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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 31 Jan 1895, p. 2

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f3, v ._‘.m u. ' ' “ " 'â€" l' Skin diseases are more or less occasioned The “ new blood ” was evid‘ 1) bad blood. B. B. B. cures the following ‘ The “ dry bones " were shah .‘ ' Diseases: Shingles. Erysipelas, Itch- bit- in; Rushes, Silt. Rheum, Senld Head, Erupâ€" Everyone was glad to see th‘ ’ Pimpleg and Blanket), by removing tenance of ex-Warden C. L. 0 ‘ ' fiom the blood froma common bellford, on Tuesday ' In. thowomScz-ofuloms Sore. came up to aeehow it wand“ an}! products of Newfoundland arle nit! ml» the best in the world, espci. ‘the former while the latter is as yetonly in the infancy of its develop- mentand any revival of trade in these canmodities must make for the general surmountable olstacle is the French mere question which must alwavs be ;. xf contention as long: as it wn‘ns in it present unsatisfactory mi «7:. The only adjustment of thin matter that wil' be permanent is them; :> :render (tur (-quiumle considcra'. " of all the French claims confederation, the present. lumucial troubles should have little intiuencé in paventiug the rounding off of the 1whole Dominion at this later date. Such terms may surely be made as ma} be satisfactory to all parties mn- L» z-umé. The chief and we tlnluk um pdndency of the same crown, ‘ dong side of a more extended without being absorbed by the cheats anatuml consequence. was: dmmNn m receiw- this :7 "iumiw? ? gum] into tin, take in the progre» of the colonies would be increased 1:} pmklling her own canoe, is quite bewml our con- ception, and while tlw m~ calamities have only been the luidont of the omion, the first and whole reason must bethc ditficultyur‘ 2). small de- pendency of; the same crown, existing may we not conclude the hearts of the people to the Dominion as a sniution of the difficulty and a happy union for future development. “'hile it has always been pleasant dreaming for the politicians to anticipate the time when all the British p:,;~-ssions on this con- ‘ timgshould be united in one nfed- eration and while many overtu es have from time to time been made to entice our reluctant sister into that happy bond, there has been until the present a. determination on her part to remain in single blessedness. That her con- dition could have been more desirable ffom any point- of view, that any future The recent financial and political disasters in this sea~girded sister of ours and the total disruption thereby occasioned, have turned the eyes and To ghe New Store In the Post Office ABlock. . SHALL NEWFOUNDLAND IE ADJ/I T’I‘E D. WSWWW“ THURSDAY, J AN L';\ H Y 3' . 1895. 351 A man may haean honest heart, Though poor-tithe hourly stare him: A mu may ml: 3 neebor‘s part, Yet. hue nae cash to spare him. wit} “Gentlemen : â€"I have been taking Hood's Susaparina for about six months and am glad to say than: has done me a great deal of good. 1,33; my my weight was». " “pounds. but since HOOD’S Whenever Given a Fair Trial Hood’s Proves Its Merit. The lollowing Icttvt is from Mr. J. Alcide Chaussé. architect and surveyor, No. 153 Shaw Street. Montreal. Canada: “C. I. Hood Co.. Luweil, Mass; A Marvelous Medicine SKIS DISE‘SI‘J. J. A. VANCE. Sarsaparifia Montreal. P. Q. CURES 'ooh Ikeportcr. ible to M r. McCallum said he was glad this mat- 'oloni es ter had been brought up, as reports had been ' circulated broadcast by annonymous cor- as her respondents. He could not defend the ex- RP 0011- isting system of committee work, as it- was :unities unwieldy and expensive, but the laws of the of the Province provided that. system. \Ve are compelled to send representatives here and fifty representatives could not be brought all de- together for nothing. After paying one‘s xisting hotel oili and ex .nses, a'counciilor had colonv very little left for is lost. time. Take the . - year1893 “hen the Narrow‘s bridge was “Sgt“? built. The council appointed 1: Legislative l I it : Committee consisting of ten members ; and -r <<<<< “ the chairman had no option but tu call all ['0 iLSI)” .nuw: "j"'.,‘.‘;l‘ to attend 10 public busi- “I’M-‘3' -' - vs the whole root of the ““81? evil, the - ;-.nsc of so many members. nee 111' He went on H) explain that the committees ,f the I had received grants from the government date. which went to show that their expenses 4 1‘ . were well spent money. . C 9 as, Mr. Nesbztt referred to a charge of 8l649 l = "IUI-Ispent by the Road Committee that year. K m.’ If the council had an engineer, wh was it tench I necessary for the committee to do t e work. . \l_ \I r« n “u; nun 1.41:: n, now only In the magnitude of its new Canadian business, but in its While therVenti-extravagance committee _nterest earning power, LEADS 1HEM ALL- . rigggggmmggsr $1,353: “£332? ' THE MORAL Isâ€"Insur‘e in the SUNâ€"the company preemin- ’ Some wag added the wor s “small-pox in- ently FIRST- side,” much to the amusement of those who read the placard. W '11 The “ new blood ” was evidently “ up.” 0 H 0 H1 , The “ dry bones” ’ were shaken u uite a I . bib. P q Manager for Central Ontamo, Everyone was glad to see the genial coun- UE Peterboro. 5 -Ward C.L.0w , gc _ HENRY ARG _ , 3???? a? Tuesde: 111531;: ”MI?- 633, Agent, Mnllbrook, nanâ€"n _â€" In- -A- LA”, ‘. A full report of the proceedings from Wednesday night to the close of the session will appear_next week. i ered the work on all the county bridges that . VOHI‘. ! Mr. xesbm. referred to the Wallace Point I bridge where 846 outlay cost $102 in com~ mittee work to accomplish it. That year all the other committees together cost only $1200. while the Road Committee cost $1600. He thought it would bewell to let an econ- omical committee do the work. He was not there with a. carping disposition, but thought I a chairman who would spend $1600 in one [ year should not have a chance to do it again this year. ‘ The Bowmanville bridge scandal was then taken up, and Dr. Hillier and Mr. Doyle go' at it and for some time held the floor in ’ my argument- ' V The amendment was put and lostâ€"28 to. 20. The balance of the proceedings will appear in our next issue. _ uâ€"wâ€"n‘v vvuuuuwcc. Mrâ€" fi'éston said Mr. Pollock was not at- tending to his business or he would have seen the account. Mr. Pollock mentioned an item in the auditors' report of $190 for sundry payments to members. He never saw that item come before Ehe Finance Committee. 7...- --v v".- vmbhtllauo Mrr. McLean said the amendment was a reflection on the hone»?y and integrity of the council. In fact if it carried it would be a slap on the face for what has always been a. time-honored precedent. If the , selection of chairmen was left to the com- mittees, wire-pulling would go on with a vengeance. Mr. J. C. Rosevear said if one looked over the auditors’ report it would be found that in some committees enormous expenses have been incurred ; and many members thought- it was time some changes were made in the chairmen. They might as well face the music straight. Last year $1570 had been spent by the Road Committee out of session and he would like to know how that money was spent. Mr. Mitchell thought Mr. Rosevear was taking a position to defeat his own object. If the chairmen were appointed by the Strik iug Committee as usual, anyone “as at lib- erty to move for a change on the floor of the house. Mr. Rosevear had been on the him 3 ance Committee last gear and had examined ‘ all these accountsan signed the report as ' correct. ‘ Messrs. Treleaven and Pascoe moved in amendment that. each committee have power to appojptAits own chairman. I Advisory Boardâ€"Messrs. Underwood, chairman, Doyle, Hillier, Preston, Wade, Fowlds. Roads and Bridgesâ€"Messrs. Cnlaw, chairman, McCaIlum, West, Thorndyke, Fisher, Armstrong, J efl'rey, Markham, Ross and Dewitt. L'egislatireâ€"Mcssrs. McCullum, chairman, ‘ Doyle, Thorndyke, McKee, Jackson, West, Ferguson, Crews. Contingenciesâ€"Messrs. Thomdyke. chair- man, McKee, Preston, Mitcheli, McLean, Jackson, Armstrong, West, McKulvie, F et- guson. Coun'ty I’raberl'yâ€"L‘lâ€"essrs. Mitchell, chair- man, Grin , Grimison, Donaldson, Stephens, Rutherfofi, Crews, Pickworth, German, Vance, Snetsinger. McLean, Hillier, Pollock, Ferguson. L€!Ii-*[atil'eâ€"Mcssrs_ “man“... ”I‘d".-- V V V-V<-. -v-...... aux-ununu, vv mu: Cx‘yderman, Treleaven, L’chalvie, Pascoe Brown, R, Headers, Thompson, Brown, J. Lovett, Grosjean, Stgpheus. Titaniumâ€"Messrs. Preston, chairman, ’owlds, Rusevear, J. C., Martin, Courtice, Nesbitt, Rosevear, J. H., McKee, Terrill. Srhoolsâ€"Messrs. Miller, chairman, Wade, Cx‘yderman, Treleaven, McKalvie, Pascoe, I) ______ IV 1! ‘ m‘ Communications Were read from the Coun- ty of Grey relative to a. petition to the Government to require railways to provide better cattle guard: on railway crossings. From the Good Roads Association; From the Single Tax Association. From William Little applying for position of auditor. The presentiments of the grand jury of the fall assizes was read. recommending certain im- provements at the cool. From the Prison~ ers' Aid Association, Toronto. Mr. Preston presented report of the Strik- ing Committee, as follows : __, __J.. -u At- the opening ofthe‘ Wednesday session the Warden read his inaugural address which briefly omlined the business to come before me session. bin. Af'e-t turther discussion the amendment was pus. “nu lost. 'Yeas 20, nays_ :34. \.;L. .A "' Mr? Preston replied that durin§x the past. year the Reeve of Brighton was c airman of the County Property Committee and the deputy-mew was chairman of the School Committee. This ought to satisfy Mr. Nes- Lb. 'eshit ‘ 31x. Vnfizvusmu said if the amendment was main; .iould be several municipali- ties not, rep-csented. A number of munici- palities had no deputy-reeves, and he could not scejvhy they should be ignored. v- ,7 _... -.-v y u-nvuau W l nuns“. Mr. Nesbitt (Brighton) sail; he would like to know how many deputy-reeves had ever been given chairmanship of_commit.tees. Mr. Mcéallum opposed the amendment and could not see why it was sought to de- troy the precedent established years ago. Iii there had been anything but fair play to the deputies in the t he would not object, but no objection he ever been raised. The reeve was the head of his municipality and could surely be entrusted to perform this 1.Ԥ.. «lufy Messrs. Ferguson and McLean moved that the reeves of the minor municipalities be a committee to strike standing committees. Messrs. Rosvear and Cryderman moved in amendment that the deputy-reeves compose the striking committee. Warden Underwood acknowledged the honor in felicilous terms,’ thanking the council for their confidence and promising to discharge his duty in such a way that no member would have cause to rcgret. their choice. McCallum 16 13 15 15 13 14 X2 I3 14 9 3 3 Preston ........ 13 18 16 I5 14 15 18 16 13 18 20 16 L'ndcrwood....20181819 21 2019 20 2‘2 22 20 ’ 2" Messrs Ross and Dewitt nominated Mr. I‘. W. Underwood of Clarke. On motion Messrs. Hillier, German and Thorndy ke were appointed scrusineers. 7 The ballot resulted as follows: â€" Messré. McLean and Miller nominated ME“. \V. H. '3\IcCalll{m 3f 1:10pm Messrs. Caz-law and Thorndyke nominated M 127.]. J , Pygagon of Mgnverg. January Scuba-New mum. lean-d I‘mâ€"Charge: dhluvnmee Also-x the Committee-~12 W. under-wood of (Turk. Warden. , The January seamen of the (.‘ounties‘ Coun- cil opened on Tuesday evening of last week ‘ when the full compliment. of members was present. The election of a Warden for 1895 was the first and great business of the sea sinn, and a keen and interesting contest took place, Messrs. T. W. Underwood of Clarke, J. J. Preston of Manvers and W. H. McCullum of Hope, being the aspirants. The clerk took the chair at 7.30 p.m. and announced that hewas ready to receive nominations for Warden for 1895. X OTES. THE COUM‘IEB’ COUNCIL. 7 8 9101112 THE SUN LIFE .......... The Ontario Mutual ........ The Canada. Life ............ The North American ....... The Manufacturers’ ......... The Confederation ...... a . . . The Mutual Life. . . . The Equi ble The SUN LIFE. not only in the magnituc‘ nterest earning power, LEADS THE\1°ALL The PROFITS paid by Life Companies are mainly derived from the interest earned on the invested assets. The figures below indicate the rate of interest earned by leading Life Companies for the year 1893 :â€" Captain Sweedv U. S. 11.. Sam Dich CELL, says: “Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy is the first. medicine I have ever found that, would do me any good.” Price 50 cents. Sold by A. Lam". Afrcr la. (:rippe obstinate coughs, lung trouble, ctc., frequently follow. There is no remedy so prompt. and at the same time Gfi'ectual and pleasant, as Milburn‘s Uml Liver Oil Emulsion with Wilcl Cherry and best. combination of anti-consumptive rem edies. Price 50c. and $1.00 per bottle. Dr. W illiains’ Pink Pills may he had of all; druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont, or Schnctndy, N. Y., M: fifty cents a. box, or six boxes for $2.50. Dr. VVillimns’ Pink Pills are sold only in boxes bearing the tirm’s trade mark and wrapper (printed in red ink.) They are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who offers substitutes in this forin should be avoid. Ask fox Dr. \Villimns Pink Pills folf Pale People and rtfuse all imitations and substitutes. the female weakness, building anew the blood and restox 1mr the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. i n the case of men they effect a. radical ‘cure in all cases arising from mental worr , overwork or excesses of any nature. These pills are not purgative medicine. They contain only life- giving properties, and nothing that could injure the most delicate system. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pillt have :1. re- markable efficacy in curing diseases arising from an impoverished condition of the blood, or from 1111 impairment of the nervous system such as 10s: of appetite, depression of spiiits, zuuvmia, chlorosis or green sickness, "eneral muscular ueukneSS, dizziness, los< of memory, locomotor ataxia, paralysis, sciatica, rheumatism, St \ itus’ dance, the after effects of la. "rippe, sczwofula chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a. specific for the troubles peculiar to INSURANCE Mr. Hetherington is not the only member of the family who has experi- enced the beneficial results of Pink Pills. One of his daughters, a. grown- up young woman, was quite ill for a‘ month or six'weeks, and after a, course of Pink Pills is again fully restored to health. a. question Mr. Hetherington said he was satisfied that his present condition is due entirely to the use of Pink Pills. Before beginning: them he had discon- tinned other medicines, and when he found them helping him had continued their use until he felt that he was fully cured. He further remarked that he now felt like a. new man. “ Formerly," said he, “when I got up in the morn- ing I was so stiff and tired that I could hardly walk, while now I get up feeling fresh and ready to go to work. I have not felt any of the pains since last September, and I wouldn’t again suffer for one day the pains I formerly endured for the price of twenty boxes of the pills.” ' From the Canadian Evangelist, Hamilton. A member of the stafl' of the 0mm- zlitm Evangelist in conversation recent- ly with Mr. Robert Hetherington, . who lives at No. 32 Railway Avenue, found him very outspoken in his admissions as to the benefit he had 1 derived from the use of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills, and anxious that their good qualities should be mad: widely known. He 13 so thankful for the good he received from them that he says he considers it his duty to let ; others know what Pink Pills have i done for him. Mr. Hetherington was a severe sufl'erer from neuralgia for about seven years. It bothered him very much in the head, arms and legs, and the pain was often so excessive, and the soreness so great that he could scarcely walk. He tried, as a matter of course, to find relief, and in doing so tried many so~called remedies, but none them were of any benefit to him. In August last his attention was called to Dr. W'illiams’ Pink Pills, and be determined to give them a. trial, and procuring a supply began their use. In about two weeks he found himself lmuch relieved and found the pains disappearing, and after using Pink Pills for a few weeks longer every vestige of the pain had disappeared, and he was well as ever. Mr. Hether- ington has refrained from making any public statment before, for the reason that he wished to be convinced that his cure was complete, and he is now satisfied upon this point. In reply to Neuralxla made Ills Lll‘e Miserableâ€"Many Rome-«Hes Were Tried In Vainâ€"M um Roller (Janieâ€"flow lle omaluml ll. THE PECULIA R EXPERIENCE 01" HAMILTON JL-IX. A I-"l' NR I..\ (I. Itl i' l' I}. SEVEN YEARS OF SUFFERING. .H. McCARfI‘NEY, from them that he it his duty to let Lt Pink Pills have '. Hetherington was A,_;\._ syn'pu." c. H. BRERETOS. M.D. them. And take notice that the said Executor will. on and after the said 18th of February. 1895. proceed LO distribute the assets of the said ea- mte among the partner: entitled thereto. having regard only to the chums of which he shall then have notice. lmLed this 11th day of January. 1895. \‘O’l'u‘l-Z is hereby given pursuant. to the A provisions of R. S. O. 1887. Chap. 110, and amending Acts. Ilml. all Creditors and others ‘ having claims against. Lhc estate of Ahaziah Murrin‘. lutcof the Township of Mnnvers, in the (‘ounty of Durham. 'coman. deceased. who (liedcn or about. the rsl. day of December. INN. are required to send by pOSt prepaid. or to ‘ deliver to Dr. C. H. Brcreton. of said Township of Mum-em. (Bethany P.O.) the Executor of the will of the said deceased. on or before the 18Lh day or February. 1895. a. statement of their naunes und addresses. the full. particulars of l V ' claims and the securities (if any) held by Solicitor for 'Exccutor. IN ESTATE OF AHAZIAH MORRIS, DECEASED W“ B\' A. A. SMITH. their Solicitor. \‘(l'l‘iCl-Z is hereby giVen under. R.S.O.. Chap. A 110, and mnending acts. that. all persons having claims agaiipst the estate of James lluuLer. late of the Vilfmze of Millbrook, Gentle- man, deceased, are required to deliver their claims. tun! the nature of the securities held tit'unyi to A. A. Smith. Millbrook. Out" on or before the first day of March. 1895. After said date the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceased, hm‘im: regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated this 22nd day of J annary. 1895. IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES HUNTER. GENTLBMAN. DELEASBD ‘Agent; Bethany. Executor‘s Notice to Creditors ! 424 George-st, - ‘ Peterboro Is giving special reductions this week in stamped Linen Goods, such as Pillow Shams, Tray Cloths, Splashers, (Be. Also all the latest patterns in Honiton Work are now on exhibition. Mlllbr-ook. - - Ontario. 13ARRIS'I‘ER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUB- lic. Etc. Money to Loan. 145 Hunter-St. M Executors Notice to Creditors. TH’OET Hou‘x BUL . n “ABERDE Jr OF MILLBROOK." ’l‘hn undersigngxl has for service on his farm, Lot 7. Con. 3. Damn. his Short Horn Bull, "Aberdeen of Millhrook." registered in Vol. ll. Dominion IIm-d Book. also Red Jersey Boar. Terms for 1895. $1 at time of service. Anyone bringmg only one cow out of herd and taking thfsf‘cst elsewhere, will be charged 35., _ ,,,, £33“ Stamping done to order. MISS MELV ILLE. J. ROBINSON YOUNG. We have in stock M outh Organs, Accord- ians, Violins and Autoharps. Fancyé, woods department still very attrac- the. Fzmcy cakes in great variety and cheaper than lhc cheapest. FINEST, FRESHEST and CHEAPEST Oysters 40¢. a quart, Oranges 20¢. a. dozen. For the million, in bulk and served in any way at Young’s Resturant. Notice. Important agqngr TAILOR. ISSUER 0F MAR- Opposite John Gillott Son’s Cabinet. “'zu‘erooms. Millbrock. Uhristim Sodas always fresh and crisp. For Space This MISS MELVILLE Watch riagc Licbnses CONFECTIONERY ROBERT RUDDY; YSTERS YSTERS YSTERS S \\IUEL HUVTER, THOMAS BE LOH. W. J. GREEN, .533 .537 .5.38 5.28 5.13 4.98 4.27 ( 3“ w m Peterborough. U: ‘ in: U 5: JONES. Peterborough, Ekééuiér. } Execu tors. Has now in Stock alarge supply of Coal and Wood Stoves of every kind, whichwill be sold very cheap. Call and exan fine. Also all kinds of Tinware and Lamp Goods. Best. American and. Cane. djan Coal Oils. Eavetroughing 8c Repairing promptly attended to. W. S. PICKUP WH T ERPROOF HORSE AND WA G FLAGS BUNTING F TC 344 Water Street, - R If you want BLANK BOOKS, OFFICE SUPPLIES BOOKS or STATIONERY, Write for our prices. Always guaranteed the lowest. A: H. $TRATTON 8; CC). Our Books are Manufactured specially by the EX- aminer Printing Co. Lt’d., tor the Peterboro’ Book- store. The Paper is exceptionally good and the Binding is guaranteed to last with ordinarv care AWN I NGSS, TENTS, Sails, Gamping Goods. BUY YOUR BlankBooksaszfice Supplies 0c. 8. See our Job fancy Plushes and Velvets at 25 and 50 cents also a lot of Millinery, Ribbons at 10 cents an end. ALF. KINGSCOTE We have secured a. special bargain for the ladies it: _P_ongee Sil_k for Blouses to be had in all the Ieudinn ml We have purchased a large lot of Flannelette Job which we will sell at '7§c. a yard. This line was sold at 121%. last. season and is the best make for wear in the market. We also have in- stock a job line of Fast coloured red and black Flannelette at 7c. a yard. J. gr. TURNBULL JUST SPEND HIS FOUR QUARTERS BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS AS ALI DO; BECAUSE IT CURES DYSPEV'S BIbIOUSNESS, BAD BLOOD, AND THE STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEX’S A Peterboro Bookstore IVe éave still a' few lives of Mantle: l/zat must ée cleared out during t/Ee eold weat/zer and we are determined 10 do so éy qflerz'mgr t/zem atprz'ees Mat will stare/e eve7yéody, A: we find l/zat w/zen styles are e/zangz'ng, made-up goods flame to 6e cleared regardless of east. Below we enumerate a few lines of w/zal we are mf‘erz'ng .' \\\\, TURNBULL’S. REMNANTS IN PLUSHES, VELVETS AND RIBBON S. :. 'a yard. We haw $3.50 Children’s Reefers, for $1.00. $5.00 Ladies’ Ulsters, $1.00. $4.00 Ottoman Cord Mantles, for $1.50. $6.00 Black Beaver Mantles, for $2.00 $6.00 Fawn Mantles, for $2.00. $5.00 Blue Pilot Mantles, $2.00. $7.00 Fur Trimmed Cape, for $2.00. $7.50 Fur Trimmed Dolman, for $2.00. $7.00 Mantles, for $2.75. $6.00 Ulsters, for $3.00. 12.00 Fur Trimmed Mantles, for $3.00. 7.50 Trimmed Dolman, for $3.50. $9.00 Astrachan Cloth Mantle $3.50. $10.00 Braided Cape, for $4.00. $10.00 Astrachan Trimmed Montle, $5,00. FLAN N ELETTES. 4 _17 and 419 George Street. Petérgof'ough George and Simcoe Streets Small Profits and Quick Sales We Undersell bnt are never Undersold. .ranteed to last with ordinary until the book is used. --MANUPAO warm or. ;pecm1 bargain for the ladies it: the way of a figured to be had in all the leading colours an d costing only OUR MOTTO : â€"AT THE '. S. PICKUP. IARTERS FOR A BOTTLE 0F AS ALI. SENSIBLE PEOPLE )YSPE*’CSIA, GONSTIPATION, D, AND A1319 DISEASES OF L‘vNE‘x’S AND BOWELS. WAGON C0 VERS, ‘, Peterborough WOULD HE 4 D0 ?/ Peterboro', Ont. a yard MILLS BROS. George Street, - Pete; We have our store filled with the new: and most- fashionable that is to be had Ladies’, Children’s and Men’s Furs, Ladi: Mantle: trimmed on shortest notice. George-st, The Latest Novels and the magnificent stock r: balls. to call and see them hefme where. His prices are aw. bargains for cash for the mm A fine line of Whips, Blank Rubber Rugs, which are be than at m‘y other shop car the same line of goods. ‘JinUIP that “c Dal heard the Have 0 r Carpets and Flzlnnn-ls \vm'vn \Varps plcd. Haven goudstnckof Flum‘n'lm Twccds urns. Rolls and Ilnscry from Full and \\'in.ur. cheap for cmh. Now is the mm.- Lo have ur\Vinlm'(‘lothingclcanvd and d) w]. Gent< and Ladies garments :1 spot-influx All work vuzu rmccdux Parker's Dye \\'(n‘k.~'. AM) agent for Steam Laundry. Goodsscm 'l‘nz-xdny at each week, returned Saturday. Give us a null S AILSBURY7 The undersifimcd has for service on his ( premisesagoc grade bull. Terms 51 at ume of service. Newest Fashion Books SIGN OF THE HORSE SHOE. GEORGE STREET. - PETERBOBUUGH To reduce our Stock of First-class Tweeds 3.:de Cloths, We will lower prices equal to a saving of 25 per cent. for all Ordered Suits and Overcoats during the; month of January. * H. LeBRUNg‘ECOL Our annual Jan’y Mark- down Sale has always been a success. This year we intend to leave no stone unturned to make it a Sweeping Clearance of all our winter stock, including Ready-made Clothing and Overcoats for Men, Youths and Boys; also Gentlemen’s Underwear and Furnish- ings. We herewith express our sincere acknowledgement for the many marks of fav- or shown the CITY CLO- THING STORE in the past, and for the generous support continued to be bestowed upon this firm: by the peOpIe of Peterboro’ and surrounding country. Nothing Susceeds Like Suceess. We extend our hearty congratulations and wellâ€" wishes of the season. We facilitate ourselves for the share that we, as Clothiers, have had in contributing to the enjoyment of hundreds of satisfied patrons during I894 GENTLEMEN, 7â€" Cabinetmakem Undertaker at? Showrooms King-st. Millbrook. mos. mum, BOOI ’STORE. Km: 1: on 11: M a large stock of 001* PINS. CASKETS. and all ki‘n‘ds‘ of l,'ndqx_‘lukcr.~' Goods. Bedrrdoi’n. l’urigr: Diningfimm and all other kinds of Eurmture. hand-made. at lowest DI‘ICCS. FOR SERVICE. {,IP Jingle all lune h Write or Call at ,- I. 311)" L1 tstock v: bells. It will pay you see Lnem hefme purchasing else- is prices are away down. (irmt :- cash for the momh of luau-ember. of Whips, Blankets Woolen :uzd gs, which are being sold chcupvr ' other shop east of Tommo for WINTER IS HERE. l 895 STA’ DAVID CHAMBERS ‘0. little Deng heard, but of STRAIN HERE’S T0 YOU REQUIRE FURS - AC HAR PER r] [A Peterboro. Petcrboro '0 ll a phrase have not It You have any 13ka tobe boun d (1 th to the Exumim-x' BWk-binde ‘ Petcsren we: All work executed in the n bono hogsillglernmn‘mhr. ‘Xsegoevergscyllgeof d hp»: an u mg: n c ' - escrip .on Binding ‘5' , J. R. SIRA’I‘I‘ODI‘n‘h' It vou hm e an) m the .xamim r All work exec u‘ at These are A 1 Sty than carry them sacrifice the firm. R.H.Kellsco We haveh..d the best Season‘s tradein m. Mantles we have ever had. $30.00 01301198 for $20.00 ’ 20.00 Mautles for 15.00 15.00 Mantles for 10.00 10.00 Mantles for 7.50 F rcsh Merchandise sclcd the bvst trade of this con ity. ()ut ofthis immense we have several lines we ‘ like In clear: \\'c are not overloaded. “'e have no old Bankrupt Stock to be shoved off. \\*'c are not holding any so-cauied sale. but we do hold nearlv W mug in this Business. There’s BOOK-BINDING. SUM in druggists. Ladies. Is in. only pea-teed, sate unreliable medicine as. covered. Beware of unprlnclpled drugglsu who one: interior medicines In place or an; Astrol- Cook’s Cotton Boot Compound. cake nonm- tutc. or inclose 81 and 6 cents in postage In lower and we willsend. sealed, by rewrmmn. I-‘ulloeded particulars In plain envelope. to ladies only. 8 stamps. Address The Cook Company, Windsor. Ont. Canon. ‘Have you Caumfi ? This $23.3; :ccd to cum you. ?r‘.ce,56cta. In For Sale by A. LEACH. name. Fora Lame' Bit???â€" or Ch .3; SHILOH s BELLADOENA manage. 01 ELELO HEfitmTARRH A 1 Styles. Millinook and everywhere by all MADAMIN E. Drlces, Nothing es, but rather Wen we will this commun_ TThis remegx 13 b-{AA rn -L- :, selected for A. Lh‘AL‘H. REMEDY- We will : stock would poses of such (mica-ts recognition should he . Admission 20¢, children ] Banks Quartette are a; also J. H. \Vilson, the 1 Don’t fail to attend this ex: The hall has been shod hauled and remodelled by at a. considerable cxpensei â€"The Foresters of C haxing a grand entertain hall on Thursdav, the 4 t Alex. McGillixarv, Pas! and C. C. \Vhale, High 1 give â€"Kiugston has return the. reformer, by over . his opponent, Smythe. wi B“ in the June election the defeated consen'atiw " -â€"Cu}} at, JUHSSTUN soc their large and well of “'all Papers which greatly mducec‘ prim. â€"â€"Chio:‘ .hdagh of u} ment, Tun-1110, died on S in;,' from 1h:- efi'ecbs of jq‘ third fiat window at the‘ Jan. 6111. 1 ‘K- 9- Q-jbe household â€"â€".\[r. 1-11:1“: wood a elected wardm but. wee] Rsrom-m‘s nominee (wl two weeks 3;“? by a 8 Sure thing next time J. â€"-L'p\r;u'd of 100 c1101 50 acres up w 300 acre prices and upon terms to hm. SmemAs, Millbn â€"â€"R00t Bask Lanterns, U mi 1 Measures at .1 un â€"â€"Ir;1\ - mun“ his trouor to takv Pem. \esmdax a he will come bav re‘ard fox he hm â€"Tl “Hit it a Church afterm . the (L1! eye wk dun at rubber at Urn mm: M Wiil go to Mr. Brooks mav trade back. pr: -;u3r >prm; rPDurt â€"312'. R. 1‘. Eu ham mu visiting Pendrie last week. â€"-.\Ir. and Mrs. A the Burns c-Jucert in! week. returned home last “ â€"le celebrated ] Saw for wk- 31 JOKSS -â€"â€".‘~Zi.~~ .1’-ibchu‘d visiting With Miss “ â€"â€".\Irs. Chas. Bxel \Irs. T. Unions .ru 1 Ari‘hmv- -xir Tn‘ a three) 'or term: AND SCHOOL 01 PEI‘ERBokol 'u (:01?d [isles !.\' nonâ€"K hdlld Ari. hhu ’ t Che millbro‘ â€"Miss V â€" Mr. T 2;: Machiuv O THURSDAY. m1 T O “XV on D onnperah TO can and ERAS. A. BLAH malty i‘ aym: Ulet KOI‘ [INSTOX “a. P1 1‘80“ Tine K?” iial ullinl w!)

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