Est overall , an is two Iher Bel Air is flat and window. two other it series are ted, Lux- tments and yed to ex- n common. includes a steel mold- ssed White 9 Bel Air GM’S vice- tor bf sales, ndiugs have mying senti- ready start- n, or “four- it is more {S patterned "hardtop, in :3 ml] com- body. The rdinary visi- airy appear- h.â€"General today an- on of a new Sport sedan _ Air series. ,d the new Lced because tion for the styling cur- tsively as an n. The new Ie the same here moder- ONTARIO s will have moms in a 1896-1956) 6. c. ’ription . {0'3 Centrevine Church 10.00 a . m . â€"â€"Chnrch School 11.06 a.m.â€"â€"â€"Div§ne Worship -,u~a.’â€" ...- PRESBYTERIAN Centreville and Millbrook Rev. Walter Patterson, M.A.2 Miniyer Emeritus. Grace Church, Millbrook Sunday Schoolâ€"10.45 a.m. 9.45 a.m.â€"â€"Divine Worship. CAVAN 9.45 a.m.â€"Worship Service Sunday School children with- draw during second Hymn of church service. MILLBROOK 10 . 00 a .m . -â€"Sunday School 11.15 a .m .-Wvorship Service The United Church of Canada . Millbrook â€" Gavan Mr. Stan Northrop, organist and choir director. Dr. J. Arthur Steed in charge “0 Come, Let Us Worship’. Commencing Sunday, Jan-j nary 4th, 1959 until April 5th,’ 19:39 all services at St. John’s‘ Chum-‘11, Ida, will be held at 2.30 p.111. instead: of 9.45 3.111. And morning serviced at St. Thomas’ Church, Mill-l brook. and Christ Ohaurch,‘ Bailieboro, will be held at 11.00 a .m. alternately. 11111 assued in the year that lies: I must confess that I had ahead This service has 11‘ VV ‘ mlxed feelings as regards the Immune a tradition, I be-lieVe,5 news that ppoured i‘OI‘Ih from ts. 2111V‘011e VV ho has been a sub-1I 301W interesting columns d111- 51111111 to the Millbrook Re-f ing the past year Most of it. porter and I know the pas 51.2 ‘11 as refreshinu and mood I felt especiallyV was I pleased at the splendid p111“ ess that the girls The Churches .915 the vicinity 1111101 nea dm- l‘. the past vea1 in softball, SUNDAY JANUARY 18 1959 111112111251 and othei sp01ts and also the fine sportsmanship THE SALVATION ARMY ,shown by the boys in the Captain D. McNeilly Ileague games as week followed . , , - ’ . . I was also leased to R 1 .111.â€"Su11dav School 111 “ 99k p " b 3 ' 'hear that Dame Fortune had Legion all. isniled VeIV erenelV ‘1‘ ome . . 11 ’ " S ' 111 S .9 W101]? AWN“?! Y †. ,, .â€. . ' . 8.10 e 011. .111 the c1't1ze11s 111 M1llbrook. â€"_M_._ l â€"â€"""""~“"‘â€"‘â€"â€"; Alti‘l‘mgh games of (-l1ance are Pentecostal Assemblies of is‘ :111eVVl1at. f 1reign to me per- Canada lsonallV Vet if good luck VVeie Ito 101110 to anVone fro 111 a lot 1 lion PentOCOStal (hlll‘dl; 111w ticket I know 0-1 no lone MILIBROOK ithat I VV ould Iathei see get it lthan R1111 \Vhen I head. of D. . 1111 Pastor. i L J0 8’ 31101; 5 good luck I could not! Sunday Services .help but be oveiVV helmed with“ 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School {the thought that at last Ronl 11. 00 a. m. â€"â€"Worship Service. had been 1eVVar1le1l £01 the! ' {31'} p.“ 11:. Evening Service uenergv I used ‘90 see- him ex- S 110 p m â€"Wed-nesday, Pray-l pend at the Lions Club ban- er and Bible Studv.|1111ets when it generallv fell to 8.00 p. mâ€"Friday, Y oung Peo-l his lot to lead 1n the VV an-whoopl ples Meeting. lVVhieh opened each eV enmg ’s - ceremonies. Then too I was delighted to read of: the p10- PARISH OF CAVAN gress that the school is making Anglican Church of Canada ’ iand of the controversy ( all Rev. J. Edgar H. Palfrey "Very genial and moderate) as m to the C,future needs of the town 81ml! after ban in educational facilities and of Second ay Epip y! the Cll‘lSiS that the futu1e faced Christ Church, Baiheboro tin pedag ogue matters. lf 1 Mattins 11.00 3-111. ;might be excused tor mention- I St. John‘s,lda {111g one reference that was . espec1ally 111terest11g to me, 11: EVensong 2‘ 30 p m {would be that of a contrbutionl‘ St Thomas’ Church, Millbrook by a gentleman-10f Nercastle! Sunday Services 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"Worship Service. 7 .30 pm. «Evening Service 8.00 p.m.â€"Wednesday, Pray- 1 believe there are certain} parents before them, regular dates which have .a lively signi-l talc-payers of the town and fl("dllCC in eve-rybody’s life and? performing valuable service as the first ofl December is one of citizens in many other ways. them for me. The reas0n of ' AS the years pass by, Father this is, of course, that it is the Time has a very sobering effect dam on which I .am supposed on us all, but I chuckle-d to to renew my Millbrook Repor- hear that it had not entirely ter. 1 can think of none less' been forgotten that at one time painless than this, largely be; 1 Won the goose that layed the cause of the splendid service 1! golden egg; am assued in the year that lies; I must confess that I had ahead. This service has new? mlxed feelings as regards the become a tradition, I be-lieve,§ news that ppou-red ilor-th from 12» anyone who has been a sub- scriber to the Millbrook Re- porter and I know the past NOTICEâ€"Change of Time. 3 In remitting his subscrip ion vear s has even excelled that for 19 '19, \Ir. Powell, now of of fmmer ones if such were at‘ 011111111, 21 former high school all possible. teacher here, sends the follow- I had the extreme pleasure of' in}; interesting letter which 1ene~wing aoqm‘mntances 111m 111- feel sure, wili be be of in 911-, some 1» the Li izens of \lillué es: tb our many local readers.: brook uring the. past 1ear' E either b) spetial call on me at 280 O’Connor St†my residence or chance meeting Ottawa Ontariol in some part of the city. I was Editor )Iillbrook Reporter, ivo pleased especiallv to haveii )lillbrook, Ontario. ’ a visi; from some of my form-; Dear Mr. Barringer, er pupils who are now like their; i believe there are certain parents before them, regular dates which have a lively signi-! tali~payeis of the town and fl( ance in everybody 8 life and| performing valuable service as. Evensong 7 . 00 p . THE SALVATION ARMY Captain D. McNeilly i'0 p.121.â€"Sunday School in Legion Hall. Thursday, Jam-y 15, 1959 Letter From Mr. Powell _I was also pleased to read of ‘the fine work being done by the councils of M-illbrook and Evicinity, and of the bong con- §tinued efficient {service of IReeve Harringtonf Of course ;I shbuld natually expect this *as Mr, Harrington and I only lived a stone’s throw from !each other at one time- in the ‘Otttaxx 11 thllev (No‘e I do not mention who threw the, stone- it 111ight have been a giant) '1 Then too as I read bf the abunds ant h;“nme~:1'exaped from the} ifields «aunt, \Iil‘uhmuk i felt‘ that the good [out v.1s keg-1 fin}: wa atteh over is own. I I feel however, that [would' he remiss in giving exp: esmm to mv feelings were 1 not “1! mention two or three imeiden s: that either «rrieved or die :pleas- .‘d me, One was the passing: of;E some \\ hom I Used to know so' well and \\'h(1Se 1-!)llil‘lillllloni 111e‘2111t so much In) the welfare} of )lillhrook and \‘iriniï¬r. A{ \(‘l and was the resivmniun of all your ministers dining the; year and the aceo mpan) 111 loss to the town than I know 1 this must have been. I especi-z . ,8 ally was grieved to hear 0:. to the discussion. He plead in no uncertain terms for the. small school unit and as I have always felt. in law matters that where there is a large org-(111.51: church there is a tend- ency 'for it to become a cold church, so too have I felt that warmth is fostered when the 5011001- unit also is not too large. I your losing Mr Houston flan! Igain wish you, Mrs. Barringer I I knew so well and had had a' and all your connecti’on and chat VVith in the Lnion Sfation through you all the citizens of Isince I came to Ottawa His MiWrook and Vicinity anotherI Ithought-pmVoking se1111ons Venv pmsperous and happy [used 13;, impress me so much. I 1959. ' did not know the o‘-her minis- Very Sincerely yours, ,frers but from the weekly Re- James A. Powell, :porters I had come to realize Ithat they had done a great sm‘- GRACE CHURCH tvice. And thirdlv as I have 211- I Iways been an ardent my I ANNUAL MEETING I I VV as not pleased at the result of . _ {the vote 011 the liquor question I The annual meeting 0f the In expressing my displeaSm-e (ongreoation of Grace Presbv- Ito one of your farmer citizens terian Church W111 be held 1n xVV hom I chanced to see in Otta- â€79 SUDddy 8011001 room 011 we, his answer was this, and I Tue’SdaF 1311113137 20Ih1 at 9100. 'f‘lleSS he was right, “You must P 111 “711] “1056 responmble. ;-,u11de1stand Mr Powell, that for ICPOI‘IS please have them the 111111110911; of 1958 is not an hand at this tirne. The Rev Ithe \Illlbi 0011 which you knew Gllbg SDI-1th Of St Giles when you taugh‘v seool the1e†Ch“ 51111)“?1I5€Pb01'011:‘=’1‘Ih interm I And so Mr. Barringer, I once moderator, will p1'e51de, TUU GET e UT UT UTE WHEN YUU UET TUE MUST UUT UT ELECTRICITY 12 maximum, Even though it’s washday Mother has plenty of time to spend with-the children, because electricity helps with the housework. The washing is done automatically . . . by electricity. While she’s away the clothes will be washed and rinsed thoroughly, simply by setting the dial on the automatic electric washer. When she comes home, the washing needs only to be transferred to the automatic electric clothes dryer. While she’s busy preparing dinner (on her automatic electric range), the washing will be dried sunshine-fresh, automatically, whatever the weather. Automatic electric laundry appliances are safe, clean, and modern. They free you from wash- day drudgery forever . . . yet they cost just a few cents a day to operate. You get more out of life, when you get the most out of electricity. ' m Whom 1gain wish you, Mrs. Barringer (1 had a and all your connection and S’uationj through you all the citizens of '3, His: Mi lflh‘ook and Vicinity another 501 1110115 \eizv' prosperous and happy T AA_.‘ live heitar. . . ElEflREGAlW m. ELECTRICI'I‘Y DUES SO MUCH . . . COSTS SO LITTLE the safe, clean, modern way ONTARIO A. Spicer an outstanding vocalist will certainly add con- siderale enjoyment to the re- cital with her solos as Will the choirs of St. Thlomas’ Church, under the direction of Mr. J. O. Medd. This recital is being sponsor- ed by the choirs 'of St. Thomas’ Anglican Church and will be held on the [evening of Friday, A coming event which is be-i inf: looked forward to in great } anticipatgon is the Recital ofl Organ and Choral music Mr. Raymond Daniels of ()i-illia,§ Ontario, is the feature of this; evening ‘Uf fine music. Mrs.l TREAT COMING FOR MUSIC LOVERS To freshen a refrigerator which has not been used for some time, wash out with baking soda in warm water. BUTTER GRANITE CO . Port Hope, Ont. Box 622 S‘ Monuments, Markers, Corner E Posts and Inscriptions. E January 23rd at eight o’clock. Tickets 1701' this outstanding evening bf music appreciation may be obfained from any of the choir members. Mirror-Reporter PAGE mu