.t-Ew ‘ ‘as‘: that might be obtained at Ii teat-oxidal-g cost where our citizens eoul:i "t've a lot to themselves in whim. . .eir departed ones could be laid to 18% Where the watchful and loving have-,5 \ .vx' iriends could place a blooming r4» - or vet-dent vine in mem cry of the den 7 and know that they‘ would not be destroyed or fade away hrwant of attention. Our ï¬reprotecâ€" tion system should have thorough con oidoration also at the hands of the new council, the late ï¬re having shown how shakey the old hose have become, while any attachments that will enable the engiz'eer to get up steam more quickly shiquld be at once provided. The boat ï¬ré extinguisher is the one grounds if they were convenient-’1“: so ï¬lled up that no new plots can be procured and before they bestir them- selves to add ground to their respective sites, it is incumbent upon our people as a. corporation to take some .action towards having a general burial lilac-eJ for all -:. :a-»:..:lations, wnerw f-- «2:: he under the control of the Conn-.12 and be looked after and made respectable as all homes of the dead should be. If the council would appoint a committee of themselves or outside of their own ‘ board to look into the matter and report, they will have accomplishm :. much needed undertaking. There are "iï¬'erent plots within easy access to the face, yet the ordinary expenditure and general improvement required to keep our' village abreast of the times, will call for careful consideration. One of the first questions that should be considered by them is that of electric lighting, to let the matter drop- into silent forgetfulness, on account of being unable to make satisfactory arrangements last year, \vonld be al together uvarthy of the progressive spirit of our people or the ability of our representatives. That a large majority of our people were anxious to have the better class of lighting was quite apparent last year and there is no indication of and change in that particular. By appointing a sub-com- mitteearly in the year toenquire further into the matter and report as soon as convenient, would we think he the duty of the council. Changes there doubtless have been and are likely to be yet in the system and cost of electric lighting, yet this need not deter the council in doing all that is possible to improve our present prac- ‘ tzce, always leaving the contract so ‘ arranged thatany improvements may be fully taken into account. Another matter that is urgently looking for con- sideration by our council, one that must receive not only thought but i action in the immediate future and 5 that is a public cemetery for Millbrook. The old denominational burying I: {will be a matter of satisfaétion to them that no heavy load of unprovided for debt is hanging over their h neither any great outlay for compul- sory improvements staring them in On Monday last the council elect‘ for the current year were installed into ofï¬ce and are now in readiness to grapple with the issues of the position. ‘II I - Che millbrook keporten To the New Store 3:3 the rust Office THURSDAY, JANUARY '24. 1895. A man may haean honest heart, Though poortithe hourly stare him: A man may talk a neebor’s part, Yet he nae cash to spare him. «nu m-r nmn seems to as all right again. . . c has a ï¬rst. chss ap exits. We h‘fléh'il hvr cure as mum-g short" a miracla." W. WYATT, 8:? Marion 8mm. 1"; " '2!:-. Toronto. Ontario. to give her Hood's Samaparilla. She is getï¬ng strong. walks art-22nd. is on: doors every day: has no trouble \‘Jiih her throat and no cuugh, and In» hmrt soo‘msAt'n be all. right again. She hn.‘ n 11-... -n___ , 7 Said She Was Past Ail Help and wanwdme to send her to the ‘Ilunm far Xacumblos.’ 12:". I said as long as l could hold my hand up she simuld not go. We then began “Four years ago 7.2:ch in the curry (England). my daughter Hannah \v. :23 sent awn mm the hospital. in a. wry low candi. with consumption of the km '3 and bow-«:5. :: weak action 0! the heart “1-: trip cur :n; 2:9 water to this country seemed to nub: her lcu. beuc‘r {or a whim. Then size began to m- Worsc. ;: J tar H “‘Pu‘ks she was unable : r " oll the treat. hizc grew warm.- for ï¬ve months 103! me use of her limbs and lower part ox' hm and it she as: upxin ha! had to be proppcs: ‘!2_\ SC' Hood’ssaï¬iimures HO “-’ 0 9 P 3 3w I“... "u I. .,_. J. A. VANCE. OUR NE W COUNCIL Wonderful! Resuns From 'i’aklng Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Consumptionâ€"Low Condition Like a Miracie Miss Hannah Wja t Tutor: : “Hut. Winnipeg Jan. 21.â€"Manitoha Patrons have just forwarded to the Governor-Gener- al a. memoriz! recommending that the Government take back :3.» land grants from railway companies, notably the companies in northwestern Manitoba and north-western Assiniboia; to set these land grants aside as a security for the mantee of the bonds of the mlwxys “3 per cent! interest for 30‘ years, and that the nilwsy companies so ‘aided be required to plv 3 per cent on their gross earnings into the treasury of the Government; and that the Government should take 3 ï¬rst lien upon the railway compsmes’ property so aided as further security on the condition thst these railways be immediately proceeded with. On a very close vote it was decided to add prohibition to the Patron phtfonn. IH'JJIJNDS OI" .‘IIANITOBA PATRON". H. M. Woo'a, C. H. Winsléw, C. Needlerâ€"Skip, 11 WE. Woodâ€"Skip 10 TWO Rinks from Port Hope are eXPCthd to be here tonight, game to commence at 5.15 p.11). John Allen, C. Needler- >-';ip, ll. J. A. Vance was elected Skip at a meet- ing held a few days ago, in place of John Steele, who has decided not to curl this swan, and H. B. Allen was appointed a member of the committee in Mr. Vance’s place W. T. Wood and Geo. Hetherinzton were appointed Skips for the Tankard com- ‘ petition, the primary games in which, will probably be played in Peterboro’ on January ‘ 30th. The following are the results of the two Rink matches to date :â€" '.".', lillntt, R. H. HH‘HH‘, U. H. \‘anV H. B. Alien, H. .‘I. \i ' 1). Hampton. On motion Messrs. W. T. Wood and A. Leach were appointed auditors. The meeting then adjourned, after wnich the new board met and appointed Mi. W. Vance secretary-treasurer for the ensuing year. Moved by Jos. Thorndyke. seconded by S. E. Fer nson. that C. H. Winslow, H. R. Sharp 8113:]. W. Max-tin be appointed dele- gates to attend the meeting of the Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitions to be held in Toronto on the 28th of February, next. Carried. President, Capt. C. H. \Vinslow, Millbrook. lst Vice - J. “'. Martin, Canton. 2nd Vice - Isaac Preston, Bethany DIRECTORS : James Caldwell, Perrvtown : J. W. Walk- er. Welcome; H. Headers, Yelvertou ; J. Vance. Bethany; S. R. Ferguson, Ida; P... Vance, Ida: Joe. Thomdyk, Millbronk ; George Berry, South Monaghun ; H. Staples, Gavan. On motion the following ofï¬cers were elected for the ensuing year :â€" President, Capt. C. H. \Vinslow, Millbrook. 13: Vice ‘ J. ‘V. Martin. (‘nntnn __...V- w."- --. u; .v. vuwulu. Moved by J09. Thomdykc, seconded by S. Staples, that. this meeting elect Mr. R. Vance to the Council of Agriculture and Arts, which was carried by a unanimous vot e. The Treasurer’s report being signed by the Auditors was, on motion, adopted. The Secret read a. communication from the Mlnister 0 Agriculture. Toronto. form- ally nominating Mr. R. Vance of Ida. and M r. W‘. T. Westington of Plainville. as elig- ible to represent Division No. 5 in the coun~ cil of Agrjculfure 013d Agts for Ontario. -...-x I1 Dishnisemenis f0; _vear - 1409 27 Leaving a balance in the Treasurer hands of $.87,and no liabilities. n, .V..â€"_- , - u r ““““ The Treasurer read his annual report, showing the ï¬nancial standing of the Society as follows :â€" Total Rpgeipts for thg year - - $1414 14 The annual meeting of the East Durham Agricultural Society was held in the town hall, Millbrook. on Wednesday, the 16:}: inst. The minutes of the last meeting were read hylhe Secretary z‘m_d_ formally: passed. ed a cure in Iesé than twenty four hours. I would not talie $100 for my bottle of Nasal Balm if I could not replace it.†Sold by all dealers or sent by mail postpaid at 50 cents per bottle by addressing G. T. Fulford 00., Brockville. Ont. . One of the most unpleasant and dang- 2y :zadies that afflicts Cana- dians at L as season is cold in the head. Unpleasant, because of the dull, heavy headache, inflamed nostrils and other disagreeable symptoms accompanying it ; and dangerous, because if neglected, ‘ it develops into catarrh, with its dis agreeable hawking and spitting, foul breath, frequent loss of taste and smell, and in many cases ultimately develop- ing into consumption. Nasal Balm is the only remedy discovered that will instantly 11:8“? cc-‘d in the head and cure in a. few applications, while its faithful use will eti'ectually eradicate the worst case of catarrh. Capt. D. H. Lyon, president of the C. P. R. Car ‘ Ferry, Prescott, Ont., says :â€"“I used Nasal Balm for @rolong case of cold I in the head. de applications eï¬'ect- board will have thought of them themselves. We hope howex'er that 1 the council of ninety-ï¬ve will be found ‘a careful and prudent as well as pro- gressive one and that they will receive that support and encouragement which conscientious service deserves and in such efforts they will have the hearty assistance of the REPORTER. COLD I." HEJDJND HOW’ TO CURE IT. -_..._.. m‘.“ my an.» IV ulna, pug uuxug away with butchers, livery and cutters licem, relics of the middle 2 "es and protection carried beyond the ideas of even Finance Minister Foster, but the and any ifnprovement in this matter will be welcomed. There me other improvements which we might, suggest such as the removing of veranduhs overhanging the sidewalks, the doing teams, tfxe half dozen scmpsagdvggllt; each day may be fun for the dogs, but. very little pleasure for {he gqmmunity -_.J 7 ' and in that way perhaps the corpor union will bethe guinexs. The useless number of dog that are prowling our streets and back yards to the annoy- ance very ofw} 9f women, children and a~Ppl'0a-ching buildings and coupling hose, they are receiving pay from the cOPPOratl‘m “1d ShOuld therefore be under more sun‘eiIIAnce. .A thorough scrutinyaf the Whole ï¬re department is the bounded duty of the council. Some new CPOSSiDgS are also greatly to be desired, eSPCCially in the busi- ness portion of the town, there not being one that can beused without the greatest annoyance during wet weather ‘ Councillor Bateson brought up at the meeting on Monday night the question of a. more grisfactory plan of collect- ing dog minim-ting lhntzw the present plan goes, saucely half of our curs pay their lawful taxes. By instituting a system of dog tags to be placed upon the neck of every canine, the assessor also making a note of them in his books, their will be a. double check,, mEre pacticing in 8H1}; to. themselvf’?‘ wit}? the best. approaching bmldgngs and that an be brought into action the quickest, Often staying the progress . \. if ï¬fe“ eXtm minutes be lost in mis- '(r'JL .HEETING. CURLING. A A. Smith, C. H. \Vinslow. H. B. Alien, I 3, 1). Hampton, 5‘ J. A, Vanceâ€"Shy, 5 ten. W. _S. gimp, class 0“? ï¬réinén should do acquaint pï¬n of “A car-eful study oPthe-pupils in any school will show that. nearly all the dull ones breathe through the month on Account of partial obstruction of the nasal passages, are troubled w'n‘th cold, earache, sore throat, qninsy, or such affections as result from congestion or disease of the soft tissues in the nose or pharynx.†_--- -- ---v--u“. 'VUI n. “ Suppgsé: then; {hat a boy is in achronic condition- of this kind. Will he not be chypxgimllyfigll? _ - ‘ Canscspf â€Illness. “Much of the dulness of children, in the matter of learning, is due to a. diseased con- dition of the tissues of the head, and not to a poor quality of brain matter, as is usually supposed. “ Every pne knows, by actual experience, that a cold in the head, even if it. is only slight. affects the memory, creates more or less dulness of apprehension, and disinclina- tion to engage _in an)" 30:: of Incnml work. “a Never speak without. the attention of the class. Never (10 what, your pupils can do for themselves. Never keep a bright pupil idle because of dull ones. . Never keep children going over and over the same work.â€"Amer:can Teacher. SCIIOOL T0 PICS FRO)! THE El) L'CJ TIONJ L J 0 UR NJ L. Cannin ton, Jan. 19.â€"The'members of Peaceful ove Lodge, No. 135, Independent Order Oddfellows. to the number of about 35, assembled Thursday evening at “ West- ward Ho,†the home of their honored grand master, Mr. \V. H. Hoyle, and presented him with a handsome grand master's jewel. The resentatiou was made by Mr. Thus. Wow ward. The jewel is ofsolid good. (in the front side is the lodge decoration of the dose, with olive branch m its mouth, “hile on the lower part of the chel proper the sun radiated and across the dise an open hand with a heart in palm, (ruby Setting), twith the three links underneath. 0n the reverse side is engraved: “Presented to Bro. “X H. Huvle, grand master. by the members of Peaceful Dove Lo«h,e, No. 133, I. C. O. E, Cannington.†(imml Master Hoyle made a suitable reply, thanking the brethren for their kindness. Supper was served about 10 o’clock, and the remainder of the evening was very pleasantly spent in songs, etc. ' Elghteen New-rs. Never repeat a pupil’s answer. Never be a. visionary educator. Never suppress mental activity. Never be a reckless adventurer. Never be a crooked conservative. Never set yourself up as faultless. Never leta child foo: over work. Never fret about a. little mischief. Never try to make things too easy. Never fear to work a class earnestly. Never put a premium upon stupidity. Never leave a. class with too little work. Never try to reform everything at once. Never attempt the impossible with child- Grand Master lloyle Pn‘semecl With u Handsome Jewel. Canningfon,--an. l_Q.â€"The‘membcrs of 1‘ over twenty took pcnceable possession of the house of Councillor Coc and Mrs. Coe for n few hours and rcgailed them in tho choicest strains of their music. They were hospit- ably entertained by their host and hostess, after which they proceeded to the residenci- of Councillor McNeil and repented the pro- gmmmc to the enjoyment and satisfaction) of the household. After remaining a fcw hours enjoying the congeniality oftlic senior councillor they departed for home in the silent hours of midnight, it being to late to proceed further. One Monday evening they again turned up at Councillor Hootnn's :ind . completed and repeated their friendly visits where they were handsomely entertained by their host and hosteSs A large number of the neighbors having been drawn over by the sweet strains of the band, a. few pleasant hours were spent in feasting upon the bounty of their entertainers. The unexpected and friendly visits were much appreciated by the councillors elect and will tie remembered by our public servants, “ho often receive kicks and complaints instead of friendly serenades from the electorate. ‘ in “a decline.†She replied that she felt thas way, whether she looked it or not. It was not long after she began to take the Pink Pills before she ex- perienced an improvement in her health and spirits. The tired feelingr wore away and her strength returned, the extreme nervousness vanished and her spirits revived. It is now about two years since Mrs. Stephens ceased taking: the Pink Pills. She has had no return of her former troubles during all that time. She is now stiong healthy and cheerful and is \01 3, cm- phatic in declaring that she owes to the Pink Pills her present satisfactory state of health and has, therefore, no hesitation in recommending them to those afflicted as she was. CA TAN C O UNCIL LORS 5131: EX. 1 11191). 4 She was Weak. Nervous and Illsplrltcd and Found no Ilene!“ From Burners Trent- lnenlâ€"EhelWas Induced to Give l'lnk Pills a Trial and Is Again Enjoylug lenlllu. From Canadian Evangelist. Hamilton. We are often asked : “ Do you think Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills are any good 1’ Do you think it is right to publish those glowing accounts of euros said to , be effected by the Pink Pills?†Of V course, we think the Pink Pills are good, and if we did not think it right _ to publish the testimonials we would I not do it. Perhaps it is not to be wondered at that people ask such L question, when they hear stories ofl ' clerks being employed to write up ’ fictitious testimonials to the eflicacy of some cheap and nasty patent medicines. The Dr. W'illiams Medicine Co. do not follow that dishonest practice as thf re are few places in the Dominion where the marvellous efï¬cacy of Pink Pills has not been proved. Their method, as our readers may have observed, is to publish interviews which representa tives of reputable and well known journals have had with persons who have benefitted by a course of Pink Pills, thus giving absolute. assurance that every case‘publlshed is genuine. Several such cases have come under the notice of the Canadian Erangra/isl, the latest being that of Mrs. T. Stephens, of 215 Hunter street, wesc, Hamilton. Mrs. Stephens is quite enthusiatic in her praise of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink PillsL and is very posi- tive that they have done her a great amount of good. Her trouble was . indigestion and general debility. For about a year she was under a physi- cians care, without deriving any bene- ‘ ï¬t therefrom. About three years ago , she was induced by a friend to give 1 Pink Pills a trial, when' she began 1 their use, she says, she felt dreadfully tired all the time, was weak and ner- I vous, had a pain in her chest and was very downhearted. Her father told her she looked as though she was going a: crâ€" w lvvi MHU ~>1 Pic: On Friday night, of last week the string ad of the Fullis Line! _to the number of 01)!)FEILL 0 II 5' II I l' I â€'0.†J .\' (use am open (ruby setting), heath. 0n the “Pruseuted lo Sign of the Horse at the Door. 373 George Stree, Peterborougll. Remember this we cannot and will not be undersold, our Prices are made to suit; the times and suit you. . , â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" - “- IU'I.’ and Best Value yet. Sole Agents for Saskatchewan Buffalo Robes. CARRIAGE and STYLISH RUGS, better and Larger Stock than ever. OUR HORSE COLLARS beat them all. HORSE BOOTS of Every Descrip- tion. Great Stock of Trunks, Valises and Satchels, Gloves, Buckr skin Mitts Robe Linings and Trimmings. HORSE BLANKETS, New Styles and Cheap. ROBES, the Greates} Variety and Band. llnl..- _._ and still advancing. Everything swing for the Fall. ALWAYS IN THE LEAD Is that it is always UP TO DATE. No old or ancient stockâ€"never overstocked, never understocked. People who are posted will tell you that our Har- ness and Turf Goods are Another Strong Point ABOUT OUR HARNESS Solicifoiz: ftrr'Exccutor. 52~ Dated this 11th day of January 1895. A. A. SMITH C. H. BRERETON, MUD Solicitor for Executor. Executor. VO'I‘iCE is hereby given pursuant. to the ‘. provisions of R. S. 0. 1887. Chap. 110, and :LllN'liding‘ Acts. that, all (‘re'liturs and others having claims ligatinst, the estn’c of Ahnzinh Morris. lntcnf the Township of Mnnvers. 1n the County of Durham. yconmn. deceased. who lliulCli or about the ï¬rst day of December, ‘ mm. are required to send by past prepaid. or to (it-liver .0 Dr. (‘. ll. Brereton. of said Township of Mauve-rs. (Bctlnmy HO.) the Executorot the will of the said dcccnsod. on or before the 18th {lily of February, 1895. a statement of their names and addresses, the full particulars of tin-ircinims and the securities (if any) held by t win. And take notice that the said Executor will. on and after the said 18th of February. 1895, proceed to distribute the assets of the said es- tate among the parties entitlcrl thereto. having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. IN ESTATE OF AHAZIAH MORRIS DECEASED Dated this 2‘.‘nd day of January, 1895. SAMUEL HUNTER. THOMAS 15141.0â€. }E-“°°“‘°"3- By A. A. SMITH. their Solicitor. l VOTICE is hereby given under. R.S.0.. Chap. it lit). and amending new. the: all persons having claims against the estate of James Hunter. late of the Villain: of Mlllbrook. Gentle- man. deceased. are required to deliver their claims. and the nature of the securities held litany» to A. A. Smith. Millbrook, 0nt.. on or before the first day 01‘ March. 1895. After said date the ereutors will proceed to distribute the estate or the said‘deccused. having regard nnly to the claims of which they shall then have notice. IN THE ESTATE 01' JAMES HUNTER. GBNTLEMAN, DECEASED. Executor's Notice to Creditors ! 424 George-st, - Peterboro 1's giving special reductions this Week in stamped Linen (:cmlx, such as Pillow’Slmms, 'l‘ruy Cloths, Splusln‘l's, «i'c. Also all the Izmtost patterns in llunit‘on work are now on exhibition. Millbpook, - Ontario. l;AltR1$TEI:. SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUB- lic, 1th. Money to Loan. 145 Hunter-Sc. M -- . ... v-uu-u. Wallzu-c “ill heo pxescnt and delixcr ad- dresses. Executors Notice to Creditors. Hon. .1. c. nmerson, Miniétcr of Militizi; Him. 1):. .\.I_(_mitugue and Hot}. N. Clarke I'li'lz‘l'JIi‘lNh' FOR A GREAT GATHER- I.\'G. l’clex-boro‘, Jun. 2I.â€"'l'lie conservatiea are preparing for a. monster political gather- ing hero on February 7, when Hon. Geo. l‘l. Foster, Minister of Finance; Hon. John llziggnrt‘, Minister of Railway and Canals; Hon. .1. C. l’aLterson. Minister of Militia: Of course“ he would and dxd, working away a long time quite patiently. And he did it nicely, too. The best 01 it, was, the rest of the boys thought he was highly honored and besieged her for “copying †to (10' 3:3,? Stamping done to order. M [SS M ELVILLE. . SHORTLY, “ Willie, I have some copying here that I haven’t tin“: to do myself. X on can wnte nicely, will you do it. fqr mer?†, c..._v. ‘f‘ .u yuv \Ivun Mull. LVUA unusu- Entering the mom noiselessly on return- ing, she found the room in perfect order, and Joe took his seat with the air of one who has performed a. duty well, as she dis- missed him with a ‘Thank you, Joe, you haw: done well." Another afternoon a. boy had ï¬nished his work before the rest of the class, and he was not one of the kind that will occupy their spare time with something useful of their own accord. So, seeing him idle, she addressed him. Miss T. received a message in school one day calling her to another teacher‘s room. Turning to the “ bad boy †she said : “Joe, you may take :hurge of the room while I am absent.†With an amusing assumption of dignity, he marched n p to tho desk‘anfl took charge. 1).. A .. ._,_ .LA . , Tukg him intu your conï¬dence and, above all, give 'him something to do for you ; sooner or later, you will ï¬nd that, you have “ managed †him, without his suspecting it in the least. .llmmglnz "M‘ liml Bo". Give the bud boy a. chance to reform. Show him at the beginning of the term that you believe in him and trust. him, no matter what evil reports you may have heard cou- ccrning him. Notice. Important For Space This Watch »:gcnéx'r TAILOR“ 155mm OF MAR- MISS MELVILLE riagc Lice-11583. ROBERT RUDDY, W. J. GREEN, Peterborough; Peterbopough. in full Has now .in Stock alarge supply of Coal and WCOd Stoves of every kind, which will be sold very cheap. Call and examine. Also all kinds of Tinware and Lamp Goods. Best American and Canadian Coal Oils. Eavetroughing Repairing promptly attended to. WHTERPROOF HORSE AND WAG FLAGSBUNTING, FTC. 344 Water Street, . P‘ W. S'PICKUP Always guaranteed the lowest. Our Books are Manufactured specially by the Ex- aminer Printing Co. Lt’d., tor the Peterboro’ Book- store. The Paper is exceptionally good and the Binding is guaranteed to last, with, ordinarv care AWNIN‘ESéT‘ï¬wTs, Sails, Ga’mping Goods. BUY YOUR Blank Booksg Office Supplies ALF. KINGSCOTE, Ends of Dress Goods Ends of Shirtings, Ends of Carpets Ends of Cretonnes Ends of Laces TURNBULL’S. Peterboro Bookstore The balance of our Sealettes, Heavy Curls and Mantles have been going steadily at the prices they were marked since we last talked about them, but we have still a few good Mantles and Cloths left, which some one will get a bargain on. We show a window of all styles of Hats and Placques. Your choice tor 85 cents. We prefer to sell them at this price, rather than pack them away. 417 and 419 George Streét _~_. - - Wl uaaly,.duu we are now_ meas- unng and throwmg out all odd knee on tables, to be cleared before that date. Such as wt and... our many customers throughout the country a happy and prosperous one. January is our annual Stock-taking month and we must be ï¬nished by the 1st ot February, and we are now meas- usvï¬nm -u .1 L17 George and Simcoe Streets Small Proï¬ts and Quick Sales We Undersell bnt are never Undersold. A. H. STRATTON 8: CC). â€"MANUFACTURER 0F- OUR MOTTO : -â€"AT THE 7. S. PICKUP. nds of Embroideries ‘. Pcterborough. WA G-ON C0 VERS; ‘2 Petalâ€"borough nds pf Ribbons. Peterboro’, Ont. nds of Tweeds, Ends of Prints, ï¬nds of Cottons We have our store ï¬lled with the menu and most fashionable that is 10 be had i Ladies’, Children's and Men's Furs, Ladie Mantle: trimmed on shortest notice. George-st, The Latest Novels and the magniï¬cent stack of Mix. 11 “ill 111v \‘vn to call and see them lu-z'nn' ytzrvhuxinï¬ Elm» whcr-n “is priz-(‘s are and}. «harm. \(lrmu bargains for rush for 11w mum h hf M-z-mnln-r. A fine lino of Whips, Iilquu-l < \anh'll and Rubber Rugs. which an- lvving .mM «humor than at um‘ (Mu-r shula ('41:! vi 'l'nmn‘m for the same line of gunk. W. STRAIN. If You Want Have 0 r Cau‘pch and It “'urrs plod. lluvuuguml 'l‘wccds urns. Hulk and E and \Vinvcr. Chum {mu ~‘1. to have ur\\'inlor( '2m.:1 {icnu and Luriiw gm'nwnh work z'uzu nlccdul I’urkrrklp agent for Steam Laund (fw ot‘guch week, returned mum l .‘ “Jillglu‘,-Hx1g](.liillt that, no all imu 1191;.‘1, heard the jingle of BELLS! 'l‘he undersignwi premises a good an time of sen ice. 50- S AILSBURY’S Our annual Jan’y Mark- down Sale has always been a success. This year we intend to leave no stone unturned to make it a Sweeping Clearance of all our winter stock, including Ready-made Clothing and Overcoats for Men, Youths and Boys; also Gentlemen’s Underwear and Furnish- lings. To reduce our Stock of; First-class Tweeds andi Cloths, we will lower prices; equal to a saving of 25 per“ cent. for all! Ordered Suits; and Overcoats during the month of january ' SIGN OF THE HORSE SHOE. GEORGE STREET. - PETERSEROUGH Newest Fashion Books We herewith express our sincere acknowledgement for the many marks of fav- or'shown the CITY CLO- THING STORE in the past, and for the generous support continued to be bestowed upon this ï¬rm- by the people of Peterboro’ and surrounding country. Nothing Succeeds Like Success. We extend our hearty congratulations and well- wishes of the season. We facilitate ourselves for the share that we, as Clothiers, have had in contributing to the enjoyment of hundreds of satisï¬ed patrons during I 894 GENTLEMEN, a MILLS BROS. Fï¬RS JaeEF‘ RUN†éECO. Cabinetmakem Indertaker :4." Showroom: Kin‘ Trgï¬s. mum, Kco N qn hand}: 1- ‘4. >200]: of Cpl‘k‘lkï¬. CAMS-.1 '. and an kmd: of l‘ndqxflukurs‘ (inods. ,_ , "mwmym mums. Bedroom. ’au‘lor. Diningroom and all other kxmis of Furniture. hand-mule. at 10\\'c~! 2 ' FOR SERVICE. BOOKSTORE Write or Call at I I '. S] 71’ WINTEB IS HERE l 895 DAV£D CHAMBERS. HERE’S TO YflU REQUIRE 'u: bull hells 11m l/A'S Peterboro. )lillb‘ Pemrboro u1.~ woven of Fiunncis. frnm Fall is the time «1 and d} ed i11i1\'.A’i Ol‘ki. A} ‘rookl no not .-\ 1 you have any Books 0 Examiner Book-l ork execuugdi in N0. 369 George Street. We haveh:;d the best Season’s trade in Mantles we have everhad. These are Al Styles, but rather' than carry them over, we will sacrifice the prices, R.H.Kells00 Fresh Merchandise. scIcCted for the. best trade of this commun- ity. Out ofthis immense stock we have several lines we would likc to clear : haw no 01d Bankn’xpt Stock to bu shoved Off. “'1: :m: not holding any so-czuicd sale. but “‘4'. do hold nearly \chrc not overloaded. \Vv Wrong in this Business. $30.00 Mautles for $20.00 20.00 Mantle: for 15.00 15.00 Mantles for 10.00 10.00 Mantles for 7.50 There’s druggisx s‘ mall. Price. one Package. 81: 61x. 85. bu mi please. six will cure. Pamphlets free toanyuddmu. The “'00:! Company, Windsor. on. Canada. .5011} in Millbzo 'k and chrywhcre by all ,1“. . ‘ " 'V 7 'ï¬' .. __ of Tobacco. Opiumor Stimu- Before andAfter’ lants, which soon lead to In. flrmit y, vaanity. Consumplion and an. early grace. Has been prescribed over 35 years In thousands or cases; is the only Bdt‘able and 111mm Medicine known. Askdruggistfor “'ood’s Pboaphodlnc: it he oxen; some worthless medicine 1:: place or this. indose price In lemon and we will send by return , _ . 37.. ac yrocurcu {tom the 100118.011:- Prxce, tt~3 {or one month's mn- uH-ni, und can be Sent, by ' . ‘ Haul on receipt. 0! price. 1‘ or sale by 1 complaints is daily xunklm; x. (’iIN‘S o: casus in which all other remedies had failed. This treatment, has I): on in constant um: by an oxpu'icnccd phyaician for many 3 vars Wiih the greatest success. It is perfect. usu cure for tuning of the womb. leucorrhwa. < 5' “211195. painful, suppressed, profuse orirreg- 13.n- mmnu-uution, congestion and inflamma- 1'3-{1 of the womb, and other ' tonne troubles. ‘i‘wl? B'We rise to :1 Tons diseases. headache, . ï¬z'l'mi‘m‘ bucka:nc. depression. tired Xeex- m. 'etc.‘ Willa: so many women enter from. l’urnculars qndhiormnu‘on free on application to the ropraemn. T. Mun-m: 6: Co.. Toronto. Ont. he rcmctdy 034: be precurcd from the 10m] asap. Prxce. :1.3 {or m... “mm-«A. -â€".~ - PERERBORO; BOOK-BIN DIN I WOO D’s PIIOSPHODINE. The Great English Remedy. - Six Pack-age: Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently cure an (arms or Nervous Wcahwss, Emissions.Sptrm- aim-rhea, Impotency and all (324130! Abuse or Excuses, THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS WORTH OF GOODS 712v:- youCatur' h. 'r This remedyï¬ teed to cure you. Pï¬cc 6001a. Injec antee. Fora Lama nacE or cam?â€" SHILOHSBEL LADONNAPLASIEmm T1718 Gaza-r Conan Cam: prompuy m" whcre an ozhcrs fail. Cough}, Croup Sore Throat. Hearszaeu. Vlhoogm Cough and alarm. For Cane-amnion n: as no ri - has cured thousand; and will cum you taken in time. Sold by Dm‘ggisfe 93 gm. -_.¢- 1“. _ r-__ n-_ ‘In nowand mum‘- ~13 n comm-tints is dui') .ms -1 Fuku. “men so many \i'omen s'uflcijï¬féém. .culars apd information free on applicanon eqlngopneton. T. Blanca}: 5: Co.. Toronto. , _ A 0 l'cnlpdv a... W _ , gnca'sflATAana my 13.0%â€: t0 be For Sale by A. LEACH. MADAWNE Nothing mgdigipe { or all female Mental Worry. excessive use FEMEW A†LEACH‘ Daniel mu. Proptiewr the Hamberg. 0a.. Index w suï¬'u'ing from DY“ Trouble, I Look; A few ‘1 â€"-Reovos ‘crguq Preston and Fisher my Donaldson. Vance am Tuesday to attend the oil meeting. -â€"Mr. David Fali Gavan has been undvr some days with an :11 like In gn'ppc. “'0 1‘ around again shortly. 1 â€"Farmers don‘t Archer’s stock of Lu: bets and stockings Our prices are the low P --Upward of 100 ci 50 m up to 300 aq prices and upon terms ( GI-zo. Soo'ruazux. Mill! -7 A number of the a are billed to addresaJ Pete: borough on Feb. 1 terson, Foster, Monmg .. A curling; m: had been zit-rang: on our rink. bu! account of the x11 It cums Incipient ('unsu best Cough C me. Only cm. 50 cm. and $10] pc A. Luau â€"â€"Miss M. Adelina 1. who has been vi the Fallis Line, spent Ki- aunt, Mrs. J. \V, â€"BOSh)n Cum'h Sewing Mzwhim- ( Pam’s. â€"The pmtvst again Dr. “'illoughhy as Ontario lmgislaturo f-a berland has been wixL -â€"Mr. Arthur Muii ï¬ned m the house wi rheumatism. â€"â€"$IOO.w loan at 5 per Millbrook. â€"â€"Roox Baskets. Lanterns, G min : Measures at J ouxs'l â€"Miss Louie Ct day on the Fall'b‘ L: Miss E. Ball. -â€"-.\Ir. Cha Revnolds \n‘r . visiting friend 1.7.5.. m3: . ï¬gwcu on: E». 0rd. m? 3.1.?! â€"Mrs. Manvillc at Jersey, is visiting hw C. Kélls â€".\lrs. Yul-wood an have been visiting un â€".\Irs. Young of “siting Miss Bean 3‘. â€"â€".\Iiss Lfly Staph in Penerbum. â€"Mm C. Reynold visiting Mn: J ohnsw »-)Ir. J 01m Bro was in town on Fridz â€"Mr. Prod l 3 Sundav. â€".\1 BS. L89 1 friends in tom Ottawa. â€".\li.ss Turner of at Dr. Tumors. L’RSES xx 1300;; hand. ArEIhIm-tiv. wrigpg. Trv u :hrcc nu or“mbcr. Peru-rub \x‘ SHILOH'S CUR] PETERBO 110 [i URSE." L\' BOO hand. Arnhnn-tir AND â€"â€"Misses ‘leic‘n 111er to Toronto ndin: 0311.329. @etepb (the millbro‘ gain will likely be? -â€"1Irb. H. .'\. Tu â€"Geo. t anezh is .D-J'r hm: prompt THURSDAY. .1 A 5 TO\VN Novel Etc. Book Of C (.0 ll) ‘Surbol (Ji