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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 31 Jan 1895, p. 1

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$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. ALL DOMESTICATED ANIMALS TREAT. ed according to Invest. scientific methods. Particular attention given to Equine Dentistry. moderate. asidence end oflice Kins Chen-gee . ‘ 9k oppome Old Weltern Bank. Mlllbrook, - Ontario, mor’l Notes for any time during twelve months. ARMERS‘ AND OTHER GOOD NOTES discounted. Drafts issued on all points in and the United States at, lowest. rates. Canals The Collection 0! Sale and other notes a special~ :1. Loans :13on on Real Estate. No commis- Wood Kellss MONEY_ tolosn at 5 r cent. on gin: edge security and At. 5 incl 5! per cent. on laser security. '1‘ arms to suit. box-rowers. AUCTIONEER. Sula of dl kinds prompi ”tended to. Satisfaction gamma! Terms and dates “ganged at the REPORT 0300 or on appucanon to myself. RANNEY INNES, Pmnnoao'. - - om‘ARIO- u will; VW\°vv ........ treated on scientific principles. nine Dentistry aspeeialty. Registered in acoo cc with the Velez-hazy Act. pmco â€" opposiw Dominion Hotel. Residence hing“. ...-â€"â€" CHISHOLM 6: CHISHOLM H. ’B’IRCH, roman. - ONTARIO CIVIL ENGINEERS. ox'rnuo LAND SUR- vmroas. 406m ALL DOMESTICATED ANIMAJS TREAT- od accord: to latest. 3018!)ng methods Monk: sun on iven to Eqmne Dentim-y. manque. ‘alla by solemn prompt. Charge- ly “bonded to. ENTXST. Spocinl Attention 'ven to the maceration of the natn Teeth. .\i- trou- Oxido Gas for tho painless extraction of tooth. Good work guaranteed. Will be at Both“: the 2nd m “I: Mondays of each month. Omemoe [at Monday sud 3rd Wednes. day of such month. , L Vlad Csvanvillo Monday. Wednesday und 1- 01 ml: week tron: l town one. at. Mr. O. '3. II I]. .QITN l‘ Pmuh'l'. Ala-Luv.-." uâ€"--.â€".v.. _ . - -_ Privnu tad OCompan panlfixndn_ tolonn at the lowest um. mco in oodkhella‘ block. At Bethany on 2m? and 4th Mondays of every QUEEN‘S Unitasâ€"i} . Kingston. Member 0! the College of P ysicianu and Surgeons. D on. Money to land on the security or real unto. Town and. Fun: Property for sale. Ofloo in Ontario Block. Wdton “not. TORONI‘O And Victoria. Universities. LL confine Royd College Stamens. Eg11n 1 'canthto Roy-d Coll _ o- Shrgeoml. Mn burgh. Member College elgl'xyficiams and Sux‘ goons. Onurio, one. a: A. Lamb's drug store. N. C. McKINNON, M.D., GM. (SCOCIIIOR 1'0 DR. NIDDRII) LOYAL CAVAN LODGEâ€"CANADIAN 0R- DER 0F ODDFELLOWS. meets the W Tuefioy evening of eech month in the Home Cn-ole rooms. Kin at... Millbrookf- hon: at meeting. 8 o'clock. T e benefits of um let, are worthy the confidenfion of every person. Information furnished on application. Kama-ooh Lodz. No. 808. %, INDEPENDENT ORDER. OF ODDI‘BLLOWS. MEETS EVERY TUESDAY EVENING IN their hallover tho now Pout Ofllco. Visit- in: Broth-on welcome. w. D. men. w. a. axvnx. N;G W. ARCHER. N. G. GEO. DUNCAN. Sec. )FFIOEâ€"North side of King-st. I" Referenceâ€"CW Bank of Commerce. ‘Heou third Honda in each munth in their in? 0"! Lach’s (gag store. Strange" wel- IMKWK CANADIAA‘ HOME CIRCLE All}: 0. 6. Meet.- the mound Month? in every month in Home Circle Roo W a: Kelli block. at. 8 o'clock sharp. m W. ARCHER. G. W. B. ANDERSON. Loader. Secretu'y. J. R. YOUNG. rim-Soc. COURT IVANHOE. NU. 3:7. I. 0. P" Vol. XXXVII 1.. '. B. COLLINS 6: C0. _RADUATE OF THE ONTARIO VETER- imrv College. W9! quesgcgggq IRRYTOWN. - - ONTARIO. UC’I’IONEER FOR 'THE COUNTY OF . Durban. Sula of allkinds promptly 3!» «led. D338 and term- mnged at. tho RCHIBALD WOOD ISSUER 0! MAR . RIAGE LICENSEg. Millbrook 0m L. LAPP, 3A., M.D.C.M. owned by Mr. 1m Nuance. I hereby so- ' or \our patromge. in return for whic-v (will gutrantae to sup 1y you with the choicest meatnszthe lowest. ll n3 price!“ I hove secured ‘he service- of Mr. W. Scott who“ still in dreams meat. in well known in Minbrook. Order. delivered promptly to any pox-t. of town. HAVING purchased the Butcher bualnm lately rAgMSTER._Sojicitox-. Noisy!) Puylic. etc. , AA ___ -. JAS. D. DEYELL, VS Ll-RMK. . . ONTARIID. I issued and collactions made at. points on most favorable tom RINITY UNIVERSITY. MEMBER OF the Collect of Physicians sud Surgeons. S. W. CLARK. L.D.S. feiéi ‘1‘“. Street. cum: 0.11 (ween-son 10 DR. "111.1.me MARRIAGE LICENSES. SEAGER, M.D., GM. :EVIIJJ'. ‘ 0§TAIIO. BAN K E RS, BARRISTERS. JOSEPH CRAIG _. H. C. LESLIE. Vacuum 5mm.- DR. MARK. BANKERS. PROFBSION AL. fiAssARD, v.s., I. GARDINER. I. A. WARD, A. SMITH, CANADIAA HOME CIRCLE ONTARIO. 3: Law. Solgpitor: ONTABlo W. S. PICKUE. OKTARIO ONTARIO. OSTABIO. ONTAllo ONTAKIGD. 0311310 Ontario W. S. GIVEN, BELOW m SOME OF Ills LEADERS : IN WOOD COOK. “The Dixon Steel Cook," (the been on the market. every stove gumn teed to be fleet baker). “ The Souvenir Cook." “The St. James Cook.' “The ml Cook." “The Maple Cook," “The Oxford Cook." OAL RANGES. “ The Souvenir Range." the best Coal Run in the com: . “ The IN 0 Stewart Coal Range,‘ “ e Oxford 0011 Raga.” m, L BASE BURNERS. “The Stewart Art Sultan " “ The Oxford Art Countess, IN GOA bou h powerful double heatfe’re and perfect bakersâ€" AND A FULL LINE OF HOUSEF‘URNJS‘KUfigS IN TABLE CUTLERY ’AND GRANITE ’ A 1. Best Brands of A M l‘: :ICA.\' and CANADIAN COAL 01L by the Galion or Barrel. 407 George Street, Petepbopough. Loans granted on policies at low interest. No extra charge for insuring lives of women and children. W. M. RAMSAY, CHARLES HUNTER. Y And if you want anything in the Watch, Clock or Jewellery line AWA ' you will strike it rich by calling on us now. Our stock is large and we must make room for a. fresh and new stock, which will con» DOWN . sist of the handsomest, nobbieat and meet unique designs for Wedding presents ever brought into Millbrook. When you are in town give us a. call, we will be pleased to show you our stock and we are certain our present low prices will surprise you. In spectacles we are in a. position to suit you. 3: REMEMBERâ€"we are bound to clear out. our present. stock and if you need any- thing in our line you have a chance to get a. bargain now. ' ACCUMULATED FUNDS - $39,000,000 INVESTMENTS IN CANADA $10,000,000 ISSUES FREE POLICIES. Immediate payment on receipt of proof of death. The Jeweller, Coal and Wood Cook Stoves ALSO COAL AND WOOD HEATING STOVES Everything Marked Down R. J. ' DQAK, ASSETS OVER $14,000,000. The CANADA LIFE Assurance Co. “ STANDARD ” HENRY ARGUE. Agent, Millerok. Assurance (6,. Of Canada. A Good Shingle X for $17.00 For M. â€"â€" A Good Shingle XX $1.50 per M. Clear Shlngle XXX for $2.50 per M. Please call and Inspect and be convinced for yourselves. ”GREY LIME KEPT IN STOCK. Anthracite Coal, all size“, and of the best. quality; Blossbgrg Coal No. 1. Saab and Doors and Outside Blind“. Hard and Soft \\ u d Cheap. KEEP ABREAST VWTH THE Tqus: SEE 011B WATTHASS, ELGIN AND ROCKFORD WATCHES. “ There is no invidiousness involved in the assertion that no other Canadian company in existence can point to such a record of rapid, substantial and unine terrupted progress and prosperity as that exhibited in the successful annual reports of the Sun Life. . ..Mos' assuredly are its directors, shareholders and policy holders to be congratulated upon the very flourishing condition of the Company, and especial! upon the result of the business of a year which was marked by the prevalence o conditionsâ€"the influenza epidemic, for instanceâ€"which proved «lis- astrous for so many life companies. And with no less certuintv can it be said that the very great progress made by the institution has been mainly due to the able and energetic efforts, guided by the sagacity and prudence which practical ex- perience alone can bring, of the President and Managing-Director, who has been efficiently assisted by the Secretary. From the contemplation of so successful a past the management may reasonably draw most sanguine anticipations, as to the prosperity of the futm s. lncome...................... .......$1,240,483,12 Beserve.............. ..... ..........$3,533,264,67 Net Assets.....-......................$4,001,776,90 Life Assurance Force.............. ....$27,799,756,51 2.- Because in 1893 it increased its assete by 81,236,513â€"3 sum exceeding the increase of any other two Canadian Companies, and more than double of any one compgny.» 3. Because it; has ginger sut‘blus' above all liabilities than all the other ganadian Compariies fiogethqr. 4. Because the nét Profit; paid on its Life policies during the last 20 years are not equalled by any other Company in America. From the Camus TRADE waxw. 1. Because it is the oldest, largest, most popular and economical ant} giies the best {osults for the [east-money. Millbrook, June II, 1894. LEADS ALL QMADIAN BUMPANIES.. Income ................ Reserve ................ Net Assets ..... - ........ Life Assurance Force ...... 1895- Chief Agent, Ontario. Life Assurance Co. Agent; Millbpook. -GEO. A. and Eg._w. 003;, SUN LIFE HAS NOW ON HAND HIS FALL AND \VINTER STOCK OF ADAM HALL OPINIONS 0F THE PRESS -ON THEâ€" “.7. H. HILL, J. STEELE, Agent, Millbrook. ESTABLISHED 1825. FM“ WHY IT LEADS ! W. H. MeCARTNEY, Manager- fop Central Ontario, FALL AND WINTER ESTABLISHED 1847. THE GREAT Sfiingle Emporium IS AT MILLBROOK! l DOWN THEM ALL FOR QUANTITY, QUAL- ITY AND PRICE. J. J. HAN RATTY, Managers Eaétern Ontario, Toronto W. THEXTON. Agent, Bethany DISTRICT INSPECTOR, PETERBORO J. L. IRWIN, King-st” Millbpook, Manager Port Hope. Petepboro. AND EAST DURHAM ADVOCATE. 1895 Wéé/ ¢///¢///////. QII 7///,////i/,/////7/fl/ MILLBROOK. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1895. Mfis Viola. (sympaihetically)â€"Yea, but you know he couldn’t possibsy do that. Are you a. sufl'erer with coma ? If you are get a. bottle of Holloway’s Corn Cure. It has never been known to fail. Miller’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil should be emblazoned in letters of gold upon the altar of every household. It saves life when every means for the cure of consumption or lung trouble fail. For many years Cod Liver Oil was held in disfavor on account of its unpleasant taste, and inferior quality of the prepara- tions. Miller’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil revived its use because it is pleasant to take and 'ves immediate results in crestin new lood, and thus giving suf- ferers t e strength to overcome the dire enemy. Millers Emulsion is the great nerve strengthener and blood maker, and cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, sorofule and all lung affections. In big bottles, 50c. and $1, at all drug stores. . Pocket-knive blades are very unevenly tempered. Even in soâ€"called standard cutlery some blades are hard and some are soft. For the latter there is no rem- edy, but the temper of hard ones can eas- ily be drawn slightly. Take a. kitchen poker and heat it red hot. Have the blade that is to be drawn bright, and hold it on the poker for a. moment. When the color runs down to violet blue stick the blade in a piece of tallow or beef suet until cold. An Utter impossibility. Heâ€" -Yes, I assure you, Miss Viola, it was an awful moment. There he stood, covering me with a BiX‘ShOL her and threat- ening to plow out my_ br_a.ins. ‘ Why will you allow a. cough to lacerato your throat. or lungs and run the risk of filling a. consumpmve's grave, when, by the txmely use 01 Bickle’s Anti-Consump- bive Syrup, the pain can be allayed and the danger avoided. This syrup is pleas- ant. to me taste, and unsurpassed tor re- lieving, healing and curing all afiections o: the throat and lungs, coughs, colds, bronchitis, etc., etc. Mrs. L. Squire, Ontario Steam Dye Works, Toronto. writes: “For about thirty years I have doctored for liver oompylsint and dyspepsia without gottjng any cure. I then tried Northrofi'SL Ly- man’s Vegetable Discovery, and the benefits I have received from this medicine are such that I cannot withhold this ex- pression of my .gratitude. It acts im- mediately on the liver. As a. dyspepsia remedy I don't think it can be equalled? Just. think of it! Ever since Miss Ava. Willing became Mrs. John Jacob Astor she has been in polite mourning lor one or other re smves ol her husosnd,1n whom her personal interest. has been oz necessity Very slight. "’lhis is an ethic- mun eerminiy lot a. beautilul young wo- men, said one ot her society lnends, "and when at. last. she was emerging irom all this gloom and began to enter-bum in suitable lsshion in her grand. new home. to be again secluded and gm bed in the nsbilimenbs of Woo was too much for her to bear.” Consequently Mrs. Asher went on with her dmner party and other lee- uvities, while her sister-in-law's mortal remains were swsimng interment. Very heartless, it all seems, but, then the As- cors are a. law unto themselves. Hetty Green, who is worth millions of dollars. knows the value 0: a. dollar when 1t is put :11 the right mace. bhe recently gave her hotel wuzwr a up 01 wt) tor Kcepiug mpurtera away 1mm her. She ubLLul’u rcpuz'tem, one or two at whom are pretty sure to be in the diumg-rwm when the unpers 1t. her Wuuer 118.5 been very suwessxul in p1 owetmg her. ’lhe head Walter, too, has done hxs duty by the un- fortunate rich woman, and tor hls sur- vxces he has been rewndeu with amudost 'l‘..e mush and milk surprise party is a popular amusement in many places. l'huso who make the party swoop down upon the subject. 01 we surpnse with a. box 01 cornmeal and a. jug ox molames. .l'he mush is set to boil, me molasses 1:. burned into many and abundantly pulled, cakes are baked, apples pared, and the mush is eaten along wnh the fresh ilk and rich cream. Slate and slate pencils have been ban- lehed lrom Boston schools by ofliclal dic- tum. The light gray mark on the only allghtly darkened. slate surface is pro- nounced very trying to the eye, and the operation 01 erumg, as most. olwn prnc‘ used by children, 13 not. only unclennly, but unwhuleeume as well. b‘o the slates have gone, and paper and pencil have come. Mr. Talmage began his services in New York at the Academy of Music on Sunday aftgn'nuonl when a large audience was present. he spoke with ma) old time vigor, and, as he was talking about. re- pentance and remum. the removal 01 a. drunken man xrum the hall by ushers came in very put for an illusbrumon. ‘widennly the doctor atarwd under the vest. auspices. certain, the prices here bobbed up and down in sympathy. But nearly every day the previous day’s closing price was regained before business ended. Tho- man’s estimates were circulated on Wed- nesday, and caused some shifting. He puts the amount used as fodder at less than fifty million bushels, which is be- low the general belief. Previous predic-‘ tions were between seventy-five and one hundred million bushels, and as these figures were not intended to include the considerable amount of wheat used every year in this way, the estimate of less than fifty million bushels is supposed too low. Reports of visible supply did not show the expected decrease 01 over a. mil- lion for the week, which disappointed the majority of traders, who were counting on still higher prices. The new Kansas ballot law requires that “the lower limbs of the voter as high up as the knee shall be visible from the outside while the voter is in the booth preparing his ticket, the lower part of the booth having been lelt open 101‘ the pur- pose." is this another scheme of the enemies of woman sunrage 'x’ The wheat, market closed strong on Saturday night in New York, and since then the none has been irregular, al- though prices have not changed much either way. Every rumor lrum abroad caused some slight. fluctuation, and as the Berlin newe nae been especially unj The cummercinl failures of the past week 1n the Dominion show an increase when they numbered 54 as comperedbo 37 the week before, and 57 in the corres- ponding week of 1894. Ontario leads with Canadian securities in London no firm with advances in some cases. Canndnfio per cents. are selling at 994}: British Colum- bia. 3’s st 98, Montreal 3's at. 86*, Mont- real BFB at 93, and Toronto 8?: at, 94;. There seem: to be some enquiry for Toronto Street Railway stock, with mine- actions at. 65}. The gold reserve in the United States Treasury 18 about 877, 900, UOO. To Temper Knife Blades. Week’s Commercial Snmmnrv. No Home Without 1t. Here and There. Through an informality 1n the case of the ballots in Rideau Ward, Ottawa, J udge Moss-rave has thrown out all but one Imperfectly marked paper. The 're- sult is that a. new election will have to be held for the third aldermanic seat. The Winnipeg J obbers’ Union has de- cided to take over all bankrupt stocks in order to prevent. them being thrown into. competition with general trade. City Clerk Kings ton of London, enâ€" nounoee that he has received ofioial in- formation eteting that the Government will allow the 850, 000 waterworks deben- tures to be issued wzthout the reference to a. vote of the people. Masked burglars broke into Mina Mur- ray’s house, near Hamilton, and because they found little money made her take of? her shoes and, searching them, threaten- ed to put. the woman on the stove if she St. Catharines lost. its fine Masonic Temple building, in which the Free Library was situated, by fire Sundav. A large number of patients will be transferred next month from Rockwood asylum, Kingston, to Brockville asylum. The meetings held by the South Oxford Farmers’ Institute last. week at Norwich were among the most successful ever held. Live stock and lumber shipments show a. good increase over those of 1893, but there was a decrease in the total tonnage at Montreal. The Halifax Board of Trade passed reso- lutions favoring the idea. of conducting all Canadian commerce by way of the Canadian railway and steamship lines. It is reported at St. John’s that the Government is in correspondence with the Canadian Government regarding terms for Newfoundland‘s admission into the Dominion. Three gentleman who are largely in- terestod in the iron trade in the United States are in Belleville negotiati for the establishment of an xmn sme ting act-ks and swel manufacturing plant ere. At Dundaa Monday a by-law to expend 85,000 on town bridges was carried by a. majority of twenty-seven votes. Cornelius Donovan, inspector of sepa- rate schools in Hamilton, died Wednes- day evening, aged forty-eight. Guelp h's assessment roll shows an in- crease of $50, 00.) in the city' 3 assessment and 200 of an increase in population. A number of Ontario towns are trying to secure the Gould coupler works, which are to be moved here from the States A boy who threw a. stone through a plate- gfuss window In Guelph was sent to prison for six months. Victoria, 8.0., last year erected build- inga worth $320,000 and spent $100,000 on the extension of its sewers. By decision of the Supreme Court, at Ottawa. the Provincial Government. has no power to pass 9. local option 1a w. Prof. Jarvis, of the Ontario Agrlcultr ural College, Guelph, was nearly aspyxi- Med by escaping gas the other mght. Mr. Straohan, of the Winnipeg Exhibi- tion Association, is suing the ’l‘nbune for $1U,UUO for libel. At the election in Galt seventeen peo- ple at one polling booth were unable to mark their votes. Mr. E. Licbmr, science master at For- oat High School, has gone to harristou for a highcr salary. New J .P.’s will be appointed through- out. the beLrituries to comply with the new quaxificauons. A project is on foot to establish a direct line of stueamahips between Montrcal and St. John’s, Nfid. Hon. A. R. Dickey, Secretary of State, was res-elected in Cumberland, N .S., with- out opposition. _ A man was fined 85 at Hamilwn for ndmg on a G.T.R. brain without, 9. ticket or money. Henry Norman. Hagersvillo, hid $500 in a. glass Jar under the stairs and some one 515qu it. Collingwood. will issue 810,000 in de- bentures wextcnd its wamr and light. system. A Thorold os-nmyor and a counciilor had a. fisticufi during the election excite- ment there. On two days recently 800,000 pounds of pork were sold on the Chatham mar- ket. By a vote of nine to three the Btantford Council has refused to discharge a female clerk. Kingston is excited about a. visiting yyyug Lnglishman there Worth 81,000,- Ottawa's fire loss during the year was $413,927, and the insurance $588,104. Dunnvillo High School has now the largest number of pupils in its history. Manitoba is asking the Uovernmentfor an increaSu 01 845,000 subsidy. Tho McAlliater flour mills, recently burned at, Pakenham, are to be rebuilt. Monckton, N.B., is looking forward to the establishment of an hospital there. The Ontario Government will improve Rond Eau Park. Victoria, B.C., wants its fire deput mental service improved. The Bank of Montreal has established a branch in bt. J ohn's, Nfld. ‘A ithiu a. short. time six churches in London have been robbed. Large quantities of hay are coming into Gananuque Item the islands. The present population of Ottawa is placed at 47,775. The G.T.R. is shipping large quantities of hogs to Boston. Drayton defeated a fire prowction by- law by a. large majority. Aylmer has 120 widows and spinsfers entitled to votz. 'l‘he Kingston curfew bell lay-law is not generally observed. The Government is reducing the North- west Mounted Police to 800. The knitting mills at Port. Dover work overtime. Kingston capitalists may build an ole- vator at Maitland. The Noxon Works. Ingorsoll: have been re-opened. The Palmerston woollen mills are again in operation. Walkerville is now entirely free of diphtheria. Belleville thinks of having a summer carnival. The repairs on the Rideau' canal are complete. Belleville badly defeated a free library by-law. A 450 foot. dock is to be built at Am- herstburg. Preston will soon be lighted by electric- ity. Ridgetown has a debt of $85,000. Ottawa. taxes are in arrears $887,000. Enniskellen fax-mars want. a. cow by- law. Interesting Items and Incidents. Import- ant and Instruotlve. Gathered from the Various Provinces. NEWSY CANADLAN ITEMS THE WEEK’S HAPPENING. Thousands Like Henâ€"Tana. McLeod. Severn Bridge, writes: “I owe a debt. of ratitude to Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric Oil or curing mo of a. severe cold that for curing me of a. severe cold that troubled me nearly all last winter.” In order to give a. quietus to a. hackingco h take a dose of Dr. Thomas’ Eclectric i1 times a. day, or oftener if the cough spells render it necessary. Above is the title 3f the 1895 annual of Dr. Williams’ Medicme Co., of Brockville. On the cover are portraits of Queen Vio- toria, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of York and the infant Prince Edward of York, the mat ands n of Her Majesty. Any of our negro who desire a copy of this book can secure one by sending their address written plainly on a. postal card to the Dr. “’flliams’ Medicine 00., Brockville. Also mention this paper. The outer layers of th aligator’s skin am said to contain a lar percentage of gilica. henca the hardness of the animal‘s The new President of France, elected by Parliament three days utter Casimir- Berier resigned, is Felix Fsure, Minister of Marine in the old Cabinet. He was a soldier oi the Game Mobile, the citizen army which continued the deience 01 Paris after Sedan had tallen. He was a Cabinet member under Gambetta and Ferry, Tirerd and Uupuy. Nothing is known against him, yet he is of course the choice of politicians and not of the people of France, and has yet to prove his fitness for the Presidency. He cannot draw much encouragement from the his- tory of the Republic. Louis XVIII. is the only ruler ox France in 100 years who has died peacefully in possession 01 power. MecMehon, Grevy, Carnot andi Berier have tollowed Charles X., Louisi Phillippe and Louis Napoleon. ‘ Mrs. Celeste Coon. Syracuse, l\'.Y., writes : “For years I could not eat many kinds of food without producinga burn- ing, excruciating pain in my stomach. I took Parmelee’s l’ills according to direc- tions under the head of ‘Dyspepsia or In- digestion.’ Ono box entirely cured me. I can now eat anything I choose without distressing me in the least.” Those pills do not cause pain or griping, and should be used when a. cathartic is required. The faith which children have in their parents is not often better illustrated than by a story which was told recently by a fond relative of an almost precocious boy. He is about three years of age, and his fond mamma thought that it was about time that she impressed upon his infantile mind some one of the first les- sons in Christianity. This took the form of a prayer, which she repeated whilst the boy lisped the words after her. It happened by chance that the head of the house was absent from home, and among the petitions for special blessings was this : “Please God, bring papa safely home.“ W'ith all the dignity which can be crowded into the being of a three-year- old boy, and a precocious one at that, Master Robert stood up and said proudly, “My papa. can come hisself.” There were no more prayers that night. Remove the black from a ceiling or wall smoked by a. kerosene lamp by washing off with soda water. The Pall Mall Gazette say a that gray e fears for the safety of the .y\ ansen arctic expedition are general among Arctic voy - agers of Great nritein and beandiuavia. Lient. Novgerd, or the lJiniphna. expedi- tion, whicn was wrecked in the here. sen, has expressed the opinion to the Denisn ergrephical bociety that there is no question but the krem has been crueheu in the ice, and that Dr. hansen and his party are retreating. '1 he opinion is held by other travellers. The rail Mall Ge- zetw also says that Dr. Nansen, after a year. of drizting, abandoned his vessel, and is returning b3 the nearest route, in expectation of meeting a. relief expedition. While addressing a meeting in Glasgow the Duke of Argyll suddenly fainted. He reeled while in the middle of a. sentence and fell backward into the arms of Lord Kelvin, who sprang tram his seat as he saw the Duke tottering. For a time it was thought the Duke was dead, but he soon regained consciousness. There was great excitement in the hell, and the meet- ing dissolyed. Upon recoveri); from his fainting fit, the Duke was remoyed in an ambulance to the residence of Lord Kel- The Sun, London, says that the amount required, according to the estimates 0: the permanent oflicmls of the Admiralty, to put the navy in a. style of compleuâ€" sufllciency, is $15,010,0w. The money necessary will probably be raised by a. loan. In is reported in Paris that Rustem Pasha, the Turkish envoy to England, has been forced to resign owing to the anger of the Sultan, because he was un- able to prevent England from taking up and investigating the reported outrages in Armenia. The Riforma announces that negotia- tions for a. treaty between Italy and Can- ada. will be opened immediately. The British warship Hyacintfie has left Honolulu to take presents from the Queen to her subjects in the Southern 181- ands. The Paris newspapers, without excsp- tion, are of the opxniun that. the solution 01 the Minimal-id crisis wxll be a. long and difficult. manner. The British steamer Rowan has foun- dered in the Bay of Biscay with a. loss of most of her crew. Lord Brat-say has accepted the Governor- Ihip of Victoria, Australia, in succession to the Earl of Hopetoun. A great spirit of unrest prevails in New South Wales owing to depression :11 trade. Prof. Arndt, the historian of Leipxic University, and Prof. Haushafer. the min- eralogist. of Munich, are dead. Over twenty miners are reported to have been drowned by the flooding of a. mine at Andley, Stuflurdshiro, Eng. FOREIGN. Several battalion: of Italian troops are to be despamhed to Africa. without delay. A Niagara. Falls despamh says : Inspec- tor O‘Mara, of Nia am Falls, Out“, has been sent to Midlan , Ont., wdo customs duty for atime. There are at Midland about 500,000 bushels of grain to be re- leased from bond, and Mr. O’Mara. will probably be detained there two months. Grand Trunk workmen in the London round house and repair shops have re- ceived notice of a. reduction in their work- ing time from ten hours a day to nine. So far about a. hundred men ere afi’ucned by this order, but the hands in the other departments expect similar treatment soon. J. P. Baynton, school teacher Lt Youngsvxlle, in the Township of West Zorra, was up before the police magistrate on Saturday charged with assault. in having too severely punished. one of his pupils, Mamie Kemp. J udgmunta was re- served. Frank Flynn, fourteen years old, has been missing from his home in Hamilton for several days. It is supposed that he went to New York City in company with another boy younger than himself named Welter Hewitt. The police are looking for them. would not confess where he: treasure Four Generations of Royalty. Bad Faith in His Father. All New York Central Railroad con- ductors have been insured in the Ameri- can Surety Company, of New York. '1 hey are obliged to procure five acceptable re.- erences,, but the payment of premiums falls on the company. 'lho Dw igh_t. Manufacturing Company will build a $500, 000 cotton will at Ala- bama City, for the reason, as alleged, the Chioopeo mills cannot compete w ith those of other states, owing to the restrictive lays of Massachusetts. The exports of specie from the port of New York for the week amounted to 85,- 365,8UU in gold, and $363,680 in silver. The imports for the week were: Gold, $197,340; silver, 823,574; drygoode, 34,- 009,966; general In rchandiee, $7,860,280. A Utica woman has killed her mother- in-law. Men habitually exercise more self-restraint than women. Men take in out by reading jokes about their mother- in-lew in the comic papers. Lord Randolph Churchill is dead. He died at 6 o’clock Thursday (24th) morn- igg, surrounded by his family and mola- The Right Hon. Lord Randolph Henry Spencer Churchill. M.P., second son of the sixth Duke of Marlborough. by his marriage with Lady Frances Anne Emily, eldest daughter of the third Marquis of Londonderry, was born February 13, 1849, and educated at Merton College, Oxford. He represented Woodstock from February, 1874, until . April, 1889, and again from that timeâ€"when he was ne- turned with a dimmished majorityâ€"un- til November, 1885. He afterwards stood for Birmingham, but was defeated, and was then returned for South Paddington. From 1874 to 1880 he was almost silent in the House; but from 1880 onward he made himself conspicuous in the House of Commons and on public platforms by the violence of his speeches against the Lib- eral party, and he was the chief member of that small section of 'the House known as the “Fourth Party.” On the accession to ofice of Lord Salisbury’sGovernment in 1885, Lord Mlph Churchill filled the The: Bethlehem. l'a.., Iron Company re- ceived the whole contract {or the armor for Russia’s two new war vessels. The contract calls for over 13,000 was, and means a full year’s work in the armor deâ€" partment. Chief J notice Matteson of Rhode Island has given an opinion in a case involving the nghts of marriod women to enter in- to litigation, In which he holds that a max-med woman can be sued without join- ing her husband. Lawrence E. McNair, 0: Warsaw, N.Y., nine years old, has received a modal from the Volunteer Life Saving corps of New )(u-k inland waters 101' saving nis seven- year-uld brother 1mm drow mug in Silver Lake. DEATH HAS CONQUERED. LORD RANDOLPH CHURCHILL AT LAST SUCCUMBS. The first. strike in the history of the Actors’ k’rouecmve Uninn of America took place an Brockwn, Muss., the ocher day, out, the “filters were out, only one night. the dispute being arranged satimacwrily. Prof. had.ey, of Yale, is charged with bcmg a Malthusian, because he oom- mends the prudent man who works hard, "meats wisely and does not. marry till he knows he can support a family. Joseph Shamburg, of Hazelmn, Pa., who had lived in a cave near that town xor seVeral yam. has been informed 01 che death 0: a relative in Germany who has lext him a fortune valued at WNW. J udge Henry, in Kansaé City, recently decided that. a. man must pay his wife’s debts, even if ha be suing her for divorce. Ex-Senabor Edmunds is said to be con- ferring with prominent maiswpsfim on the subJect of building a. cathedral in Washington. A bill has been introduced in the Mis- seuri Legislature prohibiting life insur- ance companies from taking risks on children under seventeen yam of age. An old rubbe'r boot was dragged up in Tangxer Sound, Md., last week with tiny- two young oysters on the outside of it. and a large road on the inside. Arizona. made train robbery a capital unence, punishable by death, and It in said not a. train robbery has accurred in the territory since the enactment. of that At. Washington a bill was Introduced in the House appropriating $1,0W,000 to provide a suitable residence for the Presi- dent» u! the Uniwi States at. the head 0! Fourteenth street. MI. Strong. of New l ork, has been pre- sent/cu witn a. looking-glass named in Old manogany, winch Ueluuged to Mayor \\ i1- mrd. the mat Mayor 01 flew Eurk city, who was elected 111 1665. Andrew Carnegie’s daily mail of beg~ ging epistles would be large enough to give business to a rural poswflioe. Deer cannot. be shot at. any time in Cumberland County, Maine, and a. man was fined 840 for violating the law. Professor Delos F all and R. Clyde Ford, of Albion College, Mich. .. willy lead a party of smaenbs Law the wilds of the Hudson Bay Territory next. summer. The San Francisciana are apprehensive that the commercial supremacy yuf their city “ill are long be challenged by the city of Los Anggelos. which 16 growing rapldl y. the Sisterhood for Personal Service. a charitable orgamfition which will care lot the poor uf their own denomination wd educate their children. The United States general treasury balances at the close of thegcalendu year, 1894, is stated at, 8153,022,89‘2.11. of which $85,570.!)w is in gold. Another big whaleback steamer for ocean trifle is noon to be built at Everett, W ash,, where the largest vessel of the kind afloat was lost a. tow weeks ago. Holmes County, 34155., is excited over the discovry 01 a. large bed of ligniw, or brown coal. its width in one place iswn miles, but, its thickness is not, stated. New Hampshire yields most of the mica produced in this oountry, and no great quantity at that. ’ The New York Central Railroad Com- pany has announced that it will issue no more stop over tickets. The United States patent oflce is up 30 date with its work, for the first time In fifteen years. A late curiosity-gleam:- claims that. there are 500 open cavorns in Edmonson County. Ky. Hog cholera is raging near Eldorudo Springs, Mo. One farmer has lost. seventy- five head. The cultivated lands of the United States only occupy $9 acres of each 4 AAA Chicago has twenty-mo general and sixteen special hospitals. Thomas Stiff is an undertaker at. Jersey City Heights. AN HOUR WITH UNCLE SAM Neighborly Interest In Bls Doing.- Mattoro 'of Moment and Mirth Gath- ered From Eh Record Dally. The J ewesses of St. Louis have formed BOW HE EPENDS THE DAY. 1.25 IF NOT PAID IN ADVAKCE for Coughs. Colds. and. Turner- WildSmw- berry for Dian-baa. Dyunm hm. Tumu- 1Quimne sud Iron Tonic for General Deb”! and H CkaESyx-u pox-Emou'uEm “itflorohonnd awaited Nun-Mon- For Ch: Li Fraulein. For the Tooth Dentin-log! a t Toot Powder. THE TURNER DOUG OI). gmw worse and worse until, in spite of medical advice and prescriptions, after a year’s illness he had a stroke of par- alysis. His right arm and leg became quite useless. Sores broke out on both legs. He suffered excruciating agony, and had met neither day nor night. He sought the best medical advice that could be obtained. but no hopes were held out to him by the physicians. "He will cer- tainly die Within a month." one well known practitioner told his friends. “He will be a cripple ior life." said two other doctors. It is no wonder that. as he says. lite became a burden to him and he long- ed for death to relieve him from his suf- ferings. This was in August, 1892. About October of that yea: he eard of Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills and a: e forlorn hope determined to try them. He did so, and before long was able to take :‘itside exer- cise. He persevered with the trutment. closely following the directions. andis to- day nearly as strong as when a young men, and is' able to follow successfully and without dificulty the laborious cull- ing by which_he gets 3. living. Such was the wonderful Story told the Gazette by Mr. Hopkins. who attributes his recovery solely to the use of Dr. Wil- liems‘ Pink Plus, and he is willing to satisfy any person who may call on him as to their wonderful efiecte. recto ' the blood and habifil 7 the genres, .“ illmgns‘ Pink Pings at. the root of the disease, driving it from the system and restoring the patient to health and strength. In cases of para- lysis. spinal troubles, locomotor ataxia. sciatica. rheumatism, exysipelas,ecrofu~ lous troubles, etc, these pills are supe- rior to all othu' treatment. They are also a. specific for the troubles which make the lives of so many women a. bur- den, and speedily restore the rich glow of health to sallow cheeks. Men broken down by overwork, worry or excesses will findin Pink Pills a, certain cure. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail. poetpaid. at 50 cents a box. or six boxes 10:- 82.50, by addressing the Dr. W' " s‘ Medi- cine Compeny, Brockville, Ontario, or Schenectady, NY. Beware of imitations and substitutes alleged to be “just a anal." A depraved condition of the blood or a shattered nervous system is the secret of most €115 “PE???“ Wésand by ’Iheré are few men more widely known in this section than Mr. A. '1‘. Hopkins. of Johnville, Que. Previous to his :3- moval to Johnville. Mr. Hopkins resided at Windsor Mills and was for times years a member of the municipal council of that place. When a. young man Mr. Hopkins was nowd for his strength and his activity as a wrestler. His strength stands him in good stead for he works hard at his business. carrying hoavy sacks of flour in his mill for many hours during the day and inigucntly in: into the night. Active as he i.â€". and strongashe is. there was a time not long distant when he was as helplessas an imam and sud‘emd intolerable agony. About thme years ago~ \‘ while residing at Windsor Mills. he mat- tacked by innanimatory rheumatism. It The imports of Manitoba. wheat from Buflalo to which point considerable quan- tities were brought. down from Port Anhurin bond before the elm of him navigation, cause considerable comment among the trade here. It is mted thst action my be taken on the part, of Can. ndinn holders of Maniboho. Wheaten- force the payment. of 15¢. per bushel duty on this wheat coming from Buido. The Pacific Ocean covers 67,,9000000‘ theISSHOOOOUO square mileuwhichcon- posethe earth's surfm, smith. Atlantic ooveuSlHOOOOOOnzom. Thu: thaum moomprilo monthnahdfihulfin mofmgbho. The benefits arising from the use of Dr. \X’illiams‘ Pink Pills are well knownto the Guetm. It is a frequent. occurrence that. people come mm the ofiqgfigd 535% ‘ that they huve been reswi‘éd to valâ€"fl: 53; their use. It. occasionally happens that extraordinary instances 01 their curative powers come to our notice, and one of these was related to us recently, so aswnishmg in us nature that we felt the 01050.51. invgsyigatiou {ms required in order tau thoroughly test the accuracy 01 the statements made to us. V e devoted the necessary time tor that, purpose and can vouch tor the reliability of the following mete, wonderfully passmg belie: as they may appear. _ _ 7 , One of the most, unpleasant and danger- ous maladies that afflicts Canndinns at thisseasoniscoldinthe head. Unpleas- ant, because at the dull, heavy headache. inflamed nostrils and other disagreeable symptoms accompanying it; and danger- ous, because it neglected, it develops into event, with its disagreeable hnwking and spitting. zoul breath. irequent loss of taste and smell, and in many ease. of ultimately developing into consumption. basal Balm is the only remedy yetdis- covered that will instantly relieve cold in the head and cure in a iew applications, while its laithtul use Will enectunlly indicate the wont case 01 camnh. Lupt. U. H. 1.3, on. pl‘ealdenb 01 the L. r. h. w berry, l'rescott, Unt.. sags : “1 used Ansel Balm 101‘ a prolonged. case 01 cold in the held. 1‘“) applications weaned I. cu..- in less than twenty-mu: hours. 1 would not take 81w lot my bottle of 53531 Balm i: 1 could not replace it." Sold by all dealers or sent by mail post- paid at 50 oenw per bottle. by addressing u. 'l‘. k‘ult’ord 6:00.. Brockville. Ont. can In the Head and How to Cure n. HE WAS GIYEX JUST 052'. 1105"“! TO LIVE. MEDICAL DIRECTORY. In the hope 0? restoring his health. Loxd Randolph Churchill mthin the past year made a. tour around the world cross- ing the American cuntinmt, and travel- ing by way of Japan and other oriental countrieu. Vk bile in Japan 5030 favor- able reports were received but later on his lorship became worse, and the jour- ney to England wu hastened in order that he might, die in his own country. and no Longed for Death to fle- leuo film From Enteringâ€"At [Act Be Found a Cure and Reute- Bil Wonderful Dlncovery. Sherbrooke Gazette. ’0: India, but as Chancellor of the Ex- chequtr and leader of the Home of Com- mons; but to the amt.» of 311,110 we signed ofice in December of the same year. Lord Randolph married, in 1874, Miss Jennie Jerome, of New York, who has since bomme a prominent member of the Primrose League. FL": Attackul “'lth lnflmmumry Rheumatism. and Then Stricken With Paralyun-Hope Abandoned party. In that country ,indeed, he was already regarded as almost, if not quite the Tory leader, and it wu commonly said that the mantel of Lord Beamnefield had fallen upon the young, able, irrepres- isible, unscrupulous, but acute and hard working chief of the Tory democracy. Lord Randolp 11’s short tenure of the In- dian ofice was marked by the annexation of Upper Burmah. Depa yrtmental work however, did not prevent his taking a greatp art in the struggle which, at the geneaal election of November, 1885, again returned the Liberals to power. He reâ€" signed ofiee with Lord Salisbury, onlytu return after six months, notes Seemtuy FEW good nelhblo on- should he kept _1n‘ every 113“ 9g. Inch}: Turners: p106! of the importance {hat' he had us- sumed in the ranks of the Conservatiw post of Secretary of State for Indjt. and his pgognogioz} m that, high pp)? If“ a A MILLER'S SfORX'.

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