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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 16 Feb 1893, p. 1

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Dufl’t miss this c to ”My TEAS cheap: the best values in 3 TEAS, T 1’.S.â€"All‘ kinds of Harness. At fireat Bargains in Teas R. DEVELus. For The Next 30 Days They Will be Sold at the Low- est Possible Prices. 18’ Also agent for the Brantford buggies and the Bain waggon. The best in the market. healsâ€"All notices, excepting that of enter- tagnments for which the printing is done by fins ofllce, 7 cents per line each insertion. Black Ime locals 25 cents per line. uh? yo charge will be made for locals less than 25 cents. Notices} cents per line first insertion and cents per lme each subsequent insertion. , Professional Cards, 51ines and under, $5 per rear, 83 for six months. Advertisements of Farms for Saleâ€"1 month 81, each subsequent month, 750. per inch. Advertisements of two to three lines, such as Lost, House t9 Let, Servant Wanted, c., 500. for first insertlon. $1. per month. THE MILLRRRRK REPORTER Advertisements of Stray Animals, 81 for three insertions. "§Vol. XXXVI. Column, {I‘TTTTTTTTTTT'ETTTTTTTTTTTTT THURSDAY MORNING TEAS, ALEX. Hancuson, TERMSâ€"$1.00 PER ANNUM. ADVERTISING RATES : Beautiful Finish . R. ELLIOT, Alex. Fe rguson, 1800 IS PUBLISHED EVERY 5‘. DEYELL, i this opportunity cheap, as we have ues in Teas to be Bfe, No puffâ€"but call and get sam- ge for yourself. Blankets from $1.00 up '18 00 10 00 Millbrook. 1 mo. ' Best Material fiFarmers and others having any' thing to séll will do well to call and see me. Highest prices and square dealing. A. PAYN E. I have pleasure in informing the farmers of this vicinity that I have opened a market in the village of Millbrook, which will be held every throughout the winter, when 1‘ will pay the highest Cash price for produce, such as'fowl of all kinds, buck Wheat, oats, butter, eggs, tallow, lard, hides, sheepâ€" skins, wool, and scrap iron, or give in exchange dry goods, groceries, ti‘nware, coal oil, flour and meals of all kinds M I LL :1 ROCK 9% MARKET eze NUN E EITHER GENUINE Wednesday Foreman, T B. COLLINS 8; 00., BANKERS, MILL- . BROOK. Farmers’ and other good notes discounted. Drafts issued on all points of Can tide. and ths United States at lowest rates. The collection otszue and other notes a. specialty. made on real estate. No commission hinged. Office, north sidcvof King Street. Reference-Canadian Bank of. Commerce. 1 aLY are res ectfully informed that 'l‘hos. Pemberton, Pro essor of Music, and late Band Master C Regal School of Infantry, Toronto, is now prepare to receive pupils, vocal or instru- mental, at his residence, Center Street. Private instruction at any hour. Orders for music and Musical instruments of any and every class promptly attended to. W. CLARKE. L.D.S.. DENTIST SPECIAL o attention given to the preservation of the natural teeth. Nltrous Oxlde Gas for the pain- less extraction of teeth. Good work guaranteed. “fill be at Bethany the 2nd and 4th Mondavs of each month. Pontypool lst and 3rd Monaays. ARENTS AND THE PUBLIC GENERAL “LY are respectfully informed that '1‘th B. A. First-class loans Slit-6i Ménâ€"e'yâ€" loaned and invested. Mercant' e collections made and general law buslness. u __ ___-__. ..-_ ~-_-v-_.-v-. .I. 0 (Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- le e.) Diseases of Domesticated animals treat- on scientific princi les. Equine Dentistry a {Peciajtm Regrstere in accordance with the etermary Act. Officer-Queen’s Hotel, Mlll- brook, Ont. T H. HASSARDNETERINARY SURGEON a (Graduate of the Ontario Veterinarv Col. CAUTION. RIDDELL, ARMSTRONG Sc NESBITT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc. 00 bung an Brighton. W. R. Ridden, 1%. A., k1... . A. :I.‘Arm‘strong,‘B. A‘. W. H. N_esbitt_. vs J W. FISHER, VETERINARY SURGEON, o Ofiice and residence, Baillieboro, Ont. Will be at Queen’s Hotel, Millbrook. every Saturday. MITH PRESTON (SUCCESSORS . 0 J._ A. V. Preston) Barnstere, Solicitors, Notanes, c.0fiices, Wood 8: Kells' block, Mill- brook, Ont., and Bethan on the 2d and 4th Mondays in every mon . Money to loan at lowest rates. 36 N C. MCKINNQN..M. D,, C. M., (SUCCES o sor to Dr. Aiddne) Toronto and Victoria Universities. Licentiate Royal College Sur- geons, Edinbu h, Member College Ph sicians and Surgeons, ntano. Office at A. T. liott's drug store. After office hours at Mr. Wm. Ric on’s residence, King 515., Millbrook, H A. WARD . BARRISTER, AT.TORNEÂ¥- atrLaw, Sohcltor, etc. Ofilce 1n Ontano Block, Walton Street, Port HOpe. Money to lend on the secunty of real estate. Town and (arm property for sale. ARCHIBALD WOOD, ISSUER OF MAR- RIAGE LICENSES. Millorook, Ont. JOHN GILLOTT, niture of all made. Thré'e’i‘re'T-Ho‘w'foa "7 No trouble to show oods. arg ms. Manufacturer of t e Excelsior Washing Machine. The best in the market. kL,, Undertaker and Practical Embalmer. _JQHN GILLoTT, Best of Testimofiials can be given IN BRONZE LE'ITER MARRIAGE LICENSE EACH PLUG OF THE CABINET MAKER, PROFESSIONAL IS MARKED MUSIC. ' MILLBROOK. ONT... THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1893. Blackham’ 5 hotel 1n Port Hope was burn- ed on Friday morning. _ Miss Helen Lough of Ida, will recite at the concert on Friday night, as will also Miss Lottie Cook of Cavanville. Miss Anna Sency is out of town on pléqsurzttip- _ The P, of I are salt-ing themselves for the season. They will send in their order for salt soon. Miss Annie Best was \isicinrr friends in Peter’boro last week- A play will be given in the 1.0.G. T. hall about the 4th of March. Our lodae of Good Templals eis in u healthv condition. A grae many new members havebeen added and future prospects are very encouragiljg. «llLKLLLthl scat/Actuall- Mi 5:; Matrgie Runnings has returned after a. long visit; with fliends at Madoc. W'e understand that Mr. Charles Ruther- ford has engaged a cheesemaker for the coming season. The new-comer, girls, is a marzied gentleman. Fairmount sociéty‘ of the Epworth League intend, on Tuesday evening next, visiting our society of Ch_ri§t1ax} Endeavour. The meeting of the~ Upper Canada Bible Society held in the Methodist church last \Vednesday evening was ably addressed by Rev. J. G. Manly, agept of the society. The Misses Lockhart are guests of the Misses Mills. Mrs. Ed. Courtney is steadily improving in health. Mr. Joseph Morden, is busy enough this Winter, in fact he seems to have little leisure time. Dr. Mark was away on a tour last week. We expect a. rare treat next Friday night, listening to Rev. Messrs. Young and Bloods- wort-h, of Millbrook, who will deliver ad- dresses at the Sabbath school concert. Mr; \Ym. Thexton has moved his fannly to Bobcaygeon, whither he intends going himself soon. It is' reported that our foundry will change hands soon. The Good Templars are about to build an extension to their hall, which will enable them to have a good stage. .They visited Peterboro’ lodge last week and report having had 9. good time. There were three sleigh loads, all of which, except one load, enjoyed the long drive. rfhe road through the swamp on the 12111 concession, west of the middle road, is being brushed at arapid mte. Mr. J. D. Thexton took the contract {ml is rushing‘the work to completion with all the despatch possible. We congratulate the council on getting so competent and trustworthy a man to take the jol}._ ' Mr. Joseph Rutherford has finished his ccntract for forty cords of wood for Mr. J as. McLean. The Mount Pleasant Sabbath school will hold a tea. and concert next Frlday evening. An accomplished voung vocalist, of Peter- boro’, and Mr. R. W. Chambers, a talented vocalist. of Millbrook, are to aid in the per- formance, Mr. Thompson, a Peterboro’ lumberma-n, has men engaged m a swamp near here get tinrr out ash tir her. 7| LA -AAJ 4.1..--.-_.L ‘1‘- __A_,,, A: ‘~ ‘ Miss Ella Best of Peterboro’, visited her many friends in the village this week. Mr. Thomas Best has rented Mr. T. H. Best’s farm. M}. W'ilson, late tenant Volf‘ Mr J as Hayes, has rented the farm owned by Mr. James McCall of Oxbow. Mr Thomas Gardiner has rented the farm of _.\_II. Josiah HEEL es. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ewing have left our village aftera pleasant visit, but we look forward to meeting them again before they return to Dakota. Tney, are vimt-ing Mr. Joseph Fee of Victoria Road at present. vvv. The Movements (If our Neighborsâ€"fouling and Going 0f Visitorsâ€"And» other Items. Mr. Joseph Fee of Victoria Road, has nearly all his chattels moved on the farm of M 1‘. Abraham \Vebste‘r, of which he is the present lessee. VV. VANCE. sums As cum AS EVER. JIOFNT I’LEJSJNT. '. VANCE“ Send :25 “ Sunlight” Soap wrappers (the large wrapper) to Lever Bros, Ltd., 43 Scott-st, Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty picture, free from advertising and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will 'only cost lc. postage to send in the Wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. Miss Maggie Fair. attended the annual meeting of\ F. M S. of the Peterboro’ Presbytely, last week. Mr. Charles Larmen spent Saturday and Sunday ip_Car_tw1:1_g}_1t w1th frigadrs. In the 1ist~of officers of the Centreville Court. of I. O. R, which appeared in our cor- respondence of last week, we inadvertently omitted the names of Messrs. Geo. L. Fair, Financial Sclibe, and E. Ball, Chaplain. The court meets to-night in the agricultural hall, \11. and \115. A Fallis of the Fallis line, (an an, spent Sunday at the residence of Mr. Isaac Lanner. Ccnlrcvillc. Miss Emma Earle, who is attending Pet-er- boro' Collegiate Institute, spent Saturday and Sunday under the parental roof. EVENING SESSION. 7. 30-â€"Devotional Exercises, President. 7.45â€"Pnper, “Adaptatien an Element of Success in S. S. Teaching,” Rev. W. G. Clark, B. A. 8.05â€"Discussion of the above. 8.30â€"Address, “ Christ the Model Teach- er,” Rev. J. A. Bloodsworth. 6.00â€"Address to Parents, Rev. J. Kil- 201m 4.30â€"Paper, “ Management; of a Success- ful Rural S. S.” Rev. J. Drummond, B. A. 4.50â€"Discussion of the above, 5. l5â€"Closing. 3.45â€"Conversution on Sabbath School woplfi Iecl by \V. anham, Esq. _- v mittee. 3. (Liâ€"Reports from Schools. 3. SOâ€"Report of Nominatimr Committee aild introduction and address E,ot President 6 ect. AFTER‘SOOX SESSION. 2.30â€"Dcvotional Exercises, Rev. W. H. Cook. .3.00â€"â€"Appointment of Nominating Com- (favzmvllle. The township of Gavan Sabbath school convention will be held in the Methodist church, Cavanville, on Tuesday, February 215t. Following is a copy of the pro- gramme :â€"â€" 19 l3 l4 How to Get a “ Sunlight " Picture. 10 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 13 Boodlo For The Schools From Ontario's Pro- vincial Treasury. Followinglis a list of public school‘ granfs apportioned to the schools of East Durham and South Monaqhan for the last six months of 1892 :â€" M ANVERS Elgar Staples, Yelverton” . . . \V. H. Cooper, Ballydufi' ..... Minnie Winslow, Bethany . . . Rouert Stephens, do . . . Thomas Mark, Lifl'ord ....... Edward Mitchell, Liffordi. . .. jThos. Birchard, Janetvilie . . [Minnie Can, do . . \Vm. Argue, Pontvpool ...... Robert Gilles, Pontypool. . . . Arthur MeGill, Janetville .. Arthcr Jamieson, Franklin . . . Samuel Sims, Mount Horeb . . . Maggie \V indel, Lotus ....... Gems re Dean, Pontx pool ..... I Delia Teskv, Bethanv . . . . . {Adie Staples, do ...... Union: 18 Cm an ............ Alice Hamm, New Park ..... George Marshall, Bailieboro. . . . Morley Fallis, do ...... Hattie Soden, Bcnsforb .......... Mary Creba, do ........ John Graham, South Monaghan. Maggie Camelon, Port- Hope . . Maggie Coleman, \Vesleyville Florella Pearce, Port Hope. . . . Jennie Fanning, Welcome ..... Maud McCallum, \Velcome. . . . Minnie J ollifi‘e, Charlecote . . . . Sarah A. Robinson, Rossmount Fred Philp, Canton .......... Ada Bickell, Port Hope ..... W'm. L. Dodds, Osaca ........ Rosa. Henderson, Bewdléy . . . . Jean H. Dodds, Perrytown... .. Mary Tamblyn, Elizabethville Alice Hamill, Bailieboro ...... Fred Harcourt. Garden Hill . . Louis Flemin? Garden Hill. . . Amelia. Deyel , do do. . . . Sophia Trull, Elizabethville. . wâ€"Franklin. . . .. . . J as. Denny, Mount Pleasant, Lottie Cook, _Springville . . . . â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Ida. ..... . . . . Thos. W. McLean, Ida. . . . ;. Victoria Sharpe, Cavan ..... Anna M. Fair, Millbrook Minnie Hewson, Frazerville Jennie McAllister, Millbrook David Hampton, (10 Mrs. E. E. \Vard, do Beaver Van Hoznreigh do \Villhelmina Robinson, do Maggie Lucas, do Charles Thorndyke, do Sam Elson, do Union, 11 Manvers. . . . . . . Union, 5 South Mona‘ghan. . Union, 1 South Monaghan .. PFBLIC SCHOOL GRANTS. SOUTH MONAGKAN. HOPE. CAVAN $134 00 $440 00 ‘ v.3 ,. a.) $182 00 ' 20 70 SO 40 14 70 40 70 2'2 75 15 80 23 30 26 20 44 30 Mrs. Wm. Moyse fell off a chair recently and was badly hurt. ‘ h Mr. John Retallick of Oakwood is visiting ere. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Jewel of Rochester, are the gu_e§t.s of Mr. Retallick. Samuel'Liggett-J has taken to himself a. life partner. We wish him prosperity. There are a number of others who should follow his_ example. 4 Mrs. \Valsh and her two sons _ha.ve re- turned home after visiting friends in Cavan and Emily_. Perrytown. The Patrons here held an “ at home ” re- cently and an enjoyable evening was spent. ‘ The programme consisted of speeches, read- ings and music. Messrs. Ernest Wilson: Leslie Kelly and Geo. Caldwell took a prom- inent part by rendering selections on th Violin, organ and mouth organ. Speeche were made by J. H. Gardiner, S. J. McEL my and \Vm. Kelly, after which the inne man was provided for by the ladies, and we can vouch for the fact that '_this was one of the leading features of the programme. The musical part was again taken up, when Montfort Wilson (the pork king) sang a. song, followed by Mrs. Corbett with another song. The meeting then closed after singing “ God Save the Queen.” There was the largest market Saturday morning that We have had since Christmas. There .was a very large supply of fresh meat offered, and beef sold at 5 to 6230. per lb. ; pork at 9 and 10c.; lamb 9 and 10; mutmn 7 to 8; veal 6 to 8; turkeys 10 to 14¢. per 1b.; chickens 50 to 800. per pair ; geese 65 to $1 each; eggs ‘23 to 230. per (102; butter 20¢. per lb potatoes 750. per bag; frozen white fish and salmon trout 100. per 115.; Devon- shire cream 20 to ‘25 cents per 11). Guide, The grain market- is by no means brisk, but still there is a steady sale. Wheat and oats are the principal grains offered. Sat- urday’s quotations are: Spring wheat, (35c. (standard), fall 71c., Standard, oats 310., small peas 55 to 600., rye 450., buckwheat, considerable, offering 43 to 45. A few loads of hay sold at, $8 while a large number of loads of straw were disposed of at $3 per load and very rapidly too. A gigantic quantity of beef on sale but the market was dull, selling from $5 to $5.50 per cwt. front quarter, and $5.50 to $6.50 hind quarter. Potatoes not a great many offered, sold at 70 to 750. per bag, while apples sold all the way from 50 cents up to $1.00, but prin- cipally at 70, 75, and 800. )Ir.:J0hn Kin- caid is still buying apples for shipment at $1.50 per barrel; onions :25 to '30 per peck, beets 15¢. per peck, carrots 15c, per peck, cabbage 5c. per head, lamb. sold at S, 9 and 100. by the quarter,dressed pork sold at $8.00 per cwt. There was a large supply of butter selling from 20 to 25 cents. per 1b., but prin- cipally at :22 to 23c.; eggs were not so plen- tiful and sold from '23 to 280., the prices ranging considerably. Chickens went from 50 to 60c; turkeys from 80c. to $1.25 and $1.50. No ducks were offered. The supply of poultry was a choice one. Examiner That this county lodge takes this oppor- tunity to congratulate our most worshipful grand master and sovereign, Bro. N. C. Wallace, on his promotion to the post of Con- troller of Customs of this Dominion, believing that his great ability fully qualify him for the discharge of the onerous duties of the office to which he has been called, and desire further to place on record our disapproval of certain statements that have been made t(» the effect that he should not have accepted the said office because persons of other re- ligious faiths would thereby he associated with him in the government of our county. Such a. doctrine we believe to he contrnrv to the spirit of Orangeism and detrimental to the best interests of Canada. That whereas, certain persons are said to be engaged 1n propagating in certain locali- ties 1n this Dominion sentiments favorable to annexation of this country to the United States, be it resolved that the county lodge herewith expresses its contempt f01 all such traitorous work and places again on record its unswen ing loyalty to the empire to which we belong, and its faith 1n the Cana. dian constitution which we believe to be the freest system of government in the wo1ld. [lave No Place for Annexationistsâ€"tom "gnltulmions for Hr. Wallace. At 'the County Orange lodge meeting held at Port Hope last'week, the following officers . were elected for the current year :â€" C. M. â€"Thos Leith. C. D. M.â€"R.‘ H, Holland. C. Chapâ€"Robb. Vance. C. Seeâ€"E. J. W. Burton. C. Treas.-â€"Robt$haw. F. Sec.â€"James Evans. D. of C.â€"J. J. Preston. C. Lec.â€"â€"James \Vilson. Dep. Sec.â€"Henry White. Dep. Leoâ€"Geo. Sayer. The following resolutions were adopted : Moved by T. B. Collins, seconded by Joseph Thorndyke. Moved by T. B. Collins, seconded by J as.‘ Johnston. EAS T I) URHA J! ORA NC EJIEN. Port [lope Market. l’e! (-rboro Mal-km. java max

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