'Wers; It â€is 5 huge or Valve, it. vetting out [£1 dusa. $25- ETY Bzgfl'a/o ! Grey Mam. him a call and £09} bust, ENT â€P in it. 3 ay be given. either - Indium 0:359†m Tho-~43 T B. COLLINS a: 00.. BANKERS. MIL o BROOK. Farmem' and the: good note: discounted. Drafts issued 0 of Can Ida and the United States at. rates. The collection ofeaie and other notes a. Spec“!!! Immmnde on real estate. No commission ‘fl'nd. Dace, north side of King Streak. WMMWM JOHN GILbQTT, \V. BLAND. VETERINARY SURGEON ~ 0 (Successor to T. H.Hassrd.) Ragistered and Hon. Graduate of aria Veterinary Col~ e. Toronto. LateV a ‘ tchn North 3:3; Mounted Po 0. W. Amended Chancal Lectures. R “ etctinary e001! 0. Lorxdomlang. Dentistrya specialty. All 0- mcsticatcd animals treated according to latgst scientiï¬c methods. Ofï¬ce on King-st; opposxtc Dominion hotel. Millbrook. .91y. P.. wu'ronn. ACCOUNTANT AND assxgnce. Books 0 ened and clogcd. Ac- counts coliectcd. Assi xents takea‘mcharge apaall details comp cd. S ' l atiention .gn'en to book-kccpcr‘ wor ere scnvicqs of a. permanent book-L are ’not reqmrcd. *anmmnicatxons from'neighboring tmyns re- new-c prompt attention and services m .such laces gel-formed moderatetly and satisfac- ry. ï¬icc: 379 water -street. Address. Post «ofï¬ce- box 125. Peter-00:0. Out. 7 ~63) ,_ , -,. â€"__- â€".-v- w. 0. ottcntion given to the pre anon E3of the natural teeth. Nitrous as tthor less extraction of teeth. work am d. Wiil be at Bedmny the ad 3th onda l of aacn month. Pontyncol star. d 3rd M on an. LL DOMESTICATED A " LS TREAT- cd according to t. .cientiï¬cmetxhods. Deatiszry a. specialty. 3113 by ‘tclegraph prompt-Iv responded to. 52 BETHANY. W'.‘FISHER, VETERINARY SURGEON. o Oflioe and residence. Meboro, Ont. Win ho at Queen's Hotel. Limb . every Satan-any. ___-_,_____,,_. -vmaln I 1., fl Barri; ters, Solicitqzs. No "es. eta. Ca bourgand Brighton. .. 1’ {iddelL B. A.. A. J. Armstron B \V. H. Nesbitt Baal.)- Fimt-class 1011:1315. Money mans. sud invested. Mex-can e collections made and general law business. A. W‘nRD. BARRISTER.‘ OPH'EY- at Law, Solicitor, etc. Of in Ontario lock. Walton Street. Port 3. Mom-y to land on the securisy or real estate. Town and mm property for sale. MIT}! a: P ESTON (SI C' " RS 0 . J. A. V. restoq) Barr tc Solicimrs, hot-aria, c. Oflcca, “‘ 00d 8: Ix ' block. Mill» brook; Ont... md Bethany on the 2d and m: Mondays in every month. Money to loan at. lowest. rates. 36 . C. DICKINSON. M. D.. C. M.. (SUCCES a 90:10 Dr. Aidd‘rie; To mo Victoria Unz'rczsizies. Licentiate h l olicge sur- geons. '5 inburgn. Member C . ge Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Ozï¬ce an .1. T. Elliott’s dm- store. After oï¬ice hours a: Mr. Wm. Bic son's residence, King st... Mfllbrook. RCHIBALD woos. 155mm RIAGE ucsssss. Miiiorool w. ARCHER, N. G. GEO. DUNEAN. Sec. (HEAL CAVAN GEâ€"CANA DIAN OR- DER 0F ODD ELLOWS. meets the ï¬rgt- and third Tuesday veninzs of 0 month 111 the Home Circle r ms. Ki L., Millbrookf hour of meeting. 8 o ’ 1e beneï¬ts of tins Society are worthy the consideration of etety person. Information furnished on applicaaxon. .W . RCHEI’. Meets the second Ion’lay in CV Home (3‘ 2mm Room o'clcc‘ sh: rp - 'y'month in /‘ I‘J JV) ) )1 315.7165 w. CLARKE. 1.0.9.. DWflPEQIAL -n..-u-_ .4 _-_ ._ IQDELL. Agmsrnoxg a; NESBH‘T Vol. XXXVII. f B‘lilibrook, ALFRED LEACH, KIGKAPOU GBUGH CUBE; KIGKAPOO INDIAN WOBM- KILLER, 22 '3 3* - Ontario. J WW’ <3 \9 mmbmok, 4 , t 313%. INDIAN SAGWA, :IMEOOK CAï¬ADLu HOMECIRCLE MARRIAGE LICEN§E INDIAN SALVE, L“ . H. C. LESLIE, Veterinary Surgeon. i‘A-v. J. R. YOUNG, Fin,-Se~ '2 A'IC A" Amt? INDIA ' †01L, ' PROFESSIONAL SOCIETY! ES. KIOKAPOO FOR SALE DRI‘G (:L'“ ‘, RSON. Secretary. F) G. \V. H. AND 01 um rid ONTARIO. van-"gazmd' ngml'N REEVE FER- -5 guson s and Doéni 'onmtolc mm; a purse m oontairginga sum 0 e , a bin and â€me ngg‘gnï¬gï¬ â€˜ hA liberal JfémÃ©ï¬ .u g» sign W .- . . u e um e “a me 01:30 53W! . p MR? 3 MULLIGAN. Robes S. Bateson’s u a “ W- ' “dvrtgker and Practlc'al 138W YouNeed it! Embalmer. Best of Testimonials can be given. __, 012 re 1 Blankets Cure’l‘hatCoug‘h, HealYourLung‘s Wflesh onYourBone Prevent Consumption. 812 ,‘ t. To Jail Shingles All Grades, Doers, Sas Lumber of all kind 3 kept in St! Dressed Lumber a Specialty. Li went, fresh good. I are Radiant e coal stove, G will sail “ eap. Delivery m: country, where desire eaz‘k‘SS Barre! Ralf. Fr“. ï¬n'n Ti. 1, r - I have a (300:! s LOST. AND and Port- gent, fresh good. I have a good adiant e coal stove, I dont need it, eil “ eap. Delivery made in iown or country, where desired. Jess Barrel Salt for sale. It; beats the world. Goo-rs Supply cf Coal and! l wi3l Sell Cheap for Cash MILLBROOK. 0N1: ' Grades, Doers: all kind§ kept -EA‘u _ . TH EXTON . lily Itch on human and horses and all animals cured in 30 minutes by Woodford’a Smtary Lotion. This new: fails. Sold by A- LI'Acn. Druzziat. . Mr. R: Gilmour is training his horse for the winter races. 7 h' h Mr. Ligott lost; a. horse recently, for w 1c helefused $150. . The alum}: of ï¬fe was sounded a. few days ago. and the ï¬re was located in the house of Mr, «1- Dean. The cause is unknown. 'Miss Robinson of South Monaghgn, has taken charge of the school berg. We WIS heg_eve_ry spccess. \ _ Mf' T- ljlaskiï¬ of South Falls, accom- gamed by his sister, 13 visiting in this local- CARMEL. On January 6th, an interesting event took place at the residence of Mr. R. J. Strong, when Mr. Geo. Stephenson, of London, Eng., and Miss Alice Downs, of Southampton, Eng, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony. Mr. Elymor anes acted as groomsman, and Miss L. A. Brock ï¬lled the position of bridesmaid. The guests were treated to a. delicious spread, and the presents the bride received were both costly and numerous. ' Mr. Stewart, who hasi'been; ifln for some time, is recovering. BAILIEBOR 0. The tea. in connection with the Baptist church here on New Years evening was a grand success. Although not one of the speakers put in an appearance, an excellent programme was rendered, readings, recita- tions and singing by the choir, and Mr. Pilkey has astaï¬â€˜ of young people in the church that take hold with a. spirit that says suc- cess every time. And I am sure the people of other denominations turned out, excellent, which must be very encouraging. What a blessing to see such a union among God’s people. Junior III.â€"Laura. Coe, Cassie Bullen, Eva. Elliot-b, Bertie Rea. and Annie Twmn- ley. T. W. Mchx, Teacher. Junior IV. â€"-Hanlan Sisson, Wilma Coe, Jennie Vance and Violet Watt. The followinz pupils, in No. 5 Gavan, were successful on the recent promotion examinations :â€" Items of interest forwarded by Tm: REPORT- ER’s own Correspondents. CA VAN I'ILLE. Received to late for last week's issue. 3.. . I‘ ‘.?.\§§§I;.§.5§A ")6: xx 1 ((136! (Sggvcigig CORRESPONDENCE. In wishing the people of Millbrook and surrounding country the complements of the season, I would inform them that I have this day pur- chased from my father, his entire stock of Groceries, 830., including his good-will of the ,,L-‘ .A.‘ luvsunWa “W , business. It 135 my intention to carry on the business for the pre_sent in the old stand. __-...\..:nnnn n; o‘rr‘d' Miubrook. J am tï¬â€˜ '-. THURSDAY. JANUARY 11, 1894. Moulglngs! lstr. R. s. V. (1â€" Bro. J. D, H‘oweu L. S. V. G.~â€"Bro. W. H. McCartney I. G.â€"Bro. \Vm. Brown 02 G.â€"Bro. Thos. Eakins R. S.- S.â€"â€"Bro. Alex. Davie L. S. S.-â€"Bro. Wm. Cooney Chapâ€"Bro. Rev. '1'. S. McKee Physicianâ€"Bro; J. A. Phillips, M. D. After ceremony of Installation compliment- ary Speeches weLe made byvvisiting brethren congratulating No. 296 on its prospenty since organization, ham at present forty- two members in g ' standing, being almost an recedented for a place of this size for one a short time. The members of the DiIM‘iCt Committee having to depart. on the 1ng. m. train and business having. been ï¬nishe , the brethren repaired to the Coul- D. G. M.. with the members of the District Comnnttee from Peterboroï¬'ï¬â€˜d Norwood installed the following ofï¬cers for the ensuing term :â€" J. P. G.â€"Bro. W. S. Dadd N. G.â€"Bro. J. A. Philips, M. 1). V. G.-Bro. W. G. Morrow Rec.-Sec.â€"B’ro. Robb. Gillies Per.-Sec.â€"Bro. John Carscadden Tramâ€"Bro. Thos. H. Williamson Wanâ€"Bro. H. S. Potts Comâ€"Bro. W. C. Irvin R. S.N:.G,.â€".~B;‘o- Thos. Hill . PONTYI’OOL. Pontypool Lodge 1. O. O. F., No. 2296, held their regular meeting F riday Jan’y 51:11, when Bro. \V. B. Burnett o‘f' Havelock, D. We noticed the familiar face of Mr. Wm. McCartney of Bethany, in our village last, week. Mr. Chas. Lowery of Knox College. a former resident of this locality who was spending Sunday at the home of his uncle, Mr Isaac Larmer, preached a. good practical sermon in our Presbyterian church last Sabbath morning'm. Miss Jennie Hillier spent Sunday with cousins the Misses Larmer. Miss \Valker of Welcome, is visiting with her sister, Mis. (180. Fair. M 1‘. Miles Hutchinson, who had been learn- ing his trade with Mr. Wm. Archer, a ï¬rst class shoemaker in Millbrook, is opening up a» shoe shop here, a. long felt want in our thawing village. Quite a nuï¬ibcr of people in this part are suï¬'ermg from la grippe, among whom are our esteemed Presbyterian pastor, Rev. J as. Cattanach, Mrs. J. J. Herrcn, Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, but we hope that they will soon be restored to their usual health. CENTRE VILLE. Last Sunday night we had the pleasure of visiting a. meeting of the Y.P,S.C.E. here. which was led by Mr. R. Deyell, who made some good remarks on the endeavour topic, “ The beginning.†The members took part creditably, and some of the friends, among whom was Mr. Uhas. Lowery, who made some appg-opriatefemarks. Robert Bloxom otters for sale his whole outï¬t of farm implements «9m. ., next; \\ ed- ne§(_3ay. Mrfand Mrs. W 1’Iftmrn of Pontypool, spent Sunday at“; .» “Smith’s. Prohibition received, in our ward for its adoption on Monday 66 votes while but 3 were cast in the negative. Yea! Verily we are a. temperate people as far as “ slops †go! Acut on the hand from an axe, a. few days ago, Caused a young gentleman by the name of Smith to seek admisson in the hogpipal in_ ?eterborp. Mrs.' W'. J. McLean of Toronto spent New Years’ with Mr. Jas. McLean. . Mr. John Sadler is stock- taking in his rece_ntly purchased f_oundry.__ Mr. T. W. McLean holidayed in Toronto aniobhgo wesitegx} places. Miss Evans of Omemee is visiting friends this week. Mr. D. R. Gardiner was to the Queen’s 01;):le Saturday. The Good Templars’ concert; matured on New Year's night. Prof. Stu‘art, Miss Lottie Burdette 8; 00., gave a programme of two hours’ duration, A good crowd greeted the Templars in their enterprise and showed their appreciation of the pleasantries offered by the performers. Tredsnâ€"Bro. f War. â€"Bro. E Con. â€"-Bro. W 110 U VT PLEASANT. Received too late for last week's issue Mr. Herb. Shield has recovered from a severe shaking up by La. Grippe. The Toronto Home for Incureablc. PARKDALE, Ont. , Feb. 27th, 1888. â€"Geï¬tlc- men. it gives me pleasure to let you know I have derived great beneï¬t from the use of N erviline. I have been a great‘r‘sï¬iï¬'erer from Neuralgia in the face, and last two years was quite a martyr to the malady. So soon as 1 observed the Nerviline adver- tised I obtained a. bottle from our druggists, Messrs. John Gray Co.. Parkdale, and the effect was marvellous; pain ceased and I can enjoy sound sleep at night, and rise refreshed. I cannot speak too highly of it and heartily recommed it. ALEXANDER STERN. ‘ been gone-through, the following ofï¬cers were elected: Bros. “’11). Dixon, W. M.- John Beatty, D.M,; Fletcher .Hannah, Chap; Jas. A. Dixon, Rec. See; Wm. Breen, Fin. Sec.; James Johnston, Treas.; Wm. Hannah, Lect.; John Wilscn, D. of C. Alex. Seens, William White, J. W. Flsher, V.S., Wm. Halleran and A. Maycock, Com- mittee. The accounts were duly audited and found correct with a balance on the right side. Lodge closed in due form. ’ On Tuesday, Dec. 5th, 1893, the members of L. 0. L., No. 149, met in the lodge room, Bewdley. After their routine business had Bro. ‘Vm. Spofl’ord B E WDLE Y. Rheunmism Cured in' a Day-South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in l to 3 d». 8. Its action upon the 83 stem is remarks. le and mysterious. It, removes at once the cause, afld tnhe d_isea‘se inunaï¬ntlx ding: pears; The ï¬rst dooé greatly beneï¬ts. '75 cents. Sold by A. Luca, Dmggilt. “Wedding hells. A ceremorry which, judg- ing by the number of spectators, was of more than domestic interest, took place in Christ’s church here on Wednesday, Jan. 3rd., being the marriage of Miss May Mc- Cormick, daughter of Mr. McCormack of this place, and sister-in-law of Dr. Bradd, to Mr. Hardynge of Chicago. The brides- maids were Miss Jennie McCormack, sister of the bride, and Miss Bradd, niece. The bride looked charming in cream cashmere and bridal veil. After the ceremonv, which was performed by Rev. , Mr. Mch, pastor of the church, the party returned to the residence of Dr. Bradd, and left for the west on the-evening train carrying with them the best wishes of all. i Quite an emmigmtion has taken place from Millbrook to our little \‘illage. We are glad to see them all, for it shows that, our fame has gone abroail. Opposition, people say, is the life of trade, and in case this old saying prove true, we will now have one of the liveliest little villages in Ontario. Come along ; there is still room for more. Monday afternoon while Mrs. I. Wilson and a friend were out driving, her horse, either thinking that, the pace was either too slow or the cutter too heavy, bounded for. ward, soon leaving the (miter behind. The horse arrived in town with the shafts and sexlexal ugly cuts on the feet. 7 On Monday evening the Presbyterian 'here held their annual New Years: concert. Prof Seward of Peterboro, played the accom. paniment. The singing was furnished by both home and foreign talent. Miss Cook of Cavanville gave several excellent recita- tions, which were highly appreciated by the audience. At the close of the concert re- freshments were serve-J in the basement. OJIEJIEE. Mr. Arthur McQuade, equ. P., is at? present conï¬ned to the house by a. complica- tion of diseases, and we are sorrv to learn that his improvement is a. slow one. Mr. Wm. Sutherland who has been. for some time suffering from a. severe attack of la grippe, was visited on Tuesday by. Dr. Breretcn of Bethany, and we hope (30: soon see him around again. ter House to regale themselves in the sum- ptuous repast which had been made ready berr. and Mrs. W". J. Coulber of which all parties partook to replebion after which the visiting brethren were escorted to the C. P. R. depot, Customers with horses can drive to our Simcoe Street entrance without danger of them scaring at the Street Cars. . Always keeps a. very large and ex- tensive stock of Dry Goods so well as- ; sorted that parties coming froma‘ disâ€" , tance can rely on getting a. good aS' ' sortment of low price, medium and high class goods to select from. The ’ advantage of buying from a very large old and reliable house is that we are constantly offering many large job lines at less than cost of manufacture, which smaller houses are not able to , handle, we are now showing a full length Ottoman Cord mantle for$3.65, worth $10.00; plain and fancy black Dolmans from $3.00 to $4.00 worth $10.00 and $1100, Sealette mantlw, silk lined, only $12.00,. choice of several beautiful lines plain or fancy cloths at $4.90 each, Scotch lap Rugs heavy weight, from $2.75 to $10.00, heavy Navy Blue Sergesfor b' , suit, white blankets large 3 4 per pair, Comforters heavy and full size, only $1.00 each, unshrinkable flannel shirtings only 150. per yrd., a yard wide carpet, good‘ quality, only 330. per yrd, floor oilcloth, 2 yrds , wide, only 650. per yrd.. A full range of holiday goods such as ladies and gentlemens Silk Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Ties, Gloves, Hosiery, Frillings, Rib- bons etc., also Fur Mst and Collars and all kind offancy Dry. Goods suit- able for Christmas presents. Turnbull’ J.C.TURNBULh eorgeand Simcoe Streets, PETERBOROUGH.