~31: A'LL“::‘:.’,‘E ms Dental Notice. Drs. W ightman, Dentist, of Peterborough. will visit Omemee every ‘hursday. " Oiiice twn Doc 5 east of T. ivory Sons’ General Store. ‘ -' - --\-. 9v [)0 not forget that we have in stock I much the price of the paper however, ~ready for yQuâ€"anï¬hmg you may - which is' gw'ng The News such a lead Want in hot blast. air-tight coal or wood over us competitors as the fact that the heating stores for your parlor, hall or public are discovering the merits ‘of the dining room, at prices which are com- paper itself. All who have seen the petition brake-w. This )5 no idle News in its new drt 55 should call at boast We have the goods to back up ' the ofï¬ce of The Mirror and get a sam- what we say. \\'.‘ I}, Stinsqp‘ ' pl: copy of it.’ ' Another funny Xe“ York woman . \‘Iu Kathcrmr Ray" ‘1' n; tme. She goes l in for :Ithlc~ tic». Shc \shipï¬cd her father t b:- tore she was 16 ymrs old, and com- 1 chcd :1 man lpntncd Ray to marry her : ortlkca whipping Withintwo wccksaf- tcr their marriage, Ray a<kcd the police to arrest but for knocking htm down, i but she dared the police to touch her. i Final.) as the chmax of her crucIty she ; murdered a ï¬ve-ycar-uld child. Funny town. that New York. Ifthcrc arcany sensible people in it, the papers never mentton them. I Anything and everything in the line of tin‘mithing or gem-ml job work on shortest notice at prices as nuxlcratc as possible. '1’3nware, granilcwnrc, cut- lery. brooms, bmshcs, mops, axes, axe handles, saw, cow tics, r‘ady nnxcd paints stove polish, shoe dressing. churns, washing machines. clothes wingers. cream separators. sewing mehincs, etc at lowest possible priccs ~W. I). Stimson, Omemcc A Xmas. Treeand Entertainment will be held under the auspices of the Methmlist S. 3., in Town Hall, Bethany 0:: Frid 1y, lice. :3, r903, Aninteresc Program, consisting of Recitations, Dialogues, 'l‘ahleaux and Music will be furnished by the School, commencing at 7.30. Miss Mable Strain. Soloist, Miss Myra Brereton and Mr. John Robeson, Elocutionists, wrll assist in the Program. The Entertainment will mncludc with an interesting Cantata, Entitled Santa‘s 'l'eachers. 'l'ne Com~ mittee have spared no pains to make the Entertainment a grand success and “tend a cordial invitation to all. Ad- dlnissicn. Adplts, 25 Cents; Children is rents. I. Lowes, Superintendent, M. S. Robeson. Sec’y. “r. j H. Suiwr. of Bram-bridge, “$5 a gut-st at lhr: home- of \‘lr. and "Um Robt. \lcC,onncl! the past few (Lus. ‘ I These Dyes will dye “'00:, (70:. E! (on, Silk, jute or Mung-d (Zucds in } 5mm lmthâ€" thcy arc the latest and 1‘ [3' «out improved Dy: in the: \von‘ld.‘ ' â€3‘ a mrknge. All color at R. j. ' “lulligan’s, Sole :\gcnl.~ I)‘. hate \\;.ul.n:; n â€". "Look aâ€"Eu-rc don't you see that Sign? It‘s big en- mgh and Mark enough! It says. No smoking. Agra-cable ‘l'rcspassu â€"- I know it does, my friend, but, rcally you must not behave in signs Don't you 5n: that I am smoking, however. ‘tuunnuu HOLD u Luu=§ ) n to mow \\'ifr~â€"A'l‘akr the baby. Shv wants to go “by b\'." HuNn-h Just like 1w.â€" mollzcr, always wants to buy, buy. Spacer, Ka-n' St ' ha.- (me-04th? largo-:1 . -1 Lou! ut-u'ku m â€.1- “nmxtr Curhmm- .'r .m live-"Hung {rash :nl gum]. A up.†unl'ritd-«i, \Vc prcdirt a new (‘ouncil for this tow-n for [9047 “mm who WI" have ;-n inten-st in the m-h‘nre of Omumce ind try to mlv :m'c its Eutgrcsls mstcad The Rev. Mr. Cohorn conduc- tei the-senic s at Ops. Muhlle koaduw! Bari-cl, for Kcv. T I" Own. 19.5! Sumlav. f on“ thcir own T. 3A.;ADYL Lindsay‘s Leadlng Until january Ist, we sell at a spa ctznldxscountofxo°€ offforca,sh at The Popular Jewelry Store, \\'e have :1 superb collection of prccimxs stones and gems. set with artistic beauty in the newest :mJ hanisomest designs. Orna- ments for ear. neck, hair, arm. belt. shirt waist, chatel ai n e, watches. chains. e'c., We have in rich an! beautiful combinations, that Will mnkeu royalglft that the bride will a ppreciate. 37 Kent-St LINDSAY A Merry Christmas to all. (meme-e and Vicinity. For Xmas. Wedding W F. WEWAHTY’S. NEW GOODS 7.0CA h LMCONIC <7'GIFTSJV W 737i: ' Mrs ti?! es. Over 14 tons of paper was con- sumed in the Issueâ€"an evidence of the r:pidly growing Circulation of The News. At the popular price of $r.oo a year The News now ï¬nds its way in- to all parts of Canada. It is not so much the price of the paper however, which is' gw'ng The News such a lead over its competitors as the fact that the public are discovering the merits ‘of the The publication by the Toronto News on Saturday last of a holiday number consisting of 52 full sized pag~ es was a unique accomplishment. This is the largest one cent paper ever pub- lished in Canada. It was too big even for the mammoth Hoe Sextuple Press which The News recently installed and which will not print more than 48 png cu,u,>umc entertainments Ior an Ume- mcc audience. Miss Rmvan, Accom- mnist. Ever) bod) come. A good t nc anticipated. Ticxcts, 25c; Re- scrvch Chairs, 35c. Doors open at 7 p. m., Concert at 8. Rev. J. M. White- Iaw, Pastor,J. P. Keith, M. 1)., Chair- man Music Committee. The Omcmcc Presbyterian Church Will hold their annual Concert on New Years’ Night, jan. ist. 1904, in the Bradburn Hall, ()memce. A varied list of Entertainers have been secured, including 1). A. Phillips, Toronto, rc- ï¬ned Comic Vocalist; Master Scott Paton, The Boy Soprano; Fantastic Scarf Drill by nine Young Ladies of thc Congregation; Rev. J. U. 'l’anncr. former l‘astor,( in selection: from Drum- mond’s “Habitantâ€; W. A. ShcerOd, Toronto, in his Humorous SKctchcs; short addrcsscs by resident Clergymen and various other attractions which will c mibine to “1(ch it one of the most cnjopihlc entertainments for an Oma- 1:9th bwincgs; local tcrritory: straight ;-(ll.!l’)‘ $20 paid weekly and cchme money mlmmx-d' previous cxpcricm'c unnecessaly; position pcrmancnl; busi- ness successful Enclosed self address- ed envelope. Supermtcndcnt 'l'ravcl en, 605 Manon Bldg†Chicago. Mrs (Kc-.1â€. H. L( eke guys a most intm'cstmg adduss at the Missionary" meetingr at Lindsay, Mondav. Some one mid, "You may appmxi mate the stars in a small keg, hang the ocean on a grapexine to dry, wipe the nose of a cyclnnc with a towel, Cut off :1 tail of a torxtaelo for a keepsake, put the sky in the ground to soak, un buckle the bellybaml of eternity, and open up the sun and moon as health resorts, but XIX'VCI‘ be deluded \yith the idea that you can escape the other side of purgatorv if you don't pay {or your news; :21; >cr. " \W ...~ {'21 I) --X .H' l HI‘L! PERSOV to call on rcmil trade and am- nts fur manuflcturing house havinfl We" estab- Dizzy? Headache? Pain Each of your eyes? It’s your liver! Use Ayer’s Pills. Gent] laxative; all vegetable. Sold 01'60 years. '-°~ °°-- lawel . Run. The man who reads his local paper is not Mu h' to be impuscd upon I); the ‘ sharp-t rs “Lu arc tutu-Hing thru the .‘uuntry for the purpose of swindling :Emncrs. Am! the farmer who (1LCS nut mkc at Icalst one good country papcr is not to I): greatly pitied if hp is occasiunally bitten by these: sharks. it is may man’s duty to keep himself posts-d in regard to the World’s doings After ten year’s of good satisfactron gir‘cn in printing from the Mirror other hcrc, (he ()mcmcc Council at their hat meeting. dL‘L‘ldCd to give: the printing fur the balgm e of 1903, to Lindsay, We thank the (foul c l to: past faxors, but thisâ€; that Wt: should rum-iv: the wort»; stiil. expecmlly when we are pub- lishing a paper in thc Interests ol‘Onzc- mcc. 'l'hc world and the MIRROR however, go on ju t thc same. “WM Want yc-nr moustache or heard atbcau iful brownor rich black? Use BEG? EMuHAM’S DYE Hm: I praise it zmd nlways Lavinia: m .:.ult will be when it is Inc-X." D: Pierce's Eeasmt Pellets shoufl “we used with “Favorite Prescription. a team a luatm in required ,,,_ V, 7_._ _._.., ‘-\ www- v: nelltn end use a little more common sense there would not be such I la:- number (0-day .sufl'eriug with the ix!»- 1: .xxr to our sex.†wrxtrs Mrs. Genie Martina President Mutual Social Science Club). of 180 South “-151ch Street. Chicago. [I]. 'Then when medicine is needed if they wank: lake the 'Fuvorite Prewriptbm.‘ they won“ have a chance to get well. I used Dr. Pierce'. Favorite l'resvrimiou three years ago and ‘ cured me of lamaâ€; weaknvss of several yaw dztndiuz. so I know win! 1 m3: talking abut). ~‘n... Y -~:-- I. n...) ,J The proprietors and gnakers of D; I‘icrce's Favorite Prescription now fed fully warranted in offerihg to pay $50. in legal money of the United States, for any case i Leucorrhea. Female Weak- neg. Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb 'hich they cannot cure. All thq ask 3 a fair and reasonable trial of their mean A, __A A , Oi(:\\(ili CONC'ZEKI BKAUBUR\’ 5 li.:.’\Ll I’LSI PROGRAM Ylil‘ XMAS. N10“ 1‘, O 1-0-0â€. d "afï¬â€™iy ï¬ega’fé and Weeifly §£ar 130 ianuary isï¬, 1904, for 150 To mm a Bride Bib’ousi women would study the Inn of health “‘30 CANNOT BE CURED. ELMQQ~ EAL-'4. RI: WAR D FOR woman Many a woman would lmake a bean- ‘ tiful bride but 3 h e is d o- terred n- o m entering the married state because of ill- health. 8; Percent “W?“ depos I t 5 May be deposited or withdrawn any day in sums of $1. 00 and upwards. 4 Per Cent P‘:i,.?.'.t.i"" W. Flavelle, James Low, 4 Per cent Paginfzresl.)e- Money to Loan on Real Estate. Oï¬icc Hours : 9 am. to 4.30 pm Authorized Capital All the lakes! and inmmved hrnnchcl of dentistry snccasnfully purfuruwd, Charges mode-two () I" F I (t E mot annry’s Drug Store, corner Kvnt and William streets. DENTIST. LIXDSAY. Honor flradnatn a! Toronto Univers- My and Ruyal (‘ulleue of Dental Sur- goons. Head Ofï¬ce, - N. H.â€"iia\'e nun-anti (‘liuints Wm Jeane to Inu‘ good farm property at a bargain. â€"27-b' Victoria Loan and Savings Company The lllI-lPrML'IIF'l is prepared m luau mane-y on lint-«mun farm property in large amnnutn at 45 per cent Small amounts at slightly Lycreusml rules of lntvrvst . 'l'crms uf re payment to null. borrower. I. E. WELDON Barrister, Sulicitnr, «Eu, Lindsay, Out. In ()mmnoe ï¬rst anï¬u‘v eau_=_h month 7 p. m., aim which the Rev. j. J. Rae, uf Oshawa, Wlll deliver :1 Lecture cn- litlcd “jack and jill." Mr. Raw has proved his ability as an entertainer, .um by his Humour and l’utlios, he hnlds tlic rapt attention ol'liis au'limce. Revs. ] M. Whitcluw and H V. Moumccr will be present. Then: will also he Vocal and Instrumental Musit‘. Emcrta'nzncnt will commcncc at 7.30 p. m. Admission, Adults. 25 Cents; Children 15 Cents. W. 8. Graham, Supcrinlcndcnt; Rev. H. V. Mountecr, PaStor. 21, 1903. On Sunday, at 103m :1. m" thc Rcv. j. N. Clarrv. of Cavun Sou- h, “ill conduct the scrum: and at 7 p. 111., th- Rcv. ] M. \\ hxtcla“, of Omcnue, “ill preach. (.ollurtions at cad. scr- vicc In aid of the Sunday Schoul. On Monday, 'l'ca will be Scn'cd from 4 to TEA 3le) LEC'I'URIi.»~.~\nnivcr- sat} Scnicrs of the Mount i’k-asnm Methodist Sunday School will be held 0 1 Sunday and Monday, Dec. 20 and lusting qualities. l-tc Burns cilhcr coal or wuml,;1ml fully guarantm-(l, at prim-s which dram- thc \‘cry lIL‘St trade our way.-â€"\\'. I). Sunson, Omcmcc. Milllwodx Hocxcy Boys would lch to gel on a game at Omcmce Xmas. Hay. Wt: hope they will succeed, as Omcmcc boy» are anxious to “put it all ov‘cr†Millln'oox. “ I '0 mod Aru’ u Rah-V10! :nr werfl) yetzs. 1m now 91 ymn old an have n bony m!!! u! rh- h hrr-wn but. due. I think. on- “! to Ager'u :- H11: \‘lror. " .A. nun. Banning. m. sunshade. a. c. A731! 00. .. All «In um. for I. are" N -.‘u adm- W PRESIDENT. MANAGER. “I’lcase, sxr, I’m his father.†We lead the Van 1n the salt: 6f stccl ranges. l.ct us tell you about the Pen imular famous Oxford and Empire .5:ch range-s. We can satisfy the hard- vst tn please, all ahmg the lines of commonly of furl. perfect baking quali- ties. case of opt-ration, appearance, the dandruff, saved your hair, and added much to it. If not entirely bald, now is your opportunity. Improve it. A very amusing scene took place re- cently in a ('hun‘h near Belfast I! he- ing christening Sunday the clergyman stepped down to Christen the children. While christening one of them, he said to a very young-looking man, “You're far too young to stand sponsor to this child.†\Vhereupon the young man, much ahashed, replied in a weak voice, â€nu de? Scalp shiny and thin? Then it’s probably too late. You neglected dandruff. If you had only taken our ad- vice, you would have cured will appear in the latest songs and cos'umes. The. chair will be taken by Bro., Col. Sam Hughes, M l’.. at 8 p.11). Come and enjoy three hours’ solid fun. Doors opcn int 60'clock. Curtain at 8. Tickets 25c. Dr. F. A. Walters. Concert Co, consisting of the fol- lowing Artists : Eddie Pigott, Humorous Vocalist ; N. H. Thornton, Comedian; A. E. Harding, V'omlist and Pianist ; and]. B. Thornton, Comic, who Remember the grand Orange COHCert in the Bradbum Opera Hous:, Omemee, on Friday, Dec. 23th. L.O.L. No.113. Omemee. have secured Toronto's Comic 4; PER CENT. LINDSAY. $300,000.00. I Mr. Scott, 0n rtsmg, addmssmg I i himswll to Mr. Richards, the lutc ; Clerk. spoke as follows: DEAR Farrow Sovrstuarcx,-â€" I desire, on behalf of the j Camp, to thank you for the alale l way you have conducted the busi- lncss of the Camp since It was, organized. It is due to a great I extent to your (‘fforts that so much ; success has been gamed. \\'e are ‘ glad to know that you are to be. istlll one of our number, although l lyou will be removed to another ï¬eld of labor. and we desire. in some way, hdwevcr small, to ex- press our appreciation of your service, and I. on behalf of the members. hereby present to you this purse, containing a Small sum of money, as a slight token of our esteem and gratitude to you as our Clerk. and as a great worker on behalf of our Order. We are experts in the art of hot air heating, and we make a specialty of that line. If you are thinking of in- stalling a heating plant in your home. Call and see us or drop a card and we will call and see you and explain our system, which has never failed to give the required satisfaction. We will pos- itively guarantee any contract entrust- ed to us. Our prices will please you and the perfection of our work will re- commcnd us to you. Referenrvc given on application, “7.. l). Stinsonr Cine- mee._ ness; he had done nothingr more than his duty, and tclt that he might to have done much more for the hem-ï¬t of so noble an Order and he would ever retain an interest in the Order and espec- ially in the success of Omcmee Camp. Several of his fellow Sovereigns then spoke of the great assistance Friend Richards had been to the Camp and their regret at his leav- in;y the village. hut all joined in wishing him health and prosperity in his new home in Llillhrook. M r. Richards. on rising to Pp!) said he was quite unable to con- vey to them adeqlwtelv his thanks for th: kind things that had been said of him, and for the generous proScnt they had made. He felt he did not deserve all this kind- Sov. Hall, in a neat httlc Sp: uh thankcd the members for the honor of being rc-appointcd hcad of the Camp, and 1150 reminded the members that one man could not make a successful Camp, and that each Sov. was expected to do his‘duty. 11:: then called on Sov. Scott to convey the thanks of the Camp to the retiring Cletk. Sov W. Hall. W DEAR Sttz,-â€"I send you here- wit‘lt an account of the proceed- ings of Camp ()tnunee. No. 154. Canadian Order ol the Woodmen of the World, at a meeting held on the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 8th last, {or the election of Ofl‘l- Cers. and In ltOnor of their Cletk, Mr. Chas. \V. Richards. Consul Commander. Sov. \Valtcr Hall, called the meeting to order. After the usual routine of business. the following ofï¬ce-ts were elected {or the ensuing your: Consul Cnnmxandcr, SUV. W. Hall. Adv. Lieutenant, Sov. M. Evans. Clerk, SUV. 5. l’. Mlls. Linker, 50v. A. Scott. Physician, Suv. U. 8. Cameron lisuirt, Sov. \\. I. llmntpaon. Wtattliitan, Sm. (- (are). Scum, Sm. I. l‘ov: Ll’. lit-Icgatc to Head (amps ' )v. (I To the Editor 0! The Mirror. Presentaticn to C. W. Richards A Full Linc of Pure (Bold, (‘hocolatcs, Jelly Powders, l’: Minn: Meat. (fanned Fruits, and Vegetables“ Pusiflfï¬ceBlnck CHRISTMAS PRESENTS In LAMP GOODS we have a full line. SPECIAL VALUE in Fancy Richards. Alternate Ddcgutc to “cad Camp, The Pennies’ Grncsrv, flmamefl, Crockery and Fine China Ware for N eW Raisins, Currants Pccls, . 1’. MRS. A. Scott. J“. U. S. C: N. j. 'l‘lmu k)\'. (3 (Tan j. l'oyur. We have them Call and Oranges, Lemons, Cranberries, Correspondent. has a ARRIVIN‘. DAILY full supply of everything in 'YW. BRADBUBN. The Skating Rink is in full swmg now under the able manage- . mcnt of Mr. P. Parsons. Col. Sam Hughes, of Lindsay, was in town, \Vcdnesday, calling [on friends. 'l‘he Devmniver meeiinz oi'the Wom- an's insvimin was held an Thur-day Dec. mm, at ihe hmue of Mrs T (‘ Ivury. There “are a large number 0! Ladies present. The s' lijeci was,"The (Tanking of Mania. Fowl and Fish,†the lmiins givuu: iheir ciifl‘orent maimds of sieaming. roasting, boiling and frying thediii'e-eni cuts of meat. fowl and ï¬sh, followed by a lively discussion of the subject. every lady being very. much iniereued. The meeiinu w. s drum to a close by singing the Naiinnni Anthem si’ter which refreshments m-rs served by Mrs Ivory. The Women's Institute is increasing in membership, as quite a number of ladies have jnined for the WM 1904. The next meeting Mil be “*1 ‘ mu 'l'iuunl-iuy, Jnminry 14â€), at 2 p m.,_:u the. inure of Mrs. Francis Fee. In Cnvan. on Fridav. Der. It. 1903. to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Storey, :1 daughter. Mumvirml Nozninntiuns will he held on M mun". Dec. 28th, and thaolecti me an Jan 4th Mr. ].Mitchcll was in Peter- boro, Tuesday, on business. Mr. G. A. BalfOur was in Lind- say, Saturday, on busmess. Prof. I)¢Silberg's next visit will be in Marc]; Watch for date. The Rev. Mr. Coborn lectured in Reaboro, Tuesday night. Miss Florence BIOWn, after spendmgn term In the Model School, Lindsay, returned home Monday. \IPlStCI Stanlcx Tisdale, of UK- b1 idge is \isniig his grand- par ents, Mr. and Mrs. 'l A. Mitchell. Mr. Robert H.johnson was in Toronto this week. We are pleased thearn that M r 5. Bradley is recovering. Dr. and Mrs. Keith attended the entertainment at Lin Jsay on Monday. Mr. “'11). McCartney was in tawn yesterday. AI] orders for job Work left with llr. E. H. English, ‘l‘onsorml Artist, (Colvin’s Former Stand), one door West of the Commercial House, will l): promptly attended to. Our work a< heretofore will be A I, and orders from this section will have our careful atten- tion. PIlCCS as low as the lowest. Rvnd all the advs in tlns ISSUC Mr. Fred Reynolds, of Bethany. was. in l’eterboro, Tuesday, on husmcss. Miss Wmnifrcd I-ow,cs of Bethany, has gene to \Iinden to \isit lIcr sistcx who Is teaching. Rum-Inbcr our prices are lowurtlian others in all the leading lines of wood cooking and heating stoves We givr you a guarantee card with every stove. Sec our $16.00 wood cook, large ï¬re box and cï¬icicnt oven. and our $2600 «owe, artistic ï¬nish, flush top, large ï¬re box, roomy ventilated oven, 24111., handy and beautifully nick-lo plated ; a trade winner and a friend maker. Call and be convinced that we are in a position to save your money for-you. W. I). Stinson. Oincmee. Mr. T. C. Ivory was in Lindsa) this week. N ext Friday Concert Orange see our Display of CHRISTMAS CAN DIES Malaga Grapes, 8m. BORN Prepared Icinga’ a.)- ., no Prem 111m Pictures included. Drs.Nee1a.nds Irvine. V Dentists, Lindsay Dr. Irvine, of the above ï¬rm, a. ï¬rst-class Honor Graduate of the University of Toronto, Member of the Royal College of Dental Sur- geOns, visits Omemee Ist Tues- day of every month. Everything up-to-date in Dentistry. Gas ad- ministered for teeth extraction. Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity medical College, also memo ber of College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Ontario. Ofï¬ce: Opposite E. Jamieson's Blacksmith Shop, King St. West. " THE CANADIAN EMPIRE Dr. J. P. Keith. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Millbrook Omemce business places have put on their Xmas. apparel, and we must say that they present a very pretty sight. It would take too much Space to write up the several beautiful displa3s. The best way {or our readers to get the full beneï¬t is by coming to either place and see tor themselves. Agent, Is the Place to Buy Lumber, Lath Shingles, Cement, Plas- ter Paris Charcoal. Also Headquarters for \\'indsor Salt, “ Daily Cheese Butter †Brands. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings Always on hand. Perfectly Dried and Seasoned. 13€SL qualities . . Hard and'Soft Coal. Cordwood and Millwood. ............... Call and get our prices and examme goods. . co. co- TELEPHONEsâ€"Agent's Oflice, 77 B ; Town Ofï¬ce. 77; Mill Ofï¬ce 78 The Sporting Goods, Guns, Ammunition of all Kinds, Axes. Cross Cut Saws, Cow Chains, Lanterns, Skates, Horse Covers, Brushes 8: Curry Combs Rogers 12 dwt Knives, Forks, Spoons 6: Carving Sets, Pocket knives and Razors, and Everything Usually Kept m a First-Class Hardware Store What we recommend you may rely on If you owe us a balance from last year or for a note, past due, call and settle. Men’s, Boys and Youths Suits and Overcoats ‘ Shirts and Cardigan Jackets. Ladics’ Skirts, Blousrs. Vests, Slumbcr'Rolu-s Finc Irish Table Linens, 'l‘owcls, Table Napk Values In Fancy Silks, Boots 8.: Shoes, Rubber Socks 8: Overshoes i) Our New Term Begins Monday, J ah. 4, 1904. BECAUSE we are keeping up with the growth of l’ctcrboro', the “Rice tric City,†which is fast becoming :1 leading manufacturing centre of Canada. BECAUSE of the demand for ofï¬ce help in Peterhoro’, we are able to find positions for our graduates. BECAUSE of the satisfaction given by our graduates, Employers come to us for their assistants instead of advertising. OVER 907/: of those graduating have been placed in good positions in l’eterbnro’. Attend a school where you have such prospects. THE ATTENDANCE AT THE IS LARGER THIS YEAR THAN EVER offer the following lines prices. G.H. M. BAKER For particulars address WHY? and surrounding country, and take ord- ers for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES 1n Fruit Trees, Small Fruits Ornamentals. Shrubs. Ros- es, Vines, Seed Potatoes.e Stock true to name and free from San jose Scale. A permanent position for the right man on either salary or com mission. Stone 8!. Wellington A man to represent “CANADA'S GREATEST N URSERIES" in the town of TORONTO 25c. Pipes - )5 and 40c.1’ipcs 15c Pipes 10c Pipes corn cobs lining-o .Bflflmï¬' a!!! 0:091.“ u‘uinvlaios WM. COLYIN’S Trilbys \V inks Alabamas Scotch Reel Up-to-date Specwl Vencedora Bankrupt Stock of Pipes ANNOUNCE.“I'TN'I‘.â€"fln'lng rural-tad tho Drug Buulm-ss {nrmo‘rlycnrrlrd on un- dnrlht- lirm ll"nl¢rnl ommmm WALK". lwill t-mnlnue ll "pm-r llu- same mmw. It. will ho my care In umlmaln Hm high repu- mllon m lung lu-ld Ivy Ilu- huslmâ€"n (or r»â€" lluhlo goods-um! for nvcuracy m the pro ur- atlnnut muedlclm-s uml prawn llmu. 'he Block will be malnminml Mn lgh mm!- nrd orvxcellonre. Invlllng a com": an" or patronage, very rcnpcctl’u‘lly. DIG RUN DA VISDOX.-3m. Cut in Cigars Ova-rooms, Shirts and . PRINGLE, Principal. OMEM Pipes - for 15 c nd 40c.1’ipcs for 25 Pipes for 10 Pipes for 5 ncobs 2 {or 5 Tobaccos always fresh at lulu-s, Underskirts, Hosiery, '(‘. Napkms, and Handkerchief: L: FONTHILL NURSERâ€"IES Over 800 Acres. WANTED at lowest living Lindsay 6 for 7 for 6 {or 7 for 7 for 3 for 6 for ONTARIO. Drawcru. Top 25 25 25 25 15 cents 2 u 12 H 25 cents {I H 5‘ ll Laura.