This man éan give you dependable delivery of THE CHRISTIAN: SCIENCE I Kilt-IEISEIHHIIIIIIIIII One Norway St, Boston IS. Moss. Send your newspaper for the time checked. Enclosed find my check 00 money order. 1 year $Â¥6 U 6 monvhs $8 D 3 months 54 D wigs and penetrotfng editoriqls. ~Wl Geotures for the whole Tï¬e Christian Science Monitor BUTTER GRANITE 00. Port Hope, Ont. Box 62: Monuments, Markers, Corner Posts and Inscriptions. On motion of Malcolm and1 Brown, the morning session ad- journed Imtil 1.15 p. m. ed‘ [ . LVIn Communications were read‘ from the following: Hospital for Sick Children re grant; Stuart Ryan Q.C., re a taxa- tion matter; Dept. of Munici- cipal Affairs re in lieu of taxes; N. and Durham Health Unit monthly report; Auditors re- port re 1955 road account; Ont. Association of Rural Munici- pality re 1957 membership; Ontario Good Roads Associa- tion re 1957 membership; and others. Housewives, businessmen, teachers. and students alt eye: the wovld read and enjoy this intemotionot newspaper, pub, lished daily in Boston. WOV'ds On motion of Brown and Mal- oolm, the minutes were ap- proved'and adopted as read. Carried. ‘ Moved by Malcolm, seconded by Jakeman that 7 c0pies of the Municipal World be order- ed for 1957. Carried. The oath of Office was then administered to‘ the various members of Council, after which the presiding Deputy- Reeve called for the minutes of the last meeting to be read. In the absence of the Reeve, who was detained due to the snow condition of the roads for the morning session, the Deputy Reeve, Lewis McGill called the meeting to order at 11 a.m. After a few opening remarks- Mr. McGill called on Rev. G. Medas to conduct a short devotional service. Councillor Malcolm thanked Rev. Meads for being present on behalf of the Council. Dead Stock Removed HIGHEST PRICES PAID MunicipalEngineer Invited to Attend Council Meeting Bethany, Ont., Jan. 14th, 1957.â€"-The inaugural meeting of Manvers Municipal Council was held on the above date with the following members consti- tuting the 1957 Council: Reeve, Earl Argue; Deputyâ€"Reeve, Lewis McGill; Councillors, Har- vej‘ Malcolm, Henry Jakeman and Robert Brown. 24-Hour Service Nick Peconi PAGE TWO ‘ Peterborouh 2-2080 7,39“. State [’84, PROPRIETOR :3 an E w.â€" E «a a a E 2 E a: 3 Illfliiï¬‚ï¬ Attend the Church of Your. Choice on Sunday. Moved by Brown; seconded by Jakeman, that the meeting adjourn to meet February 5th, 1957 at 1.00 p.m. hall ’ On motion of Malcolm and? ' Brown, Mr. Gorrie, Municipal? : Engineer was to be invited to' ; attend the meeting on Feb. 5‘ “ and advise the Council the; htandards that would be re~ ' quired in order to get a grant, : if the Township were to build a ’ municipal garage to provide i shelter for the grader and oth~1 er municipal supplies. Carriedi l' Moved by Jakeman, second~i {ed by MeGill that the Reeve “and Trea's. be authorized toI sign cheques for the following accounts: Twp Treas., road vou- Hcher-No. 1 .......... $ 693.17 ; IThos. Whillier, supplies 100.40 ‘ \V. A. Rowland, attend- ; ing Court of Revision.. 35.00 United Counties of N. and D. hospitalization 102.00 United Counties (Heal- ] th Unit), plumbing fee-s 37.50 1 Earl Argue. trip to Co- I bourg, legal advice, etc 21.00 ( Treas. 8.8. No. 7, > sehool money ........ 500.00 5 Addison Scott, repairing . light fixture ......... , 1.00 ] R. R. Edmunds. oil... 15.73 R. Davidson, vital sta- l tistics 1956 ..... 2.50 r Municipal World, 7 cop- ] ies of Municipal \Vorld 21.00 Hood Road's Association I membership 1957. . . . . 10.00 iAssoc. of Rural Muni- I? cipalities, membership ' o 1957 ........... ' ..... 10.00 HOSpital for Sit-k Chil- I: dren grant ........... 10.00 a R. Davidson, on salary 3; account ............ 150. 00 1 NICK MONTAGUE Zenith 34900 Peter‘ooro’ or Hastings 45. GASI-I for dead or crippl- ed Cattle and Horses. Small farm animals re- moved FREE.. Phone col- lect toâ€" l By-Law No. 1334, being a year just entered and after- By-Law appointing Fence wards gave a brief talk on the Viewers, Poud Keepers, Live-responsibility the Council had stock and Sheep Valuators,!assumed. School Attendance Officer and. The minutes of the last reg-u- Weed InspectOr were given the. lar meeting and special meeting three required readings, sign-'of December 17th, 1956, were ed, sealed and numbered. read by the Clerk and were ap- Moved by Malcolm, seconded proved ’on motion of Council.- :by Brown that a donation of lors Coulter and Gibson. $10.00 be forwarded to the Mr. Russell Smith was pre- Hospital for Sick Children. sent and addressed the Council Carried. , I re, the street lighting in his Moved by Brown, seconded' section of the village. by McGill that Earl Argue be! Aflter considerable discuss- paid $21.00 to compensate for‘ion Mr. Smith was assured that trip to Cobourg with indigentâ€- his suggestion as to lighting money' advanced for wood for‘wiuld be considered. indigent and legal advice from 7‘ The following Committees S. Ryan Q.C., re a taxation were appointed to look after] matter. Carried. (the business of flu» Mnnim’nuLi By-Law N0. 1333, being the Bank borrowing By-Law for 1957 was givenu the 3 neces- sary readings, signed, sealed and numbered. Mr. Ed. MeGiH, caretaker of the ‘Township hall was then interviewed and after a short discussion, Councillor Jake- man,‘moved that the caretak- ing fee be $145.00 for 1957, plus $1.50 per rented engave- ment. Seconded by McGilly Carried. by Malcolm that membership Millbro‘ok, Jan, 14, 1957.â€" for 1957 be .ta-hen in the GOOdQ The inaugural meeting of the Roads “roman“ and the AS')l\Iuiiieipal Council of the vm,! sociation of Rural Municipali-. ties. Carried. iage of Millbrook for the year “ Mr. Ed. McGill, caretaker†1957 was held on Monday even-‘ of the ‘Township hall was then ing January 14th, at the hourf interviewed and after a short‘of 8 p.m. when the following; (113011531011; Councillor Jakf't elected Reeve and Councillors; {mammoved that the caretaï¬-gtook their oath of office and‘ mg fee be $140.00 for 1901,; . plus $1.50 per rented engave-i â€Ok the“ seats: ment. Seconded by McGillJReeveâ€"Geo. F. Harrington. J Carried. lCouncillorsâ€"Weldon‘ Coulter,l By-Law N0. 1333, being the; 'Lavern Gibson, Frank North Bank borrowing By-Law for and George Raymes. 1957 was givenu the 3 neces- The Rev. H. C. Quinn was sary readings, signed, sealed present and offered a prayer' and numbered. for guidance during the new; By-Law No. 1334, being a year just entered and after-I By-Law appointing Fence wards gave a brief talk on the- Viewers, Pond Keepers, Live-responsibility the Council had. EtOCk and Sheep Valuators,iassu‘med. l Moved by McGill, seconded! l 1 l I 1 Reeve Argue {presided for the afternoon session and after bringing the meeting to order, called on Mr. David Masters, weed inspector for 1956 to give a report of his work for 1956. McGill, scrubbing DEAD STOCK Ross Davidson, Clerk . 10.00 From The Workmen’s Com-i pensation Board, re coverage! of volunteer firemen. 3 10.00 From the Department of Health of Ontario re, post-Sana- 10.00 torium care toex-patients of w , sanatoria, 1956. i 5.00 Time Used. Carried. . 3.3,?1011 by Councillors G‘ib- wn and Ranges: that the Clerk 139 authorized to order six copies of the Municipal World for entire Council Board. Cara Motion by Councillors Gib- son and North that for plowing snow in private lanes Within the Municipality, using: our truck and plow. the minimum < ltzn'g'e‘ shall be two dollars and fifty wu‘l‘; ($2.5(ll for (‘aqh Time uswl. Curried. Motion by Councillor‘s North and Raymes that the condition- al order given the J. 8: J. Tay- lor Safe Co. in December- for a safe be cancelled and that the Clerk be instructed to get more information. Motion by Councillors North and Gibson that communica- tions not otherwise dealt with be received and filed and that Compensation coverage of vo-l- unteer firemen be left as it is. if they are already covered by general insurance. Carried. Public buildings, municipal~~ Chairman, Lavern Gibson. Pro- perty, Geo. Raymes. Town Hall Committeeâ€"â€" IChairmanâ€"Geon F. Harring- iton; Lavern Gibson. From The Department of Highways, information. From The Good Roads As- so-Liation Ontario, announcing Annual Convention in Toronto February 5 and 6,1957. The Ontario Association of Rural Munioipalities Conven- .ion in Toronto February 26th, 1957. The following communica- tions read‘ From Provincial \Iagistl‘ate R. B. Baxter, enclosing state. ment of fines. for month of: November 1956. Cheque en- closed ($2.63). Millbrook and Gavan Me- morial Arenrâ€"G. F. Harring- ion, Frank North, represent- ative's. Financeâ€" Chairman , Reeve and entire Council. Health, welfare and reliefâ€"- Chairman, Weldon Coulter, Geo. Rayme's. Streets, bridges, sidewalk \sâ€"n Chairman \Veldon Coultel, Policing, law and orderâ€"Frank, North. ‘ The following Committees {vere appointed to look after the business of the Municipal- ity for the year: Millbrook Council To Deal With Dog Nuisence m “303.330.3133, MILLBROOK, ONTARIO 2 p.111. Interment was in th-) Fallis Cemetery. ‘Tacey, Howardâ€" At FairJ weather Private Hospital, Mill- brook, on Monday, January 2-], 1957, Howard ‘Tacey in his 91st; year, Pontypool, Ontario. Son] of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Tacay. Brother of the lateE Minnie Garnet, cousin of Co‘at Amnsfmng' and Mrs. Thomas, F‘Inis. both of Pontypool. Tho-‘ funeral took lflzu-o from the J. ‘ ’W. Haw Funeral Homo, King-3‘ Rtroot East, )Iillbronk. on \Vodnosday, January 23rd, at I 1 Mrs. Lawrence Winslow was in charge of the Devotional [1)01‘i0d. ‘The Scripture was taken from St. Mark, chapter I]. verses 16-35. This part Iclosed with prayer. Refreshments were served by our hostess pssisted by Mrs. John Elgar and 1115. Delbert ()1an.4 The February ï¬leeting wili be held \Vednesday evening, February 6th, at the home 'of Mrs. Gerald Hubbeard. The meeting was closed with the Benediction. Group leader, Mrs. Albert 01am, continued on with the meeting. Membership fees were accepted and plans for making a cook book. were discussed. The South Group of St. An- drew’s W.A. held their Jan- uary meeting last \Vednesday evening at. the home of Mrs. Albert Olan with 15 members and one \isit01 president. The meeting opened by all singing the hy mn “My Faitl Looks U p to Theeâ€. NEXT MEETING OF THE SOUTH GROUP WEDNESDAY, FEB. 6th. Council adjourned to meet February 4th, 1957. Councillor Gibson reported a list of euipment wanted by the fire department and made a motion seconded by Councillor Raymes that the Clerk order same which was composed of rubber coats, boots and hel- mets. Motion carried. Owing to complaints being received for some time past of dogs attacking or molesting :pedestrians on our public high- ways, the following motion by Councillors North and Gibson was adopted: that the Clerk be instructed to consult. our Solicitor, and if necessary to have a By-Law draughted to1 deal with such nuisances, andi report same, at the next meet-J ing of the Council. 1 The following bills were pre- lsented and on motion of Coun- Icillors Raymes and Gibson ;were ordered paid: 'Millbrook Public Libr- Eary interim grant ..... $150 .00 } ’lVIirror-Reporter, print- ing ................. 1.7 . 50 N. Durham Board of lHealth, plumbing per- mits ................ 47.00 ‘United Counties N. ‘D., hospitalization.... 42.00 Coulter Bros. Ltd. hard- ' wvare ................. 3.15 Utilities 001nmis.,Sts-. 103.08 Traffic lights ........ 4.19 Town Hall lights ...... 9. 36 Fire Hall, light ...... 2. 791 Waiting Room lights“ 11.25 Arthur Trick, oil Wait- ing Room ............ 19.42 Arthur Trick, oil" Cavan Clerk’s Office ....... 29.17" Docon Telephones 7.40} Cathcart Motors, gas I and oil truck ......... -. ‘3 Council fees ......... 20.00 Municipal Employees. 398.40 Election expenses 10.00 Postage .............. 1 .25 Unemployment I11s.... 2.40 On motion of Councillors North and Raymes the Reeve and Clerk were authorized to complete a By-Law appointing Rev. W. H. Heustin, a mem- ber of the Board of the Mill- brook Public Library, for a term of two- years. .reid . Entered Into Rest T. W. Belch, Clerk. ooooooooooo 30-. 82 20. 00 398 .40 10.00 1 . 25 3 151 103 03 4 19 9. 36' 2. 79! 11. 25| 3 answer, But her photo on the wall. â€"Sadlv mis<ed by husband Bruce, 3011 \Villiam and daugh- re: -iu-Ia\\ and orandduldl en severe, We little thought her death so near. We think of her 1n silence, Her name we oft recall But there 3 nothing left to near us, . Whom God claimed four years ago. , Sad and sudden was the call, Of one so dearly loved by all. The blow was hard the shock 11S . Te 92113 of sorrow often flow, Mlemory keeps our loved one ' Parker.â€"â€"In loving memory of 0111 dear wife and mother Mrs. Bruce Paker who passed away January 24th, 1953. Days of sorrow still come o’er ESTâ€"A Hound. b] ad (body, brindle head and legs; Weigh b0hwm17.) and 8(‘1mmlds Please phone 83-1 Millbrock chain, When one by one we meet again. We miss you most who loved the best. â€"A1‘ways remembered by her daughter 41'adys, son-in-Iaxv Edgar and Grandchildren. ed, A loving voice said come. Our glad will link the broken well, She said good-bye to none. The heavenly gates were open- Parker.â€"-In loving memory of our dear mother Mrs. Bruce Parker who passed away Jan- uary 24th, 1953. She bade no one her last fare- dear, Nor ever shall you be; As long as life and memory lasz I Shall remember thee. â€"Ever ‘ remembered by son John. ° You’re not. forgotten, father Blair.»â€"In loving memory of my father William John Blair who passed away January 20, 1949. Love’s greatest gift, remem- brance. â€"E«ver. remembered by Wil- berf, Jene and family. In loving memory of our uncle Walter Wragg, who pas- sed away one year ago, January 21, 1956. Special thanks to Dr. J. W. Wright, Rev. H. C. Quinn and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith. Mrs. Rebecca Gibbs- and children. They were a great source of comfort in our recent sad be- reavement. I would like to express to our friends and neighbours our very deep gratitude and ap- preciation for their kindness and help at the house, visits, cards and expressions of sym- pathy at the time of the death of our beloved husband and father Reginald J. Gibbs. IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM CARD 0F THANKS IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM LOST F‘ar’ Saleâ€"Farm‘f-or sale. WM half lot 1:}. (i'om-ossion "i. Cavan Township. Apply to L. J. Hutchinson. Fraserâ€" For Saleâ€"Pair of bov’s hm-km sikates size 61/; onlv used one “inter. A real buy \p} n a Reporter 0f‘i(-.e 7:: Lostâ€"Key case with keys. If found please return to Re- porter Office. $2.00 r - ward. « if For Saleâ€"Mixed Hardwood, 4 foot length resaw ed to 13 inches $16. 00 per cord deli- vered. Phone N. J Curtis and Sons, Pontypool. Phone Orono 8-‘r-10 Attention Farmersâ€"For Sale, 50 1b potato bags 100 or over $12.50 per 100. Crowley’s Red White Store phone 22 Millbroo’k:. 1t Small House for Rent, Freder- ick Avenue. Phone 18 Mill- brook. tf. For Rentâ€"Five-roomed Apart- ment, modern, possession February 1. Applv Repor'tel Office phone 19 Millbrook Our business is one of the best! You can be a part of it by becoming one of our agent. Don’t wait any longer. Write today for details. Familex Dept. 28 Station C. Mont- real. It NOTESIâ€"Games missed for any reason will be played at the end of the schedule. Each team should advertise in its own area. Home team should telephone score to CHEX-TV. Wednesday, February 27 7.30 Mt. Pleasant vs Millbrook 9.00 Bailieboro vs Bethany. Monday, February 25 7. 30 Bethany vs Bridgenorth 9. 00 Millbrook \s Fraserville Friday, February 8 ' 7.30 Bridgenorth vs Bailieboro 9.00 Millbrook vs Bethany Monday, February 11 7.30 Fraserville vs Mt. Pleas- ant 9.00 Bailieboro vs Millbrook Wednesday, February 13 7.30 Bridgenorth vs Bethany 9.00 Mt. Pleasant vs Fraser- ville Wednesday, February 20 7.30 Fraserville vs Bailieboro 9.00 Bridgenorth vs Mt. Pleas- ant Friday, February 22 4.30 Bethany vs Fraserville 9.00 Millbrook vs Bailieboro ville 13.0. Monday, February 4: . 0 Mt. Pleasant vs Ba111eborc Monday, January 30 . 7.30 Fraserville vs Millbrook 9.00 Bailieboro vs Bridgenorth HOME DURHAM RURAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Schedule for 1957 FOR SALE FOR RENT LEW Atteï¬d the Church of yo choice on ~unaay. .Pontypool -- Ontario Llcensed Auctioneer. Durha.‘ County, is now available to cm duct sales anywhere in County Your patronage respectfully ‘ solicited ‘ PHONE BETEIAZJI mrzfl St. John’s, Ida 11.00 a.=m.â€"â€"Murning Praye Christ Church, Bailieboro 3-00 p.m.â€"H(~1y Connmmim Mrs. G. Mu splat? .Urganizt 10. 00 a.m.-â€"Chm« a) School 11.00 a.m.â€"â€"â€"Di\'inv Worshi Grace Church. Mimarook 10.45 a.m.â€"Church Schoa PRESBYTERIAH Centrevflle and Millbrook Rev. “4'. H. Hous'tin, B.A. Minister. Rev. “'alter Patterson, ILA Minister Emeritvs. ‘ CentrevilZ-e Church Sduth Monaghan Mrs. G. Muspz-azt. Organist cavan 9. 45 a. m.-â€"Pub1ic Worship: and Sunda School. Annual Congregational Me ingsi Gavanâ€"Tuesday, Jan. 22. St. Andrew’s -â€" Wm‘mcsd: January 23, at 8’ p.111. Anglican Church of 10 . 00 a . m .â€"Sund_ay School! 11.15 a.m.â€"Pub1ic Wors‘ Subjectâ€"“The Firs? Miracl Millbrook Pastoral Charge Rev. Francis Chisholm, MJ B.D., Minister. “O Come: Let Us Worship’ Friday 8.00 p.m.â€"Christ 1: bassador Service. â€"Chums Bible Club. Everybody Welcome! Pastor. M. Ca‘ WROOK 10.00 a.m.-â€"Sunday School 11 .00 a .m .-â€"W0rship Servic 7.00 p’.m .â€"E\'augvlistic Me: ~ Mr. Fred ‘McIndoo was special speaker at St. Andrew on Sunday morning. For story to the children he t< about. the C‘Ompa"s which said was a valuable gado second only to the hatch. W it mariners were able to «:11 their course through unkuo waters. The needle of flu quality magnetised Site] u attracted to the magnetic pc Zion Pentecostal (hu . Thomas’ Church, our hearts ‘we need somethi like the needle of the comp; which is attracted to the 1c of God which acts- as the m4 netie pole drawing us to Hi] A wooden toothpick or a he: grown wooden with indiffl enee would be no good. W] ther on the highest mount or in the deepest valley, w that in this land or in H Kong the needle always poi so the mariner could ah} tell in which direction he ‘ headed. You cannot see ligious faith. Perhaps needle of the compasx: mi illugrgte what it is like. Sunday Morning At St. Andrew’s SUNDAY, JANUARY 27‘ PARISH OF CAVAN .H. c. Quim B.A., L‘ THE UNITED CHURCH Pentecostal Assemblies o: rhnrsday, Janna-y 24, . m .â€"Diving1 Worship JOHN PAYNE .â€"-Evening Prayer St . Andrew ’5 Rector .