-ROWNIBS reeting of 81:. <. will be held nary 13th. at Hie of MiSs .H od at’end- i and visitors . .. -....1..____ 1511, CLARKE f LECH Solicitors Street H. ONTARIO . (1896-1956) 6.0. cB.A. B. Con. - B.A. T300. Bum kers, Cone w 'om. EI’S of your on .IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . ting .. 001: 3712 lllllllllll :i '1 -: m Thursday, Jam 3, m __ ms mm moo: cum 4* gm: ml: ’. , . .3 . . . . .. . --‘â€".â€"-' W ' ' lbe sent tox'the~ D. A. Gorrie $14 30- deaths 'r «is ' ‘ ' ‘ Ifund, Mr. Gorrie ‘had been tered 1.25, sundries i error'lleporler i very helpful during his term of 1.59 deduct 2.6:). . . . 114.49 (office, to the Township re the Zella M. Bentley. sal- ‘ {roads- Carried. .ary treas. 3 months. 150.00 I On motion of Deputy Reeve Gilllal‘flï¬'ka River Con- ‘ ' Bradlmrn and (.‘onnt-illor Thorn SPI'V-iill'vu Authority, final Meeting of ' (avan Council; - t 1' Millbi':;-ok, Dec. 11, 1908â€"- L'ax'an Council met in regular: . that we give the Durham (,‘oum 1958 levy .......... 3100.00 “"i°†â€11 ab“? date 111 the; 31‘? Junior Farmers a grant of l'nited Countixs .‘\'. to ~ lilti'il i‘ (1211. TUWII Hall, 3111b, "Llâ€")H) (‘ill‘l'lt‘tb l). IQSQ ],_.«.,'_\~ ________ 10,709. 17 Mandi. a“ 1111-1115813 pI'esent,i (721 lll()ilt'll of Deputy RPPVU (701.1,; yl-zitlrn 'l‘n’n‘ll of J. H. Barring‘er. Publisher Reeve 1.. A. llooton in ‘hel lllradburn and Councillor Burns l30“’llliill\‘lll<‘r tlt‘lll‘ll- ‘ -- . (Emir. l ‘ ., éill‘di ('(‘l'ii’illl llltllgellis be put llll't’ debt on HHS .. _ 1517.84.14 ‘0' â€â€â€˜_‘ Minutes of last regular and} ' ' 3013 l10SPit‘dlization. Carried. ,l. nited Coun'ies N. :, I A" fl-Qï¬i’u’ (Court Com-t 01‘ Revision read, oni ,7 ‘ a : Mr. W. 11. Elson. building D. deb. loan. Port I}? ngmon» ...‘...... 5.0.} motion of Councillors Hiowden; ‘ " ' .. ‘ . if": . . , unspecfor. gave his report as Hope, H- ‘ th‘O'Ol- 1911340012 radburn, Wmâ€: _ . and Deputy Reeve H. Brad-l RETURNS FOR 28th. EioliowM. Had issued ll-permits. Durham Lounty DIS- -- 1C“ »€\}I;10’I:1; 0.00 burn that the minuets be adopt-E Milton Cross left has be , C ‘ h . ‘1 â€1 I-eSIdellil-al value. $334,500.00, gift $1.8.dle:*y. . . 11360021011 olfr Revisignfn" (Court .â€" 0 ed as read. Carrled. lt’ommentavor , on th e1 . tn rose, s .0111: here mth Met ’Had issued 8 permits, barns, 6 e1 um 18 not 8111 - o. 0 ' ,. - - . _ ~ “'66le ceneral manager Rudolf Bino Cara. es sheds et. . . f LIT-ban H-S- leVY-u-13310-64lJoseph Thom: 400““ the tollowmg terrestiond broadcast from the M etropoli- gets as host for each 'opera. anti], E‘Zï¬ï¬giltijm. , e, value 0. , .. -ad: fromâ€"Brno. Johnâ€"l . ‘, . q _ , , _ p . :3â€: (lgtierk of North Moiaghan’ian Opera House 1111ng York prondes a colloa'ful-commentary' On motion of Deputv Reevef MilleOk - - - ~ - - - - ~Â¥ 1145.601J0'Seph13ums, (Court - ent-lbsing list of public school since the_ Ploy-amine first. went during the intermission. The Brad-burn and Councill'br HowJ Treas. 17.8.8. 1645. 335. 87 ‘ 0f RevlSlon) .. . . 5.01.) . ,on the 311‘ m Canada on Christ- operas are heard each Satur- den that the building inspec-'Tr 8315' U'S-S' 2041' 440.10Wm. 'Rood‘e, 3 5116-9? supporters from North Mona» mas Day, 1931. Now back for day afternoon on the Trans’ tors report ‘be reeciVed and Tz-eas. 17~10.. 137.88!l‘5ll€d $60.“), 4 Lambs g'ha’n. .Wholrixl :Vere eliglgle' to: his 28th 'Conseeutive year, MIN : Canada network. :t'iled. Carried. Treas. [.T‘S‘S' 171/2' ' 255.82l1n0ured $32 ' ' ’ 92'00 \(itt tor SChJ-L rustee 1n axan. _ . . T 1 S S 9122 905 ~ ~M11ton Laee~ 1 sh TnWllShlp- ' i W“ ‘ I ~ ...... I. " l Councillor HOde said he. Tia; K‘I’Jth dCla '74ik‘illed $5M 13’shee 81? I 'r. R McEwm re reports'brook the week 10f December 8'N. and D. re a By-law being'1‘7‘5he‘l to mam 9’15 me‘“.b°.“’ipub1ic' s‘chfol 3.631111% 60‘ jured $81.....p.... 28 00 on assessments, also issuingllo audit U.E. Insurance books. passed by County Council, to â€Iâ€? m the Mun‘mW W‘om‘ilTreas. South Gavan . IROY Ferren, 2 sheep . warrants would follow later. ~903- " pay a Bounty on Foxes shi'ot in ml 33†â€,1.“ Clerk “'00 sub’lpu'blie, school area... 4163.40 killed $40.. 1 sheep in- l'.E. Insurance Auditor, an-l Harry R. Deyman, certifying *he- Municipalities of $4.00 for scgpthl; p 1 ice. . . iManvers Municipal Tel sjured $56 . . . , . . . 96.00 nouncing he would be in Mill-‘the selectors of jurors for the each 1‘03: tail brought. in, and 1' onsic ell-able discussion toOleyste-m . 489.65: Bell Telepone account --- __.___~_._.-____ Township of Cavan, had a.m.; asking the Township to set up p ‘3’“ "f f“? â€:3%Pr°gra’nm?Ԥ Emily Municipal Tel 0958 22.60 Pleted their duties of selec'ing ’ a place and day to receive same n motion 0 eputy Reex ‘3:System . . . . . . . . . 412 95‘ 3 Roy Studio, Pd- bV G- The Churches list of junors for 1959. ieacih month. ' ’ EEC}??? and CpungllorDHow-IN. and D. Health Unit . éHowden framins°pic~ ‘ Currel Foster. t - Clerk of U â€I l ’r ' .‘ - 1 .' i' a W? .3“ ‘l‘ r: ‘ ‘1 ' e' 't‘ 3‘01-"0‘ 2 .. true 7. SUNDAY, JANUARY 11. 1959 certificatye J, W. Armsi‘fon? a donation rough: Dgï¬ilbeogï¬-i: G01‘;19, initinmlpa:5 eggineer tflgrl 13111111315381 (“701113 Iltd: 1100,: Durham Telephones J 00 J. Arthur Fair Q.C, re theiFund as Mr. Gorrie' Munici al app ova .01. a r1 go on (11959 subscriptions (1 thd, rental $450: THE SAl-VATION ABM. Y purchase of Pt. “7. 12 of Lothngineer was re‘iring on D50. {mart-er line between. Concessâ€"i paid for)..... . . . . . . .. 310.0 services $2.40 ...... 6.90 Captain D~ Wally :23, Con. 10, Township of Gavan; 18th the members ofi Cbunty 10118 A. 311% 8, same was deSJgn'ï¬o-uncil Fees $25, spe- :L' A. Hooton, 6 trips 3'00 p.m.â€"-Sunday School in by Mrs- Lillian Collins. lCouncil felt it a. nice gesture Etednia t e work Programmescials $30, mileage 1.35 56.35 re Dev, lid. $30.00, Legion Hall. Zimmerman-Haywood (Etc.,ito hold a banquet on Jan. 8th ' ($11119 1] -k , 4 - iTreas. of Roads pay- .mleage â€14 """" 44‘00 “A Welcome Awaits You.†re tax certificate Pt. Lot 23,}311 his banner, and make the' -w. (J 91, piescntcd the fOI-lm‘“ and vouchers N°° 1H' Bracbburn, 2' trips ._1--.,.._--...,__. Con. 10 H. Cathcarts. pl-egentatim, at same. ,lowmg accounts: N ‘ ll (transfer) ....... 6812.15 re. Dev. Rd. $1000, . Hall Gillespie, re assess- J. V. Lu dgate, Municipal Ontario Hospital her-Si: Treas- ~,0f Fox Bounty mileage and expenses Pentecostal Assembhes of ment on E. 1/,3 Lot 17, Con. 1.}, Engineer. re Development Rd. W‘cfiï¬ C9111» pays de- 9 Mi (transfer) . . .. 200.00 $16.00 . . ... ......... 26,50 0411363 lAmelia Martin estate, formerly N0, 476 announcing improve- Chilieiiï¬coomit """" 9200,3171 L' .Elsoni, sallary '32; £33513 ltatl Serv- ' ttleo. H. Martin. ment operations on Rd. 47!“ ‘ ’4 ' ' ' _cg. inspector, 05' ‘ " ’ igen S regis- Zlon Pentecostal Church, Ont Hospital Service Comm, been completed, and itgtnelbertman, elecuon _ r ipltal deductions 5.30 94.70 teed ...... 16.80 MILLBROOK gmission, re Hospital Insurance! designa‘i-on as a Deve10pme-nt{amines 13011 .-\0. 1.. 11.00, L. W. Smith, valuator . ;\ illagc ot Millbrdok, D. L. Johns, Pastor. gre indigent. mom had been revoked, andill: \1. 81150111, electlon l9 ) llwe trips? 15.00 émkceplpt~ T63“ Hall a â€" Sunday We, . ‘ Ont. Hospital Service Com-‘agree-ment between. the Depart} Eiï¬iiselsp ï¬. 2]. . .f.‘. . . “'(Ol l)t'lb-A1i knap. rebate i'l‘rzgémï¬ JO 2c. C. . 11o.10 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School . imission, re Hospital Insurance ment. and the Municipality has; 4 1 010‘ i: 111s,§ec.10n 1' ‘0‘ barn burned (Court of 7 ‘ ‘JJr ’Flar uram oounty ' . 11 00 a m â€"Worshi ‘S rv'ce . H“. A. Russell formerly with'been terminated. and the Twp iexpenses o . ...... . l.., ;Re\ 1s10n ..... 8.36 . mel's, erantu 10.00 - - - . P e .1 . . . ' l . . . wEug-enc Touchburn, .Harry kennedy rebate l 0n 111011011 of Councillors ,7 .0 m â€"â€"Evem Serwce the Thos. V‘Vhllhei Co. an- Wlll now be respionSIble for its - x ’ :- T ‘ v) P. . n-g , . 0. . . .electlon expenses Poll barn burned ........ 16.12 horn and Burns the Reeve be 8.00 p.m.-â€"Wednesday, Pray- 1110111101116 formation Of his own upkeep. ’4 1‘3 80'Joseph Thorn rebate I authorized T0 siorn cheques f0? er and Bible Study. ~ bï¬ï¬ï¬niltsoebfgknmvn as Ont. ,1. 01? ‘motion bf Councillors lra Lowe, election ex- ,barnv burned ’. . . ....’ 4.56 above 8600111115. Carried. 8.09p.m.-â€"Fr1day, Young Peo- ‘ .p «a ners. horn and {Burns that, we ad- penses Poll 5 ........ 19.00 Frederick Reynolds i On motion 0f Councillors Ples Meeting. J ' A" Dewart, Mayor Of Pe- lgourn 1° 2-13 p.m.. 'Treas f 8t John’s hiouse burned , 7 60 Thorn and Deputy Reeve Brad- lterborough, extendino the sea- Council resum d 0 y 11' 0‘ U ' ' ‘ . """" ' t . V ' â€.....-“ son’s creetinos f3 members 1:) e te Rat “I", 1: 'C‘hurch. rental hall, Earl Wilson, house {gluidthat g9 adiourn to meet - c a - ‘ ‘ .. rsen , eeve l. . . , _ , Tb . ...... 8.36. 118» ay, 969111» er 30th at runes or can i RusSell Macpougat, enclos.inot0n in the Chair, @2311â€: 'I'A'Opé, 9;.th 4'003.y:sr,n§§1nddis buildinos 11.00 p.m. ’ Anglican Church of Canada ino' rental for trailer. MP. A. V. Thorn cave a I 7- ' l ’ a 1 5" , . a? . . _ n 'mttendanee otficer. ,_ 35,00 burned . . . . a Zella M. Bentley, Clerk. Rev. J. Edgar ll, Palfrey ,_ hen Cowlan, enclosmg rental‘l‘eporf on taxes of 1908 dollect-, Harti‘ord Accident lâ€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-~â€"'~-~~ â€"- ~â€" . Rector. . ‘ tor trailer. _ led to date $09,143.18. Report Indemnity Co, collec- . . ‘ ‘ hrst Sunday after Epiphany. Bruce Johnston, enclomgfecen’ed; ' "tors bond .......... 37.50 ' . {l ...... 3...... m... ‘8 s° essences? W W WHAT HAVE ' ‘c i DONE 7 11.00 a.m.â€"Holy Communion 1 e dob ta 0 f: ,P B]. lwhich l h (lode (.11.. 0111 “"01 ianmPa] World, clec- .... .1. .. .> .. .. ' O ipon C en tires or .11 IC 19 a one. 3 tlon and office sup- - ‘ '7 ' ..‘ 1f." I . \ 'U' St. John's, Ida School purposes. l On motion of Deputy Reeve" [)1qu 9 75 ' ‘ ' * ’ ‘ ' ~ -.Bradburn and Oouncill-o Bu ' - A """""""""" ' 2_30 p.m.â€"â€"Holy Communion Frank B. Hemnnng, announc r rns e Millbrook Reporter, 1 ing free saw chain clinic (inlt'hat the Reeve and Rd. Supt. 4th quarter printing. 68.95 01115317 Church, 3335911910 lDec. 10, at 7.30, 1be a committee to interview, I'njted Counties N. Evensong 7.30 p.m. A. C. Morris, re 1958 Gem. SOllClTOI‘ 1‘9- agreement With the: and Durham hospital- araska levy. Wonsumcrs Gas Company and. ization ............ 84.50 . . . . . ' . , . J . NOTICEâ€"Change of Time. ! Hydro Power C'omnnssron, regT"““Slâ€P 0f Cat an also to 1‘97 Harry Jamieson, valu- . . l , . d , . . CommellClng Sunday, Jan-[approval of existing contract. quest. that an Inspector be put,a‘or May 28, Sept. 20, nary 4th, 1959 until April 5th, R58 now C. Lubsen. . 3110109 .1013 and the gollsnlners, ten trips ........... 30.00 1959 all services at St. John's; Jacob Lowe Q.C. enclosmg 6“ . Smpany pay for 5211110.]!Aella M. Bentley, sal- Churc‘h, Ida, will be held at cheque to amount of $1,591.43] arrie - . . . zary clerk $100; post- 230 pm, instead of 9.45 amount of taxes to Dec. 31st: After consnlerable discussnmI age and 1‘9.¢..’,‘ISiI'a’f-1011g a_m_ And morning services 19:18 on E. 1/3 Lot 4, Con. a. .re the lox bounty, and. the set-i ._.________.__ _ at St. Thomas’ Church, Mill- Treasury Department, re ap- ting up a place to receive same,‘ ' ' brook, and Christ. Church, plieatmn for tile drainage. ‘the Council all agreed on ac-j ' C, Benham, Clerk-Treas.,€01111t of women and children' Town of Georgetown advising coming into the Town Hallo {that town will asume responsiathat re the rabies the tails of' lbility of Mrs. Wm. Lavoie as the floxes should not be brought The United Church of Canada.lset out in letter of Nov. 5th, into the Town Hall. Millbr00k â€" Gavan 1958. i On motion of Deputy Reeve i Bailieboro, will be held at 11.00 a.m. alternately. some newer 5W “LET. FLOWERS SPEAK POR YOU†â€"â€"â€".. Mr. Stan Northrop, organist Willmott 185 Irvine re Myers- Bradburn and OOll‘n'CillOl‘ HOW' and choir director. i Beaverdale Construiztion and den that .‘thS Council establish, Rev. H. B. Herrington, minis; Ralph Greer, announcing Insur- quarters in the Municipal gar-' ter in charge. ance Company were looking :89 at lCavan {101‘ l'ecelVlllg the D . 7 . , . . . ox tais an estnoymo same u L I' 9. “1191 same. . 7 . a i O Come, Let Us W0 ship \Villmott Irvine re a quali- the first and third \Vednesday MILLBROOK :fied ratepaver 1.98“...“ in N. of the month, hours fnom 1.00 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday School Monaghan could qualify as 13-111. *9 5 p.m- beginning ill“! 11.15 a.m.â€"Worship Service svlidol trustee in School Area “1‘31 “ï¬lm“d‘ly January lllls‘ l . . . . GAVAN [Board (5011191181119: Cavan and 1909- Carried. _ . } .\'. Monaghan. ~' On motion 0t 'Cllllllt'lllol’s 9.1;) a.m.â€":Worslnp Servure } Ontario Telephone 31151101.“); Thorn and Burns that C(illllt il-; bundaypchool cluldren Wlth‘ ! re a final (leeision was being lor liowden be appointed to be. draw during 5900116. Hymn efpvith held pending flurtlie-r in- at the garage the first and 3rd Weddings, the sick room, funerals. 7! church service. livestigation (re applicaion for \Vedncsdays from 1 p.m_ to 5 . “.....- -..-_____.€to increase rates of Durham p.111- to receive the tails and , iTolephnne L’d.) wdestroy same and that he be 21 St PRESBYTERIAN i Zimmermnn-Haywisod 'l‘ur- paid $5.04.) per day. Carried-yE ueen fee Centreville and MfllbrOOk ville 1‘1" applicatE-sn to construct On, motion of Dcpuiv Reeve O ' h C . 1 Th Rev. Walter Patterson, M'A' :ms transmission pipi- lim- lil'ildlllll'll and (.‘Olllllï¬lllï¬r]illl'll.\'l- ppOSIte t e apltO eatre, Port Hope Minis‘c? Emeritus. 5th. (Fonsuiueis Va» ('tma- that $200.00 be tramsfcred t0 3,. ,e. Grace Church Mil-lbl‘ook i jumyi from Township :' Alzm- the Fox Bounty account. 1’01" ,7 ’ , $undav 59110:..1â€"1045 am;\'«‘1'i\‘ to (l‘i‘y ol' l’etcrlmrr'ueh ‘3‘." 'l‘r'vasin'ci' to issuu cheques: ramg OWCI‘ 0 9.4-5 $1.111 .'â€"â€"â€"llivine VVoI'Sbip, il“.]‘».i’.U-‘30. 1"?th 5';~“""“.l. l : ... ' ‘ ‘ r~ ' n - . ' V v - "U ~ntx“\’| I ‘. '1"; .I" ‘- f v ' ('.ll‘7 ‘-‘.. '.‘ I Centrevï¬ï¬e Church i 9â€} W1 ‘7 “mm "‘- f ‘1â€"‘“ -‘ , if 9“†‘1‘ I... ~ PHONE TURNER 55796 DAY; TURNER 52808 NIGHT, COLLECT 10,00 a.m.â€"Church School ; solu'itnig- grant for 1908. lixth'tlt'l! mm. upnty Rome! 11.00 a.m.â€"Divine Worship. ‘ Clt‘l‘l’. of l'nited Counties of Bradburn that :-. . Room for 83".?) E {Treas- U.S.S. No. 11 ‘Of Revï¬ion) 5.00