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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 18 Jan 1894, p. 5

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thousand. do ‘ do lillbrook every he presgn: date 301510; JS_ here- Hope. author- 30» Brighton. \ Ibs. of Seed no extra care I offer eleven will cos: little I33 be worth on‘: give you 113 be :oogzaa be given. vI-‘FINS. fienakers’ - ,her kinds , prices; t seeile {up at ‘ employers. ‘I‘ICBS fidel- 5n ’A PLE“, go rsale A189 MULLJGAN. FR SALE. flex-31:. Ont, My. to- the “g; and , WW"--- _ n. w“ he them at T. B. J ENKINS’. 50~ ~The new village and township's councils took the oath of office and entered upon their duties for the year on Monday. May the afi'e’zuim of 1894 be administered satisfac- torily is TH}: REPORTER’S worst wish, and no doubt .satisfiaction will be aimed at. Iv â€"Johnston Fair, all made axes are superior to market. â€"Is it a robe you want? If so J. v . JENKINS is in it. Call and see hiii . â€"Mr. G. S. McCartney of Toronto is home for a few holidays. â€"Mr. Wilf. Crossley of Peterboro, return- ed home last week, to continue his studies. â€"-Misses Stella and Nellie Dyer, of Lind- say, are Visiting with their grandmother, Mrs: Aiuley. only 12: health. If yo e and after usin‘ “WM, me for a travnfln sold at GEEK‘I'LY fiDUCED /’/ PRICES. A, T PIT Tn'r Miss E. Blackwell of Toronto, has been guest of Mrs. Whyte during the past Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayex- 8: 00., Lowell, Mass. Cures others,willcure you Ayer’s Sarsaparilla d‘i S. P. SMITH, of Towanda, 393-. whose constitution was completely broken down, is cured by Ayn"! Sarsaparilla. He writes: TOWN TALK AVER'W’S _ SARSAPARILLA GREATLY XEDUCED “l PRICES. . T. ELLIOTT, Balance of HQLIBAY £9938 Wfil ‘be sold at» THE DRUGGISI‘. and hand a in the i â€"()ur old friend Grip; J. W. Beugcugh at the pencil, is again a. ‘Velcome visitor to our sancum. He hopped in a. w looking as large as life and twice as natural and “'8 bespeak for the 01d bird 8, generOus reception. It is as alw “5’3 instructive in every line. ] and true worth. J 1 ' ‘r'r ------- â€"Cobourg Sentinel Star. _The annual meeting of the Ca" ship Agricultural Society was held in the Iccuncil chamber on Thursday last. The business of the year was squared up and the old officers and dlrectors were almost all re-electcd fur the ensuing year with ‘he except-ion of those from the village “the seem to have established a reputatic’m fox“ non-attendance. an Town- : â€"311'- J . J. Preston, the doughty Reeve of Manvers, was in town yesterday, and was tendered many congl‘atulations on his successfulfight in the late election, He had a. hard man to beat, and his victory by about 150 13 a. certain indication of his popularity ‘ and true worthâ€"Calm...” a“ A, n. 1 â€"The ministrel entertainment mentioned last; week is under way and promises to be something out of the usual line and very entertaining. The boys are down to work to practice in earnest, expecting to be ready the first week in February. ‘ â€"Izist-en to this offer, 1 local news happenings (la. If you want the together with the foreign fly in a. nutshell, The Mill- brook REPORTER and Toronto Daily World bOth for $250 a. year, an offer hitherto 1m- heard of, and only secured by cash in advance. ~The remains of the late John W'. Rich- grdson were brought from Wheatly, and buried at Gardiner's burying ground by the Home Circle lodge of Millbrook on Tuesday. \Twenty-six of the local brethren turned out to pay their last respects. â€"Now is the tim REPORTER. It is m want home néws tha: the foreign items happenings. ~Dr Fred Mulligan, son of our townsman, Harry Mulligan, Esq” in attendance at the Royal Infirmary, Edinborough for the degree of F. R, C. P. and 8., is just recovering from ‘ an attack of 1a. grippe. ~What a pit-y our skatingr rink strands in silence, without the merry whizz of skates or rumble of the curlers stone, while every‘ village and‘ town aroimd us are whoopingi her up. Well we can go to Bethany -for a. whirl on their ice. T. BfJHNKINs lines. â€"-W 13g. says we are not going to have sleighing fog-Xmas? But what is a sleighridovmfidout Bells and Robes, T. B. J ENKI‘SS is the outfitter in these â€"J0hnston 8; Fair, “hardware dealers, are ofl'ering the Torontqar‘fBlade. ncible and Premier cross catr Saw V 1 of which are warranted, at g I reduced prices. 1- â€"â€"Anniversary services in the Bailieboro English church on Sunday, J an 21, and Sun- day school entertainment on Friday evening, Jan. 26. Don’t forget these dates and be sure to hear “ Our Toys,” its a. very finel‘ play. â€"-Bring along your job printing to THE REPORTER office and it, will be attended to with neatness and dispatch. Horsemen requiring bills or pamphlets can get. better satisfaction at Tm: Rmmnmzn than else- where. Subscribe for THE REPORTER. â€"-Have you tried the Cardigan oxer-sbde. For lfort tand conveni- ence, they unsurpassed. T. B. J EN‘ " 5“- â€"Economy is watchw ; . But it is false econ y 0 your horses want of blankets when they can » ought so cheap at T. B. J ENKIN’S. 50 â€"Our friend the dentist, drove Miss Alex- ander over to Cavanville to catch the mid- ‘ night- train, wonder if he took advantage of the Scotch courtship incident to break the ice with Jessie, for rumor says he wasâ€"-well, gone don"t yer know. â€"Cavan township can boast of the weight,- iest council 1n the united counties, having a. combined avoi1dupois of 01‘ e1 half a ton, not only are they hoax y weiahts bodily but intellectuall) they will compaze with any council hoa1d 111 the prox ince. â€"Ur. H. A. Turner is knocked out this week and unable to leave the house. â€"Mr. H. McCartney has purchased the _Arznstr:3ng residence “on the front street? Opposite J. C. Kells mansion. Hammy \xill be nearer his work now. â€"W. The on is s lling hardwood at $3.50 per cord fo c- ' . t is going fast, send your ‘ orders quickly. 4G- ~â€"C0mmandant Booth, highest authority in the Salvation Army in Canada, and son of General Booth, was visiting the local corps on Tuesday, and a. large meeting was held in the town hall in the evening. â€"â€"The McCarthy followers, or Equal Reighters, or both held a. meeting in the town hall on Monday but took no action regarding the selection of candidates. They meet again on the 20th of Feb. to bring out, candidates tor both houses. ~Miss Edith McKee of Peterboro, is visiting at,- Mr. H McCartney’ 3. â€"Q1 ite a number £10m Bethany came over :0 the Jessie Alexander concert, on Mon- (lav evening. i the time to subscribe for THE It is worth more tothose who news than any other, for it. gives as well as local were almost all 1 year, with the the village, who a. reputation for â€"Mr. W. D. Nugent has received his exhibit of horseshoes back from the World’s Fair at Chicago and we find from personal inspection they are an excellent collection and it is no wonder Mr. Nugent was suc- cessful in receiving the reward of honor. This exhibit: came in competition with all the foreign as well as American and Can- adian articles, and those who wish to view this fine mechanical display of home manu- facture may have an oppertnnity by calling at Mr. Nugcnts.‘ Two different; parties offered $100 for the collection, but our worthy son of vulcan preferred to bring his pets back. We plead ignorance in not“ noticing this item of home success sooner. l " Feeble and\cé.‘prici9us appetites are best regulated by the us'e of Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. They do not dcbilitate, by excessive stimulation ; but; cause the stomach, liver, and bowels Lo perform their functlons pro- perly. As an after-dinner pill, they are unequaled. â€"VVe would like to suggest that when we honor our beloved Sovereign by singing the national anthem at _the close of any public gathering, the audience might take their feet and join in, instead of proceeding to put on coats and wraps and make their way out.» If the custom is one of respect, let us respect the custom. â€"\Ve welcome the firm of John ('{illott 6; Son in their new boat of partnership, Mr. i John Gillott has taken Walter into the firm and his energy and attention will add to present popularity of that old established house. See their new ndvertisment next week. ‘- “Now is the winter of our discontent made .glorious summer” by Ayer’s Snrsa- Jparillar. This wonderful medicine so ini‘igo;~ rates the system and enriches the blood that cold weather becomes positively enjoyable. ‘ Artie explorers would do well to make a l note of this. Sore Throatâ€"The best cure we know of for sore throat is a gargle of PAIN KILLER and waterâ€"it, acts like magic. Big Bottle twice the quantity in the old style. â€"Rev. Geo. Sexton, M.A., M..D., LL.D., Ph. D., will preach in the Methodist church here, on Sunday next, morning and evening, and in the Presbyterian church in the after- noon. He will lecture in the town hall on Monday evening. Hood’s Sarsaparilla. has cured many afflict- ed with rheumatism, and WP urge all who suffer from this disease to give this medicine a trial. â€"Miss Ida Preston, school tc Manvers, spent Sunday with M: â€"The True Blue Lodge inten basket social and concert: in the on the evening of Jan. 30. 7 â€"Sleigh s marked dox Io ston Fair. Hooo's PILLS are hand made feet in composition, proportion and a AB: I. --- .uq 5,631 I took him twice during that time to the Eye and Ear Infirmary on Charles street, but their remedies failed to do him the faintest shadow of good. I commenced giving him Hood’s Sarsaparilla and it soon cured .him. I have never doubted that it and In- night, even if not his very life. You may use this tes- timonial in mg way you choose. I am always ready to soun the praise or By Hood’s Sarsa arillaâ€"Blood 1 from a. gratetuf’gg “ My little boy had S rlet Fevefiirhen 4 1 old, and it left him v ry w and with l poi-oiled with can His eyes bet so inflamed that his suflerings were intense: for seven weeks he Coul_ql Not Open Clifi’ord mi; A Boston Boy’: Savedâ€"Perhafi Hoqgj’s Sar'saparilla .s, in body and back snags o suit the times. John- reston, school teacher from Sunday with Mrs. Steele. lue Lodge intend giving a , ‘ ; are hand made, and are per- proportion and appearance. Blackmgn mm a gratgtuf mother: 'let Feveri’vhen 4 years y w and with blood His eyes became arma~Blood Poi- s EYesight 3 His Life town hall N. B. egg. I) Peterboro,’ : Ontal WHOLESALE and RETAIL. N. B. -â€"The highest p1 zce paiu for butter Go to M- L MHENRAV 00.; And Teas, Cefi‘ees, Spices, . Wines, . Mayors“. F011 best: value in smaccos, w," Provisions I General Groceries, V ,1--. Ali better- (roch., e‘ as 10w .‘x‘ 1.11 00 all-wool Blanket for 3') An extra heavy aH-wool Blanket A ex tm 19. we “ “ ,,‘___‘.‘- u ova]. A ! Sable l3 Ladieé Plain Coats from $3 to 5320 Also Children’s Coats equolly 03 low in price. A Heavy Colored Comforter for 900. An extra. heavy Comforter $1,5fl0 An extra large Comforter $52.00 A fine large Eider Down» quilt for $5. 6Q An expm heavy Eiclér BMW ' v,,r- .. --.- Sleeves Ladies Silk Brocaded Cape, Satin lined Ladies Plush Capes trimmed with _ _-“--u I! \ with cape 14 Ladies Serge Capes with Sleeves 11.25 Ladies Heavy \Vorsted Cape with {W} Nuw being selected by our Mr. Gilchrist In order to do in we have decided to clear or balance of sur heavy, bulhy winter goods, :12 up too much roam, muss 5:0 regardlesg mc r-nc m i riéag am Summer Seeds. A FIRSTâ€"CLASS .7". filo-“1'. :, ‘\ do do 'znn VI ' ‘Ir_â€"‘ 341 George Street 3. 1A HALL, GILCHRIST co. Silk Seaiette for $34 per yard ' do dz) 7.50 do do do 9.00 do F0 P AN EXT-RA L R n}: f ‘ I32, 34, Simcoe Street, Pcterboro’ PERRY DAWS’ Ontario. a}! wool M15 5.5. usb go regardless of o of ghe many bargains , «\tc. ,equ: llly and 391 (zeorge Street PETERBOROUGH, .. F. s. SCHNEIDER, Watchmaker and Jeweller 47ch ea’. SCHNEIDER’S lV/mz 2'72 rt; ., 9.! town for Dz’azizomg’s, Wr/zes; lewd/Gal, Ez’r. flgbaz'rz'flg 2'72 all émm ~ ,5. All wcmé gétar- .-.- 1 3hr {I} U! Opposite J. Gillott’s Cabinet “7; rooms, King-st \Vest. Oyster Parlor and Lunch Room. Oysters served in any style. Good Square Lunch 15c. Call and inspect. 1 Stock of Confectionary never more com- plete. Canned goods a specialty. Biscuits and Fancy Cakes from best mrnufacturers. Our stock of Fancy Goods must be to be appreciated. Prices away down You can get. Malaga Grapes, C. C. Crann- berries, Florida Oranges at 30¢. per (102., Missourian Lemons at 200. per (102., Fresh Oysters at 400. per quart, Fresh Oysters in Cans at 25c. a can. fiDon’t forget the place, You can get 3 lbs. Royal Mix Sandy for 256. ’ clear out dating {Th goods, also a Eon of CD Young’s l 'l‘he Harness Mali}; is offering bar‘rain‘ his line (lumng’ihe present dull season will surprise 3:011. If you need anthing his line it will Mmeaii fiiiivlyé going elsewhere. Being a practical 1 and having all work under his own an vision he guarantees satisfaction in 8“ case or money refunded. Harness A’fi'fi? Beaver Overcoat fox $16 A ”Heavy Tweed 0'13: mat for $12 A Hem y Blue Nap Oxercoat for $1.) Fine “Kirsten Pants for “20. Fancy Black Viorsted Pants for 4.25 Strong Tweed puma: £32- 33.50 Fine Tweed Pants fur 3.75. for $11.50, A fine fancy \Vorsted Suit- for $17 rA‘fifie‘ Tweed Suit for $17. An extra beau Tawmm'mtm m Shop next door to Deyell’s grocery ‘All wool Serge in all 5030129 55c yard All our Tweed Dress Goods 750 yard Heavy double fold Melton Dress Goods, 19¢. per yard HEAVY T\VEED EFFECTS at 3.30. per yard. Opera Flannels in all colors 250 yard. Eancy Opera Flannel at 300. pzr yard. A fine Scotch Tweed Suit for $14.50 A Fine Black W’m-sted Conn and Vest A fancy colored all-wool Shawl An extra large all wool do Bluck and colored Hopsacking 50‘ All wool Serge in all colors 25c A large do (In A French Sateen covered do A plain all-wool Shawl for A large )f cost. Below we en .ins for this weal-r. An exn‘o heovy do A fancy Eider Dmm I '. ROBINSON YOUNG. :ARGE STOCK. REMEMBER In all the Euit‘opéixn :12: rket; IV. .smfjmf, AT ONTARIO lash.) lines that take next six weeks the yffering bargains in :1: dull season that u need anything in hxs own super- unmmm a few in‘V in every are- réfore M

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