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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 9 Jan 1958, p. 3

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VANCE :cidents ‘EI'EIOI‘S lP own ’3 ’ntario ion of ,s and ION School ip Service . Evangelistic 1958 9, 1958 :fiflfi’i‘. VOte “YES” on both questigns far; 1313??“ C» ; ‘201, for the prosperity of; Miilbrook as a fcrw ard step in file; cause of True Temperance! ' The question so often heard in the present campaign. “Why make beer and liquor easier to get by having govern- ment outlets in Millbrook; "The answer is simple. The things made difficult are the things for which we strive with determination; the acquisition of which leads to overindulg- enee. Rationing, for example, tends to make people greedy as was the case during the last war when many commodi- ties were in short supply. When commodities can be con- veniently had, people will take only their immediate require- ments. This is true temperance- It is said that a people are decadent when they know the course that is best for them and yet choose some other course. Now we do not for one moment believe the peeple of Millbrook are decadent and that is why we have confidence that on January 15 they will vote “YES” on both questions and help Millbrook take a big stride towards economic re- covery. You all know the number of empty stores on our main street at the present time. How long do you think that the owners can continue to pay the taxes; We have heard of one large building that may be torndown to escape the tax load. The village will still have to raise the same amount of money for schools and services. How will they‘do it? That is simple. they will raise the taxes on every home in the village. There is no other answer. We have heard people say “Why should I vote for Govern ment Outlets in Millbrook, I don’t drink nor do I own a. busi ness‘: Let us tell you why‘you should vote “YES”. Vote "YES" In Your Own Interests Legal Control In Millbrook Can Contribute to The Cause of True Temperance We have read an article signed as usual "Citizens Bet- ; ate ballots V terment League of Millbrook". No names of officers. in the? last issue of the Millbrook Reporter. We would like to go 5 WGdneSdaY° over some of the points. " i b 6. In paragraph six they stated that 89% of crimi- nals admitted drinking alcohol. As Government fig- ures state that 3 out of 4 adults in Canada use alcohol to some extent. We do not find this figure on crimi- nals surprising. If they stated that a recent survey of “car thieves” showed that 100% held driver’s lincen- ses we do not think this would influence neonle to destroy their licenses. Voters of Millbrook help your village to progress. M ' highways safer. Vote “Yes,’ on January 15th. part of this traffic frdm the highiais. Elsewhe?€ on this page you will see an article on this same theme. 5. Paragraph five states that alcohol is involved in 50% of all serious highway accidents. With this we agree and that is one reason why we ask you to vote “Yes” on January 15 and help remove a large MILLBROOK COMMITTEE FOR LEGAL CONTROLL- um,mya1958 4. Paraéranh four contained some careless mis- handling of the truth. In this paragraph they stat- ed that Cobalt, Waterloo Township and Waterloo City voted to stay “dry”. How absurd! These places have had Government Outle(ts for years they also have beverage rooms. The recent votes simply turned thumbs down on Cocktail Bars- 3. In paragraph three they make out quite a good case why some people prefer bootleggers. However we still pref-er to see Tegal Government Outlets. Dusmess and that Government stores would only make business worse. They fail to point out that the larger centres, that they admit are more popular, all have Government Outlets. - 2. In paragraph Were they tell us that the decline of Millbrook is only a product of the times that we must expect the larger centres to take our business and that Government stores would only make business worse. Thev f2.” tn mint nu!» HM”- 51.... In paragraph one they ask you to keep alcohol out of Millbrook. Are they so blind that they do not be- lieve it is here at the present time? Face 7% Facts a?“i'i‘l“'¢“iWi"iifi’i’é‘i’i’i’wi‘u‘i’i'i"r"h“r"c't'q'e'r‘b“¢'d “c":Vk“:"Et’iWc"JWW f MillbrOOk Committee FOR LEGAL CONTROL Millbrook :g‘of Government .1 Stores GORDON TRICK, Chairman for the betterment of Everyone in Millbrook They are Voting “YES” WMMWKMMMWWMWMWW For an L.C.B.O- store and brewers" retail store mark both ballots only wth a plan X as shown above. This vote is for a BREWERS’ RETAIL and L.C.B.O. STORE only. BEVERAGE ROOMS OR COCKTAIL BARS DEFINI- TELY CANNOT BE ESTABLISHED AS A RESULT OF A FAVOURABLE VOTE ON THE STORE QUESTIONS- :: Are yOu in favour of the [ YES x : establishment of government 3 : stores for the sale of beer, ' = I only for residence consumption? N0 Voting Day Wednesday, January 15th. Polls open 8 A.M. to 7 P.M . .‘ Here are samples 0f the two separ- ; ate @aflqts which will be used on 1" Are you in favour of the establishment of government} stores for the sale of liquor? fm monnnponm, KEITH CLEMEN TS Secretary-Treasurer NO ALEX WOODS Manager 00!, ammo We wish to thank the great number of our friends in Cavan Who have taken the trouble to come in and Wish us well in our current campaign for Government Outlets. We wish to especially thank all those from Gavan Township who have so generously, contributed towards our advertising. 77$? ? 'z-n.‘ r4“..- .rueO-K CITIZENS. COMMITTEE VOTERS OF'MILLBROOK LET US BE REA-LISTIC AND VOTE “YES” ON BOTH QUESTIONS. .-. a...“ um uuc uuvei-ument or untario would have a stake in the community and if there were any incidents a word to Queens Park would bring prompt action. If these Outlets are established in Millbrook there would be apprOXimately six jobs available to Millbrook citzens. Men in Millbrook might just as well have these jobs as men in other centres. The negative side would like towns are staying that way. Nothing is further from the Crystal Beach Bobzaygeon Niagara Falls V Eastview Havelo‘ck Stamford Township, Beaverton _ St. Catharines. Newmarket w Wolfe Island Township Midland Lardner Lake Cornwall Port Perry Kitchener Smooth. Rock Falls Chalk River Fauquer Township Rolph Township Citizens were urged into tak- ing around petitions that they did not understand and in some Legal Government Outletsfiar-e' a gr ing. All right minded citizens whether prefer legal to illegal sale. Dozn’t forg¢ vote “dry” ‘ Don’t forget that with the advent of Governme in Millbrook the Government of Ontario would have 1a.: I , With the vote practically up. cases did not even sign them- Jon us it is now time to revive selvs. People in Uavan were .the campaign. tasked to Sign on the unaer- . , ‘standing that their names We believe tnat you must agree; would not be made public. that the Side asking for a “yes” I What value such petitions have vote has conducted a campaigng we fail to realize. showing great tolerence. They]i On Saturday, January 4th, a have used no high pressure tac» brochure signed Citizens Bet- tics. It has simply been af terment League of Millbrook Iquestion of marshalling the] was mailed to voters Now we facts and leaving the decis-’ refuse to be drawn into this ion to the good sense of our fel-I type of argument. We would, low citizens. In every case the‘ however, like to point out the opinions held by citizens have 3 .definition of the word blas- been respected. Iphemy as “an indignity offered We would be verv happy if to the deity in words, writing, we could say the same for the} or signs, also an act claiming ' negative side. .Here pressure. the perogatives or attributes of [has been brought from all the deity”. With this we dis- angles. miss this brochure to the judg- ‘ When the negative side found ment of Millbrook citizens. the small support they could‘ Now we ask you to forget all muster in the village of Mill- pressure and make up your brook they rushed out into theimind after careful thought. We TownShip of Gavan and there ask you to consider what is best on the question, they attemptedf village. If you do this we have to drum up the support they so: confidence that you will vote sorely lacked in the village]: “YES” on both questions. where the voting is taking; Citizens of Millbrook, let as place - 1 g'hnur rm Ian“... 1 24.1. n, A . We believe that the great majority of whether they like it 01f n_ot, liq nor is here Let us i'ealize that tfiéeâ€"grneme that have Government Outlets and Millbrook. Learning to Live With liquor Successful Votes in 1957 great t01erence. They]l On Saturday, January 4th, a :1 no high pressure tac» brochure signed Citizens Bet- has simply been af terment League of Millbrook of marshalling the] was mailed to voters Now we ld leaving the decis-’ refuse to be drawn into this a good sense of our felt type of argument. We would, ens. In every case the‘ however, like to point out the held by citizens have 3 definition of the word blas- rected. Iphemy as “an indignity offered ”1114 ha 17am Ln“...- :L‘ L- L1_, -_.. -1 it or not, liq nor is here to stay. that there are economic benefits to centres and. AA,L1,LV - A Review :ts are a great blow to bootlegg- us whether they drink or not, Don’t forget bootleggers always 1e advent of Government Outlets 3 Citizens of' M35612,“ lét us [show on January 15th that we i have come of age and intend to ,progress. Vote “YES” on ‘ both questions. Now we ask you to forget all pressure and make up your mind after careful thought. We ask you to consider what is best rom drinking . Therefore Highway by kstabliéhizng vote to establish them'i; Pefi-qrborough or Port -TSI-TTP 0L citizens know that. " PAGE TERI.

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