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Omemee Mirror (1894), 15 Dec 1904, p. 3

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Ll’lann-A, embroidered l: zc 01 spot patterns. at H 00 a yard. melt)‘ “nistings, In L" thrac yards each. no £3150 to 2 75. ::s for arounJ neck to need at 50c and 750, and we are more than was m Ihc counts, at 331113111 tilings, Baby for n Fur jackets .at $25. », 40.00, 50 00 5: 75.00. :5 of \\'00!. phin or 73, 2.00, 1.30 2.25. 1:15 ,prctty patterns, Mable and 05cm], at 1.00. 73c. and 50c. taxns,all the ncwest designs, a very large from 25c. to 15.50. 5501‘ Shirt “’35! or 7. to 1.50 a yard. Jubrcd DICSSVGOOJS, css 0r shirt was: at ted, Grey \Vhite, ’5, 5.50, 500, 4.25 s 4.1 (P. C» Fre xrs, best felt. were ler. 2 75, and blue and ial Bargains being at equal reduction. lo, and the regular , were 25c. to 40¢" Office Lindsay. )CI' V21! ' shown ml 3 w pale blue silk and dics‘ and (lcmhmen's >ther cheaper line :-75, for 2.75. M’s? (Km-hand pcciafly SUCH-133088 T0 WAKE“ FEED. LINDSAY gnod timc were. 34d nully rising TO u:- Ordars respec‘fnliy solicited. by mm], from my numerons- friends. in Mlllbrook, and elsewhereJor Nnrnm I‘LL': Moss mennxc, at $3, and $4. for flat, $5 and $6 per 100 yda, for heavy round. Holly. we" berried 25¢. 3 1b., 2 1-2 lbs 50c..5 lb for $1, $5 per case of 16 square feet. Sage Holly Wreaths 50c. Mieuetce, 5°C. "L. or in less quantities. Club Mos.- Bonqnets 25c. a doz Tissue Paper Wreaths, m rolls of 10 Eds. at 2} cts a rd, all colors Wreaths of camp, abr ut a. fool: in diameter, “Boots or 3 for 500. ALFRED E. HAYTER, ILnMMY, Utah. 20â€"151’ j. H. Gardiner. auvriunccr, credit sale (1f of farm stock, unplcments, machin- cry, c., thc property of Mr. Allan Ferrcn, Lot 6. Cm1.9 Cu1an,2 milcs nest of ( z’11un1illc 311(13 miles south cast at Bcthany. 5.1ch at one o'clock sharp, and Wuhout reserve. Scc bills for full particulars. W'l‘hc above mentioned Sales arc .epecmlly good ones as the stock is 111 good order, and the implcments in most cams are as good as new. Egg notice simxlar to the above wm bc givcn FREE to those gettmg thcir him at mis office, and then see the splendid bills you get at a very low price. Orders placed with the Steel Briggs Seed (30., Limited. Wm. Rennie, or any other Florist, when desired. Subscriptions tothe Weekl) Mail and Empire only $1 to Jan 1.1906, includ- lng balance of1904, and premiums for this year. Commission Agent, 16.; Bleck'cr St., TORONTO. Until the end of January. subscrip- tion. received for the Woman’s Maura.» line, 32 pages, and The Woman’s Farm Journal, 24 pages, both of St- Louis, Mo., at ten cents a year. each: {or one to five years. TUESI HY, 1 )EC Alsoâ€"Papa“ round Cedar Wreaths, 21-2 ctr-1.33am, in quantities under 1005(13: 100 5ds and up, $2 per IOO yards. Address all letters as above, whlch will receive prompt attentlon. Xmas Decor-Minn order: should be sent. In at once, and please mention when want- ed. A Merry Christmas and a. happy New Year, to all my friends. ALFRED E. HAYTER. Rig}: The Christmas entertainment in connection \xith Zion Sunday School. Will be held on Thursday evening. Dec. 22nd. A good pro- gram is being pmvideik consisting ofChorusw, Drills, MotionSOngs, Vocal and lustrunrntzil Music, Diulogncs. lx‘icnutions, etc. A goud tlmt: expected. Admission 15 cts, or .‘5c. a maple. \V L'Hi Mr. I ll [’ch met with an un. fartunate accilcnt last Week while digging a wcl‘. The person who had control of the Windlass, let it Slip and the bucket dropped onto Mr. Pcel's hem]. making an ugly gash. Mr. I’m-l does not want another txpcncnce of the same kind again. She: “ Brgorm, 'tis a fine boy; hc talked afon: he was two wakes old.” He: “'l‘hat's nothing, Job cursed Inc day he was born.” wrll bc 5‘ rvcd in the 'l‘cnrpcrancc Hall, from 4 to 7.30 p.m., alienwlnch a chouce program of vocal and instru- mcnml Musxc, Rcadings, Recitation: lhrnlogucs, l’untomirncs, Drllls, c., Will be rcndcrcd in the Auditorium of the: Church by zhc School. In addi tion, thc fullowmg Entertainers of Omcmcc lravc bccn secured : Mr. and Miss Ingram, in duct, Master Gordon \l'lritclaw. Solomt, and Mr. James Twinn, Cornet Soloist. Addreuseg will lx: delivered by Revs. H. V, Mountccr and .l. M. Whitclaw. Ar cordial invitamm is extended to all. Admission 25 centf. . Children 15 cents. R:\‘. _l. .\l. “lmclaw, B, I)” Pmtor. los Ruthcrford, Superinten- dcnt. F. H. Gardiner, Secretary. Th: annual Ta and lintcrtdmncnt under the auspiccs ofzhe l’rc-sbvtcrian Sunday School Mt llcasam, “ill b:- hcldon lhursday, Dec. -2, 1904.111] finunhar, Johnston S: (‘0.‘5 bcst Famih Suapfor31-2C.alb bar. 9411‘ days Mondaxs and lhuxndays. Manu- facturcd at S. Johnstons, x 1 4, nnlcs west of Ida. Also soft soap at 1c. lb. Mr. and Mrs. M _] \Vilson and t'ghtu. of Port Dove-1'. are est: Lhw Izomc of Mrs. A H501: Xmas. Decorations. awmbrown orrichblack? use .____ “ d ._‘ Wflwmxmmfse MAEEHAH’ -__ I Umemee and Vicini’y. Only a few days til] Xmas. 0470.. ~â€". _ K“ Mirror LACON IC L71“ 1) But that has nothing to do with the big sof10 math: I display Of Xmas. Presents, Toys, C., reaths, under er 100 H) \'( ~.. and Family Herald and.W'eek1y Sfiar fio J-anu'ajr'y fst, f906, for 130“, PremiHm Picture included. II Sr. IV. Jr. 1 V. \VORD AND WORKS I'U B. ('0 , 2201 Locnst 82., 5! Louis, Mo. Sr. 1”. Jr. III. Ir. II. Jr. II. lintcrmg the stm‘c, thts Stmxhiner scnt out :1 ha} for a IIIE r at stockings of the proper sire and zukul fura bowl OI \\.Irm \mtcr r. \\ Ith her mum hands sh: washed the Lhrtv little fcct puilcd on the strwkings and th. II puuhascd :1 pair of stout show thc httlc felts“ nIeJIIIIhIIc humming mute: \xith aston- iahm ant. “hen It: ranhxwt that lht‘ art: ths “ch his Im n III- hmk: I! Im‘mg h into the face (It the ltd} and said): "I uasjust askm’ (‘md to gwc nm a pair of those shm-s whm you mmt- up. Arc you God's \vil‘c ? ” at this Store. There are too many to enumer- ate them here, The best 'Way is to come to the Store early and see them. Fresh Raisins, Currants, Peels, Candies, c. Wishing you a. Merry Xmas, yours truly, " Com: m the sturc with me,” slu- said; “perhaps we mu arrange with the man to gin: you a pair.” A little bm‘cl'ootcd but" on a cold night last wmtcr, stood in front of a large shoe store, look ng wistfully at the display in thc \vnniow, when :1 kind Sunshine incnihcr passing in her car ring: noticed the tiny icct real with cxpoun'c and the sad hmk on the face of the lad. Approaching the buy, thc lady said: "Would you like a pair oi those ShOL‘S P ” Blown Up “ Ye "\OUC‘V. Why should men “V IL nwakcs "ICU nlcun. \thn does a than Shrew ‘tinlcs P \\W:callxc ranHIDLIIclp \\11e1115 a hint] l)chlnxi Unc Wh-cn he’s a weak (Wu-k) lmvk. When dmrs :1 mun (‘mnc nun his boots? When they urc half \Yhth)nnclnun;dnmcthu 'lchy arc lad}'kl”CY> hafarc urn \Vluu nlen arClfl)UVCl)Uflrd h xnmns? (mcfinmu Why (Ices mzm’s hmr turn for..- hls moustache? years older. 0? I the 1 0‘ h It is un- When a man {.1115 out of what does be full against ? “11) are young 111v \ou can dra“ thcnn them. and si 111 111cm \\ hat did II): 11111 c. incd grccn turtle so soup. ‘ What should a young man \ailing on his afliunwd? Ali his heart. perfection in nun: fectiuncry in his pockets. When is :1 mun :1 muff? ‘ holds a. lady's hand with jut > No. 10, Gavan. Marks fur Nov. Marks Marks obtamed. possible. The Rev. lrl. R. Hicks .1905 Almanac. l3 Lilian Lowery 9 Lawrence Fallis..133 Harold Fullis....XUS Martha. Mc\\'a1!er31‘25 Edna Loweryun “)0 Willy Hlldsull 87 Allan Mitclxcll...... 62 Ada. Simpson ...... 106 Fred. Sutton ...... 54 Austin Sntton.... . 4:3 Bertha. Wilkins... 65 Reggie Fania 63 Fred Lowery ...... 60 Ethel Fania ...... 54 Laverne Smith. . . . 4O Wilbert Fullis 33 School Report Christmas m. McCaffery, - ' Omemee. 'LG1, but I havun‘t got any Young men like True Story‘. npson ...... 106 iutton ...... 54 Sutton.... . 4:3 Wilkins... 65 Fallis 63 Lowery ...... 60 Fania ...... 54 a Smith.... 48 tFullis 33 150 I and I an‘ 35 slipation highly.” 75 ald Stree ‘ Mrs. : many. Anti-P 506.. or '1 Niagara MISS SCOTT, Teacher. | Canada. ”It“!!! Out ed buy" on a cold stood In front of a ookng \vistl’tu ml window, when :1 kind pussmg in her car- man \mnt “ho dc- : soup? Ripe turtle Ill ”LUIHL‘X‘S, C(Hl up again :3. They cure ,biliousness, .7 n ‘_._a Nuts. l'c hulf-sulu' sc thcn' win: He marriauu 1 the letter A? : telescopes? Scc thruugh nuar scHinu :an carry 2n Affection in 1 “’ilhdo“, His “'1“. When hy squccziné gray lye- cnly-(mc m move- 150 105 165 When Dr. Leonhardt, of Lincoln, beh” gave Anti [’ill to the world he had unimundmi {aim in the treatment but he did not foresee the world-wide and wonder“)! results it is no“ achiev- ing in the cure of disease. \‘Cutvh {01 hi}: Omc'mcc l’ubltc bytcrizm Church on Christmas L niglm; nspu'tiu \‘.'c wi‘l he: g‘;lu {mm any (f tunic for our nut mm: Mirror bright am Here is the story of another Anti-Pill Victory: " For many months I have been trouhled with (lispepsia, dizziness in my head, (‘old chills, and snfl'ered most of the time from constipation. and wns unable to do my housework. I tried every kind of pill and medicine that either the doctors or myself could think of, and finally fried Anti-Pill. 'l‘his treatment has practically made a new woman of me. Iain able to do all Hi)" own work. The dizzinesslml all gone, my stomach feels much hettor and I an] no longer troubled with con- stipation. lvunnot praise Anti-Pill too hlghly.”â€"Mra. Thos. ’l'nhb, 287 {Liner- nld Street North, Hamilton, Ont. Files are caused by Congestion or Itagnutinn of blond in the lower bowel, and It. takes an Internal remedy to re- move the cause. Dr. Leonhardi‘s IIem-Rnid is a tablet. taken internally, It is a permanent cure and unease of Pile-s has ewr been found it failed to curv. Money back ifit dues. A guarantee uith every package Prire $1.00 at any druugist’s, «r The Wilson-13348 ('0,, Limited, Niagara Falls, Out. 2 N0 nlistim-linn is made as to the kind of Piles than Dr. Leonhurdl’s Hum-Rom cures. The names Internal, External. Bleed- ing, hnd, ltvhing, Snppurutnm,etc.. are simply names of the different stage- thruugh “ lxich every (-use will pass if it (mutinnes Inngvmmgh. Anti-Pill is SUM by all drugglsts at 50c., or The Wilson Fyle (,‘0, Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. Sole agents for Mrs. 'l’abb’s letter is only one of many. Stiii Another Case. l‘hc Ncw System 'I‘rcatmcm, Anti-1’31], continues to “01k wmuk rR‘ul cures. FREE! Dr. (Pierce‘s Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of customs tad nailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for .18 book in pa er covers, or so stamp the cloth-boum volume. Addtcu Dr. 3. . heme, Buffalo, N. Y. u an active practice. Dr. Pierce discovered I remedy that suited these conditions in blood-maker and tissue-builder. He call it Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery -â€"en alterative extract that assists in the digestion and assimilation of the food in the stomachâ€"so that the blood gets what it needs for food and oxidation, the liver in at the same time started into activity and there is perfect elimination of waste mat~ ter. When the blood is pure and rich, all the organs work without efi'ort, and the body is _like a perfect machine. to the inner man. Cafes and lunch-rooms are filled'with men and women who seem to give all their time and attention to thoughts of properly or improperly feeding their stomachs. "It is of course best to eat slowly, but not too much." says Dr. Pierce. chief consulting physician to the Invalids’ Hotel and Sur- gical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y. In this 20th century people devote so much time to head work that their brain is fagged and there isn’t sufiicient blood left to properly take care of the other organs of the body. The stomach must be assisted in its hard workâ€"the liver started into actionâ€"by the use of a good stomach tonic, which should be entirely of vegetable ingredients and without alcohol. After years of e‘nperience I- n.- -5..__,, A 131? Love of Eating. No Difference. ulcrs It} to i‘d nmounrmg iii: .1 . v, 1).. _ .umx) u us intm tzzimm-nts gm ncwsitcms Sud us some hush) nmkcthc mful uf new ; \‘v' 102 Not often do we get the chance to purchase high grade wholesale stocks like these for so rcnmihahly htth: xnoncv in pro- portion to the value of thc inm‘chandisc and llix‘L‘WiSc it is ju t as Schiolll that “'t'iil'fl‘S of good Nothing gct the chance to buy gar meats like these at such n'istrvdhmsly 10W prices. (Specially at the beginning of the season. \Vc closul (int mo entire: \\'HH('I‘ stocks at such rt sacrifice thnt we (Ht: nhh: to rctnii these fine \\'1nt<:r Sluts :imi ()vurrtsuts n: :1} on! half their [till “0111). 'l hink of what this nm;xi:5~~'hc quick to act if_\0u cute to make your doliuxs do double thitv. Men's :sii wow! Tweed Suits, newest shades, brown and gray, worth $3.00 to clear at to. .-. Mm's Beaver Overcoats, farmer satin lining “'0th $7, 10 alum” at . .. ... ... 0-4 List 119:1Livi :1 word ilbout lhc Spiclhihi Clothing we offer this big sale at such tunpting low pri(:::s. The tailoring, the design of both {Illn'iCS and gmments, ’hc {it and gr-ne-rul make-up, the trimming and quality of mute 'inls, every {mtm‘c and detail are strictly highest grade usd as near perfect 13 skim-d hands can make them. VML'H'S all-woo] Tweed $5 00. to clL-zn‘ at ‘ . Za:.m a: 5.09 4,291.; mczm. :9... macaw. :62: moao no in: Convincing Values. in Boys’ Clothes Is the Place to Buy 1 1111\ber,1.ath Shingles, Cement, Plas- ter Paris Chmcoal. Also Headquzutus for \\ 11111501 Salt, “ Dain Cheese 81 Butter ” Brands. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings Cut this adv. out and return to C. Hughen, and you will be allowed 500. on a $5 purchase at his Jewelry Store. Our stock of watches, clocks, brooches, rings, pins, 850, was never beforegso large. ' Jeweler, and Issuer of Marriage _ Licenses, Linggsay. Alvsa35 on hand.Pc1fectl\ Dxicd and Seasoned. Best qualities Hard and Soft Coa1.,Cord\\ood and Milhxood. ............... Call and get om prlccs and examme goods. TELEPHONEsâ€"Agcnt’s Office, 77}: ; Town Office, 77; Mill Office 78 â€" did-v @@ML mas: 5% Raithbun MAME ‘G.H. M. BAKER Agent : : Lir The Co’s Good fm: EGCtS. Past UfficeB Member of the Gaugh Syndicate, LINDSAY’S BIG CLOTHI] PM Glflflfll New Two i‘éew Whg The Men’s Store of the Town, M::n'. K. Wu: All New and Fresh for the Xmas. ’l‘rade. We Are Determined to Knock the Bottom out of Any and Every Low Price Sale on Record. ;»-;â€"1,\_v Tweed and Melton Overcoats, wei $5 and $6, to clean at . HE’S Raisins, Rccfus start at $I.95 to 3 50, Suits start at 1.75 to +50, Ovcx‘coals start at 2.25 to 4.50, Odd Pants start at 25c. to 75c. Currants, Peels, Suits, lu-m'_\~-\\'e1u}1t worth Stacks Added. Lindsay Spices, $2.75 8.90 5.06 2.75 3.75 6.0% Newest varleties, and spa-cmltics in Hard)’ Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Ornamentals, and Roses \ perma- ncnt Situation, and territory rescued lor the light man. Pa} \\ecl<lv, Hand- some Outfit free. \\ Ille for particulars and send 25 cents for our pnck'ct mic- roscope, just the thing to Mac in exam lning trees and plants for Insects. TORONTO IS a £211] and a treasure to the recipient. And it will be all that it seems if purcli lS‘LNl :1: our store. We have n llUlill)l\ line assortment of rings, pins, brooches, necklaces chains, charms, etc ' Exquisilc designs in beautiful wox lunanslnp. Rare bargains in jewali'y hem now. and surroundmg territory to represent Dr. F. A. Walters, I)E.\"l‘lS'l‘, LINDSAY. Honor Graduate of ’l‘montn Univers- fly and Royal College of Dental Sur- goons. All the latest. and imwavml branch" of dentistry successfully performed. Charges moderate 0 l“ l" I (T E m-er Gregory’s Drug: Store, corner Kent and William streets. WANTED- Quickly, few persnns to re- present long established wholesale house among retail merchants and sgents. Local territory of few coun- ties. $18 salary and eXpenses paid weekly, Expense money advanced- Commission extra. Permanent engage- ment. Business successful. Previous experiencenotessential. Enclose self- addresscd envelope. Address, SI'm-m- xxruxruzxr 'i'IuvxLH-zns, Dearborn St. Chicago. Drs. Neelands Irvine. Dentists, Lindsay: Prices cut 1-5 or more. Every urtlcle fl'liy warranted. Dr. Irvine, of the aboye firm, a first-c1355 Honor Graduate of the University ofToronto, Member of the Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, visits ()memee Ist 'l‘ues- day of every month. Everythingr up-to-date in Dentistry Gas ad- ministered for teeth extraction. WATCHES, CLOCKS. HEW- EI.RY, SILVEIHVALL (‘C'l' GLASS, NO\'I£I-TILZ§. 620, c. “Canada’s Greatss {Nurseries W. F. LSBCWY’S. 77 Kent-St LINDSAY .We will be: pleased to Show you what we carry in this line. Special values in Lace Curtains, Prints and Collonsâ€" all bought before: the ris: in prices. Our stock is very complete at present in all linesâ€"quality and prices are right. WBRUSHES OF ALL KINDSQ Boots and Shoes-~Stock Fully Assorted. CLOTI-IING--We have the largest and best stock ever carried by us in. Omemee. The paint that “ems and looks best is the Sheruin \\'1lliams.lt 15 made only ofabsolutely pure lead, zinc, (olor and 11m: linseed oilâ€"no shodd} in it ~thercforc it w'xll always look bcltcr and “czir long v'cr than any adultrrrd paint â€"â€"it 11151ch lricnds uhcrcwr uwd \\ e kuâ€"p m CH numbu hslcdâ€"qcn can get juwt the shade: you want, and you “i“ make no mistake m Using S. \\, 1’, Wall Finish, Jellstonc, Kalaommc and Alabastmc for walls and ceilings. AWORD ABOUT PAINTS WANTED OREEE’IEE Stone Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES Over 800 Acres. A Local Salesman for SILKS--Ask to be Shown Our Stock. The Fcpal a1" Jewelry Store, OMEMEE . Curry £5 Co. Don't forget the Sherwin-“111131115 PAINTSW mvmcnl’ ONTARIO. Coming Events.’ ' Concert Xmas. Night. ‘ New Year’s Concert, under the auspices of Presbyterian Church. Watch for bills. And notivc rs further gchn that a Court of Revision wrll be held on the Fifteenth Day of beecmhcr, 1904, at the hour of 'l'cn o’clock in the fore- noon, at Brndburn’s Hall, ()mcmce, for the purpmc of hearing complaints. against the proposed assessment or accuracy of frontage memurements, or of any other complaint which the pa- sons interested may d;.~ire to make and \\'hr(‘h 15 by law cognrzable by the Court. hated the 28111 day of November, And in the matter of the Construc~ tion of Cczncnt Sidewalks on parts of Kirg Street in the Village of Omemce- in the County of Victoria, Notice is hereby given in pursuance of Section 671, S. S. 2, of the said Act, that the Municipal Council of the Vil- lrge o f ()memce h a s constructed Cement Sidewalkson the North side of King street from Colborne street to Sturgeon street, and on the South side of said King street from Will street to Sturgeon strett at a total cost of $17”: 63, 0! w hich $1438. 8615 to be proxidcd out of the general funds of the Municipality and $333.76 is to be assessed against the property owners. Trilbys \Yin ks Alabamas Scotch Keel Up-to-date Specwl Vcncedoxa is running. An experienced Miller in attendance. FLOUR OATMEAL in stock. FRED FREEMAN, In the mattcx ot the l .mal Improva mcnt Sections of the Cunsolidated .\Iuni(ipal Am, 1903. EEUERAH! You can have the \Veeklv Mail and Empire and the error to jam Ist, 1905, for 350; or the same papers, to Jan. Ist, 1996, in :luding a com; of "The Atlas of Canada and Comments of the World," or the handsome auto- gravure, “ The Victoria Cross," for “R: 1904 Cut in Cigars 25c. Pipes - 35 and 4oc.Pnpes 15c Pipes Ioc Pipes corn cobs Bankrupt Stock of Pines aflflzfihsa .nfluumnfl' can“ vgoalim n‘uflnvlluoa Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity medical College, also mem- ber of College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Ontario. Oflice : Opposite E. jnmicson's Blacksmith Shop, King St. West, Dr. J. P. Keith. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Pipes - for I 5 c nd 40c.Pnpcs for 25 Pipes for 10 Pipes for 5 lCObS 2 for 5 Tobaccos always fresh at Late of Claremont, The Cavanville Mill GEORGE _-\.- BA WOUR, Ul NOTICE. . COLYIN’S PROPRIETOR. 6 for 7 for 6 for 7 for 7 for 3 for 6 for 25 25 25 25 IO 15 cent: 25 ‘6 lo (I Cents (I CS ‘3 (I

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