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Millbrook Reporter (1856), 16 Feb 1893, p. 4

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w Special KELLS, FUWLEB 80. Will offer the halanee of their Stock of Short Mantles at exactly HALF PRIDE. We are opening out a beauti- ful line of those Celebrated Stan- ley Cloths for ladies’ suitings. GALL AND SEE THEM. Kells, Fowler Go. THE duty on binder twine was re- duéed on Tuesday from 25 per cent to 1210. per cent and the duty on coal oil Was reduced by two cents per gallon. R. R. ELLIOT, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR A SOCIETY is being formed in Co‘ bourg for the prevention of cruelty to animals. The chief of police will be instructed the first thing to pull Coun. Hobart. Ebe {IDiIIbrook 1kepo-rter. Ax al‘eged conservative writes to the Peterboro Examiner, suggesting the formation of a McCarthy club. in that town. The Examiner, would like no ,better fun. Anything to corral a few misguided tories, you know. SIR RICHARDCARTWRIGHT supported a. government that placed a duty of twenty five cents on coal oil in 1868, and now he thinks a government that keeps on a-duty of seven cents are rob- bers. It’s a. great head that Sir Rich. ard has, sir. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 16, 1893. will be unnecessary to appeal to the breakers at home. THERE is a certain resemblance be- tween Russia and the United States. Both are land-hungry and aggressive in foreign policy. Both are liable to outbreaks of internal savagery. Both have a people which in many respects appear to detest the restraints of law and order. In both are visible what Sir John Macdonald once called the ‘° struggles of a fierce democracy.” SVHAT a winter of disasters on the sea this has been. Vessels have been wrecked on every ocean and the strong- est specimens of modern steamship construction have not been missing 1 from the list of accidents. The British navy has sufi‘ered‘to some extent, but the great loss of life and property has been upon the passenger trafiie of the Orient. Many minor accidents occa sioning a. great deal of anxiety however, occurred to the Atlantic steamers from time to time, happily up to the present unmarked by loss of life. The immunity, we deeply regret to record, has now been broken in the case of the Canadian steamer Pomeranian, from the Clyde to New York, the gallant- captain of the steamer being among the victims. Tne first and second. offi- cers were likewise swept away, and the manner in which the third ofiicer showed himself equal to the situation is certainly a most- creditable testi-w monial to the etficient manner in which the command of ocean navigation continues to be appointed, » This able seaman deserves well in the ()me Of his employers and of his brother officers .‘ I. in every sea. Nominations for the Boeveehip on Friday -â€" Skating Carnival â€"- Grand Dramatic Entertainmentâ€"Change of Business. Toâ€"morrow, Friday, nominations will be received by the township: clerk of the office of Reeve, and if there be more than one nomination, the elect-ion will take place on Friday of next week. It is expected that a, contest will again take place between Messrs. Kennedy and Wilson, and if that should occur, it will’be more than a warm fight. A skating carnival will beiheld at the rink on Friday evening of this week. when a number of handsome prizes will be offered for competition. -\ .a "A_LA___ On Tuesday next the Bethany amateur club will present the play “ Under the Gas- Light ” in the town hall here. 'l'he play is an excellent one, and in the hands of our more than usually proficient amateurs a first- class entertainment is assured, There will no doubt be a crowded house. uv \‘V‘va vv .- v-- .. \Ve understand ofii‘wpgfiular younw :cibizen M r. Chas. McCarthy has disposes of his business to Mr. Dawkins of Port-Hope. Zion. Owing to the fine weather on Sunday morning the church was pretty ‘5 e11 filled The ilisscs Martha, Mary and Maggie “"hibtington and their brother William of Bensford, and Miss Laura and Thomas Trusket, of N. W. T. spent Sunday in this \‘iqihity. _ .5. ‘ g A ‘A‘r‘ -..A -1- ...: +1. v Ava.¢.nv - J Miss Mary Richards spent last week with Miss Brock. Miss Bella. Armstrong visited this place last Sunday. Miss May Brown, was sick IS recovering slowly. Miss Bertha Brock returned home on Mlolnday after a. few weeks visit at Newton- v1 e. . Mr. A. Pethick is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. H. Hubbard._ n“‘1o 1. ALI-Ls). .A.-u a.-. .--.-,.,v..--_ H M r. Gr. Simpson and sister, of Fallis Line, spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. \V. J. Pritchard. Next. meeting 9f the Patrons will be held‘ on Thursday evening, 16th inst., in the usual place. ' ' Upon Beeeipt mm with your name and address, we win forward you Agents’ Outfit and EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS LIST OF HANDSOME PRIZES, WHICH ARE GIVEN IN MANY CASES BELOW COST . . . IN EVERY LOCALITY. WRITE EARLY. This is a chance for the Young Folk. WEEKLY GLOBE. balance I892 FREE. {Sabinetmaker Farm Prcperty PURSUANT to the judgment herein with the approbation of C. A. \Veller, Esquire, Local Master of the High Court of J lxstice at. Petcrborough, there will be offered for sale at poulter's hotel. Pontypeol station of the CPR. 1n the Township of Manvers, on Rec 5 on hand a lar e stock of COFFINS, CA KETS and a1 kinds of Undertakers’ Goods. Bedroom, Parlor and all other kinds of Furniture, hand-made, at lowest prices. A .12?” Do not fail to can and see him, 1-1y. at three o‘clock in the afternoon, by Richard Wallis, auctioneer. the following valuable prop- erty in the Township of Manvers, in the County of Durham, namely: Lot number fifteen in the first concession of the said township (except 14 acres on the northeast corner thereof, havmg a frontage of ten chains on the conccssion line and fourteen chains on the side line), containing 186 acres more or less. About. 86 acres are cleared and fits for cultivation. On the premises argthree dwelling houses and two barns. n,,_n-.: -1--.-+ 4-."1- nmfl n'nn Friday, March 17, ’93 LU Lulu!) uvvynnAub ..vumvu â€"â€".. _ The properiy is situated about two and one | half miles from Pontypool station and about I four mile; from Manvers station on the Canadi- mLPaciflc Bailway’ THOMAS GILLOTT, :. Ten per cen_t. down at time of sale and the balance withm thirty days thereafter without interest. The other terms are those of the High Court of Justlce. Further information can be obtained from John Burnham, barrister, Peterborough, and Messrs. Hagen 8.: Wood, barristers, Peterbor- There will be a. feserv ed bid. the High Court of Justice, Chancery Divisionâ€"Brown v. Lunn- THE GLOBE,Toronto. En the Townthip of “givers BETHA. '1'. WeWant Agents :bruzu-y, 1893. (Sgfi) _ C. AL‘IVELLER.‘ Undertaker, TERMS. Mastei zit Peterboroug’h C P. _ WATFORD. ACCOUNTANT AND asexgnee. Books opened and closed. Ac- counts collected. Assignments taken 1n charge and all detalls completed. Sgeoml attention glven to book-keeper’s work w ere services of a. permanent. book-keeper are .not required. Commumcetlons from ineighbormg towns ro- celve prompt attention and ser'nces in such places pendormed moderatetly and satisfac- . own _-b.u- aim-an? A RATES... Poi Royalflliefitric [in Erick-ad, Incandescent EIPCtric Lighting, Electric Motors and Generators. , , comiéfoas sa'BUILnERscF ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER STATIONS Throughout the Dominion. 54 to 70 Wellington St: manmws RGAGH man “01' A 90580" FAIAL TO Cocxaoncnss [in WATER Buss. mm, mm a, 903, Sole Proprietor of the LION brand of goods. All goods bearing this trade marl; pro p_1_1re. ‘ nnA__A- Inn-nu nu...- â€"_ . ,_. -. PORT. Lion Brand, Ancantc. PORT, Lion Brand, “A" Roussil- “an. SHERRY Lion Brnnd.]'n1i- do. Sammy, {Lion 13mm, Mana- nnma- CLARET, Lion Brand, “A." Wmsmay Lion Brand, Lion Rye. 213x19? DY, Lion Brand, Lion Er.“ c 0. â€"_'V:WI;'.OLES.ALE WENE§ 3PER5T MERCHANT. Agent for John Robertson Sons Scotch Whiskey: James Ferguson Sons, Glasgow; Bonnet Delamnin J mac- Cc-gnac, France. Cu‘mp‘xuma, Vin do E’rincess, Vin d’Eto Write us if not kept by your Dmgg‘lst. DOLLARS when is has proved a. £35111; I! THE GENTBE OF THE BUSIHESS PART 0F THE CITY 0N NOTRE -DA.ME ISTBEET CONVENIENT-$0 {RJIL DEPOTSA‘KD STEAMBOU‘ $15M!“ Electric Oars Pass the Door. EVERY MODERNV IMPROVEMENT MONTREAL Sole M1213; 579 8: 581 St» Paul Street, MONTREAL. WAN: PAPER FACTORY 4-!6 St W.SNOW, Feathgvf Repaired, 1913 Notre Dame During 1893 THE SUN will be of surpass- ing excellence and will print more pure literature than ever before in its history. SIEHcaLs, STEEL sfiiflafis, mas, m. G. W. DAWSO N, Sendfor Prices, 749 Craig Before Using Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the World. :â€"TEEâ€"â€"_â€" Price 50. a copy. Daily, by mail, - - - - Daily and Sunday, by mail, Address, THE SUN, mumim . LIQBBI mus 1935:4333 PUMPS ! SOME Mmmwms v. GORDON 2c 00., 7_ cm s . AULD, The Sun. Manufactures all kinds of Pumps and can satisfy you both in, style and price. \Ve make a specialty of the now well known which, wherever used with its latest improvement calls forth wonderful praise. It is the only pump on the market that can be changed so as to throw either a light or heavy stream of water. You should see it before purchasing. ___ r- . A _:__ J3mnun‘sl- n+1y1na 3001‘ a. suns MiaTamflungns DEHORNlflG GLIPPERS S. KIMBALL, , ,,A_.__â€"_ us VMW~â€"_â€" , C We manufacture six difi‘erent styles of wooden pumps and handle every (19- sign of Canadian and American iron pugps. y“u1.l~' If you are 111 need of a pump call and see us before purchasing. It Will pay you. Millbpook, - - Ontario EVERYBODY NEEDS A PUMP. Emma 5mm mm. . STEPHENS, Wholesale, Beaudry St. “Vowâ€"v -_, 2.3;; wgfer gtlfeet. deressfi MONTREAL Lewis, - Proprietor EUREKA PUMP, The Sunday 5111] CANADA muss rAcmnv Est. 1855. F. GROSS, Prop. Appliances for all kinds of Phy- sical Deformiticst Gross’ Improved Pat. Artificial Limbs, â€"-- Sand for â€"-â€"- PRICE LIST and CIRCULARS 712 Craig Streets, Montreal RATES: 81.50 to $2.00. Paul Street, fiflgontreal. 5 :by your Dmggist. We wm g-lve FIFTY has proved a. failure if properly applied. '. WI GREEN, Prices Right . GREEN {11:13. BROWN: SPICE maximum. By mail, $2 a. year . - - $6 a year ail, - - $8 a year PUMPS ! New York. (301 St. Paul 577 Craig 759 Craig 5.9M. :55! Robes, Whips, The Finest and Newest Printing Material To be Found in Ontario. The VERY BEST WORK N EVERY LINE. IT IS NEAT. And it i Equal to the Best City Work in Every Respect. SALE BILLS BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, CIRCULARS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS, DODGERS, BAILIEBOBO MARKET. Qver Elliott’s Drug Store, The destruction by fire of the old plant necessitated a comlpete new outfit. and the one we have enables us to turn out ' We have whips of all kinds and we are almost giving‘them away. From l0c_ up. YOU CAN ALWAYS HAVE THEM HOME WITH YOU. Everything in .bhe shone will be 561d at pmces to suit the times. In this line it is only necessary to see the goods :{and get prices and you are sure to buy.’ I am bound to clear {out my present stocl fiRobes and you are sure ofabargainJ EVERYTHING IN FACT, IN OUR LINE. . PARKE R. IT IS PRETTY. 93%? ,; IS SUPPLIED WITH :â€" 2v $4 R. R. ELLIOT, 2? A71 A SPECIATTY. IT IS CHEAP. Proprietor. of PETE 4% _BUSâ€"â€"} :BfiL A thorough Busine: school. Competition 1731‘ Medals. The 70 mailed free. Geo. 5.1 A. Blanchard. Charm: are the Princinals. Visit in: in the guest of Miss L Miss \Vynn of 1" her friend, Miss M: -â€"Miss Eakins ha visit. with relative: -â€"Miss Graham ( 112 Mrs. Alfred Ra â€"-A carnival v as on Tuesday evening -A special mee held on Friday evq .Ovcxgaitcrs f ed the correct thi; .- mplace of the 01“: are light. we rm, 1 get them at T. B. the reach of =11. â€".\Iiss Burton c conmanv Saturday company Eatu‘ cousin, Miss 3 -â€"You can have shoes neatly re; rubber cement for __The Cobour: year last week cheerful countena‘ Try one. â€"â€";\Iiss Alice Sound, who has it Stanton‘s. remrx Suhjec ._.R, J. Doak h: the Premier razor is a world beater reeves 0: Hum Tuesday 11611 separating “ 13‘ â€"â€"Re\'. J o‘nu Po‘ tat-y of Education wili preach in 12 church on Sunday -â€"i{cv. L. u. a lecture in the )1 Thursday, Feb. :25 Suhiect. “ Humz‘. __I am seliil 1.; Cd cash for the ba‘ coal is good. Shh ever before. “'- “315.00 per w‘ sponsible person ‘ present us in 5' Canadian Music Toronto, Ontario- â€"â€"We are glad t probability of the {true Blues here V of good material shall be pleased ' and subsequent x; the co: nmuniu. do this. he (3‘ means, does mor other ten men, " man, he ought t 1am] mmer is th local paper is In: munity can main mth great facts, a benefit then ‘00 Editors do 11:01 any other man 01 \Iiss libel Ska. UflMPfl' HDKE couqns TO‘WF 12168 ONLY ac‘n yea )urhan‘ 'e tether ‘- Lin" __ ( ‘ thesel (in)

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