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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 31 Jan 1895, p. 3

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is, . fig K.- ' , T L ‘ "W1...” DAY l M 7 THESE PlilCES. : -. y. ~'::\ we SIM) i w ' :z'r: MI) sold .it l'ch v..- ll..:-r,.â€". 23....21. :urr I w c’l aaunnznaznnznvaanzz promptly cum . Group. Sore Cough and «I Will CURB You *rucgsts on a gnar- llack 0:- Chest. use LLA DON NA PLASTERJSc : SLCATARRII -- '- REMEDY. 5‘ remedy is goal-an. "eta. hiccup-tree. . ' 'lv .3. l.I‘:.\‘.ll. 00l’S €000 ll l COMPOUND. Amen: (hat 23' by anold pby drum. wuccv “Wally used monthly 2;: and. M Lilliit'fi. I4 l 3," Wflml’ safe and rcll; :~:dlclno db . t unprincfple' $335“ who cincs In place of 12.21. A3320! - . t (‘ompoundJaL-a now- v..:I 6 cvnis in postage In letter alt-ll, by rcturninall. mum in envelope. to ladies only. 2 The Cook Company, W;:.dsor.OnL.Canlda. 1‘1:lech by all DAMINE. :.- :or all female 3'; Yv'lllflrkfllllu i r remedies Emil '. )I 11.1; (:1!) bu 2': riom led. “fie strap: Stock to \lie are not -l"!iiU.l >illtf. but ' v LU 21¢,;.l‘.'\' RTY SAND ARS 1' TH l ODS isc. selected for flhis commun- lmmense stock lines we would x 10020.00 for 15.00 ~ for 10.00 = fer 7.50 e 58! season’s ehaveeverhaa. :35, but rather over, we will s...” .l, . u»... . “Junk, J 7' ”TWW‘MT . M ._ 7â€"7 Qâ€"t‘ ‘ . -,\.L_’ i â€"llarry hendall, the jeweller. has â€"-Two rinks from Port Hope were \' 1 ,_ removed from his old still ' Booklets, ,/ 3 iii Novelties, Etc. this ye At THE L Assortment ) 3 Of Calendars, Will be found id and may defeated by the home curlers on Thurs- now be found in more central quarters, day last by 10 shots :â€"- with the Turner Drug C0,, two doors MILLBROOK. East of Post Office. PORT HOPE. 2-3 A. A. Smith ’I‘. Griffin , ‘ ‘ C. II. Winslow J: H. Rosevear ~ a l he East Durham Liberals are Ch“ New!“ 1‘“ M‘msuu \V’. ’1‘. Wood. skip.. . .20 S. Patemon. jr. skip. .11 W. H. Collins H. B. Rosevear H. M. Wood H. Stevens D. Hampton Capt. Peacock O. Hetherington. sk..18 Capt. Kenning. skip. .u â€"The storm that swept dOWn upon our community on Friday night and raged with increased violence during Saturday and Sunday seems to have been general over the whole province. The trains were completely disorgan- ized and_the mails as uncertain as our The right place for you to street lamps. On Saturday we got no get everything you require for papers to aid those who could not get your household, and nothing to church putting in the day, while on but first-class goods kept in Monday it was evening before the stock. Prices the lowest. Toronto mails came to hand. The churches on Sunday were occupied few and seldom, one row of seats in any one of them being sufficient to hold 9' the united worshippers probably either morning or evening. The roads in the township are said to be in a worse con- dition than has been known for years the drifts being as hard as‘ a sand bank. All will be made passable no doubt before the end of the week. ~Thc lecture or rather answers to questions by the Rev. Mi. Kilgour in the Methodist church Oil Thursday night on the subject of the “Strange things in and around human nature,” was attended by quite a large audience ' . -. , .. . . Items of Interest of intelcstcd listencls. The reverend “.5 own Camemndenm gentleman has a good appearance on the platform and was aided in his ad- called to meet in Port Hope on Feb. 7th, so says the Guide). The big Con- scrv'ilivi- gathering in PeterbOrougll on that day wont wallet in anyway excl-pt in the matter of enthusiasm. .\lr. Hugh \Vaddell of Peterbor- ough, was in town on Tuesdav, and made the llizl-oil'rlal: a call. Mr. \V. looks as fresh and sprightly as a spring robin, although he is absent from his old surroundings. â€"Tll(‘ question asked from may lips is why the council don’t clean the snow away from all the sidewalks iii town, when they undertake it on some streets? it is a poor outlay of the people's money to set a gang of men to aid lazy chapsin thcir rigliifulduties. ar â€".-.\lr. A. Mulligan went up to Toronto lasl week for the treatment of his rheumatism at the hospital. Dr. ll. A. Turner accompanied him. “'0 hope to see him back soon. restored to his old self. Your patronage solicited. Daniel Ritz, Proprietor and Publisher of the Haiiibcrg, Onl., Independent says : “ was suffering from Dyspepsia and Liver Troublc,I look a. few bottles of Slliloh‘s VitaliZcr and it cured me. I can heartily recommend it.” Sold by A. Lawn. â€".- Quarlcrly services will be held in Carmel Jlllll'cll next Sundav at 2.00. The quarterly ollicinl board will meet CENTRE VILLE. the following Monday at 2.30 in Zion You will find it to your ad- vantage to deal at Centreville. JAS. T. 0. LANG CORRESPONDENCE. forwarded by Tan REPORT, PON 1' YPOOL. Harry Kendall, the jeweller, Millbrook, wishes to notify his friends and customers in this district that he has moved his quarters and may now be found two doors east of the Post Of- fice, with the Turner Drug Co. Good work at fair prices. We are sorry to say that diphtheria has again broken out in our midst but we are glad to say that our respected physicians have all the patients on a fair way to re- covery and we assure our neighbors that they need fear no harm in visiting our a village. On account of the above disease our school has been closedthc past week, which we think, shows soundj dgement on the part of the trustees although some of our close minded citizens do not approve of it. “ Why?” The officers of C. O. C. I". Lodge, No. 28, were duly installed last Wednesday evening by Past Councillor W. C. Irvin. Friends W. Wilson and Spofi‘ord now hold the prin- cipal chairs. ' Can any one say when and where the large quantity of wood: which is now being drawn in and piled in the vicinity of the station, is to be disposed of. Mr. Jason Williamson has purchased from Mr. G. H. Wallace his house and lot on John-st. and has taken up his abode With us, welcome Jason.” Mr. Wallace has re- turned to his former residence and asks ' John as a favor to keep the boys quiet while in his place of business. It has leaked out that iniations at the I. 0. O. F. last. ' A North West blizzard struck our village very early Friday evening and has blocked all roads, therefore no services were held in either churches on Sunday. R No BQI'AI. 1‘0 l'I‘. a a there were three , Friday evening ‘ Boys’ Heavy Ribbed Hose. church. l'sual scrvices at Zion and Fallis Linc at l0.30 and 7.00 respect- ively next Sunday. â€"\\'illiaiii \Valdorf Astor, 'the New York millionaire, has ordered a florist to furnish er the grave of his dead wife each morning for a yearn. blanket of fresh lilies of the valley and violets. The contract price is $40,000. And yet there are thousands of starving . people in New York. .AND SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND. PETERBOROL’GII. own i no. ocnsrs IV ROOEKEI-II’INU. siioiiT-i , *‘lc. 31“}. conSid‘imi’le ”we to hand. Arithmetic. \Vrililiir. :mil 'lil‘lll‘.j(‘lllllll_\' Council writing. Trv .. roceedinvrs this we ' .. a three months' course this Fall ~ P ‘5 91‘ or “ inter. 0,. ,crms mm. j for which We are indebted to the Scuff- A. BLANOHARD, 0A., ! owl-SM;- and trust it will beinterestiiig Principal. ‘. to our readers. Next week we will k.â€" givc a further report. the miubrook Reporter. ~The Judicial Committee of the ‘ - Privy Council have allowed the appeal THURSD-IY JAVL’lRY 31 1895 of the Roman Catholics of Manitoba, dress by being a thorough believer in the subject “'0 are not sure however that he cmvinccd many that a dream has any more significance than an overloaded stomach or a cramped position in bed or that witches have any ardent worshippers outside of the uneducated and superstitious loealitics in which they are said to have appear ed. \Vhilc we are quite aware that it is eas1er to pull down than to con- struct, to object to than to give a reason why and we therefore disclaim many attempt to belittle the lecturer’s subject, we may add that we have heard our grandmothers tell more startling iales of the .mysterious doings of these strange visitants, and old plantation Sambo relate with pallid face such wonderful incidents of spirit mischief, all of which we had thought- long ago relegated among sen- llome, Mr. Wm Lang, Millbrook, he went over to get seine of his teeeh extracted. Harry Kendall, the jeweller, Millbrook, wishes to notify his friends and customers in this district that he has moved his quarters and may now be found two doors east of the Post Of- fice, with the Turner Drug Co. Good work at fair. prices. Miss Maggie Mann and Mr. Chas. Brown of Baltimore were visiting wliith his sister, Mrs. J. Byers last week. Mr. H. B. McFee wont to Keene last Fri- day ieturning home on Tuesday. There were 16 men out, last Monday, shovelling snow on the boundary line. Dr. Seager, who has been practising here for some time, has moved to Coldsprings. His many friends wish him success. Mr. J. Lang who is ill at his brother’s In the Burns and Scalds, Chafing, Hagyard’s Yellow Oil is remedy Oil the market. The renders of Scribner-1c .llaga: count themselves fortunate in having the promise of the best series Mr. Robert Grant as vet written. of at Married Mail ” Were in a manner entire- ly original, and these articles on “ The Art of Living ” family, in the tame diverting wav. The problem Mr. Grant scts ”himself to solve, as far as such is made up of the every-day questions which beset the well-to-do family :â€" THE Ixcoiii: ': tics and tile luxuries? $8,000 income get $6,000 worth more for his monev than the man with $2,000? Till: DWELLING : As a cure for Frost Bites, Cnilhluins. Chapped Hands, “'ounds, Bruises, the most reliable flamed Breasts, Spraiiis, M SCRIBNER'S .VA GAZINE. inc may The author’s “ Reflections will touch upon the life of the problems can be solved, How can it be spent to best advantage? What are the necessi- Docs the man with W TO‘VN TALK WWW â€" Mr. T. B. Collins was in Cobourg last week. -â€"Miss Beatly is visiting friends in Hopc â€"Miss-Pritchzird from Toronto mating with Miss “'right. ers. Chas. Mrs. T. Gillett's Byers is visiting â€"The celebrated Premier CrossCut Saw for sale at J orixs'i‘ox Filil's 39- â€"Miss Violet Kerr of Lansdournc, returned home last week. â€"Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood attended the Burns Concert in Peterborough 1 week. â€"Mr. R. I“. Buchannan of Mo. which means that the Dominion Par liamcnt may grant them remedial legislation for the support of separate schools. Now comes another bitter strife. sible people to a place along side of our infant beliefs of Santa Claus and bears in the woods. The lecture was somewhat spoilt by the number and nature of questions put in for answer, which, although relating tothe subject, came in such a way as to disjoint the whole discourse. Mr. Douglass acted as secretary of the meeting and read the questions, while the Rev. Mr. Mc Camus occupied the chair. On motion of Messrs R. \V. Clarke and W. J. Gardiner, a vote of thanks was tender- ed to Mr. Kilgour at the close of the lectule. A DRI'uGiIST'S OPINION. A St. East, Toronto. says: “ cine, and the idea is certainly a good as all unpleasantness is done away With ~â€"Mr. E. J. Hartley of Pctci‘boro, champion fancy skater of Canada, has made arrangements for a grand car- nival and skating exhibition in the Millbrook rink on \Vcdnesday evening Feb. 13th. This will be worth at- tending. Sce large bills. â€"â€"-\\'e hear that Mr. \V. D. Nugent has been appointed one the license inspectors for East Durham and beg to congratulate him upon the honor, if honor it is. Mr. Nugent will make a .L'ood man for thc oilice. and with the 0" Friday evening hm a 300d turn (mi Cf aid of Brer. Wilson of the owl/1c, thcv °_“' P°°Ple “'33 Swim“ ‘“ ”h" “m”; n“ will see loit that the business is carried either to take part m or Observe the fim’ on as it $110111de Carnival of the season. Mr. Brooks had . . ' ' . l t h d â€".\lr. Bateson. sr.. has just finished prepared the ice m excel en 3 ape an Without any of the nauseating effects duced by pills. They are an especially venient way 7 is Druggists all over the Dominion. LIFFORD. . Harry Kendall, the jewell at E THE CA RXI VAL. fist Good work at fair prices. rk- Mn. HUGH. MILLER, Druggist, 167 King hseljay’s Liver Lozenges embody a new departure in medi- a person gels an effectual yet gentle laxative of administering medicine to children.” Mr. Miller voices the opinion of Millbrook,'wishes to notify his friends and customers in this district that he has moved his quarters and may now be found two doors east of the Post Of- fice with the Turner Drug Co. Recounts the experi- ence of two families, one moved into a street rising in dignity, and the other where at least one neighbor dined in his shirtsleeves. Is it better to rent or buy and pay interest '3 HOTSl-ZHOLD Elna-issus : Providing for the table, keeping account, trying to keen house expenses within a fixed amount, and similar burning questions. EDUCATION or Till-2 CHILDREN : means in this day expense of it all. Tim. SUMMER PROBLEM : Especially as it affects the head of the family. who must spend his week days and nights in town. ABOUT OUR one, and 53' What it and generation, and the IS that it is always UP TO DATE. No never iiuderstockcd. poslcd will tell you that our Har- ness and Turf Goods are er, er. THE CASE or MAN: Being . looking at all these problems of living. 5““‘8 for the Fall. Tiir. Case or WSMAN . Being the same HORSE BLANKETS, problem from her point of view. and Cheap. In the March number will begin “ The History of the Last Quarter-Century in the United States,” an undertaking of the great- est importance. Many other attractive features partition. and Best Value yet. Buffalo Robes. are in pre- Another Strongiiignt HARNESS or ancient stockâ€"never overstocked, People who are MARRIED on. Sixous: The joys of one ALWAYS IN THE LEAD and the compensations of the 0th his 'way of and still advancing. Everything in full New Styles ‘ ROBES, the Greatest Variety Sole Agents for Saskatchewan CARRIAGE and STYLISH RUGS, better and Larger Stock Hall, Gilchrista CO. , 130, 132 AND 134 SlMCllE-ST., PETElllllllllllllili, 1 ........... .u-uon-oo-o .. was“... . e Where you go you will not find the prices cut so far down as - here and the goods of any better quality. make or finish. We will not allow any of our competitors lo give you such splendid values as we hayc gathered for so little money. THEY CANNOT DO IT. Call Enid you will find that we have the proper foundation for straightforward talk. HERE IS INTERESTING OFFERINGS IN , Staple Goods BETTER \I’All’lis .\‘l-I\'ICI{ SHOW'N. 250. l 500. 2 pair Ladies Woo Hose. rm.- lllcuchcll ’l‘.-il.le- Linen Ladies’ Fine Cashmere Hose. 5 vsrils llcavv Shining 3 yard." liciivy I’lannclcllc Men's Lined Cloves 5 Turkish Bath Towels Black and Colored Surah Silk. Men's \‘s‘liilc Hemstilcherl Handkerchiefs Mcn‘s llcavy Wool Shirts and Drawers Fain-v French llrcss Hoods Fillliihll Wot-l lilovk Cashier-re Heavy 'l'apm‘iz'} Carpet. “1‘.“ [din i‘hll’pl". l‘.l2l4‘\illil.1u‘l‘~ 3.1m: ll...\_~. u. l.1L(ll4'.\‘ ('ol’sc‘m. Ila-um 'l zzcwi Iliws Hood - :74) inches wide $2.00. \ .... 6 Colored Bordered Handkercliiefes. 4 \Vhite Hematitched Handkerchiefs. Fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Ladies’ Fancy Silk Ties. Men’s Cashmere Socks. 5 yards F lanneletw. 5 yards Gingham. 5 yards Heavy Cotton 5 yards Towelling 2 Fine Linen Tou'cls Tapestry Carpet Window Shades. $l.00 5 yards Coloxod China Siik. Black Bengclinc Silk Black and Colored Laced Kid Cloves Ladies Black Quilted Skills 1 Pair Flannelette Blankets Men’s Lined Kid Cloves Men’s Lined Kid Mills Men’s Heavy all wool Shirts and lll'il\\'c1'> Men‘s White Shirts 10 Vards best Grey Cotton 53 Frame Brussels Carpet Fancy l-Iidcrilown Ciision Tea (Josie Axminstei Door Rugs. Fine Wool Clouds Minus 3, ‘.\ .. xi >3.ii'l> and “until: wzziil "'illlh , \,. Send M iii < l: K mike goods go quick. Direct Importers, 130, 132, and 334 Simcoe Street Peterboro. old Good New Gladstone Cutter for Sale ham was visiting with Mr. Fred and placed in position in Mr. J. A. Pendrie last week. Varice’s new store a very handsome lllllllti‘. desk. It is semicircular in and fill â€"-The Temperance society di'ovc to} ‘ lanterns which together with the grotesque The farmers here are all busy drawing wood to Lindsay. There is a great deal of wood ready for the market but the prices are low and it is a long distance to draw, leaving'n decorated the rink with overhanging ry outfits of the lnaskers, the enliven- Springville on Friday cloning, report having spent a nice evening. â€"Some great bargains in village properties call and see list of san Uri-:0. Somali-max. ll _If the 13.1). “~11” got another‘s , ington, of Planville, and liobt. Vance, rubber at the 03mm“ 0,, Fridav night, of Ida, as candidates for the Council will go to Mr. Brooks at thc rink, 9 may trade back. â€"â€"Boston Coach Oil. the favorite Sewing Machine Oil at J UHXSTUN Pam‘s. ' â€"V\'. Davidson was strut-L; in :l u u >“ I “ ‘ j CV8 while playing hockey liL‘Ll Thurs» day, and has been iii the house for few days, but is out again. â€"Sarah Lord Bailey has been ci gaged to give a recital in the low hall on Tuesday the 12th of Fell. under the auspices of the Ladies Al of the Presbyterian church. â€"0ur curlers intend going [U p,.,_,,,._l well as on llic enterprise or the borough vestcrdav to contend for 'h tankard but got word that play lull" been postponed until Tuesday lll‘Xl. ~3100,000.00 of privalc funds to CEO. Sooq‘liizlilx loan at 5 per cent. )Iillbrook. l l â€"â€"Thc L'aviili Sunday School (.‘oli ‘ \cntion will be held in llll' )b-liiodist Church, Cavanvillc, on 'l‘umlay ncxl afternoon and the date. â€"Ira Nutlrass left on Tuesday with ' mean too. his trotter to take in the races at Port Perry, yesterday and today. “'e hope he will come back with the victors reward for he has a good animal. â€"â€"Root Baskets, Fl )I‘ks, Manure Lanterns, Grain Scoops and Grain 39 Measures at J onxs‘rox .v Kim’s. -â€"â€"Mr. Underwmd of Clark, was elected warden last week. beating the Reposi'izs’s nominee (whom “0910,,th two weeks ago) by a small majority. Sure thing next time J. J . -â€"Up\\’ard Of 100 choice farms from 50 acres up to 300 acres, for sale at prices and upon terlils to suit the “meg Gno. Soo'rni-zmx. )Iillbrook. 44 _Chicf Ardagli of the fire depart ment, Toronto, died on Sunday mom in: from the cffects of jumping from a third flat window at the (170,»; fire on and l 0' I In. evenin'g‘. licim-iubvl't ing strains of the band and the interested presence of the onlookers made the affair in most pleasant entertainment. Some of the costumes were of the highest order both as to get up and appropriateness, in fact nearly every one was worthy of special praise and the judges had great difficulty in one or two instances makinga choice, The boys race was very exciting and perhaps the most amusing event of the evening, to see the young lads spread themselves to gain a few feet or make a quick turn around a corner often receiving an upset, was funny indeed. The young men's race gotten up during the l evening was also a satisfactory conclusion of the program. The band by their numerous selections added much to the enjoyment of carnival. The prizes are as follows :â€" llcst Liidies' l‘ostumc. Miss , IUI’III, made of ash and walnut facings, We are sorry to note the death of M iOIll‘d and varnished. and is altogether ' a handsome piece of furniture, a credit to the maker and an ornament to the ic. store. â€"â€"-Tllc contest between “2 J. “festâ€" place on Monday. place on Wednesday bors. Mrs. Louis Staples is recovering from t slight attack of scailet fever. Miss Lillie \\'eatherilt has one to take course at Demill‘s College, Os awa,. he‘ll”. AgriCultui-al and Arts, for Ontario, {resulted in favour of Mr. \Vestington. life had a majority in \Vest Durham, Victoria. North Victoria and , .. st Plrtcl'lml'nugll, and carried five ’ font of thc eight coils-titlielicica .19: 3 5 En“ sister, Mrs. Rosenborcugh, sweet smile that ilitted across the counte slice of one of Bethany‘s devoted cavallie - . when she returned. .-"\l e are in receipt to-dav of a lcopy of a special cdition of COpp, ‘1; Clark iv Cofs Canadian Almanac for l l ; 1505, printed for thc enterprising (-01" sister, Mrs. John Dundass. ____..____ Pool! DIG ESTIOS. ('ollius, Hood‘s Sal'saparilla is the remedy. jproprictors of ‘\\'arncr's Safe Curc.’ d It is full of valuable information and lrellccts credit on the publishers as lciic Collins, Josiah Allen's \Vifc: Best Boy Skater. (:00. Young, Jockey: Best Lady Skater. Miss Chambers, character lin- named; llest (iCIlllCllliln Skater. Harry .lcll'rcy. Indian Chief; Best Gentleman‘s Costume. Walter Collins, 'fi‘incc Charm- ing: llest Boy‘s Costume. Arthur Donald- i son, Indian Iloy ; Best lloy Skater. Calvin Fee. Commercial Traveller: Special Boy Skater. l’crcie Cochranc, Nigger Dude: Awkward Skater. Geo. Leach. Hayseed; Young Men‘s lace, Mr. Fallin, l'ctcr- borough. Among the many other priate costumes were: Mi May O'Brien. Flower Girl lied Rid: a relish to food. body. Crass. ,. , English Coliipaliy.” â€"â€"â€"The personal column in the Toâ€" , rolito Daily A3 as is n disgrracc to that T or any other journal claiming respect- ‘abilily. Tlll' Nun‘s is quite proud of 'tlie fact that it is managed by young { incli. “'lmi‘. the early training of E lhcse youngsters may i.avc been we do inot know. but judging from the way ' they arc conducting certain poitions with every c: 1-. Em il‘lI'S lm-m. -ll . i' .Y I'll: RS. ) pretty and ap- y Duncan, ~Nlm ; : Lottie E. \‘aucc, Hood; Maud T‘ickup, Snow ) i very small margin of profit for the farmer. George Sisson, sr., which and event took The interment took and was attended by a large number of sorrowing friends. Deceas- ed was an estimable old lady and will be greatly missed among her fiiends and neigh- Miss Minnie Magill has returned from Peterboro’, after a ten weeks' visit with her We can see the Miss Beggs of Canton is visiting with her - - â€" . «. . . . . Leads to nervousness frctfulness eevish- 1 , porutioii of H. ll. ll :ii'iicr iv (0., Ltd, laury Qulcn; Best (lirls Costume, Mary “H -liroic D's , siia and "33:5 pmiser . l ‘ , 'l.‘ ..n \J .' ”.1? bi‘IlSk' K l 1*" L )Ptp g 5' n . of London, langlaiid, who are now sole ““0 . . "”11”: . ’95 "T ~ “101‘ M 1' It tones the stomach, creates an appetite, and gives It makes pure blood and gives healthy action to all the organs of the Take Hood’s for Hood‘s barsaparilla Hood's Pills hecmnc the favorite cathartic Hurry Kendall. the jeweller, Millbrook, wishes to notify his friends and customers in this district that he has moved his 1‘8. â€"_ To the Editor of [he'JIILLBROOK REPORTER. SIR,â€" Considerable interest is being mani- Iestcd of late with regard to the proposal to drain the Cavan swamp. Certain interest persons have invited us to look over th ground and into the matter from an en- gineering stand point and express an opinion. Having done this we trust you will kindly make this letter public through the columns of your valuable paper that all interested may fare alike. The total cost of the work would be approximately $9000.00 to improve roughly 3000 acres or $3.00 per acre. The present value of the land is about $5.00 per acre and it is consider by ihose who profess '.0 know that its value would be increased to 8:20.00 per acre at least by proper drainage An increase of $15.00 per acre. It then resolves itself into this: Invest $3.00 per acre to increase the value of the land $15.00, a clear gain of 812.00 per acre. Manifestly a good investment. Each property owner can find the total probable advantage the drainage work would be to himself by mul- tiplying the number of acres of swamp land he owns by $12.00. In addition to above drainage would facil iiate the removal of wcod hour the swamp, enable roads to be built across it and thus save distance in travel to and from town. etc. With record to the precise means of obtaining the drains e of the Cavan swamp there is a diversity 0 opinion. It has been proposed to excavate a drain from one end to the other of sufficient dimensions to con- vey the water to a safe outlet in a creek, (that eventually reaches the Otonabee River in the Town of Poterborough) at a probable cost of $9000.00. However after having Trimmings. the times and suit you. B. SHORTLY, Sign of the Horse at the Door. he 8 n. [‘3 -‘ KENDALL'S sravm CEUR » THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. its effects and nevf blisters. Certain mBread proofs below: KENDALL’S SPAVlll llllllE mvgi’om. L. L. N.Y.. Jan. 15. 1894. J. Kaspar. o. Dggth'ulCNâ€"I bought a s lendld bayhorse 50mg time aco with a Spnvln. gothlintorsao. I use Kendall‘s Spavin Cure. The sifiivin Is gone now and I have been offered 8150 for the same horas I only had him nine weeks. 50”.! got 8120 for using carefully considered the matter we venture ”“0“” °§§§gfifi3i§$pflm cmwimwu. Ball 2 Violeb Ker}, Flower. (ill‘l‘; Olive quarters and nlily nOW be found to express an opinion that, a, more effectual ’ PA'I' cunE ”r- llicii‘ paper, it was not of me best.â€" Campbell, A Spanish (iipsy: ‘Alillie liakins, IWO LlOOI'S east Of the Post Of_ and ecopomicai means (both as regards first KEHD‘LL s s - 16 1393' ‘ Ii'l'lu'srl’b l'w mrlv r Thom’s our Senti‘ [‘0"k}"3 Backward i (.lcrty “ 000, Sister of , , cost and maintenance) of accomplishing the Summit-mm”- . l ./ . / . ’ Charity : Annie \\ 00d, House Maid; Miss fice, “Hill the I‘m-nor 131‘ng CO Annie Vance, Graduate; Miss E. Eakins, Nun : Willie O‘Brian, News lloy : Lyndon Cochranc, liootblack ; Charley Wells, Irish Dude ; R. F. Thorne, Tramp; Herb. Arni- strong and Geo. Leach. Hayseeds; Norman Henry, Grandmother. : \' k a fan )l'ices. â€"Fire Co, No. '2, met in the Fire COOL! VOI‘ t 1 Hall Jan. 25th, 1895 and elected the following officers :â€" Asst.-Chicfâ€"-Harry Campbell. Capt.-â€"W. S. l’ickup. lst Lieut.â€"-Robl. l'ldmunds. '2nd Licut.â€"John Gillett. l'st Engineerâ€"Jaw. Kerr. 2nd Engineerâ€"A. T. Armstrong. lst Branchmanâ€"-J. A. Vance. 2nd Branchmanâ€"J. W, Walsh. lst Hosemanâ€"Jas. Johnston. 2nd Horsemanâ€"John Steele. Sec.-Treas.â€"S. W. Clarke. â€"“ David Hampton was electrocut ed at Sing Sing yesterday” Toronto Empire. \Vhen our eye caught the above item on Tuesday in the Empire we involuntarily began to Wonder if our own respected, quiet, and ofi'ensless David was really another Dr. Jekel and Hyde, while professing the kindest disposition outwardly yet betiines K. D- 0. Pill cure chronic constipation- Ashe l Not a Bankrupt or a Stock- takinq Sale, but it is a straight Cash Sale, During the Month of February at the recovering. line church by the school children and the young people in this neighborhood. The authorities don’t think it necessary to have any foreign talent as our home talent can- not be surpassed. The pro rame will con- sist- of reading, recitations ialo ues, comic songs, etc., also a good choir will . present. A good time is expected. Admission 15 cents. . Davie 8c Benson intend enlarging their store this spring and are going to put in a stock of dry gauds. Come and see them, they are going to make business boom next ‘summer. They have come to stay and you can’t drive them away. ‘A very heavy snow storm passed over this section Friday night and Saturday, block- We are sorry to know that the dreaded disease diphtheria is still raging in Panty- pool. Two deaths have been reported dur- ing the last week, and a few new cases are stricken in east Pontypool, but under the skilful treatment of Dr. Lapp, are slowly A concert will be given in the Fallis . . . Anni. Co. DkiiistIlii’i'e used your Kendall’s Spavin Cur; with good shale? fort angler-egg gmhoms an . o a . it is the biifdursnti‘in; Atom Fnsnmicx. I’rlrc $1 per Battle. For Sale by all Druggistii, or address Dr. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY. :uosaunau “tum" BAILIEBORO GeneralStore In order to make room for our winter stock of Goods, which will soon be coming have decided to sell off the balance of the old stock regard- less of cost. same result would be found in improving the existing 'slu gish creek that flows through the center 0 the swamp by deepening and enlarging it particularly the town elid, straightening any short bends, removing accumulated flood wood, banks, etc. Yours truly, Rassnv Ixxns, Civil Engineer and Surveyors Pcterborough. l’eterborough, Jan. 24th, 1895. 'I‘IIl-I PLAIN 'I‘Rll'l‘ll TELLS. Constipation, Headache, Billiousness, and Bad Blood, are promptly cured by Burdock Blood Bitters, which acts upon the stomach, liver, bowels, and blood, curing all their diseases. OBSTISA’I'l-J (retells. Obstinate Coughs yield to the grateful soothing action of Norway Pine Syrup. The racking, persistent cough of consump- tives is quickly relieved by this unrivalled throat and lung remedy. Price 25c. and 50c. ner and Tea Sets combined . . . . , _ than ever. ."5 L, Subscription.» for Scribner‘s Magazmc for OUR HORSE COLLARS beat . ISBSIShouldgc cizl :iow. Price $3 a year. them a", ' « Char es Scri nor a \ .‘T-rr York. HORSE 3001's ovaery m. â€" ‘ w . anal-.3517): tion- W ALSH CLARKE . Great Stock of Trunks, Valises and Satchels, Gloves, Buck- skin Mitts pre Linings and ed Remember this we cannot and will not be e uudcrsold, our Prices are made to suit 373 George Stree, Peterhorougll. in our Great and Unequallcd Half Price Sale which has ’ We have a fine -linc of Din- Sal“- MESSRS ‘ FAIHWEATHER 8100. :PETERBOROUGH, Invilc Willa)“ :0 Lin.“ sleek of ‘ ALASKA SABLE, MINK, . Passzar.‘ LAMB, ' GREENLAND LEAL, BEAVER \R'. ..lc >llu\\'lll=' a select WED EABMENTS \r. . ""ll and arc ill a pus:- . - "ii‘l‘ on the sliul'l- ,.1“,«. .(L - Fairweathor 8; 00., :‘lecln. 1i; FUR-ll '\l \" ll.'\'- ll lil.l|.l;\, Cor. fieurge Simcoe Sis. Peterboro MCCLELLAND The :lC\\'CllC1'~, 380' George Slltcc L. I’clrcltlioito This week We show novelties in Sterling Silver. Tooth Brush, Pin, C2"'Ll and Ash Troy .5, (Lion: liiltlouers, Fruit Knives. Match Safes, Slump liliM‘S. Silver Thimbles. Bracelets. Buckles. l'lunqlcs.Soin'cnir Spoons, Hat and llojzucl l’ins. These goods make cheap Christmas Gifts. 46 13631.10 APPEAL 2'" An iiidcllible mark of public approval has ln‘cll lliv oiilmnzo 11m. far “1‘ been ill progress for the past few days. If we hive. not shown llizii this fir-cat Szilc \\':l.\ :i Iil’ NVLLVU SUCCESS, we’ll ofi'er upwards (f 3,000 \vcll writ-ll. Nillfilll‘ll and delighted patrons to stand behind us. Tlints lllc way to do ll. 'l'hi- mic is still going on, and money saving is yours when you buy in this lliggcs'mf :ill Big (Ham \Ve have put more Clothing on ihc locks oi’ mm. um i...) . ,1“. past si.\ . . Sat in the J line election by one, being W K. D. 0. the household remed for stom- achetronbles. ’ see their large and well selected stock of Wall Papers which will be sold at greatly reduced prices. â€"Kingston has returned Mr. Harty: the. reformerpby over 400 majority, his opponent, Smythe, who carried the 0 ading the roads for miles around. All the Jan. 6“" another David quite the reverse. My, ‘ h l n a H all trains on the C. P. B. were delayed for three " I , . ‘. ‘ v. 1 't 1 t, b Then or four hours. , -â€"Ca.ll at - oiiasroa a Isms and my, my, sure y 1 con (i no e. m we began to cogitate how often he had left town, with time enough on his hands to commit some dreadful deed, and as a result put to sleep by electri- citv. Here we have been eatiml oysters with the same David, sitting in lodge and on other boards with him allowing him to teach our children and to thinkâ€" let’s read it again, “the crime was the murder of Mrs. Aherns in New York, on Dec. twenty- ninetb, 1892. Not being able to clear him we telephoned to A. T. Elliott and he proves a sitisfactory alibi for that date, he having bought two Stone walls that some evening. This is evi- dence indisputable Mr. Pedagogue and we beg a thousand pardons for ever allowing our thoughts to convict you of any such deeds. May sleep come to your eye-lids as gently as the morn- ing breeze and no visions of Sing Sing and the electric chair. ever be your last musings. K. D. 0- ' min t relief to sufferers MW" 1 brlggp P Toilet the defeated conservative. â€"The Foresters of Centreville are having a grand entertainment in their hall on-Thursday, the 7th Feb. Rev. Alex. McGillivai-y, Past High Chief and C. C. W'hale, High Inspector, Will give addresses. The Peterborough Banks Quartette are also engaged. also J. H. Wilson, the comic singer. Don’t fail to attend this entertainment- The hall has been thoroughly over- hauled and remodelled by the brethren at a considerable expense for the Pm” poses of such concerts and every recognition should be given them. Admission 20c., children 10c. for $5. We have Sets of Din duced. W and selling NOTE SOME OF OUR (10 PIECES.) 13 piece Toilet Sets (Slop Bowl and Spit- toon) $8. for $6.50. 12 piece Toilet Set (Slop Bowl) $7.50, of reduction. We take the lead in fresh family groceries H. McCARTNEY R. DEYELL’S OLD STAND. for oimmediate relief after eating line A The topic of the day. How did Under- wood get the wardenship. IlNQIlAlIl-‘fllli COMMENDATION. Rev. T. Watson, Colborne, Ontario, writes:-â€""K. D. C. has produced in me a wonderful chap 9, almost from the first time of using. 'y Idigestion is all gone, and my general health is much better than it has been for years. K. D. C. has my heartiest and un ualifie'i commendation. I believe it to be at PRICES: $3.50 for $2.50 Sets 4-25 for 3-25 4-75 for 3.75 5.00 for 4.00 w, 75" f“ 55° silent °€.“2.‘:,":é‘ff:.‘.‘.'°’i‘f‘ 5: Co., Ltd, New Glasgow, N. 8., Canada, and 127 State St. ’. Boston, Mass. -â€"I. E. N eedham is prepared to take charge of auction sales of all kinds- at shortest notice and lowest terms, satis- faction guaranteed. He is now in a attentio them up to $20 at the same rate Our Fancy Chinaware and nor and Tea Dishes are also re- e are making a specialty of Tea it cheap. with a piano or'organ. BEYOND DISPUTE. There is no better, safer or more leasant cough remedy made than Hagyard’s octoral Balsam. It cures Hoarseneu, Sore Throat, Cough, Colds. Bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles. where. Idsirll~ to return thanks to my many customers for the‘ liber- al patronage I have enjoyed for “‘ ”km “in 0 ‘° the past year, and hope by strict first-class stock of goods and doing A1 work to merit a non- better'position than ever to supply you tinuanee 0f the same. Give me a call before going else- ’ H. B. McFEE, Merchant Tailor. - Centreville. Word ! to $7. Paints, II to business, keeping a eta, 50 eta. A. Luca, that we have been sellin . . . . ‘ $15 which we now offcg for the public have an abiding faith and i'llllll‘l-‘lll'!' in our 3 $10. Tea Sets from $2.75 up Also a well-assorted stock of Tinware, Hardware, Oils and Varnish. Boots and Shoes fr0m 25c. up to $4. Fresh Groce '2 ~ ' (lid liquid for S] 3)~ “El fiiZ(:s and “Pr 2' stock. - wool lined, storm, lilalfyfllvct col- q ‘N j lo-«lialc II; ‘ plillcrll. 5'.\lC no.1 - ' . . - - flh Q14 ‘t “is ' e ,,,,,, s. . H \VOI'UIlIllIb lip : you .-.p ~-\...-.- Give us a call, it Will be to 1"" w° ‘ "i 1 choice .c. lliis silt- i. i' - ,9 E I ~ our advantage. ;~ . 3 y ' . One lot of Men’s Overcoats in Mcl- ; Men‘s All Wool l'ums. .- .iblc i3 , ton, Beaver and Nap Cloth, good . I your business or lo go 11: \‘lllllvll w H "- E 8! El. l. .3. . .. ........................ ,i ’ All “'00..l ........ 35 Boys llcavcrllvcrcoais, worth $5 ' u If you wanta copy of WOMAN” Boys Knee Pants, C can bu v llicsc Splendid uai'incnlsy‘a‘it the sixteen page weekly for Cana~ . . .. ,1 c ‘ ‘. dian women send your name and ’ lllls Slit. fol ...................... 5.. :9 address on ii post card at once Boys’ neze Ulsters, Heavy wool ‘ to Woman Pnblishi CO. 29, 31. 33 MelindaSt. lined, one of these storm protect- Boys I I‘lhll T“ ccd L'lchls, long cut, Toronto. mentioning paper. 01‘s. well worth 36 ; we are 6011- . \Viml linml. a bargain for .533, i; :5 ing themat ...... ......... S‘.’ 98 SHILOH’S CURE is sold on a guarantie. It cures Incipient Consumption. It is the best Cough Cure. Only one cent a dose ; 25 and $100 per bottle. Sold by ries always in ' for days than the combined clothing shops ”1' lhc mo «numb-s, 'l'iiic i,,.,,\.cs that :uiiu m ilcclilciils. Study These Items Carefully Fer Tim Weeks More. FOR MEN. Men's All \\'001 e , - .ool lined l Men‘s. I:iA;L\1-p “WWW,“ re ular price 51!, ill this (:rcal ‘ 5 S c ........................... so 79* l , ion" clil . . , ll' 5 ’ lull luck, swung ever} whcrc at N2. o..r l-rlcc at lhis sale. . . . . . . $5 79 Mell‘sAll \Vool Tweed Suits. splen- Men’s Irish Frieze Ulstcis, fancy your: at lllls sale for the sum of. . .. 32.49 GOUGH BROTHERS The Wonderful Cheap Men, '6: if Peterborough and Lindsay. #441 u.

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