wry n. m Lenny-ï¬ve Cape; inc: Maurialj I. Irate :erials 39c 71$. b Caper- SAY. not? than Dunn, at mk- men’s 3:5 54.00. ats 14.50. nab Cape Selling LI: and 6. 50. 1055 975. ines 6.50. 'ur Coats Mimmed IRS 19 of White. fuse. Tiuno‘ Pnrot “rm-um, nu mm o: m ydu. st 2 can» 3 rd, all enton. Wreath. of “no, shunt 1 foot in dlgmotor, 20¢" o: 8 (curiae. 0'86" plaéod' with the Steel Brigg. Good (.20.. “when! Wm. Ronnie. or any nth-r Fl‘or'iaz, when dot-ind bqam foot. Onlm relpecflully solicited. by um). fro‘m my numerouu Manda. in lllllbtook tad elsewhere. for Run“. (1:: Moss WRILI'HLVG, at. ‘3. gm! 84. {or 84!. 35 3nd :6 per 100 ydIJor ny round. 8031;, well buried 25¢. 3 1b.. 2 1-2 lbs 50c..5 lb {or 31. $5 por mo of )8 Emir. an!) 8! to 11:» 1.1906, includ- tn' bcbnco of â€04, 3nd premium. {or this you. Una} Hand 0! January. sub-cru- uom rocolnd for the Womun’n Mag. Dino. 32 m... and The Womsn's Fun: Jamal“ 24 moo. both of SI.- Lonh. la. .3 Ion can“ a your. ouch : to: on. :o In yam Sago floaty Wrouhu 50c. Miotloloe, Me. lb., or Inleu quantities. Club Mo..- Bouqncll 23c. u do: ALFRED E. HAYTER, Altoâ€"Pupo'omnd Cod" Wrath, 2 1'. 2 eta: 33rd In qtuntiï¬u under 100 ydl: 100 yd. And up, 82 per 100 in“. Adina nil lubr- u thou. which '1" â€coin prompt titanium. Xmas Decouuou order. should be sun: In at once, ad plea. menu“ who: want. “'El)Nl.Sl).-.\\' DEC. l4-~By _.l H. (.anlincr. auctioneer, credit sale 0! tarm stock, implements, t., the property of Mr josial) lanes, Lot 1. Curr. l3g'Cavan; one mile east of Franklin; Sale at one o'clock sharp. and withuut reserVe. Sec bills for full particulars. TUESDAY, DEC. zoâ€"By _l. U. Gardiner. auvtionecr, credit sale of of farm stock, Implements, machin- ery. c.. the property of Mr. Allan Ferren, I»: 6. Cork-9, Gavan, 2 miles west of (hvanville and 3 miles south east of Bethany.. Sale at one o’clock sharp, and without reserve. See bills for "full particulars. g'l‘he above mentioned sales are epcnally good ones as the stock is In good order. and the implements in 1305! cases are as 800d as "CW. low price. Commission Agcn‘t, :64 Blccker St TORONTO. 3,3 notice similar to the above: will be given FREE to those getting their bills at this ofï¬ce, and then see the splendid bills you get a! a very l‘hcrc IS a spl- ndid opening for a p )rublc saw will here. We will he’gLul to get ncwsitcms from any of readers. Scnd us some for our next Issue and help makcthc Mirror bright ‘and brimful of news. The holiday entertainments are in full swing, and excdlent bills of fare for all pleasure seekers will be put on. Xmas Concert, Monday Dec. 26. under auspices of Public Library. A strong Com. of ladies and gentlemen are sparing no pains to have the best program ever presented bv the Library and everyone knows that they have1 ‘lways been most enjoyable. Watch for bills. The New Years entertain- ment, as m former years, will be up to if not ahead of any efforts in this line by the Presbyterians. Prof. Smedley, of Toronto LTniVe-rstty (Ilee Club, will be the ‘Star.’ There will be Comm;~ dettas. Drills, etc. Watch for bills. Mr. Parson“, Sr's health has not Improved much. We Print Sale Bills Right-«and Cheap. At the MIRROR Oï¬ce. Bubnrlpflom tow. Wukls ‘Mdhnd Omcmec should have a strong club this season. We: wish them success. , Twas. and Cnpt.--B Iaidlcy. Managing Com â€"â€"Ross Macpher- son. Robt. 1. (Randy and Fred. Bent. Practice will be held on the Mill pond until tht: rink is in readiness. (Meme: Hockey Club Re organiz- ed. The following are the ofï¬cers elected for the ensuing season: Hon. Frauâ€"W B Harvey. Pres.--A L Amys. Vice-Pres â€"-R Bradley. setics. which pay cash weekly, furnish the handsomcst samples free, and 05:3 the greatest selection of hardy acchm mated stock. Scason now commenc- ing. Write todayâ€"CAPITAL NUR SERY COMPANY, Ottawa. Ont. : Xmas. Decorations. -Any man out of employment or with idle timeon his hands can make monc} rewcscuting Canada's National N ur- DOC“ I. 5‘60“ [(3 Our heartfelt sympathy IS ex- truded to Mr. Charles Shaw, 1r , in has double bereavement, by the loss by death of his mother on Tuesday night. and of his father on chnesday mcrning. AGENTS WANTED. Scc.â€" H Fee. Mr. George: Morrison 15 able to be Omemee and Vicinity. BALLS ï¬gï¬â€˜ï¬Ã©ï¬m Auction «Sale. Renews the halt, makes it‘nï¬mlnnegtores the freshnese. - 3113‘ that you need if your hair is faded orturning gray, (or it always future: the color. Stops falling hair. also! fmmrfif“ The Mirror and Family Herald and W‘eeklï¬y" Sfar ï¬d J anï¬alry lsï¬, 1.906.: "I have been a. gtoat Iuflerer from Dylpopsia for many years. I have been wound by local doctors,3ud have taken nearly all the advertised reme- dies with only temporarv relief, but since using Dr. Leonlurdt's Anti~PllL I can on uxytlnmg the “me us When a boy. My old-time vigor has returned. Dr. Lnouhardt'e Anti-Pill has usher- ed in a new era In the treatment and care 0! disease. Thousands “ho had given up hope have been restored to perfect health,and every cure Seems to have' been perfect and permanent. Here in s cue of Dyspepsia :- ‘ â€"â€"â€"- u-uuy our. IVIIUWOIIB Iblblbllkc to the death of the Rein Principal ‘Cavan, 1). l). “I should Certainly come short of myduties as a minister in the Church of Christ, wereI to lose this opportunity of giving express ion of my sincere grief at the loss the Universal Church has sufl'ered in the death of the Venerable Prmctpal oi Knox College, Rev. Dr. Cave‘n. ‘ As has been said by many through the prCSS, “he belonged to the whole Church and every communion has lost-by his death a true; Friend, who was broad minded enough to appreciate and to credit the good everywhere. H e ‘was agreat Canadian, a man of broad sympathies and views, a goodly, leader 0! men and his influence was al\\'a_\s felt." A great scholar, yeta humble follower of Christ, whose example he endeavored to imprint upon his work and his life. We owe him a great debt for his unswervmg loyalty to the. integrity of the inspired Word 0‘ God which he always masterly defended against destructive higher criticism With out Presbyterian friends we unite in mourning the loss of a truly great and noble mamâ€"Review of Monday Tucsdav, Dec. 6, 1954, HagnahJRVil- son. wife of Charles Shaw, sr., aged 78 years. In the Township of Emily; on Wednesday, Dec. 7; 1904, Charles Shaw, sr., aged 82 years. In Baillieboro, on Tuesdayynec. 6. '904. John Porter, aged 8Q years ant! I0 shat my "mm are boyant ‘and temror nox'mal. I give all credit to Dr. Loonbardt'a Ami-Pill."â€"-M. N. Dafoe. 29 Colborne Street, Toronto. A month's treatment at your drug- gilto [at Soc. A sample free by ad- dtenlng The Wilson-Pyle Co , Limit- To prove what Dr. Leonhardt’s Anti- Prll will doâ€"Your name and address on a Post Card will bring itâ€"Has cured thousands already. 0d. Magus Fglls.0nt. Sole agent! for ( wads. 101 Last night, prccccdixmg the1‘scrmon_ 0n “The Last )udgcmcnt,†Rev. E. A. Lanufeldt made the followmg reference l’t. H. Lann While. Haze! White- Bide. Han: Sanders. , Pt. I. Geradine Spior. Beatrice Whiteaido. Victoria Skounn. M N. PARIS, Teacher. Sr. Ill. Annie Anderson, Merton Stewart. Jr. lll. Pearl White. Ella Walsh. Sr. ll. Bertha Murphy, Murray Spier. Annie Kerr. Emma Sundora, Everett Jones. Clarence Staples. Allen Murphy, Wallor Sanders. Fr. 1V. Ells Kerr. Jr. 1V. Elsie Ball, Johnny Vania, How ard Vealp, Walter Thompson. Flosaie Patterson. School Report of U. 8.8. H 20. Shavers 1nd Gavan for .Novombor. He leaves m mourn his loss, a widow and one son. He had boon in very poor health all the put summer and waiting for the and to come, 3nd sovetal tlmuexpresa- ed the desire to depart and be with Christ which in far better. His remains were brought to his former home and interred at St. Mary’s (‘emotnu ' In the Township of Emily ,-__J__ “77 ’ his our sad duty m chronicie the death of Mr. James Lytle, lormerly of this plum, who died in Toronto on Nov. 29, hsvlng gone there one year ago at the age of sixty four. Deceased was a highly respected citizen. 3 leading mombor ofthe Methodist Church and always found in sympathy with every good cause and ready to lend a helping hand. “'ORD AND “'OBKS PU 8. C0 . 220! Locust 8L. 5:. Louis; Mo. The Rev lrl. R. Klein Almanac for I905 is now ready. being the ï¬nest edi- Ion ever lnned. This splendid and costly book 0(200 pages in a. complete study of astronomy and storm and weather for 1995 It is too well known to need comment See I and you will no decide. The price, postpaid to anv uldreee; to 30¢. per copy The Rev. lrl. R. Htcke' Ic‘entiï¬c, tendons and hmily journal, Wurd and Works. now ‘ throat with the best magazines. in 75: a year. Both Won] 3nd Works and the Almanac SI 00 per year. No better investment poselblo hr any person or badly. Try it and see. Send to Great and Noble Man. Free Trial Bottle. The Rev. lrl. R. Hicks 1905 Almanac. Franklin Items. OBXTUARY. and surrounding territory to represent “Canada’s Greatest Nurseries.†Newest varieties, and spcmalties in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Ornamentals, and Rosés A perma- nent Situation, and territory reserved for the right man. Pay weekly, Hand- some Outï¬t free. Write for particulars and send 2 5 cents for our pocket mic- roscope, just the thing to use in exam ining-trees and plants for Insects. ’ IS a gem and a treasure to the recipient. And it will be all that it seems if purchased at our store. \Ve have a notablyï¬ne assortment of rings, pins, brooches, necklaces chains, charms, etc Exquisite designs in beautiful workmanship. Rare bargains in jewelry here now. Prices cut 1-3 or more. Every article ft-Hy warranted. 77, Kent-St LINDSAY WATCHES, CLOCKS, jE\V- ELRY, SILVERW‘A’RE, CUT GLASS, NOVELTIES, c., c. i><£ mas. PresnnlIB-Mg;GQHEH, WAN' ‘ED- Quickly, few persons to re- present long established wholesale house among retail merchants and agents Local territory of few coun- ties. $18 salary and expenses paid weekly, Expense money advanced- Commlssion extru. Perm aneut engage- ment. Business successful. Previous experience not essential. Fuclose self- edclressed envelnpe. Address. Stru- ISTBXDEX‘I‘ 'l‘nM'mJJ-zm, Dearborn St . Chicano. it. The Wilson-Pyle (‘0., Limited Niagara Fans, Ont. A guarantee is issued thh every package of Ur. Leonhardt’s Hem-Raid, which contains a month’s treatment. Go and talk to your drungiat about It in Impossible to cure an establish- ed case or Piles with ointments, sup- positoriau,injections. or outwud ap- pliancel. Dr. Leon hardt'l "Gin-Rold any case of Piles. It is in th 3 tablet. WANTED This announcement is made uitlmnt any qvmlincaï¬ons. Hem-[told 18 the one preparation in the world (hut guarantees it. W. F.McEAHTY’S. . -_â€".. --.~-uv v- \ult. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate the stomach. liver and bowel; w _- Vâ€"â€"-â€" “-M5ia. MCI '- ousneas, backache. headache, loss of appee kite and sleeplessness. So sure of it is the World's Dispensary Medical Association, of Buffalo. N. Y.. pro- prietor: of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip- tion. that the oï¬'er £500 reward {or women who cannot {e cured of Leucorrhea. Fe- male weakness, Prolapsus. or Falling of W‘omb. All they ask is a fair and reasona- bls‘tdal of {heixj means of cure. _ _. --.-- - -‘a~nnyhl\- restores weak and sick women to sound health, by curing the local womanly die- eases which are generally res nsible for the failure of the general heal h. A won- an’s entire bein Is centered in her worn- anly nature. hen the delicate womanly organism is attacked by disease; when there is irregularity or a disagreeable drain; when inflammation burns and ulcers gnaw the eneral health will reflect the progress of dgiseuf, in increasing Aweakness. nerv- n...... --_ _-_ _-" nu. um I miidly endorse you i _. _ ‘I enjoyed good Rae-12h until them two you. lgo when I noticed my bsek began to ache fre- quently; it beeune lore and lame. and heed-eh. Ioon added to my misery" nlso found up! n: vgenenl health diminished. I beanie thin nu week and nervous. hsvin severe pains st regu- intervnls." writes rs. Augustus Emory. Trusurer New Century Club. 34‘ Dean Street (Roxburï¬' . Boston. Mess. She continues: "31 work 1' h before had seemed sn easy as 000:: seemed like s hesvy burden. .I decided teeovered â€K hennh. I seemed built up nnev, nay pulse. w ich hsd been weak beame- noe- l‘lfl. sud new life nnimsted my entire being. I lladlv endom vnlsv "mad..- .. Stone Wellington Over 800 Acres. A Broad Statement. PON'rmLL unkssnins A Local SaleSman for The Popular Jewelry Store, GX’OURW done your midne. " Pierce’ 3 Eavon'te Prerscriptiog .-..I. n.) -r _L m-Roid mil cur. is in the form of ' .21.:ch Is the Place to Buy Lumber, l ath Shingles, Cement, Plas- ter Paris Charcoal. Also Headqualtels for \\ indsor Salt,“ Dairy Chegse Butter †Brands. Sash, _Do_or_s, Blinds and MOuldings CO’S Rn yï¬ ï¬‚ 35'qu Rathbun E â€" â€"â€"(v ' “"9‘ v Always on hand. Perfectly Dried and Seasoned. lies. qualities Hard and Soft Coal. Cordwood and Millw.ood > ’ ' _' ............... Call and get our prices and examme goods, .. ,. humansâ€"Agent's. 05cc, 77 B ; TowQE’ï¬ce, 27 ;' ,Mmioasce 73' T hé ' T ' â€"' for'IOc; 25c pk fer §6 Member of the Gough Syndlcate, Cellulmd St’arch 3 boxs for 250 an’d Beans reg 100 for '80 a can. Magic Baking ,Powder‘, 00 or S. 100 can for 80,. 200 ‘ can for 150. , Cut thls adv, out and return Comfort‘Soap, 6 bars V . 250,13- bars for 500. to C. Hughan, and you W111 be Myers spice 5 1b pkg, allowed 500; on a $5 purchase at for 40cvr_eg 50. hls~ Jewelry Store. TheSe prices every} Our stock of watches, clocks, Emiliiéygoifgdgiy' brooches; rmgs, Inn's, 8m, was . ° Reaï¬cuons. ' g never before so large. '* ,1... u.- ‘8' fl. O 'I uu bbLlIlW l J ewe Ier ,and Issuer of Marriage MILLBROOK ONT. Licenses, Lindsay. w Le-t us add a word about the splendid Clothing 531:: at such tempting low prices. The tailoring, th fabrics and garments, ’he tit and general make-up, t quality of materials, every feature and detail are grade usd as near perfect as skilled hands can make Convincing Values in Boys’ Clothes Men's .111 wool Tweed Suits, newest shades, brown and grey, “orth $8.00 to clear at Men's llc’uvy Tweed and Melton Overcoats, well lined. ward: $5 and $6, to clc.†at Men's Beaver Overcoats, farmer satin lining, worth $7, to clear at Man’s Tweed Overcoats, good “mugs and we†tailored, worth $9 50, to clear at to clear Not- otten do we get the chance to purchase high grade wholesale stocks like these for so remarkably little monev in pro- portion to the value of the merchandise and likewiSe it is just as seldom that wearers of good Clothing get the chance to buy gar meats like these at such marvellously low prices, especially at thc beginning of the season. We CIOScd out two entire winter stocks at such a sacriï¬ce that we are able to retail these ï¬ne Winter Suits and Overcozits at about half their real worth. Think of what this meansâ€"\be quick to act if30u care to make your dollars do double dutv. ' Men's all-wool Tweed Suits, heavy-Weight worth $2 75 $5.00. to clear at . ' Men's all wool Tweed Suits, new stOck. worth $6 an 0 A“ GHUGH’Ssen mflvt- H31 wwwmmaw The Men’s Store of the Town Tim Pflflfllfli Granary New Two New Wholesale Steeks Added. Record. out of Any and Every LowPrice Sale on All New and Fresh for “the Xmas. Trade. - . HUGHAN. Raisins, about the skl‘gudlddClpthing we offer this bi" Reefers start at $1.95 to, 3 50. Suits start at 1.75 to 4.50. Overcoats start at 2 25 to 4.50, Odd Pants start at 25c. to 75¢. Currants, : WBRUSHES OF ALL ImmerQ - -. Boots and Shoes-Stock Fully Assorted. Peels, - CLOTHING--We have the largest and .- Spices best stock ever carried by us in Omemee. general makeoup, the trimming and "e and detail are strictly ' highest d hands can make them. The tailoring, {TIC design of both stOck, worth $6.50 , for 160, Premium Picture included“.- Spices; $2.75 3,90 5.00 2 75 3.75 6.00 Honor Graduate of Toronto Univera- L ity and Royal College of Dvntal wr- “25¢ PIP†goons. 35 and 40c Pipes All the latest and inwroveal hrs. pen 15‘: Pipes - of dentistry successfully yrarrnrgggql 10c P‘Pes Charges moderate. 0 F F l C E “rd“; COWCOBS Gregory 3 Drug Store, corner Kent and":~ _ :5. Iobaccow a“ William streets. ‘2 ‘ , r geons, v3 Drs. Neelands Ir’x _ Dentists, Lindsay; Next Door East of Mirror Oï¬â€˜icc directly opposit: "loxm H 1â€, reg 100. for 80, a 561'; Raisins '4 lbs. for 25c. Plimpjiin Ii'l_our_15Ac. pk can, reg 15c. ' 3 Cans Gillets’ Lye 25c Washing Com p o u n d, reg 2 cakes tor 5c., at 2c 3. cake. VV75ashing Soda. 8 lbs for c. ' Malta Vita 2 pks for 250 reg 15c. package. :Force 2 pks for 250, reg 150 a package. Diamond Baking Pow- der reg 150 can for 100 McPherson Bak’g Pow- der reg 200 can for 15 Singer Sewing Machine 011 100 bottle. ‘ Moody’s Quick Shine Shoe Blacking, r e 'g. 10c. bOX for 80. ‘ Jelly Powder all flavor- ings,reg 100 for 80. _ NODSU‘CP Stove Liquid J. McBride, }Salada Tea 5 ‘lbs. for $1 *Lipton’s Tea. 25c 1b. Uncol’ed Japan 5 lbs $1 Reg 500 Tea. for 400.‘ Reg 400 Tea. for 300. Spring Clothes Pins 8 doz in box reg 150 box 2 for 250. Good Scrub Brushes 80 Baking Soda 5c 1b. Finnan Hanie, 10c a Dr. Irvine, of thy Bargain Days, WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS. ‘ PRICE LIST We “I†be pleased to 5110“ \011 “ h. Lace Curtains, Prints and ( clums- stock 15 wr) complete at present in Dr. F. A. " Walters, DENTIST, LINDSA Y. The paint that wears and looks best is the Sherwin Williams. It 15 made only of absolutely pure lead, zinc, color and pure: linseed oilâ€"no shoddy in it --therufore it Will always look- bcttcr and wear longct than any adultrrrd paint â€"-it makes friends wlicrcvcr usml We: keep cwry number listedâ€"ya) can get just the shade: you want, and you will make no mistake it: using S. W. 1’. Wall Finish, jellatonc, Kulsommc and Alabax'tme for walls and Ceilings. AWORD ABOUT PAINT WDRY Goonsw SILKS--Ask to be Shown Our Stock. be pleased to show you “hat we carry in this ï¬ne. Special values id lrtams, Prints and (fotmns~all bought before the rise in prices. Our very complete at present in all lincs~qualny and prices are right. Don't forget the BankruptStock of Pipes Coming Events. Concert Xmas. Night. New Year's Concert, under the auspices of Presbyterian Church. _’ Watch for bills; Trilbys \Vinks Alabamas Scotch R cc] Up-to-date Spccxal chcedora" . And notice IS further given that a Court of Revision Will be held om the- Fifteenth Day of December, {904, at the hour of Ten o'clock in" the Tore- noon, at Bradburn’s Hall, Omenu-e, for the purpose of hearing- complaints against the proposed assessment or accuracy of frontage meamremcnté, or of any other Complaint which the per- sons interested may d:.~ire to make and Much is by law cogmzabie by the Court. Dated the 28th day of November, 1904. GEORGE A. BALFOUR. Clerk. Notice is hereby given in pursuance of Section 67:, S. S. 2, of the said Act, that the Municipal Council of the Vil~ lrge of Omemee h a s constructed Cement Sidewalks on the North side of King street from Colbbme street to Sturgeon street, kind on- the South side of said King street from Mill street to Sturgeon street at a total cost of $1772.63, of which $1438.86 is to be provided out ofthe general funds of the Municipality and $333.76 isto be assessed against the property: owners. And in the: maltcr of the (30nstruc- tion of Cement Sidewalks on parts of King Street in the Village of Omemcc in the County of Victoria In the matter ot the Local Improve- ment Sections of the Consolidated Municjpal tAvt, 1903. is running. An experienced Miller in attendance. - FLOUR OATMEAL ‘in stock. FRED FREEMAN, Late of Claremont, SIwrwin-Willlal‘ns PA I NTS. ‘31 HURHAH! You can have the Weekly Mail and Empire and the Mirror to jun‘ Ist, 1905, for 35c.; or the same papers, to Jan. Ist, 1906, in :luding a copy of "The Atlas of Canada and Continent: of the Werld," or the handsome auto- gravme, “ The Victoria Cross," {0r $1 75. The Cavanvilla Mill NOTICE. :-Plpcs {or 25 ‘ “ - . ‘ for 10 “ for 5 f‘ 2 for -5' “ cos always ï¬rst: at COLYIN’S PR OPRIETOR. «misc 6 for 7 {or 6 for 7 for 7 for 3‘ {or 6 for 25 25 25 25 25 IO 25 15 can! 10 “ It