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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 12 Jan 1893, p. 5

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'th 6 be H]! 13E â€"(1111 friends of Mr. Trims H. P1112“. :1 fur-- mer 105111011105 \1111‘.»rm11:,'.111 ,ne pleased to learn that he has been elezted :1 member 0; the 1’ rt Pon'}'_schoo_1 bogrd after :1 stifi' fight. ”1111c 9 were ten candidates for the four\ 1101111: seats, and Tomv :13 second m an an? the race. C ’4": ~1.}-eec’h;.m‘ss the 30" mizxgeut in this sen-tin}; for. a Toronto firm for enlarging photographs at the. \‘er'.’ lowest prices. The; are very hasésome {-ictmes and make most acceptable wristnfivv wesenbs. He is aisn agent for thesale of pianws org: ms sewing machines, etc. Shrp no.1 near to Archer‘s shoe shay. Ram] {LL-The Chlistmzzs tree eutcrbninzueuf. of St ThmnM‘Szmc‘my school was helcl on Tues~ dayez'enizgmud :: twithszanflingtlw ivztelzs? cold weather. there was a large attendance of t..e little ones and theiv parents and of t..e little ones and the: yachts and .I. r others «1:11 ei'esteul 2.: me aw. of. the sc‘ztrx-E. C The procealiugs onenn ed w iii: me singi‘ng o. the hvm: “Brigntlg‘ ‘03 Elms our immer" by t}: e children. fol} cw ed h"t1-3 (-9: Vin; of refreshments. The nert «ruler nf Sl'fimaxr ms t. x:- zlistz'ibmimi of puzL es int-he pupils‘tiy the recmr. ‘he €1k1i‘g hymn 4 â€"-Th-3 fight for the wardenship will be betWee l \I r. Ferlnson of Camn. Mr. mec5 of Bow manv He and \Ir. Smalc of Darling- â€"â€"‘\ anu- u. m [-...I-.I)(-ak,10,mK) bushels of clover seed and any amount of choice blue "ms for which the higheu market price v. ill be p: id. 50- who. runes Stevenson, _\I. R, and .I. R. Stmtton. .xl. P. P.. will attend a. hanqn' at given Ivy the Swath \{nnaghan township councila: (.‘entroviile on { Mucsda} evening. The Rev. Mr. Stephen late missionary | . .. . _ to Chum wui preach m the Centmovzlie Preshvte 'ian church next Sabbath mmning and will also give a. lecture on the follnwin; Tuesday night. â€"The county council will meet on Jan- uary 24th. -‘)r_ Xiddrie left. for Salt Lake City on Monday. â€"â€"I)r. L'. H. Brereton of Bethany Wits in an on Sunday. ~â€"Doa‘k’s hand-make chopping axe is the king of dumping axes. 48-tf â€"â€"Iamcs “3130!) died suddenly in Port Hope on Saturday evening. â€"â€"Boys‘ immksleighs and runners for baby carriages at R. J. Dnak‘s. 50- â€"\Vitlx the Inez-very 2:) below zero, the man who sweats has to work for it. "Rev. M x‘. Blumiswurth attended a. meet - ing of the prcs'hytex-r at! Petorbn'o on Tues- n A thorough Business and Shorthand trainin school. (‘ompclmon yearly for Gold and Si - vet Medals. The 70 page illustrated circular mailed free. Geo. S. Bean. B. A.. L. L. B.. and A. machard. Chartered Accmmtant of Ontario are the Princinals. “Mr. Beaver Von Hoznrei'rh passed a very successful examination for the ink service rosently. MR. .1. Doak has securml the control of the Premier razor steel crosswut saw, which isa world beater. Every one warranted. Try one. 48-tf “Whirled by P... J. Dunk, IOJK’K} bushels of clover seed and any amnunt- of 0130103 Mum pens. for which the higheu market dm’. WINS by the rector. The chair“? ymn “Once In R0321] lkvid s (it? was then sung by the ”ten and £01103“ ed “I; “l n': d have “‘9 Queen,"an=1 the pmzcex'iings were brought to a close. “ V , , ..:‘.'. es sle'wh-beus. and cudery exce‘ilent \‘zxriet ' and quality a: R Doak‘s. 4t -â€"There is plenty of snow now for sleigh- A. T. ELLIOTT, HUKEHUUMI} mans mamas COMPOUND; SYRUP TO‘VN TALK PETERBOBU ONLY 25 CENTS. BUSINESS COLLEGE TIE DRUGGIS‘I‘ ELLIOTTS ‘lto" 45% m «'I'heJamwry number of the Farmer" -‘rr’.“m'x’!.’e has come to ham-d, and a. band- 1.1 ;snme one it. is This long established and 'cmnluthd antic-:21 ma} paper deserves the {he-art" sup-Jun of ifmmdizm fungus. The â€"Mr John Larmer nf Iona, Mich, re- turned home last. week. â€"â€"Miss Mabel Garvin of Hamilton is visit- ing Mrs. Stanton. â€"3Ir. and Mrs. Samuel Hunter of Tor. onto were here a. few days during the past week. ~â€" At themmmtl meeting of L. 0. L. No 42! the fullouing officers were elected and ' fistnllcdrw XV. M. ~â€" ‘N m. Armstrong. 0. 3?. _- Wm. Kenyon. Chap. «48. Lamb. Ree. Sec. â€"Jus. 'l’honnlyke. 1"}:1. Senaâ€"-TIIOS. Brown, f 'i‘veusnâ€"Roht. Shaw- l). of C â€" Kuhn P- Minn. E.cv,'tlkr€râ€"â€"“ 1n- McIvor. ‘ '1 ‘or- mittee â€"‘at, H. McMulleu; '30, John :H’Thorne: 3.1..“ "kt mlmm; 4th, “'11); i Patton: 5th LI; “Wight- .1 special meeting of the Io-Igc will be he“ E0}: the 19th inst. tn confer degrcos. â€"-Mrs. Westall of Toronto is visiting at the residence of Mr. John Gardiner, Gayan. â€"â€"Mr. Joseph Byers of Charlotte N. Y., is spending a. few days among friends hgre. â€"â€"Ab0ut a dozen young people drove out on Friday and spent the evening with Miss Lucy Staples. ' ‘â€"~Miss Amy Crossley is visiting Mrs. Tate of Toronto. â€"â€".\Ir. George McCartney has been com- pelled to come home for a. few days on account of illness. -â€"â€"A grand fancy dress carnival, will be held on Friday evening, when a. number of prizes will be offered for competition. -â€"Thc first, meeting of the new councils will be held next Monday morning at eleven o’clock; in accordance with the municipal act. “T he (Jayan council of 1892 held its last meeting on Monday last. A report of the proceedings will be found in another column. â€"â€"Court Ivanhoe, No. 327, I.O.F.. will meet next Monday evening, when oficers will be eiected for the ensuing term of six months. «~01; Tue-May afSeme m the annual meet- ing of the Loy-xi {Hinge Distrth Lndge of Cam” “'3‘: held in the Orange hall. Mill- !mmk. Owing. un «fimbt. to the extreme cuhi \" ~.-:,.: be:- the; wag. but aslim attend- i; 51:. {x :tsf . m Lbe-dificrcnt lodges k at i ' mcictv has made same pro. 1:“! Year jBS-C 63066“. 1170 {UL . :m('(‘. i' Sium't-(i t. gymm (mrmw l -â€"\\'e are pleased to learn that Miss Jessie Alexander. the famous e1 ocutionist, has been secured by the Methodist, church here for a. grand concert to be held on Monday, 30th inst. â€"A sleigh-load of young people drove out to Mamvers Station on \Vednesday even- ing, and were hospitably entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Iamcs Gardiner and their dauuhter Mrs D. McBean. -'1‘11<~ members of .I. B. Halllodgeat-tended divine service in a. body at the Fresh; terian church inst Sunday, when an appropriate sermon was delivered by their Rev. Bro. 1:101'uisxfm‘t h . “Rev. \V. H. Cook of Cavanville occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church here last; Sunday. the Rev \V. R. Young taking his circuit for the purpose of : preaching annivei sax} sexvices. ~_\h‘s. A. Leach gave a. small dancing nutty on Honda“ evenmg. Those who en- fuse-«1th? evening “ere Mn. and Mrs. Daw- am, Mr. and 5115. R. Deyell, Misses hulls, O’Brien. Browne, Crossley, Edwina Rakius, and Ethel Richardson, Messrs. A. Cham- hers. (Ico. Bm-nham, J A. Vamcc, Fred L‘iau‘ry. Hut-y BIL-Bean and Geo. McCart- cos-.2 of :2. postal can! or at. most a telegram. He losas nothing. therefore from being over- stocked. T1 3 article is a staple one, for which thew. is as- constaut I. demand as for when: or flour, and {he merchant can, therefnre. sell if; at the minimum rate of -~'l‘he “ Myx-tle Navy" tobacco is not burdened with the usual costs which smell the price 9f must articles to the cOuStxlxzer, the firm employ nu travellers Whatever. their orders came to them instead of beinfiought by them. T! c merchant. does not require to keep a. huge stuck on hand swelling its pr'cc with interest, for t-he factory is an immediate scum-e of supply to him, at the â€"â€"Rev. Mr. Stephen, a. returned mis. sionary from China, wiil preach in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath after- noon at. three o’clock. On \Vednesday evening at. 8 o'clock he will deliver a. lee- ture cm China. A collection will be taken up {0 defray expenses. nes‘. i'op. Disz. 51.2mm: ~~.~\. Rey-mm Chap. »~ «21‘. .-\. Fallis. Rec. SCC.“‘”:‘\. T. Armszrong “1.1.522". - Rum. Shaw. ”2144.23.32" li'a-Ilins. i.i".~â€"-l‘m\'i<1Fu}hs. Leeuwenâ€" W 1:). gym“ 'hl' officers We: r (fleets? firm the current copy now to hand is illustrated by a. very handsome engraving of a herd of typical Ayrshire cattle, the property of David Mor- ton Sons, Hamilton, Ont. The contents of the paperareall theta farmer could desire. The editorials in this issue are devoted largely to lire stock matters. The Provin- cal Fat Stock Show recently held at Guelph, is very ably reported by the editors, and should he of great interest to faixners gen- erally. Another article of more than usual interest is entitled "The Value of Fancy Points in Breeding StOck.” A report; of a speech recently delivered by the Hon. John Dryden fullm 's. The Tamworth, a recently introduced breed of swine, are practically described aiter which comes a series of articles on the “ Winter Care of Sheep.” How Best to Overcome the Present Agri- cultural Depress-ion” is discussed by James Elder, who handles the subject in a fearless manner. Mr. John Hohson writes of 3 “ Agricultural Exhibitions ‘ with imgloi'ed hands. Other articles are by Professor Craig, of the university of Wismnsin ; W. H. Hilborn, late horticulturist of D minion Experimental Stations. “ Injurious In- sects ” are described by Mr. James "Fleteher, Dominion Entomologist. The Poultry, Dairy, Veterinary, have each a. department. \Ve advise those of our readers who zire not subscribers to send for a. sample copy Ad- dress T HE WM. WELD Co., London, Ont. Sample copies are free. Subscription price, $1 per year. â€"-A very pleasant, event took place at the residence of Mr. “7111. Lang, King-st, on \Vednesday, the 4th inst, it being the mar- riage of his sister, Miss Martha, to Arthur Armstrong of Gavan. The bride, who was tastefully attired in a. handsome silk dress, trimmed with cream silk lace, and wore a wreath of white flowers, \‘azs given away by her father, Mr. John Lang, The ceremony was peiformed by the Rev. \V. R. Young, B. A., after which a very enjoyable even- ing was spent in dancing, playing ga1nes_ etc., which were kept up t-ill a late hour The happy couple were the recisients ofxthe following handsome presenter»â€" Mr. Wm. Lang, china Lea. set of dishes, Mr. and Mm. Frank Lang, breakfast sel- of dishes. Mr. K. Brown, water set of dishes. Mr. James and Miss Mable l’ritclmrd, Peterhoroz parlor lenlp. _ e “ . 1 h is very smtisfacturv 2-) hmc su clum- an r n 4 expression of po olicv uS , ix J(:‘_; n snlmn‘ war the perpplc, :.ndthisj«.1n-n.l awards 1mm :3 sinccrs aporoxal’ mrlus fimnk 11:13am cm. duct. Thu. d it does: not uc-chi 111 e phi-:y is perfacfly “en unders tum}, m-t only in Amcrzca but throughout. Europe. [2a rolwau. ,‘s-nierlvan and .tfr; :m know- lrclg» on Th:- I'ar; Bin-91* 'l‘imm.‘ I 51-“ 4. F mm The Port, Hopi: Timm. Miss L. Am'.stmng, Millln-mk, a. silver butter knife. Mr. and Mrs. 1). Armstrong, half «107.. gsih‘er knives and forks. ‘- 31:: J. Emerson, Kendall, half (107.. silver knives. Mr. Reynolds, Bethany, lmlf dozen silvm spoons. h -. r. . . ‘1‘ -. .. bxscui‘u barre]. Miss E. Sissm), Peta-born, a card receiver. Mr. Thus. Harkness, (.‘amnvillc, a. hand. some mirror, Miss A. Kinyun, I‘dillbx-onk, a handsome fruit basket. Mr. Hill and Miss Ada Strong, Millbrook, china. fruit dish. R'lisses Tucker, Millbmuk. a pair of vases Mr. and Mrs. Mallory, Milibmok, a. pair of vases. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Armstrong, Peterbom, a pair vases. \liss Lizzie Armstrong, Milllnmfli, a bread board and kufg. 1-0111 1 - Miss Reynolds, Beilmn)‘, half dozen silver spoons. Mr. and UN. T. That-no, wi'm: glass «ct. Miss H. Mitchell. glass 30‘. Mr. Alux. Lang, 3.3m set. Mr. amt] M rs. \VRLHO‘ Harden Hil‘, glass preserve dish ' __- --.,. a. I“ v .v Mr. A. D. Armstrong. family bible. Mr. and Mrs. Vm. Rowan, Bethany, preâ€" serve dish. ' 0 Mr. John Armstrong, Mdlln'ook, a. carv- ing knife and fork. -u..‘. u u ‘5 a K111123337 Eedicines.â€"'~Vu do no: lmlievc- in «losing chihh‘eu with drugs :mfl medicines: from time they arrive in the wr-r-M till they are grown. as sun , do. We Law found :5 ‘xiztiv vmsim' oil and a [wide uf Parr) Dzzvis’ PAIN-KELLER safe. and sure remedies aml stand. Mx. 'fi‘alter and Miss Lizzie: Brock, of fruit (11‘1 5.105. Miss “:11 1:1 Lang, silxcr sax 19c. Mx ”01111 La11g,album. )[1‘.(‘.l‘. Ha.;d,cz11v1ng knife and fork Migs Mamba Budd, handkerchief case. Miss Barnett, Bowmanville, glcxc case. Master John batcson, china cup and sau- ‘3} s .«rn: strong, \Iiflhrmk. half dozen ton kni\ is rw‘ CC I‘. Mrs. Moncx'ief, Bailiebm-n, dish. 9.51 P. ‘xvt‘ifl t km s'”.« 3 gnu-up i w‘i hut: .. t hvm. 01’ oil (“it and a [mine uf Parr) . n â€"K!L!.1:}:.snfeand sure remedies >1 .1313'1‘3!‘ littleills and mm}. not do the "eu Big Rm‘dc, Mr. and Mrs \Vm. Brown, Rosenoath, parlor lamp. 311'. and Mrs. Dmid \lonmief, Bewdley, a jelly cake dish and celcx'v glam. JMias I Him Blistoe, Bailieboro, a jell) uke dish. lung‘s. Miss 1531:} and Elmo: . Miss Julia. \Vright, Millhrook, a china. J ”'1 ”ELY REL!!! (n'lfl'l' I’JI’I'CH. 1);» id A1 mst rOI‘", glass butter Shipments Irom Perth, Purchased at PRINTS, TWEEDS; WORSTED CQATINGS, WORSTED PANTINGS, MAMTLE CLOTHS, BLACK VELVETS? COLORED VELVET99 LENEN TOWELS, LINEN NAPKINS, LINEN AND CRASH TOWELING, EMBROID- ERIES, LACES, BLACK WOOL HOSE, c. Our Stock or Overcoats we shall clear out at- prices never heard of before in this place. A Man’s Fine Nap Overcoat at $4.25 and all others accord- ingly. Jwill sell lime the coming season much cheaper than it has eVer been offered. before 111 this section. All 1hose intendino to build should call amd‘ oe convinced of this f1ct. l, h me a good stock of building material on hand and will cut out Dimension Stuff on short notice at very low prices. Sash Doors, Mould- inors Door and \Vindow 1121111 1es 11 21de to order on short notice. The correct thing at this season of the V ear is GOO I) V 7000 AND CO AL. I ha1vez1good supply of both these commodities. P 3.] want .1 (*I". .nLiLy 0! Green W 00d. and 0nd «oft; {3‘0 and um feet 10m, r. A150 9. qua ti 13 of Oats and Hay. for \3 bich I \\ ill pay cash. Ofiicc and 3' ard .Lt Rail“ (13' Station. at CHINA HALL. \Vhy P Because we have just what you want. \Vchzwe goods to suit everybody, old and young, i‘ich and poor, Our variety is so large, our good§~§o flied, out prices right-a. that cveryhoc’q is delightsd with China Halt" N0 phxcc in town' equals 2t. C211 at'once, no trouhe to Show goods pleased-to soc you whether you buy or not. A Happy New Year to 211], Is the earnest wish of CHINA HA LL. HANGING LAMPS for NEW .YEAR’ GIFTS, ‘ “ “ ’ for your PARLOR, “ “ for your DINING ROOM, “ “ for your HALLS, “ “ for your KITCHEN, Don’t forget to come and see and'buy a Hang ing Lamp, as I am selling them to’one and all at cost during the holiday season. W. S. PICKUP. l have 500,000 in stock. All grades. Prices are low to suit the times irrunning from one dollar upwards. The dollar shingles are excellent value ----- quite good enough for any or- dinary outbuilding, SHINGLES fora SGNG é} CHINA . BEYELL, HANGENG LAMPSE All of Which Will be sold at Wholesale Prices. WE ARE OPENING BUT. THIS WEEK N0 trouble in buying GEO. A. BATEMANS; LIME, LIME AND (‘EME \T. CONSESTING 0Eâ€"â€"~- A L M OST. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS DOLLAR. T. B. COED-115’ 01"; stand. 70 CTSE W. TH EXTON. THE IS THE PLACE . TO BUY CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. mammx, w.»

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