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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 4 Jan 1894, p. 1

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urcr, can Supply mp you want-and Among those of hat of any other I A pump ti) the p on the market. to throw either jive him a can and [pecially designed growers. It is a * Pange 0r valve. 1B CASH. I p a If JD BEST IORSE liquicrs. 2.272 Bzgfl'a/o . 721! Grey ’ 5:6 t/uzm. of lime 0 $25 21 ETY sands ,isease! 'iday ':~â€":v v. nu'c, it getting om; EEN KET 00D E‘Vol. XXXVI. CH RESTMAS LEACT’i-é‘v‘s RCHIBALD “'OOD. 155 .R RIAGE LICENSES. Mil r00; JOHN GI N C. MCKINNON. M. D., GAL. (SL113- "ES 0 so: to Dr. Mddrie) Town and Vlctoria Unlversitics. Licentiate Roya Co ge 5m- geons. Edinburgh. Member 0011 e hysiciam and Surgeons. Ontario. Office at . ’1‘. E1210: L“: drn store. After oflice houm at Mr. Wm. Ric dson‘s residence, King st... Millbrcok. Xeeps constantly on hand alarge ck of For mum: of all kinds. Thine showrooms. N9 grou‘gle Lo NhOYV_ _goo_<_13.“ *‘ , - -I_n-_ "YA-LC-.- SMITH 8r. PRESTON (SUCCESSORS .0 J. A. V. Preston) Barristers. Sgn‘citors. Notaries. c.0tflces, \V‘ood 8r. Kens’ block, Miil- brook. 01m, and Bethany on 2d and 41-h Mondaysin every month. M to loan at iow est 'rates. A. WARD. BARRISTER, TOR-KEY at Law. Solicitor, etc. Offic in Oytarin: Biock. ~Walton Street, Port Hepci Mfincy tc land on the sccurxty of read estate. “Pawn am: am property for sale. ” Evie};3‘ffiéx:rré‘£-‘Efvt§5§§celslor Washing Machine. The best in the IDDELL. ARMSTRONG 8:. N. ‘B '2"? Barristers. Solicitors. Notgu‘ies, ¢c.. U6 hour and Brighton. \V. R. Riddcl' B.V..r2\. LL. . A. J. Armstrong. B. A. W. H. Wm: B. A. First-class loans placed, Money zCaHL‘I md invested. Mercantile collections made an: general law business. J \V. FISHF R, VETERINARY S GL26.“ 0 Office and residence, Bailliebaro, "\ v 'i‘. be at Queen‘ 3 Hotel, Millbrook, ev ery Saturday W'. CIqikKE-J, L.D.S ., DEVTIST SPEC A. o a.- tent; o - given to the preseavatian. of {fr natural; .L . . Nitmu s UxiL- n (-3.5 f r t less extraego'z 31:5: .6098: wozk £123“: Win b»: m, 5-,: 1:. Lin: : d 21.53. each moaL'L x a \ , u; niypool ls; a..d 'd Bioniuys prompz'aya aitczmcd to. i‘. WATFflBD. ACCOUL'TANT AND :cx-igncc. Books opened and closed. Ac. comzf «- coflhcf 2:1. Assignments taken in char apa an (IL-tail» completed. S ccml amen gn'cn to boa '-k<:epe:"s work w e ' ‘ a. purxmnen: book-keeper are Cqmnmnicatzons from ’neighboring can: prompt attention and set ' plum-n mrforrned moderatctly and satisfac- tory. mm): 379 water gtljeet. Address. Post ‘7 _2m ,IMVV" Lyv-‘ 'ULJ. \IIAI office ‘50:: 2.5. Pcterooro. Ont. W. Du‘iflll, VP‘II‘ALH LL‘4LAI- o (Successor to 'I‘. Hasezegi. .) Registered and Hon. Graduate of Ontario eterinary Col- ege. ”01‘0an Late Veterinary Surgeon North \Ve~: Mounted Police. Ca] y. Atgéndcd Cliniral Lee tures Royal Va? - London. Eng. Dentistry 8. up alt most imth animals treated 8:060!de to 718th j- . 1:}:';();{. 1' 117:1." "7.5 33“ Oak]? $60 discounrr:*'-. Links ismcd‘on a: ploinis of ‘t at" sda. and Liz: Crime: 5:: Lies at. Zuwes’ 1': cs. 5th: colleCLiozx o 2512 e and o h~r notes 8. ,3a L} Loausxna me an real as tats. No commissio: huged. Office. north side 01' King Saree». Retorancc- Canadian Bank of Commerce. consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps, Fresh Groceries, c. Cheap for cash. All kinds of produce want- ed and the highest price in cash paid for Eggs at the shop or on the road. ' scicnfific methods. Office on K Dominion hotel. Millbrook. W 0 have now a large amortment- (5 all kinds. Flannels Home- Twceds and Hose?i cheap for cash. Agent. for R. Par er 8: 00's.. Dye V Stealth Laundry. Feather Beds am .1-__‘ FGR ALL KENDS OF AVD '1 1 9 A i '1 :1: V~r,.-.....~_.. . V' » 0 ~. - é h3.?%.-1U_ 9‘5 i3. COLLINS (50.. . .- . . B 1009.. hxzfixzcr.’ a BIARRIAGE LICENSES CABli‘éET MAKER, LW I) VETERINARY SURGEO‘ PROFESSIONAL I 5 m .. CHAMBERS. GOODS. r. 1- \‘Vorks and mi Pillows “no :s of kets. Mmbrook m {no fat Jceu oxtvnded rum, :2" .Ad to am :1 very happy i 1.91.: yo 1‘. Persevetance tn usmg u m" give relicl. even 91356.0! long standing:- where a cure scum-0‘ .938: We and Me sec'med hardly worth llgm‘r " «nan..- -v..‘.‘. ‘ _AT- 3. Eatesflnss “”71““ Per Bottle.25c.500.or $1.00 ” MENTHOL 0.8:.L. PLASTER IT WILL DISPEL THE PAIN LIKE MAGIC. ‘11 ONE APPLICATION OF THE . In [(1):] t“ @th“ 'fOl 1 king to L’ellO‘auv I N1: .“flrs “T: to .my 1‘, u Shh. ff Eduess ‘ 21“ 00C: Would Shingi’cs Mracms, Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Lumber of ad? kinds kept in stock. Dry and Bressed Lumber a Speciaity. Lime and Port- ignd Cement, fresh and good. I have a good square Radiant Home coal stove, I dont need it, and win 33!! it cheap. Delivery made in town or country, where desired. Fearless Barrel Salt for sale. It beats the world. C111, l G mg was, and Wood which or Cash. have a cadet: SuppSy cf 00 13313: sen Ch ‘3 Jan, 18!), I bane this Are StocI- 3;}? ’)l‘? AA .1. business 6 a. period of ty-funr years in this 1312: cc. re to than}? ‘L "II' 11).». ‘ . J 7"}‘I;‘ F (As, 04 2310113 TY‘ ." AN” '3' ‘9 $4. .... utc 3a“. :0 “I" s- 3 of pubh‘c . filtura “-1.: 2 x.“ at the S: Pains.- MILLBROOK. ONT... THURSDAY. JANUARY 4, 1894. 'V 301(7 out , ”l;o(elies ((7 the ‘W. THEXTON. u. 9 4L I e h. n. I I ,i 1... 9|,» my Editor Millbrook Reporter. It will no doubt- ho interesting to the many readers of your paper, and the Mill- ln‘ook people particularly to know that the Plum Creek's lacrosse club of Souris, Mani- toba, have again mrrie'l ofi'thc chmnpion- ship uf fylzmitnba for 1593, and particularly so because five out of the twelve men can boast of Millln'ook being their birth-place anal where they were taught to handle the hickory and eat gut. Some of the men in days gone by lave stepped on the old lucrOSae ground, Millbrook, and helped to add lanrelsio the many held by that once famousteam. There is Johnston Brandon (better known in lacrosse circles then as J eke) who used to play defence field for the Millhrook and who this year field captained the Plfi‘m Creek’s with W. A. Foster, H. Smith, S. Sloan, J. Staples also of Millbrook, I 1A1 AJJHLUII, U. utuuun, u. ~--.vl.--~ ‘._~- , , making it hot f '31‘ the man who checked them, with eight others who know how 10 play lacrosse, you will not. wonder that we have have a. team to be proud of, and it was a. common thing to hear visitors fxom Ontario remark after seeing a. match at Souris that the Plum Creek’s would make our best Ontario teams hustle. The boys gathered on Thanksgiving day and were photographed, which are now ready to be delivered. and I hope some of the boys will think of you and send you one. AN OLD MILLBROOKER. (‘cntrcvillm At the school' meeting held in Fairview school there was a. poll opened, rather; an unusual thing in a rural section. The retiring trustee, Mr. \V. H. Armstrong. contested his right to hold the office against Mr. John Tait, a new candidate, who had the voice of the meeting by three, but two friends of the former demanded a. poll, which resulted in Mr. Tait’s favor by five. His friends, wishing; to get through, allowed an hour to pass without a. vote, which clos- ed the poll, but had they kept it open until four o’clock they could have doubled their > major “'3: - _ . . uvv-si- “-LAu‘f‘nv-n’ In wishing the Millbrook and . country the com] the season, I wc ’*‘~__‘.4 In wishing the people of llillbrook and surrounding country the complements of I would inform ham: this day pur- my father, his entire stock of Groceries, Stu, or nine years in the Uri-Query and Provision business. includ- ing Flour and Feed,-1lmvo a very good idea. of the wants of the public in these lines. I am determined, by strict attention to business, buying only the best; goods at close prices, in the best markets, and having an eye to small profits and quick returns, to merit a. fair share of public “and: to Smnc 01:! Railibrouk Boys. I am QSLUI'lu attention to "‘ only the best prices, in the and having a‘ profits and (1E merit a. fair favours; )I.“ Ezwours. Confident-1y 1001i.~ : to old customers and houk “"Jy look- ing to new ones, ‘oszfzet put.- (1 confidante xcposcd I wish you and ronage an in my predecessor, one and ‘ 11 a very happy prosperous new year. SO UK 13"â€" BIA N1 TUBA . Minbrook g, Jam. V AN Ch. An Old Pioneer Gone. Another of the pioneers of Gavan in the person of Robert Webster of eakwood Ont., passed away on Sunday evening Dec. 10th inthe eighty-third year of his age. Mr. Web- ster came to the township of Gavan in March 1823, with his parents and their family. They settled in the 13th con. now known as Mount Pleasant, where they endured all the hardships of a new country, he assisted in helping to clear three farms in that neigh- borhood. In later years he moved to the 2nd con. of Emily, married Miss E. David- son and remained there until 1845, when he moved to the township of Mariposa. Short- ly after his wife died leaving five small children, four boys and one girl. In 1849 he married Miss Margret Henderson,' who survives him with three sons and five daughters, altogether twelve children to morn his loss. He was a. kind father and husband and did well for his family. In early life he became religous and was for over sixty years ; a. member of the Methodist church The Boysâ€"Boys should always have some qick and sure remedy for sudden at- tacks 0t Cramps, Diarrhea, or Dysentery, for a. physician is not always near, and an hour’s delay in cases of this kind often leads to serious results. Therefore parents should have on hand a. suppy of PERRY DAVIS’ PAIN KILLER, which is as efficacious as it, is simple and harmless. Direcf ions are with each bottle, and one. dose rarely fails to bring relief to a. sufferer from any bowel complaint. New Size 250. Bottle, full 2 oz. Hymenial. A pleasant event took place on W’ednes- day Dec. 20, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Kinyon, by the marriage of their daughter Carroline to Mr. Thomas Hark- ness both of Gavan. The bride was given away by her father and assisted by her sister Annie, both attired in a handsome suit cf; tweed. The groom was assisted by hisl nephew, Mr. Alexander Braithwaite. The? ceremony was performed by the Ven. Arch- deacon Allen. after the ceremony and supper being over dancing and games were the order of the evening and a very enjoyable time was spent. Next day the bride and groom took the 4.40 train for Peterboro on a short tour. The happy couple were the recip- jients of the following handsome presents: ‘Groom, oil painting picture; Groomsmen, music rack; Mr. and Mrs. Sisson, bible stand; T. Braithwaite, oil painting picture and stand; Master W. and Miss E. Sisson Peterboro, china butter dish and plates; Mr. and Mrs. T. M cCamus Bailieboro, water set and server; Mr. and Mrs. J. McNeil, table spread; Mrs. Allan Halfdery, sauce dishes; Dr. and. Miss A. , Turner, plush album;Mr. and Mrs. W. Grillott, pair of flower vases ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Fair Bailie- boro, parlor lamp ; Mr. and Mrs. J. Dean, 7 - . .- . . . 7 7, I n.4'l__ _.... vv.v “-_-_ s â€" L . pm‘lorrlamp, half dozen knives and forks and comforter ; Mr. Chas. Fletcher, parlor lamp ; Ella. and Elinor J ones Hope, set of flat, irons and stand ; Mr. Wm. Lang, hang- inglzunp; Mr. A. and Miss C. (:illznore, pair of flower vases; Miss A. Kinyon, bis- cuit; barrel;i\lr. and Mrs. lee Fletcher, setoihreakfast dislies‘: Mr. G and Miss L. Syer Manners, pair of napliin rings: Mr. H. and Miss B. Hannah Manveis, salt ‘ and pepper cruel; and napkin rings; Mr. \V. and Miss M. Shaw Manvers, china sugar bowel and pitcher; Mr. Robb. Shaw Gavan, silver fruit spoon ; M r. and Mrs. \V. Arm- ‘srronq, set of glassware ; El r. J. Jones, ‘, toilet set ; Mr. J. Hicks and Miss Brown, half dozen towels; Mr. W. Coombe, two silver salt stands and spoons: Miss M. Lanenshire, water pitcher - Mr. T. McClung, album ; Miss M Elliott, card receiver ; Mr. and Mrs. R. Hubbard, half dozen silver spoons;Miss M. Deyell Garden Hill, half dozen sllver spoons; Mr. M, P». H. K. Brown, handsome stand mirror ; Mr. J. and Miss A. Henry, half dozen wine glasses; Miss M. Lamb, cream pitcher; Mrs. 13. Raper, pair of pillow Shams; Mr. S. and Misses M. and B. Nesbit, spoon stand, cake basket and half dozen wine glasses ; Misses L. andh. Kimon, cake basket and cuinu cup and saucer. flow to get a “Sunlight" l’iclure. Send ‘25 “ Sunlight " Soap wrappers (wrap pers bearin the words “ Why Does a Woman Loo 01d Sooner Than a Man ”) to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St“, Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising, and well woth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it: will only cost lc. postage to send in the wrappers. if you leave the and open. ‘ Write your address carefully. â€"â€"Eug1ish Spavin Liniment removes :11 hard, soft or calloused Lumps and Blemishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by the use of one bottle. . Warranted 0y A LKACH. 11-1 Where They Excel in Adventure, Story- ‘l‘ellinz, Poetry and Picture-Making. We take pleasure in directing thc' atten- tion of our readers to Toronto Saturday Night’s Christmas Number, which is just appearing on the market. Every year that enferprising paper issues a. Christmas num- ber, and every year the production is superior to all previous ones and to anything similar attempted in Canada. Constant' progress is made towards an ideal. The premium picture this year is a. large olegraph ‘20::28 inches, entitled A Moment; of Suspense, purchased from its owner in Germany at a very large sum. In reproducing this pic- WHAT CANADIANS CAN DO. at a or mucus. rut .;. pic- I leading drugvists. Always keeps a very large and ex- tensive stock of Dry Goods so well asâ€" sorted t mt pal ties c :‘nning from- a disâ€" tance can rely on getting a good as sortment of low price, medium and high class goods to select from. The advantage of buying from a very large old and reliable house is that we are constantly ofiéring many large job lines at less than cost of manufacture, which smaller houses are not able to handle, we are now showing a full ‘ bngth Ottoman C'ord mantle for calette mantles, silk lined, only $12.00, choice of only 20 to 250. per y1d., Tweed drag goods, double fold, at 200. 230. 300. and 390., ladies undervests, new makes, at 250., 500., 750., 850., $1.00 and $1.85, men’s heavy winter weight unâ€" derclothing plain or fancy, at 850. a. suit, white blankets large size C, $2.15 per pair, Comforters heavy and full size, only $1.00 each, unshrinkable flannel shirtings only 150. per yrd., a yard wide carpet, good quality, only 330. per yrd, floor oilcloth, 2 yrds wide, only 650. per yrd. -i full ra of holidav goods suchas ladicsg.§ I gentlemens Silk Handkeicliiefs, Scarfs, ‘ Ties, Glmes, I-Iosieiy, Billings, Rib- . bons etc., also Fur Muf't's and Collars : and all kind of fancy Dry Goods suit- , able for Christmas presents. 'Furnbull’ Customers with horses can drive to our Simcoe Street entrance withaut danger of them scaring at The Street Cars. re 1w entv colors are called into use by the lithonmphers. This information is techni- c111 and onlv t‘ 1ose who know something of the puu‘re-uuv'n r 11.15 will grasp its full immurt. 1‘.1cpictu1e repres ems a group of adios 1-1111 one 0 endenmn of the period of 1:01.113}. x'. of F1’u11ce,dressel 111 t‘nle superb attire of 1:11;: lime, in a splend idh furnished 1100121. ‘1‘. 1 e13" 1.111" calls 111 o piay the subtle 211':- of the colt/1151.5 “10 "e 1111187111111, with a. stick, ZS 0111311111...> 3.1t1‘z11) in \ hich is 3. mouse; 2'. cat 11101161105 near 03' I 1 spring uuon the eagstixe, 1.\ ixiic the ladies 1111 e flown for std-my to 1116 top of 141.1111 1, tables and couches. i his 111 inn. .1 f1 1111.15 1111‘1 Singular cagrtlve, Wimc mm m safety to 1113 10p 01 emu-hes. This picture effect. The leading feature The leading feature of the Christmas Number is The Random Reminiscenccs of a. Nile Voyageur by Charies Lewis Shaw, be- ing a humorous and thrilling amount of the expedition of 18314 to the relief of General Hui-.011, who was besieged bytixe Fake Prophet behind the walls of Khartoum. Four hundred Canmdian voyageurs shared the perils of that exmdition, whom Mr. Shaw was one. This is one of the best. things yet written 'iv_\' a Canadian. Illus- trated by Heming, Ethel Palin and English artists. . ,\ "n Two OM Hunters, by Octave "ihzmet, one of the best shnzt story writers of to-day. illustmzcd by Errand. 01d Dickson’s Young Lady, by Evelyn Durand, one of the very clevcrest of Gama.- dian ’ghort stoxy writers. Illustrated by Feraud and Ethel Paliu. The Exodus to Centreville by Marjory McMurclxy. Illustrated by the same capital artists. uv-‘ n IILV -.. -v.-v~~, . In poetry the number is the richest yet. Ainong those contribubirg are: ‘3. Pauline Johnston, Charles Gordon Rogers, Earnest; ,Hawthorne, K. Wheeler, U us M. Beers, ireorge Mofi'at, Reuben But-chart and G. E. D. Five full page engravings adorn the number, one of which is by » M. Hearn and * another by the talented Lo: is Wain. The price of the number remains as in previous years, 50 cents per copy. Biz: it. of your bookâ€"seller, or on receipt of that sum at tlieSaim‘day Night ofi‘lce, 9 Adel- aide street. west, Toronto, 8. copy (along with premium picture) Will be send, post.- a-ge paid to any address in the world. Buy it and also send it to youzflfriends as a. sample of Canadian art. all U19 Us]. The Ronin’s Leavxrue 1w Helen Gre or - . _ a , . 8 Y Flesher. lhls xsaquamt story of Japan, illustrated with rgprpductions from the lll\§uvnwwv paintmgs of Hokusai, Japan’s first artist. Wit-h Murder in his Heart by Edmond E. Sheppard. This is a story of cowboy life in Texas, illustruf‘ed by Ethel Palin, Of health and strength renew :3. and of ease and comfor: follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in harmony" with nature to effectually cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 75c. bottles by all eorgeand Si‘mcoe Streets, PETERBOROUGH. . c. TURNBULL, . A Pleasing Sues:- Wing a. fun. ‘ ble for , ‘ fa. p400 worth bte mantles,

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