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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 12 Jan 1893, p. 4

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sgeCialmw EELLS, FBWLER 00. 1331 am the balanee of their M 91’ Short Mantles at exactly HALF PBIGE. ' We are opening eat a beauti- ini i’me of these Gelehrated Stan- k}: moths for ladies’ suitings. EALL AND SEE THEM. Sells, Fowler Go. mare the'vdays when a. great many peo- jkc at struggling to keep their newly form- ed reclaims to keep a. diary, and when a. yet many other people are smiling over rather feeble and not very fresh jokes aimed a that supposedly large class who begin on so Jammy l to write up each day’s doings in glittle book that has a. blank space for m day in the year, but who give up the fit! before the year has grown to be more in of one’s life is not a good one. Those 3% haVe formed it and are already weary :3 5. process are quite excusable for being M to give it up. But it does not fol- 34w flat all diary keeping is a. delusion and a slum. Quite the contrsrv. There are metal sorts of diary keeping that are excel- Aent, each for its owu purpose, and for the m to whom it is adapted. ‘ Ala temporary expedient in training one’s my the regular, old-fashioned plan w mentioned will often be found to be .efn’l. Tr "y it. Sit down at the close «of a. busy day and spend an hour recalling and recording all that you have done, seen, and, experienced since waking in the wing, or as much thereof as time and we will allow. Be minute. What w gull" exact time of rising? What did you be for breakfast? What acquaintances a you meet on your way doWn etreet? "Hi-t bit of startling news did you hear? Sat down in their order the. business or -_.Fn§esaional transactions of the day Note ibwening’s amusements or social enjoy- .n-Itin detail. Do this every evening for and aoberness. 1- an infant of days. Possibly a. topic m seems to afi‘Ord material for so much “ain't-h mav warrant a. few words of truth Jfit us say at once that the plan fpr keep. Eng throughout the year a. daily journal 1n Ifich shall be set down all the trivial rout- mac millbrooh 1Reporter. a week. Then let the diary remain im~ Med for a week and on Saturday after- ».m. tq‘tlxe experiment of writing it. up for thin-seeding six days. Enough, but not ”to. much, of this sort of thing will prove Mixing, suggesting a wonderful tonic Exotic memory. hen it is well to keep a diary for special sun-poses; that is, if you are inclined that say. A ” fad ” is sometimes an admirable fixing to relieve the fierce itrain of business ‘1' Foiessional life. Iain a good practice to keep a diary d11r~ any limited period when one is passing tin-ugh a special enterprise. On a trans- sahlfic voyage, a daily record of distance, mica, condition of the sea, ships Spoken, babel-gs whales or schaols of porpoises en- uncured, pleasant acquaintances formed. idoumion gained about. the marvels of the mien: steamship will be a sonrcé,_of:inca.l- callable delight at the time. of pleasure to in coming time. ’fHURSDAY. JANUARY 12, 1893. it. ELLIOT, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Still anothemgood idea. is to have a 331.11 for the purpose of jotting down in 35 proper P130?- any remarkable occurrence whose exact date and description may be matter of interest. at a subsequent time. Que V130 does 11°" 11: general care for fiat-her WiSdOm WW“ be glad this winter if hecould by "11'ng \hea blank pages of Sig: 1:3“?ij :lhcénufrm:1]\§ne to ti} an"): 1 ‘ver :11 m lme 1e ' awn may have for us. So with???“ se ‘- date “'32-;- first spring robin, the first wild flow wiz‘ge-overed in the woods, the passage' " harartanb bill at Ottawa 01' Toronto: «4 1.51: of a long absent. friend, etc., etc Penile whose calling does not req KEEPLNG A DI A R Y. of “\me to time nets he Wnt sea- to 1 'it’h 6k date of the 5“ Wild flower mam passagék an it is Toronto, the p05: ew., etc 1* Inc 5 not requir “he keeping a. regular day book and ledger account it will often he found useful to enter in a diary records of business tran- sactions. A diary is an intolerable taskmastcr, but a. very convenient and useful servant. R US'SIA ’S I NH U M A N GO VERNAIENT The latest advices from Russia; abundantly confirm all that has been reported in regard to the cruel persecution not of the Jews .alone but of Christian dissenters from the Russian Orthodox church. Heedless of the lessons of history, Russia is attempting to establish unanimity of religion by methods that savor of the ages of Nero and Diocletian. The unhappy Jews have been driven in thousands from Moscow, and their expulsion has been attended by incidents of cruelty and inhumanity that in these closing years of the nineteenth century seem almost in- credible. Neither helpless childhood nor venerable age has excited the pity of the persecutors. The Russian government and its official tools know no mercy when dealing with the Jews. The accounts of the Stundist persecution are no less abhorrent to all who believe in liberty of conscience. The Stundists are faithful subjects of the Czar; but because they do not adhere to the or- thodox faith, and choose to worship in their own way, without disturbing the public peace or interfering with the worship of others, they are being treated with brutal out-rage, thoir homes broken up and their property seized. Later advices indicate that the German Lutherans, who live chiefly in the Baltic provinces, will not long enjoy the partial toleration which the Russian Government has extended to them, largely for fear of ex- citing German indignation. Several of their pastors have been imprisoned on flimsy pre- texts, the real reason being that they were energetic in preaching and spreading the Lutheran faith, and measures for" subjecting Lutherans to various disabilities are report- ed to be in preparation. The spectacle :hus lpresented by Russia can not iail to weaken the sympathy that would otherwise be felt for that nation in the event of an attack up- on her by her enemies in Europe. Even to such a huge and powerful empire the favor- able opinion of civilized mankind is of no inconsiderahle importance. THE speech delivered by Sir John Thomp- son in Torcnto last Thursday evening will be found in another column of this issue. Sm Jonx Tnoursos and sevéral of his colleagues will address a public meeting in Toronto On Friday evening. Their utter- ances will be listened to and read with much interest. THE snowstorm that. ended on Monday evening was by no means the heaviest on re- cozd, but it was just heavy enough to give the old\est inhabitant’s torpid recollection a little vigorous and exhilarating exercise. THE news which was flashed across the cauntry on Monday' morning, to the effect that J ames Gillespie Blaine was dying, was sad news to the people of the United States. He was by all odds their most brilliant statesman. THE dominion government: has decided to investigate the charge that Internal Rev- anue Officer Cosgrove signed an annexation document. He says he didn’t and others say he did. If he is guilty he will be fired, and quite properly, too. ' IT is report that Mr. A. B. Ingram, M.P., in to be appointed postmaster of St. Thomas. We don’t know whether the report is cor- rect or not, but if it be, then our old friend An fly is' to be congratulated on having sense enough to take, care of his own good self. THE Cobouzfg World says that E. E. Shep- pard was beaten in his fight for the mayor- alty of Toronto because the Empire support~ ed him. Our, contemporary ought to know better than to make Inch 3 statement. It. is sheer nonsense. There isn’t enough brains_a.mong the Empire.) editorial siaff to hurt any one. Tan political parties appear to be gettiav' lady for the local elections which the Tor- onto Newx says wlll take place when the flowers bloom in the spring. In North 0n- tario, T. W. Chapple has been nominated by the grits and J amen Glendenning by the tories. In “'est. York J. W. St. John has been put up by thetories, and in a number of other constituencies conventions have been called for the nomination of candidates. Mn. J. J. B. FLIx'r, police .3 agistrate of Belleville, has rendered a. decision so the effect that the act of the Ontario leglslature. of 1892, relating to frauds on butter and cheese factories, is Imperative. He says : “ My opinion is that the recent act referred to has rendered the prior act. and all other sets in Ontario referring to supplying milk to Iactoriesof little or no value.» I an: of the opinion from experience in trying very many case of fraud in supplying milk, that- it is now, under the act- of 1892, almost im- possible to secure a. convicoion in any case. Factories are practically, so far as regards ‘she Ontario ecu-unprotected. EDI TORI A L- N0 TES. To Show the Government is Not Almld to Arrest Anyoneâ€"France ls Bound to Sit: the Scandal. PARIS, Jan. 9. -M . Clemenceau was, at his own request, examined by Magistrate F ranqueville to-day in relation to his know- ledge of Panama. Canal matters. The exam- ination lasted a long time. No details have been given to the public. M. Baihut, Ex-Minister 01 public works,’ was put under arrest to-day after a long in- terview with Magistrate Franqueville. Baihut has heretofore been allowed to go under surveillance. The authorities are said to have been moved to sterner measures by reports coupl- ing President Curnot’s name with that of Baihut, the arrest being intended to prove that; the Government is no; afraid to take aceion againet agyone. " ~ . 4 'll Charles de Lessepc has givcn to M. Franqueville, examiningr magistrate, a. pock- etbook in which he kept- notes concerning the relations of the canal company to many public mcn. ‘l‘he. notes are in cipher, but M. de Lesseps has added a. key by which all have been translated. The consequent evid- ence is exceptionally important. It shows conclusively the connections of the company. The celebrated writers on economic and in- ternational questions and two cit-Ministers are said to be among those compromised. These revelations are expected to lead to more arrests. The Ambassador Reports a Revolution in France Probably. ROME, J an.9â€"Senor Rossman, Italian am- bassador in Paris, has sent to the Govern- ment avery pessimistic despatch as to the state of feeling in France on the eve of the reassemblipgqf the Chambers. v 1 , A_L_ The crisis, he says, has reached an acute stage, which quite possibly may be followed by revolution. It behooves the triple alli- ance, he continues, to he prepared for any eventuality. ‘ 'I 1,, Anv --â€"-- v The manifesto about to be issued by Prince Victor N poleon he regzuds as a pio- bable source of great; danger. Decrease in the Number Both in Canada and the United States. The number of failures in the dominion of Canada and Newfoundland during 1892 was 1,688, with liabilities amounting to $13,- 766,1000 This shqws a dqcreasc: a_s gomparficd ‘.,-...-_ with last year, the number of failures for 1891 being 1.889 with liabilities amounting: to $17,100.649. The number of failures in the United States during 189:2 was 10,344, with liabilities amounting by $124,044,167. This also shows adecrease as compared with 1891, as in that year the number of failures 88312273 with liabilities amounting to $189,868,638. Excitement in the Dressed flog Mai-Rel. There is considerable eXcitement in the dressed hog market, and high as prices have already climbed, the. opinion in the trade is that they will be higher still.‘ Sales of ear lots have been in this market at $8.25 to $835 per 100 11)., but on the basis of the extravagant demands of holders west of ‘ Toronto they could not sold at those prices here (30-day. Choice heavy shipping hogs in Chicago have sold as high as >37 15 per 100 lbs. live weight. So that in comparison with prices in the “'estern States, dressed hogs in Montreal are cheap at $8.25 to $8.50 notwithstanding that they are higher than for years past. A scarcity in the hog supply similar to that now experienced occurred in 1886 when dressed hogs were sold in Toronto by the car load at $10.50 and over, and in Montreal at $11.00 and over. 'l‘o-day there is great strength in the market, and 'West- ern shippers do not; seem to know how high to make a. firm offer at. Prices are also very irregular; holders at different points, but with the same freight rate to Montreal, asking figures that are considerably apart, Of course the high price of hogs in Chicago has caused a sharp advance in the price of pork, which could, not. be laid down here from Chicago yesterday at- under $21.40 per bbl. for new regular mess. Some good turns have been made recently by Montreal operators in pork in Chieago.â€"â€"’I'rade Bulle- tin. TO ADOPT STERNER M EAS UR ES. Foresters’ Insurance. OTTAWA, Ont., Jan. 9.-â€"T)r. Oronhya- tekha. head of the Independent. Order of Foresters, and J ohn A. Mcflillivray, Q. (,3 , Supreme Court Secretary, both of Toronto, arrived in the city to-day and had a. cor.- ference with Mr. Fitzgerald, government :uperintendent- of insurance, this ufternm 11. They are desirous of obtaining from the government a certificate showing the stand- ing of the order in Canada. as an insurance society which will permit them to do busi- ness in certain states of the union. Rave Rented :1 Railroad. LONDON, Jan. 8.â€"â€"The deal between this city and the Cleveland syndicate to lease them the London and Port, Stanley railway, held by the Grand Trunk at present, has been closed. This means the establishment of direct trade between Cleveland and Lon- don across Lake Erie. Them are only a. few states which requixe t-hese cer‘mficates. The :ocict. got; one f1 om the gqvernment already for: Wisconsin, land v..- mowgthey desire one for Illinois and anothe. for the state of Maine. Mr. Mcuillivruy told your correlpondent that. there was cm:- siderable trouble in obtaining these certifi- cates, the society being under a. ‘ special ac‘ of incorporation ; but if they were refused this time they would apply at the next session of parliament for an amendment to their act instructing the insurance depart- ment to issue them. Boston Globe The positions which Canadian ladies are incapable of filling remain to the discovered. In \Valkexton the office of jailor is being ably filled by Miss Roether. Thisiady has the distinction of being the only “ jailoress” in Ontario, and the inspec- tor of jails and prisons has given a. very favorable report of the Bruce county jail as it is under her superintendence. F311 LU RES FOR THE YEAR. "'ARNING TO I TA 1. 1’. Canada’s Only " Janna-cm." The Pope‘s Successor. ROME, Jan. 9â€"A sensation has been caus- ed here by the letter of Pope Leo to the people of Bologne in which. the pontiff states that in nominating Cardinal Serafino Van- nutelli to the Archbishop of Bologne he led obeyed the divine inspiration. The unusual declaration on the part of the Pope is regaz d~ ed as tantamount. to designating Cardinal Vammtelli as his successor in the pontificate. The Pope is also reported to have remarked Vuunutelli goes to Bologne a cardinal and will return a pope. Crisp and Casual. St Louis exports quail to London. In the wine districts of France, Spain and Italy grapes are still trodden with the bare feet under the idea. that the wine is better, Marsh 5' N. Lyles, a colored woman of Sylvania, Ga.., who is now 70 years of age, started to school for the first time afew days 'It is stated by an actox that the electric lamp used as footlights is harder on the eyes of the performers than either gas or candle light. ago. Black patches, striped like stars, crescents horseshoes and even like coaches and horses, were worn by the ladies of the Court of Anne. Men attending the pans in salt works are nevnr known to have cholera, smallpox, scarlet fever or influenza. A recent estimate places the amount of standing timber in the State of Washington at; 300:000,()00,000 feet. The motion of the earth around the sun is 68,305 miles an hour; over 1,000 miles a minute or 10 miles a. second. A recent invention is a. cradle which rocks by clockwork mechanism and at the same time plays baby tunes. The fleeces of ten goats and the work of sew 31 men for half a. year are required to make a. genuine cashmere shawl a yard and half wide. At; Miuorca the fisherman simply dives to a. depth of seventy feet with a weight in one hand to carry him down. \Vith the other hand he picks up as many pearl oysters as he can carry and brings them up to a. boat. ”Thâ€"e town of Forsyth, Mo., is only fifty years old and never had a church. One of the lust official acts of the Emperor of (lemnzuly before the dawn of the new year was to sign the death sentence of a woman convict of murder. Xapuncc Beaver. Rev. W. K. Younv. B. A., Millbrook, for- merlv of Ncw‘nuruh, has accepted the invita- tion of the (1001 are -st Methodist church, Pcterbom, to become their pastor, subject to the action uf the stationing commit-tee of the next conference. V. . R. will please ac- cept, our congratulations. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN 3: 00.. 361 BRQADWAY. NEW YORK. Oldest. bureau for seem-m: patents in America. Every patent, taken mu. by us is brought, before the pubhc by a, nomce gwen free of charge in the Largest circulation of any sciqntiflg paper in the world. Splendidly illustrateu. ho m‘telligenr. man shoglq be wighouz. Aithflfifgekly. 33:09,, ..-..v‘- $3521.}: gibfi'é'ix' Inéfiihé." ' Addresgi MURR'ECQ: PUBLISHERS. 3b]. Broadway. Lew York City. gniwtific Smerimu Svnds 51>; ('emgmmtations. V CAVEA'I'S. TRADE MARKS, ossncu PATENTs.‘ commcu'rs, etc. m GHANGE 0F LO0AT10N. T. H. BRYANS Wishes to announce to ma customers and the public generally that he has we. opened his barber shop in the Mulligan block, OVER DR. TUBflEB’s DRUG SHIRE. At P.S.â€"All kinds of Harness. Wines 8: Any person requiring a. thoroughly reliable article in the above line can procure the very best, from H. McCartney New Store at Deyell’s corner. C'VHE subscriber hrs '0 annoumm u. the p rcsidcntsof Mill rock and \‘io'iniu that Q he has opened 2. Photograph Gallery m x the village and will be phased m recei "0 order: for all kinds of Plldvffufla’sl’llfi. I’ARTBS DE \‘ESITII. CABINET, cm. in the best style of the art and at rock bottom mi (:55. W. LANG DRY GOQDS, Which can be ‘xrchgtséd cheaper thin abnm other hon”: m ioWn, fcr rash. Finest Design They Will be Said ai: the LOW“ est Possible Prices. ATP \‘h gorleq« :1 agent .:r 1111- lerll'f1‘11111113wthc h.“ “" I "‘ \ ‘1’ ‘- am: the Rain wav'rm. 3.11. e m2: 2 km . axe PHBTBGRAPH‘ aze GALLERY. Boots {8‘ Shoes, Grocer'es, 8w. ALEX. FERGIESGN, SELECT STOCK, F. W. PEAGY, Beautiful Finish. Has always on hand a. Alex. Fergusom Liqmrs.. ARTIST, Blankets {yum .ftl_m'. ~11} ,_ On tario. ‘Q BUSINESS i â€"The county council will meet nary 24th. â€"â€"Dr. C. H. Brereton of Bez'nany town on S, unday. ~130ak‘s hamlmmkc chopping axe king of chnpping axes. -â€"James “Klson died suddenly i! Hope on Satardav cumin". â€"Bm‘vs' iaud-sloi om us and mum IL: â€"-Thc fight. f9: the waffle-“ship betwee 1M 1'. Ferguson of (Taran. 12' r. of Bowmanvffle. and Mr. Smale of A thorough quizuw and Shorthaud z school. (‘oxnpctmon yearly for Gold :1 wet Medals. The 70 page illustrated ‘ mailed free. Geo. S. Batu. B. A.. L_ L, A. Blanchard. Chartered Accountant of * are the Prim-finals. baby carriages at R. J. Ihak‘s. â€"\\'ith the men-erg: 2:! below 7.: manw'un sweats has to Work for i:. â€"â€"Rev. Mr. Bkmisu'orthattemiev ing of the preshyter‘; at Prtorbtm day. ~ 441'. Beaver Von Homu-Sgia very successful examination for service re :eutly. v.0 K ,c’" ‘ ‘ ' .,..a.ie.~, slexgh-E-e'zlzx. and excellent variety mi 31:15? ton. Monday. 1 )oak's. - l . gave": n} commit a: Try of (loft? >601 blur mks. fn!‘ price u ill be pa the Port ‘ fight. The":- four mum: se 33 the race. to China xvii! prawn m the (em Presbyterian "Wan; next Sabbath n and will also give a lecture on the fol TuesJay night, â€"('l1dfricuds nf 311'. Thus H. Phi ‘3 \ n. mer xcsiaiem of Mlhzmmk. “3H Le ; to learn that he has been aim-ted u l nf the Port Perry 301100! board Mic: the t'. o u it}! Archer‘s Ame shag. H 1r)«â€"ih( (1111s11;u.s 11 w: 1:! St- Thmuas 51134121} who“! r. da) e'. Luigi "1:1.1:1:)’.Wh.1.<2;1: cold “03”. A. t; 11".? AA.“ :1 1L. the hymn‘ 'Lriguti. '41:: by the c‘n, .1lr1m.f1111cwe11 ls". W981 31111:: 1ts. rm: 111:1: -1: MA‘IAD t‘ll‘ ~11b.1|b'.1.1- ) 31:11ka :11'1~t atcu- 41:33.10 -_.1-. 1 He 15 {1 1s" agent for z'uesn'x of £0111 1‘1-_ ' 111:1c‘11iz1es. (-tc. 53:1 :1 Archer : shoe shop. I Pupilé‘b‘v the w- “ “Once In Ru\.‘1¢)'.\;“ ‘ the Queen," ant‘l brought to a close. â€"â€"Tkere iQ .. plenlv of â€"')r. Niddrie left. fer Salt Lake R. . , Baal: has secured thc Premier raml' steel crass-cut world beater. Every one one lac Rev. “2'. Stephen late mini inn xvii! wrench in the ('eul‘ 'tcriau ma: “2.: next Sabbath m 11 alsu give a lecture on the fol A. T. ELLIOTT. mans 1mm cums COMPOUND 5 SYRUP TO‘VN TALK HUKEHDUNI} Zlh'ti i0} PETERBUBU p s ea (In. :11 ONLY 25 CENTS. COLLEGE TIE DRITCCIS‘I‘ i111 Were ten can-"nu V R 1:41.11 1. _ Km to LJ. Dunk. HUN“ Ldld any autumn: 0‘ which the luighua “I“ “'e'l h)" u l we eutm'tam I snow 11w: tor at the Yer; 'l‘ . "fl; (1114-; 'orm 1’. 0 ”8‘ “With The ph’fl'ct' he 0126 V. C- ‘t S SOCOI 2‘ ll "5 1w ‘\ It"! iclt‘ CVO) H‘

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