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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 11 Jan 1894, p. 8

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Tins cominual successioxx' of boils, pimples, and crupions from which many .sufi'er, indi- oues an impure staté of ‘the‘ blood. The most effective remedy is Ayefs Sax‘saparilla. It. expeis the poisou'barmieisaly through the“ channels. and leaves the skin clean and clear. 1 V ,,h---..vu, uuu Luau no paper. You wxli likelv 3‘9. them at a. 'irc33 aznla “hard times" concert. They have such a profound reverence for their forefathers that they don't. mind paying a. rent- cag‘}: year to their mmnory and wish combines} y for bygone days to return. They don't enjoy reforms lzy Lombasp nor by the Balm-433k test either. I Junc.. . .265,850+11.13:23;;-55' ‘.. July. . ..247,921+11.1~2:23,295.. Aug ....]97,SI2+13.06::17,887 . Sept.....151,192+10.01: 5.193.. Oct ..... 140,252+ 9.60:14,605. . Bullerfal. Price. I’ai May. . . 5,563.59 («2 23.4m- ....... J1me. . ..8,509.30 6.31 21.72c ....... July. . . 3,048.98 (:1) 22.380 ........ Aug. . . . 6,743.23 (go 22.69c ........ Sept. . . .5,337.67 @ 26. 070, ....... Gct . 5,544.08 (;p 25.1%.. Tom-L receipts, milk lbs .......... m ‘ M “45096 eagzmr """ “400 519‘: '“sett‘clxto‘OHasr‘wI‘ ""3389 I‘SL‘I " LSS‘LI==90'!I+E§.'SfL»[°"'311V aso‘z " 'saa‘ze=az '1 I + IZ-G‘Lfé ' ‘ ' 'Axnr :H‘z. "'591‘sa=91'n+099‘993" "onnr m‘rsmtso's =¢8§°II+SOL‘ILI""5‘EI\I .3939}! Ll “mayo 'er 17/311" “117 ~: guano; ‘89 912.“ 30m .20; Aim-3.0%; 1p 133313111111“ 31;; 30 sseugan mu; Tize annual meeting of the Warsaw cheese factory was heid in the factory on Saturday, Nov. E31. There was a good attendance of patrons, and much interest- was taken in the meeting. Mr. Warren Tavlo _ r presided, \ and Mr. S. R. Payne, secretary. presented‘ his report as Inflows. I t is worthy of a. per usal :â€" The Bari-cuful Results of ET. rock Tcswx'. â€"Engiish Spavin Li hard, soft or calionsed I from horses, Blood Span Ring Bone, Sweeney, Swollen Throat, Coughs the :se of one buttze. Lucia. Lives of rich men all reminz‘: “in. - “Lo 2 13m be up and doing." In rizi 1 snficc your ads" inset-L, ' S‘31:i ac Am 1:1,, stillp pursuing, “ 1"-L"i m as then willbe aler-y. Exch angc. ,-V_‘ ..-un- v.11. L'gill " We can magkc ourpyv: And by i: new: ade-rtwn To me highest smnmlt ‘ “In the workl's broad field of In the conflict of real life.” ‘ dvcrtising is the magnet Of achievements in the strifi "Tell me not in monrnful numbers " Advertising doesn‘t. pay. ‘ For the man's non comgms mentis Who would such aesum’ ”tings say. A 'v‘ " Life is real! Life i-s earnest {" And _the map who hopes to use To ermnencc m any calling 4 Mus-v expect to advertise. Iii/Vow 0N M6517“ A “15.11131" (W :zzs‘stygsx suuucfl? “SUILIGIIT” NCE gamma PURIFYING __V- -u-Inul‘ak} “I calionse'i Lumps mm BE emishes T)! ' Spavin Liniment removes a! ,All PU RITY 1r. 1 ms. 4 :5'. 33, etc. Samej $5 0 by Imttze. Wan‘amed W A 11-1 _ ‘ -.--. y‘av: hpa 'in, Curbs, Splints RI: Sufi-'31, Wamaw. _0 yam sublime," 5.034. ”$1,418.79 3,762... 2,145.42 2,293... 2,080.20 7,887 .. 1,784.08 3.106... 1,612.04 1,605... 1,579.12 Paid patrons. ....... $1,231. 45 ....... 1,848.05 ....... l, 801. 33 ....... 1,530.05 :2 pg}, sing “10 Ba];- 2' I Refeilfls. 16858 . . -) , 1 ‘ U‘gf‘giggg: 23:11 8 Youth’s and boys Overcoats. Overcoats $18, $16 > Ask to see our overcoat-s, MBR’S size, $330- El 0' . Overcgats for Boys $2, $3 and $3.50, worth double. Over £32 “paws Men’s, Ladies, Boys and Children’s Boots and Shoes When you come to Peterboro be sure you visit Hats, Caps, Drawers, Shirts, Boots 8: Shoes, We an The Great: 801131120 to the WAITING THflHRAI re found a manufacturer in a hole, \ dangled before his eyes the bait of cash. Hc bit, and we secured the finest and best bargain 1110151 3f goods ever got 0 o . Fina CLOTHING. = gee REL MBERâ€"we thing in our ' .vouham in town givp us a. call, we will be present low prices will surprise V If’you have been thinkmgpf placing a Furnace in m’ your house this fall you Will consult your own in- t e ,tsrby giving ue a call before placing your order. In toves we can gave you anything from the small- est- Box Stove .to the finest Range manufactured;- Don’t forget us in the meape line and Eavetpnnmhâ€" In“ SEE- OUB WATTBASS, ELGIN AND BflDKFflRD WATGHES Don’t Miss this Sale. Millbmok 3mg amfi Tinware Emparium. will be made in almost every line. This is the greatest. the public for the purchase of first-class goods at : As he is bound to get out of business by the fiyst' day of February next. It is I t~ion to effect a. speedy clearanceâ€"and has decxded to make a, tremendous sacrifi whole stock. It would be to the advantage of every intending purchaser to ca] how much they can save at this ' IMMENSE STOCK WILL BE SOLD BEGABDLESS 0F COST GBOGERIW Glassware, Silverware, And FANCY GOODS FORCHRISTMAS. MUST BE SOLD Within the Next Wonderful! Cheap Mon, Llndsdy A REDUCTION OFZO to 40 PER CENT '4 m m sum»: a was BACK ‘ L ' “4%?“0. aL’: MEmou GOUGH BROS. GOUGH’S ‘pound to clothe the Yeoman OFthe Coun- q‘t we have to do it for almost nothingd __ BIG SLAUGHTER $ALE. The Large and most Complete Stock between Montreal and Toronto 'inter'a‘tfiéE‘Sh hardiime‘sâ€"Mogooo worth of .1. 9mm ._ - “6... -..vv LVALALUJ-UU ve will beplez'zsed to Show you our stock and w surprise you. In spectaqles‘wc‘are in a pos1tion r“ I ve are bonndr'f’fi clear out our present stock and Area-'chance to get a bargain now. A!!! ll SIDE 81' fluflgléi'éfiss MM§F F©|s@ Iwueu‘b 8L” MEMHOL ”ASTER useo And if you want anything in the Watch, Clock 01 you will striké it rich by calling on us now. Our and we musL make room for our Christmas goods, ‘ sist of the handsomest, nobbiest and meet uniql Christmas presents ever brought into Millbrock. "A" I". _1-, , , .STEELE, THE WHOLE OF . S. PHCKUP. King-st., Millbpook, aofi‘er that has ever been made to such marvelously low prices. \Vatch, Clock or Jewellery line m us now. Our stock is large hristmas goods, which will con- and mest unique designs for nto Millbrock. When you are took and we are certain our in a position to suit. you. R. DEVELL. THOUSANDS 3. Elegant Cape 0ve_r $15, 000 :ary next. It; is fhis inten- tremendous sacrifice on the vg purghaser to call and see if you need any- ans] $15, 775a Celeémted Malassaua Roée and Saskatc/zewan [Rafa/a Rode will 6e our leaders a m this year. Black and Grey Goat Roées as good a 5 “72.7.3: t/ze market. C all and see téem. AND WE ARE RESOLVED T0 SELL AT THE LOWEST PflsSlBLE may] F611 CASH l{obes W MEN’S FUR COATS, $17. to $25. MEN’S CAPS, LARGE VARIETY FROM 750. to $7.00. ROBES, $6.00 to $16.00. .WANTED.---2oo CORDS OF WOOD I IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. At the BAIUERGMARKET McGOLL BROS. 85 CG McCOLl’S ablé; Hope. T s as uSual, $1.00 for season. In thanking y many customers for the very liberal rouge extended to me the t seven years ' the swine business, I w respect- fully 11 e same this yea_.r. Acal s y . ng elsewhere. Regis- tered pedigre _ application. The above bears and second places at Millbrook this nd are no relatives to any other animals here. I am also breeder of Brown and White Leg- h‘orns. Some fine young cockcrls for sale reason the Cream of Cod-liver Oil and hypophosphitw. It is palatable and easy, on the stomach. Physicians, the World over, endorse it. t. Don’t be deceived by Substitutes! Scott 67 Bowne, BelhvilleiAll szzista. 500. £81- Improved Chester White Boar. “ King Bruce, No. 314; farrowed March 16th. 1893._ Large English Berkshire. “Stonewall,” N . 2022; far- rowcd April 10th. 1893. leadsftyCc’i‘nSumption. Stop theffiough, heal the Lungs aPé strengthen the System Emfisieon CARS FOR SERVICE. Ask your dealer for “Lardine” a For Sale by all the Leading Dealers MCCOLL’S OILS. The c mpiOn Gold Medal 01; which cann‘bt be Excellcd. on’t Chill up in Cold Weather. 5. B. JENKINS. FRANCIS SMITH, Campbellcrof t Ont MANUFACTURED BY M. PARKER. USE ,7 ,,,_ __V - \' - JLJ'J run; 0 Martin Parker. Builicboro. thw calves. tne owner ls yoguestcd to pcrty pay expenses ana uxkgrthcm :1 STRAYED INTO fun; Ma Mi n D2 FL'n-r- 1).. and beware of imitations. '5 Throughout the Country. consistilWfiY G00d8, Chilling, Boots Shoes, Hats and Caps, Fresh Groceries, Cheap for cash. All kin'ls of produce w ed and the highest price in cash paid Eggs at the shop or on the road. - as to inform the publi Desu‘ if” of the Pumaâ€"King-“ M‘ o - ‘9 11 s: Kell 5 bank. lbmk. Opposite we Shaving. Hair-cutti ‘ thin else in tho "3:5th - 8:1 t: tonsomu huepc‘file'fifigd every afiend; 0d CITY W BER SHOP g: H. BRYANS nmaammmam W. LANG, TqigfpriaLAflist ., Twanto HAS NO ....... .. :4 J :JI‘ boro.thxce12.1.stsprmg nun: 4 A»? M. P11? :li‘ii'xé. Bailicboro‘ MW, Boots and PRIZE! [SE5 ,50 that he has one o provc’ prdi away, V_w..‘ xrogerzes (SIC ‘rouuce want. cash paid for EQUAL 0F JOHN W. BLAND. ¢ 0 (Successor to‘ and Hon. Graduaq e. Toronto. est Mounted Clinical Lecture: Radon. Eng. . D mesticaocd annual -scien:ific methods! liominion hotel. M \J auignee. 8 counts collected. agmaal details c giVen (o boo"- 4:; a permanent. municat 09in.- prom Oflioezs oficc box 125.1’cn prompu \-’ res; Ouch month.’ 7?} BETHAN Y. nturd teéth'. ‘ lea extraction Wm be at Bet! .,,. KIC “d invested. general law b 11 v.1: Luw.So Block. VValoou . tend on the sccu Bun property {4 D IPDELL J fidfii’ay'a‘ii’ 3'; lowest rates. A. v d. V. Sangria. c.C Y C. McKI\ 0 car to Dr. Unxvcrflxegs I geon m ur and gurgeons, (5 flag store. A RCHIBALD RLAGE Ly .rson'. lnfom 14' DZ.“ 01' and 22 rd T015 the Home (‘irc hour of 122 cctin W: «$4 S? Am r... :. ; 8‘0. 0 .JaULMLV Q:~uom .L ”a: £03m .51 N0. 6. para/Ease 711430153 d!‘ 19: any LL DOMES‘ . pdaooordi no! (on/Ci r. A warm 77w 517/6 W, FISH]! Barnstcrs, jg and Brig _QOLLIN S Vol. ,WARD, MAR if H ER. )1 We:

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