ity Melton $1.75 ’; one lot of ï¬ne dig:l SPECTAOLES :5 7 give away Boys “'7 Overcoat, $1 50; difl‘erent styles of id Tweeds; Heavy on can have select from.- ’Pices catch every Bo§’§ Baum. of eight diï¬â€˜eréné 1 the that 300135. from 75c. to $2,50 thus saving them 'S 8: BOYS’ d Silver Clothing Farm. Manager. Don’t miss this opportunity to buy TEAS cheap, as we have the best values in Teas to be had anywhere, No puï¬â€"but solid facts. Call and get sam- ples and judge for yourself. For The Next 30 Days Great Bargains in Teas mg DEVELL’S. market. They Will be Sold at the Low- est Possible Prices. (2‘? Also agent for the Brantford buggies and‘the Bain waggon. The best in the '1' TEAS, ETTTTTTTTTTTIfTTTTTTTTTTTTT TEAsé TEAS, AQ\'erL1§UmcxiL.~‘ 011‘ two to thgec lines, such as Lost. House t9 Let. Servant VS anted, c.. 50c. tor ï¬rs: insertion. $1. per month. Locaï¬â€"A}! notices, excepting that of enter- tainments :91“ which the printing is done by this ofï¬ce. . cents per line each insertion. Slack line locals 25 cents per line. 38‘ No charge will be made for locals less than 25 cents. ï¬Legal Notices 8 CentQ .‘ . ,. ,_ '- ~ Der hn .. - A . and 1 cent: per lmc each aubsegugf‘attiilxlzgfégg? Professional CardS 5 l‘ . , I . - year, 33 for 51x mouths. Deb and under, $0 per Advertisemenn of F- . . , ‘ arms 3. $1, each aab>c€1uent m0nth, 7T5? £33231}; month Advggxsegnems of Stray Anim 1‘ Q three Hummus. a 5» w1 for Advertisements 0f two to three line: such as Â¥9~ Lost. House to Let s - - for ï¬rs: insertion. $1.85.;32f031‘3mted’ 3‘0" 50c. kinds of Harness. ALEX. FERGUSON, ; THURSDAY MORNING i 1 yr. rolumn'. f 3:10 00 Beautiful Finish TERMSâ€"$1.00 PER R. DEYELL, ADVERTISING RATES : Alex. Ferguson, . R. ELLIOT‘ Blankets from $1.00 up 1800 IS PUBLISL: ‘8 Y. Millbrook. EVERY D ANXUM. DJIE‘EW HABNESfl SHOP.: @Farmers and others havirlé anyâ€" thing to sell will do well to call and see me. Highest prices and Square dealing. throughout the winter, when I will pay the highest cash price ,for produce, such asiifgiiivl of all kinds, buck wheat, oats, butter, eggs, tallow, lard, hides, sheep- skins, wool, and scrap iron, or give in exchange dry goods, groceries, tmware, coal oil, flour and meals of all kinds I have pleasure in informing the farmers of this Vicinity that I have opened a market in the village of Millbrook, which will be held every Wednesday Feeeneee, ; MILLBROOK ‘ ï¬e MARKET 9% VVVUA‘ L‘xL‘J. ALVU U assignee. Books opened and closed. Ac- counts collected. Assignments taken in charge and all details completed. ‘ eeial attention given to book-keeper‘s work w ere services of a permanent book-keeper are not required. Communications from ’neighboring towns re- ceive prompt attention and services in such places performed modemtetly and satisfac- tory. tï¬ce: 379 water street. Address, Post ofï¬ce box 125, Peterooro. Ont. 7 -6m My W“â€" T B. COLLINS .8: CO., BANKERS, MILL- . o BROOK. Famncrs’ and other collection of sale and other notes a. specialty. Loans made on real estate. No commission harged. Oï¬ice, north side of King Street. Referenceâ€"(human Bankrot Commerce. __ " nvu VUULWI Inlqu Pemberton, Pro essor o Munro, Master 0 R0 8.1 School of Infan: now prepare to receive (pupils, mental, at his residence, ‘enter instruction at any hour. Orders Musical instruments of any a1 promptly attended to. ,‘_-__. “an...“ gun “.91 DL’LUIAL Do attention given to thepreservation of the natural teeth. Nitrous Oxzde Gas for the pain- less extraction of teeth. Good work guaranteed. Will be at Bethany the 2nd and 4th Mondavs or each month. Pontypool lst and 3rd Monaays. M brook, 011E H. HASSARD,VETERINARY SURGEON 0 (Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Col- lage.) Diseases of Domesticated animus treat- 8 on scientiï¬c principies. Equine Dentistry 11 s ecialty. Registered In accordance with the eterinary Act. Ofliceâ€"Queen’s Hotel. Millâ€" brook, {\nr u 0 Ofï¬ce and ésidence,Baill be at Queen‘s tel, Millbrook, , ....... ;cv-‘u u. nnobll‘l‘, I; Barristers. hSolicitors. Notaries, etc" Co hour and Brighton. ‘3’ R. Ridden, B. A. Lï¬A .LArmstr011g,lB. A. W'. H. Nesbitt B. A. First- -cl ass loans laced. Money loaned and invested. Mercanti o collections made and general law business. A. WARD, BARRISTER, ATTORNEY- at Law, Solicitor, etc. Ofï¬ce in Ontario Block. “'alton Sgreet, Port HOpc. Money to lend on the secumty of real estate. Town and farm property for sale. 7 ï¬__..._ u .... IOWest 'i-atea. SMITH 8r. PRESTON (SUCCESSORS . - J. A. V. Preston) Barrlsters, Solicitors, hotaries, ,c.0fl.‘ices, \\"00d 8; Kells’ block, Mill- brook, mm, and Bethany on the 2d and 4th Mondays in every month. Money to loan at lfln'nflf. m fog on , _- _.--....-.uv-‘. d‘Lu u,, u. m... ‘DUUUL‘S .L‘ o sor to Dr. Aiddrie) Toronto and Victoria Universities. Licentiate Royal College Sur- geons, Edinburoh, Member College Ph rsicians and Surgeons, (3ntario. Oï¬lce at A. T. ‘lliott’s _ store. After ofï¬ce hours a._t’Mr. W'm. c ardson‘s residence, King st., Millbrook, > 7 I Undertaker and Practical Embalmer. RCHIBALD W'OOD, ISSUER 0F RIAGE LICENSES. Millorook, 01 igneps constantly on hand a. large Jack of Fur- agture of an kinds. Three large showrooms. .\0 trouble to show goods. Manufacturer of the Excelsior Washing Machine- Th.) heat in Hun m--Iâ€.; , __-vu..v “AUUB HOP Machine. Thevï¬est' m the market. JOHN Gm JOHN GlLLQTT, In-IA__1, r. . WATFORD, AACCQUNIANT :2IOI'\An hA-L-r IDDELL, ARWISTRORIG‘ 8: NESBITT! r Rnrm‘cfgm Q ........ Best of Testimonials can W. FISHER, VETERINARY SURGEON} Ofï¬ce and esideng‘gii351j‘llieboro, Qnt. \Vill . On ooh‘c «an n r .CLARKE. L. D. A... DENTIST SPECIAL ’2th .lnn on 13an .1 ....... c. MchINNQN. M. MARRIAGE LICENSEE . PAYNE. £19411]:th PUBLIC GENERAL 'es ectfull informed that Thos. ’ro essoro Music, and late Band 838011091 of Infgntry, Toronto, is n “uni“..- _,, CABINET MAKER, PROFESSIONAY Special attention paid to collars and repairs. [begs to announce that 'he has opened a. new harness shop in the store next door to R. Deyell’s, where all work in his line will be performed at low rates. - W. STRAIN BLANKETS, ‘ ‘ WHIPS, HALTERS, 8w. MUSIC. Senter Street. Private Orders for music and -uAuu u; I , J. UL’ULI L0, 15 tupils, {goal ‘or__rinstru- . every Saturday. be given. g. M., _(S_I_J_CCES every clasé MILLBROOK. ONT., by the council. Mr. J amieson complained that there was three days of arrears of statute labour charg- od against him on the collector’s roll of 1892. He admitted that he had not performed the , .r_v_â€"â€"vv may li‘lllo The council informed Mr. Flatters that he must look to the board of health for pay- ment of his account as they had nothing to do With it. animation and found the same to be perfect- ly satisfactory. Adopted. On motion Mr. George Nesbitt was heard by the council. Mr. Nesbitt asked for a bonus to build about sixty rods of wire or snow fence along his premises on the west side of the diverted road, third concession. He said it was a very bad place for drifting, . and he thought a wire fence Would stop it. 3 If the council would furnish him with the‘ Wire he would build the fence He had at present a good rail fence and the only bene- fit he would receive from a wire fence would be to keep travellers from crossing his ï¬elds. In the past he had shovelcd out the road when drifted rather than have roads made through his premises, and he had never charged one cent therefor. On motion of Coun. McNeil, seconded by Mr. Thorndyke, Mr. John Flatters was heard. Mr. Flatters then stated that during the outbreak of diphtheria in the fam~ ilies of Messrs. Septimus Lamb and James . ‘ Edgerton, he had been appointed sanitary ‘ - policeman by the board of health to wait on 1 , said families. He had attended his duties : faithfully for thirty-two days, and the board of health had only allowed him $1.25 C per day therefor. He told Mr. McGill, a member of the board, that he wanted $1.50 per day, as he thought it little enough owing to the bad state of the roads at that time (spring). The board of health at their first sitting only sent him $32, or at the rate of $1 per day, which order he had refused ï¬ to accept until Mr. McGill had assured him 1 that it would not prejudice his clain for the S balance. Afterwards the board of health had sent him by Mr. McGill another order S‘ for S8, or making a total of $40, and told him to collect the balance from Mr. Lamb. d4 He had asked Mr. Lamb for it and Mr. Lamb replied that he would not pay it un- til forced to, as he did not consider he had any right to pay it. He had waited on the council to-day to ï¬nd out whether he should look to the board of health or to the council foithe balance due him. .â€".\y 1" l: (4 omer road. in this township. Approved. Coun. Donaldson, who was appointed a committee at the last meeting to examine in- to the sufficiency and validity of the treas- urer’s bonds, reported having made the ex- amination and found the same to be perfect- ly satisfactory; édopteci: The reeve reported that he had been noti- ï¬ed that one William Armstrong, formerly of Gavan, but now living in Monaghan, had ‘ been cutting and taking wood off the allow- ance for the fourteenth concession line of road, near the east boundary. He had driven over to Armstrong’s house to see him about it, but Armstrong was not at home. However, he had left word for him not to remove any more wood off said road or any other road in this township. Approved. PL“..- h-“ 1 1 - H- __- __ “we tunxvnuzuu. one e, but blamed the overseer for not giving Communications were read from Mr. R. M. Finlay, asking that he be not appointed 1 a poundkceper this year as he did not want the ofï¬ce, and from J. J. McLaren, chair- man of the executive committee of the Dom- inion Alliance, for the total suppression of the liquor trafï¬c, enclosing a. petition for a plebiscite to the legislative assembly of the, Province of Ontario, and asking this coun- cil to adopt the same. Both communica- tions were laid on the table. Business of the February Session â€"chor!s from the Dm‘erent Committees. Etc. The council met on the 17th inst, pur- suant to adjournment, membgs all ï¬l‘esent, the reeve presiding. SUGARS As CHEAP AS EVER '. VANCE. CA I '.1N C 0 UN CI L. '. VANCE board of health ll another order 5 $40. and told ‘rom Mr. Lamb. for it and Mr. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 23, 1893. .IIJJ “my, â€"-Mrs Thos. N eelands of Port Hope died there last week. â€"Lindsay needs a reorganization of hu- ï¬re department. Auction Sale. . Thursday, March 9th, Thomas Swain, auc- tioneer, will offer for sale by auction for Samuel D. Dewell, on his promises, lot 10, Con. 7, Manvers, all his farm stock and implements, consisting of four valuable horses, 3. large number of cattle and sheep. The implements are worth y of the attention of intending purchasers, being all in good repair. N inemonths’ credit and a dis- count of six per cent for cash. -_ vw-nnvâ€"I â€will“. W'e regielzm to learn that Miss Emma. Staples is ill. Mr. John Hickson and Miss Lizzie Hen- derson were married on the 8th inst. Lifl'ord. The Patrons of Industry held a. debate last, Wednesday evening. The subject was “ Resolved that grain-growing is more pro- ï¬table to the farmers than steed-raising. The leaders on the opposing sides were Geo. Staples and and James Dean. Mr. Robert Elliott leives for Terr. on Monday. pride Good butter" WE; o1 well stocked supply and sold as per lb. at ï¬rst, but principally ducks were to be seen, but turl $1.25 $1.50 each. Chickens so] 700. a pair. and geese, 50 to The inside market was 8. credits. the produce was disposed of in 1 hours at the prices quoted. The nation is in beef, where the sup} abundant, and fairin excess of tl tion, Ma The Y. P. A have decided te hold their meetings on \Vednesday evening of each ; week, instead of semi-monthly as heretofore. . Last m‘eeing a taffy pull was held after the regular business was dispensed with. Con- siderable amusement prevailed while the wax was being pulled and demolished. A play is being arranged for by the society and it is hoped, that some time in April i will be given in some Public Hall. Mr. “7. H. Louth our1 igew blacksmith, is settled and doing a 00 usiness. n 2~ u ~ 9: Mr. J. A. Badgge has purchased the Se d 0 Sunlight Soap ‘ ( Hutchinson lot and moved a residence there- (wrappers bearing the words ‘ V‘ to, in which he is now dwelling. He has Woman 14001" Old Sooner Than a men employed to erect a blacksmith shop Lever Bros, Ltd., 43 Scott St., Ti and hopes ere spring leaves the lap oflwinter you “.111 receive by post a. pret 1:0 PHt up 511011 strong competition that Ida free from advertising and well w will be forever known as the place for ing. This is an easy,way to dec cheap blacksmithing. When he’s comfor- home. The soap is the best in t tably situated and his buildings aglow with and it will only cost 1c. postal paint, Ida may boast of a distingished citi- in the wrappers, if you leave â€19 . zen and a man of means. -__ , x flow to get a “Sunlight†P The annual meeting of the South Mona- ; ghan and Cavan branch of the Upper Cana- . ada Bible Society was held in the English . church, Bailieboro, on Tuesday evening, 3 February 1-1. Although the weather was , unfavourable the attendance was large. Rev. W. C. Allen led in prayer, after which the president of the association, Mr. Ed- ward Carr, addressed the meeting and call- ed on Mr. Hugh \Vaddell, who read the ï¬nancial statement, which showed very lib- eral contributions. Mr. Alfred Dawson, secretary, read the list of nominations made at the previous meeting, which was unani- mously adopted. The Rev. J. G. Manly, permanent secretary, gave a very interest- ing lecture on the history and destiny of the ‘ Jews. He held his audience spell-bound for over an hour and those who had the pleasure of hearing him pronounced the lecture hoth instructive and interesting. On motion of Rev. W. C. Allen a hearty vote of thanks was tendercd the collectors. Mr. A. C. Maycock moved a. vote of thanks to the i chairman, which was seconded by Mr. Thos. McCamus and heartily vowed by all pres- ent. The meeting was brought toa close by Rev. J. G. Manly pronouncing the bene- diction, an“- again on Friday; 51; at 10:40 21.11]. â€H“... v. uw uuuuull mnroauce a by-law to appoint fenceviewers, pound- keepers and overseers of highways in and for the township of Gavan for the present year. A number of orders were issued on the treasurer and the council adjqurned to meet . . . van-n1“ .\‘\ D.._J_, iuuveu oy uoun. Donaldson, seconded by Coun. McNeil, that the reeve and deputy reeve be instructed to attend a. meeting to be held in the village of Orono, on the 2115!; inst., for the purpose of discussing the ad- visability of the separation of these united counties. Carried, Coun. Coe dissenting. Mr. Thorndyke gave notice that he would at the next meeting of the council introduce n lxvln... 4... _.-,, luouu. w we uncario Legislature re prohibi- tion of the liquor trafï¬c, on behalf of this township. Carried. Moved by Coun. Donaldson, seconded by Conn. McNeil, that the reeve and deputy reeve be instructed to attend a. meeting to be held in the village of Orono, on the 2115!; inst., for the purpose of discussing the ad- visability of the separation of these united counties. Carried, Coun. Coe dissenting. 311‘. Thorndee frnivï¬ï¬nfl'nn 4-1.“; L- ",7 1 1 Moved by Mr. Thorndyke, seem Coun. Coe, that- the reeve and clerk thorized to sign the Dominion Alli: tition to the Ontario Legislature re tion of the liquor trafï¬c, on behalf township. Carried. ‘ Moved by Coun. Donaldson, seconded by Coun. Coe, that Mr. Thorndyke and Coun. McNeil bea. committee to inspect, and if found to be satisfactory as to quality and price, purchase from Mr, R. Sloggetvt. a quantity thereof not to exceed forty pieces qupied. Bullleboro. lorndyke, seconded by :‘eeve and Clark be au- Dominion Alliance pe- T _-A3,‘l . ' " 17th 'day of VMaï¬c'l'} Washington to the . Thos. [ pres- . close bene- Mr. John McNeely died on the 12th inst. after a. short illness. The funeral was very largely attended. _ __ â€"â€"v â€Inwa- Hartford Post. We hope Secretary of State Gresham’: foreign policy will not wabble as much a his politics. Coming to This Neighborhood. For convenience to physicians, druggin: and the general public. Chas. Cluthe will visit the following places. Don’t mistake the dates, as I am there on time :-â€"I will visit Peterboro, Oriental, Hotel, Sat. Mar. 4.. Belleville, Queens Hotel, Sat. Mar. 18. If you are Ruptured or Deformed, call on me. My experience in adjusting and knowledge of requirements for Rupture and Deformitieg such as Club Feet, Spinal Trouble, Bow Legs, and all Deformities of the Frame, is un- equalled; twenty-three years’ continuous ex. perience in Canada. of designing and mann- ing of these articles bring yourg children. Three months wil) cure it of Rupture, Cm. CLUTHE, 134 King Street West, Toronto, Ont. oenu z.) †Sunlight †Soap wrapper: (wrappers bearing the words “ Why Does a Woman Look Old Sooner Than a. Manâ€) to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 ScottSt., Toronto, and. you wlll receive by post a. pretty picture free from advertising, and well worth framâ€" ing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the best in the market and it will only cost 1c. postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open. Write your address carefully. inane. uLuuguh o and cg cts., according to quality. Lamb sold readily at 9 and Nets. and mutton freely, at 7 and S cts. A good; supply of apples was disposed of at 50 and. 75cts per bag, according to quallt-y. and pots:â€" toes have taken a raise. lhey smd at 80: cts. per bag Saturday and were ascarce com. modity. Eggs were much more mpnï¬tnr The market on Saturday was a fairly large one and good prices were realized, all produce being disposed of before noon. The grain market is quite lively and wheat and: oats are moving freely. The quotation: were zâ€"Spring wheat, 65 cents, (standard), fall 71 cent (standard), barley 35 to 40, oats 31 to 3111;, small peas 55 to 80, large 63 to 66, a. few loads offering, buckwheat 43 to 45, little on sale; rye 45. Hay $8 to 88.50 per ton, straw $3 to $3.50 per load; A few loads were offered and soon disposed of. A. large quantity of dressed pork sold at 9 and 10 cents bind and 8 and 9 front. Beef was on sale in a great supply, but owing to the large quantity offered found a slow sale. Hind quarter sold at 6 and 6%, while front» quarter brought 5 and 5}; cts., according to quality. Lamb sold readilyr at 9 and Nets. and mutton freely, at 7 and S cts. A g I sunnlv Of annle: “me A;a“nnA.] -1: . ._,_ xaminer. The Prices Rule 1 ,fl -. --..uu\.1;u1u, [ELSE W'eed. The lodge of P. of I. of Whitï¬eld’s visited their brethren here last Saturday night. ........ V“ a 1 um umemt MES Emma Best of Peterboro’, on a visit. Miss Anna Seney is home again. Miss Emma. Kirk of Garden Hill her sister, Mrs. C. Rutherford, last TLA‘AJ~- ,r~r\ nâ€" -' Dr. McKinnon and Mr. R brook, were at the M. P. S. a large represegtation from A social will be held on in the temperance hall, co o’clock. _ ........ yu gurus ECICCDIODS dur' ing the evening. Mr. J. I). Denny gave an. able recitation. Revs. Mr. Cook and J. Ewing gave short addresses and with a few remarks from the chairman, Mr. James LIC- Lean, a very successful programme was con. cluded by the benediction. Receipts amouptn ed to about $28. ‘ Sabbath School Ten and Coneert~Penom Mentionâ€"omel- Items. The Mount Pleasant Sabbath school held its annual tea and concert on Friday evening, and although old Probs was a little severe, yet a fairly good assemblage greeted the eï¬orts of the committee. The tea was of a. high order as was demonstrated during that part of the entertainment. The concert wan of an interesting and instructive character. The infant class sang Kindergarten songs after Johnny Ewing gave the opening ad.- dress. Very appropriate addresses were de- livered by Revs. Bloodsworth and Young of ‘Millbrook. The Mount Pleasant quartette :sang with their usual precision and sweet- ness, as did also Miss Eva Elliott in a very pleasing solo. Morris Rosenberg displayed amarked aptitude for recitations in a well rendered selection. Mr. R. \V. Chambers, of Millbrook, delighted his listeners with his vocal selections, which were well receiv- ed. Miss Helen Lough recited “The Run- ning Prairie,†and kept the audience spellâ€" bound during the recital. She shows won- derful elocutionax‘y power and talent. The Sunday school children sang selections dur- ing the eveninrr Mn T ‘h ‘n A McCarthy in the States. we was unsposea 01 1n a couple of the prices quoted. The only stag- in beef, where the supply is super- ‘, and fairin excess of the consumm I’ETEHB 030’ II! J RKET. Qmemee. Rule Steadyâ€"Grain Somewhat. Lively in Remand. M0 ("IVT PLEASJ NT. 38.3 55 to 80, large 63 to 66, 1g, buckwheat 43 to 45, 45. Hay $8 to 88.50 per $3.50 per_ load; A few I kept the audience spell- recital. She shows won- y power and talent. The ldren sang selections dur- Mr. J. I). Denny gave an. Revs. Mr. Cook and J. addresses and with a. few chairman, Mr. James LIC- \,-1‘,, 1 d Mr. R. Doak, of Mill- 1. P. S. 8., concert and. In from Omemee. of Peterboro’, is home I on Thursday even' , commencing at 7:33 Picture. , Toronto; 8-21; ', visited. weed.