Haxc the 109% of busiess men who are said to be in fav- our of Government stores for- Dear Editor: TORONTO-DOMINION E Voice of Miflbrook . .’ More drinking; More drunkenness; More Alcoholism; More accidents; More deaths; and I More Juvenile delinquency! “I am a. pharmacist in a, ‘wet’ town where my fellow mer- impression that the liquor out- “usual mistaken impression ....... good for business.†3m) ' . _ ...... for two weeks.†weeks recently due to Violation of the law which hotel oper- ators pledge to keep My business increased over 30% g ' - ,. oss d . th 1; , .. during the two-week period and under the same conditions as peirod. n ’C g'r urmg e wo week those of the same two weeks of the year previous when the hotel was open - - -. the Yolume of business I am losing every “The volume of BUSINESS I AM LOSING everv week tn mi week to the hotel 15 casn busmess. †1__L,1 on. -...77 , PAGE FOUR Ontario Temperanae Federation Taxonto, Ontario Dear Sirs, cerned REF? Aiiï¬ï¬OiéC 91511.5“ 'Wouid maan "Good" For Business 7 More Drinking THE BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD gotten to put Christian princi- ples first,- not their business. Recently youths brought into court in Ontario and had to serve prison terrms, revealed that the liquor was purchosed Sincerely, . A Central Ontario Community May 16th, 1957 If you need help to ï¬natioe this work ask about an N.H.A. Home Improvement Loan. Any Toronto-Dominion manager will be pleased to give you all the details. time of the year. That’s why right now is_ the best time you can choose for making those long-wanted repairs and improvements to your home. During the slack winter months, skilled labour is easier to obtain than at any other Statistics show that alcohol use among youths is on the in- crease. Would Millbrook like to contribute to this sorry for them by adults from the liquor store. 51NCREASED Liquor 674 ,000 gals 5CONSUMPTION Beer 3, 304,120 gals. [Ontario increase in Outlets 1956 over 1954 - “The volume of BUSINESS I AM LOSING every week to the hotel IS CASH BUSINESS.†Would Liquor Outlets Benefit Millbrook? 200 2% Adults in the areas surrounding Mill signed a statement that a. liquor store er ’s warehouse would beâ€" FACTS “It is nothing to me,†a mother said. “(I have no fear that my boy will tread the! downward path of sin andl shame, and crush mv heart and} darken his name. †It meant!l If a liquor outlet is introducâ€" ed, the. eommunitv thereby en- dorses drinking. which th’er°- after it cannot control. A liquor outlet also creates a new group of drinkers. “That is nothing to me,†a voter said; 1 then gave his vote to the liquor[ trade; though hearts werel crushed and drunkards made. It was something to him, when in later life, his daughter be- oame a drunkard’s wife, and her hungry children cried for} bn'ead and trembled tio hearg their father’s tread. ! VV»-\. J vullé luau. once said to a group, “Fellows, any time and every time you get a chance to vote that stuff out, hit it hard. I’m its victim. HOW I wiSh I couldn’t get it so easily!†A small boy was lost in a 'fwo-oded area. Scores of men l searched but to no avail. Then [they started all over again, or. ganized themselves, joined hands and proceeded through the bush. When they came to the boy, life was extinct. “What a pity,†the searchers said, “that we didn ’t join hands soonerâ€. 1 Millbrook, on January l5th,i [will be the focus of many eyes‘ â€"presumably of all those who read the Reporter. This vote presents a definite“ challenge to all the churches and to every church member. They profess faith in the living Christ, a call ‘to loyal soldiers comes to one and all to unite whole-hearteldy and vigorously oppose the open. ing 0'11 a liquor outlet. Isn’t it true that a liquor out- let nearby increases the tempta- tions of thOSe who are endeav- . ouring to overcome the drink . habit? An affable young man ‘ state? If not, January 15th. Dear Editor: 0N YOURGUARD! The Citizens Betterment League surropnding Millbrook have not, then vote NO on} “Reader ’ ’ . and Brew- The \Vomen’s Institute will lho’ld itls regular {Ineetsing on ‘Saturday, January 11th, at ’2 p.m., at the home of Mrs. T. Harkness. Roll callâ€"New Year ’3 resolution. 45.5“ One-time ‘young and thoughtless in and grind in our midst a grist of sin? It is something, yes, for us all to stand and cI-a‘s‘p in faith our Father’s Hand; to learn to labour, live and fight on the side of God and change» less right. Dead Stock Removed HIGHEST PRIGES PAID 24-Hour Service PHONE GOLLEGT: Peterborouh 2-2080 Gobourg 1787 Is it nothing to us:â€" to idly sleep While the cohorts of death their vigil keep to. gather the was earlv won. and madly east in the flowing bowl, a ruined body and ship wrecked soul. something to hear when her only son from the path of right Nick Peconi T910110“ 9. ï¬brook c. mm 0.0. :m A “It is good neither to eat flesh, nor t« â€thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, made weak. †Romans 14:21. thy bottle to him†deceived thereby is not wise “Woe unto him that giveth his Wine is a Are you in favour of the ' .i YES establishment of government 3 ~ % â€"â€"‘\ stores for the sale of liquor? ‘ w. _- PROPRIETOR IIIIIIIISIlllllflfllllllllllllll III-IIIIIIIIIIIIII Are you in favour of the ; YE establishment of government stores for the sale of beer only for residence consumption? ‘ N 0 resident of Millbrook THE “3533’ BIBLE SAYS: Pospepity mmom a 1mm mocker, strong drinki 0N JANUARY 15th, 1958 . Habakkuk 2:15 OAKLEY, ï¬x. Wantedâ€"â€"Orgamst and Chow Leader for St. United Church. A Andrew ’s pplications to be in by Jim. 31st, 1958. 425 Water Streetfl' PETERBOROUGH, ONTA l‘. J. Carley Q.C. (1896- R. 0. Standish 9.0 T. E. Clarke. RA. 1!. H. Carley B. Com For Sale â€"â€".-â€"~ Dressed G e e s '3. Phone 101-;XV-4 Millbrook. 2 I«E§SI§:()£}:~ 35h? of girl ’3 Figuhe Skates size 6. Almost 'V new. Phone Millbrook 133. â€\5 For Saleâ€"Heavy duty ellectnc four burner stove, with coal and wood annex attached, all one piece, and all enamel. In good condition. Phone 94-w Millbrook. 2t *‘_ x or Saleâ€"Imported 3 01d Landrace gilts, als< dian bred gilts and age boars. Jack W. mer, Dartford, Ont; 56-r-12 Warkworth. ’7 of Millbrook. neighbour drink, Proverbs 20 :1 Y, STANDISH, CLAI CARLEY LECH 'risters and Solicitors . C. Lech BA. Thursday, January 9, 1958 "1 is raging, and whosoever i: *â€" â€"Une pair of girl’s Skates size 6. Almost Phone Millbrook 133. , \ K â€"Heavy duty electric. ‘. Irving',‘. 1'98 FOR SALE NO or is offended, or ,3 â€*q'â€, 1000. CPOVWIE‘)’, Sec’ y . (1896-1956) CLARKE that puttest ; ph'one service mOnth Lequ Phone Bailiebm 30 touching and Digging Lostâ€"A four-bucklo_ (V size 8. If found pleas 8 Millbrook. Mrs. R Leq u i re Plumbing Heating The visiting comm? ported 12 visits were I Treasurer Miss Muri1 red the annual repoi showed a. balance 0 These officers are 3180 1 Mrs. Hilton, President : took the chair» and the of the various committe given. and Oil-Burners Envgstroughing and The opening devotï¬ conducted by the retiri dent, Mrs. Reginald Mrs. J. W. Hilton 1 Scripture lesson. Mn pard, Secretary, gave port of the last meeting The annual meetim Women’s" Auxiliary Thomas" Anglican Ch held at the home of M] [as Sheppard Monday; WOMEN ‘S AUXILI‘ ST. THOMAS CHUI We will point out th crease in the number maintenanée the dry taxpayer must find c of dollars. ALCOH€ ber 76,000â€"yearly i AM I MY 2 we will help you as We will buy from (t brook business men. progress reports on 0F UNOCCUPIED OF TAXES. 98th Year. No. to our friend the ex fight, and for show after fifty years of the next encounter} younger Manager. : cruits who. rejoi3e i right against great to you, faithful fe‘ good fight with al the British army, to quit, though y. BATTLE BUT TE Giris (1 THE GER? Januar LOST :3â€