rulersâ€"For Sale, 0 bags 100 or over 100. Crowley’s 'te Store phone 22 It md, black body, ,d and legs; weigh } and 80 pounds. me 83-3' Millbrook. 'ROUGH xed Hardwood, 4 resawed to 12 00 per cord deli- one N. J. Curtis Pontypool. Phone iagility, Sickness, gency of the ', ont- HOUSES 7th †ll .tion and ’, . fl. Grace Church. MilIbrook Pontypool â€" Ontario ; Licensed Auctioneer. Durham- County, is now available to con-- duct sales anywhere in County. Your patronage respectfully . St. Thomas’ Church, Millbrook 11.00 a . m .â€"-â€"Holy Communion St. John’s, Ida 3.00 p.m.â€"â€" Evening Prayer Christ Church, Bailieboro 7.30 p.m.-â€"Evening Prayer. Mervin Smith New President solicited PEONE BETHANY 10r211 PARISH or GAVAN Rev. 1!. 0. Quinn, B.A.,] Mervin Smith, Cavan Town- ship was elected president of the Millbrook Agricultural Society at the Annual Meeting held in the Town Hall on Wed- nesday, January 23rd. He suc- ceeds Leonard Smith Who held the office for the past 2 years. PBESBYTERIAN Centrevine and Millbrook Rev. W. H. Henstin, B.A., Minister. Rev. Walter Patterson, M.A. Minister Emeritus. Centrevflle Church Sénth Monaghan Mrs. G. Muspratt, Organist. 10.60 a.m.â€"C‘hurch School 11.00 a.m.â€"â€"Divine Worship 10 . 45 a . m . â€"Ghurch School. 7.00 p.m.â€"Divine Worship Millbrook Pastoral Charge Rev. Francis Chisholm, M.A., B.D., Minister. “0 Come, Let Us Worship’. St. Andrew’s 10. 00 a. 111. â€"Sunday School 11.15 a. m. â€"â€"Pub}ic Worship Gavan 9.45 a.m.â€"Pub1ic Worship f and Sunda School. Other officers are: kt Vice-Pres.â€"Fred Lowery 2nd Vice-Pres.â€"Gerald .Lar- MILLBRO 0K 10.60 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"-Womhip Service 7 .00 p . m .â€"â€"Evangelistic Meet- mg Friday 8.00 p.m.-â€"Christ Am- bassador Service . -â€"€‘hums Bible Club. Everybody Welcome! Pastor, M. Case. "5713f; tiny the Family of the Churchâ€. mer, RR 1 Mill'brook Sec.-Treas.â€"Mrs. P. I. Bent- Iey. Directors are: Zion Pentecostal Church Neals. Associate Directors are: Clifford Hall, Roger Hanbidge, Thomas McCamus, Clarence Johnston, Harry Mcamus, Bruce Sargent, W. Larmer, Donald Cathcart, Allie Fallis, Reg. Fallis, L. A. Hoo-ton, Ray Kelk, J. Neals, D. White, Percy Hamilton, Fred Brown, Auhie )Iatchett, Edwin Ruth. Anglican Church of Canada \ Pentecgsï¬al Assemblies of __...r - L. W. Smith, Mervin Smith, President to select the member Jay Whittington‘, Roy Fer- of the society who should re- ren, Harry Young, 11- C. ceive a service diploma. McNGill, Ken Moncrief, J. Leonard Smith. the retiring H, McKnight, Stewart Don- president, thanked all membres aldson, R. O. Larmer, Gor- for their support and mention- don Staples, Ted M'cDOWEH, ed in particular the excellent Fred Lowery, Gerald Larmer, i help given by Mrs. P. I. Bent- J. J. Powell and Georgeiley, the secretary-treasurer. Neals. The society in appreciation of Associate Directors are: her work voted her an increase lifford Hall, Roger Hanbidge, in salary. Auditors are H. A. Kerr and THE CHURCHES SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3 Thursday, January 31, THE UNITED CHURCH JOHN PAYNE 1957 ’ o . Entries in the various classes in the 1956 show numberedâ€" horses 119, cattle 114,. junior calf club for girls or boys 1 to 12 years of age 7, swine 33, 4-H 'Calf Club 17. ‘ It was felt that if there was ea weakness in the 1956 show it iwas on the entertainment side. iThe seeretary-tresaurer was re- :quested to write asking fur- fther particulars about the fadult ferris wheel and 30-foot- mnerry-go-mund Offered in a letter from J. C. Roberts. It has decided that the Halliday ICompany goodwill trailer with :loud speaker system should “again be procured. [1". W. Belch. J. .11- Mc- tKnight, deputy-mew of Cavan was in the chair for the election. Mervin - Smith said he was following a good man as prem- dent. He would do his best and with the help of the retiring president, the secretary-treas- urer. and all the directors, he hoped the high standard of the fair would be maintained; Mervin Smith was appointed as delegate to the convention being held in Toronto ’on Feb. 27th and 28th and was instruct- ed to choose one other member to accompany him. A letter from F. A. Lashley of the Department of Agricul- ture said that the new policy of the. department was to give grants to all fairs not just to the larger ones, and asked that forms stating expenditures should be filled in and returned. Jay Whittington said there had been a fine display of 4 hitch horse teams in the heavy harness class with 7 or 8 entries. Mervin Smith thought the 4- H Club class was about the same as the previous year. He announced the meeting on the coming Saturday at 2 p.m. in the waiting room to organize for the coming year, and hoped there would be still more en- tries. ‘ He asked that all those interested between the ages of 12 and under 21 should attend. Roy Ferren of Cavan and Jay W'hitt'mgton of South Monagh'an, were appointed as a committee along with the President to select the member of the society who should re- ceive a service diploma. The general opinion was that' while the entry list was not quite as large as some years on account (if conflicting dates with two other fairs that the: quality of exhibits was pal-i ticularly high. Roy Ferren recalled that ta’che heavy draft entry which placed first at; Millbrook was second at the1 Royal \Vinter Fair in Tor-onto. é Mr. Ferren thought the pony classes should be revived. Reports were heard from the various directors of last year’s show. Jay Whittington re- ported for the Clydesdale sec- tion and heavy harness class, Roy Ferren for Percherons, Ken Monerief for Belgians, Fred Lowery for roadsters, Harry Young for Jersey cattle, Stewart Donaldson for Short- horn's, Mervin Smith for Here- fords, the 4-H Calf Club, Aber- deen Angus, Ted McDowell and dual purpose Shorthorns, Tom McCamus. J. H. McKnight introduced his friend, Frank King: of Ala- meda, Sask.‘ a director of the Estevan Agricultural Society to the meeting. A meeting of the directors was called for Saturday. Febf 16th to discuss advertising.â€" Peterborough Examiner. \Vedhesday, June 12, date set for the 1957 livestock 'ShOW by the retiring board of direc- tors was confirmed by the new executive. Cut this E.P.H.L. out and carry in your wallet, it will come in handy when you Want to know when and Where the Millbrook boys are playing. February 1 M‘illbrook vs Hiawatha, Ome- mee vs Young’s Point. Lake- field vs Apsley, Havelock vs Warsaw. vices and Secretary. Departmemt of Public Works, Ottawa, January 28, 1957. The' lo-xvesf or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER. Chief of Administrative Ser- E.P.H.L. Schedule The dre-dge's and other plant which are! intended to be em- ployed on this work shall have been duly registered in Canada on or before the 'thirty-t/irct day of Dec-ember, 1952., or "shall have been built entirer in Canada subsequent to that date. February 4 Hiawatha \ s Lakefield, Keene vs Warsaw, Millbrook vs Aps. ley, Young’s Point vs Hastings Havelock vs Omemee. February 5 Omemee vs Hiawatha. Febru'ary 6 Lakefield vs Hastings, War- saw vs Young’s Point, Aps-ley vs Millbrook. To be considered each tender must be accompanied by a security in the form. of a certi- fied cheque or bonds as speci- fied in the florms of tender and made on the printed forms sup» plied by the Department and in accordance with the condi- tions set forth therein. ‘ Tenders must include the towing of the plant to and from the work. ~ Combined specifications and form of tender can be seen and obtained at the office of the Chief Engineer (H. R.), Department of Public Works, OhtaWa, Ontario, also at ‘the office of the District Engineer, 385 Yonge Street, Toronto 1, Ontario. February 7 Havelock vs Keene. February 8 Young’s Point vs Lakefield, Hiawatha vet Keene, Hastings vs Omemee, Millbrook vs Have- lock. Sealed Tenders, addressed to the undersigned and endorsed “Tender for Dredging, Port. Hope, Ontario,†will be receiv- ed in the office of the Secretary until 3 p.m. (E.S.T.) VWed- nesday, February 13, 1957. February 11 Warsaw vs Hiawatha, Keene vs Apsley, Hastings vs Young’s Point. February 14 Young’s Point vs Keene. February 157 Lakefield vs Hiawatha, Aps- 1y vs Hastings, Omemee vs Millbrook. February 22 Hiawatha vs Apsley, Lake- field vs Wars-aw, Young’s Point vs Havelock. NOTICE The annual meeting of East Durham County L..O.L. will be held in Millbrook on Tues- day ev-ening, February 5th. The brethren will meet at the Millbrook Waiting Room at 7 o’clock and a banquet will be served by the ladies of the L0. B.A., after which they will re- tire to the Orange Hall for the contraction of business. A good attendance is urgently requested. County Sec. February 13 Millbr‘ook vs Omemee, Hast- ings vs Havelock, Apsley vs Warsaw. February 18 Keene vs Havelock, Warsaw vs Millbrook, Omemee vs Lake- field. m MIRRORâ€"BROKE}, moor, ONTARIO Monday, February 4 7.30 Mt. Pleasant vs Bailieboro 9.00 Fraserv‘ille vs Bethany 7.30 Millbrook vs Bridgenorth 9.00 Bethany vs Mt. Pleasant Friday, February 8 7 .30 Bridgenorth vs Bailieboro 9.00 Millbrook vs Bethany NORTH DURHAM RURAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Monday, February 11 7.30 Fraservillervs Mt. Pleas- ant 9.00 Bailieboro vs Millbrook Wednesday, February 13 i Home team should telephone 7.30 Brid‘genorth vs Bethany ‘ score to CHEX-TV. 9.00 Mt. Pleasant vs Fraser- â€"â€"~â€" ville ' ‘ ‘ Wednesday, February 20 Attend the Ghurch Of your 7.30 Fraserville vs Bailieboro 'choice on Sunday. Weddings, the sick room, funerals -TORONTO-DOMINION m Friday, February 1 Schedule for 1957 Hbrams’ flower Ebep Elbrams’ flcwer Ebop Opposite the Capitol Theatre, Port Hope TURNER 52808 NIGHT, COLPHONE TURNER 55796 DAY; LEGT G. E. LIESEMER, Manager, Mfllbrook Branch THE BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD “LET FLGWERS SPEAK ’03 YOU†21 Queen Street g 9.00 Bridgenbrth v.3 Mt. Pleas- : ant I Friday, February 22 '7. 30 Bethany vs Flaserville 9 00 Millbrook vs Bailieboro NOTESiâ€"Games missed for any reason will be played at the end of the schedule. Each team should advertise in its own area. Home team should telephone score to CHEX-TV. Wednesday, February 27 7 .30 Mt. Pleasant vs Millbrook 9.00 Bailieboro vs Bethany. . Monday, February 25 7 .30 Bethany vs Bridgenorth 9.00 Millbrook vs Fraserville On the above date a dance will be held in the Bethany town hall, also a draw at the same time for three good prizes, both in aid of Miss Marie Carr. popular Bethany and district softball player, who was seri- ously injured in a car accident near Hamilton, in the fall. J. H. Barringer, Publisher. Mirror-Reporter Renew your subscription». Dance Feb. ist. PACE THREE