It a real tire . . . ixadian to you. :ose . .. Fement FE of the "l"?! to...“ .........- . wereâ€"for bert 01am; For the . ther Olan. arrow. A ket of fine . by Mrs. ription . ' .5? -_.._ ~..' 8 4 _. «>- Thursday, January, 30, 1958 Inaugural Meetingl Manvers Council _ l Bethany, Ont., Jan. 13th,’_ 1958â€"The inaugural meeting} of the Municipal Council of the Township of Manvers was held on the above date at 11 a.m. The following members of the 1958 Council subscribed to the Declaration of Office: Earl _r\r'.rue, Reeve: Lewis McGill, Deputy Reeve; Robert Brown,‘ H. M. Jakeman and Harvey; .‘Ir-Tw lm, Councillors. i fer. R. R. Bonsteel of the! i’nitcd Church gave an appro-‘ » .. priate address to the Council. iDON GREYâ€"MARINE INVE This was followed by Scripture; . reading and Prayer. ReevgiVancouver actor Doug Haskms Argue thanked Rev. Bonsteel plays the part of Don Grey, T"? his 1119535339 and eXpl’essed,detective, in the Vancouver pro- fhe appreciation 0f the Council 3duction of â€Marine Investigat- t' resence. ,, . . _ ' , The R129“) and Deputy-Reeve or heard u eekly 0\ er the each expressed their pleasure ' at being returned to office for reading of the minutes of the another year and looked for- last meeting. ward towards a successful and On motion of Brown and harmonious year in Municipal Malcolm, the minutes were ap- affairs. The Councillors in proved adopted as read. Car- turn each expressed their pleas- ried. “1‘9 in being part Of the 1958 Communications readzUnited l"otlllcil and looked forward to Counties of N. and D., re an achieving many objectives in indigent patient. Ontario Good the new year. Roads Association, re 1958 memâ€" Reeve Argue called for the bership. Requests for (10113. tions from the following organ- izationsâ€" Hospital for Sick BATE 8 301338 . . Children, The Salvation Army, f FUNERAL SERVICES St. John’s Ambulance and The LIMITED Federation of the Blind. Dept. ‘ A. E. RAPER, PRESIDENT 0f Highways, re forms in con- QUEEN ST W. nection with the road account. fl'(At Strachan Avenue) Dept- Of Welfare, re new relief _\ re lations. e .-Treas. ’. TELEPHONE Mpire 3-0681 8.? No. 15S iquesting En TORONTO, 0M. equalization of the School sec- ..â€" tion before the 1958 levies are BUTTER GRANITE 00. made. t.H.Ef.P.f(13.t ret sevefal iapp lca lOllS or a ra e wa er. Port Hope, Ont. Box 682’service. Imperial Oil Ltd., re “91111111011113, Markers, Corner a proposed site for a service Posts and Inscriptions. station. Association of As5ess- ling Officers of Ontario, re- questing membership for 1958 The ChurChes and several sheep claims. ! ; On motion of Jakeman and SUNDAY’ FEEPARY 2’ 195831ch the meeting adjourned Pentecostal Assemblies of rilerdone hour for dinner. Car Canada ,' , , . . ‘ .1 0v ed by .lakemall, seconded Zion Pentecostal Churchaby Malcolm that Mr. Sidney WROQK refund of $20.75 as no house Sunday mes ! or cottage was on the lot as per 10 a.m.â€"Sunday 8.019001 _ building assessment. Carried. 11.00 a.m.â€"VV01‘Sh1P SBrV}°‘°;- On motion of Brown and 7-30 p.m.â€"Great 31731139113131" Jakeman, no action was to be Service. taken in regards to a relief matter, request. Carried. Moved by Malcolm and sec- Pastor, M . Case. Minister. {onded by Brown that. the Salva- claim "" ' ' ° ° ' ' - - - - 'T; ..â€"â€"â€" {tion Army and Hospital for THE UNITED CHURGH ISick Children, each receive a Millbrook Pastoral Charge grant, of $10.00. Carried. Rev. Francis Chisholm, M.A.,, Moved by Jakeman, seconded B.D., Minister. thy McGill. that membership be Mr. Stan Northrop, organist renewed in the Ontario-Associ- and choir director. atlon of Rural Municipalities .; , . - 2 and the Ontario Good Roads‘ 0 Come, Let US Worship ° Association. Carried: 3 St. Andrew’s . On motion of McGill ana', 10.00 a.m.â€"-Sunday behool Malcolm, By-law No. 1343, was? 11-15 a.m.â€"Public Worship given the three necessary read-i l 0317311 ings, signed, seald and number- 9.45 a.m.â€"Public Worship I ed 1343. This By-law is known and Sunda School. â€Md-â€'7 PRESBYTERIAN 1958 . Rev. W. H. Houstin, B.A.,' On motion of Jakeman and Minister. Minister Emeritus. Grace Church. Milibrook . _ 10.45 a.m.â€"Church school. appomtmg fence ings, signed, sealed and num- t Centreville Church South Monaghan 10.00 a.m.-â€"Church School . 11.00 a.m.â€"Divine Worship. spector for 1958. Jakeman By-law No. 1345 was t given the three necessary read- honourably and impartially and ings, signed, sealed and num- in return received from Mr. bered 1345. Being a By-l-aw tol“P0.p" Kent and Mr. Rilsscil authorize the Treasurer only to Smith their kind co-operation. As convener of the Temperance Department of the O.(,‘.C.E. Mirror-Reporter I ~ign the road account cheques. Moved by Jakeman, seconded Mess, Toronto, received a tax ' ,R Davidson, on sal acc 110.00 Mansel Wright, pOStagc loooi by Jakeman that the meeting adjourn until Feb. 4th, 1958. at1.00p.m. Carried. bered 1344. Being a By-law be taken the Rev. H. C. Quinn, viewers, Rector of the Parish‘ of Cavan, â€" ° - , ' ound kee ers, live stock and came to our home and in'his "30 p.m.-â€"D1v1ne Worship. Is)heep valuldtors, a school at- usual kind and gracious manner tendance. office-:and aweedin- asked me if I would act as ' scrutineer at the said poll which On motion of Brown and I agreed to do. I endeavoured, ':»‘.. 71.;thv'awm.~.~:«-w;zw fr‘l'v'rxummmm we. â€"\ m monnmnrnn, maroon. elm-mo ' ’ ' ,,.. Grace Church 5’ Annual Meeting l t s The financial reports present- . d at the alnlual meeting of IGrace‘ Presbyterian Church, ’Millbrook on Monday after- ' noon showed that the congrega- tion had had one of the most Isuccessful years ill its history. , Lorne Farrow, treasurer, pr."- ls’t‘iiiml the financial statement tor .tw) . .e " ‘ â€c .. ‘( itreavlirer‘ of The libgrdlbflaigni $1], and The Mission to Lop-f ' agers and Nathaniel Belch was ers $11'00' PAGE mu (“WWW 'I HAssos MACHINERY, coloseamos Solicits your patronage for Cockshutt Equipment and offer you full services to all machinery sold in this area either in the field or at cur SHOP'where we repair, weld,overhau1, paint and general forge work, etc, etc. ' We also sell Quaker home heaters, “ Lombard Chain Saws, Water Pumps, Stgbllleton and _ ment, Milkers, Air Conditioners, Tractor Heaters Cream Separators, Grain and Hay Elevators, Angers Used Machinery. PHONE 371‘22 COLDSPRINGS. I‘v‘ol'uubun'a"â€Ina-Ina“;'Ifi'n‘n‘n'.'g'¢fl'h‘.-.“aw-1.!!!riulg-gï¬â€œ.-m.-WJ ll â€uh-“u": NOTICE i A Progressive Euchre will be . ,. reelected secretary. Gerald Hgliiiml‘ICIIS/(EITIRG? Wd MH. :hé‘ld in the 100T.“ Lodge Room .9 “- ; Armstrono was ap ointed chair- . I‘ .n, ‘ rs. eus in an " rS-on Th 9‘ . ~ - Vv - - STIGATOR 33.11% lnan. D p lW alter Patterson, organist and' ur aa)’ January 30th, ‘ , _ . , at 8.00 pm. Prizes. Lunch Trans-Lanada network of the Mrs. Gerald Armstrong,“wfe of the minister emeritus} , . , . Admissi .71, ( l’.\(,. His tales of adventure treasurer, presented the reportll‘fere thanked by the congrega} on 33k A“ welcome. originate 011 the V’ancouver Of the LadieS’ Aid Society. tIOH for their SerVicteS. The: Waterfront but often take h1m,Receipts for the year were $861 minister expressed his deepl mum on long, exciting voyages bee'and ex enditures includino- re- gratitude to the people for all, /£ ofre they are finally solved. ?noation§ on the Church leild- that they ‘had done. ' ‘ sso . The decision was made to "W"; "ad'n 1 . . illlg and ,manse $668. During * "of Evianvcrs petition the Dept. tthe year the floors of the Tim: %9 devotional} booklet, REID’S GARAGE, Plume 275 i of Highways for the balance of Church and. the hall were sand-' Y ry ay, as “If†.0 W01“ MILLER the 1957 road subsidy grant. ,ed and refinished. Men of the Ship to each family this 179.313 - 00K, ONTARIO Carried. [congregatiom the Ladies’ Aid the Church $911001 undertaking Moved by Malcolm, seconded and the Church School helped,t° do thls' J by Jakeman that 8 copies of the in this Work. | Refreshments were. served at Municipal World be ordered} Joseph H. Burns, superin- the close 0f the meeting. fol-1958_ Carried. Itendent of the Church; School, Moved by McGiIl, second-d by; presented the annul report. He MalcOlm that Mr. Geo. Smith; was thanked by the congrega-i be engaged as janitor of theition for his continued services Dead Stock Removed manner PRICES mm 24-Hour Service PHONE COLLECT: Peterborouh 2.2080 I ~--_____ 1 NOTICE i The Women’s Guild of St. . . . , , Th ’ ‘ _ Township hall at 44.5.00 perE 1n the Church School in his: 20th 1 VaTglleiineCl'll‘IQChangfléallglglgalz Cobourg 1787 year, plus $5.000 per scrubbing ‘ year as superintendent. - t . . . o r- ' ' - and $1.50 per rented engagc-i The Sess1on reort noted that :ï¬yhï¬gï¬ine 112311] on Satu- J N IGR Pecan. ment Carried, iDI‘. Tom Belch, a member 0f y . PROPRETOR Moved by McGill, seconded the congregation, left in Febru- "'“‘- _.... -- -» by Jakeman that the Reeve and ary last year as a medical W WWW! Treasurer be authorized to sign ‘ miSSiOH‘aI‘Y t0 the Near East. cheques for the followmg acniHe and his Wife have spent a counts: . year studying Arabic in Beirut, Twp Treas rd voucher I iLebanon. They are going this No 1, for transfer to gmonth to work and to witness IT WILL COST YOU AN EXTRA $5.00 road ac unt . .‘ ...... 2,299.76 for Christ 8111011 Moslems in ~ . . , , Cliff Fgllis, relief ooo$ 60.80'Pakistan. g t‘f .get 7°†1958 hams" plates ’f y“? “lend?“ 1ҠSanderson’s Store, re- 1 The report 0f the Women’s bmty Insurance. Invest your $5 111 habmty insur- lief account ........ 43.21: Missionary Society prepared by ance and thus protectyourself as well as the public. Garnet Porter, relief [the Treasurer, Mrs. J» R. rent ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25,001Thompson, who was absent due For helpful information about auto liability m. Municipal World, 8 i to illness was read by the past ance, please call me: , subscri tions ........ 24.00Presid‘ent, Mrs. W. H'. Hensâ€" Unitedp Counties, hos- itin. The amount sent to Pres- MRS“ SADEPEOBAg’sggmL IDA, Agent pitalization ........ 232.,89byteria1 was $235.00 Other a- one ' ooorsnxrons INSURANCE moon-non .‘ Sid Bless, tax refund 2075’ mounts contributed in a tat] Of lVIirror_Rep0rter, audit $68.00 lllClUded gOOd literature Ont. Good Roads Assn . 1958 membership . . .. 15.00 Ont. Assoc. of Rural M., 1958 membership. 10.00 Hospital for Sick Chil- dren, grant ......... 10.00 Salvation Army grant 10.00 adv ................ 1 .00 ! Township of Clarke re- j lief charge-back ..... 23.22‘ I Oswald Mitchell, sheep ) Corey Neil. call"? claim. 1: . 0 Jas Kerr, sheep claim 65.00 Moved by Macolm. secondetd Ross Davidson. Clerk. VOICE OF MILLBROOK â€"â€" AN‘EXPLANATION To whom it may concern: It friendly eyes [as the Bank borrowing By-law, has been brought ’50 nly atten- whereby the Township can borâ€" tion that many are wondering I‘OW up to a 1mm- 0f $40,000.30 how it come that I, the under- Controville and mnbrook .if the need should be: during‘signed, living in Cavan Town- 'ship was oflficially serving at Brown Bv-law No. 1344 was Poll No. 2 during the recent Rev. Walter Patterson, M.A., given the three necessary read- plebicite "0“, may I say that BANK These are the kind of eyes you’ll ï¬nd across the counters at The Toronto-Dominion Bank. We want you to know that we have a lot of friendly people waiting to serve you at the Toronto-Dominion. Ours is a bank that has been built on consistently friendly service to customersâ€" new and old. If you want information, advice or business counsel, it’s nice to know that you can count on friendly help from everyoneâ€"whether you’re a brand-new cus- tomer or one of long standing. Wherever you look, you’ll meet friendly eyes at The Toronto-Dominion Bank, ready and anxious to help you with any banking problem you have. Why not drop in at your nearest Toronto-Dominion branch and ï¬nd, out for yourself? he night before the vote was to 0 do my duty imthis capacity} ? bv McCill that Mr. Mans-Ii For Cavan and South Monaghan ‘ {Wright be given authority to,for a number of years. I havei run a pipe across John Sir -et fno apology to make for render- nnderground. Carried. ting the above service. May I , Moved by .IcGill. . secolnlei; continue to be yours truly,» J. H. Barringor, Publisher. lby Malcolm that'the Townshipi ' ‘ J. H. Burns. TGRonro-Dommlom a h. VTHE BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD- . 7 w p G. E. LIESEMER,,Manager, Millbrook Branch