISiOH has failed. Sc‘ 2 ‘.0' M \inI come \uth thc usco pox‘lv ï¬tted :1: NSL-s. Br. 1'» ;-:.\"£‘:.<'r, in?! I‘M“ :’n:~‘: Per Gem $1 per Annum n . ull‘, "wry “In“?! ti: mien-i lysxmuns :zn. u‘iu. Speck: <~as:s of her-J use ofpro- -< r. nrk kid on Del bunturcs. u.. (I. r‘ Allowed on deposits : LINDSAY. $300,000.00. Mm HI" nn'cr- mm!)- Illni! Ha 2mm. heart I‘ J’