_ -n _-w--\-..ï¬vl vuv Lu. II “a v 4115 b’é'en massed s‘m years ago. But it. only proxidm for intention and supervision of -v- w _--'..5 argument would be placed at the disposal of the very considerable number of people who already advocate the scheduling of the disease. The difï¬culty then to be faced would be a. ï¬nancial one, for compulsory slaughter would involve a very large out- lay in the form of compensation. France is the only country which hits included tubercum in cattle among the contagious $563383 nnjder regulationg theï¬law having‘ son§ for this Eéaté afï¬xing; vBut, if in the forthcoming report of the Departmental committee, the tubercuï¬n test should be recommended as safe and reliable, a strong immAn‘ .--..l.1 L- W- similar to the foregoing has been furnished both in the United States and in Canada. At the December council meeting of the Highland and Agricultural society of Scotv land Professor Williams, the consulting veterinarian, had no hesitation in stating from his own experience that tuberculin was a certain test when an animal had tuberculosis, and he did not recommend the society to institute fresh experiments upon what was an established fact. He had carried out the test satisfactorily both with cows and with pigs, and incidentally he stated that tuberculosis was rare among pigs in Scotland, but common in England. Tuberculosis is not at present scheduled as a disease under the provisions of the ' Contagious Diseases (Animals) acts, the want of a means of effecting a correct diagnosis being, no doubt, one of the tea.- ,_- -__.'â€" “we a. utu IV case has been unquestionably established in which animals affected with tuberculosis did not react. On the other hand, if a reaction takes place, it may be said with absolute certainty that the animal has tuberculosis. †, __--._..- ... "nu vmc ovulu UUU have been posltively diagnosed. A post mortem examination, however, conï¬rmed the existence of tuberculosis. The bulletin adds : “When animals do not react after the injection of tuberculin, it can be said . with almost absolute certainty that they} are free from tuberculosis,since not a. single {' omen hnn Lam. .._.____-L:, -wâ€"v-v-v~ was: LL85 in size from that of a. pea to that of a wal- nut. On another farm a. herd numbering 38 head of cattle was similarly tested, and again one animal, a. cow, gave the condem- natory sign, her temperature rising from 102.8 deg. at 7 p.m., the time of injection, to 106.2 deg. at 7 a.m. But for the use of tuberculin the disease in this case could not L- -_- 'L , , ' ‘ ‘ L V ""1." --<' b vvvvv Ul- source of infection is the flesh and milk of tuberculous cattle, the importance of an early diagnosis impresses itself upon us. It is stated by various authorities that the majority of the deaths of infants in the cities is caused by tuberculosis, as a result of being fed on tuberculous milk.†The tuberculin test was applied to the entire herd of cattle, numbering 54 head, on the Station farm. Only one animal, a cow,j gave the characteristic reaction, her tem- perature having risen from 102 deg. at 6 - gave the name of bacillus tuberculosis. Three years ago the same investigator an- - tubercle bacillus, not only in experimental cultivations made in the laboratory, but also in the bodies of animals. It consisted 1 of a glycerine extract of pure cultivations of the bacilli of tubercle, and the name of “ tuberculin †was given to it. Whether or not it may possess the qualities which Koch claims ior it, this is the material which has been employed as an aid to the diagnosis of ‘ tuberculosis, a rise in the temperature of an ; animal following upon the injection of tub- erculin fling regarded as indicative of the ' existence of the disease. A CASE OF GREAT INTEREST referring to Earl Spencer’s herd of Jersey cattle at Althorp park, N orthamp~ tonshire, wasrecently reported to the Royal Agricultural societ . Within the last few 'years several cows in the herd have piued away and died, and early in the autumn of ‘ the present year two cows which appeared 1 likely to die were killed at ditferent dates, a and both were found to be afllicted with I tuberculosis. Lord Spencer thereupon i took steps which resulted in a visit being I made to the herd by Prof. McFadyean, of I the Royal Veterinary college, who applied t the tuberculin test to the entire herd, in- s eluding calves. Every animal thereupon showed a considerable rise of temperature, 1 which, if the test were trustworthy, meant e tuberculosis in each case. It was decided to slaughter the herd, consisting of more than a score of animals, and to make care- ful post mortem examinations. The result proved that all the animals, with one “ doubtful exception, had tuberculosis, and “ some of them very badly. When a new F‘ herd is commenced, it is proposed to have {i each animal tested as it is brought in, with 1‘ the object of discarding it if it should give 01 the temperature reaction. '2‘ A. U. 5. TEST. u A bulletin of the Agricultural Experi- p< ment station of Virginia, United States of Amenca,which has just reached this coun try, cl contains further evidence of the value of ex tuberculin: “ When we stop to consider 31‘ that one out of every seven persons dies of he tuberculosis, and tha perhaps thcggreatest f0 can-nan .3 .‘_£_ _L2 , o causing the stockowners of this country greater loss than any other animal disorder. As is well known a departmental committee has teen engaged for the last three years-in Koch’s Efforts to Discover a the Disease. Investigation by TUBEXWLUSIS bu OTHER. EVIDENCE Remedy for BATTLE. It has been announced that the famous Columbian Liberty Bell, which ï¬gured prominently at the World’s Fair, is to be taken on a. tour around the world. After a. visit to the Mid-winter Exposition at San Francisco, it will be taken to England to be rung on the historic meadow of Runnymede on June 15, at a celebration of the anniversary of the signing of Mtgna Charta. 'After that it will be taken to France to J participate in anniversaries connected with l ‘ political freedom, and to Germany for the same purpose, its next destination being St. Petersburg, where it will be rung on the anniversary of the emmcipatibn of the serfs. From there its progress will be continued to Italy, Constantinople, J erusa- lem, Cario, Australia, India, China, Japan, and back to the Paciï¬c coast. It is sincere- ly to be hoped that it will prove itself equal to the task of tunefully ringing out its message to civilization and barbarism. “Liberty enlightening the world†is a. familiar phrase ; the enlightenment is to be continued with a musical accompaniment. Love is the centr thing in life. Muscle its servants > a timépiecef Do not pin your faith too closely on its accuracy, either. With the very best of movements, variations will sometimes occur. Heat, cold, motion, vibration, location, any or all may make your watch fast or slow. One reason that ladies’ watches are usually such bad time- ikeepers is that they are so irregularly £wornâ€"hence they have, about three days {out of seven, a widely diï¬â€˜erent environ- ment. .7 Never use chalk, whiting, or any sort of powder to brighten a case. Never rub‘ hard, and use only a clean Chamois or a. bit of soft silk. Beware of even a suspic- ion of moisture. A watch had nearly as well fell upon a rock as into wate r. If by chance such athing happens, put the watch at once into alcoholâ€"whiskey will not do â€"and leave it until you can hand it over to the watchmaker. Let it lie flatas little as possible. When notin the pocket keepithanging by its ring in a. case of some soft thick stulf,prefera.bly of wool or silk. Never leave the case open the night through. If you need 'to do it for even an hour, be careful to wipe the dust from the crystal before closing it. No 3case ever yet made is dust-proof. If such were possible, the watch-mender’s occu- pation would be wellnigh gone, since it is ‘ the dust sifting in that not merely clogs % the wheels and turns the oil on the pivots to gum, but acts as emery would, and wesrs away the works until they utterly fail to keep time. Avoid jarring your watch, under pain of having it stop, ‘Putll it grows worthless as tithe. ' There is no other personal belonging to which good care is more necessary than a. watch, and hardly any other that is more recklessly ill used. The baby plays with it, the housewife lays sticky ï¬ngers upon it; it is left open at night for convenience, or subjectedto alternations of heatand cold by being hung against the chimney flue. There is the highest authority for saying that the best place for a watch is its owner’s pocket. The pocket should be a clean one, and the watch be further protected by a chamois bag. It should be wound up with even, steady motion, not too fast or too slow, and as near as possible at the same hour of the day. Morning is the best time for it, and if it is done while the watch has still an hour or two to run, there will be much less wear and tear of the mainspring. In fact, paradoxical as it sounds, a watch will wear out twice as man by running one day in ten as it would if kept going all the l 53...- I have the honor to ba, Mr. Ambassador, with the highest consideration, your obedl- ent servant. W. O. GRESHAM. The Two Nations In Accord on the Ad- Vantage; of Peaceful Arbitration in the Settlement of nispnles. A cable despatch from London says that further correspondence relating to United States proposals of international disputes was laid before the House of Commons, in- cluding a letter om Secretary Gresham. ‘ tFoollowing is the text of the letter referred His Excellency Sir Julian Pauncefote :â€" With regard to your note of Aug. 9. 1893. of which the acknowledgment has been . hitherto unavoidably deterred, I have now L the pleasure to inform you that the Presi- , dent will feel great satisfaction in bring. , ing to the knowledge of Congress in his , forthcoming annual message the resolution of the House of Commons of July 16 last, whereby that high body expressed its cor- dial sympathy with the action taken by the Senate and House of Representatives, in the concurrent resolutions of Feb. 14. April 3. 1880, requesting the President “ To invite from time to time, as ï¬t occa- sion may arise, negotiations with any Gov- ernment with which the United States has or may have diplomatic relations, to the end that any difl‘erences or disputes arising between the two governments, which can- not be adjusted by diplomatic agency, may be referred to arbitration and be peaceably adjusted by such means.†In manifesting the hope that Her Majesty’s Government will lend their cordial co-operation to the a Government of the United S‘tates upon the It basis of this concurrent resolution of Con- gress, the House of Commons has afforded P a most gratifying proof of the sentiment of 1,; the nations in favor of the settlement of ‘ international disagreements of which the 5. United States and Great Britain have by t} mutual accord given to the world conspic- uous illustrations on several recent occa- c] sions. ‘BRITAIR AND THE UNI‘I'LID STATE 3- u 77~~ u.-- .Avv uuanvwvn u uvu v v tune confeg to gEapple in the same whole- sale fashion with even so universal a. dlsease as tuberculosis. [ WHAT IS 1'0 BE DONE IN BRITAIN will probably be decided by the recom- mendations in the report, which is now anxiously awaited. This much, however, may be taken for granted, that a country which has successfully freed itself from the dreadful scourge of the cattle plague, which has more than once suppressed the ravages of foot-and-mouth disease, and which has now brought pleuro~pneumonia down to a. yaniahing point, will not hesitate when the tuberculous cattle, t slaughter compulsory. Liberty Bell on a. 1011p- Take Care of Your Watch. ': dqepesb, highegt. and brain are only all, which ï¬gured rld’s Fair, is to be the world. After a. Exposition at, San progress will be mtinople, Jerusa- lia, China, Japan. ash. Ibissincere- will prove itself and does not make Hate idleness and ' curb all passions. Be Ewe in all words and actions. An After Thought. “ Bill 1†called the old farmer to the hired mm, “go an’ feed them pigs,†“ I’ve done fed ’em.†“ Go an’ feed the cows.†“I’ve done fed ’em.†“ Go an’ feed the horses.†“ I’ve done fed ’em.†“ Go an’ feed the chickens.†“I’ve done fed ’em.†“ Well, go an’ feed yourself then . seems to me someb‘nin’ ought: to be hungry’ ’round here,†and the way Bill got in to where the eating was, was a. marvellous specimen ‘ of speed. 1‘ At the time of his arrest he was endeavor- ing to extract a. third fee from the same people, having notiï¬ed them that if they would communicate with G.F. B. Howard, President of the Gulf and Tennessee Rail- road, who had just returned from England, they would hear of something to their ad- vantage. \\ Lester-carrier Joseph F. Buchanan of Station P. in the Produce Exchange, this city, identiï¬ed Hewlett as the man Ross to w hem he had delievered mail here. He was likewise identiï¬ed as Frederick Hulett. Frederick HOWard, Felix Howard. A. Good- fellow and Joseph Ledger, having passed ‘ under all these names. He is described as a ï¬ne-looking man, weighing more than 200 pounds, with easy manners and a ‘ piausible tongue. He looks like an English- man, but speaks with an American accent, Since 1890, when he engaged in the English- heir swindle, he is believed to have received ovee $60000 from his victims. Thirty- seven S ates were represented by victims of the swindle who testiï¬ed at the trial. f In. the following September he pretended to die, in reality going to England, where he turned up under the name of William Lord Moore. The postmaster in this city, who had long been suspicions that the agency was a swindle, was requested to return all letters to the writers. At the same time Howlett wrote to these people from England, pretending to be another person and saying t bet he would conduct their cases. In this way he got a. double fee out of his victims. AN EXTRAORDINARY MAN. Howlett, who was frightened out of Eng- .. land by the two Scotland Yard men now at the Gilsey House,is of no ordinary capacity. He was ordained a minister and the degree of DB. was conï¬rmed upon him by the University of Alabama. He was also ad- mitted to the bar and has acted as his own leading counsel in the trial, being assisted by two able lawyers, who, it is agreed, are not in it as regards eloquence and legal acumen with their client. Howlett has been . brought to the bar by the United States i 1 Government, which subpoenaed the two Scotland Yard officers as mtnesses. The trial has taken place be Judge E. S. Hammond in the Unite tes Court at Jackson, Tenn. " “EUROPEAN CLAIM AGENCY.†Howlett’ who was posing as the Presi- dentof the Gulf and Tennessee Railway Company at the time of his arrest.wa.s formerly pastor of a Baptist church in Jackson, and married Miss Lizzie Hhuges there, daughter of a well-known citizen. It was June, 1890, that he turned up in New York city, and at No. 227 Grand- street opened “The European Claim Agen- cy.†This, it'is believed, was his ï¬rst ‘ attempt to work the English-heir swindle upon a. large scale. Business seemed to ‘prosper, and in August, 1890, he moved into larger quarters in the Morgan building at No.2l Stone street, representing himself as E. lioss. He was burned out there the following January and moved to the Mer- chants’ Building, at Nos. 2 and 4Stone street, and from there moved to Nos. 68 and 70 University-place, where he did a. flourishing business until exposure drove him to eover Hflevgâ€"v AAMHM.‘ 7x :r, Ills International Swlnilllng operation; rY Net Him $80,009-nc [lad Hundreds of no Victims and in Many Instances Exactea 3h a Double Feeâ€"One of the Most accom- es pushed Rogues Known. as A New York special says:â€"Two Scotland ,e Yard detectives, .Inspectors Frank Cassel e- Froest and William Tarrell, are at the ,e Gilsey House. They came from England 1‘ to testify against one of the most accom- plished swindlers who ever made New I York his ï¬eld of operations. The rogue has " worked under so many names that it is hard to identify him. but. he became notor- 1- ions in London as William Lord Moore e after having fled from New York under the name of E. Ross. His real name is Freder- ick Attryde Howlett. He was born in Gibraltar Court, Borrouthoad, London his father, who was an ofï¬cer on the Lon-’ don police force, being now alive in Eng. land. WQRKED ON BOTH SIDES THE ATLANTIC. Howlett, under the‘name of G. Frederick - Burgoyne Howard, has been on trial for . . some weeks at JaCkson, Tenn. His game was the old one known to the police as the ’ English heir swindle, and he has worked it - on both sides of the Athtntic.‘ By means of advertisements Widely published,as well as by mailed circulars, he would come into communication with the simple-minded in- dividuals in the small‘tOWns and hamlets of this country. He perSnaded these per. sons, to the number of thousands, that a they were heirs to estates lying unclaimed v in the British Court of Chancery, or to vast s sums, never less than a million dollars. ' awaiting their call in the Bank of England. For sums ranging from $25 to $50 he agreed to act as their counsel in recovering the estates, the money, he said, to pay the costs and his fee not to be paid until the claimants were placed in possession of their alleged property. A MOST PROFITABLE SWINDLE. Absurd as such a proposition seems to anyone acquainted with the rudiments of the English judicial system it is neverthe- less a fact that this is one of the most proï¬table swindles ever devised, standing next in rank to the green goods game. The only weak point in the English hair swindle is that occasionally one of the vic- tims has intelligence enough to report to the authorities, and the swindler has to clear out. -mu.‘¢ DUPED HIS VICTIMS TWICE. William Lord Moore Caught at Last- THE EHEUSH-HHH SWINULE. name of G. Frederick has been on trial for on, Tenn. His game n to the police as the and he has worked it H6nsekeeperâ€"“ Would telling me who the persons pla_1ned thaï¬ Lhad no"bel‘12†Agenbâ€"“ They were Good- day ma’ am.†Agent (half an hour later) ma’am. Here’s the bill. C reggipt i_t.†' Agentâ€"“ Beg pardon, ma’am, but I been requested by a. number of perso call here and show you our new p Electric Wakethedead Door-bell. It’s hard on hands to have to knock, m: and everybody says the only reason you haven’t a bell is because you I thought of it.†. Housekeeperâ€"“That’s very true. I r had forgotten that there was no bell. one in.†Satisï¬ed that its revenge was complete the camel returned to his corner, when the driver sat up and spoke. At the sound of his voice, and perceiving the mistake it he'd made, the animal was so mortiï¬ed at the failure and discovery of the scheme that it dashed its head against the wall, and died on the spot. ' _ . 7 ,. V_-_--_a "we :uxsuuuen One mght, after a lapse of several mentlxs, the man, who slept on . a. raised platform in the mill, while, as is customary the camel was stalled in a. corner, happen. mg to remain awake, observed by the bright moonlight that when all was quiet the animal looked cautiously around, rose softly and stealing over toward a. spot Where a. bundle of clothes and a. bernous thrown care- lessly on the ground resembled a sleeping ï¬gure, cast itself with violence upon them, rolling with all its weight, and tearing them most Vleiously with its teeth. Revenge seems to be sweet even to ani- mals. It is certain that they remember for long spaces of time injuries they have re- ceived. An instance of this is cited by a New York paper. A few years ago it chanced that a valu- able camel, working in an old mill in Africa, ¢ was severely beaten by its driver, who, per- ceiving that the camel had treasured up the injury and was only waiting a favorable opportunity for revenge, kept a strict watch upon the animal. Time passed away. The camel, perceiving that it was watched, was quiet and obedient, and the driver he- gan to think that the beating was forgotten nnn “Ln-Ll- AIL-_ - 0 vâ€"" In the years to come how many young men will charge their fondness for betting at the real race track to the days when they put a. penny in the slot, and while securing an education in the school house also in its very shadow learned to gamble, and of course lost !â€"[Chica.go Despatch. ,V ___ __- vwvu‘ Old VII“â€" dies. MEn don’t patronize the machine. Rather than rely upon the trade of infants I ï¬red the thing out.†flies. â€" ~â€"-'vv “u out“ e “ My conscience does not worry me when I see a. man put money in the slot. He knows what he is doing. But with children it is different. I always disliked to let them play, and would frequently, when they would tearfully look at me after losing their pennies, give them the amount back in can- School teachers allover the city are doing their utmost to stop the evil, but ï¬nd it uphill work. It is believed that the only remedy is for the City Council to pass an ordinance making it a. misdemeanor to allow children of school age to play any game of chance. Some of the men who have had the machines in their stores and thrown them out rather than accept the patronage of children condemn those who still retain them. One of these had a cigar store at 313 Van Buren street. He said: 1:11 - ___ r'v- vu;-\..vu so that- they could ï¬zttend school. He changed it for pennies and lost them all on the “ white horse.†Children bzg pennies from their parents and lose them against this machine. Many a. penny given the little ones on Sunday afternoon to place in the contribution box for the heathen goes into the heathenish penny-in-the-slot machine. One little boy on the West Side was given 25c to give his teacher in the Skinner School toward the fund to provide clothing for poor children so that thev could attend old-inn] 13".. __ - . L Acnucu in Due ' . ° ‘ ' ' - _ - w -.... -‘- “W‘ “V thout more ado he shot it,and turning neighborhood of school houses, and that ovc‘aflthe leaves found at the bottom thirty- children were the principal customers. maller than a hen’s and The machines were popular several years Exagggse:?:iih a. tough skin in place of ‘ ago in the down-town saloons, but after a e were sent to the secretar- ‘ short time the men of a sporting turn found 3:31:13} Jiffy Natural History; but want): them sure winners of their nickels, and . d b h 1 . . th h at enerate y t e c ose mass of they gradually grew Into disfavor and then I difayigg ngis, they did net hatch. Some: disappeared. They have again come to the ‘ t' than one voung one escapes from front but this time as an invei ler of the, imes more , ' - Youn , and innocent and insteadï¬f a nickel a snake s 633’ but at the lowest computation g : Mr. Wasey is to be congratulated on rid- it only takesa penny to play. Winnersâ€" . . . - t of tli 0 -th (1 l and it is hardly necessary to say they are gégï¬eshls distrxc 1.: y me cad y fewâ€"receive 5c worth of candy or any other article they may select. Many young boys take cigarettes: nL.1 .1 7 1 m Poisoninz by Misadventure. Believing that an" ihvestigetion would prove of value, the reporter dropped into many places where machines are kept. He found that the number increased in the neighborhood of school houses, and that children were the principalcustomers. , vv__.e-_- vv vuu uvvsvn‘ivvclo “Oh, that’s nothing,†said he. “They understand the game well enough. Men do not play the ‘races’ very much, and to make it pay we must; let the children take a chance at it. The school children are very fond of watching the horses win, and sometimes as high as a dozen will be wait- ingfor a chance to play.†, _ -n .__'â€"v'~ The white horse had stopped at the wire and the penny had won 50 in trade. The reporter thought it strange that chxldren should be allowed to play games of chance, and he so remarked to the storekeeper. um. AL-4!, .u . u . - . _, “T?xa.t’s the ï¬i'isitiï¬time-I struck it. Give In?“ a paclflagg of cigagettes.†‘.__v â€"â€"v unkuv "J uuv IGUUQ Nezr the door of the store was a. round glass-covered case in which were several small tin horses. The boy dropped the penny ina. slot in the machine, pulled a. lever and the little tin horses sped round and round, ï¬rst one being ahead and then another. Before doing so, however, he said to the storekeeper : “ I’ll take the white horse.†~\' For half a minute, perhaps, the horses sped silently around the track, and when they stopped the boy clapped his hands with_glee and exclaimed : Their Pennies Dropped Into Racing Slot Machines. “ Mister, will yer give me a penny 2" “ What do you want to do with it '2†“Come and see.†A reporter was walking leisurely along ‘ an Buren street, waiting for a street car to overtake him, when he was accosted by a. boy about 8 years of age with the above ‘ request. Out of curiosity the penny was 1 given and the little fellow told him to fol- low and see the race. The boy entered a cigar store, the reporter following and won- dering what he meant by “the race.†TEACHING CHILDREN T0 GAMBLE She Bought a Door-bal. Chance Saved his Llfe- ---vu r 9. 13.1336 of isoeveral who. slept pn . a. raised peddle“: )~“It’s all done, Thank you. I’ll You object to ; wem'WbO com. ery true. I really as no bell. Put; _ --\~vy 0f persons to ‘eason why you never '9 ma’am, W Patent It’s very 3 m am Unbelief does nothing but our item and de- stroy. It makes the world a. desert, where no divine footsteps are heard, where no liv- ing hand adorns the ï¬elds, feeds the birdi of heaven, or regulate: event- Mysteries of the Sea.- There are in the profound abysms of the see, strange forms of life that never see the upper light, save when brought up by the 'trawl. The work recently accomplished by the United States Fish Commission vessel, ‘ the Albatross, has established the fact that forms of sea. life inhabiting the upper waters may descend to about twelve hun- dred feet from the surface, but below this, to a depth of three hundred or three hun- dred and sixty fathoms, a barren water zone intervenes where marine life seems absent. But, strange to say, still deeper have been discovered abundant and varied fauna new to science, living under con- ditions of tremendous pressure and re- markable paucity of the life-sustaingng element of oxygen. Thus science is ever bringing new facts to light and putting ignorance to flight. its The deplorable accident which caused ly the death of Prof. Tyndall in England has ‘57 again brought to the front the serious ques- 1x tion of “ poisoning by misadventure" and 5h the insufï¬ciency of the present means of its {5’ prevention. The last annual report of the ‘43 RegistranGeneral for England and Wales 1e showed a total of 876 deaths certiï¬ed as n being caused by poison in 1891, 544 being is due to misadventure. Deducting from these â€1 132, in which the poisonous agent is said to have been “ lead,†we have 41:2 deaths, ,3 of which 114, or more than one-fourth, ‘1 were due to the accidental administration Y of narcotic poisonsâ€"“ opium, laudanum '1 'morphine, chlorodyne, soothing syrup 0 cordial or paregoric.†Next to these come, Y chloroform with a record of 62 deaths; 0 carbolic acid caused 31; the poisonous d . alkaloidsâ€"aconite, belladonna. cocaine, e ! strycbhineâ€"are credited with 19, mineral ° acids with 17, arsenic with S, chloral with r 7, and oxalic acid with 2. In addition to ‘ these, 128 deaths were caused by “ mis- cellaneous poisons,†and in 24 the precise agent was not ascertained. Setting aside the deaths attributed to chloroform, the great majority of the fatalities included in the dismal list were doubtless due to the fact that the poison was given or taken out of the wrong bottle. This shows conclu. sively that although the Legislature has hedged about the sale of poisons to the public with salutary rules, which are in- tended to act as a protection from the effects of either carelessness or villainy, the chief danger to the patient arises when the sale has taken place, and when the poison is actually in the Sick chamber. Everybody acquainted with the details of sick-nursing knows the wear and tear to nerves and brain which that most trying of all employments produces. There are times . when the nurse, be she a professionsl or an , amateur, is forced by mere physical weari- ness to relax her vigilance, and when she performs her ministrations in a mechanical, unthinking fashion. It is at such times that “the wrong bottle†becomes a source of tremendous peril; and the conclusion is inevitably reached that precautions far stronger than those ordinarily in use at present are required, if dire catastrophes are to be avoided. It is now suggested that all poisons shall be put in fluted bottles, preferably of blue glass, and. asasubsidiary detail, that on every bottle of poison the best andsimplest antidote shall be inscribed. At preseht, if a mistake happens, in nine cases out of ten the attendant is devoid of knowledge as to what ought to be done to prevent fatal results. Yet how easy it would be on every label that accompanies mineral acids to notify that chalk and Water, followed by milk, is the most efï¬- cacious antidote. and where an emetic is instantly desirable to describe one or two of the simplest that can be readily con- concocted. In all probability these pre- cautionary measures will shortly be made compulsory in England by the Legislature. o'IVKJDQH . vv‘v‘ The gentleman we: Mr. Wasey : knOWn in his district as an ardent and anecessiul shi- karl ; and he was told by 8 000118, In the matter-of-courae sort of in? 1131181 with these fatalist philosophemthï¬t a certain path was impassable,†a cobra had erected a. gadi,or throne,for itself there and warned of intruders. Here was a golden apportun- ity to settle the vexed question of the ag- gressiveness of venomous ' snakes. Will a cobra rush to the attack if it can get easily away 2 Europeans confmqnly 83)’ “no†but natives universally cite Instances to the contrary, some of them plainly ia‘Julous,buc others just wanting co.rl:0b0ratl.on to be de- ‘ lieved. N ow here in British 111418.02 at least; in Portuguese India. WAS a. glant of the tribe known to all the villagers. to have taken up its station by the roadsxde and to be ready to glide down and dash like lightening at man or beast who approached. Mr. Wasey followed the coohe to the spot and was shown the monster coiled up on the top of _a. huge pile of dry lea-ves. Brltlsh India- Rather more than a. year 830 the fact was mentioned in a. Bombay paper that a. gentle- man connected - with the G06 Ratlway had shot a. hamadryad (Ophiophagus claps) on its nest. This awkward .1110“?!th of a. word is coming to be famiharly known as the name of the giant cobra..m°re common in Burmah than in Iniia, whlch. ggowe to a. length of 14 feet, is as ï¬erce a? It lsetrong, and has the reputation of feeding Qrmcipal. 1y 011 other snakes. Little, 1ndepd,13 known about the incubationâ€"we ‘tmght almost; have said the alleged incubatlonâ€"of snakes, and rarely, if ever, has a. competent observ. er had the good chance to game npoo a ser- pent in the very act of sitting. ben-hke, on its eggs. Only the bare fact was published at the time, and a. fuller account can not fail. to be ipteresting. -â€" ï¬7_ ____ 1 Discovery at a mm. .or Thirty-two In A GOBMS NEST 0F EGGS. aroumi hi piercing 1 they_ can position. it seemed discharge wolf, whi: sible to m the brute like a iacl struggieg 1 Evide by what to come was hesic of the yoi should pq‘ could no ‘Iust h: He (11 six feet immens looking He had ing whi: he gaze. 1013;: wa opened seemed He there i glept h A532 ch. than it day’s" out. to in his Ole}: Altho wel! p? could but he Few such before such 1. a bum few {e right youth the bx check work Then days suite: Indee skees he a Won} day, Of “ the but. feet sk‘ of the