Those Commissioners Again. - Port Hope Guide. The ï¬rst meeting of the East Durham license board was held Saturday morning in the chairman’s oï¬ibe. President, Geo. \Vilv son,b .Caldw ell, F. Mulligan and Inspector Powers. \ DEAFNESS AND NOISES IN THE HEAD permanently cured by a new abso- lutely genuine system. The most extraor- flinary cases have been successfully treated. Full particulars†with copies, of splendid testimoniflsmst free. Herbert Clifton, 51, Upper Kep-ngton Lane, London, S. E. 6-] y 513$th {11; ï¬rst in czicFElaEs in Eli'zéggrh: ville school for January :â€" Jr. IV.â€"Mabel Beatty. Sr. Illâ€"Thomas Sowden, Marshall Mc- Milla11_,_\"illie Bqapty: -4 Sr. II.â€"Annie McMillan, Edna Tamblyn, Jennie Tamblyn. Jr. II. â€"Eli Harris, Ethel Harris. Mr. Caldwell gave notice of a. motion that. he would at the next meeting introduce a. resoluting requestion the Ontario govern- ment to amend the liquor license law, so, that no one could sell cider by the glass, un- less the holder of a. tavern license. This Was to meet a complaintthat many persons get. boozy by buying cider at. Athe grocery stores, and it was difï¬cult for the Inspector to reach such cases. The board adjourned until Saturday, March 4th. ‘ Mr. Caldwell, Mr W'ilson was elected chair- man and Inspectm Powers, secretary for the current year. Mr. J. E. Hodgson, high school inspector spent Wednesday of last week inspecting the work, equipment and general manage- ment, of the Omemec school. He expressed himself as highly pleased with the condition of affairs and stated that our school was equal to any two-mastered school in the pro- vince. His ofï¬cial report will be forwarded to the board of education in a day or two. Omemee. Isaac Graham, 8. Bethany boy appointed station agent here. Fire in Lindsay About? .30 o clock W cdnesday morning of last week the Sy ndicate store, of Messrs. Patterson Co , Kent street was in an up- roar. The ï¬re had just been started, when ï¬e pipes fell down with a. crush, and the flames from the burning cedar burst out on all sides. ï¬lling the premices with smoke ï¬re almost instantly. Messrs. Patterson. and St. Lawrence were prompt to act. The stove has cairied outside and a. plentiful supply of water being on hand the blaze Was soon quenched, without the ï¬remen be- ing called. Considerable damage was done by both ï¬re and water and the loss will robably reach $500 which is fully covered 1 y insurance. Pt. II. â€"La.ura. McMillan, George Powell, Sr. pt. I. â€"Harry Palmer. Jr. pt, I â€"â€"Dg.1_xcan {Icyiflan The aver .ge of the colecsb dayâ€" 4 ° ,9â€" has oan been exceeded three times during the same period; 1853 on the 23rdâ€" 14 ° ,,4 1866 on the 7thâ€"â€"9°5 " and in 1882 on the 23rd â€"10°,.2 During the past month the minimum thermometet has registered tem- peratures below zero on 8 days. 0 ° to 5 ‘3 on 8 digsand fxom 5D to 10° on "days. ‘ January Was a Record Breaker For Cold Weather. The past month was :he coldest January as far as the record shows with the single ex- ception of 1857, when the average only reached 12 C ,8, or about ‘2 ‘3 colder. J an., 3888. was nearly as cold as the past month, its average being 15 ° . The lowest point- reached by the thermometer in the cold spell on the lth, 17 c .8 below zero, has been sur- passed foux' Limes m the half century ; 1849 -AA -.__ 3â€"130, 6. 1857â€"203, -, 1859â€"26" ,'5 and JBZ§â€"IS°,4. mizapethvmc. thqjonmliyg are the names in order of On motion of Mr. Mulligan, seconded By eminence soar has been in use in Windsor Castle for the past 3 years, and its manufacturers have been specially appointed (TOLI)E:§’T 3(71' ONE IN A CENTURY: Used according to directions, it does away with all the old-tastiened drudgery of wash my. Try it; you won’t be disappointed. {This world-renowned Soap stands at the head of an Laundry and Household Soap, both :9: quality and extent of sales. Awarded 11 Gold Medal MARY C. TAMBLYN‘, Teacher. has been w mnemco, CAL. 4 LOUISVILLE.- KY NEW YORK; H. Y. Both the method and Syrup 01’ Figs is takï¬ni; and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidne 3, Liver and. Bowels, cleanses thejé‘; tem eï¬ec.ually, dispels colds, heads} aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup o£ Figs ism-the only remedy of its kind ever. pro- duced, pleasing to the taste aï¬d ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneï¬cial in its eï¬bctsg, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its 1 many excellent qualities commend it i to all and have made it the :sosti popular remedy known. 1 ____l â€" Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750 bottles by all leading druggists. Any reliable druggist Who may not have it on hand Will rocure it promptk' For any one W 0 Wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the Pain-Killer is a purely Vegetable prepara- tion, safe to keep and to use in every family The simplicity attending its use together with the great variety of diseases that may be entirely eradicated by it, and the amount ofpain and suffering that can be alleviat- ed through its use, make it imperative upon every person to supply themselves with this valuible remedy, and keep it always near at hand. Ask for the New Big 25. Bottle. Membray’s Kidney and Liver Cure has been dispensed by a prominent chemist and druggist for years, and hundreds of his customers have freely testiï¬ed to the bene- ï¬cial effects, and wonderful cure of Kidney and Liver complaints. Ask your druggist for it. For sale by A. LEACH : Millbrook. CALIFOREHA FIG SYRUP m, If a. current report be correct, large numbers of ï¬sh are being taken from the waters in this vicinity. In fact it seems the sport (2) is carried on every winter, in open deï¬ance of the law, which seems to be as much of a. dead letter in the matter as; it is in some others before mentioned in these columns. ' Where does the inspector keep himself, an) way, while this kind of work is going on ? is a. question a good many people are asking. Omemce Recorder. Now that the Port Hope town hall has been burned, the Guide is in for a. division of the counties, with the county buildings at Port Hope. To secure this. the reeves of all the municipalities in Durham will have unanimously to agree fer three consecu- tive years to separate, as required by law. Then our sister town will have Bowmanville to the west, and Millbrook to the north to buck against- before she is chosen for the county town. Then the town will have to expend $100,000 in putting up the neces- sary county buildings. So thatall things con- sidered, our dear little sister hamlet to the west had better drop her ambition to be- come a big metropolis like Cobourg and be known to the world by the distinguishing title of county town. . She Isn’t In It, Anyway. Cobourg Sentinel-Star. Class eIV.â€"Florence Wyatt, Maggie Moore Gertie Veals. Sen. III.â€"Lisgar Moore, James Roddy. J uniar III .â€"Susan Wyatt, Minme Ken- nedy,. Junior ILâ€"Stanley Kennedy, Anna. Moore, ‘Wm. Kennedy. Part II.â€"-Gertie Wyatt, Ethel Veals, \V'esley Sanders. Cedar Valley. Following w-as the standing of the pupils of SS S‘N.o 12 on January 31st: â€" On Monday night of last- wcek, Mr. James McHolme, near Charlecotte, in the township of Hope, had his'barn broken into and his granary robbed of Sixty bushels of cleaned wheat and between ten and twenty bushels of oats, a. black goat sleigh robe, also acoon robe were taken at the same time. The robes are valued at $20. Mr. McHolme thinks he knows the thieves. Port Hope Guide. The Port Hope' council has rcceiveg1$8r 836 in settlement of their insurance clmm on the loss of the town hall. Lindsay had three ï¬res on Friday last. The Queens hotel was destroyed, as were also tn 0 other buildings in other localities. uems or Interest Glenned n-om olu- Ex- changes. Hall, Gilchrist Co. will‘succeed Hall, Innes 8.: Co , in their Peterboro’ business. A freight carsmash nearPort. Britaincaused a. delay of several hours to all trafï¬c on the G. T. R., \Vednesday of last week. The agricultural society’s building in Barrie has been destroyed by ï¬re. There was a large attendance at the Has- tings races. Items 0! Interest Illegal Fishing. DISTRICT NE W8. Thieves in Hope. EMMA E. WARD, Teacher. residents of Mill rook and vicinity that he has opened 8. Photograph Gallery in the village and W111 be pleased to receive orders for all kinds of PHOTOGRAPHS. CARTES DE VISITE, CABINET, etc., in the best style of the art and at rock bottom pricss. @HE subscriber be s to announce to the Any person requiring a thoroughly reliable article in the above line can procure the very best, from H. ‘ New 950er at†H Deyell’ S corner. {hp Wines 8:: Which can be t‘archaséd cheaper thEm at any other how 9 in towm for cash. DRY GOODS, axe PHGTOGRAPH axe GALLERY. LANG ’57?) Has always on hand a Bpots é" Shoes,iï¬rocer!es, c. ASK roa THE New “8162575801712†J Lead] 1'0“ aï¬aek ana CUREW SELECT STOCK, F. W. PEAGY, . “nu-v»..â€" :5Xv111'r'h; PINE a; Effâ€"Râ€? delay bu‘i’gflm a bottle, of boï¬le, of 332.13 Davis' w} BRONGHITIS, AND ALL DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND ;; LUNGS. a um Killer ARTIST, Liquors. anrk be. Ontario. ‘\\ REPAIRING A'_SPEcIALTv. Best Make 0f Watches in Gold And Silver Buy your Robes and Blankets Where you can have the largest stock and best assortment to select from.- Our large Stock must be cleared out. Prices catch you every time. Watches and Jewellery. Fall Supplies 398 George Street, Peterboro’. Opposite McKee Davidson. Handsome “ Daisy †Sleigh Free With every Boi’é Suit or Overcoat. Fine «2%â€" TaiIUII-leade L Clothing OFM>W=£D m>rm O-u W0<m. O<mm00>fl9 HARDWARE. A Fine Line Sell direct to their customers at Close . J. GARDINER. Glass, Big- Reduction in all Boys’ _ar=clALTY. ‘ LARGE STOCK OF SPECTAGLES OPPOSITE TOWN HALL, MILLBROOK. .. v we “wwmmcu w ulwnu a mean sweep of every Boys Suit and Overcoat. We made up a very heavy stock of Boys! Clothing for this winter. From now out we give away Boys. Qvercoats at the following prices : New Heavy Overcoat, $1.50 ; Heavy Tweed Overcoat, $1.75 to $2.50; 23 different styles of Boys’ Caped Overcoats, in Meltons, Etoï¬e and Tweeds; Heavy Navy Caped Overcoats, $1.50 5 better quality Melton $1.75 Heavy Tweeds, $2 3 Etofl‘e, Melton '3., $2.50 3 one lot of ï¬ne diff AA HA GRAFTON CO. BOYS’ SUITS FROM $1.25, ‘ $1.50, $1.75, 1 =\, 7% $2.00, '5' >1 $2.50; $2.59, $3.00, AND [VPâ€"SEE THEM. _.MAN UFAGTURERS OF- of Platedware at Lowest Pmees. HAS ON HAND A FINE LINE OF For House and Farm. GENERAL Paints, ms at Close \Vholesale price; twenty-ï¬ve per cent. Lanterns, T. B. JENKINS; †SUITS BOYS’ Clothing. '. E. canw, is, thus saving them Manager.