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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 18 Jan 1894, p. 8

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m world-renowned Sup lend: st th- m of 3.11 Laundry Ind Household Soap, both In quality and extent a! m The following is taken from the Victoria. Daily Colonisi, B. U. The bride is the second daughter of the late Mr. R. J. Am:- strong, formerly oiMillbrook, lately of New Westmiuister, and is a neice of Mrs. James Stmtton, Gilmour streei, Peterboz‘ough :â€" “At Holy Trinity Cathedral, \Vestminister, yesterday afternoon, Mr. A. \V. Taylor, second son of Rev. J. J. Taylor, vicar of South Sheilds, Durham, England, was mar- Used according to nix-actions. It does away 01th all the old-fushioned drudgery of wash I”. Try it; you won’t be disappointed. OBI 1' UAR 1’. The subject of the following obituary was Mrs. Mary Payne, relict of the late Wm. Payne, who after a short illness passed away to her eternal rest at the good old age of eighty-eight years. Mrs. Payne was a daughter of the late James Fair, and was born in the county Gavan Ireland and came with her parents to this country in 1822. Remaining for a. short time in the township of Emily and finally settling in the township of Gavan where she lived until the time of her death. During her lifetime she was married t“ ice, first to the late James Hard- in by whom she had four children. The 01 er son “’m, being dead but the other three survive her, Mrs. Burton Millbxook, Mrs. (Rev.) D. N, \Vinter Sydenhany and Robert Harding of Gavan. Lastly she was married to the late Wm. Payne, an honored local preacher of the Methodist church, by grhom she had four more children, George Payne of Ops. Albert Payne, Mrs, J. \V. Walsh and Mrs. J as. Cochrane of M illbrtmk, these serviving ones mourn the loss of a loving mother who thought no sacrifice too great to make for theiweifare of her off- ,,,,, ,” ‘:_L~,_L mam SOAP has beeninusoin Windsor Castle for the past 3 yam. and its mmmm have been specially appointed tied to Miss Frances Ella. Armstrong, daughter of the late R. J. Armstrong, of Wegtm i.nster “153 Rose Armstrong,D and Miss Ainsworth, of this citv, were brides- maids, the gloom being: suppmted by Mr. [IKIALKLo’ LAID skuv AAAAAAAA 5.. warty-.-‘ VJ _v._<- C. J. Lowen, of Victoria. The bride, who is well-known in Victoria, having been until recently lady principal of the Girls’ Central School, has a wide circle of friends in the Royal City, and in consequence there was a very large attendance at the ceremony, which was performed bv Bishop Sillitoe, autisted by Rev. H. Irwin, the service being full choral. Mr. G. Armstrong gave the bride away. Mr. and Mus. Taylor held a reception later in the afternoon and received the hearty congratulations of many friends. The bride was the recipient of numerous presents. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will reside in this city.” How to get a “Sunlight " Picture. Send 25 “ Sunlight” Soap wrappers (wrap pets bearin the words “ Why Does a Woman Loo ' Old Sooner Than a. Man ”) to Lever Bros, Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post a. pretty picture, free from advertising, and well worth fram- ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost 1c. postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the em] open. l‘l'ritc your address carefully. It is one of the easiest things in the world to cure a. com. Do not use acids or ocher caustic preparations, and don't cut a. hole in your boot. It. is simply to apply Putnam's Painless Com leietor, and in three days, the com can be removed without. pain; Sure. safe, painless.» JI‘ake only Putnam’s Com Extractor. ' gpring. The deceased was a consistent member of the Methodist church, and being of an amiable and cheerful disposition won for herself a. large number of friends by whom she was loved and esteemed and dur- ing her declining years she was remarkably active, for about two months before her demise she herself drove a. distance of seven miles, and was keeping house for her son Robert- et the time of her fatal illness. The Eight b-efoge her death her esteemed pastor u.- I. Rheumatism Outed in a Day-South American Rheumatic Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 d; s. ‘ 1123 action upon the qstem is remarka 1e? and mysterious. It removw at once the’ REV. D. N. McCamus, sang and p‘myed with her and she quoted the words from the late spurgeon “ We shall know each other there. "‘ 'and the disease immediafly disap The first dose greatly benefits. 75 Sold by A. Linen, Druggist. BOAPMAEIIBB ‘20 1'3! HOW to CURE A CORN. AM” 11 Gold Redd! MJI’RIHONIAL. MUST BE SOLD Within the Next GBOGEBIES, 'Umckery, Glassware, Silverware, And FANCY GOODS EORCHRISTMAS. As he is bound (,0 get; out of business by the fiyst day of February next. It is fhis inten- tion to effect; a speedy clearanceâ€"and has deeded to make a tremendous sacrifice on the whole stock. It would be to the advantage of every intending purchaser to call and see how much they can save at this will be made in almost every line. This is the greatest offer that has ever been made to the public for the purchase of first-class goods at such marvelously low prices. Don’t Miss this ‘Sale. If yby have been thinkingpf placing a Furnace in in your’fl'iOuse this fall you Will consult your own in- terests by giving us a call before placing your order. In Stoves we can give you anything from the small- est Box Stove to the finest Range manufactured. pon’t forget us in the meare line and Eavetrough- mg. Miiibmok Steve and TinWare Emporium. AWAY And if you want anything in the Watch, Clock or Jewellery line ' you will strike it; rich by calling on us now. Our stock is large and we rr'iust make room for- our Christmas goods, which will con- DOWN . sis: of the handsomest, nobbiest and mest unique designs for _ Christinas presents ever brought into Millbroek. When you are m town nge us a. call, we will be pleased to show you our stock and we are certain our present low prices will surprise you. In spectacles we are in a position to sum you. an REMEMBER-â€"we are bound to cloaroub our present stock and if you need any- . mum! thing in our line you have a. éhgnce to g9tg,,baxguin ”new; Everything Marked Down ! The Jeweller, We are bound t6; clothe the Yeoman of, the Coun- try it we "Have to do it for almo ‘fiothing.§ Our Winger attack on har . mesâ€"$40,000 worthwfif We found a manufacturer in .a hole, we dangled before his eyes the beat of cash. He bit, and we secured the finest and 7 best bargain lot of goods ever got hold of. Over 2,600 Men’s Youth’s and boys Overcoats. Overcoats $18, $16 and $15, going for $9, Ask to see our overcoat-s, Men’s size, $3.90. Elegant Cape Overcoats for Boys $2, $3 and $3.50, worth double. Over $15,000 pairs M “.8, Ladies, Boys and Children’s Boots and Shoes When you come to Peterboro be sure you visit Peat B a onanzwo the was Hats, Caps, Drawers, Shirts, Boots 8: Shoes, A REDUCTION OF 20 to 40 PER GENT. Fina SEE HUB WATTRASS,VELGIN AND BHGKFUBD WATCHES. .II' "WV... , My titanium {or I’m-yam" with (seven pin undenbe ten should ... nae-dis whbout telief she vied " “d “"009 I» ll have been . u D.‘ L," Mun“ pm . addbymebeu. awquzll“ GUM": J. B. Sutuuuuu W. W 1”. u M .n The BIG SLAUGHTER SALE. flaawkfis \QAfiy‘m kwwmiwwiwwg Largest and most. Complete Stock between Montreal and Toronto of GOUGH’S ’ ' - boulder ZYears figflggggmkmhol Plaster. Ag... 4 “an: min under the ten shouldet md mm in? lb BK WILL BE SOLD BEGABDLESS 0F COST, . STEELE, THE WHOLE 0F . S. PICKUP. YELL’S I, Llndaay and Petorborough. R. DEYELL. King-st., Millbpook, BOARS FOR SERVICE. Improved Chester WEEâ€"e Boar. “King Bruce, No. 314; farrofie’d March 16th, 1893._ Large Englizgh‘ Begkéhire, “Stonewall,” No. 2322; far. _‘.. _n.A {owed AM}? 10th. i893. will If: kept for service on lot 13, Hope” Terms as usual, 51-00 SW5!” thank 3 my many custom for 1 libe “patirongepxtgnggl‘to mTe the 92 than " 3 my many customs” for the very libe .patronge extend . - me the ast seven yea n the swine ess, I won d respect- ful y . licit a c uance of the same thxs yeqr. Acalll ' ' before goipg elsewhere, Regns- tered ped1grees on appllcatlon. The above boars took first; and second places at. Mlllbrook thgs year and are no relatxvcs to any other annuals here. Hove: {Terifié as; usual, $1.00 torseason. 1n __ . "v. n; 1 Willulum Luv]. U. I am also breeder of Brown and White Leg- horns. Some fine young cockerls for sale reason able. :M .‘ M: , McGOLL’S LARII‘NE MA/MilM an. McCOLL BROS. CQ, “aronto AND WEARE RESOLVED T0 SELL AT THE LflWES'l' WSSIBLE PRICE FOR CASH. At thgfirAILlEBORO MARKET WE HAYES. THE LARGEST STOCK AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF ROQESAND'HORSE ‘*RT.AN’1ZETS TN TOWN. ought to be at. Gslve the Thin Bab as a chance. Givé them ‘- “ Scott’ , ulsiLn the Cream of Cod-diver Oil, with hypophosphites, and watch them grow Fat, Chub- by, Healthy, Bright. Physi- cians, the World over, endorse it. RObGSfind Blan ketsm. TM Celeérated Matasscma Roée and Saskatchewaa Buflala Robe will be our leaders again tlzis year. Black and Grey Goat Robes as good as any in Me market. Call and see téem. Babies Don’t be deceived by Substitutes! Scott : Bowne. Bellevifle. All Druggists. 50c. $1. For the next 30 days we will give from 10 130 25 per cgnt. dlscosfiu on all goods for cash salea during stock takmg. Don 1; mm 1: chance as the offer is genuine. Ask your dealer for “Lardine” and beware of imitations. For Sale by alt the Leading Dealers Throughout the Country. MCCOLL’S OILS, The féhampion G ’ 'J‘Medal Oil which cannot be Excelled. :Won’t ill up in Cold Weather. FRANCIS SMITH, Campbellcroft Ont STUCK-TAKING SALE. . B. JENKINS. INDER OIL MANUFACTURED BY qTR 'ED INTO THE PREMISES OF L. M tin Parker, Bzuhcboro, Lhrcc last spring calves the owner 15 requested to prove 111'0- party ay expenses and mm: them away. at 1‘ A y‘xri-V\ CITY BARBER SHOP. '1‘....H BRYANS PABLO 8; Kell’S 12â€"h“ bank. ' .cutting. Shampooing and every £33325,“ the tonsorial line carefully attend: com-swing 9f oods, Clothin , Boots an Shoes: , and Caps, ‘Frcsh Ggoceries, at: Cheap for cash: All km’l f produce want- and the h1ghest pric in cash paid for E 25$ at the shop or on the road, . PARKER. oulcxw mm 1‘0 was ALLEN ’s‘luafl...‘ ESTRAY CATTLE. Tonsorigl ,Artist‘.” “4., Millbrook, opposite Wow HAS NO M. PARK 1*: Bailicboro. EQUAL Tic sale (3/1 not (mg/fwd 1 2.7: allj'pldt‘c‘. pun/3am [/20 wéole'szz/c or; o'ciock sharp. “ VV. ARCHER. Mad-3r. Home C ircic demy-g LGYA L FAVAX U: ’ DEE: OF QUDFE and third Tuesday eve the Hem? Circle roou hour of meeting. 8 dc}! SOC/301:7 are worthy {in per-sou. Infomati XV. AKL‘HE . . .G. RCHIBA LI) “’001 REAGE LiCKu‘Sb‘E " C. MCKINNO‘N. 1 0 so; :0 1):. ‘iddrs Unzvemuee. ocn 1:3 goons. Edinb h. Ma qnd Sur'reons. 0M drjag szorc. Alta": ofl Bwhardson's :csxdcncc‘ MITH. 8: PRESTO; . J. A. V. Preston 3so'axieg. kgOtfioqs. \W Hohdayé ii» lowest rates. KICKAP A. WARD BAR at Law. Sodcimr Block. V. 21:02; Strccz . tend on the secumy of 2 arm property {or fie. IDDELL. ABMST Barristers. ‘So‘dcizo D assigncc. Books 9; mums collecped. Assug and all detaxls copplct‘ given to book-k r's v a Fermanent- k-kee Communications‘ tron” cgive prompt at_ tic- Jory. Oflice: 379 water office be: its. Peterooro. b0 ind Briklimm LL. . A.J.Armsm aid invosw general law OJ 0 Onion and resident: b. at Queen' I HOME S W. CLARKE. LB“ ‘ o Mention given to man! teeth. Kim io- Mamet}; Will be at Bethany the B. COLLINS 8c 00‘ o BROOK. Farmers' discounted. Dram iastu collection e an cgc. Téronlo. Lite Ye 'W 95}; Haunted: Pol . Chmcal Lectures Rbya. Londpn. Eng. Dentistry mgszxcawd animals treat xmxcnfific methodsn Ofic quuuon hotel. Mxllbroa BETHAN Y. d o (Successor 1011‘. H. and Hon. Graduate of On cgc. Téronlo. Late ch prompth'r respcfi JOHN GI Vol. ewe prompt attkfition times rformed modc Qty. dice: 379 water DRUG L...BPOOKC. { V0. 6. g. LL mmxsucu - 1 9d ”commam w. BLAND. nu; r. » wrrrono. HARRIAG .00... m PROF "curt-at Z. YOI Ponivm'oi I0.

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