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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 9 Feb 1893, p. 1

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P.S.-â€"All kinds of Harness. At Don’t miss this opportunity to buy TEAS cheap, as we have the best values in Teas to be had anywhere, No puffâ€"but solid facts. Call and get sam- ples and judge for yourself. W For The Next 30 Days Great Bargains in Teas They Will be Sold at the Low- est Possible Prices. '6? Also agent for the Brantford buggies and the Rain waggon. The best in the market. Alex. Ferguson. R. DEYELL’S. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Localsâ€"All notices, excepting that of enter- talpments for which the printing is done by thls office, 7 cents per line each insertion. Black line locals 25 cents per line. thifix 25 cents. Advertisements of two to thgee lines, such as Lest, House to Let. Servant W antcd, c., 500 for first insertion. $1. per month. TEAsé Advertisements of Farms for Saleâ€"1 month 31, each subsequent month, 750. per inch. Advgrtisements of Stray Animals, 81 for three mseruons. Noticegs cents per line first insertion and. : cents per lmc each subsequent insertion. Professional Cards, 51incs and under, $5 per year, $3 for six months. TEAS, 3350 charge will be made for locals less Coltmm, 3 Vol. ALEX. ~ FERGUSON, THURSDAY MORNING Beautiful Finish TERMSâ€"$1.00 PER ANNU M. ADVERTISING RATES : R. DEYELL, . R. ELLIOT, MILLBROUK REPORTER 1 IF,- Blankets from $1.00 up 1800 IS PUBLISHED EVE 18 00 10 00 Millbrook. Best Material 1 mo. wFarmers and others havingr anyâ€" thing to sell will do well to call and see' me. Highest prices and square dm% A.PAYNE. throughout the Winter, when I ;Will pay the highest cash price for produce, such as fowl of all kinds, buck wheat, oats, butter, eggs, tallow, lard, hides, sheep- skins, wool, and scrap iron, or give in exchange dry goods, groceries, tinware, coal oil, flour and meals of all kinds l I have pleasure in informing the farmers of this vicinity that I have opened a market in the village of Millbrook, which will be held every ~ Wednesday Feeeneen, 1 MILLBROOK " 91% MARKET axe NEEE EEHEE GENUINE ~ â€"â€"'â€"â€"vâ€" v. “I! 9““ mad. _onreal ARENTS AND THE PUBLIC GENERAL Y are res ecttull informed that. 'l‘hos. Pemberton, Pro enact Male, and late Band Master C R0531 School of Infantry, Toronto, is now preparc to receive Bupils, vocal or mstru' - mental, at hm residence, enter Street. Private instruction at any hour. Orders for music and Musical instrument: of any and every clau promptly attended to. v natural teeth. Nitrous Oxide Gas for the lesg extraction of teeth. Good work arm ed. W111 be at Bethany the 2nd and 4th Onda a of each month. Pontypool lst and 3rd Mon aye. T H. HASSARD VETERINARY SURGEON 0 )(Graduate of the Ontari Veterinary Col~ Diseases of Domesticated animals treat- at? on scientific princi les. Equine Denyistry a. $ecialty.ch1ste1-e in accordance with the eterinéxry Act. Oflic ceâ€"Queen'a Hotel, M111- J W. FISHER, VETERINARY SURGEON. o Oflice and residence, Baillieboro, Ont. Will be at Queen’s Hotel, Millbrook, every Saturday. general law business. 'RIDDELL. ARMSTRONG 8: NESBITT. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc., Co bou and Brighton. W. R. Ridden, B. A... LL. . A. J. Armstrong, B. A. \V. H. N esbitt. B. A. First-class loans placed. Money loaned and invested Mercantile collections made and ‘... _ A..- "annual Io- .- L â€" â€" v Undertaker and Practical Embalmer. 11A. WARD. BARRISTER, ATTORNEY- atLaw, Solicitor, etc. Office in Ontario Block, Walton Sgreet, Port Hope. Money to lend on the security of real- estate. Town and term property for sale. MITH 8: PRESTON (SUCCESSORS .O J. A. V. Preston) Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, c.0fflces, Wood 6; Kells’ block, Mill- brook, Ont., and Bethany on the 2d and 4th Mondays in every month. Money to loan at lowest rates. 86 C. MCKINNON. M. D,, C. M., (SUCCES o sor to Dr. Aiddrie) Toronto and Victoria Umversitics. Licentmte Royal College Sur- geons, Edinbur h, Membor College Physicians and Surgeons, ntario. (mice at A. ’l‘. Elliott's . store. After office. hours at Mr. Wm. R10 ardson’s residence, ng at" Millbrook, ARCHIBALD WOOD, ISSUER OF 1 k7 RIAGE LICENSES. Mfllorook, Ont. JOHN GILLoT-r; [â€"4-4 CAB! N ET MAKER, Keeps constantly on hand alarge stock 0! Fur- niture of all kinds. Three large showroom nggglgle ‘to shogvugoogs. __-- vv "av" www- Manufacturer of tfie Excelsior Washing Machine. The best in the market. JOHN GILLOTT, Best 0: Testimonials can 1N BRONZE LE’I'I‘ER COLLIN_S a; Ca \A‘wâ€" . EACH pLua‘or T3! MARRIAGE LICENSEE IS MARKED PROFESSIONAL MUSIC. EANKERS, ‘me be given. - MILLBROOK. ONT‘ When will Canéda emulate the example of Hawaii? Rochester Post-Eipréss When'Mr. Gross, “ lost:goods ” agent for the Grand Trun! railway, came to Camp: bellford to look after the smash-up on the road, last week, he found it difficult to employ men to shovel bran and oatsâ€"light work,â€"at 15 cents an hour, and was able to secure only seven in Campbellford and three from Hastings. Mr. (laudrie, the station agent, telephoned for men, in one place where about tv enty were seated, when they Were informed of the job they stole away out of sight as if it was some painful operation that had to be performed. And yet these very men sit around and complain of dull times, Mr. Gaudrie sent Mr. Gross to one man who was reported to have scarce- ly anything to eat in the house but he re- fused to accept the job because he had a little wood to split 3 Mr. Gross dealt, very liberally with those he employed, even al- lowing them pay for the hour they spent while at dinner. “val. usuuoclj GIG VUL'y l“, Dul we hope they will soon recover. Mr. Edward Earl and sister, from new Brockville, are visiting their uncle, Mr. Henry Earl, 01“.“. L'ALQ. u- Manvers Station. Mrs. John Johnston and family of Fort McLeod, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs Robert W'ilson, took their de- parture for home on Saturday. Miss Maud M. McBrien of Hog’s Hollow is visiting friends in Cavan. The Ritson Bros, who have been very busy all winter threshing clover seed, have nearly finished their work and report having madea good season’s threshing with their new mill. Mr. Alfred Ainley has disposed of his fine farm containing about 250 acres , Mr. Frank Galbraith is the purchaser. Mr. Kennedy,_ the proprietor of the new ,aya. Herald. but worthy pastor; "figmfir. Cook, is very watchful over the welfare and morale of his flock, and all GOES WELL. ,uur nmcxyard is supplying the farmers with all the brick they require to build 3 their new houses. J. B. McKay Co.’s agent informs us that not nearly the quantity of grain has been marketed at Cevanville this season as in former years, and he does not expect a. very large quantity to come out. Mr. Kee- gan, who does the Weighing at the elevator. is under the impression that he can handle a good deal more than is coming. n..- “ - _ .--‘_LLÂ¥, fl 1 ,Our briEkyafa is supplying with all the brick they reqt their new houses. Our flouring mill has been doing a. large business, shipping a. great many cars of flour besides doing custom work. We are sorry to learn of a break in the dam, but it will soon be‘repgiired. . , , W- -- -w. unovLD "'JUI. uurlng the past season. 1 The N ewton-Bros., first-class tailors, say they, have more work than they can get done to suit their numerous patrons, even with two assistants. J. J. McGill is daily receiving daily large consignments of all kinds of merchandize. He takes the lead in selling the cheapest goods in town, and he is satisfied that if his many customers could make it convenient to pay cash instead of getting credit, he could sell goods do as to defy competition. Give him a call. Our butcher, Mr. Chas Phillips, has pur- chased a farm near Peterboro, where he in- tends carrying on both butchering and farm- ing. He intends moving there soon. Our best wishes go with him. His successor is William Tinney, who will carry on the busi- ness and supply Cavanville and other villages with fresh meats daily. We believe William will do well. V__-l .ngv uuLLAUu UUL and sold over twemiribcauflti’ful cutbers,~ be- sides a. large number .of' sleighs,‘ Wagons, ”hgggiekesrrisggsf‘e " ”r . era are bring- ‘ vein" . * wemthem properly shod. ’ c " The enterprising firm of Bouglas Sons, who have been so successfully running :he woollen mills here, do a very nice, safe busi- ness in manufacturing as WPll as in carding and spinning for customers. They purchas- ed over 20,000 lbs of farmers’ wool during the nast floaunh Residents. . Cayanville is still to the fore and is flour- ishing like a green bay tree. Considering the low price of grain and the difiiculby experienced in collecting debts, the amonnt- of business daily transacted here is surprising. A Busy Village with SUGARS AS EHEAP AS EVER Laziness In Campbellford i::’ Variety, g3 Gnuriesy, 3 At VANGE’S. Aye, When! CA VAN VILLE. Low PRICES, :rs, ‘ “7305" '75 9 1893”; a ‘ '. Mr. Cook, is Many inlet-prising Mr. Bert. Byers. the int-erbhsifig merchant of this village is doing a. good business, It is hbped that- the new 71:5.i-l'way to Lindsay and Bobcaygeon will make its term- inus here ipsgead‘oflgt Pontyppql. Mr. Kennedy, the p}oprietor 70f the new ho:el_her_e, is 510in quijce a. business. Mr. Alfred Ainley has disposed of his fine farm containing about 250 acres , Mr. Fr_apk _(_§albra._ith in the purchaser. The Ritson Bros., who have been very busy all winter threshing clover seed, have nearly finished their work and report having madea. good season’s threshing with .their new mill. Manvers Station. Mrs. John Johnston and family of Fort, McLeod, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs Robert W'ilson, took their de- MnlEdwafrd Earl and sister, f Brookville, are visiting their unit]:n Iii? Henry Earl, ’ . We regret to noticE that Mrs. George Berry and Mrs. G. Lindsay are very ill, but we: bopg _they _wi_l_1 spon re_cover. Mr. Fred. Delehaw bi Millbrookénmoved last week to a. house of Mr. R. Brown’s, in the suburbs of our vil_la.g‘e. _ There was no pleaching 1n our f‘resby ter- ian chuxch last Sabbath on account; ofy the illness of the pastor. We hope he will soOn be _a_.b1e_ to resume_ his pastoral duties. There was an oyster supper and dance t-thossin house last _C[:hur:_3day night. 1W 1'. \Vm. Martin, a live spirit of our town, is fixing up another dwelling house on the main street. eryt On Wednesday night of last week some members of Court Ivanhoe, I. O. F., Mill- brook, came over here and organized a court of the Independent Order of Foresters with nineteen members to commence with. The officers are as follows :â€" C. D. H. C. R.â€"Robt. Lang. C. R.â€"W. T. Donaldson. V. C. R.â€"D. Devell. R. S.â€"J. J. Herron. Treas.â€"Jno. A. Tait. S. \V.â€"-R Lang. J. \V.â€"P. Rutherford. S. B.â€"\Vm. Christie. P. C. R.â€"-Dr. Gray. Physiciansâ€"Dr. Gray and Dr. Mon‘gom- Mr Robert Bloxom, while chopping in a bush about three milles east of the village last week, had the misfortune to strike 1118 foot with the axe, almost severing the big toe from his foot. One night last week a. team of horses driven by Mr. 'Thos. Wilson of Ops. were struck andkilled by a. train at Reid‘s cross- ing, near Reaboro. Omemce. Mr. \Vm. Johnston, was knocked down and run over by a. team on a street in the village and had two ribs broken and was badly bruised about the head. I The following is the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 4 Cavan, for the month of J an., nameszarranged in order of merit, V. â€"Minnie Huston IV. â€"-Annie Huston, \Yilbert Seney, Bruce Sharp, Stanley Heaslip, Laura Heaslip, III. ~Lavergne Hamilton, Merton Seney. Senior II. â€"J ennie Huston. Junior lIâ€"Mablc Seney, Etta. Stewart. Part IIâ€"Carl Lucas, Robbie Sanders, Myrtle Sanders. Iunior Part IIâ€"Lula Stewart, Minnie Graham, Effie Thompson. to TH E TO W'N H ALL B URNE'D. Cavanville School. Centrevllle. i. L. HUNTER . Teacher, gom- at The Tomb. WALTnRâ€"In th. township of H on Frid Fabruary 3rd, aged 72 years, J o 11 Walter. â€"Thos Spry was elected to the V seat in the Bowmanvilie town canned. vacancy was caused by a lack of pm qualification in the part of Ooun. A Who resigned his seat. â€"The horse recently stolen from EV. J. Ovens, near Newtonyille, through the efforts of Chief Jarvis, has been recovered at Churchill, near Bradford. â€"â€"Liudsay will vote on a by-law on the 20th inst. in ai pool and Bobcaygeon railway. â€"G. H. M. Baker Was presented with an address and a. clock by the Lindsa, 1S . Lodge on the occasion of his ’narrizgéasomc r-. â€"Mr. and Mrs. R iifteth anniversary of week at Bowmaville. â€"Godolphin, Huntsville’s defaulti urer has been arrested in England. be brought back. â€"Thos Flannigan stole groceries from, Wm. Lane in Cobourg and he is now serving sixty days in gaol â€"Rev. Robt. Johnscon of Lindsav has declined a. call to Toronto. â€"The Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario East will meet at. Tweed on March 7. â€"The Campbellford woollen mill was destroyed by fire on Jan. 28. â€"Foxes are causing a good deal of annoy- ance around Campbellford. â€"A creamery will probably be started in the township of Seymour. â€"â€"Wm. J. Gothwaite, formerly of Port Hope, died at Chicago recently. â€"Mr. and Mrs. Younie of Bowmanville celebrated their golden wedding on Friday. â€"-The cedar business is booming at N or- wood. The quantity shipped last week was 192 cords. â€"-Hastings races will be held next F riday and Saturday. â€"A flour mill will likely be erected in. Havelock soon. â€"Diphtheria. is prevalent i Dummer. ful. Items or l \ While a. man was driving 5;; Walker’s school house, near Lindsay, last Thursday afternoon a wild cat, evidently sufl‘ering from hunger, attacked the dog which accompani- ed the man. It leaped on the dog’s back and would have made him an easy prey had. not the man jumped from the cutter, and by a. well directed blow with the but: of his whip laid the wild cat low. [low to Get a “ Sunlight ” Picture. ‘ Send 25 “ Sunlight” Soap wrappers (the large wrapper) to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott-$13., Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth traming This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost lc. postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. \‘Vrite your address carefully. ems of Interest Cleaned From our lax changes. â€"The Port, Hope races were very success- 1 Mrs. Préhiiééâ€"fhorhv'figbr‘ilége, is the guest of Mrs. Jones, her mother. Mr. Wm. Magill of this village sold a sowr pig to Mr. Kinkade of Bethany for $22. Who can beat that ? ' ,,V_J vV..°‘--;wa vv Lalo 171.011“. There isa. nulfiber of people sick in this ocality at the present time. Mr. J as. Arm- strong has been very ill fer the last couple of weeks. l_)ut is some better now. The son of Mr. Wm. Magee h.a‘s returned home from Dakota, not finding that part: of Uncle Sam’s country congenial to his Wishes. 'T‘L -_, A 3 ‘ ‘ _ Mr. J. Burn is fitting up his sawmill for a. big summer’s work. A large number of logs have been hauled in already. He is talking of putting in a. pair of chopping stones of which this neighborhood is in great want since the other mill has been stopped. u. Thomas, the fourteen year old son of Mr. Thos. Sexsmith, lot. 28, 2nd concession of Hope, met, with a. terrible accident? on Satur- day, 28th ult. He was putting a. colt in the stable when the animal kicked him on the forehead, over the right eye. He was found. about ten minutes afterwards by his father‘ but was unable to tell how it all happened. Dr. Aldrich, Newtonville, was called, under whose skillful care the patient is progressing fax'oulably. Port Hope Guide. sure to bé a red-hot ’one‘ Mr. Wilson Resigns the Eecveslup and a New Election: is ardercd. A special meeting of the Mariners town- ‘ship council was held in Bethany on Mon- iday last, when Mr. \Vilson resigned the Reeveship, and the council passed a by-law to receive nominations for the office at. Bethany on Fridayof next week. If a. poll is demanded the, election will be held on. Friday of the following week. The polling places and deputy-returning officers will be the same as at fhe January election, It is understood that the fight will be be.â€" tween Messrs. Wilson and Kennedy again, but in any event, if there is an election it is hhhhh L . 7 . . rill vote on a $25,000 bonus 20th inst. in aid of the Ponty- : vnnnn “a {I n... -. Life in the Backwoods. The Cradle. DISTRICT NOTES. ELECTION IN )IAN VERS- Kicked by 31 Horse . Roubh. celebrated the by a lack of propéi‘av part of Coun. MasonY Janotvillc. their marriage me. The soap is d it will only cost zwrappers, if you 'rite your address the iv-acant in township of No. w:

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