DB. The municipal elections on New Year’slgj day passed of very quietly, and althoughl ti considerable driving, button-holing and t] smiling was done by the candidates for ofï¬ce, the rank and ï¬le did not seem to enthuse B to that pitch of excitement necessary to a fc hotly contested campaign. The issues plac- t< edbefore the voters by the various candi- . dates were not of such opposite import or serious moment, as to warrant the follow- a ers of any particular man or set of men to c, arraign themselver in plumper phalanx 1: against the other racers. It was more a I: - -¢-~. ;.:.; .. -. o- 1"" V n |'\â€"- I ., . question oi men than measures and as a .te- h sult it may be presumed (for majorities must rule) that the best men have been selected. We shake with our neighbor over the ï¬ance and present Isaac Richardson tc your view 2 as the biggest toad in the puddle and the ( ï¬rst to cross the wire. Next, and a good second, comes S. Bateson, who probably was handicapped, being an old councillor, by sins of omissions and commission, but the team didn’t pan out so badly after all, while at his neck came W. Pickup, at a tin rattling pace. He runs a good heat, but then he deals in heaters. Next, and close upâ€"like Brown’s cows all in a bunchâ€"came John Clarke the station representative, who makes up the last of our municipal council for 1894, along with Alex. Ferguson, reeve, who had a walk over. The defeated candidates were -H. Camp- bell, an old member and standby of the council, who doubtless was unhcrsed by the of his near neighbor, G. ‘ Walter proximity Green, thus causing a spli: in their legitiu mateflvotp. Dr. H. A. ann‘er came too late .M‘“ ' . - V. 30.1.! the seem: to catch up With the others, a epambercf the: ratemy‘crs hiring had » gari‘fuh mnnbefhi reassess; soine‘donbt- ...- g» x~ . s- . , â€1;“: .2. _, ' )promzsell before his name was on -‘ . less more , p the list; added tothat-hie'viiéaelility to make :a personal peonvassthjfmgi pressure of pro- fessional work, iii: "no discredit that he ' Wasn’t init ‘V. S. GIV EN (the millbrook 1keporter. Cards, THURSDAY. JANUARY 4, 1894. ‘., rds, Perfumes, Ladies Companions, Etc., Etc. THE ELECTIONS. GODS. GO TO p/A ‘TUBNEPA’S EDITOR For trustees, two of the old members were returned, Messrs. A. Ferguson and Geo. Campbell, M.P.P., together with Mr. A. Leach, who displaces John Allen and comes in at the top at the poll, leaving Isaac Need- ham and John Allen to accompany each other up the cold hill of defeat. The vote ,‘is“"giiven below, as is also the Plebiscite returns, which appears to show a. substantial majority not only in Millbrook but throuzh- out the Province in favour of doing away with strong drink. CAVAX. “'e omitted to notice last week the nom- inations in the townships and in apologising tor the oversight, we can only say that the pressure of work ineldental to the holiday season and the absence of excitement in Cavan, where the whole 'council were re- turned by acclammation, is our excuse for the oversight. Reeve S. Ferguson retires from the chief chair in Cavan, a position he has ï¬lled long and honorably to make room for Deputy Reeve Thorndyke to mount the top rung of the ladder. T. Donaldson moves up to ï¬ll the gap left in the deputies chair, while Mr. Hootan is the new man who together with Councillors McNeil and Coe make up the municipal board for Cavan for 1894. The Plebiscite vote in Cavan is small, on account of no other elections being held. MANVERS. In Manvers where Roderick Dhu and Fit-z J ames met in earnest combat, and Man to man, and steel to steel, A chieftian‘s vengeance thou shalt feel. Deputy Reeve J. J. Preston crossed swords with Reeve Wilson in perhaps one of the keenest contests Manvers has seen for many days. Although Reeve Wilson who was a new man, without previous experience in municipal affairs, and who one year ago defeated ex~Reeve Kennedy in a. double test, had taken a course to the general satisfac- tion, the electors of manvers seem to have thought their interests safer in the hands of ,A] L2-.- 1... n J. J: and accordingly returned him by a good majority. For First Deputy, John Barnicutt is the lucky man, and John Vance for Second Deputy, while Councillors Stun~ ton and Porter were elected by acclamma- tion. ' I11 I I: 0 tr 1 v»: townshm‘ For South Monaghan the old Reeve is again to the front with the deputy and council unchanged, except Mr. Wm. Mc- Ilmoyle who takes the place of J. W. Dawson. Mr. Wm, McAllister unsuccess- ' “““Wsed the reeve for the head. of the RQE‘m A. Ferguson by acclammation. ‘ * ‘ -’ Councillorsâ€"I. Richardson, 115 ; 8- Mr. Bateson, 113; \V. Pickup. 108; John‘ grippe. Clark, 107; H. Campbell, 101 ; G. Walter Mr. Green, 94 ; Dr. H. A. Turner, 52. Trusteesâ€"A. Leach, 131 ; Geo. Campbell, ï¬ne we 1'21 ; A. Ferguson, 95; John Allen, 87; I- Needham, 75. All by acclammation, Reeveâ€"J05. Thorndyke. Deputy Reeveâ€"Thos. Donaldson. Councillorsâ€"Chas. McNeil, Richard Gee, Robb. Hooten. We have only the majorities. Reeveâ€"J. J. Preston, majority 173- _ First Deputy Reeveâ€"J. .Barnicutt- major- ity 54. _ , Second Deputy Reeveâ€"J. Vance, mayont-y â€Councillorsâ€"J. H. Portei‘man‘d Thomas Stanton by acclammation. THE PTEBISCITE. Millbrookâ€"In favor of Prohibition, 131 ; Against, 10. Gavanâ€"In favor of Prohibition, 296; Against, 38. -. Majority for the whole province about 100,000. .During the past half-centuryâ€"since the (llscovery of Ayer’s Sarsaparillaâ€"tl‘xe aver- age limit of human life in cwilized countries, has been considerably lengthened. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is everywhere considered the standard blood-puriï¬er, the Superior Medi- cine. SOY‘I‘H MONAGHAN. M ILLBROO‘K. M AXV ERS. CAVAX. . and Til-(Sums General Newsâ€"Mr. B. R. Elliot, High Court Inspector for the Independent order of Foresters Established a Lodge Here. Every one appears to be enjoying them- salves during the holidays. Mr. Morley Fallis is in the village for a Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, rompt in its action and truly bene cial in its effects prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known, ~. V Qvnm of Furs IS for sale in _750 few days. Mr. D. Comsbock is very ill with la. I Syrup of Figs is for sale in 'wc bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will rocure it promptly for any one W 0 wishes to "try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP 60., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. LOU [FVII'LE- KY: NEW YORK. TI. 3 0"1': “ Mr. Jackson is taking advantage of the. ï¬ne weather to get in a large number oflogs. Mr. R. R. Elliot, High Court Inspector of the Independent Order of Foresters, instituted Court Kendall here last week. The following are the ofï¬cers for 1894 :â€" Chief Rangerâ€"D. F. Walsh. Vice Chief Rangerâ€"J. N. Powers. . Past Chief Rangerâ€"Robt. Cathcart. Recording Secretaryâ€"S. Conlin, Financial Secretaryâ€"“3n. Underwood. Physicianâ€"Dr. Beatty. Treasurerâ€"Robb. Robinson. Chaplainâ€"Jas. Wilson. Senior Woodwardâ€"E. E. Orchard. Junior \Voodwardâ€"J as. McCutcheon. Senior Beadle J. McAllister. Junior Beadleâ€"JV. Mallory. C. D. H. C. R.â€"-D. F. Walsh. Mr. Will Underwood is representative to the High Court fornCourt Kendall. LL“- 4‘! LUU .1455.- Vv-.- - _, At the close of ithe meeting attey the institution of the court, Mr. Elliot.be1ncr a gentleman of pleasing address, dellverecf an . L ...... L. A“ â€Armani-n“ ur‘lxhï¬h t10];(fhf.- UL‘U‘VIIA§~-- v- ‘7 , eloquent speech on Forestry, Which deliaht- ed Ins audxence, and all went. home \aven pleased with the order after having a ride on the goat. Before Mr. Elliot departure the ofï¬cers mode him promise to visit; 'the court during the wintef. Hood’s Sarsapm'illa. has 01 _ . med afl‘hcted thh rheumatism, and we â€Â£13,213; who suffer from this disease to givg this medicine a trial. ONE ENJOYS KENDALL. :lBuilding Paper, - Glass 6; Putty, t f L Lanterns, I I a I Cow Ties, At Reasonable Prices AT GARDINER’S. la. 1e Cure.†The new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part, of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves re- tention of water and pain passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and Eire this is your remedy. Sold by A. LBACH, Druggist. Beliefin Six Hours.-â€"Distressing Kidney and Bladder Diseases relieved in six hours by the “Great Soutl} American Kidney PAYNEâ€"In Millbrook, on Tuesday. January 2nd, 1894, Mary Payne, rclict of the late \Villiam Payne. aged 88 years. KINSMAN.â€"At Manvers. oii ' Thursday. Decem- ber 28th, 1893, John Kinsman. aged 46 years. CREBAâ€"In South Monaghan. on Tuesday, Janquy_._2nd.~189_4, Marx Qreba, relic: of the STEWARTâ€"It Gavan, on Tuesday, January 2nd, 1894, Richard Stewart, aged 84 years. THEx'roxâ€"In Cavan, near Mount Pleasant. on Monday, December 11th, 1893, Mary An}: ELyons. wife of John W'. Thexton, aged 02 Discovered at lastâ€"a remedy that is sure, safe, and painless. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor never fails, never causes pain, nor even the slightest discomfort. Buv Putnam s Corn Extractor, and beware of the many cheap, dangerous, and flesh- eating substitutes 1n the market. See that it is made by Polson 00., Kingston. Winter REQUIREMENTS ! ' iaté \Vi‘liiam Creb’a, asc'd 49 years. years. ADHINISTRATRIX’S ‘ Notice to creditors! Gibson, Yeo , Deceéééd:â€" .. "7 , q" ursuant to ma . - S- 0-. 18%. Chan. 110. and amen 1n 31 -.. the}: all creditors dud others h‘zrvmg c an : agamst the estate of \Villiam g1bsotn,la§eD the ToÂ¥nship of Gavan. in the ,oun'y 0 am, 'eonmn. w ' died on or abou deceased. “ho . the or“ «3. m» Gavan aforesald, are requesgrted to do {-88}, on or before the 13th day of Ja a . 4 to Roberp Rx‘lddy of the Village o?“1{‘1?n'b%§glg, in the 5.5“.‘1 (40“9133’ 0f Durham, Solicitor for the Admuustratrlx of the Estate of said deceased- full. partlcu1_ars of their claims. together with them thstmp “Pd Surnames‘and the nature of them securlty (1f any) held by them. nd taxe'notlce that. the said Administratrix 11’ on and after the said 13th da, of J amuary. 18 4, proceed to drstribute the ‘ ts of the send estate amon the ar - . . “e . having regard 015 p “"3 entltled thereto y to th - . which she shall then haveehzféaggacgf those Of Inge Mat_t_er of‘ï¬fé;Estate of Dated at; Millbrook. th'~ ber, 1893. 1° nth day , R. RUDDY, n- .n a. a nu.- . ~.- Solicitor for Zillah Gibson the Estate. Corns! Corns: Corns! -â€"â€"-SUCH ASâ€" The Tomb. ». Administratrix of 49x4 of Decem- SCHNEI DER’S â€7:02 :11 town ï¬r Dzkz71zondc, I {42/1/ch [ewcl/ery, 15/5. Repairing {12 all mum/2‘65. All 200% guar- k â€1/" aiztccd. w F. S. SCHNEIDER, Watchmaker and Jewelfer 391 George Street . PETERBORO UGH, For1 best value in Teas, Ceffees, Spices, Wines, Liquors, Tubal And Go to M- L HENRY 00.. Peterboro,’ : ontau WHOLESALE and RETAIL. N.B.â€"The hiahest p1 Lce paid for bu: :x‘e eggS- , THOMAS GILLQTT EGabine’tmakt‘zl‘ D f, Improved Chester'WhiteBoar,“‘K r u X0. 3314: fan-owed March 16th, 18.19%? B§3§§e bnghsh Berkshire. “Stonewall," No. “.522: flir- rowed April 10111. 1893. _- Hope._ Terms as usual, $1.00 for season. In thankm my many customers for the xery liberal_pa onge exrendcd to me the 2191: seven vears m tthsincss, I womd respecv 'fully solicit, .a c ‘ uance of the same this yeqr. A call 15 muted before a ' 41%;; tered pedigrees on application. The above. boars took ï¬rst: and cocond places at Mfllbrook this year and are no relauves to any other animals here. . . I am also breeder of Brown and \-'\ hue Leg- ‘ home. Some ï¬ne young eockerls for sale reason able. 1’1? A ‘m’f‘IS SMITH, Kee iron hand Marge stock of COFFINs, CA KETS and all kmds of Undertakers‘ Goods. Bedroom. Parlor and all Other kinds of Furniture. hand-made, at lowest priceg. Kee mananu 11.19150 my“- -_ _ _ _ 7 CA KETS and all kmds of Undertakers' Good‘. _Bedroom. Parlor and all Other kinds of Furmture. hand-made, at lowest priceg. a? Do not fail to call and see him, l-ly, 4â€"_.__-‘ CITY BARBER SHOP T. uRYANs PAnLonâ€"King-ss.. g; Ken‘s bank. Shaving, Hair-cutting. Shampooingnad every thing else in the tonsorml lme carefully attgnot 6d t6. CARS FOR SERVICE. General Groceries, REMEMBER 341 George Street, Tohsogial Artist. Undertaker, FRANCIS SMITH. Campbeilcroit 0n: {infq‘lâ€"‘ï¬b. abEvgj Lcesas Mï¬lbmox 'cs 10 any other and White Leg- rls for sale reason Ontario. .posite and “Only the ~ Remai Says HEN‘RY H039: 9‘9.“ me no good. â€1d it “'3‘ bones would be aflect good old Mother Ur; perfume to try Ayer’s Sarsapa: bottles, the sores heal been troubled since. “main- and the ! This year but odors hi cd makes : I now wexgh two bun pounds, and am in th I have been on the x twelve years, have no saparilla. advertised i United States, and a me in telling what gr. ROGER 8L GRLLE' BOP-’5 R 30 0 DORS : D1 WHITE LILAC. CRAB APPLE “'HITE HELIO‘I R0 PE. Wm: IRIS-A paw D' wrln‘E ROSE. Prepared by Dr. J. C. A)- Cures other 5, ROSE GERASKH,‘M. 8c. In 13qu or 511 1‘8 §u1$ablc f0!" 3 - Ayer’s S_a* â€"-1894. â€"-Mrs. Ira. Sadra: friends in Tomato. â€"Mr. Jahn M1113; been in town for a I7 -â€"The Rex. A 1r c! -â€"The Rev. .azc: posed with 12. grim" â€"Mr. J 06%le 3i: Jersey, returned in -â€"Mr. Gccrgs . visiting relatives f 2' â€"â€"Miss Addie J New Years with M â€"Mr. J. Smyfl; on New Years day â€"Mr. John Pen; calling on old fz‘ien â€"Miss Millie P. spending the 1101i roof. _â€"\[r. and ‘uwt of l’eterboro SP“ Louisa Johnston __Mr. 1‘. Dic in town a few Beat ty. â€"\\. Arc‘ ac: : with his brother. gull. .PKennedy \Y over eat-Mayor major-31y of 450‘ ~The hr_ 0+3: 3111 fumes at A. 2:31 \ _Barristct mt: Spar": ’l‘* Mr. Jas. Coe. ARDS 27K†1500] FOR C111 “Prayer 1500; Writing Desks ‘ just the thing ,1 meu‘s. Tasman. v TOW-3 remind TIE. E D1