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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 17 Jan 1957, p. 2

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PHONE 00ch: Peterboronh 2-2080 Gobonrg 1787 PROPRIETOR llll‘llflllflllfillilllllll Port Hope, 0111: . ‘Box 622 is given the vote and allowed to take. part in the affairs of the nation. But. even before 21 he is allowed to drive a car and to join the armed forces. He is recognized as having a sense of responsibility. The Jewish‘ boy at the age of 12 officially became a son of the law. In the synagogue he read the Scripture and answered ques- tions. He was considered a man and required to obey the ceremonial law, and to make a .pilgramage to Jerusalem for the feast of the Passover. . When young persons became ' full members of the church by confirmation it was by an act, of! God and the church. They ‘ were strengthened by the Eoly - check'ed. Enclosed find my check or money order. lyeor $16 ['3 6 months $8 [3 3 months $4 1:) The Christian Science Monitor One Norway St, Boston l5, Moss. Send you: newspaper fat the time stories and penetrothg editorials. Special features for the whole family. , Monuments, Markers, Corner Posts and Inscriptions. Dead Stock Removed mamm- PRIGES um The coming of age was an important event in any life. In our langi at 21 young person This m can gin you The subject of the sermon was the “Holy Family” and the text was taken from Luke 2349 “How is it. that ye sought me? Wist ye not that I must be- about my Father’s busi- ness?” ‘ 24-Hour Service Nick Peconi On Sunday morning at St. Andrew ’s the Rev. Francis P. Chisholm tol‘d'the children the.3 they would explore the church together. They would consider the different parts of the church and the furniture that helped in worship. In some ways it was like a ship at sea. . Some‘ one on board the ship must know the way, the different channels and how to steer the boat. Everyone obeyed the: captain gladly beeause they knew that he knew the way, and they wanted to arrive safely. With the ship of the church-worship someone must know when to sing, read the Scripture, preach and pray, so all may go safely. The minis- ter in the pulpit was like the ; captain on the bridge. Theg minister is there not to exalt ‘ him-self, but the holy word. All must listen to learn God’s will. 1 Sunday Morning At St. Amiga 2503 7.10 ‘ State 33-” War ”9 It was the responsibility of parents to lead little ones to a knowledge of Christ as Father and Friend. The parents should say “come with me, to church and Sunday School so that together we may learn the. Father's will for the family’b. iThen as children they may learn to develop in grace and ,to win favour with Gor and ' man. . Mr. Chisholm ~said that dur- ing the past week the fellow- ship of prayer had been enjoy- ed by all four churches. of the community together. He ap-l pealed toeongregation to make!! Ievery week a week of prayer,, land to‘mak‘elltizfl; a year of} i l r t I l When the days of the feast were over preparations were made for the journey home- ward to Nazareth. Mary thought- Jesus Was with Joseph, and Joseph thought He was with his mother. It was not until evening they discovered Jesus was not in the company. The next morning they hurried back to Jerusalem to find him. When finally thev found him in the temple he replied in the words of the text “Wist ye not that ‘I must be about my ‘ Father’s business?” He reco- gnized God, the creator of the' stars and the beauty of nature as His Father. He went back to Nazareth and was subject to his parents He found the pre- J sence'of God in the home and gave the name of Father to One event in his boyhood is; recorded when at the age of 12 he made the 3-day trek to Jerusalem for the passover festival. In the temple the scribes and rabbis were sur- prised at the boy’s understand- ing. He enquired not as a conceited or precocious youth, but with the eager seriousness of a keen student. Jesus lived a life good for a sturdy boy. He learned about the world around him, about the reapers, the shepherd and the carpenter, and used this knowledge later in his teach- ing. His school days with the» vabbi in the synagogue fed his alert mind. In his home with his mother and Joseph he learned lessons of kindness and helpfulness . I“Remember thy Creator in :thSATURDAY’ FEBRUARY 16 days of thy youth.” It was a critical time of life. The January meeting of the The years of preparation in- Women’s Guild of St. *Thomas’ Jesus’ life have been called the‘Anglican Church was held at “silent years”. He developed fthe home of Mrs. T. A. Camp- physically, grew and waxed bell with a small attendance. strong, kept his body a fit The newly elected President. temple of the Holy Spirit. His Miss E. Kent was in the chair mind expanded. He was al-gand opened with prayer. Tne ways ready to learn. The Secretary, Mrs. Fred Lowery‘ greatest men continuetd to beiread the minutes which were“ learners until death. Mozartapproved. The Treasurer Mars. I took lessons in counterpart. A 3 D. R. Fowler, gave her report great painter at 70 felt that iflwhich showed a substantiah he had just ten years more he balance on hand. could really paint as he wanted Mrs. H. A. Turner, card to. secret-21w nanny-fad earn-Hm“. mu. Spirit, made a public profess- ion of faith, and were admitted to the Lord’s supper. Most conversions were made between the ages of 12 and 25. It was a matter of great concern that young people should respond to God’s call and follow him as Christ and Lord. He quoted “DAM, ”L...‘ 4.1.” Johnny Wayne (left) and Frank Shuster are not to be outdone in a leg Show 5y dan- cer‘s- Margo Kinly and Marilyn The meeting closed with prayer. Refreshments were served by the hostesses Mrs. P. Hamilton and Miss E. Kent. The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. T. A. Campbell on :B‘ebruary 6. Hostesses will be Mrs. Fred Lowery and Mrs. G. H. Lan- cashire. . The highlight of the meeting was the planning for a baking sale to be held at Coulter Bros Ltd. store on February 16th. Mrs. H. A. Turner, card secretary reported sending six. teen Christmas cards to shut~ ins and four get- -well cards to members of our church. HOME BAKING SALE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16 The choir sang “Give to our God Immortal Praise” under the direction of Miss Mabel Clarry, who was at the organ. prayer. Robertson. The comedy team star in their own CBC- TV show on alternate Saturday night's. ’It is more than a convenient place to make a deposit, cash a cheque or see about a loan. You can also buy travellers cheques and money orders; rent a safety deposit box; purchase foreign currency; talk over your financial plans or problems. The list goes on and on . ; 5 THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING THE MIRROR-REPORTER, MILLBROOK, ONTARIO February 11 Warsaw xs Hiawatha, Keene vs Apsley, Hastings vs Young’ 5 Point. February 7 Havelock vs Keene. February 8 Young’s Point vs Lakefield, Hiawatha vc‘ Keene, Hastings vs Omemee, Millbrook vs Have- lock. {WI 45? February 4 Hiawatha vs Lakefield, Keene vs Warsaw, Millbrook vs Aps- ley, Young ’5 Point vs: Hastings, Havelock vs Omemee. February 5 Omomee vs Hiawatha. February 6 - Lakefiel‘d vs Hastings, War- saw vs Young’s Point, Ap‘s'ley vs Millbrook. Warsaw . ‘ January 24 Haveloek vs Hiawatha. January 25 Apsley vs Keene, Warsaw vs Hastings, Havelock vs Young’s Point, Lakefield vs Mill'brook, _Hiawatha vs ‘Omemee. I January 28 l Hastings vs Keene, Havelock ,vs Lakefield, Hiawatha vs: War- ‘saw, Youg’s Point vs Apsley. } January 30 Hiawatha vs Hastings, Aps“ Iey vs Omemee, Warsaw vs Lakefield, Keene vs Millbrook February 1 Milhbrook vs Hiawatha, Ome- mee vs Young’s Point. Lake- field vs Apsley, Havelock vs: February 13 Millbrook vs Omemee, Hast- January 23 Keane vs Young’s Point, Hastings 'vs Millbrook, Omemee vs Apsley. ‘ . January 17 Lakefield vs Keene. January 18 Hastings vs Hiawatha, Apsley vs Lakwefield Young’ 8 Point \5 Miubrook, Warsaw vs Omemee. January 21 i Keene vs Omemee, Havelock vs Hastings, Mil‘lbr-ook vs Lake- field, Young’s Point vs War- saw. ‘ Cu: this E.P.H.L. out and carry in your wallet, it will come in handy when you want to know when and where the Millbrook boys are playing. E.P;H.I.. s‘cneauu Friday, February 22 7.30 Bethany vs Fraserville 9.00 Millbrook vs Bailieboro Monday, February 11 7.30 Fraserville vs Mt. Pleas- ant 9.00 Bailiebero vs Millbrook Wednesday, February 13 .30 .Bridgenorth vs Bethany 7 ; 9.00 Mt. Pleasant vs Fraser- ville Wednesday, Febrwry 20 7.30 Fraserville vs Bailieboro 1 9.00 Bridgenorth vs Mt. Pleas» I ant Friday, February 8 3-0 Bridgenorth vs Bailieboro 00 Millbrook vs Bethany 7 9 a o Monday, February 4 7.30 Mt. Pleasant V'S Bailieboro 9.00 Fraserville vs Bethany Fmday, Febmaryl 7. 30 Millbrook vs Bridgenorth 9. 00 Bethany vs Mt. Pleasant Monday, January 21 7.30 Mt. Pleasant vs. Bethany 9.00 Fraservill‘e vs Bridgenorth Monday, January 30 7.30 Fraserville vs Millbrook 9.00 Bailieboro vs Bridge-north February 22 Hiawatha vs Apsley, Lake; field vs Warsaw, Young’s Point vs Havel’ock. NORE'I-I DURHAM RURAL HOCKEY LEAGUE February 18 Keene vs Haveloek, Warsaw vs Millbrook, Omemee vs Lake- field. February 14 Young’s Point vs Keene. ' February 15 Lakefield vs Hiawatha, Aps- 1y vs Hastings, Omemee vs Milljbrook. ings vs Havelock, Apsley Warsaw. \IIIIIIIL‘II iii-III I lllllllllllIBIIIIlIlllIIIIllllllllllllllm i IIPE INSURANCE General Insurance, Fire, Public Liability, Automobile, Burglary, Accident and Sickness, Wind and Plate Glass. Special rates for car insuranceâ€"Public liability on cars as low as $13.00. On trucksas low as $11.00. A. Ray Eagleson, 352 George St. Murray Eagleson Cobourg, Ontario Bailieboro Phone Fr' 2-3224 Ph. Millbrook 209-r-13 Schedule for 1957 A branch bank' is, in effect, a service centre and everyone on the staff is there to help you, to look after all your banking Eagleson lnsurangg Agency YOUR COMMUNITY Did you ever stop to consider all the things a chartered bank can do for you? For all Your banking“; qourteously, cogfidentially and well; Ii IIIIIIIIIIIIII III. .70 7V- - Discussion was held in the powwow ring, after which the meeting was closed with taps. The Brownies working for their Golden Bars were shown tests. Brownies working on their Golden Hands were told how to earn special badges. § The Brownies met in the Parish Hall on Wednesday, January 9th, 1957, at 4.15 and after the opening exercise in- spection was held. There were 19 Brownies present and two new membersâ€"Jo-Ann Agnew and Linda Nelson. We: had 4 games with physical stunts. fl'hursday, January 17 NOTESiâ€"Games missed for any reason will be played at the end of the schedule. Each team should advertise in its own area. Home team should telephone score to GEEK-TV. Monday, February 25 7.30 Bethany vs Bridgenrorth 9.00 Millbrook vs Fraserville Wednesday, February 27 7.30 Mt. Pleasant vs Millbrook 9.00 Bailieboro vs Bethany. WITH ME Bgownms Attend the Citu choice on Sunday. JOHN PAYNE Pontypool â€"- Ontarh Licensed Auctioneer. Dur‘n County, is now available to c duct sales anywhere in Count Your patronage respectfu‘j solicited PHONE BETHAKY 101‘? St. John’s, Ida 3.00 p.m.â€"â€"Evening Praye Christ Church, Bailiebore 7.30 p.m.â€"â€"Evening Prayei 11.00 Rev. Walter Patterson, M. Minister Emeritus. Cenjerevme Church South Monaghan Mrs. G. MUSpratt, ()rganis 10.00 a.m.â€"Church School 11.00 miniâ€"Divine Worsh Grace Church. Millbrook 10.45 a.m.â€"-Church Schc 7.00 p.m.â€"-Divine WOE‘Shi] St. Andrew’s â€" Wednesl January 23, at 87pm. 9.45 a.m.â€"â€"Public Worship and Sunda School. Anglican Church of C; Annual Congregational M St. Andrew ’3 16.00 a.m.â€"Sunday Scho 11.15 a.m.â€"â€"Pub1ic Won Subjectâ€"“The First Miran Friday 8.00 p.m.-â€"Christ - bassador Service. â€"Gmnis Bible Club. Everybody Welcome! ELI-BROOK 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11.00 altarâ€"Worship Semi? 7.00 p.m.â€"â€"Evange1istic M Zion Pentecostal C THE UNITED CHURC] Hillbrook Pastoral Char Kev. Francis Chisholm, M B. D. Minister. “0 Come Let IT: \\ ms}; However, it is true that xx you get- down to 1mm 1‘ commodities the amount technical advance and mm in‘g’ productivity differs 4 commodlty to commodty. is to take thls into account :(Address by H. H. Ham President, Canadian Federe of Agriculture, to the An Meeting of Ontario ream of Agriculture, King Edy Hotel, Toronto.) Thomas’ Church M1111 SUNDAY, JANUARY PARISH or CAVAN 11.0. Quinn, B.A.,] JIM FAWCE Pentecostal Assemblies REASONABLE PRICE FREE ESTIMATES Phone Millbrook 270-w nnrsday, J annary 17, .â€"Mornin,«z Pray; Parity For hurch of 3" Pastor, M . C

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