Bau- rp an El bc .undâ€" It. P: the nth â€.X (1:33:51 1 in“: )1 ac- inn-h V on, Me- ts hat h at :teï¬. tint: \‘cly ‘czsxs 'f¢ [0r a: mi iella the all f: cm (1 '3“ con- I!) â€an 9L 1‘ Flynn 4t (30., successors at the "fClunan" Hume, Hunter St., Peter born. sc??«:i:s your patromge. Good stable and 11m? mom accommodation Terms rcasonal:lc.â€"~ 3m. Mr C. Stephenson was in Millbrook, Saturday, on business. Mr. P. Shaw, of Pclerboro, spent Sunday, among his Onzcmec friends. The Rm: Mr. Mountcer. of Cnvan- ville, conductcd Missionary SCH‘lCC" in the: Mcthotlist Church. hcrc, lust Sun- day. His (lzscourscs were listened to by largc unï¬grcgztwns. Mr. Mountccr is an 33!: pmacl cr. Mi“ Blanche Elliott hag from a pkasam wait mt!) Xv- von t'ricndx‘. Mr. R. Too}: was in Pctcrbom, Sat- urday, on business. Omeme 8 every 'Fhursday Ofï¬ce t am Doors east of T. Iv r3: :5 ons’ Genera} Store. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE “VAPOR BATH.†Mr. and Mrs C3135.Ivory were visi- tors to Linosa}, List ucck. Mewrs. W. W. jardine, B. A , and I 'l‘hmnton, were vi.»i:ors to Pctcrboro, Saturday. My sh‘oï¬idcr, hand and foot were very badly swuHed with Rheumatism and was laid off from work, but after one week‘s use of the Bath Cabmet went to work again. I tried lots of rem- edics but not of any use. SIDNEY GIBBS, ASHBURNHAM, ONT. Mcsws. H. E. Conn-i1 and R. H Williamson, of Omcuxec, were in Lind sav, Saturday. ‘- Bentai J‘.ice Drs. Wight!» man ,Dentist. of Peter‘oorough rJill visi? (at. The Misses Ida and Maggie Scott spent Sunday under the par cntal ronf. .‘Jr. '1'. (7. Ivory was in Pctcrboro, Saturday, 0:! busing-as. svv All ordcts lo: _lol) u ork left with Mr. E. H. English, ‘l‘on‘urml Artist, (Colvin‘s Former Stand), one door “as: of the Cnmmcrcial House, will I): promptly attrndcd :0. )ur work as lmrctcï¬'rc will lm A x. and orders from this scaion will 1an: Our careful atten- tion. Prices 35 kw as the luxvcst. Locn l. LRCONIC Read all the advs in this issue Mr T. C. Stephenson was in Lind- say, Saturday, on business. Mr. Rom. Ruth rctumcd home last week from Roland, Man. His many fricnlsnrc pic-35:11 to sec him back sgam Keep ithé bowels open wuthï¬ one of A30": Pills at bedtime, Just one. Until January Ist. we sell at a special discount of 10% off for cash. The Pepalar Jewfiry Stare, \\’e have a superb collection of precious stones and gems, set With zirtiStic beauty in ll’k: newest mill han lsomest designs. Orna- ments for car. neck, hail", arm. bclt, shirt “mist, chatel a i n e, watches, chains, etc , We have in rich and beautiful combinatkons, that Will make a royal gift that the bride will appreciate. an able prim to it for main. and mm. aiï¬Ã©chllv r3: c'bfl- dm~â€"uu w. x. 33mg. snowy. m Seaman , J. 0. Am co“ All drunkâ€. a-.. krmweuL Mus. Night Coughs Ayer’s For Xmas) 81 Wedding doctor’s medicine far all aï¬â€˜ections of the throat, bron- chial tubes, and lungs. Sold for over 60 years. _ " Kn.†WAM QW.P°°?9?“ 1" m! “Ihnnud Am Qatar-don] in my fun“; for eight years. nonhuman“: equ.) to it or cough: :nd colds. especially for chil- One dose of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral at bedtime prevents night coughs of children. No croup. Nobronchitis. A WMEEBW’S. Cherry Pectoral NEYZ GOODS KGIFTS.\ for rcmrntd br anEi ï¬amï¬y Eera'd ahd Weekiy S'éar {36 jatiilary ist Omcmee friends. RHELWIN‘JISM â€"â€"I “as not able to put my 0“ n clothiwr on, nor had I slept m bed for ovur 2 “ccks. W‘ .nat little slccpI got u as b\ sittin'r ina chair. Af {er the tolmh bath I alcpto' m bad all n: "ht and pm In) onn clothing on in the morning It 3 on have Rheumatism dont fail to [:3 thc.‘ . :xpor Bathâ€"Mrs. R. WILKINSON. I’ctcrboro’. Mr. K. II. \I’illimnson IS visxtinghis Do not forget that we lime in stock â€"ready for youâ€"«anything you may want in hot blast, air-tight coal or wood heating Stoves for your paslor, hall or dining room, at prions which are com- petition brcakers. This is no idle boast. We have the goods to back up what we 53). W. l). Stimson. Mrs. Richardson and children left for Wilmipeg, last week, after spending two months mth her mother, Mrs. hancay. Miss Hmcncc Brown has been ap- pointed [cauhcr at Orange me School. Mr. (ch). Earle has sutured the Orange Corners Schoui. Congratulations. 'Mr. (3. 1!. English has nearly com~ plated his new building. Mr. Wm. Brysnn, of Cameron, spent Sunday, with his brother, Mr. A. E. Bryson. \Irs. I. C. Eaton is visiting her Ome- mec friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. H. Casey were guests at the homc of Mr.'and Mrs. ]. H. Wilson, Mt. Horch, on Sunday Remember our prices are lower than others in all the leading lines of wood cooking and heating stoves We give you a guarantee card with every stove. See our $x6.oo wood cook, large ï¬re box and efï¬cient oven. and our $26.00 stove, artistic ï¬msh, flush top, large ï¬re box, roomy ventilated oven, 24111., handy and beautlfully nickle plated ; a trade winner and a friend maker. Call and be convinced that we are in a pesition to save your money for you. W. l). Stinson. Omemee. T. BRADY. Lindsay's Leading n ' . . grocer, hen! 8t , hm- um-uft..e urges-t mud Lest stucks in [Le "utility (ache-um- frnm, Erwy:l;_ing fresh and gum]. A ('ull solicimd. P. P., Bro. Rev. 1. M. Whitelaw, Grand Chaplain of Que. Rev. J. H. 'I‘eney and Rev. LH. Locke. There will a1- 50 be :1 splendid program of vocal and instrumental music by foreign and load talent, commencing at 7.30 p. m. Ad- mission 25 cents; children 15 cents. Committee: Burt Veals, Herb Jones. W. Balfour and Sid Lntchl‘ord; 'I'lios. Newman, W. M ; S. Vania?) M.; W. Veals, Rec-Sec. (iod‘Save the King. l’é-‘Oi‘. J. H. DESIIJSERG, M" be m 0mg: tea: on the afternoon, Dec. 8th; 1:21! “Yuma-33); Dar. 9; mm; be con- s‘uitcd at the Commercial House Par- A Fowl Supper and Entertainment will be held under the auspices of L. O. I.., No. 646, Lebanon, on \Vcdncs- day, Dec. 16, 1903. Sul‘per will be served from 4 to 7 p. m., after which a grand program will be rendered, con- srsting of addresses by Bro. Col. Sam Hughes, M. P., Bro: J. J. Preston, M. iors,:1ml in Minnow: on 'I'hursday, Dec. xnxh, til'h umnlav, Dec. 14th,at A. Leachs Dru" Store. ME 5 '\\ clasicr, of Owkxxwood was guest at the home of Mr. and Mus. (handy, 'I‘ucsday. 1501’ J. 11.1w SUM-r2. upllcmnv and cole. unzmz cgn- â€um-1mm. n-om uernmuy. will us“ Our mu- lhrrv tunes 3: yn-ur. and may Dacrounn‘nh-dul('umnll‘rcial )Iflllhe Parlors. Wan-u Fur-mum. AI: rmwunannus {ft-'9 0‘ ennrgr ‘l‘huwhzu'im: wrak or unpenrcl. Orvlhhuflhl not ("H to consult him. Mr. J. McCrca, Sr., was a visnor to Bmvmanvillc, this Week. 5 nuxxuuu HOLD 1) 11M} ! ) 'I‘hcsc Dyes wiil dye Woo], Cot- E‘ton, Silk, jute or Mixed Goods in 3 {one but}: wthcy are the latest and E 5 most impruu-d Dye in the world. a * I'l‘ry a package. A†color at R. J. 3 Wï¬gan’s, Sch: :‘zgunt.â€" xy. Mr. W. Ruth has sccurcd a good job in Lindsay. over Sunday. \Ir. J. C. Lamn “asagucst at the home of Mr. and Mrs J McCrca, Sr., 3x one-cent stamps to' fay ex Customs and mailing on y. Ad‘ R. V.| Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. The Common Sense Medical Aaviser in paper covers, is sent frat on receipt of -v A“-.. _. .A-_-A_ -, walk across my room. .Could not sit up on); just a flute while at a tune. My lumbar“! got me some of Dr. Pierce's medicine and I began its use. Before I had taken two bottles I able to heip do my work. I med three bottles in all and it cured me. Now 1 do an my house work. It is the best medicine I ever used." lapsus, or Falling of Womhiwhieg they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and mnable trial of their means of cure. "A little over a year ago I wrote to van for advice." says Mrs. Eh'nbeth J. Fisher. ofDimm. W. Va. "You ndyised me to me Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and ‘ Goiden Medial] Dis- eovery.‘ which I did. and with the most happy result. I was troubled with female weakness and bearing-down pains. Had a very had pain near! ' all the time in my left side, nervousnes and eadache. Was )0 weak I coqld but!†In": sac-rm: nlu um.â€" n-..14 __- WHO CANNOT BE CURED. Proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce’a Favonte Prescription now feel fully war~ ranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the Umted States for any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakpess, Pro- “ 1" ---_ 1-__.A_ _ W REXALL $500 Fame-RD tion; ulceration or feï¬ale Wang-tie general health is soon impaired. Therevi'é' one chief cause for this wifely failure and that is. the failure of the womanly health. When there is irregn. larity or an .unhealghy drain, inflamma~ L‘A_ , cases, the wife loses the “vantage and fade. in face and fails in flesh, while her husband grows even more rugged and robust. Skufing is good. HO USE- FOR WOMEN DYES Total .............. $4065.02 There were twwlyâ€"thz‘cc pmsccu- tions for infraction of the Liquor 14w m this County during the year, Farm and Wood Land for Sale. IF YOU We lead the Van m the sale of steal mngcs. Let us It†you about the: Pen insular famous Oxford and Empire stccl rang: s. We can satisfy the hard- cst to phase, all along the lines of economy of fuel. perfect tanking quali- ncs, case of operation, appearanCC, lasting qualities, etc. Bums either coal or wood, and fully guaranteed, at prices which draw the Vcry best trade our wayâ€"W. I). Stmson, ()mcmec. ‘ The following me the returns made for the: Cuunty ofVictona, by L‘ccnsc Inspector Short for 1903 4 :~- Government .......... $x7o;.53 Lindsay .............. 1397.78 Eldon ................ 164.67 Woodvlllc .............. 53.66 Omc-mcc ............... 406.67 Fcnclon Falls ........... 183.67 Bobcnygcon ............ 1 8 3. 36 Fenclon Township. . . . . .- 28.34 Somcrvillv ............. 63. 34 chlcy ................ 4 5.00 License Fund Returns for 1903-4. Fever, La Unppc, Humluchc, Dropsy, Piles, Kidncv and Nervous 'I‘zoublcs, Liver Complaint, Sim-plcsnness, Govt, Malana, Colds, Camrral], Eczema, Ery- sipclas, Neuralgia, l’lcurisy; it is :1 won- derful spcciï¬t: in all l’cmalc Complaints. ' ‘he Hockey Club’s concert last Monday evening was quxtc a success. The Adm Luton Concert (To. gave the program, and all prcscnt \Vcrc pleased. Authorized Capital 1 Allowed on 32 memhmm May2 be deposited or withdrawn any day in sums of $1. 00 and upwards. 4Pflmmfï¬ï¬Â£ Below are the complamts that we say the Baths will most emphatically curc: Rheumatism, Lumbago, Siatica, Asth- ma, Stomach '1‘roublcs, Bxliousncss, Victoria Loan and Savings Company Head Ofï¬ce, - - LINDSAY. The many friends of Mrs. J. H. Wilson, Mt. Horcb, will regret to learn nhc ls lâ€. EXICIHIVC improvements have been made to the Methodist Church. We have not advanced the pnce of our lolmccos, amber smoking tobacco, Bubs, Currency and Fair Play chewing tobaccos are the same size and price to the consumer as formerly. We have aiaa ex'emled the time fur the redemp Hon (:f Snowshoe tags to January let 4 Per Gen Money to Loan on Real Estate. Ofï¬ce Hours : 9 a.m. to 4.30 pm W..Elavalje, James ‘an. Limih-d Miss Joan Keith was a guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. 1’. Keith, last week. I904- THE EMPIRE TOBACCO CO. ygur life. ' ammunmwunm Is it acting well? Bowels regular? Digestion good? If not, remember .Ayer’s Pills. The lgipd you have known all Mr. Fred Nugent was a visitor to Bethany, Sunday. Your Liver N OTICE.â€"\Ir. J. W. Green, Pho tographer, will not be here on tin: 3 d Friday of each month as formerly, but will continue his visits on the ï¬rst Fri- day of each month only. Positively th‘e Vapor Bath wxll cure your Rheumatism. Mr. Havclock Fee spent Sunday m Bethany. Want your moustache or heard a Mutiful brown or rich black ? Use Chas. G. Gaudaur. brother of the famous “Canadian Oarsman,†is now Proprietor of the Queen’s Hotel, opp. the Market, Lindsay. 'I‘erms reason- able. Good stables. Call solicited. ll KINGHAM’S DYE Mr. '1‘. C. Ivory, Traveller for the Mason Risch (20., was in town Sat- urday. Mr Ivory very kindly Loaned one of his ï¬rm’s pianos for the Jarvis- Smily concert, Friday night.â€"â€" Lindsay Post. Mr. Geo. Williamson was in Peter- boro, on Tuesday. Writing pad~, (good paper) at the ermr Oï¬iCc,â€"xoc. and 15c. Also note paper and cnvclgpcs cheap. Messrs. Edward Keep and Havelock Fee were in l’cterboro, on 'l‘ucsday. PRESIDENT. MANAGER. Stephens-11 Bros, Umemee. WANT to buy or rent a good farm containing 100 acres or WANT to buy zoo acres, 70 acres of which is a valuable tamarack swamp or WANT an acre of swamp land ‘for wood Within a mile of Ome- mec, nr WANT a good building or park lot in Omcmcc, Apply to “.7. . . .$x70§.53 ....... 1397.78 ....... 164.67 ......... 53.66 LP. macaJnmufl : $300,000.00. Sporting Goods, Guns, Ammunition of all Kinds, Axes, Cross Cut Saws, Cow Chains, Lanterns, Skates, Horse Covers, Brushes Curry Combs Rogers 12 dwt Knives, Forks, Spoons Carving Sets, l’()_ckct knives and Razors, and Everything Usually Kept in a First-Class Hardy‘nrc Store What we rcconnnend you may rely on If you owe us a balwcc from last year or for a note, past due, call and settle. Wm. Curry Co. We cï¬er the following lines at lowest living prices. Men’s Box-s and Youths Suits and Overcoats, Shirts and Drawers. TOP , .4 q l Shirts and Cardigan Jackets. Ladics’ Sklrts, Blouses, Vests, Slumbcr Robes, Underskirts, Hosiery, C. Fine Illilï¬h- Table linens,»_’_I.‘owcls, Table Napkms, and Handkerchiefs Extra The Standard; Dictionary : for Half Price Two Volumes in Half Russia Binding, regular $20. 00 Edition for $11. 00. One Volume Halt Russia, regular $17.00 Edi- tion for $9.00. WRITE US FOR QUOTATIONS ON GENERAL . 7 REFERENCE WORKS. WWQg-éï¬Ã©g “11ch In Fancy Silks, Boots 8: Shoes, Rubber Socks Oversho cs Two Volumes in Full Morocco, Publisher’s Price $24.00 which we will sell for $13.00. fzizamelne LAMPSI‘V a Freï¬h Groceries = Past lfï¬ce B CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. In LAMP GOODS we have :1 full line. SPECIAL VALUE in Fancy Candies 8: Confectionery ; T.J. Ford Co, Toronto . UHRISTWS EHRESTMAS F R U I T $15 CANDIES We are experts in the art of hot air heating, and we make a specialty of that line. .lf you are thinking (I in- stalling a heating plant in your home. Call and see us or drop a card and we will call and see you and explain our system, which has neVer failed to give the required satisfaction. We will pos- itively guarantee any contract entrust- ed to us. Our prices will please you and the perfection of our work will re- 1 commend us to you. References given on application. W. l). Slinson, Ome- m CC. Mr. Chas. Spence has secured a good po>ition “ixh Mr. E. H. Emrlish, Ton- suriul Artist. 'l‘hc mcmbchflf L. O. L. 114, are rcquwztcd to attend the regular meeting on Friday, Dec. 11, at 7.30 p.111. sharp. Visiting brethren welcome. W. . 'l‘lmrnc, \\’.M. C. W. Ricnards, Rec. Sco- Mrs _.] Whiteside, of Buffzdo,is visiting; 111:1 pulcuts Mr and Mrs. I. Gimme). MISS Etta Scott left today for a visit to Fleetwood. ARRIVING DAILY. Full Line of Pure Gold, Chocolates, Jelly Powders, Prepared Icings‘ Mince Meat. Canncd Fruits, and Vegetables. limekery and Fine China Ware for New Raisins, Currants, Peels, Oranges, Lemons, Cranberries, Malaga Grapes1 We have them Call and see our DiSplay of OMEMEE mmmggg HARDWARE. has a full surply of everything in Atthc home of Mr. Wm. McCarroIl, Emily 'I‘ownship, on Wednesday, Nov. 18th. his eldest daughter, Mary Elm McCarroll, to George E. Rin- hit, of Smith 'l‘ownship, Rev. T. Brown, of Omemee, ofï¬ciating. In Onpemee, at the home ofthc bride’s mother, Mrs. J Tully, on 'l'ucsday, NOV. 24th, Mrs Bella Route, to Mr John Magec, of Orange: Corners. The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Missionary Society of the [ Methodist church, Omemee, was held ‘ in.the parsonage, on Wednesday after- noon, by invitation oers. Locke. The special feature of theme-min}.t was an explanation of the Rest Fund. This Fund is being formed for the purpOSe of providing for the Missionaries of the W. M. S. who may be incapacitated by ill-health or years from further service. A number of the members and their friends attended and the collection for the Rest Fl'md amounted to about $4. After the meeting, tea was served, and a pleasant hour was spent in social chaL Emily. Congratulation; MARRIED Graduate of Toronto Univgr- sity medical College, also mem- ber of College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Ontario. Oflice : Opposite E. Jamieson’s Blacksmith Shop, King St. West. Sacred Resurrection Plants, of Egypt, very pretty and a great nm'cltyâ€"at lhc Mirror Ofï¬ceâ€"2 for 256., or 15¢. each. Regular [)I‘ICe 2 5c. each. Everybody wants them. "THE CANADIAN EMPIRE†Dr. J. P. Keith. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Prof. DeSilberg’s ncit visit will be in December. Watch ior date. Drs‘. Neelands Irvine; Dentists, Lindsayt Dr. Irvine, of the above ï¬rm, a ï¬rst-claSS Honor Graduate of the University of Toronto, Member of the Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, visits Omemee ist Tues- day of every month. Everything up-to-date in Dentistry. Gas ad- ministered {o‘eth extraction. Is the Place to Buy Lumber, Lath Shingles, Cement. m ter Paris Chan. on]. Also Headquarters for Windsor but, “ Daisy Cheese Butterâ€13mnds. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings Agent, Always on hand. Perfectly Dried and Seasoned. Bes. qutlitiu . Hard and Soft Coal. Cordwood and Millwood. . Call and get our prices and examine goods. ............... TELEPHONEsâ€"Agent‘s Ofï¬ce, 77 B ; Town Ofï¬ce. 77; Mill Oï¬co 18 gï¬sasas'em 1,3443% an mm The Co’s WHCOOMBE, Bram,LemunflltruuPEELS.i 2 Qaisms : : : Currants, g W. D. STINSON. BECAUSE we are keeping up with the growth of Peterboro’. the “Rice. tric City,†which is fast becoming a leading manufacturing centre of Canada. BECAUSE of the demand for oiï¬ce help in Peterboro', we are able to ï¬nd positions for our graduates. BECAUSE of the satisfaction given by our graduates, Employers can to us for their assistants instead of advertising. : OVER 90% of those graduating have been placed in good positions in Peterboro’. Attend a school where you have such prospects. Our New Term Begins Monday, Jan. 4, 1904. THE ATTENDANCE AT Tl IS LARGER THIS YEAR THAN EVER. WHY? G.H. M. BAKER, CHRISTMAS FRUITS. {é The Corner Store, Millbrook. For particulars address 25c. Pipes - 35 and 40c.Pipcs 15c Pipes 10c Pipes corn colis a- "v.â€" -«-- -“ulâ€" U alkm Tu medlchwl and pno’cg‘tï¬'uu. Block will be maintained “0 In; an! orexcellrnce. ermn. o. txl .0. or patronage very reupocu’u ] DA vxsm-xf-m. ' Trilbys Winks Alabamas Scotch Reel U p-to-date S pecml Vcncedora ‘III'O .EHHQBI Clau- ‘O-II‘ ElaiOIIOn-v and surrounding country, andtakcadâ€" cm for Bankrupt Stock of Pipes A man to represent “CANADA’S GREATEST N unssnxzs" in the town at OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES , In Fruit Trees. Small Fruits Ornamenuls, Shrubs. lu- es, Vines, Seed Potato“... Stock true to mum and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position {of the right man on either salary or at mission. Stone 85 Wellington FONTHILL N088!!!“ Over 800 Aaron. ANNOUNCE" ENT.â€"HIV1D[ 9mm the Drug Business formerly arm-don der the ï¬rm mam-01081101“, 1 WA [will continue It under an Inn. 8.83.. It will be my care tantalum! nu bl [1 union :0 long held by tho {punt-:z) 2: â€SEN" gqoda gag {or accuracy 1: mo nun-b TOBQNTO i. PRINGLE, Principal. OMEMEE Pipes - for 15 cents nd 40c Plpcs for 25 Pipes {or to “ Pipes for 5 “ x cobs 2 for 5 “ Tobaccos always fresh at . COLYIN’B WANTED Lindsay 6 for 25 7 for 25 6 for 25 7 for 25 7 {or 25 3 for 10 6 for 25